SR :: Volume #9

#869: Red light district, very beautiful woman

Chu Feng bypasses Young Lady Xi, may unable to walk, one group of people go forward, block the way, is primarily various youth outstanding, must put together the liquor with him, moreover spoke, did not permit to use cultivation base to melt. 楚风绕过少女曦,可还是没能走了,一群人纷纷上前,拦住去路,以各种青年俊杰为主,都要跟他拼酒,而且都明言,不准动用修为化解。 He is really some toothaches, looks at the stances of these youth, regarded the class enemies him completely, looked that he married the Number Six Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman not to be feeling well, wants to fill to be dead drunk him. 他真是有些牙疼,看这些青年的架势,完全将他当成阶级敌人了,看他娶了星空下第六美人不爽,想将他灌个酩酊大醉。 Without a doubt, these are the strongest talents of various clans, otherwise does not have the qualifications attendance and arrives at Chu Feng at present, the ordinary person was already blocked. 毫无疑问,这些都是各族的最强天才,不然也没资格出席并走到楚风眼前,一般的人早就被拦住。 And, many by he has sold Holy Son and Divine Maiden, shares a common hatred, on the face is bringing smiling, in the luminous winecup in hand is the millennium aging night, even ten thousand years of king wine, this type of wine already became the fruit jelly shape, middle was containing the special ingredient, not merely was the liquor is so simple, may take down including Sub Saint. 其中,不乏被他卖过的圣子神女,同仇敌忾,脸上带着笑,手中的夜光杯中是千年陈酿夜,甚至有万年王酒,这种酒浆早已成果冻状,当中蕴含着特殊的成分,不单是酒那么简单,连亚圣都可能会放倒。 Earlier desire to become empty/sky who Chu Feng wants to go to the nuptial chamber, one group of person young people teased him, said that what such worried to make, don't tell me also feared that others did snatch the bride? 楚风想早点去洞房的愿望成空,一群人年轻人取笑他,说这么着急做什么,难道还怕别人抢了新娘? Meanwhile they stressed, a while guaranteed teases the bride together! 同时他们强调,一会儿保证一起去闹洞房! Chu Feng hearing this, looked at all around, discovered that one crowd of old monsters in looking here, all smile, if no this group of old fogies to present, if not under glare of the public eye, he will wield Lightning Fist absolutely, knocks down one group of people, what chaotic mixes? Hasn't heard the spring evening moment value thousand gold (daughter)? Can you repay? 楚风闻言,看了看四周,发现一群老怪物都在看着这边,皆笑眯眯,如果没有这群老家伙在场,若非众目睽睽之下,他绝对会挥动闪电拳,将一群人都撂倒,掺什么乱?没听说过春宵一刻值千金吗?你们赔得起吗? Then, he falls into to struggle hard, many people raise the large bowl to put together the liquor with him, one group of people supervise, does not allow to fall with energy refining. 然后,他陷入苦战中,许多人提着海碗跟他拼酒,一群人监督,不允许用能量炼化掉。 Moo, bullies first ten big nobody? Comes, Pegasus Holy Son did you forget Old Ox? Did you forget the auction on Eastern Sea steamship? Some in this!” “哞,欺负前十大没人吗?过来,天马圣子你忘记老牛了吗?你忘记东海大船上的拍卖会了吗?某家在此!” Big Black Ox came, goes forward to break through, he is combing the brightly burnished big long hair combed straight back, is holding in the mouth the cigar, discards the black sunglasses, is raising altar/jar millennium aging, holds in the arms the Pegasus Holy Son's neck, simultaneously entrains several other people not to let go, requests to put together the liquor. 