SR :: Volume #9

#872: The world has the enemy

In the pure land, the beautiful mountain peak fluctuates, the strange flower different tree are many, spits the rosy cloud to split auspicious, has the giant lake deep blue and clear, hikes up is similar to an immortal rosy cloud mist. 净土中,秀丽山峰起伏,奇花异树很多,吐霞绽瑞,更有巨大的湖泊湛蓝而晶莹,飘起如同仙道云霞般的雾气。 No one has thought, will have the fierce struggle before the clear lake of grass bank only, was too sudden! 谁都没有想到,在绿茵地畔的澄净湖泊前会发生激斗,太突然了! What is most essential, one of them is a bridegroom, fights the air/Qi to rush, sends out the astonishing light beam, flies high, has slaughtered. 最为关键的是,其中一人是新郎,战气澎湃,散发惊人的光束,凌空而起,已经大开杀戒。 In this short instance, a Chu Feng fist foot, has rumbled to kill two big expert, normal this within the body contains Sub Saint source Evolver to be fearful, the World of the Dead universe younger generation wants to kill this character, was too difficult. 就在这短暂的瞬间,楚风一拳一脚而已,就已经轰杀两大高手,正常来说这种体内蕴藏亚圣本源的进化者非常可怕,阴间宇宙年轻一代想杀这种人物,太艰难了。 However, Chu Feng Lightning Fist, electric arc ten thousand, just like destroying void, looks to put on eternal, under fearful golden fist mark, that person blasts out. Meanwhile, Chu Feng also while still alive kicks to explode another person, the prestige of thunder, nurses hatred take action, makes that person of blood dye the lawn directly, making the tranquil great lake great waves strike the day. 然而,楚风一记闪电拳,电弧万道,宛若打碎虚空,望穿永恒,在可怕的金色拳印下,那人炸开。同时,楚风还将另一人活活踢爆,雷霆之威,含恨出手,直接让那人血染草坪,让平静大湖浪涛击天。 This is the gesture, the Chu Feng's fight starts, simply has not terminated, the person stared by that small Saint in the midair, rumbled. 这才是起手式,楚风的战斗才开始,根本没有完结,人在半空中就已经被那位小圣盯上,轰了过来。 Has saying that the small Saint from chaos universe is too fearful, graces, the world trembles, four directions spiritual mountain is shaking, the giant stone tumbles, but the square ground as well as the near lawn present the fissure, the energy that this person sends out is really terrifying! 不得不说,来自混沌宇宙中的这位小圣太可怕,举手投足,天地颤栗,四野灵山都在摇动,巨石翻滚,而广场的地面以及近前的草坪都出现裂痕,这个人散发的能量实在过于恐怖! Bang, his fist flies high the right foot that treads to hit with Chu Feng in the same place, simply likely is the comet hit earth, is sending out the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering ray, finally the crash, the destructive aura erupts, sweeps away ten sides! 砰的一声,他的拳头跟楚风凌空踏过来的右脚撞在一起,简直像是彗星撞击大地,散发着惊天动地的光芒,最后坠毁,毁灭性气息爆发开来,横扫十方! Has saying that the small Saint outside universe was too formidable, the whole body is spurting thin divine light, is similar to the flame is beating, that is the most flaming energy, is exuberant and scary, covers his whole body, he likely is a round scorching sun. 不得不说,宇宙外的小圣太强大了,周身都在喷薄神光,如同火焰在跳动,那是最为炽盛的能量,旺盛而骇人,将他全身笼罩,他像是一轮骄阳。 At this moment, in the big collision, he is backing up, even if the ground has Domain to be been also broken by exploding that he steps on, the avalanche, simultaneously he passes sends out the fearful aura. 此刻,在大碰撞中,他在倒退,地面哪怕有场域也被他踩的爆碎,崩塌,同时他透发出慑人的气息。 But the Chu Feng person is in the midair, horizontally is flying, his first time is so surprised, since he has made a debut of a similar age has not run into such fearful match in the person. 楚风人在半空中,也在横飞,他第一次这么吃惊,自他出道以来在年龄相仿的人中还没有遇到过这么可怕的对手。 He is flying upside down backward, sole severe pain, the blood flow is impeded, bone just like breaking off generally! 他在向后倒飞,脚掌剧痛,血液流动不畅,骨头宛若折断了一般! Bang! 轰! Suddenly, he changes breathing method, revolution Young Lady Xi passes to his Undying Bird Race's incomplete breathing method, corresponded his current Realm enough to use. 