SR :: Volume #9

#875: Crush

In Luo Yong back the fist, chest gets up with the ballooning, presents a fist mark, was almost passed through, even if so his back is also the blood spatters in all directions, oneself is similar to a comet bends down rush out. 罗雍后背中拳,前胸都跟着鼓胀起来,出现一个拳头印记,差点就被贯穿,即便如此他的后背也是鲜血迸溅,自身如同一颗彗星般俯冲出去 This may not estimate that the great strength, his fleshly body Sub Saint, may eat such big owing sufficiently side by side, the five main internal organs (entrails) has burnt, energy glowing flame beats. 这是不可揣度之巨力,他的肉身足以比肩亚圣,可还是吃了这么大的亏,五脏六腑都烧起来了,能量光焰跳动。 Does not need to think, trades to make the Golden Body level Evolver, will explode absolutely under this fist, even/including Yong compares favorably with Sub Saint fleshly body unable to withstand. 无需多想,换作金身层次的进化者,绝对会在这一拳下爆开,连罗雍媲美亚圣肉身都承受不住。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 He cracks-up a mountain top, naturally is only restricted in the summit, in a deeper soil layer has the profound magnet, the lay out Domain protection. 他撞碎一座山头,当然仅限于山巅,更深的土层中有玄磁石,布下场域守护。 The tactical situation reverses so quick makes all parties change countenance, on the people face writes all over the color of being startled, Chu Feng changes the course of events unexpectedly, gets the winning side! 战况逆转如此之快让各方都动容,人们脸上写满吃惊之色,楚风居然扭转乾坤,占据上风! Luo Yongzhan in summit of being split up, the whole body leaps the dazzling multi-colored sunlight, likely is the active volcano spout golden color magma, likely is Divine Furnace that does not extinguish, energy burning down, exuberant incomparable. 罗雍站在四分五裂的山顶,周身腾起刺目的霞光,像是活火山喷涌金色岩浆,又像是一座不灭的神炉,能量焚烧,旺盛无比。 His aura rises suddenly, in use deity breathing method, restores the wound body, the look is similar to the greedy person is staring at Chu Feng, was suppressed by him in the leeward person wounds him unexpectedly. 他的气息暴涨,在动用天神呼吸法,修复伤体,眼神如同饿狼般盯着楚风,被他压制在下风的人居然将他击伤。 Those who most make his heart startled is, this is Human King Physique, various universe clans that in the past several Human King, such several people pressed cannot be on the rise. 最为让他心惊的是,这是人王体,当年数名人王,就那么几个人而已就压的宇宙各族抬不起头来。 He will not forget that legend, that several people killed the chaos universe from the World of the Dead universe in the past, was too terrifying! 他不会忘记那则传说,那几人当年从阴间宇宙杀进过混沌宇宙,太恐怖了! Chu Feng, the sediment in my eyes, you have this potential unexpectedly, activates this bloodlines, but, even if so, you must die!” Luo Yongdai the color of sinister and vicious, in the ordinary appearance no longer is being the unique makings, but writes all over killing intent. 楚风,我眼中的渣子,你居然有这种潜力,激活这种血脉,不过,哪怕如此,你也得死!”罗雍带着阴鸷之色,普通的容貌上不再是超脱的气质,而是写满杀意 Then, his body surface leaps golden marks to wind, likely is a metal person, inscribes on various symbols extremely dazzling. 然后,他的体表腾起一片又一片金色的纹络,像是一个金属人,铭刻上的各种符号极其的炫目。 Meanwhile, that type of aura also makes all troops ill, brings to let the fluctuation that the person soul trembles, is similar to tidal sweeps across to all around. 同时,那种气息也让各方人马都不适,带着让人灵魂都颤栗的波动,如同潮水般席卷向四面八方 This is deity crack spatial fist, he practiced!” The distant place, a small Saint from chaos universe is astonished, this is Divine Skill, is strong, but is very difficult to practice, entering the Sect is difficult, but might strangely big is also incomparable. “这是天神裂空拳,他练成了!”