SR :: Volume #9

#874: Human King

Was butchered by him? Said falls a mole cricket with the slaughter, butchers the duck so to be simple. 都被他宰了?说的跟屠掉一只土狗,宰掉一直鸭子那么简单。 Scene complete silence, by heavy of being startled. 现场鸦雀无声,都被惊的不轻。 Across the universe, countless people are watching the live transmission, was scolding chaos Deity Palace's to be despicable, now is a little in a daze. 宇宙各地,无数人在看直播,原本都在骂混沌天神宫的卑劣无耻,现在则有点发呆。 In people opinion, Chu Feng that Great Demon, the conduct is resolute, expressed the intention, live was very happy. 在人们看来,楚风还是那个大魔头,行事果决,直抒心意,活的很痛快。 The small Saint Luo Yong complexion is cold, in instance that seeing Qin Luoyin presents, his heart thump, his knows, after going, three younger male cousins who the dwelling seizes the bride naturally let slip. 小圣罗雍则脸色冷冽,在看到秦珞音出现的瞬间,他的心就咯噔一下,他知道,去后宅掳新娘的三位堂弟自然已失手。 However, has not actually thought, Chu Feng replied is so happy, three people were killed by him directly, has not remained! 然而,却没有想到,楚风回答地这么痛快,三人直接就被他击毙,一个没剩! This is truncating his face in the presence of everyone, is overbearing than him, is more resolute than him, probably kills several chicken young that said to be so simple, suitable optional, does not treat as a matter. 这是在当众削他的脸,比他还霸道,比他还果决,说的好像杀几只小鸡仔那么简单,相当的随意,不当作一回事。 Courts death!” Luo Yong face darken like the water, the both eyes deep place is the cold and gloomy ray, stands in the upper air, overlooks Chu Feng. “找死!”罗雍脸色阴沉如水,双目深处是森冷的光芒,站在高空中,俯视楚风 His golden color sends silk to hang loose, blooms dazzling radiance, he seems round great sun is burning down, illuminates the half vault of heaven, energy aura Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering! 他的一头金色发丝披散开来,绽放出刺眼的光华,他好似一轮大日在焚烧,照亮半边天穹,能量气息惊天动地 Three male cousins died, you quite ruthless method!” The lakeside, is been incomparable by the Deity Race core juniors member indignation that god magnetism flag asylum, escapes death by a hair's breadth, the startled anger occurred simultaneously, the mood fluctuation is fierce. “三位堂兄都死了,你好狠的手段!”湖边,被神磁大旗庇护、幸免于难的天神族核心子弟成员愤慨无比,惊怒交加,情绪波动剧烈。 This place only remaining he, several other people worked as his surface to kill by Chu Feng. 这块地方只剩下他自己了,另外几人都被楚风当着他的面干掉。 Boisterous! Meanwhile, you are very disgusting, harbor evil intent to come, now unexpectedly also blames me, usually was bossy to be used to it? Cannot be wronged, cannot suffer a loss, today is dragon you must give me the plate, let alone is the mule!” “聒噪!同时,你们很恶心,怀着歹意而来,现在居然还怪起我,平日颐指气使成习惯了吧?受不得委屈,吃不得亏,今天是龙你也得给我盘着,别说原本就是骡子!” Chu Feng fearless, takes a step forward, has not looked at that core juniors one of the lakeside, he has been staring at Luo Yong, this is the genuine fearful powerful enemy. 楚风无惧,向前迈步,都没有看湖边的那位核心子弟一眼,他一直盯着罗雍,这才是真正的可怕劲敌。 Now had nothing saying that only had to suppress this so-called small Saint, cutting will kill! 现在没什么可说的,唯有镇压这个所谓的小圣,将之斩杀! Bang! 轰! Chu Feng erupts astonishing energy aura, is similar to walks from the roaring flame, bathing dreadful energy glowing flame, appears one after another scarlet phoenix plume feather in its surroundings, is similar to Order divine gold casts, clank makes noise, the gloss is fearful! 