SR :: Volume #9

#865: Inspects the entire universe

The chaos turn well up, Divine Thunder blasts out, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, chaos the ancient trail of the winding is shaking slightly, momentarily will collapse. 混沌翻涌,神雷炸开,天崩地裂,混沌中的这条蜿蜒的古老小径在轻微地摇动,随时都会崩坏。 Several people no longer spoke, finally arrived at World of the Dead, can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Underworld, overlook this gloomy and cold and deterioration world of some legends, their innermost feelings were excited. 几人不再说话,终于来到阴间,可以纵横冥界了,俯视这一阴冷而又有些传说的衰败天地,他们内心是激动的。 Because, they can obtain the huge advantage in World of the Dead, Pure Yang also needs some World of the Dead's material to make up, can make them more terrifying! 因为,他们在阴间能得到巨大的好处,纯阳也需阴间的某种物质来弥补,可以让他们更为恐怖! World of the Dead, hehe, welcomes our arrivals!” They take a step, some people of looks are callous, some people are bringing smiling, but also some people faint incomparable, some people of looks are also flaming, pass the aura that sends out is very fearful. 阴间,呵呵,迎接我们的到来吧!”他们迈步,有人神色冷酷,有人带着笑,还有人淡漠无比,亦有人眼神炽盛,透发出的气息都很可怕。 This on the trail that in the chaos opens, the ground has the dry bloodstain, even if were already gloomy, may still have the principle symbol that does not extinguish, partly visible. 这一条于混沌中开辟出的小径上,地面有干涸的血迹,哪怕早已暗淡,可至今也有不灭的法则符号,若隐若现。 These people do not dare to move, discretely and bypasses carefully, seems avoiding some Taboo. 这几人不敢触碰,都谨慎而小心地绕过,仿佛在躲避某种禁忌 In fact, as long as there is the place of bloodstain, when has Divine Thunder in the nearby crack, rapid was obliterated, these may cut the God's thunder to melt. 事实上,但凡有血迹之地,有神雷在附近炸响时,都会又迅速的被磨灭,那些可斩神灵的雷霆都在消融。 Finally, they arrive at the end of trail, must enter in a piece of broken universe, is, at this time, when they have gone through this region , the complexion sudden change, has in not the spoiled Divine Physique horizontal corpse ground, is not 1-2 people, but is one piece, even if has been dried up, the energy vanished, but their fleshly body does not go bad as before. 终于,他们来到小径的尽头,要进入一片残破的宇宙中,可是,这个时候,他们穿行过这片区域时,却也脸色骤变,有不腐的神体横尸地面上,不是一两人,而是一片,哪怕干枯了,能量消失了,可他们依旧肉身不坏。 Even, has the gloss including their sending silk, throughout exists, the years cannot disintegrate, on fleshly body is densely covered the symbol, is the strength of Order. 甚至,连他们的发丝都还有光泽,始终存在,岁月不能瓦解,肉身上密布着符号,都是秩序之力。 This should be their seniors, is very fearful existences, but actually dies here. 这应该是他们的前辈,都是很可怕的存在,但却死在这里。 This person forehead has one to wipe the green birthmark, likely was one round green date, 5 million years ago talent green positive Dao Child of legend, died unexpectedly here, was too terrifying, World of the Dead was not simple, we must pay attention!” “这个人眉心有一抹绿色胎记,像是一轮绿日,像极了5000000年前传说的天才绿阳道子,居然死在这里,太恐怖了,阴间不简单,我们得留意一点!” These people change countenance, the first changes countenance, thinks that has underestimated this netherworlds. 这些人动容,第一次变色,认为低估了这片冥土。 The several million years ago talents, can leave behind the name, is not naturally simple, but actually dies here. 数百万年前的天才,至今还能够留下姓名的,自然不简单,可是却死在这里。 Can be called the talent in World of the Living, absolutely is the fierce characters, to other universes, that is the most powerhouses of same time! 阳间称得上天才的,绝对都是厉害之极的人物,到了其他宇宙中,那都是同时代的最强者! They do not dare to move these corpses, because is too strange, these people are winding around from top to bottom one group of fog, making people think to send to terrify, is these people are formidable, was dreading, the feeling fine body hair is but actually vertical. 