SR :: Volume #9

#873: Who is rampant

( On a chapter of slip of the pen, should be Chu Feng kills Rochon, first revised.) (上章一处笔误,应是楚风杀罗尚,第一时间修正了。) The Chu Feng look is very cold, the in the eyes golden color symbol appears, cold is staring at him, strolls in void, compels forward. 楚风神色很冷,双目中金色符号浮现,冷冽的盯着他,也在虚空中漫步,向前逼去。 He naturally can feel the great strength of this person, by far past match, his heart has the anger today at the same time, is indistinct the militant blood also to surge. 他自然能够感受到此人的强大,远胜以往的对手,今日他心有愤怒的同时,隐约间好战的血液也激荡起来。 Recently, his crush match, little bumped into endures with the contemporaries who fought, now precisely opportunity. 最近,他一路碾压对手,很少碰到堪与一战的同代人,现在正是机会。 „The small Saint of chaos universe, the most powerhouse of clan, I anticipated actually very much!” “混沌宇宙的小圣,一族的最强者,我倒是很期待!” The Chu Feng's aura is rising suddenly, he wants through thinking over small Saint in another piece of universe, understood that outside the universe topest youth powerhouse is fearful. 楚风的气息在暴涨,他想通过掂量另外一片宇宙中的小圣,来了解外宇宙最顶尖青年强者到底多可怕。 In his heart has the consideration, the World of the Dead universe must depart eventually, he must go to World of the Living, the standard of extremely fierce youth naturally thinking other knows universes. 他心中有思量,阴间宇宙终究是要离去的,他要去阳间,自然想知道其他宇宙的绝顶厉害青年的水准。 Therefore, he does not have first to use Domain, some matches, some people, must experience, true understood. 所以,他没有第一时间动用场域,有些对手,有些人,必须要去经历,真正的去了解。 Chu Feng at this moment is the same with Romanian Yong, all over the body is rune, the energy crazily promotes, two people more walk are nearer, non- full amount ten zhang (3.33 m) in universe. 此刻的楚风跟罗雍一样,遍体都是符文,能量疯狂提升,两人越走越近,在天宇上不足数十丈了。 To this character, such short distance with standing does not have anything to distinguish in several chi (0.33 m)! 对这种人物来说,这么短的距离跟站在数尺内没什么区别! Bang!” “轰!” Finally, two people erupt, charge into the same place, take action whole-heartedly, Luo Yong comes up is a deity palm, the golden palm refers to just like the dust pan is so big, this is fleshly body, is not the energy, must pat the broken world simply! 终于,两人爆发,冲向一起,全力以赴的出手,罗雍上来就是一记天神掌,金色掌指宛若簸箕那么大,这是肉身,不是能量所化,简直要拍碎天地! I scratch!” “我擦!” Nearby, is Ouyang Feng is surprised, this so-called small Saint blood energy was too formidable, he felt Sub Saint unique compelling person internal energy. 附近,就是欧阳风都大吃一惊,这个所谓的小圣血气太强大了,他感觉到了亚圣特有的迫人气机 Other people are scared, many guests draw back draw back again, but now by that dreadful blood energy impact staggers to back up, some people throw down directly. 其他人更是胆寒,许多宾客一退再退,但现在还是被那滔天的血气冲击的踉跄倒退,一些人直接摔倒。 What Chu Feng use is Vairocana Fist, what revolution is Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, this fist technique and breathing method have agreed with, had the potential of common origin. 楚风动用的是大日如来拳,运转的是大雷音呼吸法,这种拳法呼吸法太契合了,本就有同源之势。 His whole body illumination, is similar to young Divinity, own condition erupted the pinnacle, collides with the deity palm of opposite party. 他浑身发光,如同一位年轻的神祇,自身的状态已经爆发到极致,跟对方的天神掌碰撞。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! In such suddenly, two people is similar to two lightnings pesters, arrives quickly inconceivable, just like must hit to explode void, the air already had the large explosion, is similar to the Immortal Vapours white air current surges fiercely! 