SR :: Volume #9

#866: Status exposition

I said, I was shouting his brother-in-law!” Silver-haired Little Loli emphasized loudly, did not fear that stimulates to her elder brother. “我说,我在喊他姐夫!”银发小萝莉大声强调了一遍,一点也不怕刺激到她哥。 In fact, she thought that she was stimulated, Chu Feng must go to Great Dream Pure Land to marry Qin Luoyin, this news is too awful. 事实上,她觉得自己被刺激到了,楚风要去大梦净土秦珞音,这则消息太糟糕。 Then, she sees his elder brother face ignorant appearance, now has not recovered, dull is looking at Chu Feng, is puzzling. 然后,她就看到他哥一脸懵懵的样子,现在还没有回过神来呢,偏着头呆呆地看着楚风,百思不得其解。 Afterward, Ying Wudi has gotten back one's composure, in turn reprimanded his sister, thinks that her brain has pulled out, said: Highly improper, what did you talk nonsense?!” 随后,映无敌回过神,反过来斥责他妹,以为她脑子抽了,道:“成何体统,你胡言乱语什么?!” Meanwhile, the color of his face doubt, was also worried that his sister has the condition, feared the appearance that her fine miraculous often, shows loving care for very much, stares at her to look. 同时,他也一脸狐疑之色,担心他妹妹出现状况,怕她精神异常,一副很关怀的样子,盯着她看。 Ying Xiaoxiao rolls the eyes, really does not want to manage him, she looks to Chu Feng, said: „Are you also Wu Lunhui?” 映晓晓翻白眼,真是不想理他了,她看向楚风,道:“你也是吴轮回?” She had not been restored the Foreign Territory memory by Chu Feng, but relying on own intuition, observation continuously, drew this conclusion recently. 她并没有被楚风恢复异域的记忆,而是凭着自己的直觉,还有最近一直的观察,得出这个结论。 Do not speak at a venture!” Ying Wudi scolds him, naturally, he has not forgotten to stare at Chu Feng to look, because in his present heart perturbed, the heart hung thoroughly. “别乱说话!”映无敌呵斥他,当然,他也没有忘记盯着楚风看,因为他现在心中七上八下,心彻底悬起来了。 Elder Brother, you awakes, always do not live in own world!” Ying Xiaoxiao rebuttal. “哥,你醒醒吧,别总活在自己的世界里!”映晓晓反驳。 Chu Feng is astonished however, looks at silver-haired Little Loli, but also is really uncommon, does heart most deep place have the fuzzy memory? 楚风讶然,看着银发小萝莉,还真是不凡,心底最深处有模糊的记忆? However, Ying Wudi sees Chu Feng this condition, immediately at present becomes dark, trembling sound said: Brother Chu, are you all right?” 然而,映无敌看到楚风这个状态,顿时眼前发黑,颤声道:“楚兄,你没事吧?” Ying Xiaoxiao rolls the eyes, looked that said to her elder brother: You also asked that others do have matter, I look to ask you, what appearance did you look at you become?” 映晓晓翻白眼,看向她哥道:“你还问别人有没有事,我看应该问你自己,你看你成什么样子了?” Brother Chu, do not listen to the child to speak irresponsibly!” Ying Wudi said, looks to Chu Feng. 楚兄,别听小孩子乱说!”映无敌道,看向楚风 Ying Xiaoxiao thought, her elder brother has been unable to cope, has not been willing to accept the reality to the present. 映晓晓觉得,她哥没治了,到现在还不愿接受现实呢。 After Chu Feng hesitates slightly, he decides to acknowledge, because must face the reality sooner or later , since do not deceive this recently to the wife's younger brother of his good sensitivity bursting. 楚风略微迟疑后,他决定承认,因为早晚要面对现实,也就别糊弄这个最近以来对他好感度爆棚的小舅子。 Right, I am also Wu Lunhui!” “对,我也是吴轮回!” Aiyu!” Ying Wudi is covering the chest, staggers to back up, shouted loves dearly, he becomes dark at present, almost fell down. “哎呦!”映无敌捂着胸口,踉跄倒退,喊心疼,他眼前发黑,差点一头扎倒在地上。 For him, was too exciting! 对他来说,太刺激了! Elder Brother, are you all right?” Ying Xiaoxiao hurries to support him. “哥,你没事吧?”