SR :: Volume #9

#868: Complete wedding

Scarlet Rosy Cloud winds around, the purple cloud ripples, azure splendor sprinkles...... In Great Dream Pure Land, various different beautiful mountain peaks are filling the different spiritual energies and brilliance, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, the scenery is really beautiful. 赤霞缭绕,紫云荡漾,青辉洒落……大梦净土中,各座不同的秀丽山峰弥漫着不同的灵气与光彩,云蒸霞蔚,景色煞是美丽。 Especially when today, Holy Daughter big marriage, the guest like the tide, fellow honored guests' arrival, making the pure land particularly attach great importance, opens has not allowed to visit in the ordinary day heavy. 尤其是今日,圣女大婚之际,宾客如潮,各位贵客的到来,让净土分外重视,开放了许多在平日都不允许踏足的重地。 All people expressed admiration, some region sceneries were elegant, some regions were grand. 所有人都称奇,有的地带景色秀美,有些区域则非常壮丽。 For example, islands that in the sky floats, scenery like picture, pine cypress Large expanse , the white fog is faintly recognizable, as if Ruoxian boundary. 比如,天空中漂浮的岛屿,景色如画,青松翠柏成片,白雾飘渺,宛若仙境。 In addition, but also have several the kilometer golden waterfall in to let fall from reaching to the sky great mountain, that sound is similar to the thunder, deafening, and is interweaving the Order symbol. 此外,还有数千米的金色瀑布在从高耸入云的大岳上垂落下来,那声音如同雷霆,震耳欲聋,且交织着秩序符号。 This is the famous golden big thunder sound waterfall, the Buddha Race's people who annoys exclaimed in surprise, lingers in this, is not willing to leave. 这是有名的金色大雷音瀑,惹的佛族的人都惊叹,流连于此,不愿离开。 Because, this profound different treasure trove is indistinct the resonance with their Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, making their hearts become aware, usually this place is not outward open, is in the pure land the closing up place of old monster. 因为,这种玄异的宝地跟他们的大雷音呼吸法隐约间共鸣,让他们心有所悟,平日此地对外不开放,是净土中老怪物的闭关地。 The wedding is held is open, because the guest are too many, has chosen in Great Dream Pure Land a scenery beautiful and grand region, holds all Evolver sufficiently. 婚礼举行地非常开阔,因为宾客太多,选择了大梦净土中一处景色美丽而又壮阔的地带,足以容纳所有进化者 Fellow people of same belief, welcome to Great Dream Pure Land, today was not only my clan Holy Daughter the date of big marriage, actually also wants slightly gathering with fellow people of same belief one......” “各位同道,欢迎来到大梦净土,今天不仅是我族圣女的大婚之日,其实也是想与各位同道小聚一番……” In Great Dream Pure Land an old man opens the mouth, stands in the stage, the crane sends the young face, the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, after a simple and direct speech, holds up the translucent wine glass, proposes a toast to all people. 大梦净土中一位老者开口,站在高台上,鹤发童颜,仙风道骨,简单而直接的一番致辞后,举起透亮的酒杯,向所有人敬酒。 Haha, congratulates Great Dream Pure Land to receive the fine son-in-law!” Immediately some people congratulate. “哈哈,恭喜大梦净土收得佳婿!”顿时有人祝贺。 Chu Feng, Divine King Chu, the marvelous ability, present age in can be hard to seek 1-2 with the peer who it fights, has horizontal pushes potentials of one generation of person, extraordinary!” 