SR :: Volume #9

#864: World of the Dead number one restricted area

In the ice-cold universe, is silent, death aura heavy, is gloomy including the starry sky, the star light likely is filling death aura, making people feel desperately, gloomy and cold and gloomy. 冰冷的宇宙中,寂静无声,死气沉沉,连星空都暗淡,星光都像是弥漫着死气,让人感觉到绝望、阴冷、灰暗。 Front, is special places, is known as the World of the Dead universe most ancient restricted area, is most dangerous and terrifying universe Abyss. 前方,是一片特殊之地,号称阴间宇宙最古老的禁地,也是最危险与恐怖的宇宙深渊 There does not have the sound, could not feel that passing of time, the black to terrify person, universe Abyss spans the front together, as if the interruption universe, cuts off the Yin-Yang. 那里没有声音,感觉不到时光的流逝,黑的瘆人,一道宇宙深渊横亘前方,仿佛截断宇宙,断绝阴阳。 This place, Great Abyss. 此地,名大渊 The darkness and deathly stillness are eternal subjects, in history, some knows many top powerhouse do not explore, is gone forever, among bleeding darkness. 黑暗与死寂是永恒的主题,有史以来,不知道有多少至强者去探险,都一去不返,喋血黑暗间。 Hands down, trillion years ago universe expert-- Dragon Race first ancestors, deteriorate because of Great Abyss, finally died during meditation. 相传,亿万年前的宇宙地一高手——龙族始祖,就是因大渊而衰败,最终坐化 Naturally, before him, he once saw an corner/horn at the point of death in the future, realized that pursued lifetime World of Living's Seeds where, to the later generation the message, points to Kunlun Mountains. 当然,在他临死前,他曾看到一角未来,察觉到追求了一生的阳间种在何地,给后世留言,直指昆仑。 But, at that time nobody knows so-called Kunlun Mountains where, not knows World of Living's Seeds where. 可是,那个时候没有人知道所谓的昆仑在哪里,也不知道阳间种在何方。 Tens of millions years ago, Monster Ancestor is similarly formidable, is known as the universe first powerhouse, once entered Great Abyss not dead, but deteriorates finally, after all perishes. 数千万年前,妖祖同样强大无比,号称宇宙第一强者,也曾进入大渊而不死,但是最后衰败,终归灭亡。 20 million years ago, the World of the Dead universe has presented Divinity, but, after arriving at the Great Abyss deep place, actually divine blood scatters, among one day, the god collapses! 20000000年前,阴间宇宙出现过神祇,但是,来到大渊深处后,却神血四溅,一日间,神崩! Great Abyss, becomes bans World of the Dead universe number one restricted area! 大渊,成为禁阴间宇宙第一禁地 Here is too mystical, nobody knows this piece of universe Abyss interior has anything, as long as arrived here person dead, even if were universe no.1 expert is not good! 这里太神秘,没有人知道这片宇宙深渊的内部有什么,但凡来到这里的人都死了,哪怕是宇宙第一高手也不行! When antiquity, the Yaoyao grandfather once passed by here, the accident/surprise obtained Plundering Guide Breathing Method in the nearby! 上古之时,妖妖的祖父曾经路过这里,意外在附近得到盗引呼吸法 Although he has not entered Great Abyss, but the fate is not very good, finally was insane, loses the natural disposition, in ignorant, misses archaic Earth great war. 他虽然没进大渊,但是下场却也很不好,最后疯了,失去本性,至今还在浑浑噩噩,更是错过上古地球大战 Nobody dares to approach, even if Shining Upon All Heavens is also scared, they are really thorough, thinks to be hard to maintain a livelihood, must die without doubt. 没有人敢接近,哪怕映照诸天也胆寒,他们真要深入的话,自认为难以活命,必死无疑。 Even, some people speculated, this Great Abyss deep place, has Heavenly Venerate died during meditation, has Dao Lord to wither away, battle scene, weakest is God! 甚至,有人推测,这大渊深处,有天尊坐化,有道主消亡,尸山血海,最弱的都是神灵 Naturally, this is only few people's conjectures, cannot take seriously. 