楚风爆发出惊人的能量气息,如同从烈焰中走来,沐浴滔天能量光焰,在其周围浮现出一根又一根赤红的凤凰翎羽,如同秩序神金铸成,铮铮作响,光泽慑人! This is Undying Bird breathing method, most suits adjusts own condition, within the body any slight scar will be repaired, he now fleshly body or soul light increase to the strongest condition, everywhere is the flame, making in Great Dream Pure Land many Evolver tremble. 这是不死鸟呼吸法,最适合调节自身的状态,体内任何细微的伤痕都会被修复,他现在无论是肉身还是魂光都攀升到最强状态,漫天都是火光,让大梦净土中许多进化者颤栗。 Their finally knows, Great Demon Chu Feng how fearful. 他们终于知道,楚风大魔头多么的可怕。 At this moment, small Saint Luo Yong gloomy and cold look restraining, he belongs to tranquilly, regarding dying many younger male cousins did not care, feelings chilling, was heartless and callous. 这一刻,小圣罗雍阴冷的神色收敛,他重新归于平静,对于死去多位堂弟不放在心上,心肠冷硬,无情而冷酷。 Chu Feng, in my eyes, let alone is you, is your this World of the Dead universe strongest several talents puts together cannot be regarded anything, is the sediment!” Luo Yong announced, is having the indifferent color. 楚风,在我眼中,别说是你,就是你们这片阴间宇宙最强的几位天才加在一起也算不得什么,都是渣子!”罗雍宣告,带着漠然之色。 This words one, that initiates the dreadful mighty waves seriously, the people thought that he was too extremely arrogant, making many talents of various clans bring sneering, incomparably is hostile to him. 这种话语一出,那当真是引发滔天波澜,人们觉得他太狂妄了,让各族的许多天才都带着冷笑,对他无比敌视。 Person who across the universe, watches the live transmission is the curse, an ebullition. 宇宙各地,观看直播的人更是诅咒,一片沸腾。 Come, I will hoodwink the public, refuse to accept kills!” Luo Yong dense say/way. “来吧,吾将只手遮天,不服的就杀!”罗雍森然道。 He shoulders a hand to walk, raises single-handed, sends out the dazzling ray, fights with Chu Feng with a hand. 他背负着一只手走来,单手扬起,发出刺目的光芒,用一只手跟楚风战斗。 Rapidness that insolent person dies!” Chu Feng cold sound said. “张狂的人死的快!”楚风寒声道。 Can block my hand, said again, cannot block my hand you not to match to be my match!” Luo Yongdao. “能挡住我一只手,再说吧,挡不住我一只手你都不配做我的对手!”罗雍道。 Without a doubt, he has now used the strongest strength, wants to kill Chu Feng in the front hands of all people, shows the small Saint the formidable power and influence. 毫无疑问,他现在动用了最强的力量,想在所有人的面前一只手击毙楚风,彰显小圣的强大威势。 fucking, this grandson thinks oneself are the world protagonist of this time, was too rampant, must suppress Chu Feng single-handed, I scratch!” Ouyang Feng cannot bear scold. 特么的,这孙子以为自己是这个时代的天地主角吗,太嚣张了,要单手镇压楚风,我擦!”欧阳风忍不住骂道。 Installs 13, rapidness that dying!” Yellow Ox could not bear, shouts under greatly. “装13,死的快!”黄牛都忍不住了,在下方大喊道。 Bang! 轰! The two people in sky begin, small Saint Luo Yong shoulders a hand, one step treads, several li (0.5 km) back up to go, to Chu Feng at present, the single-handed bang has killed directly forward, flies upwards to be proud, the golden long hair dances in the air, the energy surges, very swift and fierce! 天空中的两人动手,小圣罗雍背负一只手,一步踏出,数里地倒退而去,直接到了楚风眼前,单手向前轰杀,飞扬而自负,金色长发飞舞,能量激荡,非常的凌厉! In the sky erupts the dazzling light, Chu Feng just like scarlet red Undying Bird, the whole body plume feather clank makes noise, must puncture thoroughly void, radiant incomparable. 天空中爆发刺目的光,楚风宛若一头赤红色的不死鸟,周身翎羽铮铮作响,要刺透虚空,璀璨无比。 This is life and death big preying, Chu Feng also makes True Fire, moved the anger, he in the situation that hopes to fight directly kills this person, thought that the person of chaos universe is too wild. 