他们没敢动这些尸体,因为太诡异,这些人浑身上下都缭绕着一团灰雾,让人觉得发瘆,就是这几人非常强大,也都在忌惮,感觉寒毛倒竖。 Might as well, dies of the accident/surprise, should the special material that to/clashes from the chaos, corroded them, the luck is not very good. True World of the Dead creature cannot be regarded anything, my Supreme Being disciple comes to destroy completely this piece of universe, although does not want to say is coarser, but Evolver's of this piece of universe was inferior including clay chickens and pottery dogs firmly!” “无妨,死于意外,应该是从混沌中冲出来的特殊物质,侵蚀了他们,运气不够好而已。真正的阴间生灵算不得什么,我界大能弟子过来一尊就能够灭掉这片宇宙,虽然不想说的难听一些,但是这片宇宙的进化者的确连土鸡瓦狗都不如!” These people rely on, but also is the truth, by the World of the Living's Evolutionary Civilization equivalent, is higher than the netherworld, is higher than World of the Dead, can indeed overlook, keeps aloof. 这些人自恃,但也是实情,以阳间的进化文明等阶而言,远高于冥土,远高于阴间,的确能俯视,高高在上。 If the equality regards it, that is not normal! 若是平等视之,那才不正常! Then, they started off, passed by Primal Chaos Qi gradually becomes the thin region, sees the Small World spaces, is similar to one after another isolated island. 就这样,他们上路了,路过混沌气逐渐变得稀薄的地带,看到一片又一片小世界空间,如同一座又一座孤岛。 They do not stay, rushes directly to the adjacent chaos broken big universe! 他们并不停留,径直闯向毗邻混沌的残破大宇宙! In starry sky that the World of the Dead universe, Chu Feng is. 阴间宇宙,楚风所在的星空中。 On this day, Chu Feng scolded Heavenspan Worm-hole Company unceasingly is Vampire, the road toll too black heart of receiving, the opening wormhole must receive the sky-high price each time the universe coin. 这一天,楚风不断骂通天虫洞公司吸血鬼,收的过路费太黑心,每次开启虫洞都要收天价的宇宙币。 Waits for Domain is the Holy Master level, captures the business with you, the construction wormhole, entire Star Sea is everywhere connected, I thought that you exploit with anything!” “等我的场域达到圣师的层次,和你们抢生意,到处构建虫洞,全星海相连,我看你们拿什么剥削!” The Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's person is speechless, wants to say very much, these travel expenses are not you leave, like this stirs up the movement really? If not look in you are the super distinguished guest, the business contact is close, wants to throw your this Great Demon in the halfway. 通天虫洞公司的人无语,很想说,这些路费又不是你出的,这样激动作甚?如果不是看在你是超级贵宾,业务往来密切,真想将你这大魔头扔在半路上。 In fact, side Chu Feng's, colleague who these are wounded, by the Chu Feng protection and pledged that must deliver to main house gate the young talent to curse in the heart, the heart in the drop blood, superior grade wormhole opening their families is responsible for paying a bill. 事实上,在楚风的身边,那些负伤的同行者,也就是被楚风保护并发誓要送到家门口的年轻天才都在心中大骂,心都在滴血,超级虫洞的开启都他们的家族负责付账。 During one day, Chu Feng travelled for pleasure nine big planet, is very famous stars, is occupying some strong clans, how otherwise their core juniors are qualified for Great Dream Pure Land to strive for hegemony, wants to become the Qin Luoyin's dao companion natural strength is extremely outstanding. 一天间,楚风已经游历九大星球,都是很出名的星辰,都居住着一些强族,不然的话他们的核心子弟怎么有资格进入大梦净土去争雄,想成为秦珞音的道侣自然实力极其出众。 However, today to these ethnic groups, quite annoyed, Great Demon Chu Feng pays a visit unexpectedly, if is not not the match, wants to rumble to kill him. 然而,今日对这些族群来说,相当的恼火,楚风大魔头居然登门拜访,若非不是对手,真想轰杀他。 Because, Chu Feng escorts the juniors to visit, must collect the protection money, has not put on outwardly, but various suggestions were enough, this is...... Visits to extort! 