SR :: Volume #9

#876: Big marriage weeding candle night

"Áo...... ” “嗷……” Sad and shrill long cry, is similar to the malicious ghost wail, to the sky in Chu Feng impact in the past, that was being dazzling rune, the strange energy was surging. 一声凄厉的长鸣,如同恶鬼哭嚎,对着天空中的楚风冲击过去,那是刺目的符文,诡异的能量在激荡。 A stone monkey palm of the hand is long, Divine Embryo that the world gives birth , the named Yin-Yang monkey, was known as that can completely understand fabricatedly, after being grown, may understand thoroughly the mysterious of life and death. 一头石猴不过巴掌长,天地生养的神胎,名为阴阳猴,号称能看透虚妄,成年后可洞彻生死之奥。 In the Beast Source big being shattered time, had presented one, stirs the reactionary reign of terror in the World of the Dead universe, sweeps away all obstacles, the powerhouses of Shining Upon All Heavens level died many. 原兽大破灭时代,曾经出现过一只,在阴间宇宙搅起血雨腥风,所向披靡,映照诸天级的强者都死了多位。 Some time ago, this stone monkey has attacked Chu Feng one time, but was blocked with Light of Yin-Yang by Chu Feng, Luo Yong was also at that time proud said, monkey still young, extremely protracted battle, otherwise killed by mistreatment Chu Feng sufficiently. 不久前,这头石猴就攻击过楚风一次,但是被楚风阴阳之光挡住,当时罗雍还自负地说,猴儿尚幼,不堪久战,不然足以虐杀楚风 Turns the head, all changed, Luo Yong was hit to explode, this Yin-Yang monkey goes crazy, goes all out with Chu Feng. 转头间,一切都变了,罗雍被打爆,这头阴阳猴发疯,跟楚风拼命。 Originally is Heaven and Earth treasure, calculated on Divine Embryo, how has recognized main also bears a grudge, can only strangle.” The Chu Feng light language, then the people noticed that his outside the body blue color thunder bursts out, obliterates these sound wave rune completely. “本是一天地奇珍,算的上神胎,奈何已认主还记仇,只能扼杀。”楚风轻语,然后人们就看到他体外蓝色雷霆迸发,将那些音波符文全部磨灭。 This is formidable manifestation of Human King Physique, shakes the attack technique law of Yin-Yang monkey hardly. 这是人王体的强大体现,硬撼阴阳猴的攻击术法。 Bang! 轰! At the same time, a Chu Feng big hand racket falls, there is a Domain coordination, imprisons stone Hou, bang, this Yin-Yang monkey by being split up of rumbling, in the stone body also had the blood unexpectedly! 同一时间,楚风一只大手拍落下去,又有场域配合,禁锢石猴,砰的一声,这头阴阳猴被轰的四分五裂,石头躯体内居然也有血! Aiya, is good to be a pity!” Many people call out in alarm. “哎呀,好可惜!”许多人惊呼。 Is the Great Dream Pure Land's old monster is at a loss, if this can tame, can train to let a Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse big monster, finally such was patted by a Chu Feng palm of the hand. 就是大梦净土的老怪物都嘬牙花子,这要是能驯服,可以培养成让映照诸天级强者都头大的怪物,结果就这么被楚风一巴掌拍死。 "Um?! ” Chu Feng is astonished, ruptured mountain top there, had the blood to condense, has soul light to meet again, outside of Luo Yong universe nine small Saints are coming back to life! “嗯?!”楚风惊异,原本崩开的山头那里,有血液凝聚,有魂光重聚,外宇宙九小圣之一的罗雍在复生! Many people call out in alarm, there has a covered with blood person to reappear. 许多人惊呼,那里有一个血肉模糊的人再现。 Why, why bother, Death Substituting Talisman, again explodes several times!” Chu Feng sneers. “何必呢,何苦呢,替死符而已,再爆几次吧!”楚风冷笑。 Bang! 轰! He uses the Domain method to suppress Luo Yong, simultaneously foot treads, bang, being split up that Luo Yong strikes once more, blasts out including soul light. 他用场域手段压制罗雍,同时一脚踏下去,轰的一声,将罗雍再次击的四分五裂,包括魂光也炸开。 Male cousin!” The lakeside, the chaos Deity Palace's core juniors yelled, the heart was cool, shocks incomparably, is small Saint this in clan must lose the life thoroughly? “堂兄!”