这是一场生死大搏杀,楚风也打出真火,动了怒意,他希望正面交手的情况下干掉此人,觉得混沌宇宙的人太猖狂。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Intense preying, during dozens collisions, Luo Yong unexpectedly, only then a hand, is shouldering another, the bang goes unceasingly forward. 激烈搏杀,数十次碰撞间,罗雍居然真的只有一只手,背负着另一手,不断向前轰去。 The people change countenance, although looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes, but he really exceptionally formidable, Sub Saint Level blood energy and fleshly body, regarding any person of Golden Body level are the nightmares, simply non-solution! 众人动容,虽然看他不顺眼,但是他真的异常强大,亚圣级血气肉身,对于任何金身层次的人来说都是噩梦,简直无解! Let alone the younger generation, is one crowd of old monsters in secret scratches the cold sweat, trades to do is they come up, it is estimated that was already hit to explode by Romanian Yong Sub Saint Level fleshly body, cannot support several moves! 别说年轻一代,就是一群老怪物都暗中擦冷汗,换作是他们上去,估计早已被罗雍亚圣级肉身打爆,支撑不了几招! If not Chu Feng's soul light enough shocking everybody, almost touches Sub Saint Dominion, is unable to prevent opposite party Sub Saint Level blood energy, is extremely fearful. 若非楚风的魂光足够的惊世骇俗,几乎触及亚圣领域,真的无法阻挡对方亚圣级血气,太过慑人。 That formidable fleshly body, as well as overflow boundless blood energy, the soul light ignitions of other Golden Body powerhouses, burns burn to ashes sufficiently. 那强大的肉身,以及溢出的磅礴血气,足以将其他金身强者的魂光点燃,焚烧成灰烬 Restrains soul light by fleshly body blood energy, crush all, this is in the fleshly body Sanctification terrifying path, once the promote step, in world Saint the rare person can be a worthy opponent! 肉身血气克制魂光,碾压一切,这是在走肉身成圣的恐怖道路,一旦晋阶,天下圣者中罕有人可以匹敌! The Chu Feng fingers/tiger mouth tears once more, has blood to drip to fall. 楚风虎口再次撕裂,有血淌落。 “Wú, is really fierce with anomaly fleshly body that day divine blood trains, but, those who let my accident/surprise is, the World of the Dead universe also has such extraordinary young expert, has blocked Luo Yong. ” “唔,用天神血培养出来的怪胎肉身果然厉害,但是,让我意外的是,阴间宇宙也有这么非凡的年轻高手,挡住了罗雍。” The distant place, some people were whispering, this person complexion shining white like the jade, was very delicate and pretty, similarly came from the chaos universe, was other small Saint. 远处,有人在低语,这个人脸色莹白如玉,十分俊美,同样来自混沌宇宙中,是另外的一尊小圣。 Others not knows, the person but who they come from the same universe is the understanding, knows Deity Race trains the successor how luxuriously, will use in the clan true day divine blood to boil down fleshly body. 别人不知道,但他们来自同一宇宙的人最是了解,都知道天神族培养接班人多么的奢侈,会动用族中真正的天神血熬炼肉身 At this moment, Luo Yong is also surprised, Chu Feng blocks him unexpectedly, great war about hundred rounds. 此刻,罗雍也深感意外,楚风居然挡住他,大战近百回合了。 He nodded, said: Can block my palm, pours also fiercely, can be my match, that again comes a hand, I thought that you can support several moves!” 他点了点头,道:“能挡住我一只手掌,倒也厉害,可以做我的对手,那就再来一只手,我看你能支撑几招!” He was shouldering a hand, now before also puts the body, the complexion is bringing sneering, stance that only I alone revere as before, the confidence is too strong. 他原本背负着一只手,现在也放到身体前,脸色带着冷笑,依旧一副惟我独尊的姿态,信心太强。 