SR :: Volume #9

#863: In heart pure good, read the heaven

Great Dream Pure Land one crowd of old woman big such as fight, the brain kernel of melon seed hurts, Qin Luoyin has the pregnancy, must make Great Demon Chu Feng work as the taking over a business hero, this is equal to playing with fire, will not do well will immolate oneself, one will burn down Great Dream Pure Land wickedly. 大梦净土一群老妪头大如斗,脑瓜仁疼,秦珞音有身孕,要让楚风大魔头当接盘侠,这等于在玩火,一个弄不好就会自焚,一把恶火烧进大梦净土 Meanwhile, one crowd of old monsters produce various types of mental association, perceives keenly, Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui have the inexplicable relation doubtful, is afraid simply. 同时,一群老怪物产生各种联想,敏锐觉察到,楚风吴轮回疑似有莫名联系,简直是不寒而栗。 Falls Great Demon Chu green, this pot is too thick sinks is too green, may not withstand the heaviness simply, is really the pot of terrifying!” “绿掉楚大魔头,这锅太厚太沉太绿,简直是不可承受之重,真是恐怖之锅啊!” In Great Dream Pure Land, one group of old fogies in suck in a cold breath, each and every one expression grave, clench jaws, who child's father is, too scoundrel! 大梦净土中,一群老家伙都在倒吸冷气,一个个神色凝重,同时咬牙切齿,孩子的父亲是谁,太混账了! They think knows really very much, which scoundrel child's father is, they want to choke to death directly! 他们真的很想知道,孩子的父亲是哪个混账,他们想直接掐死! Finally I of knows truth, the tears do not flow......” near, has the Great Dream Pure Land most direct descendant two talents to serve here, after hearing some truth, the heart in the drop blood, the tears must flow. “最后不知道真相的我,眼泪流下来……”近前,有大梦净土最嫡系的两个天才在这里侍候,听到一些真相后,心都在滴血,眼泪都要流出来了。 Who is a kid's dad, this villain, the devil, I wants to kill people especially!” “谁是孩子他爹,这个恶棍,魔鬼,我特么想杀人!” Two youth both at present become dark, they are the direct line bloodlines of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, takes Great Dream Pure Land as the family/home, the life here, in the heart sends now painstakingly. 两个青年都眼前发黑,他们是映照诸天级强者的直系血脉,以大梦净土为家,生活在这里,现在心中发苦。 Ok, what actually this loving dearly is Demon Chu Feng, the matter that this is vexed makes him go to the back silently.” “算了,其实最该心疼的是楚风魔头,这糟心的事还是让他默默去背吧。” Finally, a youth such opens the mouth, comforts the companion. 最终,一个青年这么开口,安慰同伴。 Also is, loves dearly the Great Demon Chu Feng three seconds!” “也是,心疼楚风大魔头三秒钟!” Then, here had the conclusion, various matters arranged, must help the truth that Qin Luoyin concealed the pregnancy, solved child's problem rapidly. 然后,这边就有定论了,各种事情都安排起来,要帮秦珞音隐瞒有身孕的真相,迅速解决孩子的问题。 But Chu Feng was requested, temporarily avoids suspicion, leaves Great Dream Pure Land, where goes to be good, so long as don't on this planet. 楚风则被要求,暂时避嫌,离开大梦净土,去哪里都行,但只要别在这颗星球上。 Chu Feng pondered over quite a while, does not want to understand this anything situation. 楚风琢磨半天了,都没想明白这到底什么情况。 Actually the Great Dream Pure Land's person has selected him, finds out make trouble out of nothing? The feeling is a little strange. 大梦净土的人究竟是选中了他,还是想出幺蛾子?感觉有点诡异。 When, some old fogies look to him, not only has the approval, and has the sympathy, even some people are patting his shoulder, said: You is a good child.” 因为,一些老家伙看向他时,既有认可,又有同情,甚至有人拍着他的肩头,道:“你是个好孩子。” When the Chu Feng color of face wondering, he to Great Dream Pure Land starts is not polite, in the end their unexpectedly this manner, was too friendly. 楚风一脸纳闷之色,他对大梦净土下手时可不算客气,到头来他们居然这副态度,也太友好了。 Especially, relying on the keenest intuition, he discovered that has the old monster as if to sympathize with him, what meaning? 尤其是,凭着最为敏锐的直觉,他发现有老怪物仿佛在同情他,什么意思啊? This is natural, has old monster to look at Chu Feng, regarded as to be a scapegoat the hero him, the taking over a business hero, thought actually such domineering Great Demon Chu mixes is very miserable, after some day his knows truth, can feel that is very miserable? 