SR :: Volume #9

#877: 121

Brilliantly illuminated, spiritual mountain is one after another more magnificent in the night, lets fall the illumination waterfall that from the summit, as well as another strange flower different tree is colorful, trim Great Dream Pure Land is very auspicious, the people exchange toasts, is very lively. 灯火通明,一座又一座灵山在夜晚更为瑰丽,从山顶垂落下来的发光瀑布,以及一株又一株奇花异树色彩斑斓,整片大梦净土都很祥和,人们推杯换盏,无比热闹。 In addition float in airborne islands, the multi-colored sunlight winds around, is similar to Immortal Realm. 再加上悬浮在空中的岛屿,霞光缭绕,如同仙境 The Sub Immortal Clan's news is too astonishing, not only lets various clan Evolver shock of scene, makes the person who across the universe watches the live transmission be in a daze. 亚仙族的消息太惊人,不仅让现场的各族进化者震惊,也让宇宙各地观看直播的人发呆。 Most had Immortal Qi Zhexian to get married, this...... Made me sad, what particularly she must marry was Wu Lunhui, doubtful was also Great Demon Chu Feng, Heaven, I do not want to live!” “最具有仙气谪仙子要嫁人了,这……太让我伤心了,尤其是她要嫁给的是吴轮回,疑似也是楚风大魔头,天啊,我不想活了!” This way of the world, but also made person to live, the universe rank most before the goddess, the fairy maiden, unexpectedly must marry same Great Demon, I want to kill people!” “这世道,还让人不让人活了,宇宙排名最靠前的女神,还有仙子,居然都要嫁给同一个大魔头,我想杀人!” You talked nonsense anything, how morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King possibly was Great Demon Chu Feng, is this was two people good. However, if same person, I really...... Does not dare to imagine that scene!” “你们瞎说什么,义薄云天轮回王怎么可能是楚风大魔头,这是两个人好不好。不过,万一是同一个人,我真的……不敢想象那种场面!” Lives not to have the love, Great Demon Chu Feng you comes out to me, I must with your duel, you marry a goddess, but also wants to wrest away a fairy maiden, but also made the person yearn for this world, Heavenly Dao was unfair, this simply was the bolt from the blue, making me completely discouraged!” “生无可恋,楚风大魔头你给我出来,我要跟你决斗,你娶一个女神也就罢了,还想霸占一个仙子,还让不让人留恋这世间了,天道不公,这简直是晴天霹雳,让吾万念俱灰!” Such in a minute, the young world across universe has seethed with excitement, each and every one is indignant, feels very injured, wishes one could to rally together to attack, Great Demon Chu destroying completely. 就这么片刻间,宇宙各地的年轻人间已经沸腾,一个个愤愤不平,感觉很受伤,恨不得群起而攻之,将楚大魔头给灭掉。 In Great Dream Pure Land, Sub Immortal Clan's several elders are staring at the related person, the each and every one look is bad, in the heart full is the suspicion. 大梦净土中,亚仙族的几位长老盯着相关人,一个个都神色不善,心中满是怀疑。 The Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters are very afraid, no matter what said, must deal with tonight, cannot compromise and acknowledge the truth. 大梦净土的老怪物们无比心虚,不管怎样说,都要应付过去今晚,决不能妥协与承认事实真相。 The back side of the mountain is very peaceful, in a brilliantly illuminated palace. 后山很安静,一座灯火通明的宫殿中。 This is Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin's marriage room, at this moment transmits the intermittent strange sound. 这是楚风秦珞音的婚房,此刻传来阵阵奇异的声响。 The distant place, one group of mist are wrapping a child, is very immature, likely is the baby, starts to walk the small short leg in strenuous runs to the back side of the mountain. 远处,一团雾气包裹着一个孩子,很幼小,像是婴儿,迈开小短腿正在吃力的向后山跑来。 