就在这么瞬息间,两人如同两道闪电纠缠,快到不可思议,宛若要打爆虚空,空气早已发生大爆炸,如同仙雾般的白色气流剧烈激荡! But energy flux that runs out of high-speed, then sweeps across four directions, some under mountain tops directly tremble, the crack, even blasts out. 而高速冲出的能量流,则席卷四野,下方有些山头都直接颤栗,龟裂,甚至炸开。 If not there is formidable Domain to bury in the mountain massif, even if spiritual mountain must explode broken, even if so, the summit is damaged, obviously such fighting how intense. 若非有强大的场域埋在山体内,哪怕是灵山也要爆碎,即便如此,山巅还是受损,可见这样的交手多么的激烈。 Two people are similar to two golden lightnings, fast acts in the midair, and is pestering, erupts murderous intention, collides unceasingly, erupts dazzling ball of light time and time again, just like nuclear explosion! 两人如同两道金色的闪电,在半空中飞快动作,并纠缠着,爆发杀机,不断碰撞,一次又一次爆发出刺目的光团,宛若核爆! Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng and small Saint Luo Yong respectively fly upside down, two people vision radiantly, indifferently is all staring at the opposite party, feels the uncommonness of match. 楚风与小圣罗雍都各自倒飞出去,两人目光皆非常璀璨,冷漠地盯着对方,都感觉到对手的不凡。 However, the people realize keenly, Chu Feng's both hands are bleeding, his fingers/tiger mouth split, in addition the meat between other fingers have the fissure, bloody. 不过,人们敏锐的察觉到,楚风的双手在淌血,他的虎口裂开了,此外其他手指间的肉也有裂痕,血流如注。 On the other hand, on small Saint Luo Yong both hands good many, not to have bled, mildly like jade. 相对来说,小圣罗雍的双手好上许多,没有流血,温润如玉。 At this moment, in Great Dream Pure Land silent, square guests silent, very shock, is Dao Race, Corpse Race and Buddha Race's elders changes countenance, is very surprised. 这一刻,大梦净土中寂静,四方宾客都无声了,非常的震撼,就是道族尸族佛族的长老都动容,无比吃惊。 Because, in the impressions of all people, Chu Feng is invincible, now outside abatement Wu Lunhui, he almost can suppress the contemporaries. 因为,在所有人的印象中,楚风是无敌的,现在除却一个吴轮回外,他几乎已经能够压制同代人。 But now unexpectedly some people resist with all one's strength him, even occupies the place above slightly, making Chu Feng fingers/tiger mouth tearing, both hands bleed, is this how formidable and fearful energy? 而现在居然有人力敌他,甚至略微占据上方,让楚风虎口撕裂,双手淌血,这是多么强大与可怕的能量? Across the universe, the people also suddenly lose one's voice, does Great Demon Chu Feng have to fall on leeward? On has been suppressing various clan Holy Son and Divine Maiden from birth to the present, today unexpectedly could capsize! 宇宙各地,众人也一时间失声,楚风大魔头也有落在下风的时候?从出世到现在就一直在镇压各族圣子神女,今天居然可能要翻船! Sub Saint fleshly body......” Chu Feng is staring at him, in the heart is somewhat dignified, this looks like the appearance ordinary youth, its fleshly body was too tenacious. 亚圣肉身……”楚风盯着他,心中有些凝重,这个看起来容貌普通的青年,其肉身太坚韧了。 The clarity that his Discerning Eyes looks , the fleshly body embodiment of opposite party holds boundless blood energy, even if not calculate true Sub Saint Level fleshly body, differs not far! 他的火眼金睛看的清楚,对方的肉身内蕴含着磅礴的血气,哪怕不算真正的亚圣级肉身,也相差不远! Is this practices? Make him very surprised, wants the knows opposite party is very young, has arrived this step, will fleshly body become Sub Saint? 这是怎么练成的?让他很吃惊,要知道对方还很年轻,就已经走到这一步,肉身将成亚圣 You are very strong, soul light concise like divine rainbow, is not the average person can cultivate successfully, but fleshly body is too disappointing, is uncoordinated with your soul light, although you are good, insufficiently I kill.” “你很强,魂光凝练如神虹,不是一般人可以修成的,但是肉身太差劲,跟你的魂光不协调,你虽然不错,还是不够我杀。” Luo Yong review, shoulders a hand lightly, walks forward, then of bang, he turns another, wanted to be overbearing than and violent a moment ago. 罗雍淡淡地点评,背负一只手,向前走来,然后轰的一声,他轮动另一手,比刚才还要霸道与猛烈。 