远处,来自混沌宇宙的一位小圣讶异,这是一种神技,非常强,但是却很难练成,入门艰难,可威力也奇大无比。 Chu Feng is very peaceful, he is realizing own change silently, the fleshly body slight defect because unexpectedly the activation part blue blood has been made up, is tenacious, side by side Sub Saint. 楚风很安静,他在默默体会自身的变化,肉身的瑕疵居然因为激活部分蓝血而得到弥补,坚韧起来,比肩亚圣 Also precisely because of so, him has stopped at nothing, collides with Romanian Yong fleshly body, again also fearless. 正是因为如此,他无所顾忌了,跟罗雍肉身碰撞,再也无惧。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng starts to attack, launches an attack on own initiative, is in the upper air, dives, the whole body is the scarlet multi-colored sunlight, he in revolution Undying Bird Race's breathing method, the plume feather is red Order Divine Chain clank makes noise one after another likely, blooms in his surroundings, lasing. 楚风开始出击,主动发难,身在高空中,俯冲下来,周身都是赤红的霞光,他在运转不死鸟族的呼吸法,一根又一根翎羽像是红色的秩序神链般铮铮作响,在他的周围绽放,激射而出。 Meanwhile, his fist blushes, must smelt likely void, erupts the thunder, is controlling the lightning, the speed quick transcendence common sense. 同时,他的拳头发红,像是要熔炼虚空,爆发雷霆,驾驭着闪电,速度快的超越常理。 Lightning Fist, firm overbearing at the same time, surmounts all fist technique speeds! 闪电拳,阳刚霸道的同时,还有超越一切拳法的速度! Bang! 轰隆! Small Saint Luo Yong rises straight from the ground, jumps onto high sky, the Deity Race's crack fights with the fists spatially, the whole body illumination, is especially most radiant by fist there. 小圣罗雍拔地而起,跃上高天,天神族的裂空拳打出,全身发光,尤以拳头那里最为璀璨。 Even can say, his fist too dazzling, is scarier than the universe stars that the disintegration opens, golden energy ebullition, but around the fist, presents the fissure void, this scene has shocked Evolver of various clans. 甚至可以说,他的拳头太刺目了,比崩碎开的宇宙星辰还要吓人,金色能量沸腾,而在拳头周围,虚空出现裂痕,这景象惊呆了各族的进化者 Prestige of the fist, can unexpectedly so!” In the pure land, there is an old monster to be frightened, if they are intimate this fist, wants not to think, even if Golden Body Great Perfection, arrived at this level the end, must be hit to explode, will not have any suspense. “一拳之威,竟能如此!”净土中,有老怪物惊悚,要是他们挨上这一拳,想都别想,哪怕金身大圆满,走到这个层次的尽头了,也得被打爆,不会有任何悬念。 Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! In the world has the nuclear explosion to occur likely, red fist mark, is having the Undying Bird Race's plume feather vibration sound, collides in that golden fist together, the void fissure is very fearful, must swallow the red fist, strangles to death all. 天地中像是有核爆发生,红色的拳印,带着不死鸟族的翎羽震动声,跟那金色的拳头碰撞在一起,虚空裂痕很可怕,要吞噬红色的拳头,绞杀一切。 Has saying that chaos Deity Palace's strongest rare talent, outside of Luo Yongtai universe nine small Saints are fearful, making Chu Feng at this moment change countenance. 不得不说,混沌天神宫的最强奇才、外宇宙九尊小圣之一的罗雍太可怕,让此刻的楚风都动容。 His feeling fist is very painful, fearful is not the golden fist of opposite party, but is around that fist mark many fissures, is having some strength of space strangling to death, destroys various materials, including Evolver's fleshly body. 他的感觉拳头很痛,可怕的不是对方的金色拳头,而是那拳印周围的诸多裂痕,带着部分空间绞杀之力,毁灭各种物质,包括进化者的肉身 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” Chu Feng stimulates to movement Undying Bird Race's breathing method, the red fist bursts out the lightning, flash hundred and thousand of erupts in void, with the golden fist hit of opposite party. 