SR :: Volume #9

#871: The anger of Demon King

On the Chu Feng face did not have the smiling face, looks like tranquil, but the eyeground deep place is very profound, is fermenting the storm, he goes to return, returns to the place of front lively scene. 楚风脸上没有了笑容,看起来平静,但是眼底深处十分深邃,酝酿着暴风骤雨,他去而复返,回到前方热闹之地。 Qin Luoyin enters in a bamboo grove when the midway, was protected with Domain by Chu Feng, wants her temporarily do not make an appearance. 秦珞音在中途时进入一片竹林中,被楚风场域保护起来,要她暂时不要露面。 Well, how does brother Chu Feng go to return?” An old man is surprised, simultaneously the winking eye, was teasing him, do not go to the nuptial chamber, how to come back? “咦,楚风兄弟怎么去而复返?”一位老者惊讶,同时眨眼睛,在取笑他,不是要去洞房吗,怎么又回来了? Hey, the brothers are you good, was not the kidney empty, how such quickly to come back?” Big Black Ox gets drunk, the mouthful liquor air/Qi, is holding in the mouth a big cigar at this time, faint came, on the mouth spoke does not evade. “嘿,兄弟你行不行,不是肾虚了吧,怎么这么快就回来了?”大黑牛喝醉,满嘴酒气,此时叼着一根大雪茄,晕乎乎地就过来了,嘴上说话一点也不避讳。 The Chu Feng serious color, bringing murderous aura to come, finally was given to dilute all of a sudden much by him, wants to hold down really his ox head, throws into the front great lake. 楚风原本一脸严肃之色,带着杀气而来,结果一下子被他给冲淡不少,真想按住他的牛头,扔进前方的大湖中。 Divine King Chu, didn't you say the spring evening moment value thousand gold (daughter)? How to have gone to into the nuptial chamber, don't tell me thinks us?” Sexy enchanting Holy Daughter sexually harasses, the pupil wave circulation, the lotus root arm is fair, the snake waist is slender and delicate, is swaying from side to side coming there. 楚神王,你不是说春宵一刻值千金吗?怎么没去入洞房,难道想我们了?”一个性感妖娆的圣女调戏,眸波流转,藕臂白皙,蛇腰纤柔,在那里扭动着过来。 One group of young men, in the eminent eyes of various clans reveal the color of difference, very much anticipated, the hope presents any accident all, best Great Demon Chu unable to enter the nuptial chamber to be good. 一群青年男子,各族的翘楚则眼中露出异样之色,都很期待,无不希望出现什么变故,最好楚大魔头无法入洞房才好。 At the same time, the person who across the universe is watching live transmission is also astonished, reveals the hope the look, because Qin Luoyin's supported the wholesale to be too many. 同一时间,宇宙各地正在观看直播的人也都讶异,露出希冀的神色,因为秦珞音的拥趸太多了。 Really happy, Great Demon Chu Feng has not gone to the nuptial chamber, don't tell me had the accident/surprise, quarrelled with Goddess Qin, therefore expelled him, haha!” “真开心,楚风大魔头没有去洞房,难道发生了意外,跟秦女神吵起来了,所以将他赶出,哈哈!” I anticipated very much, this wedding do not continue, does not think the goddess extreme danger in my heart really!” “我很期待,这场婚礼千万不要继续下去了,真不想我心中的女神羊入虎口!” In Star Sea is livelier than the wedding scene, countless people are surprised, stare the big pupil, the waiting newest result. 星海中比婚礼现场还热闹,无数人惊讶,瞪大眸子,等待最新结果。 On the spot, the Chu Feng smile, said: These many honored guests, how me possibly ahead of time go to the nuptial chamber, drank a moment ago too, awakes sobers up.” 现场,楚风微笑,道:“这么多贵客都在,我怎么可能提前去洞房,刚才喝酒太多,去醒一醒酒。” This, such being the case, we then drink!” Some youth came the spirit immediately, drank, but also wants to hold on Chu Feng, gives to get drunk him. “这样啊,既然如此,咱们接着喝!”一些青年顿时来了精神,原本都喝多了,还想拉住楚风,将他给灌醉。 