因为,楚风护送子弟上门,要收保护费,没有摆在明面上,但是各种暗示足够了,这是……登门勒索! Ying Wudi, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Ying Xiaoxiao and the others the entire journey follow, sees Chu Feng to accept various big medicines, the magnanimous universe coins, somewhat is speechless, this is robs simply, the income was too swift and violent. 映无敌、元世成、元媛、映晓晓等人全程跟随,看到楚风接受各种大药、海量宇宙币等,也都有些无言,这简直是抢劫啊,收入太迅猛了。 „The Sub Saint Dominion medicament, tiger bone refining up the body liquor, this is the good thing.” The Ying Wudi opens the mouth, thump cannot bear swallow saliva. 亚圣领域的药剂,虎骨炼身酒,这是好东西啊。”映无敌开口,咕咚忍不住咽口水。 That so-called tiger bone, naturally is Saint Level, the wine is also the rare Saint ferments, otherwise is unable to boil generates such Sub Saint Dominion medicament, can aim at the Sub Saint strong muscle strong bone! 那所谓的虎骨,自然是圣级的,酒浆也是稀有的圣酿,不然无法熬制出这样亚圣领域的药剂,可以针对亚圣强筋壮骨! Might as well, turns head I to ask you to drink!” Chu Feng has patted his shoulder. “无妨,回头我请你们喝酒!”楚风拍了拍他的肩头。 Was a pity, does not enter Sub Saint Dominion, not has the good fortune to enjoy something.” Ying Wudi sighed. “可惜,不进亚圣领域,无福消受。”映无敌叹气。 Has gotten rich, was too luxurious, is the good things!” Ouyang Feng beams with joy, happy and excited serious. “发财了,太奢侈了,都是好东西啊!”欧阳风眉开眼笑,开心与兴奋的不得了。 All the way, Chu Feng is responsible for the guardian, delivers to main house gate, some duties of amassing money have given him. 一路上,楚风负责保护人,送到家门口,一些敛财的任务就交给了他。 Vermillion Fruit of ten thousand years of year, dragon Shecao, my Swan main family was really the inside story was deep a moment ago, I was too shy, embarrassed demanded the big medicine.” Ouyang Feng such said. “万年年份的朱果,还有龙舌草,刚才我那天鹅本家真是底蕴深厚啊,我太腼腆了,都不好意思多索要大药。”欧阳风这么说道。 In their, several people, wait to be escorted main house gate the talent, has followed all the way, how witnesses kidnapper and Tyrant God Physique to extort, now hears his assistant Tyrant God Physique this words, immediately the complexion is pale. 在他们的身后,还有十几人呢,都是等着被护送到家门口的天才,一路上一直跟随,亲眼目睹人贩子霸神体如何勒索,现在听到他的助手霸神体这种话语,顿时脸色铁青。 Facing the main family, this black Swan kills ripe, if enters their families, does not need to think, must let blood greatly. 面对本家,这头黑天鹅都杀熟,如果是进入他们的家族,都不用去想,必然要大放血。 Why must Brother Chu, so, uses this?” Ying Wudi asked low voice, because, saw the Chu Feng all the way gate debt collection, always felt the whole body non- nature, because he was also an accomplice, escorted one group of people. 楚兄,何须如此,用的着这样吗?”映无敌小声问道,因为,看到楚风一路上门收账,总感觉浑身不自然,因为他也算是帮凶,跟着护送一群人。 Chu Feng sighed, said: Your knows my pain, own evolution does not need the resources, big ticket brothers poor only remaining underpants, in time of this World of the Dead universe big transformation, what we can do is only become stronger, with protect oneself, but I am not possibly doomed like you, the huge family, I have no recourse only to rely on one's own effort to revive.” 楚风叹气,道:“你不知道我的苦,自身进化需要资源,身后还有一大票兄弟都穷的只剩下裤衩了,在这阴间宇宙大变革的时代,我们能做的只是变强,用以自保,而我注定不可能像你一样,身后有一个庞大的家族,我迫不得已只能自力更生。” His slightly, said: I think become stronger, although looks now flower-decked, at the height of power, but this is illusory with the representation, momentarily will be shattered. Since these people are hostile to me, once aimed at me, I also then impolite, seized some resources from them. For rising, the descendant who on life planet for I am at does not need be forced to revolt like me, is sad for the evolution resources, then all infamy are carried by me, appointed people commented on, worked as kidnapper joyfully.” 