瞬息间,他改变呼吸法,运转少女曦传给他的不死鸟族的残缺呼吸法,对应他目前的境界足够用了。 Among breaths, his whole body scarlet ray is dreadful, particularly sole there fiery red ball of light dazzling, likely is the magma spout, the flame surges, rushes, light intensity fluctuation. 一息间,他周身赤红光芒滔天,尤其是脚掌那里火红光团刺目,像是岩浆在喷涌,火光激荡,澎湃开来,能量起伏。 Then, his body sends out flip-flop the sound, that joint is moving, whole body radiance does in a big way, carefully looked, he just like was wrapped in the fiery red magma. 接着,他的身体发出噼啪之响,那骨节在移动,周身光华大作,仔细看,他宛若被包裹在火红的岩浆中。 Undying Bird Race, even if in World of the Living is also most top race, bird's eye view Great Desolate Earth, the challenge of fearless any ethnic group, in the clan has live incomparable remote Supreme Being to assume personal command. 不死鸟族,哪怕是在阳间也是最顶级的种族,俯瞰洪荒大地,无惧任何族群的挑战,族内有活的无比久远的大能坐镇。 breathing method of this clan most suits therapy, beyond comparison! 该族的呼吸法最适合疗伤,无以伦比! In an instant, the blood of Chu Feng sole was unobstructed, is flesh and bone damage on the slightly also restores, thorough was good. 刹那间,楚风脚掌的血液就通畅了,就是血肉与骨头上的略微损伤也恢复,彻底好了。 However, Chu Feng actually expression grave, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered each region, even if enters the universe, he first time so is passive, strikes, nearly suffers a loss. 但是,楚风神色凝重,纵横各地,哪怕进入宇宙,他还是第一次这么被动,一击而已,险些吃大亏。 Chu Feng, you dare to kill my person!” Small Saint Luo Yong withdraw sluggish the smiling face from chaos universe, the makings thoroughly changed, on the face is bringing murderous intention, the whole person is no longer languid, is similar to a leaves Divine Sword of sheath, the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), makes a great show of one's talents, many Evolver fine body hair that punctures is but actually vertical, backs up unceasingly. 楚风,你敢杀我的人!”来自混沌宇宙的小圣罗雍收起懒散的笑容,气质彻底变了,脸上带着杀机,整个人不再懒洋洋,如同一柄出鞘的神剑,金光万丈,锋芒毕露,刺的许多进化者寒毛倒竖,不断倒退。 In fact, many people had been attacked a moment ago, by this showdown the pressure of two fear, the body was trembled, some people fell down on the ground. 事实上,刚才已经有不少人受到冲击,被这对决的两人的威压所慑,躯体发抖,有些人已经栽倒在地上。 A babel of voices, at the wedding banquet puts together the liquor everywhere, the guests from universe ten thousand clans is strength uncommon Evolver, but now was peaceful. 原本人声鼎沸,婚宴上到处都是拼酒的,来自宇宙万族的宾客都是实力不凡的进化者,而现在安静了。 All people have tarried, no one has thought that at the wedding banquet will have the bloody conflicts, moreover is bridegroom take action, murderous aura fills Above the Heavens and Under the Earth. 所有人都呆住了,谁都没有想到,婚宴上会有流血冲突,而且是新郎出手,杀气弥漫天上地下 You are nothing, I not only need kill them, but must extinguish you!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, in his heart has one group of flame, after burning down, with soul light resonating. “你算个屁,我不仅要杀他们,还要灭了你!”楚风开口,他心中有一团火焰,焚烧起来后,与魂光共振。 Today, he moved real anger, this group of people are cruel and evil and cruel, only has to kill to leave foul odor cleanly. 今天,他动了真怒,这群人过于阴损与歹毒,唯有杀个干净才能出一口恶气。 He is not a person of bloodthirsty, but cannot contain today, this group of people went too far, harbors the full evil intention. 他不是一个嗜杀的人,但是今日遏制不住,这群人太过分了,怀着满满的恶意而来。 Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother!” “四弟,五弟!” The lakeside, with small Saint Luo Yong stands another three people yelled, the eye was already red like the blood, now wants to save cannot, the two were hit to explode by Chu Feng, only remaining blood and bones. 