大黑牛来了,上前解围,他梳着锃亮的大背头,叼着雪茄,扔掉黑墨镜,提着一坛千年陈酿,搂住天马圣子的脖子,同时拽住另外几人不撒手,要求拼酒。 Does not spell, doesn't give the Old Ox face? To let me in the presence of everyone with you in together three days did two nights of stories say?” Big Black Ox stares. “不拼,不给老牛面子?想让我当众将和你们在一起的三天两夜的故事讲出来吗?”大黑牛瞪眼。 Pegasus Holy Son several people were anxious, said: I said Ox Demon King, Boss Black, do not speak at a venture, you cannot from smearing, do we have what three days with you two nights? Everybody is a man!” 天马圣子几人急了,道:“我说牛魔王,大老黑,你可别乱说话,你不能自污,我们跟你有什么三天两夜?大家都是男人!” These people are not strange to Big Black Ox, in the past when auction, this Big Black Ox has acted as the auctioneer, has been responsible for the explanation, each other very much understood. 这几人对大黑牛并不陌生,当年拍卖时,这头大黑牛充当过拍卖师,也负责过讲解,彼此都很了解。 Who said that I don't have the interest to the man?” Big Black Ox rocks pair of gigantic rough horn, just like can pierce the world, quite rough! “谁说我对男人没兴趣?”大黑牛晃动一对硕大的粗糙犄角,宛若能捅破开天地,相当的粗犷! Aiyu I scratch, Sir, big brother ox, you shuts up, hurries, let alone, we have been convinced, did not look for Chu Feng to put together the liquor, has not seen your this not tasteful person, you did not want the reputation, we also wanted!” Pegasus Holy Son and the others had scared, but also feared really he spoke irresponsibly. “哎呦我擦,大爷,牛大哥,你闭嘴,赶紧别说了,我们服气了,不找楚风拼酒了,没见过你这样不讲究的人,你不要名声了,我们还要呢!”天马圣子等人吓坏了,还真怕他乱说。 Another side, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger blocks Golden Wolf directly, Nine Lives Cat, puts together the liquor while shows good will to that cat clan Holy Daughter, said: Previous time too in a hurry, I had not discovered unexpectedly, in the relatives of my tiger clan has this grade of outstanding beauty beautiful woman, loses the respect, today sees, just like seeing the bright bright moonlight raises slowly, suddenly trim pure land because of Holy Daughter, but is bright......” 另一边,东北虎直接拦住一头金狼,还有一只九命猫,一边拼酒一边对那猫族圣女示好,道:“上一次太匆匆,我居然没有发现,我虎族的亲戚中有这等国色天香的丽人,失敬,今日一见,宛若见到皎洁明月冉冉升起,一时间整片净土都因圣女而明亮起来……” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is hitting the liquor belch, while tries to get close with cat clan Holy Daughter in the presence of everyone, naturally did not forget that holds in the arms the Golden Wolf Holy Son's neck with his greatly thick arm, does not make him go with Chu Feng to put together the liquor with disturbing. 东北虎一边打着酒嗝,一边当众跟猫族圣女套近乎,当然也不忘记用他那条大粗胳膊搂住金狼圣子的脖子,不让他去跟楚风拼酒与捣乱。 The Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter smiling face is charming, pours also deals with appropriately, but Golden Wolf actually full belly resentment thought, very much wants saying that your fucking picks up the little girl, hugs me to do really? If not dread Demon King Chu, eyes covetously to stare at his Tyrant God Physique in side, he must hit with (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger. 九命猫族圣女笑容妩媚,倒也应付得体,但是金狼却满肚子怨念,很想说,你特么的泡妞,搂着我作甚?如果不是忌惮楚魔王,还有在旁虎视眈眈盯着他的霸神体,他非跟东北虎打起来不可。 