他稍微一顿,又道:“我想变强,虽然现在看着繁花似锦,如日中天,但这都是虚幻与表象,随时会破灭。这些人既然对我敌视,曾经针对我,那我也就不客气了,从他们身上缴获一些资源。为了崛起,为了我所在的生命星球上的后代不用像我这样迫于无奈而反抗,为进化资源而忧愁,那么一切骂名都由我来背,任人去评说,快乐地当个人贩子吧。” Ying Wudi hearing this, has profound respect, said: My elder brother has big imposing attitude, your rising, is concerning the destinies of many person, even if will shoulder the eternity infamy, will not refuse under any circumstances, my heart will have the feelings, really incomparable admiration!” 映无敌闻言,肃然起敬,道:“吾兄有大气魄,你的崛起,关乎着很多人的命运,哪怕背负千古骂名,也在所不辞,我心有感触,真的无比钦佩!” His both eyes give off heat, felt that own evolution is too smooth, never lacks the resources, is the family helps him pave the path, thought that this possibly does not have the Chu Feng formidable reason to be. 他双目发热,感觉自身进化太顺畅,从来不缺资源,都是家族帮他铺就好道路,觉得这可能就是自己没有楚风强大的原因所在。 Meanwhile, in his heart slightly is also moved, arises spontaneously a respect to Chu Feng. 同时,他心中也略有感动,对楚风油然而生一股敬佩之情。 This possibly is so-called looked that a person is pleasing to the eyes, looked his all behaviors are pleasing to the eyes, will explain excessively, at present Ying Wudi is this condition. 这可能就是所谓的看一个人顺眼,看他所有行为都顺眼,会过分的解读,目前映无敌就是这种状态。 Her younger sister Ying Xiaoxiao rolls the eyes in that side unceasingly, knew about Chu Feng's with her looks he so has a strong sense of righteousness, that completely is...... Ramble on! 她妹妹映晓晓不断在那边翻白眼,凭着她对楚风的了解,看着他这么大义凛然,那完全就是……瞎扯! Ouyang Feng is also very speechless, can such on big, there is the connotation of extorting and selling the person saying, only had Chu Feng, whom did not have. 欧阳风也挺无语,能够将勒索、卖人说的这么高大上,有内涵,也就只有楚风了,没谁了。 Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan are also reveal surprise look, felt that Ying Wudi this was brainwashed, was really incurable. 元世成、元媛也是眼露异色,感觉映无敌这是被洗脑了,真是没救了。 Also is planet, the fragrant shape clan is responsible for asking Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to open superior grade wormhole, goes straight to the fragrant shape star. 又是一颗星球,香象族负责请通天虫洞公司开启一条超级虫洞,直抵香象星。 This clan is formidable, the so-called fragrant shape crosses the river, that is described that their movement is extraordinary, may cross Star River. 这一族非常强大,所谓的香象渡河,那是形容它们身法超绝,可横渡星河 Different from the ordinary shape clan completely, they like lightning are well-known in the world at the speed. 跟普通的象族完全不同,它们以闪电般的速度而闻名于世 This planet is very big, broad ancient, rotates in the starry sky slowly, after Chu Feng they ascend a height to get a broad view, he first is terrified. 这颗星球很大,恢宏古老,在星空中缓缓地转动,然而当楚风他们登临后,他第一时间就悚然。 Each time to a clan heavy, he uses Domain to survey quietly. 每次到了一族重地,他都悄然动用场域进行探测。 Incense stick|Fragrant shape clan has old Saint to assume personal command, is very formidable!” “香象族有老圣人坐镇,很强大!” Chu Feng surveyed, in the mountain range of this clan most deep place had a huge soul light energy group, was dormant in the mid-hill, as long as but rusticity everywhere one visit, Chu Feng can induce. 楚风探测到了,该族最深处的山脉中有一尊庞大的魂光能量团,蛰伏在山腹中,可但凡地气所到之处,楚风都能感应到。 He carries to look like Divine Maiden fragrant, treats as the hostage, said in a low voice: We walk!” 他一把拎住香象神女,当做人质,低声道:“我们走!” This time, he pays expenses to open superior grade wormhole, turned around to run, this was so-called where often walked to have not the wet shoes in the riverside. 这一次,他自己付费开启超级虫洞,转身就跑了,这就是所谓的常在河边走哪有不湿鞋的。 