湖畔,跟小圣罗雍站在一起的另外三人大叫,眼睛早已赤红如血,现在想要挽救都不能,那两人被楚风打爆,只剩下血与骨。 Chu Feng, you are any thing, dares to kill our people,......” a person loudly called, was usually arrogant on is used to it, could not accept this reality. 楚风,你算什么东西,敢杀我们的人,啊啊啊……”其中一人大叫,平时高傲在上习惯了,根本接受不了这个现实。 They to look for Chu Feng's come, to want the cat play mouse troublesome, suffers and shames him, finally after he repairs the disabled person, has killed again it! 他们原本是为找楚风的麻烦而来,想要猫戏老鼠般,折磨与羞辱他,最后将他修理残废后,再一杀了之! How can expect, the opening such is not suitable, even can say pitifully, their younger male cousins died all of a sudden two, was hit to explode by a Chu Feng fist foot, dies not entire corpse. 怎能料到,开头就这么不顺,甚至可以说凄惨,他们的堂弟一下子死了两个,被楚风一拳一脚就打爆,死无全尸。 Drags in lots of people to come, must tease Chu Feng, the result instead is killed! 兴师动众而来,要戏虐楚风,结果反被杀! Had nothing saying that I executed you personally, does not need to toss about you slowly, the sediment, in my eyes your anything was not, died to me!” “没什么可说的,我亲手毙掉你,没有必要慢慢折腾你了,渣子,在我眼中你什么都不是,给我死!” Small Saint Luo Yong is the ordinary appearance, but now is extraordinary, is similar to can puncture thoroughly the vault of heaven divine spear, the golden light tears all materials, was too swift and fierce. 小圣罗雍不过是普通的容貌,但是现在却气质出众,如同一杆可以刺透天穹的神矛,金光撕裂一切物质,太凌厉了。 In his surroundings, these vegetation scraps, these landscape stone foot/enough have dozens over a hundred tons, now all floats in his all around, then also explodes broken, an invisible force field winds around in his all around, the aura is fearful. 在他的周围,那些草木炸碎,那些景观石足有数十上百吨重,现在全都在他的四周漂浮起来,而后也爆碎,一种无形的力场缭绕在他的四周,气息可怕。 Actually what's the matter, because of what?!” Nearby, many people are surprised, runs in abundance backward, the energy that because Luo Yong displays is too scary, who in who has bad luck, by the disaster of mackerel shad. “究竟怎么回事,到底因为什么?!”附近,许多人惊疑不定,纷纷向后跑,因为罗雍表现出来的能量太吓人,谁在近前谁倒霉,会遭池鱼之灾。 The famous elders of various clans have these Holy Son and Divine Maiden amazed inexplicable, does not find out the situation, completely not knows what's the matter. 各族的名宿还有那些圣子神女都惊诧莫名,根本不了解情况,完全不知道怎么回事。 Currently only has the Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform to be most pleasantly surprised, excitedly and arrives to shiver excitedly, this for them is best is the source material, sufficiently detonation eyeball. 现在唯有黑血平台、原兽平台最为惊喜,激动与兴奋到颤抖,这对他们来说是最好是素材,足以引爆眼球。 Considers at this widely-noted wedding, Great Demon Chu Feng murderous aura is boundless, with an incomparably fearful mysterious powerhouse to, hits to live to kill, has not compared this more explosive news. 试想在这种举世瞩目的婚礼上,楚风大魔头杀气无边,跟一个无比可怕的神秘强者对上,打生打死,没有比这更劲爆的新闻了。 Suddenly, major platform all Heavenly Eye aim at the lakeshore, capture field central two people, realized that the shocking storm must sweep across each region. 一时间,各大平台所有天眼都对准湖岸边,捕捉场中央的两人,都意识到有惊世风暴要席卷各地。 Where do this group of grandsons come?” Big Black Ox thoroughly has not sobered up now, discussed a throat, broke tranquilly. “这群孙子都是哪里来的?”大黑牛现在还没有彻底醒酒,嗷唠一嗓子,打破宁静。 hee-haw hee-haw, fucking, the day of my brother great happiness you also dare to create a disturbance, his heart may execute!” The Old Donkey also whole body liquor air/Qi exclaimed. 儿啊儿啊,特么的,我兄弟大喜的日子你们也敢来搅闹,其心可诛!”老驴也满身酒气地吼道。 By him, Holy Son reminded: Is the Chu Feng murder, a fist foot, kills two big expert continually!” 在他旁边,有一位圣子提醒道:“是楚风杀人,一拳一脚而已,连杀两大高手!” Old Donkey is speechless, but quick also responded, said: It can be imagined, air/Qi any appearance my brother, this crowd of Jun Tuo eggs, are willing to make to order the servant god altogether indignant matter, must result in puts to death!” 