楚风催动不死鸟族的呼吸法,红色的拳头迸发闪电,一瞬间成百上千道在虚空中爆发,跟对方的金色拳头撞击。 At the same time, in his surroundings, the Undying Bird Race's plume feather one after another, makes the sound that the Order chains shakes, all to/clashes, with that golden fist surrounding fissure bitter experience, fierce collision. 同一时间,在他的周围,不死鸟族的翎羽一根又一根,发出秩序锁链摇动的声响,全部冲来,跟那金色拳头周围的裂痕遭遇,剧烈碰撞。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! Finally, in the fierce large explosion, in energy glowing flame of burning down half sky, two people flies upside down fast. 最终,在剧烈的大爆炸中,焚烧半边天空的能量光焰中,两人都快速倒飞出去。 Chu Feng lowers the head, looks on own fist some bloodstains, but is not very deep, has the pale blue blood to mix the bright red blood to flow. 楚风低头,看着自己的拳头上有些血痕,但并不是很深,有淡蓝色血液混合着鲜红的血液流淌出来。 The crack spatial fist, can strangle to death the match with the aid of the strength of space, belongs to the secret of chaos Deity Palace's not passing on, really shocks everybody! 裂空拳,能借助空间之力绞杀对手,属于混沌天神宫的不传之秘,果然惊世骇俗! Another side, Luo Yong both hands shiver, bruised and lacerated, is having the burned black scar, simultaneously has the blood to drop, by heavy of Chu Feng's Lightning Fist wound. 另一边,罗雍双手颤动,皮开肉绽,带着焦黑的伤痕,同时有血滴落而出,被楚风的闪电拳伤的不轻。 He is furious, unexpectedly falls on once more leeward, what especially makes him not willing is, in he most formidable fleshly body Dominion, he suffers a loss unexpectedly. 他震怒,居然再次落在下风,尤其让他不甘心的是,在他最强大的肉身领域,他居然吃亏。 What he walks is the fleshly body Sanctification path, wants to become most formidable Saint, finally, is wounded by Human King Physique fleshly body now, making him have the frustration. 他走的是肉身成圣的道路,想成为最强大的圣者,结果,现在被人王体肉身击伤,让他有种挫败感。 Clang!” “锵!” Luo Yong moved once more, both hands empty grasp, is similar to draws a sword, at the same time, a giant gold blade appears in his side, energy, for this clan shocking secret technique. 罗雍再次动了,双手虚握,如同拔刀,同一时刻,一柄巨大的黄金刀真的在他的身边浮现,能量所化,为该族惊世秘术 This blade is thousand zhang (3.33 m), Luo Yong himself in the upper air, with such heavenly blade technique, the great blade instantaneously reaches to the sky, the sharp murderous aura eruption, sweeps across Above the Heavens and Under the Earth! 此刀长达千丈,罗雍本身就在高空中,用出这样的天刀术,巨刀瞬间高耸入云,犀利的杀气爆发,席卷天上地下 Bang! 轰! When this blade chops forward, is not the blade edge cuts to fall likely, but is a golden mountain bang pounds likely, the energy cloud surges, is having the sound of flash flood, deafening. 这一刀向前劈来时,不像是刀锋斩落,而像是一座金色大山轰砸下来,能量云激荡,带着山洪爆发的声音,震耳欲聋。 The Chu Feng forehead shines, stimulates to movement with the Heaven and Earth treasure material that soul light congeals directly, displays Yin and Yang Qi, is similar to the immortal light appears, sweeps this to the strong blade to the one side. 楚风眉心发光,直接催动跟魂光凝结的天地奇珍物质,施展阴阳二气,如同仙光浮现,将这至强一刀扫向一旁。 Meanwhile, his fist intent again changes, Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method surges in within the body, with Vairocana Fist, the bang goes forward. 同时,他的拳意再变,大雷音呼吸法在体内激荡,用出大日如来拳,向前轰去。 Light of Yin-Yang shakes the long blade, is clearing the way for him, but his own dives the near, arrives quickly suffocatingly, the golden fist bang falls. 