I enough have gone against heaven's will, in the embryo confuses the pressure, may not be eventually able to get rid, along with deriving the Reincarnation Cave mysterious mist was absorbed, I must start to lose mostly for three years, is not willing.” “我已经够逆天,将胎中迷生生压后,可终究还是无法摆脱,随着得自轮回洞的神秘雾气被吸收,我多半要开始迷失三年,不甘心啊。” precisely Little Daoist Priest, his outside the body fog silk is thin, the starting to walk small foot, rushes to spiritual mountain, runs toward parents' marriage room there, was away from one to be away from him to hear the sound. 正是小道士,他体外雾丝稀薄,迈开小脚丫,冲上灵山,向着父母的婚房那里跑去,隔着一段距离他就听到了声音。 He talked to oneself: Great Demon Chu, you also owe me until now an apology, did not have also my black paper talisman, the track I so am not good to bully, although you is a my father, but cannot like this!” 他自语道:“楚大魔头,至今你还欠我一个道歉,还没有还我黑色符纸,小道我不是这么好欺负的,你虽然是我爹,但也不能这样!” He is furious, is harboring evil thoughts the idea. 他气哼哼,在憋坏主意。 From the courtyard recently, his knife edge a pair of small ear, was blinking one pair very much pitch-dark, but the bright big eye, the corners of the mouth brought badly to smile, started to shout the slogan directly: 121, 121, two 3-4!” 当距离院子很近时,他支棱着一对小耳朵,眨巴着一双黑漆漆但却有神的大眼,嘴角带着坏笑,直接就开始喊口号:“121,121,一二三四!” This damned child, this is one day not to hit that absolutely strips off roof tiles then the best room. 死孩子,这绝对属于一天不打就上房揭瓦的那种。 In secret, Great Dream Pure Land has six old monsters to stand night watch fully here, protects Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin, for fear that some people of night assaults have the accident/surprise, feared that Sub Immortal Clan comes the marriage by capture. 暗中,大梦净土足有六名老怪物在这里守夜,保护楚风秦珞音,生怕有人夜袭而出现意外,也怕亚仙族来抢婚。 Naturally, they have not eavesdropped, standing enough far, avoids awkwardly. 当然,他们没有听墙根,站的足够远,避免尴尬。 But they have not thought, other influence has not begun, finally moment Little Daoist Priest killed, moreover such treason and heresy! 但他们万万没有想到,别的势力都没动手,最后关头这个小道士杀出来了,而且如此的“大逆不道”! How many old monster complexions were directly green, simultaneously wants to beat savagely this bear child very much, has like this biological son? Wedding that destroys the biological mother. 几位老怪物脸色直接就绿了,同时很想暴打这个熊孩子,有这样的亲儿子吗?破坏亲娘的婚礼。 In the wedding night, goes into outside courtyard to shout the slogan, this too was not also good, simultaneously such little child anything understood, too evildoer/monstrous talent. 在新婚之夜,跑到院子外面喊口号,这也太无良了,同时这么小的孩子就什么都懂了,太妖孽。 How many old monster air/Qi jumps directly, like this shouted the slogan, should not frighten Chu Feng to have problems? Sees things in others'shoes, this is too especially frightened. 几位老怪物气的直接跳出来,这样喊口号,该不会吓到楚风出什么问题吧?换位思考,这特么太惊悚。 Several elders, you block me to do, I come to see my mother!” Little Daoist Priest smiles, this had not been born many days, can everywhere run, the spoken language is smooth, making several old monsters feel dizzy and shock. “几位长老,你们拦我作甚,我来看我娘!”小道士笑眯眯,这才没出生多少天,就能满地跑,言语流畅,让几个老怪物都发晕与震惊。 Mainly is, they do not understand Little Daoist Priest, Qin Luoyin have not related in detail to them. 主要是,他们不了解小道士,秦珞音没对他们细说过。 Quick, their complexion is pallid, because, according to their understanding, this matter is hiding the truth from Chu Feng, pure land Holy Daughter unmarried is pregnant first, this matter cannot reveal. 