映晓晓赶紧扶住他。 !” Her elder brother has spurted a blood directly, the complexion is pallid, is staring at Chu Feng. “噗!”她哥直接喷了一口血,脸色煞白,盯着楚风 Can do?” Ouyang black Swan asked Chu Feng low voice. “要做掉吗?”欧阳黑天鹅小声问楚风 Is staying at the same time going!” Chu Feng digs up to draw him one side. “一边呆着去!”楚风将他扒拉到一边。 „Is this real?” Ying Wudi sound hoarse, both eyes is a little empty, he could not accept, by Brother Chu that he particularly esteemed, unexpectedly was Wu Lunhui? “这是真的吗?”映无敌声音嘶哑,双目有点空洞,他真是接受不了,被他分外推崇的楚兄,居然就是吴轮回 He almost yelled makes noise, this simply was huge suffering, in the end he returned to the zero point, but can also call this person brother-in-law? 他差点大叫出声,这简直是一种天大的折磨,到头来他又回到原点,还要叫这个人姐夫? You think that if you are not my wife's younger brother, I will vent anger for you, help over you?” Does not conceal Chu Feng to the present anything. “你想啊,你如果不是我小舅子,我会为你出气,帮你出头吗?”楚风到现在什么都不隐瞒了。 "Ah ...... ” Ying Wudi starts to spit blood once again, the body creakies, a little cannot halt. “啊噗……”映无敌又一次开始吐血,身体摇摇欲坠,有点站不住。 Wu Lunhui, I spelled with you!” The Ying Wudi eye blushes, must throw. 吴轮回,我跟你拼了!”映无敌眼睛发红,就要扑过去。 Wrong, I am not Wu Lunhui.” Chu Feng said. “错,我不是吴轮回。”楚风道。 "Um!? ” Ying Wudi halts quickly. “嗯!?”映无敌倏地止步。 Chu Feng is True Body, the character who Wu Lunhui uses an alias.” Chu Feng said. 楚风才是真身,吴轮回只是化名成的人物。”楚风说道。 Ying Wudi gets angry: Also is not same, I have spelled with you, you deceive my sentiment, in the end your this young thief, does not promise you to marry my elder sister!” 映无敌怒道:“还不是一样,我跟你拼了,你欺骗我的感情,到头来还是你这个小贼,绝不答应你娶我姐!” The distant place, Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan see not to suit, hurry, supports Ying Wudi, a very concerned appearance. 远处,元世成、元媛看出不对劲儿,赶紧过来,扶住映无敌,一副很关切的样子。 Brother Ying you are all right, will face like this be how pale, does not have blood-color?” 映兄你没事吧,脸怎么会这样苍白,没有一点血色?” Brother Chu, he how?” 楚兄,他怎么了?” Chu Feng face surprise look, said: „ He hears the Wu Lunhui's news, is somewhat excited, 楚风一脸异色,道:“他听到吴轮回的消息,有些激动, He is Wu Lunhui, irritated me!” Ying Wudi yelled. “他就是吴轮回,气死我了!”映无敌大叫。 At this moment, Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan also with fantasy, stare the big eye. 这一刻,元世成、元媛也跟活见鬼似的,瞪大眼睛。 Afterward, Ying Wudi started the crazy pattern, is red the eye, the complexion is being black by the pallid rapid revolutions, throws to go all out with Chu Feng, he was spitting up blood, is hard to withstand this type brutal truth. 随后,映无敌就开始了狂化模式,红着眼睛,脸色由煞白迅速转黑,扑过去跟楚风拼命,他真的在呕血,难以承受这种“残酷的真相”。 I said the invincible wife's younger brother, our inborn suspect to how, your what meaning?” “我说无敌小舅子,咱俩天生犯冲是怎么地,你什么意思?” The Chu Feng counter-attack, several palms of the hand get down, flies to the racket Ying Wudi, coughs up blood in the big mouth at the same time. 楚风反击,几巴掌下去,就将映无敌给拍飞,在一边大口咳血。 Brother-in-law, do not injure to my brother!” Silver-haired Little Loli shouts. “姐夫,你不要伤到我哥!”银发小萝莉喊道。 All right, helping him pat some extravasated blood in within the body, has the advantage to his body!” Chu Feng replied, spits blood the big mouth that this wife's younger brother punched quickly. “没事,帮他拍出去体内的一些淤血,对他身体有好处!”楚风答道,很快将这个小舅子揍的大口吐血。 