SR :: Volume #9

#870: Virulent

Yuan Shicheng really must stamp one's foot, wants to fight to the death with Chu Feng, does the fellow carry on the arm his sister's arm to go to the nuptial chamber unexpectedly? He wants to kill Chu Feng! 元世成真是要跳脚了,想跟楚风决一死战,那家伙居然挎着他妹妹的手臂去洞房?他想打死楚风 However, he cannot jump, was submerged by one crowd of enchanting females, falls into the big mouth level red light district comprised of silver bear Holy Daughter and keitloa Princess and the others. 然而,他跳不起来,被一群莺莺燕燕淹没,陷入由银熊圣女与黑犀公主等人组成的血盆大口级温柔乡中。 Looks at Finally, the Yuan Shicheng last minute look fills desperately, wants to struggle, does not see Great Demon Chu Feng to go to the nuptial chamber willing, it seems like he indeed uses the sentiment to be quite deep to the Qin Luoyin goddess, final glance, but also is struggling furiously.” “看到了吗,元世成最后一刻的眼神充满绝望,想要挣扎,不甘心看到楚风大魔头去洞房,看来他对秦珞音女神的确用情颇深,最后的一瞥,还在奋力挣扎。” The person who in Star Sea, is watching the live transmission explains excessively, fastens a being of use sentiment for Yuan Shicheng to the deep hat, many people quite sympathize. 星海中,正在观看直播的人解读过度,为元世成扣上一顶用情至深的帽子,许多人颇为同情。 Chu Feng takes a step easely, by bridesmaid Yuan Yuan supporting by the arm, walks toward the pure land deep place, envy Sha one crowd of youth Evolver, marry the goddess, but also so is ambiguous with the bridesmaid. 楚风悠然迈步,由伴娘元媛“搀扶”,向净土深处走去,羡煞一群青年进化者,娶女神也就罢了,还跟伴娘还这么暧昧。 In the Yuan Yuan heart cursed, wants to hit the person very much, wants saying that she was passive good? 元媛心中诅咒,很想打人,更想说,她是被动的好不好? In Great Dream Pure Land, spiritual mountain rises together simultaneously, the auspicious light shines, held the place of wedding once is Saints closed up, abatement topography open outside, the scenery was also elegant. 大梦净土中,灵山并起,祥光普照,举行婚礼之地曾是诸圣闭关地,除却地势开阔外,景色亦秀美。 Among the pure lands, another spirit tree is Variation, is tying the bowl mouth big flower bud, the colorful, clear illumination, the fog silk winds around, sprinkles the light delicate fragrance. 净土间,一株又一株灵树都是异种,结着碗口大的花蕾,五颜六色,晶莹发光,雾丝缭绕,洒落出淡淡的清香。 brother Chu Feng, greeting on first meeting!” 楚风兄,久仰!” At this moment, Chu Feng walked toward pure land deep place, leaves the lively guest agglomeration, but is blocked now, some people notified him. 此刻,楚风已经向净土深处走去,离开热闹的宾客聚集地,可现在还是被人拦住,有人跟他打招呼。 A white hair man is having smile, raises glass to him, has proposed a toast to hint. 一个白发男子带着微笑,向他举杯,并走了过来,敬酒示意。 This person looks like the less than 30-year-old appearance, can be called martial-lookingly, on the face the happy expression is very thick, but when speaking the universe commonly used language is a little stiff. 此人看起来不足30岁的样子,称得上英武,脸上笑意很浓,只是在讲宇宙通用语时有点生硬。 Chu Feng slightly feels the accident/surprise, notes the evolution level of this person not to be really low, Golden Body level expert . Moreover the body has a boundless energy storage. 楚风略感意外,注意到这个人的进化层次真的不低,金身高手,而且身上有一股磅礴能量源。 Ding! two people clink glasses, wine entrance at the same time, this person smiled, has patted the Chu Feng's shoulder, said: Bride is good, is very attractive.” 叮!”两人碰杯,酒浆入口的同时,这个人笑了笑,拍了拍楚风的肩膀,道:“新娘不错,很漂亮。” Chu Feng hears this word, the look is swift and fierce immediately, what words is this? In addition this person came from the pure land deep place, that side is the nuptial chamber direction, his look is slightly cold. 楚风闻听此言,眼神顿时凌厉起来,这是什么话?再加上此人是从净土深处而来,那边是洞房方向,他神色略冷。 shuā! 