很快,他们脸色煞白,因为,按照他们的理解,这件事是瞒着楚风呢,净土圣女未婚先孕,这事不能泄露。 At this moment, they turned into six ray of light to throw, all covered the mouth of Little Daoist Priest together, wishes one could to suppress him immediately, the words that the matter exposed can leave the important matter. 这一刻,他们化成六道光就扑了过去,全都一起去捂小道士的嘴,恨不得将他立刻镇压,事情败露的话会出大事。 They believe, Great Demon Chu Feng definitely cannot be friendly. 他们认为,楚风大魔头肯定不能善了。 121......” the Little Daoist Priest dead pig does not fear the boiling water to burn, the movement is clever, whiz, crashed in the courtyard to go, smiled was very happy, was very inexpensive. “121……”小道士死猪不怕开水烫,动作灵巧,嗖的一声,冲进院子里去了,笑的很开心,也很贱。 In the marriage room, did not have the sound immediately. 婚房中,顿时没了动静。 In fact, some time ago, Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin heard the Little Daoist Priest slogan sound, in the heart this call air/Qi, wants to choke to death this damned child. 事实上,不久前,楚风秦珞音就听到小道士的口号声,心中这叫一个气,真想掐死这个死孩子 However, just now their anything children not suitable action, has not been only in simple fighting, is mainly because Qin Luoyin shames angry, thinks Chu Feng to have no shame, nonsense, unexpectedly exposes shortcomings, mentions the Purgatory matter. 不过,方才他们并没有什么过于少儿不宜的举动,只是在简单的交手,主要是因为秦珞音羞恼,觉得楚风没羞没臊,胡说八道,居然揭短,提及炼狱的事。 Also luckily so, if rests after , this damned child runs, it is estimated that two people must become angry out of shame, cannot kill him. 也幸亏如此,如果真的休息后,这死孩子跑来,估计两人都要恼羞成怒,打不死他。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng flushed, coming together also several old monsters, were surrounding Little Daoist Priest. 楚风冲出来了,同来的还有几个老怪物,正在围堵小道士 “Chi!” “哧!” Finally, is the Chu Feng strength is deeper, uses Light of Yin-Yang to assign him, then one grasps in the hand. 最终,还是楚风实力更深,动用阴阳之光将他给定住,然后一把抓在手中。 What are you making?!” Chu Feng reveals a words tooth, is staring at Little Daoist Priest, is really the air/Qi is not good, wants very much the buttocks crank up 18 petals. “你在做什么?!”楚风露出一口白生生的牙齿,盯着小道士,真是气的不行,很想将的屁股拍成18瓣。 Anything, I have not liked night jogging, happen to arrived here, looks for my mother......” Little Daoist Priest dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes, explained there, naturally said half were covered the mouth by an old monster, grasping. “没啥,我喜欢夜里跑步,正好来到这里,找我娘……”小道士死鸭子嘴硬,在那里解释,当然才说一半就被一个老怪物捂上嘴巴,给抓了过去。 Great Dream Pure Land's how many old monsters must scare to death simply, wants to angrily roar very much, who is guarding this little fellow? Can the gross neglect of duty, how make him rush to marriage room here? Must annoy the catastrophe. 大梦净土的几个老怪物简直要吓死了,很想怒吼,谁在看守这小家伙?严重失职,怎么能让他跑到婚房这里?要惹出大祸啊。 This child is innocent, is my grandson, lacks teaches, finally rushes to here to disturb, I carry off immediately!” An old woman complexion blanch, said artificially. “这孩子不懂事,是我孙子,缺少管教,结果跑到这里来捣乱,我立刻带走!”一位老妪脸色发白,非常不自然地说道。 Meanwhile, she is covering the mouth of Little Daoist Priest, does not make him open the mouth. 同时,她捂着小道士的嘴,不让他开口。 Chu Feng looked yes what's the matter, in the heart the unstated criticism, Great Dream Pure Land's this group of old scoundrels sufficed the pit father, concealed the truth intentionally, lacked the morals! 