hee-haw hee-haw, everybody I am Lu Feiyang, was born the first ten big Earth south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River scholarly family aristocratic families, usually likes the poetry book, most likes the literary talent being loose.” Then, he here starts to boast, translates the Tang poem Song jambic verse of Earth in the universe language, recited Li Sao, various types of attires were elegant, posed as the famous litterateur. 儿啊儿啊,各位我是吕飞扬,出生前十大的地球江南水乡书香门第世家,平日喜好诗书,最爱文采风流。”然后,他就在这里开始吹牛,用宇宙语翻译地球的唐诗宋词,又去吟诵离骚,各种装文雅,以名士自居。 What a pity, he is giving a tongue-lashing a big thread chaser of mouth, but also the knife edge a pair of long ear, is a little really affecting the city's appearance. 可惜,他呲着一嘴的大板牙,还支棱着一对长耳朵,实在是有点影响市容。 But generally speaking, is very effective, he can boast, when literary talent is loose, but also in blowing oneself has entered true dragon's lair, has pulled out dragon egg, famed scenery on Earth when the recovery, various Divine Bird eggs and Divine Beast young sons of antiquity again started to appear. 但总的来说,还是很有效,他能吹牛,在“文采风流”之际,还在吹自己进过真龙巢穴,掏过龙蛋,地球上的名山大川在复苏时,上古的各种神禽卵、神兽幼崽都再开始出现。 entire life most self-satisfied work, have pulled out a Kunpeng egg in Mount Tai, hatches Ouyang Feng, becomes my war favors, depending on this Divine Bird descendant, does not need my take action, has shown disdain for universe generation!” “余生平最得意之作,就是在泰山掏了一颗鲲鹏蛋,孵化出一只欧阳风,成为我的战宠,凭此神禽后代,无需我出手,已经傲视宇宙这一代!” The Old Donkey liquor drank, after all blocked the 6-7 famous talent, any words dare saying that result quick then tragedy. 老驴酒喝多了,毕竟拦住六七名天才,什么话都敢说,结果很快就悲剧了。 Because, Ouyang Feng stands behind him, the vision can kill people, finally seizes his pair of greatly long ear, said: Master is also Divine Beast, Tyrant God Physique, I cannot get used to seeing you, come, come, come, how making this King educate you one to achieve the loose real famous litterateur!” 因为,欧阳风就站在他背后,目光都能杀人了,最后揪住他一双大长耳朵,道:“爷也是神兽,霸神体,我看不惯你,来,来,来,让本王教育你一下如何做到风流真名士!” After the moment, Old Donkey was black and blue, has become sober the larger part. 片刻后,老驴鼻青脸肿,酒醒了一大半。 Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters flushed, helping Chu Feng break through, is makes him work loose the crowd finally, however, previously some Holy Daughter and Divine Maiden of acting with constraint sent out, starts to launch an attack to him. 昆仑一群大妖都已经冲过来,帮楚风解围,总算是让他挣脱出人群,然而,早先有些矜持的圣女神女出动了,开始对他发难。 Some people create a disturbance intentionally, some people are really to doing a lot of talking that he hates, in the past this fellow did not show tender affection, directly the suppression that they should suppress, this selling of selling, was too hateful. 有人是故意起哄,也有人是真对他恨的磨牙,当年这家伙一点也不怜香惜玉,直接将她们该镇压的镇压,该卖的卖,太可恶了。 And, the person who some time ago was escorted the main house gate, for example looks like Holy Daughter fragrant, wields one foot thick golden big arm, the low grinding pan that big head, splits the big mouth, reveals two one zhang (3.33 m) long snow white fangs, must put together the liquor with him. 其中,还有不久前被护送回家门的人,比如香象圣女,挥动一尺粗的金色大胳膊,低下磨盘那么大的头,裂开血盆大口,露出两根一丈多长的雪白獠牙,要跟他拼酒。 