SR :: Volume #9

#867: Big marriage

The old woman cannot bear, felt that was divided simply likely, by day thundering bang! 老妪真是受不了,感觉简直像是被劈了,遭天打雷轰! Sees his smile, making people unable to feel joyfully, but is the agitated, startled anger. 看到他那种微笑,让人感觉不到愉悦,而是烦躁,惊怒。 Regardless of the old woman in room, the old monster that listens secretly outside, is covering the chest, felt that the heart disease must come out, in the heart is depressed, the severe pain is hard to endure. 无论房间中的老妪,还是在外面偷听的老怪物,都捂着胸口,感觉心脏病要出来了,心中发堵,剧痛难忍。 You......” the old woman in room refer to Chu Feng with the hand point, wants to spurt his full head spittle very much, this boy too...... It is not concerned about face, body both sides, does swindling and abducting, want to become two sons-in-law? So is after it happened calm! “你……”房间中的老妪用手点指楚风,很想喷他满头唾沫星子,这小子太……不要脸了,一体两面,坑蒙拐骗,想当两家女婿?事发后还这么镇定! Relatively speaking, old woman that may really unable to be calm, knocks the tea table and furniture, the whole body tea, is distressed, she felt that the chest is hurting. 相对而言,老妪那可真是不能淡定,撞翻茶几与桌椅,满身茶水,非常狼狈,她感觉心口都在疼。 This time, Great Dream Pure Land died by this demon Toukeng simply, is really he with Wu Lunhui a person?! 这一次,大梦净土简直被这个魔头坑死了,他跟吴轮回真是一个人?! Be not blocking me, this must eliminate the demon to defend traditional moral principles!” Outside the door, an old monster reddens all over the face, the forehead blue vein jumps, exciting is not good. “别拦着我,本座要除魔卫道!”房门外,一个老怪物满脸通红,额头青筋直跳,被刺激的不行。 old king, you, the invitation sends calmly now, entire world, trim universe knows our Great Dream Pure Land's Holy Daughter must get married, you now such one noisy, what's the matter, if divulges a secret, my Great Dream Pure Land will become the laughingstock in Star Sea!” “老王,你冷静点,现在请柬都发出去了,全天下,整片宇宙都知道我们大梦净土的圣女要成婚,你现在这样一闹,算怎么回事,万一走漏风声,我大梦净土将会成为星海中的笑料!” Several old monsters hold down a old man, making him not act unreasonably, but also feared really causes the huge trouble. 几个老怪物按住一个老头子,让他别乱来,还真怕惹出天大的风波。 Then, several old men burst, rush in the palace, when sees Chu Feng, they are puffing, get flushed in the face with anger, as famous elder appearance truly is also rare. 然后,几个老头子破门而入,闯进宫殿中,看到楚风时,他们都在喘粗气,脸红脖子粗,身为名宿这个样子也确实罕见。 Demon, the swindler, kidnapper, the pit goods, you have damaged, strategic point my Great Dream Pure Land!” An old man roared. “魔头,骗子,人贩子,坑货,你太损了,要害我大梦净土啊!”一个老头子咆哮道。 Because, they are worried to be possible with Sub Immortal Clan to, both sides snatch a son-in-law, in the end takes two females both to marry one person, also went too far. 因为,他们担心有可能会跟亚仙族对上,双方抢一个女婿,到头来真要两女都嫁一人,也太过分了。 Unprecedented, their this ranks super before Dao Lineage, Holy Daughter never have the record that and person marries. 史无前例,他们这种排名超级靠前的道统,圣女从未有过与人同嫁的记录。 Chu Feng is calm, said: This not you compel, I quite yearned to the Great Dream Pure Land's temple, but you look cold and indifferent to me, after refusing to give me to send out the golden invitation, but also taunted. I am also the struggle of spirit for a while, has no recourse to try to find another way the pure land, ashamed, young frivolous innocent, does not do right by everybody.” 楚风淡定,道:“这不是被你们逼的吗,我对大梦净土的神殿颇为向往,可你们对我爱搭不理,拒绝给我发金色请柬后,还冷嘲热讽。