刷! In the Chu Feng pupil the golden symbol appears, Discerning Eyes projects the radiant light beam instant, looks forward, not only that his sense of smell, sense of hearing also comprehensively promotes, lets loose thoroughly. 楚风眸子内金色符号浮现,火眼金睛刹那射出璀璨的光束,向前望去,不仅如此,他的嗅觉、听觉等也全面提升,彻底放开。 Suddenly, Chu Feng smells light smell of blood, drifts from the front. 瞬息间,楚风闻到淡淡的血腥味,从前方飘漾而来。 Meanwhile, in the Chu Feng pupil divine light rises suddenly, murderous aura rises steep, rumbles golden fist mark to this person, he saw, this is not the flesh and blood, is together the incarnation. 同时,楚风眸子中神光暴涨,杀气陡升,向这个人轰出一记金色拳印,他已经看出,这不是血肉之躯,是一道化身。 If not uses Discerning Eyes, cannot distinguish, this person delays the time here, is preventing his way! 若非动用火眼金睛,根本分辨不出来,此人在这里拖延时间,在阻挡他的去路! However, looks at this person secure appearance, wants to come to be proud very much, True Body could go well in the pure land. 不过,看这个人有恃无恐的样子,想来很自负,真身可能在净土中要得手了。 bo! 啵! The incarnation of this person with his resistance, has not disintegrated several hundred fragments on own initiative, changes to the flowing light to charge into the pure land. 这个人的化身没有跟他的对抗,主动瓦解成数百道碎片,化作流光冲向净土。 Dares to be so rampant, causes trouble in Great Dream Pure Land, this person origin is not absolutely simple, making Primitive Demon Race Princess Yuan Yuan deeply feel shocking. 敢这么嚣张,在大梦净土中闹事,这个人来历绝对不简单,让始魔族公主元媛都深感震惊。 Wants knows, this was Great Demon Chu and date of rank extremely high Great Dream Pure Land marrying, unexpectedly some people such unscrupulous caused trouble, must aim at the bride evidently, was before Chu Feng overtakes, going well that wanted , was this what kind of make the blood boil and fearfulness? 知道,这可是楚大魔头与排名极高的大梦净土联姻之日,居然有人这么肆无忌惮的来闹事,看样子是要针对新娘,先于楚风赶过去,真要的得手,这是何等的令人发指与可怕? What is most essential, pure land arrangement expert here has not blocked unexpectedly, has the smell of blood to scatter. 最为关键的是,净土安排在这里的高手居然没有拦住,有血腥味飘散过来。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng turns into together the golden lightning, is void just like tearing, lets the air large explosion, he crosses void, nearly is flickers to move. 楚风化成一道金色的闪电,宛若撕裂虚空,让空气大爆炸,他横贯虚空,近乎是瞬移。 Buzz! 嗡! His speed was too fast, overtakes these flowing light, strangles to death directly, does not have the slight stay, but charges into the pure land deep place, the innermost feelings worried. 他速度太快了,追上那些流光,直接绞杀,没有丝毫的停留,而是冲向净土深处,内心非常担忧。 He appears before a beautiful Divine Mountain in a twinkling, here has Palace, white Immortal Vapours winds around, the melodious music ripples. 他霎时间出现在一座秀丽的神山前,这里有一座宫阙,白色仙雾缭绕,悠扬乐声荡漾。 Then, Chu Feng sees here to have bloodstain, before Palace gate, has some corpses, lets his forehead blue veins jumps, flies into a rage! 然后,楚风看到这里有血迹,宫阙门前更是有一些尸体,让他额头青筋暴跳,勃然大怒! Unexpectedly some people dare to create a disturbance his wedding, kills people under this propitious and joyful grand occasion wantonly, this is the what kind of rampancy and callousness, completely not watches him and Great Dream Pure Land. 居然真的有人敢搅闹他的婚礼,在这种吉祥与喜悦的盛况下大肆杀人,这是何等的嚣张与冷酷,完全没有将他与大梦净土看在眼里。 This does not die absolutely continuous, gets down the murder in the situation of this great happiness, attacks in the nuptial chamber, this is aims at the bride. 这绝对是不死不休,在这种大喜的场合下来杀人,突袭进洞房中,这是针对新娘而来。 Even if changes individual, is not Chu Feng, could not endure this matter! 即便换个人,不是楚风,也忍受不了这种事! If went well by that person, this will hate greatly, the great shame, making a man unable to raise the head for a lifetime. 若是被那人得手,这将是大恨,奇耻大辱,让一个男人一辈子抬不起头来。 