阴阳之光震开长刀,算是在为他开道,而他自身则俯冲到近前,快到让人窒息,金色拳头轰落下来。 Luo Yong angrily roars, fierce confrontation. 罗雍怒吼,激烈对抗。 Both shiver, is two lightnings is moving likely, is two Divinity is slaughtering likely, shakes the loose everywhere clouds. 两者颤抖,像是两道闪电在移动,又像是两尊神祇在厮杀,震散漫天云朵。 ! 噗! Luo Yong flies upside down, made into the severe wound, the mouthful is the bloody foam, both hands is bloody, the both arms in the convulsion, instant, in the eye that reviews writes all over coldly also has the anger, he is outside one of the universe nine small Saints, unexpectedly made into the severe wound, is very serious. 罗雍倒飞出去,被打成重伤,满嘴都是血沫子,双手血流如注,双臂都在痉挛,回眸的刹那,眼中写满冷冽还有怒意,他是外宇宙九尊小圣之一,居然被人打成重伤,十分严重。 „The strongest deity, the blood recovers, suppresses all!” “最强天神,血液复苏,压制一切!” Luo Yong shouts, he was really angry, arrived at the World of the Dead universe to think that can sweep away the so-called all talents, in his eyes, these people are clay chickens and pottery dogs, finally today is restrained, oneself is wounded unceasingly. 罗雍嘶吼,他真的愤怒了,原本来到阴间宇宙以为能够横扫所谓的一切天才,在他眼中,这些人都是土鸡瓦狗,结果今天被人克制,自身不断负伤。 Buzz! 嗡! Presents flake gold light in his surroundings, is very gentle, is very thin, is similar to the wave, is having the inexplicable fluctuation. 在他的周围出现一片金光,很柔和,也很稀薄,如同水波,带着莫名的波动。 He charges into Chu Feng directly, golden light place visited, all energies were suppressed, making Chu Feng one cold, when lifts the fist bang kills, he discovers own energy sharp decline. 他直接冲向楚风,金光所过之处,一切能量都被压制,让楚风一凛,举拳轰杀时,他发现自身能量锐减。 Deity descends to earth, all creature in the face of my clan are the mortals!” Luo Yongdi roars, on the face full is the crazy color, the look is flaming, must in this hit the bang to kill Chu Feng. “天神下凡,一切生灵在我族面前都是凡人!”罗雍低吼,脸上满是疯狂之色,眼神炽盛,要在这一击中轰杀楚风 Chu Feng realized, bitter experience to what kind of condition. 楚风意识到,遭遇到怎样的状况。 He was suppressed likely, own magical skill and other sharp declines, just like must turn into the mortal, this is quite fearful and dangerous, this was equal to that stretches out the neck is united. 他像是被压制了,自身道行等锐减,宛若要化成凡人,这相当的可怕与危险,这等于引颈受戮。 Chu Feng knows, this is a utilization of territory, generally appears in Saint Level Realm, only then a small number of rare talents may revolve ahead of time this ability, surmounts the same step to be too many, can by enemy numerous, the non- difference bang kill. 楚风知道,这是一种域的运用,一般在圣级境界出现,只有少数奇才可提前运转这种能力,超越同阶太多,能以一敌众,无差别轰杀。 This ability, may call Sacred Territory! 这种能力,可称之为圣域 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, Chu Feng takes the spirit as pigment, uses blood energy as the paper, erupts own picture scroll, because before him , when comprehends, there is a special sensibility. 这一刻,楚风以精神为颜料,以血气为纸张,爆发出自身的画卷,因为他以前参悟时,有过特殊的感悟。 Even, initially on Kunlun Mountains Sky Vine, with Spiritual Body with the Deity Race Saint same step to the wartime, once ahead of time touched the utilization of territory. 甚至,当初在昆仑天藤上,用精神体天神族圣人同阶对战时,曾藉此提前触摸到域的运用。 Now he erupted, the big stars appear, the imprisonment is void, here just like turning into silent places! 现在他爆发了,一颗又一颗大星浮现间,禁锢虚空,这里宛若化成一片寂静之地! Meanwhile, Chu Feng still carves the Domain symbol on the stars, deepens the imprisonment. 