SR :: Volume #9

#862: Warmhearted Divine King Chu

Shocks four directions, the people of observing brings startled to accommodate, Rochon's what kind of great strength and haughtiness, finally like this by Great Demon Chu Feng tidying up, stepped on him to drop from the clouds, tread on the ground, Great Demon Chu seriously is fierce in a complete mess! 震撼四野,观战的人都带着惊容,罗尚何等的强大与狂傲,结果就这样被楚风大魔头给收拾了,踩着他从天而降,踏在地上,楚大魔头当真是凶猛的一塌糊涂! Many people thought that he is abnormal, Rochon's rampancy based on the formidable strength, but was not the mere show, is the present so is pitiful, was almost hit to explode by Great Demon Chu Feng, the comprehensive suppression, a foot stepped in the ground! 许多人觉得他非常变态,罗尚刚才的嚣张是基于强大的实力,而不是空架子,可是现在却这么凄惨,被楚风大魔头差点打爆,全面压制,一脚踩在地上! But Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old woman many person eyes reveal extraordinary splendor, this visit son-in-law was too tyrannical, seriously is one generation of invincible demons. 大梦净土的一群老妪不少人都眼露异彩,这个上门女婿太强横了,当真是一代无敌魔头。 No, is one generation of invincible King! 不,是一代无敌王者 Some old women change a statement immediately, told in secret, cannot call Chu Feng to be Great Demon again, but should call present age young Divine King! 一些老妪立刻改口,暗中吩咐,不许再叫楚风大魔头,而应该称之为当世的年轻神王 This naturally is a polite name, person who only then with the generation invincibility, sweeps away all obstacles not to have the match, can handle this title, many generations cannot present one. 这自然是一种尊称,只有同代无敌,所向披靡而没有对手的人,才当得起这种称号,多少代也出现不了一个。 Because, the rare person can suppress a time absolutely all Heaven-Blessed Talent! 因为,罕有人可以绝对压制一个时代的所有天纵奇才 If Great Dream Pure Land is Qin Luoyin chooses such dao companion, will be in an impregnable position in the later long years, has this fierce person to protect, who dares to provoke, who dares to speak the last words? Did not extinguish other Dao Lineage to be good! 大梦净土如果真的为秦珞音选择这样的道侣,在以后漫长岁月间中都将立于不败之地,有这种猛人守护,谁敢挑衅,谁敢叫板?不却灭其他道统就不错了! Even, has this Great Demon Chu to assume personal command, wrong, has this Great Divine King Chu to teach, when he grows, fearless first ten big, will lead Great Dream Pure Land to move toward to the utmost magnificently. 甚至,有这个楚大魔头坐镇,错,是有这个楚大神王在教中,等他成长起来,都无惧前十大,会带领大梦净土走向极尽辉煌。 Suddenly, Great Dream Pure Land in the fast discussion, most people approved in secret, thought Chu Feng is matches good, with Qin Luoyin is inborn one pair. 一时间,大梦净土内部在暗中快速的议论,大部分人都赞成,觉得楚风是良配,跟秦珞音是天生的一对。 Everybody, what to do if the chaos Deity Palace's person does hit?” Holds the elder of opposing opinion to say like this, has the small number of people to look throughout Chu Feng is not pleasing to the eyes. “各位,万一混沌天神宫的人打过来怎么办?”持反对意见的长老这样说道,有少数人始终看楚风不顺眼。 Fears anything, World of the Dead's universe will stops the powerhouse in chaos to come, side can come Saint to arrive, so-called Divinity, cannot come from ancient to present!” “怕什么,阴间的宇宙意志阻挡混沌中的强者过来,能过来圣人就到边了,所谓神祇,自古至今就没有能过来的!” Many people guessed, this is the big universe will is sheltering. 许多人猜测,这是大宇宙意志在庇护。 What most miserable is Rochon, was trod by Chu Feng there, the bone breaks many, is hard to move, mouth and nose and ear in overflowing blood. 最为悲催的是罗尚,被楚风踏在那里,骨头断裂多根,难以动弹,口鼻与耳朵都在溢血。 He has Sub Saint some sources, but does not beat as before, defeated! 他有亚圣的部分本源,但依旧不敌,还是败了! Summon deity!” He was whispering, slightly inaudible, used soul light, displayed Taboo secret technique of this clan. “召唤天神!”