这是自然,有老怪物看着楚风,已经将他看做背锅侠,接盘侠,觉得这么强势的楚大魔头其实混的很惨,当有一天他知道真相后,会不会感觉很凄凉? My kidnapper, wrong, my Great Demon Chu, is wrong, my one generation of do Divine King, what need you to sympathize? Really fucking!” The Chu Feng unstated criticism, in the eyeground deep places of few people saw secretly unexpectedly pitiful, pities, made him speechless. “我人贩子,错,我楚大魔头,也错,我一代神王,何需你们同情?真是特么的!”楚风暗自腹诽,居然在个别人的眼底深处看到可怜、怜悯等,太让他无语了。 It seems like I was too honest, later must consider that own method, the person is good is not good, is worth reconsidering!” “看来我真的太敦厚了,以后得考虑一下自己的手段,人太善良也不好,值得反思!” He starts to engage in introspection unexpectedly, serious reflection, if lets Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old monster knows his thought that will kill absolutely will not reveal that look, now Great Demon Chu has sufficed savage, will make him reconsider again, later is unable to imagine simply, must be upsetly inappropriate absolutely. 他居然开始反省,认真反思,如果让大梦净土的一群老怪物知道他的念头,绝对打死也不会露出那种眼神,现在楚大魔头已经够凶残,再让他反思下去,以后简直无法想象,绝对要闹心到让人受不了。 One group of people deliver Chu Feng, wishes one could to make him leave immediately. 一群人送楚风,恨不得立刻让他动身。 Chu Feng has not said anything, Ying Wudi was discontented, said: This hospitality, my elder brother Chu Feng is can it be that honest, is not willing to haggle over, but I a little am unable to continue watching, has sees a visitor out forcefully?” 楚风还没有说什么,映无敌就不满了,道:“这岂是待客之道,吾兄楚风敦厚良善,不愿计较,但我有点看不下去,有强行送客的吗?” At this time, arrived at entrance here, outside person has been able live transmission here situation, after this picture, this scene and this words to pass to the starry sky, one group of people want to curse, today really damn, fierce Demon Chu unexpectedly became the honest and kindhearted benchmark, ratio this odder matter? 这个时候,都到山门这里了,外面的人已经可以直播这里的情况,这画面、这场景、这话语传到星空中后,一群人都想诅咒,今天真是见鬼了,凶猛的楚魔头居然都成为敦厚与良善的标杆,还有比这更离谱的事吗? I understand Great Dream Pure Land, if I must hurry to pack off him, this kind of evil star stays in the pure land, will affect there gentle and peace simply, the both sides makings clash, must result in sends off!” “我理解大梦净土,要是我也得赶紧送走他,这样一尊煞星呆在净土中,简直会影响那里的平和与安宁,双方气质相冲,必须得送走!” This kind of big demon does not pack off, is keeping the new year's celebration, wha fucking is honest, this is destroying the word simply, since then, said that who is savage and is having the demonic nature words, said directly he was honestly good!” “这样一尊大魔不送走,留着过年啊,什特么的敦厚,这简直是在毁词,自此之后,说谁凶残、带着魔性的话,直接说他敦厚好了!” In the starry sky, one group of people spit the bad, the feeling is frustrated, this way of the world is too crazy, kidnapper can send out divine radiance, somewhat touches somebody's sore spot. 星空中,一群人吐糟,感觉窝心,这世道太疯狂,人贩子都能散发神圣光辉,有些扎心。 Then, the people see, Chu Feng with Great Dream Pure Land's old monster grinding chirp, that is really reluctant to part, the affectionate righteousness is heavy, is not willing to depart. 然后,众人就看到,楚风大梦净土的老怪物磨磨唧唧,那真是依依不舍,情深义重,不愿离去。 Speechless that one group of people look, this what condition? 一群人看的无语,这又什么状况? Scratches, the Great Demon Chu facial skin true thickness, wants the travel expense with Great Dream Pure Land, spoke his stony broke, wants to go to the universe to roam about has no way to open wormhole starting off.” “擦,楚大魔头脸皮真厚,跟大梦净土要路费呢,说他身无分文,想去宇宙中流浪都没法开启虫洞上路。” „Before leaving, is this extorts? Good valiant Great Demon Chu! Aiyu, my heart is quite sore, in this case does Great Dream Pure Land also consider to elect him for the son-in-law? Heavenly Dao, fucking was too unfair!” “临走前,这是勒索吗?