我也是一时意气之争,迫不得已才另想办法进净土,惭愧,年少轻狂不懂事,对不住各位。” This saying said makes one crowd of old monsters suddenly scold is not, hits is not, shames angry serious. 这话说的让一群老怪物一时间骂也不是,打也不是,羞恼的不得了。 Thinks that initial matter, they shame bashfully, agitated, ridicules Chu Feng repeatedly, to his suitable profaning, threatened that must seal off his road of being promoted. 想一想当初的事,他们羞臊,烦躁,一再奚落楚风,对他相当的轻慢,扬言要封堵他的晋级之路。 Finally, in the end compensated the madame to fold the soldier, was makes them become angry out of shame seriously, wished one could to truncate Chu Feng really ruthlessly. 结果,到头来赔了夫人又折兵,当真是让他们恼羞成怒,真恨不得狠削楚风 But, is the faits accomplis, don't tell me must clarify to the entire universe now, said dao companion that chooses isn't Chu Feng? This is not realistic, now the guest is continuous, all has visited, moreover is the honored guests! 可是,如今已是既成事实,难道还要向全宇宙澄清,说选的道侣不是楚风?这不现实,如今宾客络绎不绝,全都登门了,而且都是贵客! Had this matter, Great Dream Pure Land does not have the face, becomes the laughingstock in universe, now these old monsters discovered that the bitter fruit that oneself created, seemingly also downward swallowed with tears. 真发生这种事,大梦净土就没脸了,会成为宇宙中的笑料,现在这些老怪物发现,自己造成的这种苦果,貌似含泪也得向下吞。 However, saw that Chu Feng is so calm, they are mad not to hit one, this demon, the feudal bully, kidnapper, the swindler of cheating, is not very the thing. 然而,看到楚风这么镇定,他们气就不打一处来,这个魔头,恶霸,人贩子,坑人的骗子,忒不是东西。 Senior, I have not deceived people, I am Chu Feng, you elect is also Chu Feng.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, reminded them, was the real status. “前辈,我可没骗人,我就是楚风,你们选的也是楚风。”楚风开口,提醒他们,原本就是真实身份。 Security, this matter cannot reveal!” An old woman urged, because they feared that the Sub Immortal Clan greatly noisy wedding, no matter what said that after the matter that later had a headache about said again, now first does not manage. “保密,这件事不能泄露!”一位老妪叮嘱,因为他们怕亚仙族大闹婚礼,不管怎样说,以后头疼的事以后再说,现在先不管了。 Therefore, several seniors, Ying Wudi, Yuan Yuan, Yuan Shicheng gave you, their knows truth, you found the way to let them law-abidingly.” “所以啊,几位前辈,映无敌、元媛、元世成就交给你们了,他们知道真相,你们想办法让他们安分点。” These old monster hearing this, toothache, must start to give him immediately from now on to wipe the buttocks. 这些老怪物闻言,顿时牙疼,从现在开始就要开始给他擦屁股了。 I want to see Luoyin.” Chu Feng smile. “我想见见珞音。”楚风微笑。 Now, looks at his smile, one group of people are scared, others smile very brightly, he smiles to guarantee has an accident certainly. 现在,一看他的这种微笑,一群人就发毛,别人微笑很灿烂,他一笑保准出事。 „It is not good, before the wedding must avoid suspicion!” “不行,婚前要避嫌!” Then one group of people walked, hurriedly, even is a little distressed. 然后一群人就走了,急匆匆,甚至有点狼狈。 Because, they a little were still worried, feared the matter that Qin Luoyin is pregnant is exposed. 因为,至今他们还是有点担心,怕秦珞音有孕的事东窗事发。 Ok, this demon Toukeng our, the present is fair, the Luoyin matter is hiding the truth from him, now not remorse.” “算了,这个魔头坑了我们一把,现在算是公平了,珞音的事就瞒着他,现在没有愧疚之心了。” "Um, is reasonable, appointed Demon Chu you can toss about, in the end must be kept in the dark, a report also report! ” “嗯,有道理,楚魔头任你能折腾,到头来也要被蒙在鼓里,一报还一报!” These old monsters think of these, the psychological balance were many, was light and lively including the body bone, the footsteps were lively. 