当然,这只是个别人的臆想,当不得真。 Great Abyss of quiet innumerable years, is somewhat unusual today, does not have the sound as before, but actually a little white light appears, is chilly and bright. 沉寂无数岁月的大渊,今天有些异常,依旧没有声音,但是却有一点白光浮现,清冷而皎洁。 Carefully looks, that is a female, is very dim, wears the snow white women's clothing, appears unexpectedly from Great Abyss, there is too what a pity dark, including time fragment distortion and distortion. 仔细看,那是一个女子,很朦胧,穿着雪白的衣裙,竟是从大渊中浮现出来的,可惜那里太黑暗,连时光碎片都在扭曲、变形。 Finally, the female is separated from Great Abyss gradually, appears from World of the Dead universe number one restricted area, is silent, is similar to spirit that works loose from the swamp. 终于,那女子渐渐脱离大渊,从阴间宇宙第一禁地浮现出来,寂静无声,如同从沼泽中挣脱出的幽灵。 She is very beautiful, the figure is slender, such as divine lotus is slim and graceful, the beautiful and graceful is tall and graceful, has not seen clearly the face, only the stature with that tranquil tone, can be called the graceful bearing to be unusual, if the female immortal is born. 她很美,身段修长,如一株神莲亭亭玉立,婀娜挺秀,还未看清面孔,单是身材与那种宁静的气韵,就称得上风姿超凡,若女仙降世。 Quickly, she turns around to welcome to having the star light direction, that face revealed that perfect, purely like the jade, was only a pair of pupil is empty, but the eyeground deep place occasionally had inexplicable divine glow to appear intermittently. 倏地,她转身迎向有星光的方向,那张面孔露出来了,完美无瑕,纯净如玉石,只是一双眸子是空洞的,不过眼底深处却偶尔有莫名神芒隐现。 If Chu Feng here, is certainly frightened, will have a scare, because this female and a person have looked like, is without change simply. 若是楚风在这里,一定惊悚,会吓一大跳,因为这个女子和一个人太像了,简直一般无二。 It looks like Yaoyao! 太像妖妖 The black hair like the waterfall, the figure is beautiful, the face has no time, cannot pick up a slight defect on her body. 青丝如瀑,身段绝美,面孔无暇,在她的身上挑不出一点瑕疵。 At this time, her fleshly body illumination, clear translucent, wants compared with the suet jade snow white exquisite, is revolving very mysterious and profound breathing method stemming from an instinct, various flash universe energies flies. 此时,她的肉身发光,晶莹透亮,比羊脂玉石还要雪白细腻,出于一种本能在运转一种非常玄奥与精深的呼吸法,一刹那各种宇宙能量都飞来。 Including star light, if innumerable say/way waterfalls from the all around gathering, but, submerges in her body. 包括星光,如无数道瀑布从四面八方汇聚而至,没入她的躯体中。 Carefully looked, on her snow white long skirt is stained with scarlet blood, although was already dry, but looks like as before is very chilly colorfully, moreover on this skirt is in charge, some places broke. 仔细看,她的雪白长裙上沾着一道道猩红的血,虽然早已干涸,但是如今看起来依旧很凄艳,而且此裙上有掌印,有些地方已破碎。 If there is an ancient powerhouse certainly to be here surprised, this white skirt once was universe first battlesuit, once put in the most beautiful female. 如果有古老的强者在这里一定会非常吃惊,这件白裙曾经是宇宙第一战衣,曾穿在最美丽的女子身上。 Calmly revolves breathing method, her look is empty, then, is similar to the freely falling body is slow, slowly the immersion to Great Abyss, turns into the white light, turns into the lemon spot, finally until vanishing, does not see thoroughly. 静静运转完呼吸法,她眼神空洞,然后,就如同自由落体慢,慢慢沉浸向大渊,化成白光,化成白点,最后直至消失,彻底不见。 From beginning to end, here very much deathly stillness, does not have a sound, the Great Abyss darkness and cavity to letting the person sends to terrify. 自始至终,这里都很死寂,没有一点声音,大渊黑暗与空洞到让人发瘆。 