湖边,混沌天神宫的核心子弟大叫,心都凉了,震撼无比,族中的小圣这是要彻底丢掉性命吗? Boisterous!” Chu Feng turns head to look to there, in fact, Big Black Ox they already stopped up this person, does not make him run away. “聒噪!”楚风回头看向那里,事实上,大黑牛他们早就堵住此人,不让他逃走。 Your this cruel generations, but also wants to destroy my wedding?” Chu Feng backhanded a palm of the hand to pat, now Human King blood activates, his whole body winding around blue color lightning glow, sent out slightly blue radiance including the hair, was away from is very far, a big hand imprint appeared, downward according to going. “你们这种阴损之辈,还想破坏我的婚礼?”楚风反手一巴掌就拍了过去,现在人王血液激活,他周身缭绕蓝色电芒,连头发都发出微蓝的光华,隔着很远,一只大手印浮现,向下按去。 ! 噗! Without any suspense, that person opens the pupil panic-stricken, was rumbled to kill directly, changes to a beach bloodstain, dying cannot die again! 没有任何悬念,那人惊恐地睁大眸子,直接被轰杀,化作一滩血迹,死的不能再死! Slaughter Saint Domain was already activated, even if in his hand has Divine Magnetic Flag to be also useless. 屠圣场域早已被激活,哪怕他手中持有神磁旗也无用。 "Ah...... ” not far away, on a mountain top Luo Yong resurrects once again, is not he looks oppressively, but is Death Substituting Talisman self-recovery his life, not by its control. “啊……”不远处,一座山头上罗雍又一次复活,不是他自己找虐,而是替死符自动恢复他的生命,不受其控制。 This clan attaches great importance to him very much, feared that he has the accident/surprise, this Death Substituting Talisman also sufficiently can save his seven lives, specifically aims at him to refine. 该族对他很重视,怕他出现意外,这枚替死符也足以能够救他七次性命,是专门针对他而炼制的。 Luo Yong, your this evil and cruel generation, wants to abduct my wife, like this humiliates me, you such are not concerned about face, saw sufficiently chaos Deity Palace's is dirty!” “罗雍,你这歹毒之辈,想掳走我的妻子,这样来折辱我,你这么不要脸,足以看出混沌天神宫的龌龊!” Chu Feng shouted, in his hand shone, took out bright as snow Vajra Cutter, bang, weak Luo Yonghong will explode again. 楚风喝道,这一次他手中发光,祭出雪亮的金刚琢,轰的一声,再一次将虚弱的罗雍轰爆。 Not only a Great Dream Pure Land noise, is the universe each region people cannot be tranquil, many people saw that this claps and cheers secretly. 不仅大梦净土一片嘈杂声,就是宇宙各地人们也都不能平静,许多人见到这一幕后都拍手称快。 Although Great Demon Chu Feng was hated the root by some ethnic groups itchy, but, this Luo Yong is on the other hand more hateful today, the looking disdainfully trim World of the Dead universe, called various clan talents is the sediment, was too rampant. 楚风大魔头虽然被一些族群恨得牙根都痒痒,但是,相对来说,今天这个罗雍更可恶,睥睨整片阴间宇宙,称呼各族天才为渣子,太嚣张了。 But now, this thought oneself infallible and thought that can overlook the outside universe small Saints of various clan talents, was hit to explode by Chu Feng repeatedly, making many Evolver applaud, exciting. 而现在,这个自以为是、觉得能俯视各族天才的外宇宙小圣,被楚风反复打爆,让许多进化者叫好,大快人心。 Looks at Finally, what is the pattern cause of death? This called, dead a time not to be happy, must be killed several times, is willing to breathe, was too inexpensive!” “看到了吗,什么叫花样死法?这就叫,死一次不痛快,非要被打死几次,才肯咽气,太贱了!” Pitiful, does the small Saint of chaos eon, arrive at our starry sky this is in various ways that the deduction makes?” “可怜啊,混沌宙的小圣,来到我们的星空这是在演绎作死的各种方式吗?” Regional Evolver were taunting. 各地的进化者都在嘲讽。 Then, Luo Yong resurrects seven times to be killed by the Chu Feng bang, finally when his look hatred, is having the humiliation, very not willing shooting up to the sky, was treadonned by Chu Feng, turns into blood mist, soul light blasts out, died thoroughly. 