老驴无言,但很快又反应过来,道:“可想而知,将我兄弟气成什么样子,这群钧驮蛋,肯定做下人神共愤的事,必须得诛杀!” The scene cannot be quiet, the race number of only attending the wedding ten thousand, do not say that the specific number, did not have the edge boundlessly, all discussed that in intense and close gaze field. 现场不能平静,仅参加婚礼的种族数目就过万,就更不要说具体人数了,无边无沿,全都议论,紧张而密切的注视场中。 Person who in the universe, watches the live transmission now almost cooker. 宇宙中,观看直播的人现在几乎炸锅。 At first, all people stare dumbfounded, then all big change, boils sound resound throughout the skies noisily, occurred across various places. 起初,所有人都瞠目结舌,然后各方剧震,喧沸声响彻云霄,发生在各处各地。 Explosive news, the Great Demon Chu Feng's wedding gives birth to the giant accident, this comes the marriage by capture?” “劲爆消息,楚风大魔头的婚礼生出巨大变故,这是来抢婚的吗?” „It is not absolutely simple, dares domineering to look for Chu Feng's to be troublesome, these person of very powerful, had not seen that making the Chu Feng eye red, fearful!” “绝对不简单,敢强势找楚风的麻烦,这些人好强,没看到吗,让楚风都眼睛红了,可怕啊!” „Haven't you seen? Chu Feng with that person of showdown, had not gotten the winning side a moment ago, many to both share the limelight, came the person is the terrifying arrives simply weirdly, was too fierce!” “你们没看到吗?刚才楚风与那人对决,没有占据上风,最多平分秋色,来人简直是恐怖到邪门,太厉害了!” In the starry sky, presents giant disturbance. 星空中,出现巨大的风波。 Originally a widely-noted wedding, now as in live transmission, but the people pay attention has fought, many people are very excited, watching the fun does not dislike the matter to be big. 原本举世瞩目的一场婚礼,现在依旧在直播,但是人们关注的已是战斗,许多人都很兴奋,看热闹的不嫌事大。 Great Dream Pure Land, deep blue lake bank. 大梦净土,湛蓝湖泊畔。 Chu Feng, you give me dead!” Luo Yong stride forwards, the ordinary appearance also appeared under its formidable air/Qi field uncommon, whole body skin golden yellow, the pore spurted the thin flaming energy ray, he was similar to the deity world of mortals, walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, deterred various clan powerhouses! 楚风,你给我去死!”罗雍大步向前,平凡的容貌在其强大的气场下也显得不凡了,周身皮肤金黄,毛孔喷薄炽盛的能量光芒,他如同天神下界,龙行虎步,震慑各族强者! Chu Feng flies high to stand, murderous aura is stronger, said: What dying is you, cannot get away, I manage you to come from the chaos universe, is World of the Living, dares to create a disturbance my wedding, that does not die continuous, dies!” 楚风凌空而立,杀气更为浓烈,道:“死的是你们,一个都走不了,我管你们来自混沌宇宙,还是阳间,敢搅闹我的婚礼,那就不死不休,都去死!” He attacks once more, downward dive! 他再次出击,向下俯冲! Bang! 轰! The same time, Luo Yongtai hand, a golden arm appears, has the hundred zhang (333 m) to be long fully, searches void into, tears the mountain sufficiently easily. 同时间,罗雍抬手,一只金色的手臂浮现,足有上百丈长,探入虚空中,足以轻易撕裂大山。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng stands in the upper air, lifts the foot to tread first violently, the rune equalization leaves a big foot, similarly for dazzling energy. 楚风站在高空中,抬脚向先猛烈踏去,符文等化出一只大脚,同样为刺目的能量所化。 Deafening, the vault of heaven is shivering, is two Divinity separates likely spatially strikes, the universe trembles, surface ruptured, the quarry stone soars to the heavens on. 震耳欲聋,天穹都在颤抖,像是两尊神祇隔空一击,天宇都跟着颤栗,地表崩开,乱石冲天而上。 As for the lake , is startled the dreadful rough seas! 至于湖泊中,更是惊起滔天大浪! Kills my younger male cousin, you also dare outside the Unfettred method, I must hold a memorial service for my clan core juniors with a blood of your clan.” The small Saint Luo Yong voice is low and deep, but is having the formidable pressure. “杀我堂弟,你还敢逍遥法外,我要用你们一族的血祭奠我族核心子弟。”