That hand turns into the grinding pan to be big, all over the body is the golden color, inscribes rune, is similar to the gold casts, passes sends this to let the person palpitation the energy. 那只手化成磨盘大,通体都是金色,铭刻符文,如同黄金铸成般,透发这让人心悸的能量。 The Sub Saint aura was stronger, uses fleshly body just like Sub Saint, suppresses the square enemy! 亚圣气息更浓烈了,宛若一尊亚圣动用肉身,压制四方敌! In fact, if traded to be the average person already unable to bear, once the Sub Saint aura revealed that was not same step must tremble directly, quite the same as weak on the ground. 事实上,如果换做一般人早就受不了,亚圣气息一旦泄露,不是同阶者直接就要颤栗,浑然瘫软在地上。 Has moistened a Saint character, that completely will be different, as far apart as heaven and earth! 沾了一个圣字,那将完全不同,天地之差! Is good is also formidable because of Chu Feng enough, its soul light has come to the Golden Body end, touches Sub Saint Dominion slightly, therefore has such strong strength, here resists with all one's strength Luo Yong. 好在楚风也足够强大,其魂光已经走到金身的尽头,略微触及到亚圣领域,所以才有这么强的战力,在这里力敌罗雍。 Otherwise, he could not have withstood, does not use the Domain words, not having the Golden Body level powerhouse to prevent the terrifying blood energy impact of Sub Saint Level fleshly body. 不然的话,他还真承受不住,不动用场域的话,没有金身级强者能阻挡亚圣级肉身的恐怖血气冲击。 At this moment, the world thunders, when that grinding pan big golden color palm pounds, the void fulmination, rune obviously, covers the Chu Feng whole body below. 此刻,天地轰鸣,那只磨盘大的金色手掌砸下来时,虚空爆鸣,符文显化,将楚风全身都笼罩在下。 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng has not chosen, uses Light of Yin-Yang directly, displays to be able with Five Coloured Divine Light this type not to have thing not broken big divine ability divine technique side by side! 楚风没有选择,直接动用阴阳之光,施展可以跟五色神光这种无物不破的大神通比肩的神术 Otherwise, fleshly body resists this person indeed to suffer a loss! 不然的话,肉身对抗此人的确要吃大亏! He once entered Foreign Territory, cultivates Golden Body level most profound Realm soul light, but fleshly body keeps the World of the Dead universe, even if after coming back, has the divine medicine bubble baptism, but also eventually lacks the precipitation, has the slight defect, but also is not very complete. 他曾进入异域,将魂光修炼到金身层次最高深境界,但是肉身留在阴间宇宙,哪怕回来后有神药液滴洗礼,但也终究缺少沉淀,有瑕疵,还不够圆满。 This is the Chu Feng current flaw, requires certain time then to boil down, otherwise, wants fleshly body really same as soul light, he already attacked Sub Saint Realm! 这是楚风目前的缺陷,需要一定的时间去接着熬炼,不然的话,真要肉身魂光一样至强,他早就冲击亚圣境界了! Buzz! 嗡! Void, Light of Yin-Yang passes, twines the black and white two air/Qi, divine light is startled, making all troops greatly be vibrated, fearful and apprehensive. 虚空中,阴阳之光流转,缠绕黑白二气,神光惊空,让各方人马都大受震动,心惊肉跳。 As thunders, the void fierce large explosion, two people separate once more, Light of Yin-Yang blocks the deity palm of opposite party, this to both share the limelight. 随着一声轰鸣,虚空中剧烈的大爆炸,两人再次分开,阴阳之光挡住对方的天神掌,这一次平分秋色 Male cousin, did not use the cat play mouse, hurried to kill him, you were our piece of universe small Saints, in this small World of the Dead universe, what must whet oneself, cut to kill him directly, this place who endured with you fights?!” “堂兄,不用猫戏老鼠了,赶紧杀了他,你是我们那片宇宙的小圣,在这小小的阴间宇宙中,何需磨砺自身,直接斩杀他,此地谁堪与你争锋?!” Even if in the chaos universe, obtains the small Saint title is about nine people, is various clan generation of most powerhouses, a person can a crush piece of same step powerhouse, push sufficiently horizontally, peer the is difficult to meet the anti- hand. 哪怕是在混沌宇宙中,获得小圣称号的也不过九人,都是各族这一代的最强者,一个人可以碾压一片同阶强者,足以横推过去,同辈难逢抗手。 