Yuan Yuan also felt that the enemy deep virulent meaning, handles the matter certainly, does not leave ground, kisses/intimate the big enmity, to kill the body catastrophe compared with it killing to go beyond. 元媛也感觉到敌人深深的恶毒之意,将事情做绝,毫不留余地,比之杀亲大仇、杀身大祸都有过之而无不及。 “Wú, these maidservant strengths are too weak, although two old monsters a little meaning, but also insufficiently looked, kills, hehe! ” “唔,这些侍女实力太弱,两个老怪物虽然有点意思,但也还是不够看,不禁杀啊,呵呵!” Pass on message, has gone well.” “传讯吧,已经得手。” In the palace, some people were speaking, are having the light happy expression, was calm and gentle. 殿宇中,有人在说话,带着淡淡笑意,镇定而平和。 Has some corpses on the ground, two old women who including the pure land, is the elders of Golden Body level, is willing to occupy here by their status in the day of this great happiness, but to protect Qin Luoyin, obviously attaching great importance to how. 在地上有一些尸体,其中包括净土的两名老妪,都是金身级的长老,以她们的身份在这种大喜的日子甘愿屈居这里,只是为了保护秦珞音,可见多么的重视。 Chu Feng, sediment, wants to marry this grade of outstanding beauty beautiful woman, hehe, changes a bridegroom tonight, making him look!” 楚风,一个渣子而已,也想娶这等国色天香的美人,呵呵,今夜换个新郎,让他看着!” This words very gloomy and cold, very virulent, stems from these person of mouths, lets Chu Feng at the scene murderous aura like the tornado, must sweep the clouds of space! 这种话语很阴冷,也非常的恶毒,出自这些人之口,让楚风当场杀气如龙卷风,要扫荡天上的云朵! He stands in the palace entrance, silent appearance! 他站在殿宇门口,无声的出现! Luoyin do not come out!” A Golden Body level elder had not died thoroughly, shouts weakly. 珞音不要出来!”一名金身级长老还没有彻底死去,虚弱地喊道。 Elder!” Qin Luoyin discards the phoenix coronet decisively, portable Divine Sword, Five Coloured Divine Light erupts, stands in the new home, chest fluctuating is fierce. “长老!”秦珞音果断地扔掉凤冠,手提一口神剑,五色神光爆发,站在新房中,胸部起伏剧烈。 Bang! 轰! Enemy take action, wants to seize Qin Luoyin, however, that final room actually ray leaps, rune sparkle, already under arrangement incomparably astonishing Domain. 敌人出手,想要擒住秦珞音,然而,那最后的房间却光芒腾起,符文闪耀,早已布置下无比惊人的场域 What situation, does the new home have Domain?!” A person frowns. “什么情况,新房有场域?!”一人蹙眉。 Then, another person lifts in hands, melts an light electron particle materialization the big hand, must carry that old woman of ground, how pressed for an answer to go. 接着,另一人抬手间,化出一只光质化的大手,就要将地上的那名老妪拎起来,逼问怎么进去。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, Chu Feng erupted, is in an uncontrollable rage, felt that own murderous aura must explode, unexpectedly meets the matter that this letting he is furious. 这一刻,楚风爆发了,怒不可遏,感觉自己的杀气都要爆炸了,居然遇上这种让他震怒的事情。 His Lightning Fist, drives out that only big hand, simultaneously the tornado to/clashes together, binds to lead lost/carrying severely wounded old woman to return. 他的闪电拳,轰开那只大手,同时一道旋风冲起,裹带着负重伤的老妪而回。 This protects the living witness who Qin Luoyin's fortunately survives only, other people were killed. 这是守护秦珞音的唯一幸存下来的活口,其他人都被杀了。 In room, three men, that white hair person precisely meets in the halfway, this is True Body, what previous is the incarnation. 房间中,共有三个男子,其中一个白发人正是在半路上遇到的那个,这才是真身,早先的是化身。 On the Chu Feng big medicine are many, takes out one bottle of red medicament to fill directly to the old woman, made her life aura domineering at the scene much. 楚风身上的大药不少,直接取出一瓶红色药剂给老妪灌下去,当场让她的生命气息强势了不少。 He completely understands the situation in palace instantaneously, if not he in new home lay out Domain, Qin Luoyin possibly suffered a disaster ahead of time, at this time his killing intent is turbulent, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 他瞬间看透宫殿中的情况,若非他提前在新房布下场域,秦珞音都可能遭劫了,此时他杀意汹涌,忍无可忍。 