楚风一看就明白怎么回事了,心中腹诽,大梦净土的这群老混账真是够坑爹的,故意隐瞒真相,太缺少道德了! Fortunately, was he green oneself. 还好,是他自己绿了自己。 At this time, Qin Luoyin also appeared, a variegated color skirt, splendid, even more perfect, the curve that her happy body served as contrast fluctuated, completely was the golden proportion, simultaneously completely obviously elegant posture, goddess model/pattern Shizu. 这时,秦珞音也出现,一袭斑斓彩裙,熠熠生辉,将她美好的身躯衬托的越发的完美,曲线起伏,完全是黄金比例,同时尽显雍容华贵之姿,女神范十足。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Little Daoist Priest works loose the palm of old woman instantaneously, charges into Qin Luoyin, shouting: Mother!” 小道士瞬间挣脱老妪的手掌,冲向秦珞音,喊着:“娘!” At this moment, Great Dream Pure Land's how many old monster hearts almost stop beating, was frightened seriously, the complexion was pallid, did not have blood-color, did this also explain? 这一刻,大梦净土的几个老怪物心脏差点停止跳动,受到严重惊吓,脸色煞白,没有了一点血色,这还怎么解释? At the same time , some old monsters catch up, has reported confidentially, crashes in back side of the mountain new home here, happen to sees this, the each and every one face was green. 同一时间,又有一些老怪物赶来,得到密报,冲进后山新房这里,正好看到这一幕,一个个脸都绿了。 On the Chu Feng face brings to smile pale, said: Fellow elders, I need an explanation, can you say what's the matter?” 楚风脸上带着淡笑,道:“各位长老,我需要一个解释,你们能说说怎么回事吗?” He has not gotten angry, has not gotten angry, but lets one crowd of old monster heart startled meat even more, feels disaster is imminent, this Great Demon was been green, certainly must go crazy, here might dying many people, their palpitation, creepy feeling, has prepared fight. 他没有发火,也没有发怒,可是却让一群老怪物越发的心惊肉,感觉大祸临头,这个大魔头被人绿了,肯定要发狂,这里有可能会死很多人,他们心悸,头皮发麻,做好了战斗的准备。 However, Chu Feng sighed finally, said: I already had a feeling, you have the matter to hide the truth from me, may such do is insincere. However, the matter has been a foregone conclusion, passes on not to be good to anyone, this, I am very direct, that Great Dream Breathing Method brings, takes divine medicine again, this all well, from now, he is my son!” 然而,楚风最终却是一叹,道:“我早就有所感,你们有事瞒着我,可这么做太不厚道。不过,事情已成定局,传出去对谁都不好,这样吧,我这个人很直接,那大梦呼吸法拿来,再取一株神药,这样的话一切安好,从此以后,他就是我儿子!” During the speeches, Chu Feng beckons, whiz, seizes once more Little Daoist Priest. 说话间,楚风一招手,嗖的一声,再次将小道士擒到手中。 Little Daoist Priest stares the big eye, in the heart shouts secretly, this biological father is not really concerned about face, worthily is kidnapper, Great Demon, the thick-skinned heart is black, this moment does not forget to extort, whom did not have. 小道士瞪大眼睛,心中暗呼,这亲爹果然不要脸,不愧是人贩子,大魔头,脸厚心黑,这种关头都不忘记勒索,也没谁了。 Great Dream Pure Land one crowd of old monsters are stunned, deeply feel to be startled, this was too surprising, Great Demon Chu Feng has not gotten angry unexpectedly, instead discussed the condition with them? 大梦净土一群老怪物愕然,深感吃惊,这太意外了,楚风大魔头居然没有翻脸,反而跟他们谈条件? However, is quick their complexions is very ugly, this condition is too harsh, Great Dream Breathing Method is their established Sect is basic, is Sect Protecting gives up study, how can the to divulge to an outsider? 