You want two nights to threaten me with three days, said that has not related, I did not fear, I like.” The fragrance looks like Divine Maiden charmingly to smile, big mouth China , Cyprus go in two people both not to be a problem. “你是不是想用三天两夜来威胁我,说嘛,没关系的,我不怕,我喜欢。”香象神女“妩媚”一笑,血盆大口中塞进去两个人都不成问题。 Chu Feng feels dizzy, he wants to curse very much, who said especially various clan Holy Daughter appearances excellent, is the elegant demeanor excellent? He was almost frightened. 楚风发晕,他很想诅咒,谁特么说各族圣女都容貌绝佳,风采过人?他差点受到惊吓。 The previous time, fragrant shape clan Holy Daughter is the main body, this time is a person, cannot think that such boundless, making him feel that cannot withstand this type to meet colorfully. 上次,香象族圣女是本体,这次是人身,想不到这么“磅礴”,让他感觉承受不起这种艳遇。 Then, other Holy Daughter and Divine Maiden have smiled, some truly attractive in a complete mess, some indeed are charming movingly, but also some can be called the rare beautiful woman, enchanting females, this was plots together, must be attractive to Chu Feng, surrounded together, held the arm, bought the clothes, touched his face...... This is naked sexually harassing, simultaneously does not forget to fill his liquor. 然后,其他圣女神女都笑了,有的确实漂亮的一塌糊涂,有的则的确妩媚动人,还有的称得上罕见的丽人,莺莺燕燕,这是合谋好了,要给楚风好看,一起围拢上来,抱胳膊的,扯衣服的,摸他脸的……这是赤裸裸的调戏,同时不忘记灌他酒。 For example the blacksnake Holy Daughter winding on him, was shouting must with his drinking the nuptial cup liquor, Sophie Holy Daughter leers at to him intentionally, the red lip is bright, aspirates such as orchid, entices him to drink. 比如黑蛇圣女缠绕在他身上,喊着要跟他喝交杯酒,苏菲圣女故意对他送秋波,红唇鲜艳,吐气如兰,诱惑他多喝酒。 Who fears anyone, you may be Holy Daughter, the holy light link add the body, is representing a holiness of clan, like this blocks me, do not blame my impolite!” Chu Feng said, doesn't fear, what has at the worst? “谁怕谁,你们可都是圣女,神圣光环加身,代表着一族的圣洁,这样阻击我,别怪我不客气!”楚风道,丝毫不怵,有什么大不了? Quick, on his face has harvested several bright red hickeys, he remembers that has Sophie, has the herd fine jade, several appearance ultra dust are refined, many ranks several outstandingly beautiful beautiful women in the starry sky. 很快,他的脸上就收获了几道鲜红的唇印,他记得有苏菲的,有牧璇的,还有几名容貌超尘脱俗的,不乏一位在星空中排名十几的绝色丽人。 Depends on the person to be many, this crowd of Holy Daughter have drunk some liquor, by the influence of creating a disturbance, was being sexually harassed Chu Feng, therefore some people slightly obviously dissolute. 倚仗人多,这群圣女都喝了一些酒,也是受起哄的影响,都在调戏楚风,因此有些人略显“放肆”。 However, when Chu Feng saw when Holy Daughter of fragrant shape clan opens big mouth personally come, immediately have one's hair stand on end, he feels timid to this Holy Daughter, competes for the red light district decisively, frightens him to flee to the wilderness. 不过,当楚风看到香象族的圣女张开血盆大口亲来时,顿时毛骨悚然,对这位圣女他真犯怵,果断争夺温柔乡,吓得他落荒而逃。 Meanwhile, he understands immediately, this crowd of Holy Daughter are retaliating him, lulls him intentionally, then prepares to him comes pleasantly surprised. 同时,他立刻明白,这群圣女在报复他,故意麻痹他,然后准备给他来个“惊喜”。 Divine King Chu, do not walk, if you dare to run away, we pursue certainly the nuptial chamber, lets you and Qin Luoyin goddess sits one dry/does, compared with teasing the bride also seriously!” 