就这样,罗雍复活七次都被楚风轰杀,最后他眼神怨毒、带着屈辱、非常不甘心的冲天而起时,被楚风一脚踏下去,化成血雾,魂光炸开,彻底死去。 Chu Feng did not feel relieved, black Soul Bell took out, shakes there suddenly, bell's sound wave spreads, strangles to death all remaining soul light, Luo Yong dies cannot die again. 楚风不放心,将黑色的魂钟祭出,在那里猛然一震,钟波扩散,绞杀一切残余魂光,罗雍死的不能再死。 In the crowd has two batch of Evolver looks ten to segregate heavily, similarly came from outside the universe, is another two small Saints, each one was being surrounded by the follower. 人群中有两批进化者神色十分凝重,同样来自外宇宙,是另外两尊小圣,各自都被追随者环绕着。 Luo Yong was exploded such domineering hitting in the World of the Dead universe unexpectedly, like grieve for like, making the spine of these two also give birth to cold air. 罗雍居然在阴间宇宙被人这样强势的打爆,兔死狐悲,让这两人的脊椎骨也生出一片凉气。 However they have not begun \; first, with the Romanian Yong that deep friendship, has not calculated that carefully competitor \; second, has not grasped really can win Chu Feng. 不过他们没有动手,一是跟罗雍没那么深的交情,仔细算来还是竞争者,二是真没把握能赢楚风 Buzz!” “嗡!” When Chu Feng disperses Domain, void one group of light erupt the fearful aura, dances in the air toward Chu Feng, is big Killing Weapon-- divine sense beating whip. 楚风散开场域时,虚空中一团光爆发可怕气息,向着楚风飞舞,是一件大杀器——打神鞭 Chu Feng is astonished, will stimulate to movement Domain once more imprisonment, after all this will be large-scale slaughter Saint Domain, to cope with many Saint will prepare, the prestige can be vast. 楚风讶异,再次催动场域将之禁锢,毕竟这可是大型的屠圣场域,是为了对付多位圣人准备的,威能浩瀚。 At the scene, this weapon by the anchorage, it altogether had nine once again, is similar to the purple sparkling bamboo. 当场,这件兵器又一次被定住,它共有九节,如同紫莹莹竹子般。 Chu Feng with Domain rapid refining, takes finally, surprised inexplicable, this weapon also is really astonishing, is holy artifact, moreover is bringing wisp of innate spirituality! 楚风场域迅速炼化,最后取到手中,惊讶莫名,这件兵器还真是惊人,是一件圣器,而且带着一缕先天灵性 Well, this thing is growth in the magical things of chaos sea thunder edge, may with not be possible to ask, is the golden purple bamboo!” A Great Dream Pure Land old monster calls out in alarm makes noise. “咦,这东西是生长在混沌海雷霆边缘的灵物,可遇不可求,是紫金竹!”大梦净土一位老怪物惊呼出声。 Has the chaos sea of thunder, that is Danger Land, grows in the golden purple bamboo of edge, naturally cannot compare in the chaos the genuine innate thing, but is also very astonishing. 有雷霆的混沌海,那是绝地,生长在边缘的紫金竹,自然比不上混沌中真正的先天之物,但也很惊人。 This also thing 10,000 old, it now nine, explained that had 90,000 years of year fully, in holy artifact was the high-quality goods!” Buddha Race's can the elder sigh painstakingly. “这也东西10000年长一节,它现在共有九节,说明足有90000年的年份了,在圣器中都是精品!”佛族的苦能长老叹道。 Meanwhile, the people realized, bringing this type of formidable weapon to cross the universe, enters World of the Dead, is not easy, the chaos Deity Palace affirmation has spent not the small price. 同时,人们意识到,带着这种强大的兵器横渡宇宙,进入阴间,非常不易,混沌天神宫肯定费了不小的代价。 „The good Saint Level magical things, I kindly accepted, have been lacking a weapon.” The Chu Feng smile, the back after behind, his heart is in fact imposing. “不错的圣级灵物,我笑纳了,正缺一件兵器呢。”楚风微笑,背在身后,事实上他心头凛然。 This big Killing Weapon compared with fearfulness that also the people imagine, he stimulated to movement a moment ago gently, can send out the Saint prestige, this is the chaos Deity Palace careful refinement, good that must utilize, this whip may the slaughter Saint! 