小圣罗雍声音低沉,但是却带着强大的威压。 Chu Feng knows, he said that was not only two people, There is still one moon/month ago Rochon, but, his heart slightly had the astonishment. 楚风知道,他说的不仅是刚才的两人,还有一个月前的罗尚,但是,他心头略有惊异。 One month ago, his incarnation becomes Wu Lunhui, is not Chu Feng, now is the opposite party assured is he? 一个月前,他化身成吴轮回,并不是楚风,现在对方怎么笃定是他? You recognized that I am a murderer?” He bears filled with killing intent, cannot bear ask. “你认定我是凶手?”他忍住满腔杀意,忍不住问道。 Bang! 轰! Small Saint Luo Yong rises straight from the ground, is similar to a Prehistoric Era flood dragon, whole body rune, must tear void, swims around the universe, he directly to/clashes, must kill Chu Feng. 小圣罗雍拔地而起,如同一条史前时代的蛟龙,满身符文,要撕裂虚空,游遍宇宙,他直接就冲上来,要杀楚风 Kills my clan core juniors, but also wants to get by under false pretences, you are too naive, die pity insufficient!” Luo Yong said, appears small monkey in his shoulder, unexpectedly lithical, only then the eye is the flesh, is very fearful, a both eyes jet black pallidness, passes sends out the black and white two ray of light glow, is very terrifying. “杀我族核心子弟,还想蒙混过关,你太天真,死不足惜!”罗雍说道,在他的肩头浮现一只小猴子,居然是石质的,只有眼睛是血肉,很可怕,双目一只漆黑一只煞白,透发出黑白两道光芒,很恐怖。 Inborn creature-- Yin-Yang monkey, has this type of thing unexpectedly!” “天生的生灵——阴阳猴,居然有这种东西!” At this time, a Sub Immortal Clan's old monster heart palpitated, felt that the fine body hair was but actually vertical, this was miraculous creature, after growing, absolutely was sacred. 这时,亚仙族的一个老怪物心头悸动,感觉寒毛倒竖,这可是一种神异生灵,成长起来后绝对就是神圣。 This thing is in stone embryo breeds, after hatching, an eye compared with Heavenly Eye also fierce, because it not only can look is very round, side by side Clairvoyant, but can also communicate the Yin-Yang, sees life and death internal energy, can explore person Yin-Yang life and death two air/Qi, thus locks. 这东西是石胎中孕育出来的,孵化出来后,一双眼睛比天眼通还厉害,因为它不仅能够看的很圆,比肩千里眼,还能沟通阴阳,看到生与死的气机,能探索一个人身上的阴阳生死二气,从而锁定。 Chu Feng has killed Rochon, is this Yin-Yang monkey discovery, recalls on him with an eye, induces before Rochon at the point of death picture. 楚风杀过罗尚,就是这头阴阳猴发现的,用一双眼睛在他身上回溯过去,感应到罗尚临死前的画面。 It can be said that this lifeforms goes against heaven's will very much! 可以说,这种生物很逆天! Naturally, its ability has the effectiveness, event in the past too after long time, it did not have the means to recall, an eye was impossible to understand thoroughly world all truth. 当然,它的这种本领有时效性,事件过去太长时间后,它就没有办法回溯了,一双眼睛不可能洞彻世间所有真相。 This thing is very fearful, not only the eye, the crying sound, curses simply!” Buddha Race's can the elder whole body be skinny painstakingly, but the golden light winding around body, just like respects the elders Buddha, opens the mouth in a low voice, narrated this lifeforms fierce place. “这东西很可怕,不只是眼睛,还有啼鸣声,简直是催命符!”佛族的苦能长老周身皮包骨头,但是金光缭绕身体,宛若一尊老佛,低声开口,讲述这种生物的厉害之处。 In this piece of universe, had also presented a head before, moreover grew, once killed some Shining Upon All Heavens giants, initiated the bleeding big disaster. 在这片宇宙中,以前也出现过一头,而且成长起来了,曾杀死一些映照诸天的巨头,引发流血大祸乱。 Good, Beast Source big being shattered time, once had presented such lifeforms, is very terrifying!” The Dao Race's elder supplemented. “不错,原兽大破灭时代,曾出现过一头这样的生物,很恐怖!”道族的长老补充。 A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman is very immediately anxious, reminded Chu Feng rapidly, was careful with the attention, was not wanting the say/way. 大梦净土的一位老妪顿时很焦急,迅速提醒楚风,小心与注意,不要着道。 