楚神王,别走啊,你要是敢逃走,我们一定追进洞房,让你与秦珞音女神干坐一宿,比闹洞房还严重!” The following beautiful woman threatens, one group of people responded. 后面一位丽人威胁,一群人响应。 Then, Chu Feng halts, because he saw not far away wife's younger brother, is taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, he hates the root to be itchy immediately, Ying Wudi that simultaneously decisive take action, will move about with difficulty drawing, loses to the fragrant shape clan and Crocodile Dragon Race's Holy Daughter directly. 然后,楚风止步,因为他看到了不远处的小舅子,正在幸灾乐祸呢,他顿时恨得牙根痒痒,同时果断出手,将行动不便的映无敌给拉过来,直接丢给香象族与鳄龙族的圣女 And, he opens the mouth to add: Tonight, the invincible brother is depressed, my knows anything reason, you do not accompany him well, if who the future can marry Sub Immortal Clan, must give me this matchmaker big red package, immediately goes into action, do not have the opportunity strangely, I created to you!” 并且,他开口补充道:“今晚,无敌兄闷闷不乐,我也不知道什么原因,你们好好陪他,谁如果将来能嫁给亚仙族,得送我这个媒人一个大红包,立刻行动起来吧,别怪没机会,我给你们创造了!” I go!” The distant place, Yuan Shicheng sees this, dumbfounded, pays silent tribute for Ying Wudi, this brother-in-law has damaged, with him, when shield , but also is joined to such a few words, to make some Holy Daughter crazy, after all Sub Immortal Clan that will be the universe first three races, Ying Wudi will be doomed to control this clan in the future, will become one of the universe power and influence maximum people! “我去!”远处,元世成看到这一幕,目瞪口呆,替映无敌默哀,他这个姐夫太损了,拿他当挡箭牌也就算了,还配上这么一段话,岂不是让部分圣女疯狂,毕竟亚仙族那可是宇宙前三的种族,映无敌未来注定要掌控该族,会成为宇宙权势最大的人之一! What is most essential, Ying Wudi within the body at this moment has restrictions, moves about with difficulty! 最为关键的是,此刻的映无敌体内有禁制,行动不便! Really, Holy Daughter and Crocodile Dragon Race's Holy Daughter of fragrant shape clan are very happy, smiles to Chu Feng, but beautiful woman, that big mouth almost Ying Wudi swallowing. 果然,香象族的圣女鳄龙族的圣女都很开心,对楚风嫣然一笑,但一点也不倾城,那血盆大口差点将映无敌给吞进去。 shit! 玛德! Ying Wudi becomes dark at present, the spine in braving the cold air, in the heart cursed 100 Chu Feng, cursed unceasingly, but finds it difficult to bring up a matter now. 映无敌眼前发黑,脊椎骨都在冒寒气,心中将楚风诅咒了100遍,不断大骂,可是现在有口难言。 Other Holy Daughter saw that Ying Wudi does not revolt unexpectedly, immediately reveals the extraordinary splendor, naturally thinks that continues compared with the fragrant shape clan and Crocodile Dragon Race's Holy Daughter attractive ten times, the fragrant wind sweeps across, closes. 其他圣女看到映无敌居然不反抗,顿时露出异彩,自然认为比香象族与鳄龙族的圣女漂亮十倍不止,香风席卷,一拥而上。 Naturally, dares such bold Holy Daughter, definitely to be very rough races, Holy Daughter that generally acts with constraint is also insufficient to fight for like this, for example Taotie Race and golden Hou Clan wait/etc.! 当然,敢这么豪放的圣女,肯定都是很粗犷的种族,一般矜持的圣女还不至于这样争抢,比如饕餮族、黄金犼族等等! Obviously, Holy Daughter of these clans return to parental home after being divorced formidable, but, discussed by the appearance only, suitable did not conform to the Ying Wudi aesthetic standard, he was mad wants to eat Chu Feng exactly. 