If not he induces keenly, today must capsize! 若非他感应敏锐,今天非翻船不可! Although he is Domain Great Grandmaster, can self-confidently forcing Sub Saint, but to true Saint, that did not say, may suffer a loss. 他虽然是场域大宗师,自信可以力压亚圣,但是对上真正的圣人,那就不好说了,可能会吃大亏。 Chu Feng is very resolute, retreats directly. 楚风很果决,直接退走。 Incense stick|Fragrant shape clan deep place, a golden old shape sits cross-legged on the ground, the whole body is the symbol, its sigh, said: Really discrete, unexpectedly vanishes instant, ok, cannot kill the words of this demon, contracts enmity with him forcefully, must wait for him to grow, that exterminates the clan the catastrophe.” 香象族深处,一位金色的老象盘坐在地上,浑身都是符号,它一声叹息,道:“真谨慎啊,居然刹那消失,算了,杀不死这个魔头的话,强行跟他结怨,真要等他成长起来,那就是灭族大祸。” Then, he told the person, took out jade stone box, making the person take into the starry sky to give Chu Feng, inside had a big medicine, was becomes friends with. 然后,他吩咐人,取出一个玉石盒,让人带进星空中送给楚风,里面有一株大药,算是结交。 Shortly, Chu Feng naturally is polite bled off has looked like Divine Maiden fragrant. 不久后,楚风自然是客气的放走了香象神女 Has experienced this event, Chu Feng is even more discrete, again has not gone to various clans heavily, but pays in advance the protection money ahead of time, starts to release people. 经历过这一次事件,楚风越发谨慎,没怎么再去各族重地,而是提前预支到保护费,就开始放人。 Then, Chu Feng starts to use obtained, the travelling universe, strolls in the starry sky on famous life planet, seeks, therefore visits friends. 然后,楚风开始利用所得,游历宇宙,漫步在星空中一颗又一颗出名的生命星球上,寻故访友。 In the trim starry sky a piece is in chaotic situation, the person may be really many by Chu Feng has sold, now he came, is makes them shame in simply seeing the person. 整片星空中一片鸡飞狗跳,被楚风卖过的人可真不少,现在他真的来了,简直是让他们羞于见人。 Initially, Chu Feng once had said on Earth, some day will come in the starry sky to see them, at that time thought is the boastful talk, the joke, so long as he dares to go out of Earth to guarantee is killed. 当初,楚风在地球上曾说过,有朝一日会来星空中看望他们,当时都以为是狂言,戏言,只要他敢走出地球保准被打死。 Who can think, he came really! 谁能想到,他真的来了! „, You are migratory locust Holy Son, haha, is really the fate, today arrives at the migratory locust star, cannot think that first day can see you!” “诶,你是飞蝗圣子,哈哈,真是缘分啊,今天来到飞蝗星,想不到第一天就能见到你!” Holy Son of migratory locust clan thought, is really unlucky, he heard the wind sound/rumor to seek asylum, avoids Chu Feng, where expects him to come is so quick! 飞蝗族的圣子觉得,实在是晦气,他原本听到风声想去避难,躲开楚风,哪里料到他来的这么快! Then, his entire journey accompanies the Chu Feng tour migratory locust star. 然后,他全程陪同楚风游览飞蝗星。 Hi, blacksnake Holy Daughter, you may really be sexy were more and more enchanting, initially really should not put you to walk, such curve is exquisite, keeps Earth to be much good, the red sleeve adds the fragrance, follows to accompany.” One day later, Chu Feng sees Holy Daughter of blacksnake clan in another planet, so said. “嗨,黑蛇圣女,你可真是越来越性感妖娆了,当初真不该放你走,这样的曲线玲珑,留在地球多好,红袖添香,相随相伴。”一天后,楚风在另一颗星球见到黑蛇族的圣女,这般说道。 This makes this female rub the silver tooth in secret, but actually does not dare to manifest suddenly, can only confess bad luck, ill-humored leads him to tour the blacksnake great city. 这让此女暗中磨银牙,但却不敢发作,只能自认倒霉,没好气的带着他游览黑蛇巨城。 Because, Chu Feng line of indefinite institutes, can open superior grade wormhole using Heavenspan Worm-hole Company instantaneously, rushes to some piece of Star Sea instant, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 因为,楚风行无定所,利用通天虫洞公司可以瞬间开启超级虫洞,刹那赶到某一片星海,让人防不胜防。 