SR :: Volume #9

#861: The clear/pain demon is incomparable

Rochon body seethes to fly several hundred meters far, half face vanished, the jaw bone scrap, the cheekbone is also split up, is really horrible to look. 罗尚身体翻腾着飞出去数百米远,半张脸都消失了,颌骨炸碎,颧骨亦四分五裂,实在惨不忍睹。 , He hits on brown stone mountain, making the mountain top blast out, breaks on the mountain Domain rune to keep sparkling, he then pounds to fall on this. 啪的一声,他撞在一座褐色的石山上,让山头炸开,断山上场域符文不停闪耀,他这才砸落在此。 It can be imagined Chu Feng's strength strong, a palm of the hand flies to be so far his fan, creates the severe wound. 可想而知楚风的力道有多强,一巴掌将他扇飞出去这么远,造成重伤。 Rochon face partly destroys, the eye with sword edge, in the drop blood, sent out the fearful cold light, two light beams flew directly, was staring at Chu Feng stubbornly. 罗尚脸部半毁,眼睛跟剑锋似的,在滴血,发出慑人的寒光,两道光束直接就飞了出来,死死地盯着楚风 To him this is the great shame, he comes the World of the Dead universe is because eats to decide this for the person in nobody is his match, can the crush. 对他而言这是奇耻大辱,他来阴间宇宙是因为吃定这代人中没有人是他的对手,可以一路碾压。 In fact, previously when also indeed so, the Sub Immortal Clan's people are not his match, by him, as soon as foot treads in the ground, lowers the head to overlook. 事实上,早先时也的确如此,连亚仙族的人都不是他的对手,被他一脚踏在地面上,低头俯视。 Takes a broad view at this piece of universe, under the suppression of his within the body Sub Saint Source Energy, the younger generation absolutely nobody is his match! 放眼这片宇宙,在他体内亚圣本源能量的压制下,年轻一代绝对没有人是他的对手! But now, his Indestructible Golden Body was broken, two palms of the hand wipe out his pride, making him feel urgently the humiliation, under is in the glare of the public eye, his previous words become the joke. 可是现在,他的不败金身被人破了,两巴掌而已就打掉他的骄傲,让他倍感屈辱,众目睽睽之下,他早先的话语成为笑话。 Some time ago he still in despising this universe talent, said that they are the waste, however, big slap and slap in the face fan after his face, he burning pain, ashamed and resentful! 不久前他还在蔑视这个宇宙的天才,说他们都是废物,然而,大耳光扇在他的脸上后,他不禁火辣辣的痛,还有羞愤! Oneself had said words swallow, is not came from Broken Universe in chaos, is not the World of the Living's Supreme Being disciple.” “自己说过的话自己吞回去,不就是来自混沌中的残破宇宙吗,又不是阳间的大能门徒。” The Chu Feng indifferent place opens the mouth, more is this cloud poor business conditions lightly more is makes Rochon eyes scarlet, he thought that was despised, was suffering the humiliation. 楚风淡然的地开口,越是这种云淡风轻越是让罗尚眼睛猩红,他觉得被轻视了,在遭受屈辱。 Chu Feng, your this evil livestock, the demon, already got up my Deity Race's to kill the list, my this time comes mainly to kill and others......” 楚风,你这个孽畜,魔头,早已上了我天神族的必杀名单,我这次过来主要就是为了杀尔等……” Rochon scolds, he took out a crystal jar, takes one clear translucent blue solution, half face that rots in rapid-growth. 罗尚呵斥,他已经取出一个水晶罐子,服食一种晶莹透亮的蓝色药液,那烂掉的半张脸在快速生长。 Chu Feng breaks his words, contemptuously looked at his one eyes, said: Two aren't long teaches?” 楚风打断他的话语,轻蔑地望了他一眼,道:“两记耳光还不长教训吗?” The implied meaning is obvious, in fan his face chest cavity two palms of the hand, but also dares to threaten that kills Chu Feng, has that strength? 言下之意明显,都扇他脸膛上两巴掌了,还敢扬言来杀楚风,有那种实力吗? Meanwhile, Chu Feng is staring at the blue solution in his hand, said: Waste, that medicine is my, do not take randomly.” 