不过,很快他们的脸色又无比难看,这条件太苛刻,大梦呼吸法是他们的立教根本,是镇教绝学,怎能外传? In addition, divine medicine that was rarer, remains is being Shining Upon All Heavens level ancient ancestor continues the life to use, can invaluable and priceless, how see somebody off easily?! 此外,神药那就更稀珍了,是留着为映照诸天古祖续命用的,价值连城,怎能轻易送人?! However in their opinion, Chu Feng has not gotten angry to slaughter at the scene is very good aspect, if he becomes angry out of shame, in the pure land meets the rivers of blood. 不过在他们看来,楚风没有当场翻脸大开杀戒就算是很好的局面,万一他恼羞成怒,净土中会血流成河。 Because, they not only experience to his Martial Dao cultivation base, but also sees his peerless Domain method, absolute nobody may keep off. 因为,他们不仅见识到他的武道修为,还看到他的绝世场域手段,绝对无人可挡。 Chu Feng also said: Ok, I draw back one step, only chooses its one. Either you pass on my Great Dream Breathing Method, I ensure cannot reveal to other people, either delivers me divine medicine, I only eat the floral leaf, leaves you root hair, may continue to grow.” 楚风又道:“算了,我退一步吧,只选其一。要么你们传我大梦呼吸法,我保证不会泄露给其他人,要么送我神药,我只吃花叶,将根须留给你们,可继续生长。” This......” one crowd of old monsters hesitate, felt that is not cannot discuss. “这……”一群老怪物迟疑,感觉不是不可以商量。 Or after letting he makes the serious oath, then passes on his Great Dream Breathing Method previous.” “要不让他发毒誓后,再传他大梦呼吸法上篇。” Improper, might as well delivers him divine medicine!” “不妥,还不如送他神药!” How you can so, unable to compromise, this different thing cannot give the bystander, this is my pure land life is at!” “你们怎能如此,不能妥协啊,这两样东西都不能给予外人,这是我净土的命脉所在!” One crowd of old monster opinions are not unified, quarrelled directly in secret. 一群老怪物意见不统一,直接暗中争吵起来。 Qin Luoqin was unable to continue watching, made an effort to roll the eyes, looks to Chu Feng, always thought that he is too not concerned about face, unexpectedly like this seized the chance to extort. 秦珞亲看不下去了,使劲翻白眼,看向楚风,总觉得他太不要脸了,居然这样趁机勒索。 Does not give you breathing method and divine medicine, don't you recognize this son?” She has given a Chu Feng big supercilious look. “不给你呼吸法神药,你就不认这个儿子吗?”她给了楚风一个大大的白眼。 “Eh, I thought, they do not give divine medicine and breathing method words, can consider that does not recognize each other. ” This is not the Chu Feng's sound, but is Little Daoist Priest was muttering. “呃,我觉得,他们不给神药呼吸法的话,可以考虑不相认。”这不是楚风的声音,而是小道士在咕哝。 Disobedient son, is thick-skinned with your father same face!” Qin Luoyin was angry, beautiful, but in the shining white face appears several wisps of heavy lines, gave to seize Little Daoist Priest directly, turned the snow white clear jade palm, to his small buttocks was being a ruthless racket, the sound is clear. “逆子,跟你父亲一样脸皮厚!”秦珞音气坏了,绝美而莹白的面孔上浮现几缕黑线,直接将小道士又给擒了回去,轮动雪白晶莹的玉掌,对着他的小屁股就是一顿狠拍,响声清脆。 Luoyin, has the words to say.” Some old monsters are anxious, not yes what's the matter. 珞音,有话好说。”一些老怪物焦虑,还不明白怎么回事呢。 Father, help!” Little Daoist Priest shouts. “爹,救命!”小道士呼喊。 Then, one crowd of old monsters saw that Chu Feng also passed, has not rescued Little Daoist Priest, instead punches Little Daoist Priest with Qin Luoyin together, he who hits the ghost said. 然后,一群老怪物看到楚风也过去了,没有救小道士,反而跟着秦珞音一起揍小道士,打的他嗷嗷鬼叫。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable amida, what situation?!” 无量天尊个弥陀佛,什么情况?!” However, they are very astute, quick ponders over the flavor, was guessing instantaneously what's the matter. 