Monkey, delivers him to start off!” In secret, small Saint Luo Yong opens the mouth, the facial color is indifferent, does not begin with oneself, must kill Chu Feng with a rare Yin-Yang monkey. “猴儿,送他上路!”暗中,小圣罗雍开口,面色冷漠,都不用自己动手,要用一只举世罕见的阴阳猴杀死楚风 The next quarter, that only stone Hou suddenly opens mouth, sends out sad and shrill calling out, it looks not in a big way, only then the palm of the hand is long, when called, the fearful heart and soul, coming from the malicious ghost of hell was scarier , the howl let many Evolver creepy feeling. 下一刻,那只石猴猛然张嘴,发出一声凄厉的嚎叫,它看着不大,只有巴掌长,但是叫起来时,慑人心魄,比来自地狱的恶鬼还要吓人,啸声让许多进化者都头皮发麻。 What is most important, after stone monkey shouts, attacks the innumerable ripples and symbols from its mouth, charges into Chu Feng there, not person in view of distant place. 最为重要的是,石猴嘶吼后,从它嘴里冲击出无数的涟漪与符号,都冲向楚风那里,并没有针对远处的人。 The people are panic-stricken, but hears the sound, had not been attacked by rune, their soul trembles, many people have bled profusely from the head, do not stand steadily, throws down on the ground, it can be imagined field central Great Demon Chu Feng experienced anything. 人们惊骇,只是听到声音,没有被符文冲击,他们就灵魂颤栗,有不少人已经七窍流血,站立不稳,摔倒在地上,可想而知场中央的楚风大魔头经历了什么。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng then activation piece of Domain, leaps high sky conveniently, protects in all around, however, when that stone monkey sound wave and rune attack, unexpectedly rips open Domain, strangles to death to him. 楚风顺手就激活一片场域,腾上高天,守护在四周,然而,那石猴音波与符文冲击过来时,居然撕开场域,向他绞杀过来。 Naturally, the sound wave and rune were weakened. 当然,音波与符文都被消弱许多。 shuā! 刷! The flash, Chu Feng stimulates to movement the Heaven and Earth treasure material, deducts own one God Level wonderful technique, Light of Yin-Yang blooms, stimulates to movement, falls in torrents to forward. 一刹那,楚风催动天地奇珍物质,演绎自己的一种神级妙术,阴阳之光绽放,催动出来,倾泻向前。 This is among his one killers, studies from Ying Zhexian there, is Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique part, practices in Foreign Territory! 这算是他的一种杀手间,从映谪仙那里学来,属于七宝妙术的一部分,在异域练成! Bang! 砰! The fierce collision, the big explosive sound resounds through the vault of heaven, the spatial warping, just like at the avalanche, shocks four directions, lets the person who across the universe watches this to fight with amazement. 剧烈的碰撞,大爆炸声响彻天穹,空间扭曲,宛若在崩塌,震惊四野,也让宇宙各地观看这一战的人骇然。 After strikes, the Chu Feng look is serious, so is fierce including a palm of the hand big stone monkey, he thought that belittled the contemporaries, outside the universe small Saint was very astonishing, was a very fearful enemy. 一击过后,楚风神色严肃,连一头巴掌大的石猴都这么厉害,他觉得过去太小觑同代人了,外宇宙的小圣很惊人,是一个十分可怕的敌人。 After cried, stone Hou was dispirited, was gloomy including the ray of both eyes, shrank one group, no longer moved. 一声啼鸣过后,石猴萎靡不振,连双目的光芒都暗淡了,缩成一团,不再动了。 Monkey is too immature, extremely protracted battle, otherwise, monkey kills you to be enough!” Small Saint Luo Yong from chaos universe said desolately, performs obviously is proud and despises. “猴儿还太幼小,不堪久战,不然,一只猴儿杀你足以!”来自混沌宇宙的小圣罗雍冷淡地说道,尽显自负与蔑视。 Meanwhile, he is also very heartless, two father's cousin's sons die at present, his mood fluctuation is not fierce, instead as before such callous. 同时,他也很无情,两个堂兄弟死在眼前,他都没有怎么情绪波动剧烈,反而依旧这么的冷酷。 This is a very fearful person. 这是一个很可怕的人。 Your life can end!” The small Saint Luo Yonghan sound said, takes a step in void, compels toward Chu Feng, is similar to Divine Demon goes on a journey, making other Evolver tremble. “你的性命可以终结了!”小圣罗雍寒声道,在虚空中迈步,向着楚风逼去,如同一尊神魔出行,让其他进化者颤栗。
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