与此同时,楚风还在一颗又一颗星辰上刻写场域符号,加深禁锢。 Buzz! 嗡! Finally, he realized once more that feeling, after the strength is formidable enough, Sacred Territory appears initially, in addition the Domain addition, erupts, beyond comparison. 终于,他再次体会到了那种感觉,实力足够强大后,圣域初步浮现,再加上场域的加成,爆发开来,无以伦比。 "Ah...... ” Luo Yong angrily roars, in his heart moves restlessly, is exceptionally restless, he uses in the clan Taboo secret technique, coordinates own cultivation base, displays fearful Sacred Territory, the result has not turned into the mortal the opposite party, the opposite party can also use so the monster evil method, has counterattacked him? “啊……”罗雍怒吼,他心中躁动,异常不安,他利用族中禁忌秘术,配合自身的修为,施展出可怕的圣域,结果没有将对方化成凡人,对方还能施展出这般妖邪的手段,反制了他? The opposite party also uses Sacred Territory, this lets Yong shocks at the same time feels frightened, because his fleshly body was imprisoned, wants to have an action to perform is difficult. 对方亦动用圣域,这让罗雍震撼的同时感觉到恐惧,因为他的肉身被禁锢,想要有所动作非常艰难。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng dives, directly is together Light of Yin-Yang, this is trump card, , nearly chops Luo Yongli in the blood splash. 楚风俯冲过来,直接就是一道阴阳之光,这算是杀手锏,噗的一声,在血液飞溅中险些就将罗雍立劈。 Luo Yong gets rid of the imprisonment at the most critical moment, works loose, but was cut to drop an arm as before, is very miserable. 罗雍在最为关键时刻摆脱禁锢,挣脱出去,但是依旧被斩落下一条手臂,很惨。 Bang! 砰! Meanwhile, the Chu Feng's fist also arrived, mixes Lightning Fist and Vairocana Fist, firm and fierce is overbearing, rapidly is similar to the thunder and lightning, having the demonic nature, the bang to pound. 同时,楚风的拳头也到了了,糅合闪电拳大日如来拳,刚猛而霸道,迅疾如同雷电,带着魔性,轰砸下来。 Roar!” “吼!” Luo Yong angrily roars, furiously decisive battle, but can an arm, how resist? 罗雍怒吼,奋力决战,但是一只手臂而已,怎能抵挡? Bang, his hit flies horizontally, bleeds profusely from the head. 砰的一声,他被打的横飞出去,七窍流血。 Chu Feng take action, the bang kills again. 楚风出手,轰杀下来。 In the collision, Luo Yong body full is the fissure, only that arms were almost also torn, bloody. 在碰撞中,罗雍身体满是裂痕,仅余的那条手臂也差点被被撕扯下来,血流如注。 What is most fearful, his right leg was short of one section, the knee following has disappeared, under by the Chu Feng's Light of Yin-Yang interruption, was crashed the upper air. 最为可怕的是,他的右腿少了一截,膝盖以下不见了,被楚风的阴阳之光截断,坠落下高空。 Male cousin!” “堂兄!” That person who the lakeside, the chaos Deity Palace core member, fortunately survives yelled, does not dare believe simply own eye, that is strongest successor of their this clan, outside the universe is vertically and horizontally difficult to seek the match, was known as that chaos universe this in the small Saint for person, only nine people have this great honor, keeps aloof. 湖边,混沌天神宫核心成员,幸存下来的那个人大叫,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,那可是他们这一族的最强传人,纵横外宇宙都难寻对手,号称混沌宇宙这代人中的小圣,仅九人有此殊荣,高高在上。 What now did he see? Of Luo Yongbai nine small Saints! 可是现在他看到了什么?九尊小圣之一的罗雍败了! Moreover, Luo Yongbai is very miserable. 而且,罗雍败的很惨。 Bang! 砰! Luo Yong almost body that the flash, Chu Feng take action, bang kills once more explodes, flies eight hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be far horizontally, mouth and nose spurts the blood, is weak. 一刹那,楚风再次出手,轰杀的罗雍差点身体爆开,横飞出去八百丈远,口鼻喷血,身体虚弱。