这些老怪物想到这些,心理平衡了不少,连身子骨都轻灵了,脚步都轻快了。 in a while, I thought that Tyrant God Physique, Jun Tuo his son also had the strangeness, before related the sworn friend with Wu Lunhui, now with Chu Feng...... Asks him!” 等一下,我想起来了,霸神体,钧驮他儿子是不是也有古怪,以前跟吴轮回关系莫逆,现在跟楚风……去问问他!” Then, these people go to recur, inquired Chu Feng, so-called Tyrant God Physique Ou Ye was True Body, should be unmistakable? 然后,这些人去而复发,询问楚风,所谓的霸神体欧冶是真身吗,应该无误吧? Forgot to tell you, he was the same with me, incautiously used an alias, un, but, I felt, he possibly really had the blood relationship with Jun Tuo.” Chu Feng did not say very much sincerely. “忘记告诉你们了,他跟我一样,一不小心就化名进来了,嗯,不过,我感觉,他可能真跟钧驮有血缘关系。”楚风很不厚道地说道。 After the Great Dream Pure Land's person has not heard half a word, before remembers, half a word, choked with rage, heart when drop blood, finally was touched somebody's sore spot one time. 大梦净土的人没听到后半句,就记住前半句了,太窝火了,心都在滴血,最后时又被扎心了一次。 fucking, besides Chu Feng, Divine Beast also mixed, their Great Dream Pure Land's defensive measure was too disappointing, with screen, annoyed! 特么的,除了一个楚风,还有一只神兽也跟着混进来了,他们大梦净土的防御措施太差劲,跟筛子似的,恼火! Then, their tone walks, feeling very injured. 然后,他们调头就走,感觉很受伤。 Following two days, the guest are getting more and more, luckily Great Dream Pure Land is big enough, this can hold the guest visits of over ten thousand evolution races. 接下来的两天,宾客越来越多,幸亏大梦净土足够大,这才能够容纳上万进化种族的客人来访。 Trades small Sect simply not to have the means to arrange. 换一个小门派根本没有办法安排。 Chu Feng has not been idling, bringing Ouyang Feng, Zi Luan and Yuan Mo Zhao Qing to walk around, in fact he is helping Great Dream Pure Land arrange Domain. 在此期间,楚风一点也没闲着,带着欧阳风紫鸾元魔赵晴四处走动,事实上他是在帮大梦净土布置场域呢。 Naturally, Great Dream Pure Land has not been serious, does not think that his Domain attainments can touch Saint Level Dominion. 当然,大梦净土没当一回事,不认为他的场域造诣可以触及圣级领域 In fact is, Chu Feng must feel an important matter, he worried that at wedding accident/surprise, he does not believe that the entire universe Saint left, definitely some people stay behind. 事实上是,楚风就是要感一件大事,他担心婚礼上出意外,他可不相信全宇宙的圣人都离开了,肯定有人留下。 Did not say other places, is Great Dream Pure Land has two, but previous time goes to the fragrant shape clan also to induce to old Saint. 不说其他地方,就是大梦净土内部就有两尊,而上一次去香象族也感应到一位老圣人 In Great Dream Pure Land spiritual mountain, the Purple Qi transpiration, the scenery is really beautiful.” A Zi Luan very happy appearance, the big eye illumination, the footsteps are lithe, is enjoying the beauties of nature simply. 大梦净土灵山一座座,紫气蒸腾,景色真美丽。”紫鸾一副很开心的样子,大眼发光,脚步轻盈,简直是在游山玩水。 One was scolded by Chu Feng, she little darling helps to arrange Domain immediately, buries some important Divine Magnet! 楚风一顿呵斥,她立刻乖乖帮助布置场域,去埋一些重要的神磁石 Chu Feng has prepared various, most at least must control existing large-scale Domain, then supplements and in the arrangement own method. 楚风做好了各种准备,最起码也要将现有的大型场域都掌控到手,然后再补充与布置上自己的手段。 "Um, best nobody to stir up trouble, this moment comes the disgusting person, that definitely does not die continuous, I do not mind the-- slaughter Saint! ” “嗯,最好没有人来惹事,这种关头来恶心人,那肯定是不死不休的,我不介意——屠圣!” Is listening to his such murderous aura steaming words, is Ouyang Feng was startled, this brothers must do a ticket to be big, is doomed to be soul-stirring! 