Naturally, the premise is nine small Saints does not meet, nine worlds do not have great war. 当然,前提是九位小圣不相遇,九人间不发生大战 "hē hē, Chu Feng, Demon Chu, matches to call the demon depending on you, matches to call Divine King depending on you, is really the joke, once went to outside the universe, you will feel own tiny! ” “呵,楚风,楚魔头,凭你也配称魔,凭你也配称神王,真是笑话,一旦去了外宇宙,你才会感觉到自身的渺小!” Near the lakeshore, another person has the hatred saying that died two younger male cousins, in his heart the indignation is incomparable. 湖岸边,另一人带着恨意说道,死了两个堂弟,他心中愤慨无比。 However, he makes Chu Feng very repugnant and repugnant! 但是,他却让楚风十分反感与讨厌! Male cousin, strives for a fist bang to explode him, then earlier goes to into the nuptial chamber. Haha, Chu Feng, your knows, you did not have the opportunity to be the bridegroom, today makes my male cousin displace, you roll on the ground submit, waits to be killed! Haha......” “堂兄,争取一拳轰爆他,然后早点去入洞房。哈哈,楚风,你还不知道吧,你没机会做新郎了,今天让我堂兄取而代之,你还是滚在地上臣服吧,等着被杀!哈哈……” This words exit|to speak, the scene in an uproar, static that then the eruption soars to the heavens. 这种话语一出口,现场哗然,而后爆发冲天的杂音。 In the universe, various clans have also shocked, these people of courage were too big, arrives at the wedding scene, has abducted the bride? No wonder Great Demon Chu Feng such is furious. 宇宙中,各族也都震惊了,这几人胆子太大了,来到婚礼现场,掳走了新娘?难怪楚风大魔头这么震怒。 Trades to do is who cannot bear, inevitably or dies continuous, dies to fight with the opposite party. 换作是谁也受不了,必然要不死不休,跟对方死战到底。 Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old monster startled anger occur simultaneously, they have not wanted to open the mouth, after all this matter little say to wonderfully, will trace more is blacker, but is unable to restrain now. 大梦净土的一群老怪物惊怒交加,原本他们还不想开口,毕竟这种事少说为妙,会越描越黑,但现在无法克制。 Meanwhile, they also rejoiced, good Chu Feng retrieves Qin Luoyin ahead of time, a while please leave Holy Daughter, can be very good and truncates the face of opposite party ruthlessly. 同时,他们也庆幸,还好楚风提前救回秦珞音,一会儿请出圣女,可以很好与狠狠地削对方的脸。 At this time, in universe, wanted the large explosion, many Cultivator shocked, boiled noisily heavenshaking. 此时,宇宙中,也要大爆炸了,许多修士震惊,喧沸震天。 You damn!” Chu Feng cold sound said. “你们都该死!”楚风寒声道。 What damn is you, kills my younger male cousin, the crime does not have the amnesty!” Luo Yong sneers saying that one step takes is ten li (0.5 km), arrived at the Chu Feng's near instant, lifts the fist to kill then the bang, the dreadful energy ray vibrates four directions, making all Evolver tremble. “该死的是你,杀我堂弟,,罪无可赦!”罗雍冷笑道,一步迈出就是十里地,刹那到了楚风的近前,举拳就轰杀,滔天的能量光芒震动四野,让所有进化者都颤栗。 The people realized, Chu Feng has the enemy, this person was too fearful, a strength shocks everybody! 人们意识到,楚风有敌,这个人太可怕了,一身实力惊世骇俗! Kills your younger male cousin, I am open and aboveboard, not only that I must be in front of your to kill them, finally kills you again!” Chu Feng said cold and gloomy. “杀你堂弟,我堂堂正正,不仅如此,我还要当着你的面杀他们,最后再杀你!”楚风森冷地说道。 Because, his three people to lakeside loathes extremely, these words went too far. 因为,他对湖边的那三人极其厌恶,那些话语太过分了。 Chu Feng saw that all guests fall back on enough go far away, activates piece of Domain of lakeside decisively, when collides with Romanian Yong intensely, to its several younger male cousin also under extreme methods. 楚风看到所有宾客都退到足够远去,果断激活湖畔的一片场域,在跟罗雍激烈碰撞之际,对其几位堂弟也下死手。 "Um? It is not good! ” The lakeside, a person yelled frightened, is Luo Yong younger clan cousin, he spirit furnace that turns into by the symbol is covered by one, struggles furiously, but, in Chu Feng along with the sky scolds lightly: Kills!” “嗯?不好!”湖边,一人惊悚大叫,是罗雍的族弟,他被一座由符号化成的灵炉笼罩,奋力挣扎,但是,随着天空中楚风一声轻叱:“杀!” Finally, he bang one sound changed becomes one group of blood mist, explodes in the furnace. 结果,他砰的一声化成一团血雾,在炉中爆开。 "Ah...... ” another person also yelled, is received by the cauldron that Domain rune turns into, how regardless to resist uselessly, bang, disintegrates there, the blood scatters. “啊……”另一人也大叫,被一座场域符文所化成的鼎收进去,无论怎么抗争都无用,砰的一声,也在那里解体,血液四溅。 You dare!” Luo Yong is furious, is not the grieved younger male cousin tragic death, his very unfeeling, is very callous, because they die in his at present, making him be reflected badly, deeply feels angry. “你敢!”罗雍震怒,不是心痛堂弟惨死,他这个人很绝情,也很冷酷,而是因为他们死在他的眼前,让他颜面无光,深感恼怒。 Bang! 轰! He shoots a flag suddenly, departs instant, inserts in the lakeside, flap flap makes noise, was Divine Magnetic Flag, the anchorage the ground, has preserved the last younger male cousin finally. 他猛然掷出一杆大旗,刹那飞出,插在湖边,猎猎作响,是神磁旗,定住了地面,总算保住了最后一位堂弟。 How, to be in front of your to kill your younger clan cousin!” Chu Feng said callously, is being in sharp opposition obviously, isn't more rampant than the ruthless ratio? Who fears whom! “如何,当着你的面杀你族弟!”楚风冷酷地说道,明显是在针锋相对,不是比狠比嚣张吗?谁怕谁! Meanwhile, Qin Luoyin walks, slender and wispy, the graceful bearing is peerless, but in the beautiful face full is baleful aura, is hostile toward the outside territory Luo Family person. 与此同时,秦珞音走来,袅袅娜娜,风姿绝世,但美丽面孔上满是煞气,仇视域外罗家人。 The people in an uproar, hasn't Qin Luoyin been taken prisoner? 人们哗然,秦珞音没有被掳走? Across the universe, saw that this person also grew the one breath, Qin Luoyin's supports the wholesale to feel relieved. 宇宙各地,看到这一幕的人也都长出一口气,秦珞音的拥趸放心了。 „The chaos Deity Palace's person is very shameless!” At this moment, the Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters erupt, reveal the Luo Family person to kill people at the wedding despicably, does not let off the maidservants, wants to rob the bride, said the outcome. “混沌天神宫的人很无耻!”这一刻,大梦净土的老怪物们爆发,揭示罗家人卑劣地在婚礼上杀人,连侍女都不放过,想要抢走新娘,道出究竟。 This naturally triggers the earthquake, many guests are very immediately repugnant, loathe the chaos Deity Palace's person, thought that they are very mean and evil and cruel. 这自然引发大地震,许多宾客顿时都很反感,厌恶混沌天神宫的人,觉得他们很下作与歹毒。 Is really shameless enough, thoughts are cruel, want to substitute for the bridegroom, thus carries on the shame, was too virulent!” Many people cursed. “真够无耻的,心思阴损,想要取代新郎,从而进行羞辱,太恶毒了!”许多人大骂。 Across the universe, countless people cursed, thought that these people were too not concerned about face with were sinister, when executed! 宇宙各地,无数人诅咒,觉得这几人太不要脸与毒辣了,当诛! Is impossible, my several father's cousin's sons?!” Near the lakeshore, was preserved that person of startled anger of life by the flag, shouts loudly. “不可能,我的几位堂兄弟呢?!”湖岸边,被大旗保住性命的那人惊怒,大声喊道。 My that three younger clan cousins?!” In the sky, Luo Yong complexion ice is also cold. “我那三位族弟呢?!”天空中,罗雍也脸色冰寒。 Was butchered by me, has not remained!” Chu Feng said lightly, adds: Exploded weakly!” “都被我宰了,一个没剩!”楚风平淡地说道,又补充道:“弱爆了!” Adjustment refresh time, finally...... Also double zhuo to was very late, I thought, I in using Reincarnation in practical action explanation book, another Reincarnation, under us Reincarnation said goodbye. 调整更新时间,结果……又双叕到很晚了,我觉得,我在用实际行动阐释书中的轮回,又一个轮回啊,咱下个轮回再见。
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