楚风,楚神王,神功了得,当世之中能与之争锋的同辈人难以寻出一两个,颇有横推一代人之势,了不得啊!” Qin Luoyin doll outstanding beauty, colorful startled starry sky, but the Chu Feng talent is extraordinary, may resist with all one's strength under Sub Saint all people, in the future not necessarily cannot suppress All Heavens, two people perfect match, inborn pair of!” 秦珞音女娃国色天香,艳惊星空,而楚风天赋超绝,可力敌亚圣下所有人,未来未必不能压制诸天,两人可谓珠联璧合,天生的一对儿!” A troop person congratulated, delivered blessing. 一大群人恭贺,送上祝福语。 Even if Corpse Race has not added to the chaos in this situation, this clan elder Yan azure not painful did not say similarly painful some blessings, and offers the value not poor gift. 哪怕是尸族在这种场合下也没有添乱,该族长老阎青同样不痛不痛的说了一些祝福语,并送上价值不菲的礼物。 Here atmosphere auspicious. 这里气氛一片祥和。 Chu Feng came, wears the Great Dream planet unique clothing, the very spirit, has an imposing appearance, it may be said that the heroic bearing thrives, when the precisely gold years are in full flower. 楚风来了,穿上大梦星球特有的服饰,非常的精神,气宇轩昂,可谓英姿勃发,正是黄金岁月风华正茂时。 Qin Luoyin is slender and wispy, but, figure very tall, stands here slimly and gracefully, her waist is slightly slender, the both legs are slender, wants on high some compared with many men, whole person beautiful and graceful is tall and graceful, the face shining white, can be called beautiful, cannot pick up a slight defect, the big eye is nimble and resourceful, the red lip is bright, brilliance. 秦珞音袅娜而至,身段非常的高挑,站在这里亭亭玉立,她小蛮腰纤细,双腿修长笔直,比许多男子都要高上一些,整个人婀娜挺秀,面孔莹白,称得上绝美,挑不出一点瑕疵,大眼灵动,红唇鲜艳,光彩点点。 She is graceful, goddess model/pattern Shizu, appointed the Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform person photographs, is maintaining the charming smile. 她落落大方,女神范十足,任黑血平台、原兽平台的人进行拍摄,保持着迷人的微笑。 Today, Great Dream Pure Land allows in the universe some platforms to come in specially, so long as observes the custom, can the entire journey with the racket. 今天,大梦净土特别允许宇宙中一些平台进来,只要遵守规矩,就可以全程跟拍。 In addition, best man Ying Wudi and Yuan world entirely succeed are celebrities , is very fine-looking, right and wrong attraction eyeball. 此外,伴郎映无敌、元世成都是名人,也都很英挺,是非吸引眼球。 Rolls also quite magnificently as for the bridesmaid, for example Yuan Yuan, silver-haired Little Loli, Zi Luan and Vermilion Bird fairy maiden, shocking four directions, beautiful glaring. 至于伴娘团也相当的华丽,比如元媛、银发小萝莉紫鸾朱雀仙子,惊艳四方,美丽的晃眼。 At this moment, universe regional piece of stirs, some knows many people are not watching the live transmission, because this wedding is too grand, already publicized. 这一刻,宇宙各地一片轰动,不知道有多少人在观看直播,因为这场婚礼太盛大,早已宣扬出去。 Suddenly, many young people sighed, was cursing, was discussing, various views had. 一时间,许多年轻人叹气,在诅咒,也在热议,各种说法都有。 The Qin Luoyin popularity is too high, supports wholesale to be innumerable, now saw that she must get married, becomes others' bride, many youth are very not naturally willingly, in the heart is depressed. 秦珞音人气太高,拥趸无数,现在见到她要嫁人,成为别人的新娘,许多青年自然很不甘心,心中发闷。 