这件大杀器比人们想象的还可怕,他刚才轻轻催动间,能发出圣威,这是混沌天神宫精心炼制的,真要运用的好,此鞭可屠圣! Without a doubt, this is rare holy artifact, is the topest weapon in Saint Level Dominion. 毋庸置疑,这是稀世圣器,在圣级领域中属于最顶尖的兵器。 At this moment, across the universe was discussing, has seethed with excitement, the Chu Feng slaughter fell outside the universe small Saint, the prestige achieves an apex. 这一刻,宇宙各地都在热议,沸腾了起来,楚风屠掉外宇宙的小圣,声望达到一个顶点。 The Dark Blood platform, Beast Source Platform and other countless people were discussing. 黑血平台、原兽平台等无数人在议论。 Waits, in my heart is a little chaotic, when Chu Feng is wounded, flows out some blue blood, he...... Became Human King Physique?” “等一等,我心中有点乱,楚风负伤时,流出部分蓝色血液,他……怎么成人王体了?” Is a little strange, he with a Wu Lunhui physique?!” “有点古怪,他跟吴轮回一个体质?!” ...... …… Let alone across the universe, is some Great Dream Pure Land also many person revealed the look of surprise. 别说宇宙各地,就是大梦净土现场也有许多人露出异色 Especially the Sub Immortal Clan's old monster, stares at Chu Feng to keep watching, wishes one could to overrun his whole body inspects. 尤其是亚仙族的老怪物,盯着楚风看个没完,恨不得冲过去将他全身上下检查一番。 Ying Xiaoxiao curls the lip, has not told in the clan the elder truth, a moment ago when great war she is very anxious, now finally shows the sweet smiling face, almost shouted the brother-in-law two characters. 映晓晓撇嘴,没告诉族中长老真相,刚才大战时她很紧张,现在终于露出甜甜的笑容,差点就喊出姐夫两个字。 Ying Wudi was being crowded around by the fragrant shape clan, Taotie and Hou Clan Holy Daughter, suppressing, his one is living not to be possible the love expression, looks at Chu Feng to assume an awe-inspiring pose, he is unhappy. 映无敌被香象族、饕餮犼族圣女拥簇着,压制着,他一副生无可恋的表情,看着楚风发威,他一点也不开心。 „The Chu Feng little friend you and Wu Lunhui what relate?” Finally, a Sub Immortal Clan elder opens the mouth, direct examination, because he really could not bear. 楚风小友你和吴轮回什么关系?”终于,亚仙族一位长老开口,直接询问,因为他实在忍不住了。 Wu Lunhui is Human King Physique, soon will marry Sub Immortal Clan's Holy Daughter, how now did Great Demon Chu Feng also become Human King Physique? 吴轮回人王体,即将娶亚仙族的圣女,怎么现在楚风大魔头也成为人王体了? Let alone they, are Buddha Race, Corpse Race, Dao Race, Monster Race, Primitive Demon Race wait/etc., is in a daze, the old monsters of various clans want to understand thoroughly the truth. 别说他们,就是佛族尸族道族妖族始魔族等,也都发呆,各族的老怪物都想洞彻真相。 Also with asking, two people are Human King Physique, you have forgotten, in that most ancient time, first emergence number position Human King Physique, controls the universe, the verbal command ten thousand clans, this is very normal, this physique non- origin, one is several!” “还用问吗,两人都是人王体,你们忘记了,在那最古老的时代,一世出现数位人王体,统驭宇宙,号令万族,这很正常,这种体质不出则已,一出就是数尊!” The Great Dream Pure Land's old monster scratches the cold sweat at the same time, such explained directly, then, urging Chu Feng should go to into the nuptial chamber, the great happiness day kills any appearance. 大梦净土的老怪物擦冷汗的同时,直接这么解释,然后,催促楚风该去入洞房了,大喜的日子打打杀杀成什么样子。 They naturally worry, fears the Sub Immortal Clan marriage by capture, present Chu Feng displays such astonishing strength, surpasses the expectations of all people, Sub Saint, outside the even/including the universe small Saint may the bang kill side by side, can this son-in-law bleed off? Does not have the accident/surprise possibly! 