他在低语,微不可闻,动用魂光,施展该族的禁忌秘术 Chu Feng heard, but has not prevented, he continuously descends to earth these two Divine Skill to be very curious to the Deity Race's summon deity and deity, actually what's the matter? 楚风听到了,但是没有阻止,他一直对天神族的召唤天神与天神下凡这两种神技很好奇,究竟是怎么回事? Where that so-called day Divine Bones block does from appear? 那所谓的天神骨块等都是从什么地方出现的? This time, he wants to look at an outcome, is stepping on this person, is staring void, opens Discerning Eyes, must endure the broken most essential thing. 这一次,他想看个究竟,踩着此人,盯着虚空,睁开火眼金睛,要堪破最本质性的东西。 Void, there is a golden bone block appearance, that is Order is interweaving, grows the fearful energy, then extremely fast flies, crashes in Rochon's within the body, making his body erupt dazzling ball of light. 虚空中,有金色的骨块出现,那是秩序在交织,衍生出可怕的能量,而后极速飞来,冲进罗尚的体内,让他身体爆发刺目的光团 Without a doubt, his aura extremely fast become stronger! 毫无疑问,他的气息极速变强 This forms, void has to conform to the Deity Race's Order energy? Obeys them to summon, why can't I summon female celestial Immortal World?” Chu Feng muttered. “这到底是怎么形成的,虚空中有符合天神族的秩序能量?听从他们召唤,我为什么就不能召唤仙女仙界呢?”楚风咕哝。 This view, making people of one crowd of observing feel dizzy, this Lord in what thought? Also felt that the Great Demon Chu domineering and self-confidence, this moment still thinks other matter at the minute. 这个说法,让一群观战的人都眼晕,这主在动什么念头?同时也感觉到楚大魔头的强势与自信,这种关头还在分心想别的事。 The Ying Wudi opens the mouth, dispels doubt for him. 映无敌开口,为他解惑。 Brother Chu, the so-called deity descends to earth with the summon deity, these two Divine Skill our Sub Immortal Clan has studied, according to our ancient ancestor lectures, should be Deity Race has presented the exceptionally terrifying character, once oneself principle brand mark carve in the World of the Dead universe, therefore disciple of this clan, once stirs deity breathing method, displays secret technique that corresponds, can summon the deity, was actually in years past most formidable deity brand mark manifestation under of Order!” 楚兄,所谓天神下凡与召唤天神,这两种神技我们亚仙族研究过,据我们的古祖讲,应该是天神族出现过异常恐怖的人物,曾将自己法则烙印刻写在阴间宇宙中,所以该族的弟子一旦鼓荡天神呼吸法,施展相对应的秘术,就能召唤天神,其实就是昔年最强大的天神烙印下的秩序的体现!” Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, is this formidable method? Own regular brand mark in a piece of universe, the eternity does not extinguish, throughout exists forever. 楚风倒吸冷气,这是何等强大的手段?将自己的规则烙印在一片宇宙中,千古不灭,始终长存。 Possibly is related with World of the Living's High Supreme Being, before endless years, has the Supreme Being accident/surprise to enter the World of the Dead universe, leaves behind own brand mark.” “可能跟阳间的无上大能有关,无尽岁月前有大能意外进入阴间宇宙,留下自身的烙印。” Great Dream Pure Land that live most remote old man, with Jun Tuo is the life-and-death friendship old Golden Body powerhouse, at this time the opens the mouth, disclosed this kind of secret. 大梦净土那位活的最为久远的老头子,也就是跟钧驮是生死之交的老金身强者,这个时候开口,透露出这样一个秘密。 Yes, my clan senior statesmen have also mentioned this legend!” Ying Wudi informs, he now to the Chu Feng favorable impression bursting, any Demon Chu, kidnapper, at the same time, in his eyes, that evil reputation at all is not any matter. “是的,我族元老也提到过这个传说!”映无敌告知,他现在对楚风好感爆棚,什么楚魔头,人贩子,都一边去,在他眼中,那种恶名根本不算什么事。 Bang! 轰! Rochon summoned the deity to be successful, various types participated in the golden bone block that Order comprised of reappearing the energy, extremely fast dived to come, to melt from void his body. 