Male cousin, uses divine sense beating whip directly, a whip solves him to consider as finished, but also abandons any strength!” The lakeside, that person shouts to Romanian Yong, feared that has the accident/surprise. “堂兄,直接用打神鞭,一鞭解决掉他算了,还废什么力气!”湖边,那人冲着罗雍喊道,怕出现意外。 Luo Yong is proud indifferently, said: Shut up, I look at his a little meaning, some body ancient breathing method, being worth me studying.” 罗雍冷漠而自负,道:“闭嘴,我看他有点意思,身上有一些古老的呼吸法,值得我研究一番。” During the speeches, his aura was more abundant, compels toward Chu Feng. 说话间,他气息更盛了,向着楚风逼去。 Could see, this person is very unfeeling, now his mentality puts opens very much, is very self-confident, because of dying several younger male cousins, but the mood is unsatisfactory. 看得出,这个人真的很冷酷无情,现在他心态放的很开,无比自信,并未因死去几位堂弟而心情不佳。 Chu Feng sneers, said: Said resembles you to use so-called divine sense beating whip to kill me to resemble, if not under wants to think over the chaos universe top youth Overlord weight, wants to understand that outside the universe situation, I am disinclined so to pester with you.” 楚风冷笑,道:“说的好像你动用所谓打神鞭就能杀我似的,若非想掂量下混沌宇宙的顶级青年霸主的斤两,想了解外宇宙的情况,我才懒得跟你这般纠缠。” He has the Domain method, the person who now observes drew back to be far enough, if he displayed, activated rune in mountains, was insufficient to accidentally injure the four directions person. 他有场域手段,如今观战的人退出去足够远了,他若是施展,激活山川中的符文,不至于误伤四野的人。 Such that but just like he said that although in the heart has the anger, but also he wants to look at other universes the Evolver's strength conditions. 但正如他所说的那样,虽然心中有怒火,但是也他想看一看其他宇宙的进化者的实力状况。 In this service, Chu Feng realized that own deficiency, began a new career late in life, steps the road of evolution by no means since childhood, some places are not very really perfect. 在这一役中,楚风体会到了自身的不足之处,半路出家,并非从小踏上进化之路,有些地方果然不够完满。 If gives his personally written letter according to Foreign Territory yellow-haired fox, since childhood will train oneself to be stronger! 如果按照异域黄毛狐狸给他的手札来看,从小培养自身应该会更强! Had flash such, Chu Feng vacillated, thinks really very much cycle of reincarnation went to World of the Living, from the beginning started, cultivated the most perfect situation each evolution Realm, trained strongest successor the step on personally written letter according to World of the Living Supreme Being. 有这么一瞬间,楚风动摇了,真的很想转世轮回阳间,从头开始,将每一个进化境界都修炼到最完美的地步,按照阳间大能培养最强传人的手札上的步骤来。 Bang! 轰! great war continues. 大战继续。 Generally speaking, chaos universe formidable is above the Chu Feng's imagination, exceeds Foreign Territory these people! 总的来说,混沌宇宙的强大超乎楚风的想象,更胜过异域那些人! However, he pondered over slightly also understood, because the chaos universe takes two long absolutely, grasped to have formidable breathing method, thoroughly understood the technique of Foreign Territory. 不过,他稍微一琢磨也就明白了,因为混沌宇宙绝对是取两家之长,既掌握有强大的呼吸法,也通晓异域之术。 Chu Feng already knows, in the chaos universe had Divinity, some fiercest formidable race people have inherited Godhood! 楚风早已知道,混沌宇宙中有神祇,最厉害的强大种族都有人继承过神位 Where these do Godhood come? Stems from Foreign Territory! 那些神位哪里来的?出自异域 Moreover can go out from Foreign Territory, finally passes through the chaos sea Divinity, absolutely is most terrifying, they can be imagined in the fruit position that the chaos universe leaves behind. 