不过,他们都很精明,很快就琢磨出味道,又在瞬间猜测出怎么回事。 One crowd of old monsters have gotten angry, the point points at Chu Feng unable to speak, this...... Simply unfair! 一群老怪物都怒了,点指着楚风说不出话来,这……简直太坑了 They feel alarmed and anxious, but also thinks that made Great Demon Chu suffer a loss, leaves behind the life not to say stain that finally after the truth exposed, their petrify, almost presented the heart disease. 他们担惊受怕,还自以为让楚大魔头吃了大亏,留下一生不可说出去的污点,结果真相揭露后,他们都石化,差点出现心脏病。 Your this feudal bully, unexpectedly is you...... Holy Daughter unmarried nurtures first, the obsolete heart is quite whoops sore, too fucking has felt suffocated, was been so long in the drum by ignorant/veiled!” “你这恶霸,居然是你……圣女未婚先育,哎呦,老朽的心脏好疼,太特么的憋气了,被蒙在鼓中这么久!” Irritated me, was really absurd, Great Demon Chu Feng you went too far, you with Holy Daughter...... , I want to spit blood!” “气死我了,真是岂有此理,楚风大魔头你欺人太甚,你跟圣女……噗,我想吐血!” ...... …… One crowd of old monsters are hot tempered, trembles air/Qi to the whole body, really has to accept after checking unable to bear this result. 一群老怪物暴躁,气到浑身哆嗦,实在有点接受不了这个结果。 The Chu Feng counter-attack, said: don't tell me you also want someone else, isn't this best result? Your this crowd of old goods, want to hoodwink me unexpectedly, each and every one lacks the morals!” 楚风反击,道:“难道你们还想另有其人,这不是最好的结果吗?你们这群老货,居然想蒙蔽我,一个个太缺少道德!” One crowd of old monsters get flushed in the face with anger, complexion azure white, in the final analysis, they do not occupy the principle. 一群老怪物脸红脖子粗,脸色阵青阵白,说到底,他们也不占理。 Some old women look to Qin Luoyin, look is strange, the truth of matter unexpectedly is this, when Holy Daughter from at first so has been no wonder calm. 有老妪看向秦珞音,眼神怪怪的,事情的真相居然是这样,难怪圣女从最初时就一直这么淡定。 Walks, walks, walks, you walk, do not delay my nuptial chamber!” Chu Feng catches up with the person, while convenient fat will be being been punching Little Daoist Priest also to give to throw the courtyard. “走,走,走,你们都走,别耽误我洞房!”楚风赶人,顺带着将被胖揍一顿的小道士也给扔出院子。 Finally, here was peaceful, only remaining Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin, two people enter in the brilliantly illuminated palace. 最终,这里安静了,只剩下楚风秦珞音,两人进入灯火通明的宫殿中。 We also rest, prepares 121!” Chu Feng said. “我们也歇息吧,准备121!”楚风道。 Your facial skin so is how thick, speaks irresponsibly anything!” Qin Luoyin shames angry. “你脸皮怎么那样厚,乱说什么呢!”秦珞音羞恼。 That two 3-4......” Chu Feng said. “那就一二三四……”楚风道。 Then, has Qin Luoyin to do a lot of talking with the take action sound, wants to teach his really very much! 接着,有秦珞音磨牙与出手的声音,真的很想教训他一顿! The lights are put out, clouds have fluttered, blocked moon. 灯火熄灭,一片云朵飘过,将月亮也挡住了。 Previous time, I am so passive, this time do not bully me?” This is the Chu Feng's final words. “上一次,我那么被动,这次你不会又要欺负我吧?”这是楚风的最后的话语。 Bang bang bang!” Qin Luoyin take action, but is quick and peaceful, because she is not a match. “砰砰砰!”秦珞音出手,但很快又安静,因为她不是对手。 Meanwhile, this stretch of region leaps the big piece the Domain symbol, camouflages the entire palace, the dim light of night is gradually deep, here isolates with the outside thoroughly. 同时,这片地带腾起大片的场域符号,遮蔽整座宫殿,夜色渐深,这里彻底与外界隔绝。
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