罗尚召唤天神成功,各种由能量参与秩序组成的金色骨块浮现,极速从虚空中俯冲而来,融进他的躯体中。 Demon, you give me dead!” He goes all out, wants to make a comeback as before. “魔头,你给我去死!”他拼命,依旧想翻盘。 However, under the Chu Feng's suppression, let alone he is not true Sub Saint, was genuine old monster Sub Saint came, Chu Feng also had Domain to suppress. 然而,在楚风的镇压下,别说他不是真正的亚圣,就是真正的老怪物亚圣来了,楚风也有场域可以压制。 Bang! 轰! A Chu Feng foot stamps, ka-cha, the Rochon direct tragedy, the spine was stepped on, the whole person called out pitifully, the energy of just gathering was defeated and dispersed. 楚风一脚跺下,喀嚓一声,罗尚直接悲剧,脊椎骨被踩断,整个人惨叫,刚聚集起来的能量又溃散。 clay chickens and pottery dogs, should not be disgraceful.” Then, a Chu Feng foot kicks in him the midair, making his seven orifices spurt the blood . Moreover the whole body is the fissure. 土鸡瓦狗,就别丢人现眼了。”然后,楚风一脚将他踢到半空中,让他七窍喷血,而且满身都是裂痕。 This is the result that Chu Feng is forgiving, otherwise, can kick to explode him directly. 这是楚风留情的结果,不然的话,直接能将他踢爆。 “Chi!” “哧!” Chu Feng resorts to the Domain method, eliminates one group of dazzling light from his within the body forcefully, has extremely tyrannical fluctuation of energy, this is Sub Saint some sources. 楚风动用场域手段,强行从他体内剥夺出一团刺目的光,拥有极其强横的能量波动,这是亚圣的部分本源。 Chu Feng draws on jade stone box fast, then gives the seal to get up. 楚风快速招来一个玉石盒,然后给封印起来。 When loses this group of sources, Rochon's aura quickly wanes, his so-called great strength drops a big truncation, although in the Golden Body level, but insufficient is the worry. 当失去这团本源,罗尚的气息骤减,他所谓的强大下降一大截,虽然还是在金身层次,但是不足为虑。 At this moment, in the starry sky seethes with excitement. 此刻,星空中沸腾。 Because, previously some people were seriously battered Ying Wudi, by a Rochon foot treads, in the picture of ground issued that in some platforms, initiates the huge stir. 因为,早先有人将映无敌遭受重创,被罗尚一脚踏在地上的画面发布到一些平台上,引发巨大的轰动。 Extra, the extra, the chaos Deity Palace's powerhouse Rochon domineering arrives at the World of the Dead universe, the Sub Immortal Clan's talent that hits does not have the temperament, sweeps away all obstacles!” “号外,号外,混沌天神宫的强者罗尚强势降临阴间宇宙,打的亚仙族的天才都没脾气,所向披靡!” Obviously, matter that in the universe behind people knows has not had, but also at attention some time ago astonishing accident. 显然,宇宙中人们还不知道后面发生的事,还在关注不久前的惊人变故。 Because, Great Dream Pure Land this time does not permit the live transmission, nobody dares to touch the mildew head, only then few people photograph quietly, then has sent. 因为,大梦净土这次不允许直播,没人敢去触霉头,只有个别人悄然拍照,然后发了出去。 This...... Too astonishing, outside the universe person is so fierce, including miserable that such youth expert of Ying Wudi this having several can defeat, terrifying!” “这……太惊人了,外宇宙的人这么厉害吗,连映无敌这种有数的青年高手都会败的这么惨,恐怖啊!” In the starry sky vibrates, various clans were discussing, initiates the great unrest, some Sub Immortal Clan's old monsters are anxious wishing one could immediately rush to Great Dream Pure Land. 星空中震动,各族都在议论,引发轩然大波,亚仙族的一些老怪物更是焦急的恨不得立刻赶到大梦净土 everyone, then must live it up, this Rochon goes to Qin Luoyin, must cut to kill Demon Chu, but now Chu Feng in Great Dream Pure Land!” 诸位,这下要热闹了,这罗尚是冲着秦珞音而去,同时也要斩杀楚魔头,而现在楚风就在大梦净土啊!” Regional people are discussing. 各地人们都在热议。 At this moment, Deity Race is most excited, in the main family of chaos universe dispatches core disciple finally, domineering in a complete mess, has the Sub Saint Level energy unexpectedly. 这一刻,天神族最为激动,混沌宇宙的本家中终于遣出核心弟子,强势的一塌糊涂,居然有亚圣级能量。 