好彪悍的楚大魔头!哎呦,我的心好疼啊,在这种情况下大梦净土还考虑选他为女婿?天道啊,太特么的不公了!” In the universe, the expressions on some faces with constipation, want to shout 'motherfucker' simply, wants to curse. 宇宙中,一些人脸上的表情简直跟便秘似的,都想骂娘,更想诅咒。 Shortly , the people saw, Great Dream Pure Land also really gave the Chu Feng travel expense, making him smile, did not need to think, the satisfied capital was certainly rich! 不久后,人们更是看到,大梦净土还真给楚风路费了,让他满脸笑容,不用多想,绝对路资丰厚! One group of people want to curse! 一群人又想诅咒! Then, the people saw, Chu Feng is supporting by the arm some people, carries over Great Dream Pure Land some being wounded, is very the enthusiasm. 接着,人们看到,楚风搀扶着一些人,将一些负伤者也都带出大梦净土,很是热情。 People doubt, what's all this about? This demon transferring nature, has been helpful unexpectedly like this, compared with before, the difference of heaven and earth. 人们狐疑,这是怎么回事?这魔头转性了,居然这样乐于助人,跟以前相比,天壤之别。 clear/pain virtuous nephew is really dwelling heart is kindhearted, in heart pure good, just before parting before , looks after one group of people of same belief.” A Great Dream Pure Land's old monster heart has sigh with emotion, like this commended. “楚贤侄真是宅心仁厚,心中纯善,临去前还照料一群同道。”大梦净土的一个老怪物心有感慨,这样称赞。 It is not they want to think highly, but is Chu Feng the flash/crucial point is insufficient at present, Great Dream Pure Land wants to wash white for him, that must seize all opportunities. 并不是他们想恭维,而是楚风目前闪光点不足,大梦净土想要为他洗白,那就得抓住一切机会。 Should, our generation Cultivator should support mutually is right.” Chu Feng righteousness words said. “应该的,我辈修士理应相互扶持才对。”楚风义正言辞地说道。 When other people have profound respect, looks to him, the manner is completely different. 其他人都肃然起敬,看向他时,态度完全不一样了。 Only then Ouyang Feng watches critically, saw the way, these people that Chu Feng held once did not challenge him, then to be defeated by him? 只有欧阳风冷眼旁观,看出门道,楚风扶的那些人不都是曾经挑战他、然后被他击败的吗? Ouyang Feng knows, the god fucking dwelling heart is kindhearted immediately, in heart pure good, damn when our generation Cultivator supports mutually, his knows Chu Feng's thoughts, this is in line with the principle that does not waste, carries off the spoils of war personally, this is turns head to sell! 欧阳风立刻知道,神特么的宅心仁厚,心中纯善,见鬼的我辈修士当相互扶持,他知道楚风的心思,这是本着不浪费的原则,亲自带走战利品,这是回头要去卖啊! Many thanks Brother Chu!” “多谢楚兄!” These were held, are gathered and led by Chu Feng the leave the mountain gate person, even if in the heart did not appreciate kindness rendered to Chu Feng, but also smalltalk on mouth. 那些被扶着、被楚风聚拢并带出山门的人,哪怕心中对楚风并不领情,但也在嘴上客套了一下。 Should, you're welcome, a while we together walk.” Chu Feng smile. “应该的,别客气,一会儿我们一起走。”楚风微笑。 Ouyang Feng is speechless, this typical sold the person has also wanted to thank, really very Chu Feng! 欧阳风无语,这典型的将人卖了还想让人感谢,果然很楚风 Ying Wudi sighed: My elder brother is really kindhearted, when these people previously once challenged to you, the spoken language disrespects, the method is intense, Brother Chu really to the pure ultimate good, in the past all people misunderstood you.” 映无敌叹道:“吾兄果然仁厚,这些人早先时都曾向你挑战,言语不敬,手段激烈,楚兄果然至纯至善,过去所有人都误解你了。” Chu Feng shows an embarrassed look, in fact, this is not an attire, is really embarrassed, he wants to sell the person in secret, collects some travel expenses with these strong clans, finally such was commended, he slightly has that...... Little guilty. 楚风露出一副不好意思的神色,事实上,这不是装的,真不好意思,他只是想暗中卖人而已,跟那些强族收些路费,结果却被人这么称赞,他略有那么……一点点愧疚。 Chu Feng, I have not misread you, seriously is in the heart pure good, read the heaven!” When near distinction, a status very high old monster in Great Dream Pure Land delivers a very high appraisal, the vibration four directions. 