Meanwhile, Yaoyao that on Earth, Kunlun Mountain, closed up opens the eye quickly, in the eye the Divine Red Clouds crack is spatial, variegated soul light rushes, suddenly her aura rises suddenly, forms an energy vortex, sweeps across the vault of heaven. 与此同时,地球上,昆仑山,正在闭关的妖妖倏地睁开眼睛,眼中神霞裂空,斑斓魂光澎湃,瞬息间她的气息暴涨,形成一股能量漩涡,席卷苍穹。 Suddenly, principle resonating, the Order Divine Chain light cry, interweaves in void, deducts, in addition her body is filling the divine medicine delicate fragrance flavor, to strong Yang Qi. 一时间,法则共振,秩序神链轻鸣,在虚空中交织,演绎出来,此外她的身体弥漫着神药清香味道,还有至强的阳气 However, Yaoyao is frightened at this time, Spiritual Body feels cold, just like having fleshly body, understood a fine body hair but actually vertical feeling. 然而,妖妖此时却是惊悚的,精神体发冷,宛若有肉身般,体会到了一种寒毛倒竖的感觉。 In her heart is very heavy, thought that incomparable constraining, when previous does time have this experience is? Is the archaic Earth time! 她心中很沉重,觉得无比的压抑,上一次有这种体验还是什么时候?是上古地球时代! Then shortly, Earth then eruption great war, various bitter experience clan joint attacks, the rivers of blood, become a mountain of skeleton, Saint on Earth was almost killed a cleanness, pure blood ethnic group casualties completely, without remaining several. 然后不久,地球就爆发大战,遭遇各族联手进攻,血流成河,尸骨成山,地球上的圣者几乎被杀个干净,纯血族群死伤殆尽,没有剩下几个。 She first summoned Young Lady Xi, Yellow Ox, Big Black Ox, Old Donkey and the others. 她第一时间呼唤少女曦黄牛大黑牛老驴等人。 Situation is not right, you retreat, the long journey, by the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor asylum, leaves Earth quietly for the time being, do not forget to take the Chu Feng's parents.” “情况不对,你们都退走,悄然远行,以妖祖之鼎庇护,暂且离开地球,不要忘记带上楚风的父母。” This is the reminder and warning of Yaoyao, from an instinct intuition, she thought that had any important matter to occur! 这是妖妖的提醒与警告,发自一种本能直觉,她觉得有什么大事要发生了! Said that these words, she alone mounts that Sky Vine of Kunlun Mountain, static closing up, a person realizes the universe in the most peaceful condition, asked that soul subconscious resonance. 说完这些话,她就独自登上昆仑山的那株天藤,静静的闭关,一个人在最安静的状态下体会宇宙,问道自我,灵魂潜意识共鸣。 Finally, Yaoyao takes out a grain of clear immortal gold/metal, her wisp of obsession dwells from the antiquity until now in middle, breeds internal energy that does not die. 最后,妖妖取出一粒晶莹的长生金,自上古至今她的一缕执念栖居在当中,孕育不死的气机 Until today, her soul light restoration, and was formidable. 直到今天,她的魂光恢复,并且强大起来了。 However, some heart knots, she always cannot put down, the antiquity fought same for nobody who finally she killed dares to be on the rise, appointed universe each region Heaven-Blessed Talent collaborated, was swept away by her, the population many at all was not the issue, she showed disdain for all people. 但是,有些心结,她始终放不下,上古最后一战她杀的同代无人敢抬头,任宇宙各地天纵奇才联手,都被她横扫,人数多根本不是问题,她傲视所有人。 But she was struck to kill by the Shining Upon All Heavens level character eventually, final wisp of obsession escapes, her fleshly body? 可她终究是被映照诸天级人物击杀了,最终一缕执念逃出,她的肉身呢? Even if the flesh explodes broken, fleshly body disintegrates, should leave behind something to be right, because his father leaves behind Supreme Treasure to her, can, when Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse several times killed certainly. 