The bleary eyes that let alone they, one crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains, Old Donkey, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Mastiff King and the others also drink are dim, that millennium aging is inappropriate, ten thousand years of king wine licks a point slightly intoxicant. 别说他们,昆仑的一群大妖,老驴东北虎獒王等人也都喝的醉眼朦胧,那千年陈酿让人受不了,万年王酒稍微舔上一点都醉人。 Now counted on again one crowd of big monsters help to keep off the liquor, that is not definitely good. 现在再指望一群大妖帮忙挡酒,那肯定不行了。 Brother, you walk into a trap, a while filling to fall face down by this group of bastards may not.” At this time (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger drinks were too many, is drawing Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter, is still hugging the Golden Wolf Holy Son's neck. “兄弟,你这是自投罗网,一会儿非被这群王八蛋给灌趴下不可。”东北虎此时喝的太多了,一手拉着九命猫族圣女,一手还在搂着金狼圣子的脖子呢。 The Golden Wolf Holy Son air/Qi to is not good, your this color tiger pulls up cat clan Holy Daughter, why also hugs him not to put, almost must go all out. 金狼圣子气到不行,你这头色虎撩猫族圣女也就罢了,为啥还搂着他不放,差点就要拼命。 If not Tyrant God Physique is eying covetously, is staring at him, he cannot endure absolutely. 若非霸神体在虎视眈眈,在盯着他,他绝对不能忍。 Had an accident?” Yellow Ox goes forward to ask low voice, it has not drunk. “出什么事了?”黄牛上前小声问道,它没怎么喝酒。 Meanwhile, Young Lady Xi has also collected, but the shining white the beautiful cheek is now ruddy, is hitting the young wine belch, is lazy and fragile, the star pupil is dim. 与此同时,少女曦也凑了过来,莹白而绝美的脸蛋现在红扑扑,打着小酒嗝,慵懒而娇气,星眸朦胧。 Ouyang Feng mouthful liquor air/Qi, but has also been very discrete, looks at Chu Feng, is very vigilant. 欧阳风满嘴酒气,但也一直很谨慎,看着楚风,十分警觉。 Chu Feng serious sound transmission, said in secret: Told the brothers, awoke to sober up to me, alerts, a while I must kill people, do not let that crowd of cruel generations take advantage of the chaotic wound to our people!” 楚风暗中严肃的传音,道:“告诉兄弟们,都给我醒一醒酒,戒备起来,一会儿我要杀人,别让那群阴损之辈趁乱伤到我们的人!” Then, he turns around to depart, the golden symbol appears in eyeground most deep place, he uses Discerning Eyes to sweep in the crowd, must find that cherish evil thought person. 然后,他就转身离去,金色符号在眼底最深处浮现,他动用火眼金睛在人群中扫荡,要将那心怀歹意的人都找出来。 His innermost feelings murderous aura rushes, wishes one could to execute that to harbor the outside territory small Saint that the virulent meaning comes immediately, these time dares such to aim at him unexpectedly, is sinister and cruel, arrogant was excessive, but also does the delusion change the bridegroom? Shame person very! 他内心杀气澎湃,恨不得立刻毙掉那怀着恶毒之意而来的域外小圣,这一次居然敢这么针对他,毒辣而阴损,同时也飞扬跋扈的过头了,还妄想换新郎?辱人太甚! Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng in Chu Feng has transferred the body instant, the liquor all awoke, informs Big Black Ox, Old Donkey, Mastiff King as well as Wu Qifeng, Old Lama and the others rapidly. 黄牛欧阳风楚风转过身躯的刹那,酒全醒了,迅速通知大黑牛老驴獒王以及吴起峰老喇嘛等人。 But the Young Lady Xi beautiful pupil greatly opens the eyes, starts to think over own Heavenly Dao umbrella, sizes up in all directions. 少女曦则美眸大睁,开始掂量自己的天道伞,四处打量。 One group of people were informed, Chu Feng's parents naturally protected object. 一群人被通知,楚风的父母自然是被保护的对象。 Then, Chu Feng also informs Great Dream Pure Land in process of looking for missing persons, the simple and transparent saying situation, making one crowd of old monsters be burning with anger. 