Oh, originally is one generation of goddesses, actually must marry a demon, this way of the world really has been unable to cope, therefore, the good-hearted person cannot do, wants to become outstanding, goes to to become demon.” “唉,本是一代女神,却要嫁给一个魔头,这个世道真是没治了,所以啊,老好人做不得,想要出人头地,还是去成魔吧。” Said anything, you are the envy, the Chu Feng so-called demon reputation, is not because defeats various clan Holy Son to be the result, he never has done in the final analysis the dishonorable matter, the present is Divine King Chu!” “说什么呢,你这是嫉妒,楚风所谓的魔头名声,还不是因为击败各族圣子所致,说到底他从未干过伤天害理的事,现在是楚神王!” In starry sky, there is a Chu Feng's supporter for him but is uneven, thought that these people should not go bad his reputation. 星空中,也有楚风的支持者为他而不平,觉得那些人不应坏他的名声。 Oh, goddess that I like got married, from now, I decide partner oil lamp ancient...... Three days, then travel around the world, experience billowing mortal world, let loose thoroughly!” “唉,我喜欢的女神嫁人了,从此以后,我决定伴青灯古佛……三天,然后去周游世界,体验滚滚红尘,彻底放开!” Go away, your this ikebana demon, anything experiences mortal world, should soak the pig cage you!” “滚,你这个花道魔头,什么体验红尘,该将你浸猪笼!” ...... …… No matter what said, Chu Feng gets married Qin Luoyin becomes the hot topic, countless people were discussing, is watching the live transmission, various sounds have, has the commendation, has sadly, has the curse, there is an indignation. 不管怎样说,楚风迎娶秦珞音都成为焦点话题,无数人在议论,在观看直播,各种声音都有,有称赞的,有伤心的,有诅咒的,也有不忿的。 At this moment, in Great Dream Pure Land the wedding is in progress. 此刻,大梦净土中婚礼正在进行。 first bow to heaven and earth!” 一拜天地!” This is gift, even if Demon Chu has the matter to be all right scolds the heaven, now must do obeisance, does not have the means. 这是大礼,哪怕楚魔头有事没事就数落老天,现在也得拜,毫无办法。 One crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains are also very proper, is attending the ceremony, is gazing at this to the new person, is very serious, all around the security, feared that some people disturb. 昆仑的一群大妖也很正经,都在观礼,注视着这对新人,皆很严肃,警戒四周,怕有人捣乱。 Young Lady Xi also came, rolls the eyes to look at Chu Feng in distant place, an appearance angrily, she is holding a fine umbrella, seems like is covering Sun, but understood actually Kunlun Mountains big monster knows of inside story, this is the Heavenly Dao umbrella, can rumble to kill Saint , is helping the security. 少女曦也来了,在远处翻白眼看着楚风,一副气鼓鼓的样子,她撑着一柄精美的伞,看似在遮挡太阳,但其实了解内情的昆仑大妖都知道,这是天道伞,能轰杀圣人,也是在帮警戒呢。 Old Donkey the big thread chaser to go forward, said: Fairy Xi, Chu Feng also has no recourse actually, all are passive, you think that the children had, after all is his later generation, can look helplessly just the life didn't have the father? Although is some passive children, may as a responsible man, probably result to take on.” 老驴呲着大板牙上前,道:“曦仙子,其实楚风也是迫不得已,一切都是被动的,你想呀,孩子都有了,毕竟是他的后人,能眼睁睁的看着刚一生下来就没父亲吗?尽管是被动有的孩子,可作为一个负责的男人,必须得有所担当。” Your what meaning, me told that what these do make?” The Young Lady Xi look is bad, is staring at Old Donkey. “你什么意思,跟我说这些做什么?”少女曦神色不善,盯着老驴 My this did not fear that you cannot look on the bright side of thing for a while, meeting...... Aiyu, how you take the Heavenly Dao umbrella to aim at me, the sunlight, like this, can not leave the donkey life!” “我这不是怕你一时想不开,会……哎呦,你怎么拿天道伞对准我,曦,不要这样,会出驴命的!” You traded a name to me, whole body goosebumps fell place!” Young Lady Xi was not feeling well, hears him to call the sunlight directly, feels unable to bear, is similar to several caterpillars crawls on the body, chases down him directly! “你给我换个称呼,浑身鸡皮疙瘩掉了一地!”