听着他这么杀气腾腾的话语,就是欧阳风都吃了一惊,这兄弟要干一票大的,注定要惊心动魄啊! Aiya, must cheat, kills!” Zi Luan muttered low voice. “哎呀,又要坑人,打打杀杀!”紫鸾小声咕哝道。 Is digging a pit, buries Divine Magnet!” Chu Feng stares. “去挖坑,埋神磁石!”楚风瞪眼。 Snort!” She is turning small waist immediately, is raising the small chin, flings to him a back of the head, goes slender and wispy. “哼!”她顿时扭着小蛮腰,扬着小下巴,甩给他一个后脑勺,袅袅娜娜而去。 Finally, wedding date arrived, the guests who comes were similar, some status most honored person next to last act rush, Chu Feng also starts to receive a guest, a grand wedding will soon start. 终于,婚礼日到了,来的宾客都差不多了,身份最尊贵的一些人压轴赶到,楚风也开始跟着来迎客,一场盛大的婚礼即将开始。 Great Dream Pure Land one crowd of old monsters are tighter than Chu Feng, for fear that has the accident/surprise, makes the joke, these days time they have been helping Chu Feng wipe the buttocks, propaganda honest pure good Divine King Chu, strives to wash his black stain wantonly, spares no effort. 大梦净土一群老怪物比楚风还紧张,生怕出意外,闹出笑话,这几天的时间他们一直在帮楚风擦屁股,大肆宣传敦厚纯善楚神王,争取将他的黑污点洗尽,不遗余力。 Corpse clan elder Yan azure carries disciple has arrived.” “尸族长老阎青携弟子驾到。” This is an old acquaintance, when previous time qilin child Yan Luo who comes to the temple to meet their this clan, is this elder, now came once more, the complexion is not attractive. 这是老熟人,上次来神殿来接他们这一族的麒麟儿阎洛时,就是这位长老,如今再次来了,脸色不是多好看。 After all, Yan Luo did not have the sound, has not distinguished with deceased person anything. 毕竟,阎洛至今还没动静呢,跟死人没什么区别。 However, since receives the invitation, and Great Dream Pure Land sincerity rank does not beat, formidable time can arrange to 11 th, is next to first ten big. 不过,既然接到请柬,且大梦净土真心排名不敌,强大的时候能够排到第11位,仅次于前十大。 Therefore, Corpse Race is not good because of the situation of this great happiness extremely impolitely. 所以,尸族在这种大喜的场合也不好太过无礼。 Has seen the senior.” Chu Feng is having the smile, salutes upon meeting to him. “见过前辈。”楚风带着微笑,对他见礼。 "Um, the young people are good, compared with it Wu Lunhui that young animal! ” Yan azure nods, a dead face, false smile. “嗯,年轻人不错,比之吴轮回那个小崽子强多了!”阎青点头,一副死人脸,皮笑肉不笑。 Wu Lunhui is also good, morality reaching up to the clouds, awe-inspiring, I to his cultivation base and moral behavior have admired very much, does not hit with him is not acquainted.” Commendation that Chu Feng face loyalty does not jump. 吴轮回也不错,义薄云天,正气凛然,我对他的修为与人品一直很佩服,跟他也算是不打不相识。”楚风脸不红心不跳的称赞。 Side, Ying Xiaoxiao, Yuan Yuan, Zi Luan and the others roll the eyes, was Ouyang Feng very much wants saying that you were too not concerned about face, had such praises own? 旁边,映晓晓、元媛、紫鸾等人都翻白眼,就是欧阳风都很想说,你太不要脸了,有这么夸自己的吗? Does not want with opening eyes to visit him as for Ying Wudi, but Yuan Shicheng is very speechless, maintains the low key. 至于映无敌都不想拿睁眼看他,而元世成则很无语,保持低调。 Wu Lunhui he is any thing, snort/hum!” Yan azure very not indignation. 吴轮回他算什么东西,哼!”阎青很不忿。 Old fogy, how you spoke!?” The Sub Immortal Clan's elder came, moreover is enough five elder colleagues, opens to the Great Dream Pure Land's face, hears the Yan azure words suitable disaffection, stares at him consistently. “老家伙,你怎么说话呢!?”亚仙族的长老来了,而且是足足有五位长老同行,非常开给大梦净土的面子,听到阎青的话语相当的不满,一致盯上他。 Sub Immortal Clan is too strong, except for dreaded outside slightly Dao Race and Buddha Race, meets anyone not to fear, can the crush in the past, the universe first three ranks not say after all. 