哪怕血肉爆碎,肉身瓦解,也应该留下一些东西才对,因为他父亲给她留下至宝,能当映照诸天级强者的数次绝杀。 However, she is anything has not sought eventually. 然而,她终究是什么也没有寻到。 Wisp of obsession, immortal gold/metal, about my oneself in the secret, I want to open, I felt that trembling of soul light, was calling, today actually how?” Yaoyao is self-examining. “一缕执念,还有长生金,关于我自身在的秘密,我想揭开,我感觉到到了魂光的颤栗,在鸣动,今天究竟怎么了?”妖妖在自问。 Then, she grasps the immortal gold/metal, closes the pupil, the careful induction, asks one's conscience to ask. 然后,她手持长生金,闭上眸子,仔细感应,问心问道。 The next quarter, in years past brand mark, this life summon, making her body shake, she saw a piece jet black boundless was, that was piece of universe Abyss, a little white light ups and downs, had the fatal attraction to her. 下一刻,昔年的烙印,今生的呼唤,让她身体摇动,她看到一片漆黑无边的所在,那是一片宇宙深渊,有一点白光在沉浮,对她有致命的吸引力。 Antiquity, my memory stopped suddenly in this!” Then, Yaoyao sets out, her soul light is still palpitating, why today knows, always does not think restless. “上古,我的记忆于此戛然而止!”然后,妖妖起身,她的魂光还在悸动,今天不知道为何,总觉得不安。 Immortal gold/metal directs the path that I lead the way!” The Yaoyao light language, asks one's conscience to ask once more. “长生金指引我前行的道路!”妖妖轻语,再次问心问道。 Then, she grasps the immortal gold/metal, like this leaves Earth, rushes in the universe directly, does not hesitate to open the wormhole repeatedly, with a feeling, goes toward some universe ancient land! 然后,她手持长生金,就这样离开地球,直接闯进宇宙中,不惜多次开启虫洞,凭着一种感觉,向着某一宇宙古地而去! Meanwhile, outside the World of the Dead universe, Broken Universe in chaos, the most neighboring World of the Living's region, the chaos turn well up, various Small World spaces are dense and numerous, are similar to the isolated island wander in the chaos. 与此同时,阴间宇宙外,混沌中的残破宇宙,最邻近阳间的地带,混沌翻涌,各种小世界空间密密麻麻,如同孤岛在混沌中漂流。 On this day, chaos most deep place, transmits the terrifying the sound, seals up hundred million ten thousand years years Ancient Road, was being cleaned up, the penetration, turns into a trail forcefully once more. 这一天,混沌最深处,传来恐怖的声响,一条封闭亿万载岁月的古路,在被人清理,强行贯通,再次化成一条小径。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 As can be seen, near that alley, the chaos is turbulent, various thunder chop to fall unceasingly, scary, because the prestige can be too big, is the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is divided must instantaneously become the ashes, destroy both body and soul. 可以看到,在那条小路附近,混沌汹涌,各种雷霆不断劈落,骇人之极,因为威能太大了,就是映照诸天级强者被劈中都要瞬间成为灰烬,形神俱灭 That is chaos Divine Thunder, is Divinity is hit, must die, will only keep the black ashes. 那是混沌神雷,就是神祇被击中,也要死,只会留黑色灰烬。 Even, stronger Evolver in treading this alley, sets up in body thunder light, in the thunder bang by chaos will be killed, does not have the suspense. 甚至,更强的进化者在踏出这条小路,立身雷光中,也会被混沌中的雷霆轰杀,没有悬念。 Carefully looked, around that trail has some grass, this is very astonishing, this is in the chaos, unexpectedly sees the plant, this is terrifying Variation. 仔细看,那条小径周围有一些草,这很惊人,这可是在混沌中,居然看到植物,这是恐怖的异种 Conceivable, can clean up Evolver of this ancient alley to be fearful, divine might is unparalleled! 可以想象,能够清理这条古老小路的进化者多么可怕,神威盖世! Finally, was near, they soon must be separated from the chaos thoroughly, must tread that alley, soon along one after another space isolated island, will appear in Broken Universe. 