他们自然着急,怕亚仙族抢婚,现在的楚风表现出这么惊人的战力,远超所有人的预料,比肩亚圣,连外宇宙的小圣都可轰杀,这种女婿怎能放走?不容许出现意外! Also arrived at this, can put him to walk? 再说都到这一步了,能放他走吗? Enters the nuptial chamber!” “入洞房!” Delivers a pair of new person to rest!” “送一对新人去歇息!” Great Dream Pure Land one crowd of old monsters go into action personally, escort Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin leave the stage, does not give anybody to get close to opportunity. 大梦净土一群老怪物亲自出马,护送楚风秦珞音退场,不给任何人接近的机会。 The people pondered over, thought some truth that old woman said that in the past Human King Physique was the first emergence number reveres, then thoroughly disappeared. 众人思忖,觉得那位老妪说的有些道理,当年人王体便是一世出现数尊,然后便又彻底不见了。 However, after Chu Feng vanishes truly, the people start surprisedly uncertain, thought that Chu Feng with Wu Lunhui is Human King Physique, this rather coincidence was excessive. 然而,等到楚风真正消失后,人们又开始惊疑不定,觉得楚风吴轮回都是人王体,这未免巧合的过头了。 „It is not good, making Chu Feng come out, I want to him to talk that!” A Sub Immortal Clan's elder said. “不行,让楚风出来,我想跟他谈一谈!”亚仙族的一位长老说道。 What an old man asks the bridegroom to discuss, abnormal, your don't tell me wants to imitate Luo Yong, wants to take Chu Feng, but generation it? Be careful was hit to explode by Chu Feng!” A Great Dream Pure Land old woman said. “一个老头子找新郎谈什么,变态啊,你难道想效仿罗雍,欲取楚风而代之?当心被楚风打爆!”大梦净土一位老妪说道。 You...... What to talk nonsense?” Sub Immortal Clan's elder been mad heavy. “你……胡说什么?”亚仙族的长老被气的不轻。 In the universe, each region loudly discussed, all people were discussing Human King Physique. 宇宙中,各地大讨论,所有人都在谈人王体 I dares guarantee, Wu Lunhui is Great Demon Chu Feng, Heaven, this fucking was too astonishing, morality reaching up to the clouds is Samsara King, actually Great Demon King Chu Feng?!” “我敢保证,吴轮回就是楚风大魔头,天啊,这特么的太惊人了,义薄云天轮回王,其实是楚大魔王?!” I have a feeling, these two are one. But, sunlight of Wu Lunhui in my heart is bright, the heart has warm-blooded, is just and good, is known as morality reaching up to the clouds, today...... The feeling image caves , is he Great Demon Chu Feng? Heaven, Star Sea wanted earthquake, various clans estimated that must be scared!” “我有一种感觉,这两人就是一个。可是,吴轮回在我心中阳光而灿烂,心有热血,正义而善良,号称义薄云天,今天……感觉形象塌陷,他是楚风大魔头天啊,星海都要大地震了,各族估计都得傻眼!” ...... …… Indeed, outside was chaotic, universe regional in an uproar. 的确,外面乱了,宇宙各地哗然。 However, now Chu Feng actually not knows these, could not attend, fed in the nuptial chamber by one crowd of old monsters. 然而,现在楚风却不知道这些,也顾不上了,被一群老怪物送进洞房。 One group of people must tease the bride, including Old Donkey, Ouyang Feng, Big Black Ox and the others, do not say that to various clan talents that Qin Luoyin is deeply in love with, finally was given to expel by the Great Dream Pure Land's old monster, nobody can approach. This causes one crowd of person incomparable resentment thought, has not seen the elder who has such is careful, too maintained? 一群人要来闹洞房,包括老驴欧阳风大黑牛等人,就更不要说对秦珞音钟情的各族天才了,结果都被大梦净土的老怪物给赶走,无人能接近。这导致一群人无比怨念,就没有见过有这么上心的长辈,也太维护了吧? At this time, already was night, could be called the genuine big marriage weeding candle night. 此时,早已是夜晚,称得上真正的大婚花烛夜。 Space, stars, moonlight like water. 天上,繁星点点,月光如水。 Out of the window, the green bamboo dances, drags rustle the sound. 窗外,绿竹婆娑,摇曳出沙沙的声响。 