而且能够从异域走出,最终穿越混沌海的神祇,绝对都是最恐怖的,他们在混沌宇宙留下的果位可想而知。 Once were inherited, that can create the favorable balance of trade god absolutely! 一旦被人继承,那绝对能造就出超神! But such family, that inside story then fearful was excessive, for example chaos Deity Palace, Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple, Myriad Gods Temple! 而这样的家族,那底蕴就可怕的过分了,比如混沌天神宫谪仙窟弥陀寺万神宫等! I must kill you, prepared?!” Luo Yongdan smiles, even more easy assurance, carefully looks to discover, has the golden blood energy tornado to rush in his outside the body, he in promotion strength, fleshly body even more dazzling, is the metal inscribes likely the symbol, gradually is radiant. “我要杀你,准备好了吗?!”罗雍淡笑,越发的从容自信,仔细看能够发现,在他的体外有金色血气旋风在澎湃,他在提升实力,肉身越发的炫目,像是金属般铭刻着符号,逐渐璀璨。 He is further saving the energy, must to Sub Saint fleshly body crush Chu Feng, then the bang kill side by side! 他在进一步积蓄能量,要以比肩亚圣肉身碾压楚风,而后轰杀! Because, he does not want to delay. 因为,他不想耽搁下去了。 Kills!” “杀!” great war even more intense, Luo Yong wields the palm suddenly, the whole person was similar to the beast of prey of prehistoric leaves the floodgate, as if rushed out the chaos, presented the world, must slaughter, conquers by killing the four directions. 大战越发的激烈,罗雍猛然挥掌,整个人如同史前的猛兽出闸,似乎闯出混沌,出现人间,要大开杀戒,血洗四方。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Intense preying, Chu Feng discovered that the fleshly body slight defect indeed makes him suffer a loss, so long as collides, his fingers/tiger mouth will be bloody, the both arms in the severe pain, may be able collapsing. 激烈的搏杀,楚风发现肉身的瑕疵的确让他吃了大亏,只要碰撞,他的虎口就会血流如注,双臂都在剧痛,有可能会崩断 His soul light cultivated the Golden Body end, but fleshly body also not with, some disappointment. 他的魂光修炼到了金身的尽头,可肉身还没有跟上来呢,有些缺憾。 In the past, he such barbarically dashed frequently, suppresses others, but oneself actually eats this type to owe now greatly. 过去,他经常这么野蛮冲撞,压制别人,但现在自身却吃了这种大亏。 If only then this method, wants to divert me through soul light, then, you can die, my fleshly body unparalleled, suppresses all soul techniques!” “如果只有这点手段,想通过魂光牵制我,那么,你可以去死了,我肉身无双,镇压一切魂术!” Small Saint Luo Yong said densely. 小圣罗雍森然说道。 Although he is very hateful, this conduct incomparably evil and cruel, however his strength indeed formidable oddness, is in the chaos universe one of the most formidable nine small Saints. 他虽然很可恶,这一次行事无比歹毒,但是他的实力的确强大的离谱,是混沌宇宙中最强大的九位小圣之一。 In Great Dream Pure Land, many lives leave worried look, many person sincerity hope that Chu Feng can win, wipes out this small Saint overbearing and self-confidence of outside universe, routs his undefeated halo. 大梦净土内,许多人生出忧色,不少人真心盼望楚风能够赢,打掉这来自外宇宙的小圣的霸道与自信,击溃他的不败光环。 However, the people saw Chu Feng to bleed, the fingers/tiger mouth was shattered by the formidable deity palm, both hands full were the motley scar and blood, including both arms in slight vibration. 然而,人们看到楚风流血了,虎口被强大的天神掌震裂,双手满是斑驳伤痕与血,连双臂都在轻微的抖动。 The people do not realize wonderfully, felt that Chu Feng was dangerous. 人们意识到不妙,感觉楚风危险了。 Especially Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others the each and every one complexion is ugly, can Chu Feng defeat unexpectedly? 