For the recent year, Deity Race is very aggrieved, was hit remnantly, the rank crashes to 250 several directly, lifts the clan high and low not to be steady, many senior statesman hearts in drop blood. 最近一年来,天神族很憋屈,被人打残,排名直接坠落到250十几名,举族上下不稳,许多元老心都在滴血。 Good, good, good, my Deity Race's main family came finally, this Demon King Chu died!” “好,好,好,我天神族的本家终于来了,这一次楚魔王死定了!” Then, many Evolver of other Deity Race as well as clans first open superior grade wormhole, swarms to Great Dream Pure Land, wants to see that most intense picture. 然后,天神族以及其他族的许多进化者第一时间开启超级虫洞,蜂拥向大梦净土,想要看到那最激烈的画面。 They come very is rapid, after entering Great Dream Pure Land, the Deity Race's team first exudes the big laughter. 他们来的非常迅速,进入大梦净土后,天神族的队伍第一时间就发出大笑声。 Haha, Rochon Divine Son, welcome to arrive in our universes, you such peerless incomparable, who with fighting, should suppress Demon Chu now.” “哈哈,罗尚神子,欢迎降临在我们的宇宙,您这样绝世无匹,谁与争锋,现在应该镇压楚魔头了吧。” The Deity Race's people were anticipating, because, obtains the news ahead of time, does Rochon have the Sub Saint Level energy, Chu Feng possibly can block? 天神族的人都在期待,因为,提前得到消息,罗尚有亚圣级的能量,楚风怎么可能挡得住? Then, their tragedy, after coming, happen to saw that Rochon was being beaten savagely by Chu Feng, almost must blast out. 然后,他们就悲剧了,进来后正好看到罗尚被在被楚风暴打,几乎要炸开了。 Is "Ah, how possible?! ” “啊,怎么可能?!” Such picture, was passed to the universe, once again big change, various clan Evolver are dumbfounded, does Chu Feng beat savagely the Deity Race's terrifying talent? 这样的画面,被人传到宇宙中,又一次剧震,各族进化者目瞪口呆,楚风暴打天神族的恐怖天才? In Great Dream Pure Land, the Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Brother Ying, you come, after he loses the Sub Saint source, this is his true strength, disputes with him, fair showdown!” 大梦净土中,楚风开口,道:“映兄,你来吧,他失去亚圣本源后,这才是他真正的实力,跟他去较量,公平对决!” In the Ying Wudi heart is chummy immediately, including both eyes slightly flood red, this Chu Feng suffices the friend seriously, real hero, this is backing down for him, is good to him. 映无敌心中顿时热乎乎,连双目都略微泛红,这个楚风当真是够朋友,真豪杰,这是在为他找台阶下呢,对他非常好。 He walks up, looks at Chu Feng, said: I have decided that if in clan the ancient must make my elder sister get married, I support brother Chu Feng!” 他走上前去,看着楚风,道:“我决定了,如果族中宿老一定要让我姐姐嫁人,我支持楚风兄!” He is very excited, is full of sentiment saying that has grateful to the Chu Feng heart, thinks Chu Feng to be warmhearted, is a big good person, can be joined to his elder sister. 他很激动,饱含着感情说道,对楚风心有感激,认为楚风古道热肠,是一个大好人,配得上他姐姐。 Chu Feng is speechless, finally has patted his shoulder, said: Invincible, you is a good person!” 楚风无语,最后拍了拍他的肩头,道:“无敌,你是个好人!” What can he say? Now looks that the wife's younger brother was too pleasing to the eyes, is really the rare enthusiasm, but, the knows truth do not go all out in the future well. 他能说什么?现在看着小舅子太顺眼了,真是罕有的热情,不过,将来知道真相别拼命就好。 Ying Xiaoxiao doubt looks at Chu Feng, more looked that more thought is kind and familiar, almost shouted the brother-in-law these two characters, but she has borne, if this randomly called, it is estimated that the elders in clan non- angry may not, simultaneously her elder sister must repair her to remove half life. 映晓晓狐疑的看着楚风,越看越是觉得亲切与熟悉,差点喊出姐夫这两个字,但她忍住了,这要是乱叫,估计族中的长老非气坏不可,同时她姐也要修理她去掉半条命。 Ying Wudi and Rochon this war any suspense, had not said that is the fair showdown, but how Chu Feng possibly makes him suffer a loss, already hit half dead Rochon. 