亚仙族太强势,除了略微忌惮道族佛族外,遇上谁都不怵,可以碾压过去,毕竟宇宙前三的排名不是说说而已。 Yan azure wants to say anything very much, but saw that the opposite party five people stand, lowers the head immediately, the words that speaks the last words really suffer a loss inevitably, dirties others son-in-law face to face, definitely was hit. 阎青很想说些什么,但是看到对方五人站在一起,立刻低头,真叫板的话必然吃大亏,当面埋汰别人女婿,肯定被打。 „The Chu Feng little brother, you are very good.” A Sub Immortal Clan elder is having very happy expression, has patted the Chu Feng's shoulder with the hand. 楚风小兄弟,你很不错。”亚仙族一位长老带着很浓的笑意,用手拍了拍楚风的肩头。 The Chu Feng smile, said: Senior looked that the vision of person is also good, peerless rare talent who in the Wu Lunhui person the dragon, hundred generations rare meets, I am extremely good to his impression, although once fought, but pities clearheadedly, I think that we definitely will become the best friends.” 楚风微笑,道:“前辈看人的眼光也不错,吴轮回人中之龙,百代难得一遇的绝世奇才,我对他印象极佳,虽然曾经交手,但是惺惺相惜,我想我们必然会成为最好的朋友。” Let alone side, Ying Xiaoxiao and Yuan Yuan, as well as trigged Ying Wudi and the others, the Ouyang Feng such insensitive people could not bear goosebumps. 旁边,别说映晓晓、元媛、以及被制住的映无敌等人,就连欧阳风这么厚脸皮的人都忍不住起了一层鸡皮疙瘩 Also is concerned about face?” Very much feared that Chu Feng's Zi Luan is rolling the eyes, wants to say such a few words very much. “还要脸吗?”就是很怕楚风的紫鸾都在翻白眼,很想说出这么一句话。 Haha, the virtuous nephew, you are really very good, I believe that you and Wu Lunhui will become friends, in the future will be you, morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, honest pure good Divine King Chu!” “哈哈,贤侄,你真是很不错,我相信你和吴轮回会成为知己,未来属于你们,义薄云天轮回王,敦厚纯善楚神王!” Without a doubt, the Sub Immortal Clan's elder was happy, the son-in-law who in oneself clan selects was such commended by famous Great Demon, naturally makes in their hearts very carefree. 毫无疑问,亚仙族的长老非常高兴,自己族中选中的女婿被一个负有盛名的大魔头这么称赞,自然让他们心中很畅快。 As for him said that Chu Feng honest pure good, that completely was against one's conscience, but was under this situation to the Great Dream Pure Land face, to the Great Demon Chu Feng face, favored mutually. 至于他说楚风敦厚纯善,那完全是就是昧着良心了,不过是这种这场场合下为了给大梦净土面子,也给楚风大魔头面子而已,相互抬举。 But, surroundings many guests think speechless, fucking, Great Demon Chu Feng also really wants to be washed white inadequate, this universe first ten strong clans help to praise. 可是,周围许多宾客都觉得无语,特么的,楚风大魔头还真想被洗白不成,这种宇宙前十的强族都帮忙赞誉。 „The Buddha Race honored guest, can painstakingly Grandmaster!” 佛族贵客,苦能大师到!” Some people call loudly, the people change countenance, 500 years ago this can painstakingly, but Heaven-Blessed Talent, makes the universe contemporaries rare match, ranks among the best. 有人高声喊道,众人动容,500年前这位苦能可是天纵奇才,打遍宇宙同代人罕有对手,数一数二。 How, he closes up with hardship, is unable to break through to the Sub Saint level, moreover was recognized by the ancient ancestor level character , he this life possibly misses Saint Level Dominion for some reasons, extremely to be a pity. 奈何,他苦苦闭关,一直无法突破到亚圣层次,而且被古祖级人物认定,他由于某种原因,今生都可能无缘圣级领域,殊为可惜。 However, in Golden Body Dominion, this is a peerless character! 