Chu Feng!” Qin Luoyin called out, was raising sword, in the beautiful face full is the air/Qi of withering, now is all of a sudden delicate, the eye blushes, on the face writes all over sadly, the maidservant and some elder people died, making her grieved and angry. 楚风!”秦珞音叫道,原本提着剑,绝美面孔上满是肃杀之气,现在一下子柔弱下来,眼睛发红,脸上写满哀伤,侍女与长老都有人死去,让她心痛而愤怒。 Do not be sad, when I process them!” The Chu Feng cold sound said, is very calm. “别伤心,等我处理掉他们!”楚风寒声道,十分冷静。 "Um, are you Chu Feng? ” Three people are very surprised, has not thought he comes is so quick, although they the previous spoken language profanes, when real name facing Lord, is very serious, does not dare to despise. “嗯,你就是楚风?”三人都很吃惊,没有想到他来的这么快,他们虽然早先言语轻慢,但是真名面对正主时,都很郑重,不敢轻视。 Bang!” “轰!” When Chu Feng take action, uses Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, within the body thunder sound explodes, resounds through in the palace group, used Vairocana Fist to kill then the bang directly. 楚风出手,动用大雷音呼吸法时,体内雷音爆开,响彻宫殿群中,动用大日如来拳直接就轰杀了过去。 Now he does not want to say anything, only wants to kill people, luckily the Qin Luoyin safe, otherwise today he and Great Dream Pure Land became laugh, these people were too hateful. 现在他不想说什么,只想杀人,幸亏秦珞音无事,不然的话今天他与大梦净土就成笑话了,这些人太可恨。 Moreover, he believes that continues these three people, when the partner, they thought to go well a moment ago, but also once outward passed on a message. 而且,他相信不止这三人,还有同伙,刚才他们认为得手时,还曾向外传讯。 Suddenly, the palace explodes broken, outside the abatement Qin Luoyin's room, the entire great palace blasts out, turns into fine powder, obviously energy of collision how intense. 一刹那间,宫殿爆碎,除却秦珞音的房间外,整座巨宫都炸开,化成齑粉,可见碰撞的能量多么的强烈。 Because, here also had the Domain protection, but does not have fierce of new home arrangement. 因为,原本这里也有场域守护,只不过没有新房布置的厉害。 The Chu Feng item shoots divine glow, he realized immediately, this possibly is outside the universe comes the person, because of them, although in the Golden Body level, but within the body has Sub Saint source aura. 楚风目射神芒,他立刻意识到,这可能是外宇宙来人,因为他们虽然在金身层次,但是体内有亚圣本源气息 This before January/one month Rochon way that the homicide falls is very close, is quite similar! 这跟一月前他杀掉的罗尚路数很相近,颇为相似! Clang! 锵! A person holds the blade, seems like the deity blade way, chops to the Chu Feng's head, another person holds the lance, punctures directly to the Chu Feng chest, the last person wields the golden color to be in charge, strikes forward. 一人持刀,看起来是天神刀的路数,劈向楚风的头颅,另一人持长矛,直接向楚风胸膛刺来,最后一人挥动金色掌印,向前拍击。 to report comes up!” The white hair man lowers roars, the feeling is tough, three people also attack, unexpectedly has not suppressed Chu Feng immediately, but was covered by his fist light. 禀报上去!”白发男子低吼,感觉棘手,三人同时出击,居然没有立刻压制楚风,而是被他的拳光笼罩。 This light is similar to the thunder, thunders to make noise, void is trembling, even if they have some Sub Saint sources, feels urgently strenuous, making them terrified. 这种光如同雷霆,轰鸣出声,虚空都在颤栗,哪怕他们有部分亚圣本源,都倍感吃力,让他们悚然。 „Are you only the lackeys? Also dares to come to go bad my wedding, gives me dead!” Chu Feng now is very angry, only wants to kill people. “你们只是狗腿子吗?也敢来坏我的婚礼,都给我去死!”楚风现在很愤怒,只想杀人。 He wants quickly to end the fight, immediately shows the strongest stance, outside the body is indistinct appears the Order symbol, has Divine Chain in the lasing, just like must with Sub Saint side by side. 他想尽快结束战斗,立即展现最强姿态,体外隐约间浮现秩序符号,有神链在激射,俨然要与亚圣比肩。 