The new home is a palace, magnificently decorated building, resplendent in gold and jade green, is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, celebrates very much. 新房是一座宫殿,雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌,同时张灯结彩,很喜庆。 Chu Feng has experienced great war, then fed in the nuptial chamber directly, he is a little also dizzy, today's experience also is really colorful. 楚风经历过一场大战,然后直接被送进洞房,他自己也有点晕乎乎,今天的经历还真是“多姿多彩”。 The Qin Luoyin face is fine, beautiful hair hangs loose, she is beautiful, even more appears tender and beautiful under seven color god glass lamps, the beautiful and graceful figure curve is perfect and astonishing. 秦珞音面孔精致,秀发披散,她美丽无限,在七彩神璃灯下越发显得娇艳,婀娜身段曲线完美而惊人。 Oh, finally on the day of waits, you must be responsible for me.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “唉,终于等到这一天,你要对我负责了。”楚风开口。 Regardless of how Qin Luoyin has not thought, he such shameless has not been hot-tempered, so opens the mouth. However wants to come carefully, in Purgatory, initially also was really because she lost control to cause. 秦珞音无论如何也没有想到,他这么没羞没躁,这般开口。不过仔细想来,在炼狱中,当初还真是因为她失控导致的。 But her sex appeal bright red lip slightly, must refute him. 她性感而鲜艳的红唇微张,就要驳斥他。 However, a distant place pū tōng light sound, a Great Dream Pure Land's old monster has not departed, hears Chu Feng this words, obviously was stimulated, the under foot is not steady, kicks to turn in the courtyard a stone block. 然而,远处噗通一声轻响,大梦净土的一位老怪物还没有离去,听到楚风这种话语,显然被刺激了一下,脚下不稳,踢翻院子中一个石墩。 Senior, can your such big age, do not eavesdrop?” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “前辈,您都这么大年纪了,能不能不要听墙根?”楚风开口。 That old monster feeling complexion slightly red, whiz vanishes from the courtyard. 那个老怪物感觉脸色微红,嗖的一声从院子中消失。 Our son?” Chu Feng asked that is having the happy expression, because has not felt the Little Daoist Priest aura, not in parent body. “咱儿子呢?”楚风问道,带着笑意,因为没有感觉到小道士的气息,不在母体中。 Qin Luoyin is coy immediately, usually graceful noble goddess model/pattern does not tally with her, finally informs, already Caesarean birth. 秦珞音顿时扭捏,跟她平日雍容高贵的女神范不相符,最后才告知,已经剖腹产。 A Chu Feng mindless appearance, said with a smile: Said, our daughter can also arrive in the world?” 楚风一副没心没肺的样子,笑道:“这么说,咱女儿也可以来到世上了?” Meanwhile, in Great Dream Pure Land, the numerous guest dull places, Sub Immortal Clan's several elders more are ponder over not to the taste, finally really could not bear. 与此同时,大梦净土中,众多宾客呆的地方,亚仙族的几位长老越是琢磨越是不对味儿,最后实在忍不住了。 Everybody, the opportunity, we announced to the outside, in the near future must be Zhexian and Wu Lunhui gets married, will send out the invitation immediately!” “各位,藉此机会,我们对外宣布,近期要为谪仙吴轮回完婚,会马上送出请柬!” The people in an uproar. 众人哗然。 The old monsters in Great Dream Pure Land are fearful and apprehensive, is Sub Immortal Clan this must carry off a girl to be one's wife? However, now is impossible, after later matter, said again! 大梦净土中的老怪物们则心惊肉跳,亚仙族这是要抢亲吗?不过,现在不可能了,以后的事以后再说! Aiyu, our brothers good fortune, I look at him several days later what to do, dares to go to Sub Immortal Clan to come a wedding really again?!” Big Black Ox stares the big eye, being flabbergasted at the same time is very excited. “哎呦,咱兄弟这福气,我看他几天后怎么办,真敢去亚仙族再来一场婚礼吗?!”大黑牛瞪大眼睛,咋舌的同时很兴奋。
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