但是,在金身领域中,这可是一位绝世人物! Buddha Race also very much shows due respect for the feelings, came three elders, has ritual emphatically, many disciple accompany to come, includes Bodhisattva -- of this clan to release great, his state of mind is unexpectedly good! 佛族也很给面子,来了三位长老,带着重礼,有不少弟子随同而来,其中就包括该族的佛子——释宏,他的精神状态居然不错! This lets many person suck in a cold breath, the Buddha Race foundation is too solid, one month ago, releases great also crazy the appearance, now unexpectedly restores! 这让许多人倒吸冷气,佛族底蕴太深厚,一个月以前,释宏还一副痴儿的样子,现在居然恢复! Does not need to think, Buddha Race has the soul big medicine, helped to release great has repaired soul light of loss, making him rise. 不用多想,佛族有灵魂大药,帮助释宏修复了损耗的魂光,让他重新崛起。 Has seen the Buddha Race fellow seniors.” Chu Feng under the Great Dream Pure Land several elders' leadership, goes forward to salute upon meeting, is very polite. “见过佛族各位前辈。”楚风大梦净土几位长老的带领下,上前见礼,很客气。 Can the Grandmaster nod painstakingly, said: Good, is the Human Race hero, divine shine is seriously reserved, physique like dragon, blood energy like sea, once erupts, on may strike ninth heaven/day, gets down to shake Netherworld, the future achievement will be limitless!” 苦能大师点头,道:“不错,当真是人族英杰,神华内敛,筋骨如龙,血气如海,一旦爆发,上可击九天,下可撼幽冥,未来的成就不可限量!” The appraisal that this gives is high, to foot Great Dream Pure Land and Chu Feng face. 这给予的评价非常高,给足大梦净土楚风面子。 Chu Feng is modest and courteous, said: Senior overpraised, this should releases great Bodhisattva , under a view, if still Buddha were reincarnated , the sacred aura caressed the face, the elegant demeanor was excellent, soul light was pure, worthily was the Buddha Race eminent, in the future is doomed an achievement big buddha!” 楚风谦虚而有礼,道:“前辈过誉,这应该就是释宏佛子吧,一观之下,犹若真佛转世,神圣气息扑面,风采过人,魂光纯净,不愧为佛族翘楚,未来注定要成就一尊大佛!” The Buddha Race's three elders are having the happy expression, nods to Chu Feng. 佛族的三位长老都带着笑意,对楚风点头。 Releases great looks at Chu Feng, revealed the look of surprise, said: Spoke the fate, not knows why, I and brother Chu Feng felt like old friends at the first meeting, the feeling was specially kind.” 释宏看着楚风,露出异色,道:“佛讲缘分,不知道为何,我与楚风兄一见如故,感觉特别亲切。” Ouyang Feng curls the lip in side, wants to say very much, you naturally think to be intimate with, your Heaven and Earth treasure was robbed by Great Demon Chu, now melts in his within the body. 欧阳风在旁边撇嘴,很想说,你自然觉得亲近,你那天地奇珍就是被楚大魔头抢走的,如今融在他体内。 Chu Feng nods, said: I am also, therefore, I with releasing the great brother definitely will become a friend, today really feels sorry not to have met sooner.” 楚风点头,道:“我也是,所以,我与释宏兄必然会成为知己,今日真是相见恨晚。” His Balla Balla one said, making the Buddha Race people mood good, to grow a big truncation to the Chu Feng good sensitivity, in fact Buddha Race and Earth did not have the gratitude and grudges. 他巴拉巴拉一顿说,让佛族众人心情都不错,对楚风好感度增长一大截,事实上佛族与地球原本也无恩怨。 Surroundings, many people are very disappointed, but also wants to look that Buddha Race with Great Demon Chu whether appears not quickly, has not thought that both sides discussed was so harmonious. 周围,许多人都很失望,还想看佛族楚大魔头是否出现不快呢,没有想到,双方谈的这么融洽。 Rumor is really improper, I observe Chu Feng little friend spirituality, has the Buddha rhyme, where has any demon makings. The common people slandered me, was wicked I, appointed he commented on, the little friend state of mind was astonishing, was really unusual.” A Buddha Race elder sighed. “传言果然不妥,我观楚风小友一身灵性,拥有佛韵,哪里有什么魔头气质。