少女曦本来就不爽呢,听到他直接称呼曦,感觉受不了,如同几条毛毛虫在身上爬,直接追杀他! Old Donkey turns around to run, draws to withstand/top the package Big Black Ox. 老驴转身就跑,将大黑牛拉过来顶包。 ...... …… second bow to parents!” 二拜高堂!” The Chu Feng's parents sit above, is having the kind and happy smiling face, in fact, two people a little are dizzy, on Earth, the result in one day arrived at the starry sky another end, came to see the son to marry an extraterrestrial wife. 楚风的父母坐在上面,带着和蔼与高兴的笑容,事实上,两人都有点晕,原本还是在地球上呢,结果一天内来到星空的另一端,来看儿子娶了一个外星媳妇。 However, generally speaking, they pour also satisfy, is already hoping Chu Feng gets married, urged that this matter for a long time, cannot think of now as if made by heaven real. 不过,总的来说,他们倒也满意,早就盼着楚风成家,催促这件事已久,想不到今天成真。 This extraterrestrial wife is good!” Two people look at each other, is very happy and happy. “这外星媳妇不错!”两人对视,很高兴与开心。 Husband and wife to doing obeisance!” “夫妻对拜!” Finally the moment approaches, when Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin to doing obeisance, all guests are attending the ceremony, silver-haired Little Loli digs the mouth at the scene, Young Lady Xi Old Donkey that then the Heavenly Dao umbrella in thinking over hand, looks is fearful and apprehensive. 最后关头来临,楚风秦珞音对拜时,各方宾客都在观礼,银发小萝莉当场撅起嘴巴,少女曦则则掂量手中的天道伞,看的老驴心惊肉跳。 As for Ying Wudi, that is the face such as being unjustly discredited bottom. 至于映无敌,那可是脸如黑锅底。 Looked quickly, you discovered that Ying Wudi complexion that in best man called a black, I guessed that he definitely unrequited loved the Qin Luoyin goddess, finally discovered that she gets married now, has no alternative, runs to work as the best man, in the heart was greatly sad, the complexion was jet black!” “快看,你们发现了吗,伴郎中的映无敌脸色那叫一个黑,我猜测他肯定暗恋秦珞音女神,结果发现她现在嫁人,无可奈何,跑来当伴郎,心中大悲,脸色漆黑!” This is not the discussion of scene, but is the discussion sound of person in the starry sky all watches the live transmission, finally initiates discusses. 这并不是现场的议论,而是星空中所有观看直播的人的讨论声,结果引发热议。 Elder Brother, you reads the discussion lists of some platforms quickly, you have been on the list directly, said that you unrequited love the Qin Luoyin goddess, in the heart the sorrow!” Ying Xiaoxiao reminded her elder brother. “哥,你快看一些平台的热议榜,你直接上榜了,都说你暗恋秦珞音女神,心中悲苦!”映晓晓提醒她哥。 At this moment, Ying Wudi has a fit of bad temper simply, is this unjustly discredited can carry on the back? He acknowledged before , has some ideas, but that was also restricted in the past, now early loses heart. 这一刻,映无敌简直炸毛,这黑锅都能背上?他承认以前有过一些想法,但是那也只是限于从前,现在早死心了。 His complexion becomes dark, but pure looks at Chu Feng not to be feeling well, after don't tell me this fellow married Qin Luoyin here, but can also run up to Sub Immortal Clan to marry his elder sister? 他脸色发黑,只是单纯的看楚风不爽而已,难道这个家伙在这里娶了秦珞音后,还要跑到亚仙族去娶他姐? When thinks of all these, in his heart hundred claws torment the mind, really wishes one could to suppress this Great Demon immediately! 