接下来,楚风在寻人的过程中也通知大梦净土,简单而明了的说出情况,让一群老怪物怒火中烧。 At the Great Dream Pure Land widely-noted wedding, some people rush to the new home unexpectedly, must start to the bride, fucking was too rampant, one group of old men usually self-cultivation, but must explode now. 大梦净土举世瞩目的婚礼上,居然有人强闯新房,要对新娘下手,太特么的嚣张了,一群老头子平日修身养性,可是现在也都要炸了。 Especially, their old friend, a companion died, was struck to kill in the pure land, died a tragic death at home, encounters the unexpected calamity, immediately wished one could to hack the murderer immediately exactly. 尤其是,他们的一位老友,一位同伴死了,被人在净土中击杀,在家里惨死,遭遇横祸,顿时都恨不得立刻活剐了凶手。 Here is Great Dream Pure Land, is not outside territory, the person of your chaos universe is fierce, the top powerhouse cannot come, why dares such unscrupulous humiliation and murder? 这里是大梦净土,不是域外,你混沌宇宙的人再厉害,顶尖强者也过不来,凭什么敢这么肆无忌惮的折辱与杀人? If not their live enough remote, the city mansion was deep, trades to be other people possibly to explode, after all Great Dream Pure Land did not have to be shamed like this. 若非他们活的足够久远,城府较深,换作旁人可能就炸了,毕竟大梦净土还没有这样被人羞辱过呢。 Some people kill their Senior Sister in home, but must insult bridal Holy Daughter, may endure what else cannot be tolerated! 有人在家中杀他们的师姐,还要侮辱新娘圣女,是可忍孰不可忍! One crowd of old monsters maintain composure, starts to arrange and go into action in secret, pledged that must butcher that outside territory guest, any small Saint, insolent absolutely is not here good! 一群老怪物不动声色,暗中开始布置与行动起来,发誓要宰了那域外来客,什么小圣,在这里张狂绝对不行! When knows Chu Feng must kill people, when heart has the angry flame will spurt to be thin, the old monster 120 support in pure land, suddenly thought this demon is very good. 知道楚风要杀人,心有怒焰将喷薄时,净土中的老怪物都120个支持,忽然觉得这个魔头很不错。 Chu Feng grasps the wine glass, although many people want to put together the liquor with him, must get drunk him, but, after he reveals little Order rune, when pressure circulation, lets one crowd of person palpitations, many people halt. 楚风手持酒杯,虽然很多人想跟他拼酒,要灌醉他,可是,当他露出少许秩序符文后,威压流转时,让一群人心悸,很多人止步。 He strolls in this stretch of lively region, finds the person with single-hearted devotion! 他在这片热闹的地带漫步,专心找人! This place, is Saint's closes up, the mountain peak is beautiful, many exist side by side in the same place. 此地,是圣人的闭关地,山峰秀丽,很多座并立在一起。 But the front is the square, is open, guest precisely cloud Ju in this. 而前方则是广场,非常开阔,宾客正是云聚于此。 Simultaneously the square adjoins to several medicine field, although there is a Domain seal, but the people can also appreciate the marvelous sight, the irises and orchids display beautiful green color, Holy Tree blossoms, drags the flowered rain, each medicine field exceptionally is brilliant, Five Coloured Divine Light soars to the heavens, seven color radiance past, has fragrance to pass to send Domain sacredly to flutter. 同时广场毗邻几块药田,虽然有场域封印,但是人们也能欣赏到奇景,芝兰吐翠,圣树开花,摇曳花雨,每一块药田都异常绚烂,五色神光冲霄,七彩光华流转,神圣而有馨香透发场域飘出来。 As for square front, is a great lake, verdant deep green, is similar to together the translucent gem, is reflecting the clear brilliance, in the lake various strange species roaming to come swim away, has the big fish, the millenniums silver old turtles, have lifeforms of doubtful flood dragon. 