世人诽我,恶我,任他评说,小友心境惊人,果然超凡。”佛族一位长老叹道。 I also thought that from having Buddha-nature, I once suspected, I perhaps am the Buddha Race Supreme Being reincarnation.” Chu Feng face loyalty does not jump responds. “我也觉得自身有佛性,我一度怀疑,我或许是佛族大能转世。”楚风脸不红心不跳地回应道。 „It is not concerned about face really!” Ying Wudi wants to curse very much! “真不要脸啊!”映无敌很想诅咒! In fact, surrounding one group of people noticed that Great Demon Chu Feng and Buddha Race such are on good terms , is very speechless. 事实上,周围一群人看到楚风大魔头佛族这么交好,也都很无语。 Can nod painstakingly, said: Haha, good, good, good, later the little friend can many with releasing great is intimate with, discussed that the law theory said.” 苦能点头,道:“哈哈,好,好,好,以后小友可以多跟释宏亲近,谈法论道。” Primitive Demon Race honored guest has arrived!” 始魔族贵客驾到!” Monster Race honored guest has arrived!” 妖族贵客驾到!” Deity Race......” 天神族……” Dao Race......” 道族……” ...... …… Such in a minute, first ten mostly came, although Deity Race under crash first ten big, but also the next to last act rushes, they get angry and hate incomparably, has the deep hostility to Chu Feng, meanwhile hated Great Dream Pure Land. 就这么片刻间,前十大都来了,天神族虽然坠落下前十大,但是也压轴赶到,他们恼恨无比,对楚风抱有深深的敌意,同时还将大梦净土恨上了。 Makes, your this ranks more than 250 guests, is in the first ten big positions, had not seen true first ten big did come?” “让一让,你们这排名250多位的宾客,怎么占据前十大的位置,没看到真正的前十大来了吗?” Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Old Donkey and the others came, this is Earth Chu Feng's relatives and friends group, came including his parents, is met, is very the courteous reception that Great Dream Pure Land drags in lots of people. 大黑牛黄牛老驴等人来了,这是地球楚风的亲友团,包括他的父母也来了,被大梦净土兴师动众的接来,很是礼遇。 Felt that Deity Race's is hostile, Big Black Ox nature impolite, digs up to draw directly their disciple one side, is in the first ten big special positions. 感觉到天神族的敌视,大黑牛自然不客气,直接将他们的弟子扒拉到一边,占据前十大的特殊位置。 Sees not to have, I Cauldron of Monster Ancestor carrying, you have dared to cause trouble at this wedding, turn head I to go Deity Star pounding, the looting is clean!” “看到没,我把妖祖之鼎给背来了,你们敢在这婚礼上闹事,回头我就去将天神星给砸了,洗劫干净!” The Big Black Ox threat, wears the black western-style clothes, is bringing the big sunglasses, is holding in the mouth the carrot that thick cigar, ten thousand years of invariable modeling. 大黑牛威胁,穿着黑西服,带着大墨镜,叼着胡萝卜那么粗的雪茄,万年不变的造型。 In fact, when numerous guests note here, a little feels dizzy, is headed by Big Black Ox, following Zhou Quan, Old Donkey, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Mastiff King and the others, all a modeling, is the appearance of this Boss Black. 事实上,当众多宾客注意到这边时,都有点发晕,以大黑牛为首,后面的周全老驴东北虎獒王等人,全都一个造型,都是这种黑老大的打扮。 Slightly felt including Chu Feng ashamed, this group of brothers were really unique, have not dressed up to his parents luckily like this. 楚风都略感羞愧了,这群兄弟真是个性十足,幸亏没给他父母这样装扮。 Chu Feng's parents welcome to the most important position, after various tedious ceremonies, starts the wedding most important link directly, must bow to heaven and earth, Qin Luoyin beautiful is not real, please come out. 楚风的父母被请到最重要的位置,各种繁琐的仪式过后,直接开始婚礼最重要的环节,要拜天地,秦珞音美的不真实,已经被请出来。
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