同时,楚风盯着他手中的蓝色药液,道:“浪费啊,那药是我的,你不要乱服。” Beginning Rochon in consternation, but understands quickly his meaning, this locks the solution in his hand ahead of time, regarded as the spoils of war, this is the what kind of rampancy, regards him , if no thing. 罗尚初时愕然,但很快明白他的意思,这是提前锁定他手中的药液,已经看做战利品,这是何等的嚣张,视他如无物。 Surroundings, one group of people are also bringing surprise look. Rochon has sufficed rampantly domineering, behavior is ill-flavored, was being stepped on the face chest cavity including Sub Immortal Clan's Ying Wudi by him, lowers the head to overlook, is ridicules this universe all talents to collapse at the first blow, already violated the popular anger. 周围,一群人也都带着异色。罗尚已经够嚣张跋扈,所做所为让人反感,连亚仙族的映无敌都被他踩着脸膛,低头俯视,更是奚落这片宇宙所有天才都不堪一击,早已犯下众怒。 Now Great Demon Chu take action, is but more intrepid, being in high spirits, direct fan person of slap and slap in the face, appearance that but also looking down upon. 可是现在楚大魔头出手,更强悍,也更加的神采飞扬,直接扇此人耳光,还一副看不起的样子。 Not knows why, person who even if hostile toward to Chu Feng before this, at present saw that this also in secret claps and cheers, is Rochon is too mainly unpopular, was insolent excessive. 知道为何,即便此前对楚风仇视的人,眼下见到这一幕也暗中拍手称快,主要是罗尚太不得人心,张狂过头了。 „The barbarian who Chu Feng your this sediment, Barbarian Desolation Land walks, is short before me rampant, my Deity Race inherits remote, has most ancient and magnificent Evolutionary Civilization , your this savage is any thing!” Has saying that Rochon was proud, now incomparable overbearing, the mandible has been broken to pieces the fan as before, now also an arrogant appearance. 楚风你这个渣子,蛮荒之地走出来的野蛮人,少在我面前嚣张,我天神族传承久远,具备最为古老而辉煌的进化文明,你这种野人算什么东西!”不得不说,罗尚太自负了,现在依旧无比的霸道,下颌骨都被人扇碎了,现在还一副傲慢的样子。 His whole body illumination, a bright as snow silver hair likely is the Divine flame beat, silver light is radiant, the whole body is sending out the terrifying and fierce energy, a strength rises suddenly. 他浑身发光,一头雪亮的银发都像是神焰般跳动起来,银光璀璨,周身更是散发着恐怖而又剧烈的能量,一身实力暴涨。 Had the accident/surprise a moment ago, I have not prepared, now immediately kills you, I thought that you did keep off me? A finger stabs to death you!” “刚才不过是出现意外而已,我还没有准备好,现在立刻杀你,我看你怎么挡我?一根指头戳死你!” Rochon shouts, was similar to an ancient times giant is roaring, outside the abatement silver hair, his whole body was the golden light, the body is rising suddenly, enlarged to hundred meters high all of a sudden. 罗尚嘶吼,如同一尊远古巨人在咆哮,除却银发外,他周身都是金光,身体在暴涨,一下子放大到百米高。 This is not general secret technique, is not the Dharma Idol world, non- energy, but is the flesh and blood is growing, Deity Race unique gold blood energy dreadfully on. 这不是一般的秘术,不是法相天地,非能量所化,而是血肉之躯在跟着生长,天神族特有的黄金血气滔天而上。 Bang! 轰隆! The trim world in big change, this makes the person shock, fearful and apprehensive, some strength slightly weak young powerhouse whole bodies become tender, almost must kneel to bend down. 整片天地都在剧震,这让人震撼,心惊肉跳,一些实力稍弱的年轻强者浑身发软,几乎要跪伏下去。 Because, this pressure is bringing Sub Saint internal energy, he comprehensive and thorough activation Sub Saint source, within the body that group of light of life others could not see, clarity that Chu Feng's golden eyes actually looks, is similar to a golden Sun is burning down, in release fearful energy continuously. 因为,这种威压带着亚圣气机,他全面而彻底的激活亚圣本源,体内那团生命之光别人看不到,楚风的金睛却看的真切,如同一轮黄金太阳在焚烧,在释放源源不绝的可怕能量。 