尤其是黄牛欧阳风东北虎等人一个个脸色难看,楚风居然要败了? Young Lady Xi maintains total silence, is carrying the Heavenly Dao umbrella, here unceasing thinking over, prepares the bang to exit at any time! 少女曦一语不发,拎着天道伞,在这里不断的掂量,随时准备轰出去! Chu Feng that the Qin Luoyin palpitation, her first discovery sweeps away all obstacles may be in danger unexpectedly, reveals the worried look, was worried very much. 秦珞音心悸,她第一次发现所向披靡的楚风居然也可能要遇险,露出忧色,很担心。 No way, can Chu Feng defeat?” 不会吧,楚风要败了?” Never has matter, outside is the universe person so unexpectedly fearful?” “从未有过的事,外宇宙的人竟然这么可怕吗?” People who across the universe, watches the live transmission are shocked, various noisy sounds resound, is unable to be tranquil. 宇宙各地,观看直播的人都震惊,各种嘈杂的声音响起,无法平静下来。 Luo Yong is similar to Divinity takes possession, overbearing incomparable, the light beam is dreadful, at the same time the bang kills forward, a sideband is smiling pale, said: Chu Feng, practicing of your stages have the slight defect, is not perfect, but, can fight unexpectedly such a long time with me, calculated well, you can start off!” 罗雍如同神祇附体,霸道无比,光束滔天,一边向前轰杀,一边带着淡笑,道:“楚风,你各阶段的修行都有瑕疵,不算完满,可是,竟能够跟我战斗这么长时间,也算不错了,你可以上路了!” Chu Feng both arms vibration, in the fingers full is the blood, the fingers/tiger mouth torn looking awful, even reveals the phalanx. 楚风双臂抖动,手指间满是血,虎口等都被撕裂的不成样子,甚至露出指骨。 As can be seen, has the light blue light in that dark red blood, is very gentle, clear translucent. 可以看到,在那殷红的血液中还有淡淡的蓝光,很柔和,晶莹透亮。 A Chu Feng sigh, said: Lacks corresponding some time to boil down, has not promoted fleshly body to the utmost, becomes this war biggest malpractice.” 楚风一声叹息,道:“缺少相应的一段时间去熬炼,没将肉身提升到极尽,成为此战最大的弊端。” He is summarizing, but is not depressed, is not discouraged, said: You use day divine blood to boil down formidable fleshly body, I use my blood to promote. Cannot think, first time activates in fight, actually uses in your service, you died can also die content!” 他在总结,但是却并不沮丧,也不气馁,道:“你用天神血熬炼出强大的肉身,我用自己的血提升上去。想不到,第一次在战斗中激活,却是用在跟你的一役中,你死也可以瞑目了!” Bang! 轰! Next quarter, the people felt that a piece of dazzling ray, the Chu Feng whole body is winding around the deep blue ray, the bright red blood that flows is flowing backwards, return within the body. 下一刻,人们感觉到一片刺目光芒,楚风周身缭绕着湛蓝的光芒,那流淌出的鲜红血液都在倒流,回归体内。 The person of being sharp-eyed discovered startled, the color of that blood as if changed, toward deep blue transformation! 眼尖的人愕然发现,那血液的颜色似乎变了,向着湛蓝转变! A small Saint of observing came from Myriad Gods Temple, he pupil projects astonishing divine glow immediately, talked to oneself surprised: Human King primary blood!” 观战的一位小圣来自万神宫,他顿时瞳孔射出惊人的神芒,吃惊自语道:“人王初级血液!” Bang! 轰隆! The world wants ruptured, Chu Feng's blood energy to rise suddenly likely, fills the air, fleshly body clear is all of a sudden radiant, after Human King blood activation, he was completely different. 天地像是要崩开,楚风的血气暴涨,弥漫而出,肉身一下子晶莹璀璨起来,人王血液激活后,他完全不同了。 „Do you want to kill me?!” He shouted. “你想杀我?!”他喝道。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng while shouts out, flushes away directly forward, lifts the fist to kill then the bang, leads an invisible territory, the suppression four directions! 楚风大喝的同时,直接向前冲去,举拳就轰杀,带动起一股无形的域,镇压四方! Bang! 