The Ying Wudi air/Qi to is not good, in his opinion, this younger sister was really incurable, rebelled and fled thoroughly the hostile camp. 映无敌气到不行,在他看来,这个妹妹真是没救了,彻底叛逃进敌营。 Meanwhile, he also wants to curse, damn within the body has the extravasated blood, this is the retaliation, Great Demon Chu Feng justifiablily is clearly teaching him. 同时,他也想诅咒,见鬼的体内有淤血,这分明是打击报复,楚风大魔头在名正言顺的教训他呢。 Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan is a face strange color, they feel quite explosive, this definitely is the explosive news, Wu Lunhui is Chu Feng, Great Demon is Wu Lunhui! 元世成、元媛都是一脸诡异之色,他们感觉相当劲爆,这肯定是爆炸性新闻,吴轮回就是楚风,大魔头就是吴轮回 Already were scared as for Zi Luan , Yuan Mo and Zhao Qing how many people, Wu Lunhui and are Chu Feng a person? Quite chaotic! 至于紫鸾元魔、赵晴几人都早已傻眼,吴轮回楚风是一个人?好乱! morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, honest pure good Demon King Chu...... This is a person, aiya, the elder brother you pinch my, didn't fall into the dreamland?” 义薄云天轮回王,敦厚纯善楚魔王……这是一个人,哎呀,哥你掐我一下,不是陷入梦境了吧?” Yuan Yuan is having the happy expression, after his Elder Brother said that stares at Great Demon Chu Feng to keep watching. 元媛带着笑意,对他哥哥说完后,盯着楚风大魔头看个没完。 However, was quick she unable to smile, heard the Ouyang Feng malicious talk slander, suggested that Chu Feng eliminated a potential informant. 然而,很快她就笑不出来了,听到了欧阳风的恶言恶语,建议楚风灭口。 These two must kidnap, to avoid the news leak, was not good chops!” “这俩得绑票,避免消息外泄,不行就剁了吧!” No, we ensure anything did not say!” The Yuan Yuan complexion is stiff, shows the smiling face diligently, she does not want dead is too injust. “别,我们保证什么都不说!”元媛脸色僵硬,努力露出笑容,她可不想死的太冤。 As under the starry sky the tenth beautiful woman, her frown and smile are bringing attracting, the beautiful woman, is quite shocking and moving. 身为星空下第十丽人,她一颦一笑都带着魅惑,明眸皓齿,相当的惊艳与动人。 Chu Feng waves, said: Ok, is the acquaintances, said that chops chops, even if must start to sell is, kills too brutally.” 楚风挥手,道:“算了,都是熟人,怎么说剁就剁呢,即便非要下手卖了就是,打打杀杀太残酷。” shit! Yuan Yuan is very speechless, does acquaintance you also want to start? 玛德!元媛很无语,熟人你还想下手? Yuan Shicheng is also a face strange color, stares at Chu Feng to keep watching, was too surprising, is extremely shocking, simultaneously he also incomparably sympathizes with Ying Wudi, these time definitely is the double attack, by suffering. 元世成也是一脸古怪之色,盯着楚风看个不停,太意外了,也非常震惊,同时他还无比同情映无敌,这一次肯定是双倍打击,倍受煎熬。 What is most essential, Chu Feng became the Great Dream Pure Land's son-in-law, this Dao Lineage knows was he Wu Lunhui? 最为关键的是,楚风成为大梦净土的女婿了,该道统知道他是吴轮回吗? Meanwhile, Wu Lunhui is the Sub Immortal Clan's son-in-law, this clan definitely knows isn't he Chu Feng? 同时,吴轮回亚仙族的女婿,该族肯定不知道他是楚风吧? Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan brother and sister, although was restricted the freedom, follows side Chu Feng, but the innermost feelings are to move restlessly, these news that obtains are too astonishing, must pass to the universe to go, that definitely is an earthquake! 元世成、元媛兄妹虽然被限制自由,跟在楚风身边,但内心是躁动的,得到的这些消息太惊人,真要传到宇宙去,那肯定是一场大地震! They is a little excited, a person simultaneously becomes Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan's son-in-law, this must leave the important matter absolutely, when opened seriously, it is estimated that all parties are scared, some people will be breathless. 