The all around troops shock, this energy at all is not the person of Golden Body level can deal with, is having the Sub Saint aura, who with resists? 四面八方的人马都震撼,这种能量根本不是金身层次的人可以应付的,带着亚圣的气息,谁与相抗? In Great Dream Pure Land complexion of one crowd of old monsters changed, Rochon this condition is they collaborates to pay very big price mostly, will be rumbled to kill many people. 大梦净土中一群老怪物的脸色都变了,罗尚这种状态就是他们联手多半都要付出很大代价,会被轰杀不少人。 Yuan Shicheng and Vermilion Bird fairy maiden, Yuan Yuan and other crowd of universe level talents saw that this also complexion is secretly ugly, they come from first ten in a big way, oneself is also this ranks for the person before one row of people, but deeply feels not to beat at present. 元世成、朱雀仙子、元媛等一群宇宙级天才见到这一幕后也都脸色难看,他们来自前十大,自身亦是这代人中排名最为靠前的一列人,可是眼下深感不敌。 This person such? don't tell me is young Sub Saint, this does not dare to imagine simply, had never heard has such young Sub Saint!” “这个人怎么会如此之强?难道是一位年轻的亚圣,这简直不敢想象,从未听说过有这么年轻的亚圣!” Other people also whispered. 其他人也都低语。 The Ying Wudi face whiten, creakies, is Chu Feng worried, after all is for him over. 映无敌脸色苍白,摇摇欲坠,为楚风而担忧,毕竟是在为他出头。 Awful, Rochon activates all deity bloodline, releases the strongest strength, must endure compared with Sub Saint simply, although Great Demon Chu Feng is savage, but can block not necessarily!” “糟糕,罗尚激活所有天神血脉,释放出最强力量,简直要堪比亚圣,楚风大魔头虽然凶残,但不见得能挡住!” The people discussed in a low voice, the complexion is very unattractive, at this time shares a common hatred, they looked that Rochon is not pleasing to the eyes, thought he is too rampant. 众人低声议论,脸色都很不好看,此时同仇敌忾,他们都看罗尚不顺眼,觉得他太嚣张。 I emphasized again, the talent of World of the Dead universe was the waste, depended on you also to allot me to fight? Chu Feng, the demon, you roll to me! Do other people, which refuse to accept? Can with come up to encircle together kills me, a hand hits to explode you completely!” “我再强调一遍,阴间宇宙的天才都是废物,就凭你们也配与我争锋?楚风,魔头,你给我滚过来!还有其他人,哪个不服?可以跟着一起上来围杀我,一只手打爆你们全部!” Rochon drinks coldly, insolent and domineering to letting all people clenches jaws, too much rampant with being proud. 罗尚冷喝,张狂与跋扈到让所有人都咬牙切齿,太特么嚣张与自负了。 Actually was mainly he has suffered two big slap and slap in the face, in the heart the humiliation, now the hysteria, wants to manifest his overwhelming strength to come, must sweep away the World of the Dead universe the talent, thus washed off the shame. 其实主要是他挨了两记大耳光,心中屈辱,现在歇斯底里,就是想体现出他压倒性的战力来,要横扫阴间宇宙的天才,从而洗刷耻辱。 Chu Feng anything had not said that how even if true Sub Saint came, who once he resorts to the Domain method to fear anyone, has what fears it! 楚风什么都没有说,即便真正的亚圣来了又如何,一旦他动用场域手段谁怕谁,有何惧之! This person radically is not Sub Saint, but draws support from part of sources, therefore, he is bringing sneering, kills directly, anything had not said. 况且,这个人根本就不是亚圣,只是借助一部分本源而已,所以,他带着冷笑,直接杀过去,什么都没说。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng shoots up to the sky, the whole body eruption ray, the energy aura rises suddenly, is similar to a round scorching sun hangs in the sky, was too radiant, although normal height, but faces hundred meters high Rochon, is not weak in the imposing manner. 楚风冲天而起,浑身爆发光芒,能量气息暴涨,如同一轮骄阳当空而悬,太璀璨了,虽然只是正常身高,可是面对百米高的罗尚,在气势上丝毫不弱。 Kills!” “杀!” Rochon look is cold and gloomy, the whole body is golden blood energy, passes through the universe, the energy vibration that erupts is void, initiates Order Divine Chain to thunder, the explosive continues. 