楚风,我没看错你,当真是心中纯善,一念天堂!”临分别时,大梦净土中的一个身份很高的老怪物送上一个非常高的评价,震动四方。 Even, in the starry sky many people reveal startled accommodate. 甚至,星空中都有很多人露出惊容。 Brother Chu, said goodbye in light of this!” 楚兄,就此告辞!” Brother Chu, the mountain does not change the green water long class, his year meets again!” 楚兄,青山不改绿水长流,他年再相见!” Person who one crowd was supported by the arm said goodbye with Chu Feng, in the heart was not small to his resentment thought, after by he defeated , the each and every one complexion is not attractive, this means that they forever lost in the goddess with heart to arrive at the together qualifications. 一群被搀扶出来的人跟楚风告辞,心中对他怨念不小,被他击败后一个个脸色不是多好看,这意味着,他们永远失去了跟心中的女神走到一起的资格。 However, Chu Feng was very warm, walks to pat their shoulders one by one, said: You have been wounded, starting off is very alone dangerous, I deliver you.” 然而,楚风却很热情,走过去逐一拍了拍他们的肩头,道:“你们都负伤了,独自上路很危险,我送你们。” Was this enthusiasm excessive? Make one group of people speechless, where need so. 这热情过头了吧?让一群人都无言,哪里需要这般。 Does not use!” Some people reject immediately. “不用!”有人立刻拒绝。 However, Chu Feng is too warm, is hugging the shoulder, leads them to start off directly. 然而,楚风太热情,搂着肩头,直接带他们上路。 „, What situation?” Even if responded that the slowest person does not feel right, is Ying Wudi somewhat is speechless, on the face revealed the look of surprise, is indistinct had suspected. “诶,什么情况?”哪怕反应最迟钝的人也感觉不对头,就是映无敌都有些无语,脸上露出异色,隐约间有所怀疑。 Chu Feng said: I thought, you have the wound, I must deliver you to main house gate, this felt relieved. Moreover , the travelling universe, looks at this starry sky while convenient the vastness and beauty, the strangeness and unusualness of this heaven and earth, the sensibility universe world wonderful principle. Everybody, please feel relieved, must deliver you to be proficient safely.” 楚风道:“我觉得,你们都有伤,我要一个一个送你们到家门口,这样才放心。另外,也顺便游历宇宙,看一看这星空的浩瀚与美丽,这天地的诡异与超凡,感悟宇宙天地妙理。各位,请放心,必安然送你们到家。” What special reassurance, making you not feel relieved, this is must visit to extort? Quick person who some thoughts transfer understood his thought immediately. 什么特的放心,让你跟着才不放心,这是要登门勒索吗?一些心思转的快的人立刻明白了他的念头。 At this time, was the Great Dream Pure Land's person was also unable to continue watching, some old monster complexions were red, really had a fever. 这个时候,就是大梦净土的人也都看不下去了,一些老怪物脸色通红,真是发烧啊。 They were still praising a moment ago, heart had purely good, read the heaven, this simply was...... Whom did not have. 刚才他们还在夸赞,心有纯善,一念天堂,这简直是……没谁了。 In the end this demon warmhearted appearance, but, the old monsters probably guessed that he must do. 到头来这魔头一副古道热肠的样子,可是,老怪物们都大概猜测到他要干什么了。 Really is......” an old monster deep sigh, wants to say very much, Rivers and Mountains is easy to change the leopard doesn't change his spots, but has swallowed finally back, after all must help Chu Feng wash white, does not need to undermine. “果然是……”一个老怪物长叹,很想说,江山易改本性难移,但是最后又咽回去了,毕竟要帮楚风洗白呢,没有必要拆台。 Since Chu Feng must escort you to go back, that is definitely safe, is really the honest and heavy loyalty, was good, you start off!” A Great Dream Pure Land old monster opens the mouth, then fast orders the person to close the entrance, does not want to mix, the face chest cavity has a fever. “既然楚风要护送你们回去,那肯定非常安全,真是敦厚与重义气,好了,你们上路吧!”大梦净土一个老怪物开口,然后快速命令人关闭山门,再也不想掺和了,脸膛发烧啊。 Is been somewhat dumbfounded by the person who Chu Feng kidnaps, wants to say very much, Great Dream Pure Land your not owing heart? exit|to speak that this words said! 有些被楚风劫持的人目瞪口呆,很想说,大梦净土你们不亏心吗?