他们有点兴奋,一个人同时成为大梦净土亚仙族的女婿,这绝对要出大事,当真相揭开时,估计各方都要傻眼,有些人会气急败坏。 Brother Chu, where can you lead us to go to?” Yuan Shicheng asked. 楚兄,你这是要带我们去哪里?”元世成问道。 As for Ying Wudi, did not have the means to start talking, was suppressed by Chu Feng, the body cannot move, the mouth cannot say, can only the eye torching, stare Chu Feng there. 至于映无敌,已经没办法开口说话,被楚风镇压,身不能动,口不能言,只能眼睛喷火,在那里瞪着楚风 Chu Feng said: Goes to Great Dream Pure Land to get married, your brother and sister worked as the best man bridesmaid to be good.” 楚风道:“去大梦净土成婚,你们兄妹去当伴郎伴娘好了。” Had not heard the biological brother and sister work as the best man bridesmaid!” Yuan Yuan angrily. “没听说过亲兄妹当伴郎伴娘的!”元媛气鼓鼓。 Object overrule, starts off together!” “反对无效,一起上路!” Ying Xiaoxiao called out: Brother-in-law, you are not good, how your this does right by my elder sister, your even/including my brother also sorry, has disappointed his happy expectation!” 映晓晓叫道:“姐夫,你太不好了,你这样怎么对得起我姐,你连我哥也对不起,辜负了他的美好憧憬!” Does not listen to this words to be good, one hear of this saying, Ying Wudi wants to hit the wall by, he felt that this is life darkest one day, the heart in the drop blood, starts to suspect the life. 不听这种话还好,一听这话,映无敌想以头撞墙,他感觉这是人生最黑暗的一天,心都在滴血,开始怀疑人生。 He of knows truth, the tears almost falls. 知道真相的他,眼泪差点掉下来。 Invincible, among us shared hardships, has the friendship of life, after you are calm, I raise you to restore the Foreign Territory memory.” “无敌,咱们间曾经共患难,有过命的交情,等你冷静后我昂你恢复异域的记忆。” The Chu Feng direct direction in the Ying Xiaoxiao forehead , helping her restore to remember first, as for the wife's younger brother, boils down one first! 楚风直接一指点在映晓晓的眉心,先帮她恢复记忆,至于小舅子,先熬炼一番吧! Brother-in-law!” Really, after Ying Xiaoxiao understands thoroughly the truth, in the eye the belt/bring tears, even more were intimate with. “姐夫!”果然,映晓晓洞彻真相后,眼中带泪,越发的亲近了。 But the Ying Wudi complexion is ugly, like the bottom of the pot, wants to go all out with Great Demon Chu Feng black. 映无敌则脸色难看,黑如锅底,真想跟楚风大魔头拼命。 Chu Feng starts off, after opening superior grade wormhole, can be called is flickers to move, quick then return Great Dream Pure Land, before their entrances. 楚风上路,开启超级虫洞后,称得上是瞬移,很快就回归大梦净土,到了他们的山门前。 These time comes Great Dream Pure Land again, the Chu Feng's state of mind is completely different, somewhat is quite sigh with emotion, on the face the reappearing smiling face, the mood is excellent. 这一次再来大梦净土,楚风的心境完全不一样,颇有些感慨,脸上浮现笑容,心情大好。 As for Great Dream Pure Land's disciple in seeing Chu Feng's, some people first has turned instant the head, from, most is not willing to see him at heart. 至于大梦净土的弟子在看到楚风的刹那,有些人第一时间转过头去,从心里来说,最不愿看到他。 How not to have had the accident/surprise, why does nobody halfway intercept him?” Some people muttered secretly, wishes one could Chu Feng to be blocked in the halfway. “怎么没有出现意外,为何没有人半路截杀他?”有人暗自咕哝,真恨不得楚风在半路上被人阻击。 Ok, he is the Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's super distinguished guest, can open the wormhole anytime and anywhere, a thought can come here, who can overtake?” “算了吧,他是通天虫洞公司的超级贵宾,随时随地都能开启虫洞,一个念头就能到达这里,谁能追上?” Some people sigh woefully. 