Behind, Yuan Yuan is shocked, this method is really fearful, the Great Demon Chu Feng far ultra contemporaries have the truth, unexpectedly has arrived this step. 后方,元媛震惊,这种手段果然可怕,楚风大魔头远超同代人不是没有道理,居然已经走到这一步。 Bang! 砰! Grasps the person hit weapon of lance broken becomes the 7-8 truncation, the lance front has flown upside down, jabs into own chest. 手持长矛的人被打的兵器碎成七八截,矛锋都倒飞了回来,噗的一声刺进自己的胸膛。 Naturally, this has not calculated, he was covered by the Chu Feng's fist light, the instantaneous disintegration, the white bones fly with the blood quickly horizontally, is killed violently directly. 当然,这还不算完,他被楚风的拳光笼罩,瞬间解体,白骨快与血液横飞,直接毙命。 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng at this moment really just like Great Demon King, unfeeling, Vairocana Fist leaves again, is similar to golden Divinity take action, a fist must the rumbling broken universe. 此刻的楚风真的宛若大魔王,冷酷无情,大日如来拳再出,如同一座金色的神祇出手,一拳要轰碎乾坤。 Bang! 砰! Grasps the person pitiful yell of long blade, already hit disintegration, the dead shape is very miserable. 手持长刀的人一声惨叫,已经被打的解体,死状很惨。 Said, from where, otherwise these two are your example!” “说,来自哪里,不然这两人就是你的榜样!” We come in the chaos universe, Chu Feng has the words saying that this time comes not, but our side influence, three small Saints arrive, in space invincible.” This person said, pours also coordinates. “我们来混沌宇宙中,楚风有话好说,这次来的不可是我们一方势力,三尊小圣亲临,宇内无敌。”这人说道,倒也配合。 You can die!” Chu Feng said, compels forward, is staring at the white hair person. “你可以去死了!”楚风说道,向前逼去,盯着白发人。 Does not want, we do not accompany, we are brothers of small Saint, do not kill me!” The white hair person was anxious. “不要,我们可不是随从,我们是一位小圣的兄弟,不要杀我!”白发人急了。 They in pure land?” Chu Feng asked. “他们都在净土中吗?”楚风问道。 Yes!” “是的!” Then, Chu Feng also asked some issues, this person of look twinkle, does not coordinate. 接着,楚风又问了一些问题,此人眼神闪烁,不怎么配合。 „Does that remain your what uses?” “那留你何用?” Chu Feng take action, ka-cha wrenches apart his neck, and directs, the thunder thunders, extinguishes its soul light, has hit destroy both body and soul. 楚风出手,喀嚓一声扭断他的脖子,并且一指点出,雷霆轰鸣,灭其魂光,打了个形神俱灭 Since comes the person in the pure land, he was not worried unable to find, under Discerning Eyes, any Sub Saint Level Evolver will not have to hide, can be looked. 既然来人都在净土中,他就不担心找不到,火眼金睛之下,任何亚圣级进化者都将无所遁形,都能被找出来。 I must think you to what degree but actually, dares to be so virulent, goes bad my wedding, but also wants to change the bridegroom, so shames me, hits to explode completely!” “我倒要看一看你们强到何种程度,敢这么恶毒,坏我婚礼,还想换新郎,这般羞辱我,全部打爆!” Chu Feng murderous aura is steaming, at this moment he was angry. 楚风杀气腾腾,这一刻他愤怒了。 I go with you together!” Qin Luoyin said. “我跟你一起去!”秦珞音道。 Do not make an appearance, making me look first this group of people will rule by force to any degree, does not extinguish them personally, is hard heart foul odor.” Chu Feng said. “你不要露面,让我先看一看这群人会霸道到什么程度,不亲自灭他们,难以出心头的一口恶气。”楚风道。 This group of people were sinister and ruthless, unexpectedly dares such to aim at him, Domain that if not he arranges, today's consequence is very absolutely miserable, inconceivable. 这群人阴毒了,居然敢这么针对他,若非他布置的场域了得,今天的后果绝对很惨,不堪设想。 Chu Feng makes Yuan Yuan accompany Qin Luoyin, simultaneously makes them take care of the old woman, left here with him together, his clothes sleeve show moves, does not moisten blood, however the makings of whole person completely changed, no longer is having the smile, but is very serious, must kill people! 楚风让元媛陪着秦珞音,同时让她们照顾老妪,跟着他一起离开了这里,他衣袂展动,不沾一滴血液,但是整个人的气质完全变了,不再带着微笑,而是很严肃,要去杀人!
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