Hi, herd fine jade Holy Daughter, does not see for a long time, thought of really!” “嗨,牧璇圣女,好久不见,甚是想念!” Damn, how Great Demon did you come?” “见鬼啊,大魔头你怎么来了?” ...... …… Pegasus Holy Son, heard that now you can the date line 100,000 li (0.5 km), real false, cannot think that we such quickly met, previous time auctions you to be very hasty, is somewhat embarrassed.” 天马圣子,听说现在你能日行100000里,真的假的,想不到我们这么快又见面了,上次拍卖你很仓促,有些不好意思。” Law law!” “唏律律!” Then, on another planet, Chu Feng meets by chance certain Holy Son and Divine Maiden. 接着,又一颗星球上,楚风偶遇某些圣子神女 Sophie Divine Maiden, you were how getting more and more attractive, I regretted puts very much you, or we make a fresh start!” “苏菲神女,你怎么越来越漂亮了,我很后悔将你放回来,要不咱们重新开始吧!” Makes a fresh start, what you want to make, but also wants to sell one me again?” “重新开始,你想做什么,还想把我再卖一遍吗?” Looked at you saying that you were like this slim and graceful, the graceful bearing was moving, I saw still pity, making my mind not steady, by not being able to open both eyes that your bright-colored shook.” “瞧你说的,你这样亭亭玉立,风姿动人,我见犹怜,让我心神不稳,被你的明艳晃的睁不开双眼。” Following twenty days, the Chu Feng entire universe went on patrol, making one crowd once very formidable Divine Son and Holy Daughter simply not have the face to see the person. 接下来的二十几天,楚风全宇宙巡游,让一群曾经很强大的神子圣女简直是没脸见人。 When, early they can also avoid, ahead of time leaves, evades does not receive guests, but afterward Chu Feng directly separated the spatial frontline propaganda, must planet that goes to them to be, said that could not see the person does not walk, the threat claimed, must narrate with them in three days that Earth coexists two nights of stories. 因为,早期时他们还能躲避,提前走人,避不见客,可是后来楚风直接隔空喊话,要去他们所在的星球,说见不到人就不走了,威胁声称,要讲述与他们在地球所共处的三天两夜的故事。 Goes to the fucking three days two nights, many people cursed, was not detained, Great Demon Chu Feng did not deliver goods, didn't let for three days that they went home two nights? 特么的三天两夜,许多人诅咒,不就是被扣留,楚风大魔头不发货,不让他们回家的三天两夜吗? Masculine Evolver said fortunately, female Evolver this simply is face black, must make Chu Feng say really randomly, doesn't ruin their reputation? 男性进化者还好说,女性进化者这简直是一脸黑色,真要让楚风乱讲,不是败坏她们名声吗? Therefore, for serveral days Chu Feng was visiting friends every day, crosses is very substantial. 所以,这些天楚风每天都在访友,过的很充实。 Oh, you have not grown now, in 100 years, I come again, you should be a mainstay of clan. But in 500 years, I come again, you should be clan head of clan, by that time I will think am honored very much, definitely is treated respectfully, by high high-standard reception, the entire universe most has a group of people of power and influence is I have sold, has been together with many Divine Maiden and Holy Daughter very much for three days two nights.” “唉,你们现在还没有成长起来,再过100年,我再来,你们应该是一族的中流砥柱了。而再过500年,我再来,你们应该是一族的族长了,到那时我会觉得很荣幸,肯定倍受礼遇,被高规格接待,试想,全宇宙最有权势的一批人都是我卖过的,跟很许多神女圣女相处过三天两夜。” The Chu Feng feeling, initiates the great unrest in Star Sea immediately, many people want to sew on his mouth, do not compare blindly, this is simply inappropriate. 楚风感慨,顿时在星海中引发轩然大波,许多人真想缝上他的嘴,别瞎比比,这简直让人受不了。 Shortly, Chu Feng enters piece of radiant Star Sea, arrives at one very important places-- Primeval Beginning Palace. 不久后,楚风进入一片璀璨星海,来到一片十分重要之地——混元宫 This is in the universe one of the most formidable several evolution schools, the back has top powerhouse to assume personal command, Holy Son, Divine Maiden, imperial prince various clans and others, had is delivered to this place, the evolution practices, the name shakes the universe. 