映无敌与罗尚这一战没有任何悬念,说是公平对决,但是楚风怎么可能让他吃亏,早已将罗尚打个半死。 In fact, if two people perfect decisive battle, does not use the Sub Saint source, Ying Wudi can also win. 事实上,如果两人真个都完好无损的决战,不动用亚圣本源,映无敌也是能胜出的。 great war such ends! 一场大战就这么落幕! Chu Feng attempts to search for Rochon's soul light, the result failure, has formidable restrictions, his sword beheads, Rochon turns into a silver big fish, is similar to the main bodies of other Deity Race people. 楚风尝试搜罗尚的魂光,结果失败,有强大的禁制,他一剑枭首,罗尚化成一条银色的大鱼,跟天神族其他人的本体差不多。 "Ah! ” These people who Deity Race catches up with become dark at present, each and every one is grieved, the formidable core disciple that the main family comes was killed directly, making in their hearts be depressed, the feeling is uncomfortable, who can also keep in balance this demon? “啊呀!”天神族赶来的那些人眼前发黑,一个个心痛无比,本家来的这样一个强大的核心弟子直接被杀,让他们心中发闷,感觉难受,谁还能制衡这个魔头? If not Great Dream Pure Land's elder in secret sound transmission, making Chu Feng restrain, considers for the Great Dream Pure Land's situation slightly, he nearly also gave to extinguish other Deity Race's troops. 若非大梦净土的长老暗中传音,让楚风克制,稍微替大梦净土的处境着想一下,他险些就将其他天神族的人马也都给灭了。 Who also wants to fight with me?” The Chu Feng glance outstanding heroes, challenge the enemy to battle all people. “谁还想与我一战?”楚风扫视群雄,叫阵所有人。 At this moment, people as if awakening from a dream, if nobody is the Great Demon Chu Feng's match, Qin Luoyin must marry him finally. 这一刻,人们如梦方醒,如果没有人是楚风大魔头的对手,秦珞音最终就要嫁给他。 The news of this place passes to the outside, making in Star Sea the young talents of various clans not calm, in the end can Qin Luoyin raise the demon by the body really? 此地的消息传到外界,让星海中各族的年轻天才都不淡定了,到头来秦珞音真的要以身饲魔? When thinks that this result, many people want to spit blood! 当想到这一结局,许多人都想吐血! Previously, all people thought that the condition that Goddess Qin ejected was too simple, was very easy to achieve, many people can strike to kill fell behind Demon Chu Feng of contemporaries, where expected, finally was he smiles to arrogantly finally. 早先时,所有人都觉得,秦女神抛出的条件太简单,很容易做到,许多人都能够击杀已经落后于同代人的楚风魔头,哪里料到,最终是他笑傲到最后。 If nobody challenges, means that I am the final winner, un, will become Luoyin dao companion.” Chu Feng shameless has not been hot-tempered poses as dao companion. “如果没有人挑战,也就意味着我是最终的胜出者,嗯,将成为珞音道侣。”楚风没羞没躁地以道侣自居。 Asked Goddess Qin to change the decision, cannot marry that demon!” “请秦女神更改决定,不能嫁给那魔头啊!” In the starry sky must blast open, a noise sound, the people are unable to accept this result. 星空中要炸裂了,一片喧嚣声,众人无法接受这个结果。 How can so, that be Great Demon, is notorious kidnapper, can be joined to Goddess Qin!” “怎么能如此,那可是一个大魔头,也是一个臭名昭著的人贩子,怎么配得上秦女神!” Regional cookers. 各地炸锅。 Then, Ying Wudi sees commentaries in the major platforms, immediately does not do, a face gets dark. 然后,映无敌看到各大平台上的评论,顿时不干了,一张脸黑下来。 Warmhearted Divine King Chu, is my Ying Wudi best friend good friend, who discredits him again, do not blame my impolite, this is my Ying Family for the enemy!” “古道热肠楚神王,是我映无敌的至交好友,谁再抹黑他,别怪我不客气,这是在与我映家为敌!” In a flash, many places peaceful moment, then, seethes with excitement once more. 一瞬间,许多地方安静了片刻,而后,又再次沸腾。 God fucking is warmhearted, is he is kidnapper good, he is Great Demon, turned into Divine King?” “神特么的古道热肠,他是人贩子好不好,他是大魔头,怎么变成神王了?” The people cannot bear, felt that the Ying Wudi standpoint was too crooked, the excess that favors, opens the eye to talk nonsense. 众人都受不了,感觉映无敌的立场太歪了,偏袒的过分,睁着眼睛说瞎话。 „A Yuan brother you thought that I said reasonable?” Ying Wudi asked Yuan Shicheng. “元兄你觉得呢,我说的有道理吗?”映无敌问元世成。 Yuan Shicheng is Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race, in view of the fact that in the universe the undercurrent is turbulent at present, these two clans are preparing to form an alliance, even, two clans want to marry. 元世成为始魔族太子,鉴于目前宇宙内暗流汹涌,这两族正在准备结盟呢,甚至,两族想联姻。 Therefore, Yuan Shicheng braces oneself, is Chu Feng washes white, said: Good, Brother Chu real personality, warmhearted, before we had the misunderstanding.” 因此,元世成硬着头皮,也为楚风洗白,道:“不错,楚兄真性情,古道热肠,以前我们多有误会而已。” Aiyu I scratch, the Primitive Demon Race's person is not concerned about face, this can kidnapper also be warmhearted? My ninth good man is reincarnated!” “哎呦我擦,始魔族的人也跟着不要脸了,这个人贩子也能算古道热肠?那我岂不是九世善人转世!” In the starry sky many people cursed, even if these two came from first ten in a big way, cannot distort the facts, went too far. 星空中许多人诅咒,哪怕这两人来自前十大,也不能颠倒黑白啊,太过分了。 Right, my Tyrant God Physique also believes, warmhearted Divine King Chu, this title is good!” Ouyang Feng also mixes chaotically, the smiling face is very inexpensive. “没错,我霸神体也认为,古道热肠楚神王,这个称谓不错!”欧阳风也掺乱,笑容很贱。 Do not be noisy, you misunderstood Chu Feng, actually, he was indeed warmhearted, the personality honest......” Great Dream Pure Land also had the old monster to stand, was Chu Feng washes white. “不要吵,你们都误会楚风了,其实,他的确古道热肠,性情敦厚……”大梦净土也有老怪物站出,为楚风洗白。 This is must, because they select Chu Feng are Qin Luoyin's dao companion, is having a headache about this demon status, debt are too many. 这是必须的,因为他们选中楚风秦珞音的道侣,正头疼他这个魔头身份呢,身上的债太多。 Now was good, some first ten big people help Chu Feng wash the stain, Great Dream Pure Land naturally must with supporting. 现在好了,前十大有人帮楚风洗污点,大梦净土自然要跟着力挺。 This world was too dark, kidnapper becomes warmhearted, Great Demon calculates honestly, in other words, his beforehand actions warmhearted are the result, makes it so honestly? Heaven, the heaven, you lower Heavenly Thunder to divide that group of people, too did not have the moral integrity dark!” “这个世界太黑暗了,人贩子都变得古道热肠,大魔头都算性情敦厚,也就是说,他以前的所作所为都热肠所致,敦厚使然?天啊,老天,你降下天雷劈死那群人吧,太黑暗无节操了!” In the starry sky was chaotic. 星空中乱了。 Some hostages asked why Great Demon Chu Feng changes to become Divine King Chu. 更有人质问,凭什么楚风大魔头摇身一变成为楚神王 Great Dream Pure Land responded immediately, said: All previous dynasties, a person suppresses the contemporaries sufficiently, can call young Divine King, anyone of you thinks that is the warmhearted Chu Feng's match?” 大梦净土顿时回应,道:“历代,一人足以压制同代人,便可称之为年轻神王,你们谁自认为是古道热肠的楚风的对手?” fuck, this explanation does not forget to take warmheartedly, is clearly solid, is too not concerned about face, many people cursed. 尼玛,这种解释都不忘记带上古道热肠,分明是想坐实,太不要脸了,许多人诅咒。 morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King you where? Hurries to strike to kill this warmhearted Divine King Chu!” 义薄云天轮回王你在哪里?赶紧来击杀这个古道热肠楚神王吧!” In the starry sky, one group of people summoned, strongly requested morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King to return! 星空中,一群人呼唤,强烈要求义薄云天轮回王归来! How regardless of the people are not convinced, cannot change Great Dream Pure Land decision in private, regarded Chu Feng is the standard son-in-law, but has not dared to announce in the presence of everyone. 无论众人怎么不服气,也都改变不了大梦净土私下的决定,已经视楚风为准女婿,只不过还没敢当众宣布而已。 