终于,近了,他们即将要彻底脱离混沌,要踏出那条小路,即将沿着一座又一座空间孤岛,出现在残破宇宙中。 Heavenly Venerate, our really success!” Some people summoned pleasantly surprised, roused. 天尊,我们真的成功了!”有人惊喜的呼唤,振奋无比。 Heavenly Venerate magical power is endless, was too scary, links up the chaos unexpectedly, opens alley a to lead to World of the Dead universe from World of the Living, the day merit is invincible!” 天尊法力无疆,太骇人了,竟然真的贯通混沌,从阳间开辟出一条通向阴间宇宙的小路,天功无敌!” What opens the mouth is several young people, oneself is formidable, outside the body is indistinct has the Order symbol to flash before, in the body surface, this grade of strength is extremely densely covered unusual, is exceptionally fierce! 开口的是几名年轻人,自身都非常强大,体外隐约间有秩序符号闪现,密布在体表,这等实力极其超凡,异常厉害! I can only deliver you to here, returns to World of the Living in the time of stipulation, this alley can close, is unable to maintain very remote.” “我只能送你们到这里,在规定的时间回归阳间,这条小路会闭合的,无法保持很久远。” A whole body skinny Old Daoist opens the mouth, however withered old skin is actually the golden color, is very strange, is very terrifying, when he spoke, the chaos blasted out, various principles and Order obliterated, he set up a place is the pure land, all generations does not go bad, True Body lasted forever, was too scary. 一位浑身皮包骨头的老道开口,但是干瘪的老皮却是金色的,十分古怪,也很恐怖,在他说话时,混沌炸开,各种法则与秩序磨灭,他立身之地便是净土,万劫不坏,真身永存,太骇人了。 Heavenly Venerate, don't you go to World of the Dead with us?” Has the young people to ask surprised, has thought, this Heavenly Venerate must cross the chaos sea, arrives in World of the Dead. 天尊,您不和我们去阴间吗?”有年轻人吃惊地问道,一直以为,这位天尊要横渡过混沌海,降临阴间中。 World of the Dead has the strangeness, does not suit me to cross the long stay, you are also careful, cannot be negligent, fast returns at once.” This Old Daoist reminded seriously. 阴间有古怪,不适合我过久逗留,你们也要小心,不可大意,速去速回。”这个老道严肃地提醒。 "Ah, I hear, having Supreme Being must lead disciple to come, must live here, seeks for the seed in ancient legend, how do you come to walk? ” “啊,我听闻,有大能要带领弟子过来,要长居这边,寻找亘古传说中的种子,您怎么才来就要走?” In their opinion, this Heavenly Venerate magical power is infinite, sets up a place is Heavenly State, as Supreme Being, omnipotent, but also cares about this piece of gloomy and cold universe? 在他们看来,这位天尊法力无穷,立身之地便是天国,身为大能,无所不能,还在意这片阴冷的宇宙吗? Here divides several universes, belongs to Underworld or World of the Dead, some regions are very strange, some people once had seen some Heavenly Venerate corpses in a piece of dark universe canyon, is quite frigid, therefore, highly regarded!” Old Daoist urged seriously. “这边分几个宇宙,都属于冥界或者阴间,有些地带十分诡异,有人曾在一片黑暗的宇宙峡谷中看到过一些天尊尸体,相当惨烈,所以,不可小觑啊!”老道严肃地叮嘱。 Then, he turns around, one step takes, the chaos Divine Thunder large explosion, the void principle annihilation, Order rune collapsing, he such one step vanished, dreads World of the Dead very much, at the maximum speed returns to World of the Living. 然后,他一转身,一步迈出,混沌神雷大爆炸,虚空法则湮灭,秩序符文崩断,他就这样一步消失了,很是忌惮阴间,以最快的速度回归阳间 World of the Dead, we came, trembles!” In the remaining several people, some people open the mouth, the sound is faint, no longer when image plane to Heavenly Venerate is so discrete, but very, only I alone revere! 阴间,我们来了,颤栗吧!”剩下的几人中,有人开口,声音淡漠,不再像面对天尊时那么谨慎,而是非常的自我,惟我独尊!
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