这是宇宙中最强大的几座进化学院之一,背后有至强者坐镇,各族的圣子神女、皇子等,有很多都被送到此地,进化修行,名震宇宙。 After Chu Feng arrived here, saw old friend-- Zi Luan , this small girl saw that he yelled first, then turns around to run. 楚风来到这里后,看到了一位故人——紫鸾,这个小丫头见到他先是大叫,而后转身就跑。 However, she had been roared a throat by Chu Feng, asking her to come, finally Zi Luan came back with being a scapegoat young wife timidly, was obedient very much. 然而,她被楚风吼了一嗓子,叫她过来,结果紫鸾跟个受气小媳妇般怯弱的回来了,很听话。 When sees this, his Elder Brother Zi Xiao air/Qi is not good, felt that the tooth is hurting, shouts: You are Great Demon Chu Feng, I must fight a decisive battle with you!” 当见到这一幕,他哥哥紫宵气的不行,感觉牙都在疼,喝道:“你就是楚风大魔头,我要与你决战!” Then...... Did not have then, Zi Xiao was given the racket to fly by Chu Feng several big palms of the hand, even if this person were very strong, the strength in on number of younger generation rock row, may also be the Chu Feng's match. 然后……就没有然后了,紫宵楚风几大巴掌就给拍飞了,哪怕此人很强,实力在年轻一代中排的上号,可还是不是楚风的对手。 In fact, this is not Chu Feng first time sees him, once put in an appearance in the Great Dream Pure Land temple, has entered Foreign Territory together, this person is strong, is universe this in 20 for the person is sufficiently strong. 事实上,这不是楚风第一次见到他,在大梦净土神殿中就曾照面,一同进入过异域,此人非常强,足以位列宇宙这代人中20强内。 What a pity, as before is not the Chu Feng's match. 可惜,依旧不是楚风的对手。 Then, Zi Luan started off with Chu Feng, is similar to Earth, wants to revolt, but also is very finally amenable, when maidservant. 接下来,紫鸾又跟着楚风上路了,如同在地球般,想反抗,但最终又很顺从,当起侍女来。 This makes Ying Xiaoxiao and Yuan Yuan unable to bear roll the eyes, the luan clan young girls who this big eye purple sends simply were incurable, typical Stockholm syndrome. 这让映晓晓、元媛都忍不住翻白眼,这个大眼紫发的鸾族少女简直是没救了,典型的斯德哥尔摩综合症。 Afterward, Yuan Mo and big Demoness Zhao Qing homing, was also found by Chu Feng, starts off together. 随后,元魔、大魔女赵晴也归位,被楚风找到,跟着一同上路。 One month quick must pass, in Great Dream Pure Land spreads the news, chooses Chu Feng is to go to Qin Luoyin's dao companion, foreign official announced, vibrates the entire universe! 一个月的时间很快就要过去了,大梦净土中传来消息,选择楚风为去秦珞音的道侣,对外正式公布,震动全宇宙! Moreover, they relate Chu Feng in private, wants him to rush to the pure land as soon as possible, does not require the delaying time. 而且,他们私下联系楚风,要他尽快赶到净土,不要耽搁时间。 Good, I get married immediately!” Chu Feng response. “好,我立刻去娶亲!”楚风回应。 Silver-haired Little Loli is unhappy immediately, she observed for one month, believes firmly that Chu Feng was that person, could not bear shout: Brother-in-law, you must go to Great Dream Pure Land, my elder sister what to do?” 银发小萝莉顿时不开心了,她观察一个月了,确信楚风就是那个人,忍不住喊道:“姐夫,你要去大梦净土,我姐怎么办?” At this moment, the Ying Wudi ear is very easy-to-use, he heard, almost bites own tongue, he has dug oneself ear, believes firmly has not misunderstood, asked Ying Xiaoxiao, said: You...... What shouted him?” 这一刻,映无敌耳朵很好使,他听到了,差点咬到自己的舌头,他挖了挖自己的耳朵,确信没有听错,问映晓晓,道:“你……喊他什么?” Shouted his brother-in-law!” “喊他姐夫啊!” A while, I...... The brain is a little chaotic, your slow point said, said again!” “等会儿,我……脑子有点乱,你慢点说,再说一遍!” The renewal is getting more and more late, such gets down, what to do goes out is commented? The second chapter everybody do not wait, adjusts the daytime to go, practices Great Dream Breathing Method diligently, sleeps. 更新越来越晚,这么下去,出门被人拍砖怎么办?第二章大家别等了,调整到白天去吧,努力去练大梦呼吸法,睡觉去。
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