Because, according to the stipulation, who in one month can defeat Chu Feng to have the qualifications to come Great Dream Pure Land to get married. 因为,按照规定,一个月内谁能击败楚风都有资格来大梦净土娶亲。 Chu Feng, young Divine King, after seriously is , before the wave urges when the wave, the heroic bearing thrives the precisely youth gold years.” A Great Dream Pure Land's old monster sigh. 楚风,年轻的神王,当真是后浪催前浪,英姿勃发正是青春黄金岁月时。”大梦净土的一个老怪物感叹。 Then, Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old monsters reach the consensus of opinion with Chu Feng in private, one month later will hold the grand wedding in the pure land for him and Qin Luoyin. 然后,大梦净土的一群老怪物私下跟楚风达成一致意见,一个月后将在净土中为他与秦珞音举行盛大的婚礼。 But these days, Chu Feng can go to universe to travel, temporarily not keep the pure land to well. 而这段时间,楚风可以去宇宙中游历,暂时不要留在净土为好。 The Chu Feng doubt, these people have chosen him, how to give to get someone to leave him? 楚风狐疑,这些人选择了他,怎么又将他给支走? In fact, Great Dream Pure Land also some people of puzzled, thought that like this is easy the variable, only then the several old monsters of most core were sighing, said matter that this did not have the means. 事实上,大梦净土内部也有人不解,觉得这样容易出变数,只有最核心的几个老怪物在叹气,说这样是没办法的事。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Luoyin had the pregnancy, if Great Demon Chu the knows truth, may get angry with us, becomes the big personal enemy, goes all out thoroughly!” 珞音已有身孕,楚大魔头如果知道真相,有可能会跟我们翻脸,成为大仇人,彻底拼命!” An old woman mentioned this issue, the anxious look of whole face, who in child the father to present also knows Qin Luoyin bosom is not, because Qin Luoyin has said nothing, only told female Saint, but female Saint now already in chaos universe. 一位老妪提及这个问题,满脸的愁容,到现在还不知道秦珞音怀中的孩儿的父亲是谁呢,因为秦珞音一直闭口不谈,只告诉了一位女圣人,而女圣如今已经在混沌宇宙。 What?” Several other old women have a big shock, some people lose the sound said: „Is this makes Great Demon Chu work as the taking over a business hero?” “什么?”另外的几名老妪大惊失色,有人失声道:“这是让楚大魔头当接盘侠?” They realized, the issue was big, green no one has been able to make Great Demon Chu fall green, otherwise that fellow must go crazy, it is estimated that can leave the important matter. 他们意识到,问题大了,绿了谁也不能让楚大魔头绿掉,不然的话那家伙要发疯,估计会出大事。 Therefore, gets someone to leave Chu Feng now, in this month must solve child's problem!” “所以,现在支走楚风,这一个月内得解决孩子的问题!” Hurries to ask Luoyin what's the matter, who child's father is, cannot conceal again!” “赶紧问一问珞音到底怎么回事,孩子的父亲是谁,不能再隐瞒了!” Had asked that her agrees did not say as before, but, her is in high spirits, the state of mind is gentle, even brings to smile pale, was not worried.” “已经问过,她依旧不肯说,不过,她的精神不错,心境平和,甚至带着淡笑,一点也不担心。” Then, one crowd of old monsters reveal the strange color, this fucking was too strange. 然后,一群老怪物都露出诡异之色,这太特么的古怪了。 I have one ominous premonition suddenly, that Demon Chu and Wu Lunhui should unable...... How I thought that among them has big karma!” “我忽然生出一种不祥的预感,那楚魔头吴轮回该不会……我怎么觉得,他们间有大因果!” I also thought, some connections, the Great Demon Chu Feng how strength does rise suddenly baseless?” “我也觉得,有些关联,楚风大魔头怎么凭空实力暴涨?” Heaven, these two...... I thought suddenly big such as fights, if there is relations, that is really...... fucking was too ignominious, I want to choke to death them!” 天啊,这两人……我忽然觉得头大如斗,若是真有关系,那真是……特么的太可耻了,我想掐死他们!” Great Dream Pure Land one crowd of old monsters sit lie uneasy, creepy feeling, felt that was played quickly. 大梦净土一群老怪物坐卧不宁,头皮发麻,感觉快被玩死了。
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