显而易见,这些族的圣女强大归强大,但是,单以容貌而论,相当的不符合映无敌的审美标准,他气的想活吃掉楚风 He believes, this is the naked retaliation, this Great Demon bears a grudge very much, is tidying up him! 他认为,这是赤裸裸的报复,这个大魔头很记仇,在收拾他呢! The distant place, after the Sub Immortal Clan's elder sees, slightly feels surprisedly, then nods unceasingly, said: Has grown up invincibly finally, considered for the family benefit, unexpectedly starts to choose the formidable race Holy Daughter to show good will on own initiative, no longer haggles over the external appearance, is a good child!” 远处,亚仙族的长老看到后,略感惊讶,然后不断点头,道:“无敌总算长大了,为了家族利益考虑,居然主动开始选择强大的种族的圣女示好,不再计较外在容貌,是个好孩子!” After these elders mainly have drunk the millennium aging, has drunk 1. years of king wine, this type of wine can knock down including Sub Saint, the idle talk is he, the bleary eyes is a little dim. 这些长老主要是喝了千年陈酿后,又去饮了1.10000年王酒,这种酒浆连亚圣都能给撂倒,更遑论是他,有点醉眼朦胧。 Ying Wudi hears this words, wants to chop the person, sees one crowd enchanting females, he felt that the life is really lonely like the snow, is quite dismal, because his point also excited. 映无敌听到这种话,真想砍人,看到身边的一群“莺莺燕燕”,他感觉人生真是寂寞如雪,好悲凉,因为他一点也兴奋不起来。 In addition, he cursed 500 Chu Feng, wants to go all out with him. 此外,他将楚风重新诅咒500遍,真想同他拼命。 His sister Ying Xiaoxiao, a person digs the mouth to eat the thing crazily, silver-haired Little Loli is penting up anger, has not rescued his thought that making the Ying Wudi air/Qi to not good. 他妹妹映晓晓,正一个人撅着嘴巴狂吃东西呢,银发小萝莉在生闷气,一点也没有救他的念头,让映无敌气到不行。 But this time after is advocating Chu Feng will pass through loses invincibly here, unexpectedly as if nothing has happened, him gives to forget, self-satisfied however takes a step here, prepares to go to the nuptial chamber, is quite leisurely and carefree. 而此时的正主楚风将经无敌丢在这里后,居然跟没事人似的,将他给遗忘了,迤迤然在这里迈步,准备去洞房,相当悠闲。 Obviously, Chu Feng had underestimated one crowd has the plans, pretty such as willful of flower Holy Daughter, some people are very calm, in staring at him, welled up, on the nape of the neck left behind the bright red hickey after his collar, this was in incurring reproach for somebody, the preparation makes these evidence expose in Qin Luoyin at present, making Chu Feng attractive. 显然,楚风低估了一群有心机、貌美如花的圣女的任性,一些人很冷静,一直在盯着他,又涌过来了,在他的衣领子上、后脖颈上留下鲜红的唇印,这是在“上眼药”,准备让这些罪证暴露在秦珞音眼前,让楚风好看。 Chu Feng does not fear, dares to kiss, did not fear, meets aggressive, he once more moves aside, then he stares at first fullmoon Shicheng, rushed over fast. 楚风不怵,敢亲过来的,一点不怕,遇上生猛的,他则再次躲闪,然后他就盯上元世成,快速冲了过去。 Because, silver bear clan Holy Daughter is pursuing Chu Feng, in addition, Holy Daughter of keitloa clan, one by one is fierce, strong, too military might. 因为,银熊族的圣女在追楚风,此外,还有黑犀族的圣女,一个比一个凶猛,膀大腰圆,太威武了。 Yeah, what brother Chu Feng do you catch me to make?” Yuan Shicheng have one's hair stand on end. “哎,楚风兄你抓我做什么?”元世成毛骨悚然 Then, his creepy feeling, Chu Feng has thrown him to silver bear Holy Daughter of clan and keitloa clan, snow white like jade, but the body and spirit was too huge, another can call the black pearl black, the whole body shines. 接着,他就头皮发麻了,楚风将他扔给银熊族与黑犀族的圣女,一个雪白如玉,但体魄实在太庞大了,另一个则可以称之为黑珍珠,周身黑的发亮。 