罗尚眼神森冷,周身都是黄金血气,贯穿天宇,爆发出的能量震动虚空,引发秩序神链轰鸣,爆响不止。 In his surroundings, the thunder one after another, the lightning interweaves, was too brilliant , the incomparable fearfulness, immediately makes many people tremble, could not halt. 在他的周围,雷霆一道又一道,闪电交织,太绚烂了,也无比的可怕,顿时让不少人颤栗,已经站不住。 Many people fast back up, may some people weak on the ground, this is the suppression of energy, is the deterrent of Sub Saint aura! 许多人飞快倒退,可还是有部分人瘫软在地上,这是能量的压制,是亚圣气息的威慑! Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng's stature proportion compares to differ disparately with hundred meters high golden giant, but, after this fist rumbles, is the terrifying is seriously boundless, ray too magnificently intense that the fist erupts, is similar to round great sun appears, hits forward. 楚风的身材比例同百米高的黄金巨人比起来相差悬殊,但是,他这一拳轰出去后当真是恐怖无边,拳头爆发出的光芒太盛烈,如同一轮大日浮现,向前撞去。 This is the opening pupil that......” all people are startled, because, the Chu Feng's air/Qi field is too full, simply has not avoided, but is shaking this to have the match of Sub Saint aura directly hardly. “这是……”所有人都吃惊的睁大眸子,因为,楚风的气场太足,根本没有躲避,而是直接在硬撼这个具备亚圣气息的对手。 Bang! 砰! In the sky, a golden big hand wants to grip Chu Feng in the hand, pinches directly, the energy that but, the Chu Feng body erupts is too scary, he uses the strength of some Domain slightly, rune Large expanse, dazzling, flamingly arrives at the pinnacle, is similar to Sun blasts out, resists this golden big hand in the upper air. 天空中,一只金色的大手想要一把将楚风攥在手里,直接捏死,但是,楚风身躯爆发出的能量太骇人,他稍微动用部分场域之力,符文成片,刺目之极,炽盛到极致,如同太阳炸开,在高空中抵住这只黄金大手。 Then , a Chu Feng fist bang puts on this palm, brings the big piece blood, his whole person penetrated the past directly, such bang put on the golden big hand! 而后噗的一声,楚风一拳轰穿这只手掌,带起大片的血液,他整个人直接跟着穿透过去,就这么轰穿金色大手! At the same time, Chu Feng turns into the golden electric light, the electricity shoots together, the dive , the bang to Rochon, said again: „Is this your so-called hitting explodes the strengths of our World of the Dead universe all talents? You are mediocre, clay chickens and pottery dogs!” 同一时间,楚风化成一道金色的电光,电射回来,俯冲而下,再次轰向罗尚,道:“这就是你所谓的打爆我们阴间宇宙所有天才的实力?你不过如此,土鸡瓦狗而已!” Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! In a twinkling, he rumbles one after another dozens fists, this is World of the Living Divine Skill, had been concealed by him, the people only see divine light to rise suddenly, golden fist mark is invincible, the unceasing bang falls under. 霎时间,他接连轰出数十拳,这是阳间神技,被他掩饰了,人们只看到神光暴涨,金色拳印无敌,不断轰落而下。 Rochon angrily roars, roars again and again, he has not thought that own Sub Saint Level energy was blocked unexpectedly, that is...... Domain rune?! 罗尚怒吼,咆哮连连,他没有想到自身亚圣级能量居然被挡住,那是……场域符文?! Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! In a flash, two people multiple collision, in the end that hundred meters high, are similar to golden giant Rochon, hit flying upside down, bang, cracks-up a mountain, on that mountain massif Domain symbol large expanse of reappearing, quarry stone collapse heaven. 一瞬间,两人多次碰撞,到头来那百米高、如同黄金巨人般的罗尚,都被打的倒飞出去,轰的一声,撞碎一座大山,那山体上场域符号成片的浮现,乱石崩天。 On a little method?” The Chu Feng dive in the past, a foot kicked, fell on that huge head, bang, the flesh scattered, almost kicked to explode, Rochon called out pitifully, flew once more. “就这么一点手段吗?”