至于广场前方,则是一个大湖,青翠碧绿,如同一块透亮的宝石,折射着晶莹的光彩,湖中各种奇异物种游来游去,有大鱼,有千年的银色老龟,有疑似蛟龙的生物 Found!” “找到了!” Chu Feng is holding the wine glass, discovers several people in the big lakeside, his golden eyes deep place symbol circulation, one passes these people of actual situation shortly, has the Sub Saint aura. 楚风持着酒杯,在大湖畔发现几人,他的金睛深处符号流转,一眼看透这几人的虚实,有亚圣气息。 Exactly said that their within the body seals have the Sub Saint source, one month ago strikes Rochon who kills to be similar, is also similar to three people that some time ago he killed. 确切地说他们的体内封印有亚圣本源,跟一个月前击杀的罗尚相似,跟不久前他击毙的三人也相仿。 Altogether six people, five people are bringing Sub Saint source aura, is powerful, is not weak in the previous three people. 一共六人,其中五人都带着亚圣本源气息,实力强大,不弱于早先的三人。 But leader, is that last person, the appearance is ordinary, can only be the average person, but the makings are very outstanding, languid, anything does not care, sits on the grass ground, is drinking to the lake shallowly, other five people revolve him. 而其中为首者,也就是那最后一人,容貌普通,只能算是一般人,但是气质很出众,懒洋洋,什么都不在乎,坐在绿茵地上,对着湖泊浅饮,其他五人都围绕着他。 Chu Feng feels, this person is very dangerous, this is his first time realized that certain threat, impolite said that he hits the contemporaries now to be very difficult to run into the match. 楚风感觉到,这个人很危险,这是他第一次察觉到一定的威胁,不客气的说,他打遍同代人现在很难遇到对手。 But now, he thought finally appears character who has been worth him, needing to prey on whole-heartedly earnestly! 而现在,他终于觉得出现了值得他全力以赴、需要认真搏杀的人物! However, he also startled gets angry, this kind of formidable outside territory guest, may very much aims at his person! 不过,他也惊怒,这样一个强大的域外来客,很有可能就是针对他的人! Three small Saints, want to come this are one of them!” “三位小圣,想来这就是其中之一了!” The Chu Feng very natural place passes through, has not alarmed them, starts to look for another two groups of people. 楚风很自然的地走过,没有惊动他们,开始寻找另外两批人。 Without a doubt, the first group of people are very fierce, even if Chu Feng passes through from here, made them perceive, looks that his back went far away, submerges among numerous guests, one of them corners of the mouth revealed color of the wisp of ridicule, said: Is very strong, but is also very stupid, oneself bride must enter others' nuptial chamber tonight, he has not known!” 毋庸置疑,第一批人十分厉害,哪怕楚风从这里走过,也让他们觉察了,看着他的背影远去,没入众多宾客间,其中一人嘴角露出一缕嘲弄之色,道:“是很强,但是也很蠢,自己的新娘今夜要入别人的洞房,他还不知呢!” Obviously, the asymmetric information, they only obtain going well that” the white hair person passes on the news, thinks to abduct Qin Luoyin, when has not received the following news, that three people were then killed! 显然,信息不对称,他们只得到白发人传回来的“得手”的消息,以为掳走秦珞音,没有接到后面的讯息时,那三人便被杀! Chu Feng seemed like passed by, but Spiritual Will high degree of concentration, in paying attention to them, even if entered in the crowd, some people want to go forward to propose a toast unceasingly, he was also paying attention to that six people. 楚风看似路过,但是精神意志高度集中,一直在关注他们,哪怕进入人群中,不断有人想上前敬酒,他也在注意那六人。 Now, he by the most formidable divine awareness attention, was indistinct heard that person of sound, the complexion was gloomy immediately, was really they. 现在,他以最强大的神觉关注,隐约间听到了那人的声音,脸色顿时阴沉下来,果然就是他们。 outside territory came three small Saints, another two groups of people do not need to look, has been able to determine to his cherish evil thought is this first group of people. 