当想到这一切,他心中百爪挠心,真是恨不得立刻镇压这个大魔头 However, he now was suppressed, moves about with difficulty, is a klutz stands likely works as the best man here, finally like the people discussed that said in his heart sorrowful, heart like dying embers. 然而,偏偏他现在被镇压了,行动不便,像是个木头人站在这里当伴郎,结果更像人们议论的那样了,说他心中悲恸,心如死灰。 Looked quickly, Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race the smiling face of Yuan Shicheng is a little also stiff, this clearly also likes the Qin Luoyin goddess, he is also working as the best man, pitiful lamentable, this talent character cannot result in recompenses to hope, was seized the love by the Great Demon Chu Feng horizontal blade, alas, originally is not I and others had no alternative, having same problem person.” “快看,始魔族太子元世成的笑容也有点僵硬,这分明也是喜欢秦珞音女神,他也在当伴郎,可悲可叹,这种天骄人物也不能得偿所愿,被楚风大魔头横刀夺爱,呜呼哀哉,原来并非我等无可奈何,还有同病相怜人。” After Yuan Shicheng hears this words, and ate a dead mouse to be equally uncomfortable, the complexion became stiff, fuck, lay down is also being hit, said that Ying Wudi, why also did pull him? 元世成听到这种话语后,跟吃了个死耗子一样难受,脸色发僵,尼玛,躺着也中枪啊,说映无敌也就罢了,为什么将他也扯进来? Well, you look at Finally, the beautiful woman Yuan Yuan Princess complexion that in the universe is listed tenth is not good, haha, I understood, she likes Great Demon Chu Feng, finally sees the person who marries is not she, in the heart is uneven, runs to work as the bridesmaid, wants to compare tenderly and beautifully with the bride, making Chu Feng be hard to forget her!” “咦,你们看到了吗,宇宙中排名第十的丽人元媛公主脸色也不是多好,哈哈,我明白了,她喜欢楚风大魔头,结果看到娶的人不是她,心中不平,跑来当伴娘,想跟新娘比娇艳,让楚风难以忘记她!” Yuan Yuan is speechless, wants to curse very much, she is also how hit, becomes Chu Feng's unrequited loving? Reason that she this is because was supposed restrictions, moves about with difficulty, therefore is unhappy. 元媛无语,很想诅咒,怎么她也中枪,成为楚风的暗恋者?她之所以这样是因为被设下禁制,行动不便,所以不开心。 Then, she more listens is the face is blacker, must grasp simply crazily. 然后,她越听越是脸黑,简直要抓狂了。 Great Dream Pure Land is very discrete, the person who fears their several knows inside stories disturbs, defends strictly, has planted restrictions to them, all moves about with difficulty. 大梦净土很谨慎,怕他们几个知道内情的人捣乱,严加防御,给他们种下了禁制,皆行动不便。 Haha, cannot think that sexy enchanting Demoness Yuan Yuan Princess likes Great Demon Chu Feng unexpectedly!” “哈哈,想不到啊,性感妖娆的魔女元媛公主居然喜欢楚风大魔头!” This is very normal, Yuan Yuan came from Primitive Demon Race, liked Great Demon being normal!” “这很正常啊,元媛来自始魔族,喜欢大魔头再正常不过了!” The discussion in Star Sea, making Yuan Yuan want to hit the person, forehead reappearing many heavy lines, feels is too ignominious, she was dragged down unexpectedly, becomes Great Demon Chu Feng's unrequited loving, gets the label to her, now is hard to refute, will trace more is blacker. 星海中的议论,让元媛想打人,额头浮现很多黑线,感觉太可耻,她居然被拉下水,成为楚风大魔头的暗恋者,给她打上标签,偏偏现在难以反驳,会越描越黑。 Saw, the Yuan Yuan Princess complexion was ugly, became dark, the good depth of unrequited loving!” “看到了吧,元媛公主脸色难看,都发黑了,暗恋的好深!” Husband and wife to doing obeisance, the ritual becomes, since then, a pair of new person arrives at the same place. 夫妻对拜完毕,礼成,自此之后,一对新人算是走到一起。 Hence, the big marriage is complete, is various types of proposing a toast links, here even more lived it up opening that and put. 