This to/clashes with the Yuan Shicheng aesthetic standard absolutely, particularly was hugged by the black pearl after the side, he almost yelled, could not withstand, not has the good fortune to enjoy something. 这绝对跟元世成审美观相冲,尤其是被黑珍珠抱在身边后,他差点大叫出来,承受不起,无福消受。 Help!” He also moves about with difficulty, but in can also shout several well. “救命啊!”他也行动不便,但好在还能喊上几声。 Then...... Did not have then, some Holy Daughter were interested in him very much, pesters, was submerged quickly. 然后……就没有然后了,一些圣女对他很感兴趣,纠缠上来,很快被淹没。 Everybody, watches the live transmission quickly, some people photograph surreptitiously the private picture, female who oh, Ying Wudi likes the boundless shape unexpectedly, was too surprising, but looked that he lives not to be possible the love appearance, should also by Qin Luoyin gets married to stimulate, this is deliberately bad.” “各位,快看直播啊,有人偷拍到私密性的照片,哇哦,映无敌居然喜欢磅礴形态的女子,太意外了,不过看他生无可恋的样子,应该也是受秦珞音嫁人所刺激的吧,这是自暴自弃啊。” At this moment, universe regional many people by the dumbfoundedness of being startled, some people were caught some pictures at the wedding scene, even records secretly, sends to the major platforms. 这一刻,宇宙各地许多人都被惊的目瞪口呆,有人在婚礼现场捕捉到一些画面,甚至偷偷录制下来,发到各大平台上。 Aiya, Yuan Shicheng crown prince likes the black pearl unexpectedly, is not good, I must sun, striving makes the skin color grow dark!” “哎呀,元世成太子居然喜欢黑珍珠,不行,我得去晒太阳,争取让肤色变黑一些!” Many people noticed that Ying Wudi and Yuan Shicheng gathered round by enchanting females, was submerged. 许多人都看到映无敌、元世成被莺莺燕燕围着,被淹没了。 The regular Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform allow to photograph, but was requested severely, can not photograph surreptitiously the personal privacy, must officially be very good. 正规的黑血平台、原兽平台允许进来拍摄,但是被严厉要求,不得偷拍个人隐私,必须很正式才行。 However, had the person in small platform to carry on this photographing surreptitiously as before, came some feature articles to Ying Wudi with Yuan Shicheng. 但是,依旧有小平台的人进行了这种偷拍,对映无敌与元世成来了一些特写。 Oh, you look at Finally, these two are also buying wine, looks at such, lives not to have the love, is deliberately bad, but is actually willing to hide in the female crowd, is quite pitiful.” “唉,你们看到了吗,这两人也算是在买醉啊,看那样子,生无可恋,自暴自弃,但却甘愿躲在女人堆中,好可怜。” If by these two knows, were certainly obloquied, goes to fuck off to be willing to hide here, is deliberately bad, is moves about with difficulty to be good? Did not get rid! 如果被这两人知道,一定大骂,去你大爷的甘愿躲在这里,自暴自弃,是行动不便好不好?摆脱不了! Yuan Yuan must rescue her elder brother, two people sentiment is actually very good, finally was held by Chu Feng, two best men both gave to use, bridesmaid where had does not use, Chu Feng held her, kept the side to keep off the liquor, was responsible for clearing the way, uses her Primitive Demon Race Princess status to frighten some ordinary Holy Daughter. 元媛要去营救她哥,两人感情倒是很好,结果被楚风一把抓住,两个伴郎都给利用起来了,伴娘哪有不利用的,楚风抓住她,留在身旁挡酒,负责开道,利用她始魔族公主的身份震慑一些普通的圣女 Then, in the starry sky rushes out of the nest once again, many people discuss. 然后,星空中又一次炸窝,许多人热议。 