域外来了三位小圣,另外两批人都不需要找了,已经可以确定对他心怀歹意的就是这第一批人。 Naturally, Chu Feng must clarify the trends of another two groups of people, this can feel relieved. 当然,楚风也得弄清楚另外两批人的动向,这才能放心。 The lakeside, grass ground another person opens the mouth saying: Wanted me saying that came up to hit directly remnantly him, stepped on the sole, but also such tossed about to make anything, dares to kill my chaos Deity Palace's person, was really the thing of acting recklessly.” 湖边,绿茵地上又一人开口道:“要我说,直接上去将他打残,踩在脚底就算了,还这么折腾做什么,敢杀我混沌天神宫的人,真是个不知死活的东西。” Does not need to think, he said hits remnant and steps on the person of under foot is Chu Feng, this group of people harbor the biggest evil intention. 不用多想,他说打残并踩在脚下的人是楚风,这群人怀着最大的恶意而来。 At this time, Chu Feng has not walked away in the crowd, pays close attention to them, even if a babel of voices, he also fuzzily hears their buzz of conversation. 此时,楚风在人群中没有走远,密切关注他们,哪怕人声鼎沸,他也模糊的听到他们的谈话声。 Suddenly, he all understood, this is from the chaos Deity Palace's person, is one month ago was rumbled Rochon's clansman who by him kills! 瞬息间,他全明白了,这是来自混沌天神宫的人,是一个月前被他轰杀的罗尚的族人! The lakeside the person opens the mouth saying: Do words that "hē hē, is run over and dies directly, what with stamping a stinking insect have to distinguish? Does not toss about his, how can make him realize from experience the boundless pain, needs to make him rendingly good, un, starts from the bride, then goes to his parents, happen to the two also at the scene, making him be in deep sorrow, sorrow extremely. ” 湖边又有一人开口道:“呵呵,直接碾死的话,跟踩死一只臭虫有什么区别?不折腾他一番,怎能让他体悟到无边的痛苦,需要让他撕心裂肺才好,嗯,从新娘下手,然后再去动他的父母,正好那两人也在现场,让他痛不欲生,悲苦万分。” Some person of dense say/way: Good, Rochon is the core juniors of my clan, is our younger male cousins, depending on World of the Dead universe Indigenous also dares to make widely known, but unscrupulous striking kills, he was tired of living, we must let his hundred times of pain and dying!” 有人森然道:“不错,罗尚是我族的核心子弟,是我们的堂弟,凭阴间宇宙一个土著也敢张扬而肆无忌惮的击杀,他活腻了,我们要让他百倍痛苦而死!” Chu Feng understands immediately, these people like this are why thick to his hostility, because Earth with Deity Race of World of the Dead universe is a mortal enemy, almost destroying completely, but he is Ns defeat Deity Race younger generation Divine Son and the others, one month ago executes outside territory chaos Deity Palace's Rochon, this enmity naturally tied in a big way! 楚风立时明白,这些人对他敌意为什么这样浓,因为地球本就跟阴间宇宙的天神族是死敌,差点将之灭掉,而他更是杀败天神族年轻一代的神子等人,一个月前又毙掉域外混沌天神宫的罗尚,这仇自然结大了! „When Deity Race looks I trouble, I am open and aboveboard with your showdown, executes the match, now you dare such under the underhanded tricks to me, to pay the price!” The Chu Feng vision is cold. 天神族找我麻烦时,我是堂堂正正跟你们对决,毙掉对手,现在你们敢这么对我下阴手,要付出代价!”楚风目光冷冽。 The lakeside, a person asked: Small Saint, may satisfy to that Qin Luoyin, now estimated that has delivered to your room.” 湖边,一人问道:“小圣,对那秦珞音可满意,现在估计已经送到你的房间。” Is very satisfied, calls grace and talent to be peerless.” Is the young people of head opens the mouth finally, his appearance is ordinary, but is extraordinary, is having the light happy expression, cannot be interested to anything likely, a languid appearance. “很满意,称得风华绝世。”为首的年轻人终于开口,他容貌普通,但气质不凡,带着淡淡的笑意,像是对什么都提不起兴趣,一副懒洋洋的样子。 