至此,大婚还算圆满,然后就是各种敬酒环节,这里越发的热闹与放的开了。 Chu Feng loafs, arrives at Big Black Ox and Yellow Ox side them, asked in a low voice: Yaoyao, she now where?” 楚风偷闲,走到大黑牛黄牛他们身边,低声问道:“妖妖呢,她现在在哪里?” I scratch!” Ouyang Feng has shocked, said: You pull up the heart of Yaoyao, has not died to the present, did the date of big marriage also think other?” “我擦!”欧阳风震惊了,道:“你这是撩妖妖之心,到现在都还没死呢,大婚之日还想其他?” Old Donkey and Big Black Ox are also staring at him, that expression was really speechless, looks that he quite admired, this died simply must pull up, became obsession in his heart? 老驴大黑牛也都盯着他,那表情真是无语了,看着他相当的佩服,这简直死了都要撩,成他心中的执念了吧? What thinks?!” Chu Feng scolds in a low voice. “想什么呢?!”楚风低声呵斥。 You asked that Yaoyao does do really?” Yellow Ox is rolling the eyes. “那你问妖妖作甚?”黄牛都在翻白眼。 She has, very long does not see, thought of really, in this situation naturally hopes she can also attend, don't tell me she therefore is angry, this said......” the Chu Feng color of face rippling. “她不是没来吗,很久不见,甚是想念,在这种场合自然希望她也能出席,难道她是因此而生气,这岂不是说……”楚风一脸荡漾之色。 Added does not have the wicked heart!” One crowd of big monsters breathe out him. “还说没贼心,切!”一群大妖嘘他。 The Chu Feng deep sigh, said: Tears tears long class, read long of world, alone sad, but under the tears, was I like this passive? You let alone, after this, only original creations, starting today single-minded Sanctification, alas......” 楚风长叹,道:“涕泪长流,念天地之悠悠,独怆然而泪下,我怎么这样被动?你们都别说了,从此之后,唯余独创,自今日起专一成圣,呜呼哀哉……” Stops, we do not believe your this set!” “停,我们不信你这一套!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger patted had feared that his shoulder, said: Do not be sad, Yaoyao closes up, already vanished, knows your matter, where our knows she did not go to now.” 东北虎拍了怕他的肩头,道:“别伤心了,妖妖去闭关,早就消失了,根本不知道你的事,连我们都不知道她现在去了哪里。” Chu Feng said: Such being the case, I first I must say good bye now, needs to feed in the nuptial chamber the bride, I look.” 楚风道:“既然如此,那我就先失陪了,需要将新娘送进洞房,我去看一看。” Where need you deliver, have the specialist to escort, couldn't you wait? A while is one's turn you to go, oh, do not walk, your this paying more attention to a lover than friends fellow!” “哪里需要你去送,有专人护送,你这是等不及了吧?一会儿才轮到你去,唉,别走啊,你这个重色轻友的家伙!” Xi sunlight, does not see for a long time, I thought to you.” “曦曦,好久不见,我对你甚是想念。” In the halfway, saw that Young Lady Xi thinks over the Heavenly Dao umbrella to block the way, in the Chu Feng heart is scared, tries to get close hastily. 半路上,看到少女曦掂量天道伞拦路,楚风心中发毛,连忙套近乎。 Really disgusting, the whole body is goosebumps! I do not spare a glance to you, walks you quickly!” When Young Lady Xi opens the ruddy small mouth wine, shuts out his appearance. “真肉麻,浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩!切,我对你不屑一顾,快走吧你!”少女曦张开红润的小嘴时略带酒香,一副嫌弃他的样子。 Chu Feng flashes the person immediately, the nuptial chamber in rearward goes. 楚风立刻闪人,向后方的洞房而去。 The day quickly was so black, a excuse does not give me, the tragedy, the tears rush in the evening diligently go. 天这么快就黑了,连个借口都不给我,悲剧,泪奔晚间努力去。
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