楚风俯冲过去,一脚踢出,落在那颗庞大的头颅上,砰的的一声,血肉四溅,差点踢爆,罗尚惨叫,再次飞了出去。 Chu Feng was similar to a lightning pursued, whiz, seized his space bracelet, naturally to take that blue medicament. 楚风如同一道闪电追了上去,嗖的一声,将他身上一条空间手链夺走,自然是为了拿那蓝色药剂。 Then, he throws the medicament to Ying Wudi, making him take. 然后,他将药剂丢给映无敌,让他服食下去。 Ying Wudi both eyes give off heat, tears, naturally the person of this status naturally cannot flow in the presence of everyone comes out, loses face too, but is very grateful from the innermost feelings. 映无敌双目发热,略带热泪,当然他这种身份的人自然不会当众流出来,太丢人,但是从内心来说很感激。 At this moment, his light language said: Great Demon Chu Feng Wu Lunhui was better than were too more, warmhearted, upheld justice and has the real personality, this was the excellent son!” 这一刻,他轻语道:“楚风大魔头吴轮回好的太多了,古道热肠,仗义而又有真性情,这才是大好男儿!” He thought that if not really good, making Chu Feng marry his elder sister to be also stronger than Wu Lunhui ten times! 他觉得,如果实在不行,让楚风娶他姐姐也比吴轮回强十倍! Chu Feng hears this appraisal, a face calm color, but in heart unstated criticism, in the future this wife's younger brother knows truth, who understands thoroughly him is, what expression can be? It is estimated that will cry. 楚风听到这种评价,一脸淡定之色,但心中腹诽,将来这个小舅子知道真相后,洞彻他是谁,会是什么表情?估计会哭。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Rochon angrily roars, soars to the heavens on, is bringing the big piece rock, the mountain peak of break, he was similar to a prehistoric giant beast, the vicious tendencies were dreadful, hung loose by the exciting silver hair, the look was red, too the shame, he despised this piece of universe again the talent, finally unceasingly was actually beaten savagely by Chu Feng! 罗尚怒吼,冲天而上,带着大片的山石,还有断裂的山峰,他如同一头史前巨兽,戾气滔天,被刺激的银发披散,眼神赤红,太耻辱了,他一而再的蔑视这片宇宙的天才,结果却被楚风不断暴打! „The strongest method, Sub Saint returns this returns the source!” “最强手段,亚圣返本还源!” He is similar to the wild animal is having wild nature, this huge body no longer enlarges, but is the reduction, the genuine deity method does not lie in huge of body and spirit, but is the concentration of energy. 他如同野兽般带着野性,这一次庞大的身体不再放大,而是缩小,真正的天神手段不在于体魄的庞大,而是能量的浓缩。 What a pity, after he activates the Sub Saint energy comprehensively, only reduces to two zhang (3.33 m) takes a higher position cannot again change small, however his aura actually compared with a moment ago one section. 可惜,在他全面激活亚圣能量后,只缩小到两丈高就不能再变小了,但是他的气息却比刚才又强了一截。 Takes you to practice acquiring a skill, looks that so-called Sub Saint has any uncommonness!” Chu Feng said. “就拿你来练练手,看一看所谓的亚圣有什么不凡!”楚风道。 He dived the past, almost did not use Domain, battled with Rochon, and exposed his ins and outs, said: foreign object that „ you rely upon, is Source Energy that other Sub Saint cultivation, if by you, calculates anything, our piece of universe many people can kill you! 他俯冲过去,几乎不动用场域,跟罗尚激战,并且揭露他的老底,道:“你所仰仗的外物,是其他亚圣修炼出来的本源能量,如果只是靠你自己,算的了什么,我们这片宇宙很多人都能杀你! ka-cha! 喀嚓 The lightning is thunderous, two people fight intensely, involves other Sub Saint Level Dominion initially, interweaving of Order rune, Shining Upon is void, dazzling. 闪电雷鸣,两人激烈交手,初步涉及到亚圣级别的领域,秩序符文的交织,映照虚空,一片炫目。 Chu Feng, the demon, your knows, you on my Deity Race's must kill the list, has the law enforcement elder to send out, recently can extinguish kills you!” 