这种话都说的出口! Naturally, this matter is not all people first completely understood, in the most minimum starry sky many people are also nodding, praised Chu Feng to be really different, the good person achieved the bottom, must see somebody off main house gate, really the heart had purely good. 当然,这种事情并不是所有人都第一时间看透,最起码星空中还有很多人在点头呢,赞扬楚风真的不同了,好人做到底,要送人到家门口,果然心有纯善。 However, actually person understands thoroughly to curse, first cursed, this kidnapper was too hateful, just before leaving before , must take own spoils of war from the pure land, the ominous flame was dreadful, is incurable! 但是,洞彻究竟的人则大骂,第一时间诅咒,这个人贩子太可恶了,临走前都要从净土带上自己的战利品,凶焰滔天,没救了! Uncle, bye!” Does the Ouyang Feng impatient farewell, who leave Great Dream Pure Land to be happiest? Naturally is Ouyang Feng. “老叔,再见!”欧阳风迫不及待的告别,离开大梦净土谁最开心?自然是欧阳风 Is drawing him with on ancient Golden Body powerhouse of Jun Tuo Ancient Saint friendship sworn friend, read broken endlessly, touches his head, touches his face, even touched his Swan neck and black tortoise shell, letting Ouyang Feng wants to stamp one's foot hits the person, really could not bear. 钧驮古圣交情莫逆的上古老金身强者拉着他,碎碎念个没完,又是摸他头,又是摸他脸,甚至摸他的天鹅颈项与黑龟壳,让欧阳风想跳脚打人,真是受不了。 Come, Brother Ying, a Yuan brother, you lend a hand, helping me escort these Fellow Daoist to start off!” Chu Feng greeted Ying Wudi, Yuan Shicheng brother and sister and the others. “来,映兄,元兄,你们过来搭把手,帮我护送这些道友上路!”楚风招呼映无敌、元世成兄妹等人。 Ying Wudi is glad to assist very much, looked that a person is pleasing to the eyes, that supports his motions. 映无敌很乐意相助,看一个人顺眼,那真是支持他各种行动。 But Chu Feng also looked that he is pleasing to the eyes, whom this wife's younger brother did not have, too understood him, was very good! 楚风也看他倍儿顺眼,这小舅子没谁了,太理解他了,很不错! Ying Xiaoxiao is curling the lip, simultaneously even more doubt, looked that Chu Feng was too kind with being familiar, several times want to be called the brother-in-law these two characters, but she has borne, feared that stimulated to her elder brother Ying Wudi. 只是映晓晓在撇嘴,同时越发狐疑,看楚风太亲切与熟悉了,几次想叫出姐夫这两个字,但她忍住了,怕刺激到她哥映无敌 Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Vermilion Bird fairy maiden is very speechless, braces oneself the help, does not look at the Chu Feng's face, must look at the Ying Wudi face. 元世成、元媛、朱雀仙子都挺无语,硬着头皮过来帮忙,不看楚风的面子,也要看映无敌的面子。 In the starry sky, a piece discusses, is ordinary with the boiling water. 星空中,一片热议,跟沸水一般。 However, Chu Feng actually does not care, looks to the radiant starry sky, said: „Did universe Star Sea regional old friends, you prepare? I must go on patrol the entire universe, in the past I have sold, with me had occurring together in the past, thinks of you, I came! In the sea saves the friend, if the horizon the neighbor, I saw you to come!” 然而,楚风却不在意,望向璀璨星空,道:“宇宙星海各地的故人们,你们准备好了吗?我要巡游全宇宙,当年被我卖过的、当年跟我有交集的,甚是想念你们,我来了!海内存知己,天涯若比邻,我看望你们来了!” The gods special in the sea save friend, across the starry sky, one group of acquaintances want to scold him! 神特么海内存知己,星空各地,一群熟人都想骂死他! Ouyang Feng hēi hēi has smiled, he can think of that picture, where regardless of arrives, will meet the familiar talent, when the time comes greeted that to be splendid, the world nobody did not know Monarch. 欧阳风嘿嘿的笑了起来,他已经能够想到那种画面,无论走到哪里,都会遇见熟悉的天才,到时候打招呼那可就精彩了,真可谓天下无人不识君。 The first chapter renews is so late, is mainly because in the heart is not tranquil, has the good news also to have the bad news, here did not account for the number of words to say. I sent in the slightly letter, the book friend who wants to understand can add the Chen Dong slightly letter public platform, transmitted and bad these three characters to me can understand. 第一章更新这么晚,主要是因为心中不平静,有好消息也有坏消息,就不在这里占字数多说了。我发微信上了,想了解的书友可以加辰东的微信公众平台,对我发送好与坏这三个字就能了解了。
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