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The thunder erupts, Chu Feng flies high to tread on, Luo Yongta collision on a mountain peak, a fist pounds to fall, bang, making Yong chest blast out a bowl mouth big blood hole, is translucent, is better than the body of Sub Saint unable to stand. 雷霆爆发间,楚风凌空一脚踏来,将罗雍踏的撞在一座山峰上,一拳砸落,砰的一声,让罗雍胸部炸开一个碗口大的血洞,前后透亮,强如亚圣之躯也禁受不住。 Chī! 哧! Meanwhile, Chu Feng's Light of Yin-Yang sweeps once more, Luo Yong cried loud and long with amazement, whole body golden color blood energy soared to the heavens, he got angry such distressedly extremely, this life also not, at present unexpectedly must be struck to kill, was really the great shame. 同时,楚风的阴阳之光再次扫来,罗雍骇然长啸,浑身金色血气冲霄,他怒极,今生还没有这么狼狈过,眼下居然要被人击杀,实在是奇耻大辱。 dang! 当! This time, Chu Feng's Light of Yin-Yang cannot his separate, because appears strange divine sense beating whip from Romanian Yong's within the body. 这一次,楚风的阴阳之光没有能将他的割裂,因为从罗雍的体内浮现一杆奇异的打神鞭 Dies!” Luo Yong angrily roars, the feeling is ashamed, he has defeated eventually, does not beat the opposite party, finally needs to use the family to extinguish the enemy for big Killing Weapon that he prepares unexpectedly. “去死!”罗雍怒吼,感觉羞耻,他终究是败了,不敌对方,最后竟需要动用家族为他准备的一宗大杀器灭敌。 When Chu Feng when his within the body experiences unusual fluctuation instant has drawn back, leaves there. 楚风在他体内出现异常波动时就已经刹那远退,离开那里。 Then, he noticed that one group of light run out, flies to him. 然后,他就看到一团光冲出,向他飞来。 Uses foreign object? That extinguishes you directly!” Chu Feng shouted. “动用外物?那直接灭你!”楚风喝道。 He has over 600 moves with small Saint Luo Yong great war fully, now already killed the anger, killing intent that in the heart hidden erupts, has nothing to delay, already thought over the going out universe generation of evolution degree. 他跟小圣罗雍大战足有600招以上,现在早已杀出火气,心中隐藏的杀意更爆发开来,没什么可耽搁的了,早已掂量出外宇宙这一代人的进化程度。 Bang! 轰! The mountains illumination, Great Dream Pure Land shivers, divine sense beating whip that flies ups and downs in one group of rays, but is flown now by the inexplicable bang. 山川发光,大梦净土颤抖,那飞来的打神鞭在一团光芒中沉浮,但现在被莫名轰飞出去。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng cried loud and long, piece of Domain rune erupted, spiritual mountain from the beauty of all around gathered, submerged Nara harmony. 与此同时,楚风长啸,一片场域符文爆发开来,从四面八方的秀丽上灵山汇聚过来,将那罗雍淹没。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Luo Yong angrily roars, struggles furiously, but is useless, shortly he by this Domain rune tearing body, first will be only the other arm separations. 罗雍怒吼,奋力挣扎,但是根本没用,顷刻间他被这场域符文撕裂身体,首先是仅余下的手臂断开。 Then, he cut off from the waist. 接着,他被从腰部斩断。 Bang! 轰! Finally, Chu Feng stands in the upper air, rumbles downward a fist, hits to explode him, its fleshly body blasts out on a mountain peak, the blood rain sprinkles, incarnadine spiritual mountain! 最后,楚风站在高空中,向下轰出一拳,将他打爆,其肉身在一座山峰上炸开,血雨洒落,染红灵山 Chu Feng prepared several days ago, does not hesitate lay out large-scale slaughter Saint Domain, now detonates the part, the natural prestige can be infinite. 楚风在数天前就准备好了,不惜布下大型的屠圣场域,现在引爆部分,自然威能无穷。 Without a doubt, this is giant storm! 毫无疑问,这将是一场巨大的风暴! Especially, the Chu Feng identity issue will also initiate the mighty waves. 尤其是,楚风身份问题也将会引发波澜。
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