一些人哀叹。 They do not have means that can only look helplessly this demon enters Great Dream Pure Land once more, moreover must witness their Junior Sister, the Qin Luoyin goddess must raise the demon by the body. 他们没有一点办法,只能眼睁睁的看着这个魔头再次走进大梦净土,而且要亲眼目睹他们的师妹,秦珞音女神要以身饲魔。 Saw that Chu Feng such quickly rushes, the old monster in Great Dream Pure Land grows the one breath, but also feared really presents any accident, if Chu Feng does not come, they cannot get out very much. 看到楚风这么快就赶到,大梦净土中的老怪物长出一口气,还真怕出现什么变故,万一楚风不来,那他们很下不来台。 However, when sees Ying Wudi, their look is a little unattractive, after all previously Wu Lunhui was turned to run by Sub Immortal Clan, now the Sub Immortal Clan's person comes, what meaning? 不过,当看到映无敌也跟着时,他们神色有点不好看,毕竟早先吴轮回就是被亚仙族拐跑的,现在亚仙族的人又来,什么意思? The Ying Wudi mouth was sealed, if can open the mouth, he wants to say very much, damn Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui, Sub Immortal Clan is not rare, you carry off, does not need to be hostile to! 映无敌嘴巴被封上了,如果能开口,他很想说,见鬼的楚风吴轮回,亚仙族不稀罕,你们都带走吧,不用敌视! Naturally, some Great Dream Pure Land old monster revealed the look of surprise, had also been suspecting that Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui have the greatest connection, now carefully is observing. 当然,大梦净土也有部分老怪物露出异色,一直在怀疑楚风吴轮回有莫大关联,现在正在仔细观察。 Chu Feng is very humble, is very polite, no longer looks like for one month ago is so aggressive, at that time, was gets the gate completely, is very serious. 楚风很谦逊,也很客气,不再像一个月前那么咄咄逼人,那时,完全是打上门来,现在则很本分。 He inquired the wedding matters concerned, listened respectfully to various suggestions of these old monsters. 他询问婚礼事宜,聆听这些老怪物的各种建议等。 Great Dream Pure Land inherits for dozens over a million years, all previous Holy Daughter chooses dao companion is a grand occasion, naturally cannot at will, spread to invite universe regional people of same belief to come simply to attend the wedding.” 大梦净土传承数十上百万年,历代圣女道侣都是一件盛事,自然不能简单与随意,将遍邀宇宙各地的同道前来参加婚礼。” Does not need to think, this will be a grand wedding, Chu Feng thinks the low key will not be good, Great Dream Pure Land was too tasteful. 不用多想,这将是一次盛大的婚礼,楚风想低调都不行,大梦净土太讲究了。 Now can send out the invitation?” Chu Feng asked. “现在就要发请柬吗?”楚风问道。 Started to transmit, the top Ten Great Star Worlds people must attend, first hundred strong planet will not absent.” “已经开始发送,前十大星辰世界的人都要出席,前百强的星球也不会缺席。” When mentioned the invitation, in some Great Dream Pure Land old monster hearts was uncomfortable very much, even was a little depressed. 当提及请柬时,大梦净土一些老怪物心中很不是滋味,甚至是有点发堵。 One year ago, they have rejected Chu Feng, does not send out the golden invitation to him, but one year later actually must help him transmit the invitation of big marriage personally, this simply is...... Let them unable to bear. 一年前,他们拒绝了楚风,不给他发金色请柬,可是一年后却要亲自帮他发送大婚的请柬,这简直是……让他们受不了。 Selective neglect is good, once is earnest, once pondered earnestly, the Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters feel the facial skin to have a fever, heart in drop blood. 选择性的忽略还好,一旦较真,一旦认真去细想,大梦净土的老怪物们感觉脸皮发烧,心都在滴血。 This is really...... More pondered, is at heart uncomfortable! 