砰! Luo Yong wields the golden fist, with Chu Feng shakes hardly at the same time, he is shocked, pupil contraction, because he felt that the severe pain of fist, just like had been pounded by Origin Metal. 罗雍挥动金色的拳头,跟楚风硬撼的同时,他震惊,瞳孔收缩,因为他感觉到了拳头的剧痛,宛若被母金砸中。 Takes the road of fleshly body Sanctification? Bullies me currently fleshly body to have the slight defect? That again tries, whom looks is the sediment!” “走肉身成圣之路?欺我目前肉身有瑕疵?那就再试试,看谁是渣子!” Bang! 轰! Chu Feng while shouts out, dark red blood energy is passing the deep blue brilliance, on, he just like Great Demonic God, the black long hair of hanging loose catches one deep blue to dazzle the light dreadfully, dazzling, this fist he just like leading the energy of suppression world, aggressive, but firm and fierce wields directly. 楚风大喝的同时,殷红血气透着湛蓝光彩,滔天而上,他宛若一尊大魔神,披散的黑色长发都染上一层湛蓝炫光,刺目之极,这一拳他宛若带动着镇压世间的能量,霸气而刚猛的直接挥动出去。 Luo Yong arm vibrates, fingers/tiger mouth hemorrhage, has torn, he really frightened incomparable, opposite party fleshly body unexpectedly becomes such tenacious and fearful. 罗雍手臂抖动,虎口出血,已经撕裂开来,他真的惊悚无比,对方的肉身居然变得这么坚韧与可怕。 Two people fight intensely, Luo Yong shocks, he realized that has met what kind of match, this is the Human King body, in the past once was known as that can suppress ten thousand clans! 两人激烈交手,罗雍震撼,他意识到遇上了怎样的对手,这是人王身,当年曾号称可以压制万族! Meanwhile, he was also rejoicing, fortunately is only the blue blood of first stage, the blood color also again has not changed! 同时,他也在庆幸,还好只是第一阶段的蓝血,血液色彩还没有再变! Does not want to suppress you really like this, but, I must acknowledge, my fleshly body also a little slight defect, needs to polish, therefore, you give me dead especially!” Chu Feng was wild. “真不想这样压制你,但是,我得承认,自己的肉身还有点瑕疵,需要打磨一番,所以,你特么给我去死吧!”楚风狂暴了。 Great Dream Pure Land, is across the universe, all people are stunned, because present Chu Feng was too terrifying, the winding around blue color thunder, graces, passes sends out the Sub Saint aura. 无论是大梦净土,还是宇宙各地,所有人都愕然,因为现在的楚风太恐怖了,缭绕蓝色雷霆,举手投足,透发出亚圣气息。 His did fleshly body enter Sub Saint Dominion? The people amazed suspicion. 他的肉身进入亚圣领域了?人们惊诧的怀疑。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In such in a minute, Chu Feng and small Saint Luo Yong collided dozens times, no longer is Chu Feng's fingers/tiger mouth ruptured, but is Luo Yong both arms convulsion, whole body bloodstain, his hit flies horizontally. 就在这么片刻间,楚风与小圣罗雍碰撞了数十次,不再是楚风的虎口崩开,而是罗雍双臂痉挛,满身血迹,他被打的横飞出去。 Human King bloodline reveals itself, must kill him, otherwise, troubled in a big way!” In Luo Yongxin trembles, destroys completely while the present is the best opportunity. 人王血统出世,得干掉他,不然,麻烦大了!”罗雍心中震颤,趁现在灭掉才是最好的机会。 However, he was disappointed, he slightly makes a determined effort, Chu Feng puts on his golden color to protect the body light screen then a fist bang, strikes on his face, his mouthful that hits is the blood, the brain buzzes, the head is almost split up. 然而,他失望了,他才稍微发狠,楚风就一拳轰穿他的金色护体光幕,击在他的脸上,打的他满嘴是血,脑子嗡嗡作响,头颅差点四分五裂。 Bang! 砰! Then, Chu Feng flies high treads, flies, afterward made up a fist that he kicks, the bang has carried on the back after his, nearly passed through, the blood scattered. 接着,楚风凌空一踏,将他踢的飞起,随后又补了一拳,轰在他的后背上,近乎贯穿,血液四溅。
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