The so-called small Saint, is chaos Deity Palace this generation of most formidable successor, second to none. 所谓小圣,便是混沌天神宫这一代最强大的传人,无出其右者。 But in the chaos universe, their this is honored as for the person in the person of small Saint are not many, without many. 而在混沌宇宙中,他们这代人中被尊为小圣的人不多,没有多少个。 That is good, small Saint is satisfactory, I and others has also felt relieved as the younger male cousin, haha!” That person smiles, said: A while makes that Chu Feng be in a daze to be in a daze, the wedding festivities night does not have the bride, this pleasure was big, looked that he is how breathless with ending. But waits for the small Saint rest to be good, after the dawn, looks for him again, told him the truth, strangled!” “那就好,小圣满意,作为堂弟我等也就放心了,哈哈!”那人微笑,又道:“一会儿让那楚风去发呆去发傻吧,洞房花烛夜没有新娘,这个乐子就大了,看他如何气急败坏与收场。而等小圣休息好,天明之后再去找他,告诉他真相,同时扼杀!” This group of people are very virulent, if this is put into action and succeeds, is naturally huge to the Chu Feng's attack, is always the biggest shame. 这群人很恶毒,这若是付诸行动并成功,对楚风的打击自然是巨大的,是平生最大的羞辱。 The Chu Feng eyeground deep place just like ten thousand years of cold ice, he lost one's temper, wishes one could to kill certainly them immediately, never moment such wants to take a life. 楚风眼底深处宛若万年寒冰,他真的动怒了,恨不得立刻杀绝他们,从未有一刻这么的想杀生。 However, he has restrained, trace leaves here, seeks for another two small Saints of other clans in the crowd, must result is in control of the trend, avoids the accident/surprise occurring. 不过,他克制了,不着痕迹的离开这里,在人群中寻找其他族的另外两位小圣,必须得掌握动向,避免有意外发生。 Finally, he investigated, another two groups of people were also drinking wine, was very aloof, relied on very much, although assumed the guise the ordinary guest, but actually did not allow the bystander to disturb. 终于,他探查到了,另外两批人也在饮酒,很超然,也很自恃,虽然扮作普通宾客,但是却不允许外人打扰。 Chu Feng knows fairly well, after knows their where, has paid attention, then he directly turns toward chaos Deity Palace's six people of there to walk. 楚风心中有数,知道他们的在哪里后,已经留心,而后他直接向着混沌天神宫的六人那里走去。 These six people are too virulent, he does not want to delay, must put to death immediately! 这六人太恶毒,他一刻也不想耽搁,要立刻诛杀! When sees Chu Feng walks, other people naturally propose a toast, only has these six people to bring smiling, a very aloof appearance, is disinclined to respond Chu Feng. 当看到楚风走来时,其他人自然敬酒,唯有这六人都带着笑,一副很超然的样子,懒得搭理楚风 Until he approaches, arrives at the lakeside, six people determined that he visits on own initiative, comes to them, this puts down the wine glass, stares at him to look. 直到他临近,来到湖边,六人确定他主动上门,是冲着他们而来,这才放下酒杯,盯着他看。 Chu Feng, congratulations, the wedding day, hehe, the bride is really the young and fresh-looking, is very good.” A person opens the mouth, on the face happy expression is very thick, the eyeground deep place has the meaning of satire. 楚风,恭喜啊,新婚大喜之日,呵呵,新娘真是水嫩,很不错。”一人开口,脸上笑意很浓,眼底深处有讽刺之意。 Who if knows they are not, did not understand that their virulent thoughts, have possibly neglected their words and deeds and action. 如果不知道他们是谁,不了解他们恶毒的念头,可能就忽略了他们的言行与举动等。 But, Chu Feng knows they, have understood thoroughly the outcome, now hears this words nature knows their meaning of evil and cruel, can listen to this is he satirizes him, said that the bridal young and fresh-looking and good, are having the deep evil intention actually. 