Looked quickly, Great Demon King Chu Feng is quite honest, these many Holy Daughter surrender he to remain unmoved, is evasive, was too tasteful, worthily is honest pure good Divine King Chu!” “快看,楚大魔王好正派,这么多圣女投怀送抱他都不为所动,躲躲闪闪,太讲究了,不愧是敦厚纯善楚神王!” Before looked like we misunderstands Great Demon Chu, his character was indeed uncommon!” “以前看来我们真误会楚大魔头了,他的风骨的确不凡!” One group of people acclaimed. 一群人赞叹。 The wedding scene, Ouyang Feng, Old Donkey, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others are showing the whites of the eyes, because they received Chu Feng's sound transmission a moment ago, is responsible for supervising photographing surreptitiously, has filled also the red package for some photographing surreptitiously, therefore had his glorious image, but is not the romantic picture. 婚礼现场,欧阳风老驴大黑牛黄牛等人则在翻白眼,因为他们刚才接到楚风的传音,负责监督偷拍者,同时也为一些偷拍者塞了红包,所以才有了他的光辉形象,而不是香艳画面。 Oh, looks quickly, that is not Primitive Demon Race's Yuan Yuan Princess, unexpectedly accompanying follows, follows side Chu Feng's, helping him keep off the liquor, stops these Holy Daughter for him, is quite earnest!” “哇哦,快看啊,那不是始魔族的元媛公主吗,居然相伴相随,跟在楚风的身边,帮他挡酒,为他阻拦那些圣女,好认真!” Yes, carefully looked, she is still holding a Chu Feng's arm, this is true adoring in him, knows Chu Feng as if made by heaven has kissed now, later cannot in the same place, in keep off the liquor for him finally, stops these beautiful women, the affectionate righteousness is heavy!” “是啊,仔细看,她还在抱着楚风的一条手臂,这是真正的倾心于他啊,知道楚风天成亲了,以后不能在一起,在最后为他挡酒,阻拦那些丽人,情深义重!” In the starry sky, many people discussed. 星空中,许多人议论。 This is the accident/surprise, Chu Feng has not thought absolutely. 这绝对算是意外,楚风也没有想到。 Primitive Demon Race Princess, under after the starry sky the tenth beautiful woman Yuan Yuan finds time to see discussions in major platforms, the beautiful pupil circle of air/Qi opens the eyes, the anger moves greatly, the sexy enchanting body is shivering, she wants to say very much, is Great Demon Chu grabs my arm to keep off the liquor to be good, I am not holding his arm, your what looks?! 始魔族公主,星空下第十丽人元媛抽空看到各大平台上的热议后,气的美眸圆睁,肝火大动,性感妖娆的身躯都在颤抖,她很想说,是楚大魔头抓着我的手臂挡酒好不好,不我抱着他的手臂,你们什么眼神啊啊啊啊?! Chu Feng strolls, on the arm is carrying on the arm Yuan Yuan, when passed by Ying Wudi and Yuan Shicheng near, shows a faint smile is very bright, beautiful woman slightly, said: Two, drink slowly, wish happy, I went to the nuptial chamber.” 楚风漫步,手臂上挎着元媛,路过映无敌、元世成近前时,微微一笑很灿烂,也略微的倾城,道:“两位,慢慢喝,祝开心,我去洞房了。” Aiyu!” Ying Wudi air/Qi is covering the chest, feels the heart to hurt, thinks a fist bang really on the hateful smiling face of that demon. “哎呦!”映无敌气的捂着胸口,感觉心脏疼,真想一拳轰在那魔头的可恶笑脸上。 Yuan Shicheng nose quick air/Qi was crooked, in the meantime, what makes his resentful is, Great Demon Chu Feng is carrying on the arm his sister's arm unexpectedly, is this is the bridesmaid good, is not the bride! 元世成则鼻子都快气歪了,同时,让他愤懑的是,楚风大魔头居然挎着他妹妹的手臂呢,这是伴娘好不好,不是新娘! Meanwhile, he also wants to yell, fucking, you must go to the nuptial chamber, why also holds my younger sister's arm to make her go together?! 同时,他还想大叫出来,特么的,你要去洞房了,为何还抱着我妹妹的手臂让她跟着一起去?!
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