这真是……越是细想,越是心里难受! Has died with them Great Demon Chu Feng that knocks, to must marry their Holy Daughter Qin Luoyin finally unexpectedly, this makes them face upward the deep sigh. 跟他们一直死磕的楚风大魔头,到了最后居然要娶他们的圣女秦珞音,这让他们不禁仰天长叹。 Some old monsters are swayed by personal gains and losses, chooses such Heaven-Blessed Talent is Qin Luoyin's dao companion, in the future many years may shelter Great Dream Pure Land, the advantage is huge. 一些老怪物患得患失,选择这样天纵奇才秦珞音的道侣,未来很多年都可庇护大梦净土,好处巨大。 But, will this matter make regional evolution Major Sect see? 可是,这件事会让各地的进化大教怎么看? In fact, universe regional present boiled noisily, a piece discusses. 事实上,宇宙各地现在已经喧沸,一片热议。 Great Dream Pure Land, has lowered the head to evil force finally, that kidnapper, that Great Demon, becomes the Great Dream Pure Land's son-in-law.” 大梦净土,终于是向恶势力低头了,那个人贩子,那个大魔头,成为大梦净土的女婿。” Naturally also has to stand this side Chu Feng, was sighing, said: Chu Feng counterattack, one year ago, Great Dream Pure Land looks cold and indifferent to him, now actually elects him for the son-in-law, the life.” 当然也有站在楚风这一边的,在感叹,道:“楚风逆袭,一年前,大梦净土对他爱搭不理,如今却选他为女婿,人生啊。” Especially, mentioned initially, Great Dream Pure Land did not give the Chu Feng golden color invitation, but now actually helps him transmit the big marriage invitation in the full universe, many person looks were strange, show the happy expression. 尤其是,提及当初,大梦净土不给楚风金色请柬,而现在却在满宇宙帮他发送大婚请柬,许多人都神色古怪,露出笑意。 Over the next few days, planet that Great Dream Pure Land is , the Evolver's quantity will rise suddenly, all of a sudden will become incomparably lively. 接下来的几天,大梦净土所在的星球,进化者的数量暴涨,一下子变得无比热闹。 The universe starry sky, regional Evolver have many coming in swarms, has to receive the invitation, some rushes independently. 宇宙星空,各地的进化者有很多蜂拥而来,有接到请柬的,也有许多自主赶到的。 Suddenly, the Great Dream Pure Land's entrance must be stepped on cracks, the guest is continuous. 一时间,大梦净土的山门都要被踩裂了,宾客络绎不绝。 The powerhouses of various clans have, did not say that ten thousand clans celebrated were also similar, was the Great Dream Pure Land rank is very mainly high, the influence to be huge. 各族的强者都有,不说万族来贺也差不多了,主要是大梦净土排位很高,影响力巨大。 The Chu Feng strength is in addition extraordinary, is indistinct the potential of younger generation first powerhouse, each region guest comes were too many. 再加上楚风实力超绝,隐约间年轻一代第一强者之势,各地宾客来的实在太多了。 Virtuous nephew, can you tell me, are you Wu Lunhui?” Finally, old monsters could not hold, asks Chu Feng. “贤侄,你能不能告诉我,你到底是不是吴轮回?”终于,有一个老怪物憋不住了,去问楚风 „Do you look at my resembles?” Chu Feng is very gentle, a point does not care, because various types of invitations sent, at this time can Great Dream Pure Land also get angry inadequately? “您看我像吗?”楚风很平和,一点也不在意,因为各种请柬都发出去了,这个时候大梦净土还能翻脸不成? A little looks like.” That old woman nods. “有点像。”那名老妪点头。 I and that's the end.” Chu Feng shows a faint smile. “那我就是了。”楚风微微一笑。 "kuāng dāng! ” “哐当!” The old woman backs up, knocked the furniture tea table. 老妪倒退,将桌椅茶几都撞翻了。 Meanwhile, some out of the door old monsters, all are dumbfounded, has almost not broken by biting oneself tongue, is staggering to back up. 同时,门外也有一些老怪物,皆目瞪口呆,差点没咬破自己舌头,全都在踉跄倒退。
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