可是,楚风知道他们,已经洞彻究竟,现在听到这种话语自然知道他们的歹毒之意,也能听出这是他讽刺他呢,说新娘水嫩与不错,其实带着深深的恶意。 Six person another people open the mouth, said: Brother Chu, come, I respect your one cup, but do not drink too, be careful the newly-married night work inadequate bridegroom, here has many people to eye covetously, hēi hēi!” 六种人另一人开口,道:“楚兄,来,我敬你一杯,不过你可别喝太多哦,当心新婚之夜做不成新郎,这里有很多人虎视眈眈呢,嘿嘿!” His eyeground deep place, is ridicule, but hides is very good, did not understand that the person of inside story naturally cannot understand the issue in his words. 他眼底深处,也是嘲弄,但掩藏的很好,不了解内情的人自然听不懂他话语中的问题。 But, Chu Feng understands, is very clear what's the matter, can realize that his full evil intention, did not open thinking oneself infallible and excitement before truth. 可是,楚风明白,很清楚怎么回事,可以体会出他满满的恶意,还有不揭开真相前的自以为是与兴奋。 "Um, the entertainment inconsiderately, you drink is carefree? ” The Chu Feng smile, the tooth is white, flood the gloss, he is looking like very bright. “嗯,招待不周,你们喝的还算畅快吧?”楚风微笑,牙齿洁白,泛着光泽,他看起来非常的灿烂。 Is very carefree, is very happy, haha......” in six people have several people to laugh, they even more dissolute, even on the face shows some flaws, has to despise and despise, thinks that Chu Feng anything knows, the newly-married wives have not been robbed now, but must propose a toast to them. “很畅快,很开心,哈哈……”六人中有几人都在大笑,他们越发的放肆,甚至脸上都露出些许破绽,有轻蔑与鄙夷,认为楚风现在还什么都不知道,新婚妻子都被抢走,还要向他们敬酒。 Carefree of since drinking, that...... Starting off!” Chu Feng does not propose a toast, but sprinkles one liquor water suddenly in the front line their body, was they and ridiculed Chu Feng in the secret satire a moment ago. “既然喝的畅快,那就……上路吧!”楚风根本不是敬酒,而是将一杯酒水猛然泼在最前方两人的身上,刚才也就是他们在暗暗的讽刺与嘲弄楚风 Meanwhile, Chu Feng first take action, the thunder bang kills, whole body golden light ten thousand, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, stimulates to movement Lightning Fist, is having a demonic nature, divine might is shocking. 与此同时,楚风第一时间出手,雷霆般的轰杀,周身金光万道,运转盗引呼吸法,催动闪电拳,带着一股魔性,神威惊世。 Bang! 轰! A fist, that face brought the smiling face, once secretly to ridicule Chu Feng unable to do on bridegroom's men's bang to kill in the evening, making this person blast out at the scene, turns into one group of blood rain and broken bones. 一拳而已,将那脸上带着笑容、曾暗自揶揄楚风晚上做不了新郎的男子轰杀,令此人当场就炸开,化成一团血雨与碎骨。 You!” “还有你!” A Chu Feng fist rumbles instant, the whole person flies up at angle to forward, flies high a foot to kick in that praise the face chest cavity of Qin Luoyin young and fresh-looking and in good man. 楚风一拳轰出的刹那,整个人都斜飞向前,凌空一脚踢在那个“夸奖”秦珞音水嫩与不错的男子的脸膛上。 "Ah...... ” this person was calling out pitifully, the mouth blasted out, the face chest cavity disintegrated, then of head and body bang was split up, tragic death at the scene. “啊……”此人惨叫着,嘴巴炸开,脸膛瓦解,接着头颅与身体轰的一声四分五裂,惨死当场。 That small Saint response is rapid, shakes the fist suddenly, the fist is similar to round golden great sun, pressure world, stirring, making nearby many people tremble, must kneel to bend down, he goes to the bang to kill Chu Feng, prevents his under killer. 那位小圣反应迅速,猛然挥拳,拳头如同一轮金色的大日般,威压天地,震撼人心,让附近的许多人都颤栗,要跪伏下去,他去轰杀楚风,阻挡其下杀手。 Rolls to me!” Chu Feng shouted, flies high, a foot trod toward this person! “给我滚!”楚风喝道,凌空而起,一脚向着此人踏去!
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