楚风,魔头,你可知道,你已经上了我天神族的必杀名单,有执法长老出动,近期内就能灭杀你!” Rochon roared, he really somewhat scared, wanted to frighten Chu Feng, randomly his mind, but, this did not have any effect to Chu Feng. 罗尚咆哮,他真的有些胆寒,想要震慑楚风,乱他心灵,但是,这对楚风来说根本没什么效果。 The Foreign Territory hundred years ups and downs, his heart firm like iron. 异域百年沉浮,他心坚如铁。 For him, Deity Race is a mortal enemy, from the start has not thought melting, sees enemy direct killing of this clan is! 对他来说,天神族是死敌,压根就没想过化解,见到该族的对头直接杀之便是! Deity palm!” Rochon bellows, he wanted really insanely, the method completely left, after using in the clan ancient died during meditation, leaves his some sources, may unable to beat the match as before. “天神掌!”罗尚大吼,他真的要疯了,手段尽出,动用族中宿老坐化后留给他的部分本源,可依旧拿不下对手。 No matter what he angry also useless, was restrained by Chu Feng, Lightning Fist was too quick, the Chu Feng's fist is similar to has the demonic nature, rapid incomparable, the place visited, the thunder thunders, Rochon mouthful that electric arc ten thousand, hit is the blood, the body flies horizontally. 任他恼怒也无用,被楚风克制,闪电拳太快了,楚风的拳头如同有魔性,迅疾无比,所过之处,雷霆轰鸣,电弧万道,打的罗尚满嘴是血,身体横飞。 Kills!” Rochon becomes angry out of shame, he thought that today were too failed, the boast said completely, but in the end actually hit is similar to scarecrow run all over the place. “杀!”罗尚恼羞成怒,他觉得今天自己太失败了,大话说尽,可是到头来却被人打的如同稻草人般满天飞。 Deity Race does not have what talent that I killed to dare to appear, chaos Deity Palace was also mediocre, was your this core disciple? If no Sub Saint source, you are any thing, my hand can hit to explode your dozens!” 天神族被我杀的没有什么天才敢出现了,混沌天神宫也不过如此,你这样就算是核心弟子?如果没有亚圣本源,你算什么东西,我一只手可以打爆你数十个!” Chu Feng is relentless, fist mark illumination, what this use is Vairocana Fist, his appearance is solemn, is similar to a god Buddha is brilliant, the energy terrifying, Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method is also revolving, the god sound is deafening. 楚风毫不留情,拳印发光,这次动用的是大日如来拳,他宝相庄严,如同一尊神佛般绚烂,能量恐怖,大雷音呼吸法也在运转,神音震耳欲聋。 Naturally, these Divine Skill he has concealed, does not hope the premature exposition various types with World of the Living related magic spell, even if so, is not gives it all, very fearful, the piece that hits trembles void, in the pure land thunders. 当然,这些神技他都有所掩饰,不愿过早的暴露出各种与阳间有关的法诀,即便如此,算不上放手一搏,也非常的可怕,打的这片虚空颤栗,净土内轰鸣。 Bang! 轰! After dozens moves, Rochon once again by the endoskeleton explosive that Chu Feng hits, is seriously battered, some bone breaks, he has flown up at angle. 数十招过后,罗尚又一次被楚风打的体内骨骼爆响,遭受重创,有一些骨头断裂,他斜飞了出去。 Chu Feng displays Close Horizon Divine Skill, the pursuit on, within the body big thunder sound vibrates, the whole body golden light fills the air, is similar to fights the immortal across the sky, domineering crush Rochon. 楚风施展天涯咫尺神技,追击而上,体内大雷音震动,周身金光弥漫,如同一尊战仙横空,强势碾压罗尚。 Bang, Chu Feng steps in his body, drops from the clouds, treads his body to fall on the ground, pounds a human form big hole. 砰的一声,楚风踩在他的身上,从天而降,踏着他的躯体落在地面,砸出一个人形大坑。 Rochon is stuffy, mouth and nose spurts blood, has hair dishevelled, the whole body is the blood, very pitiful. 罗尚闷哼,口鼻喷血,披头散发,满身是血,非常的凄惨。 Chaos Deity Palace's core juniors are also mediocre!” Chu Feng lowers the head to overlook him. “混沌天神宫的核心子弟也不过如此!”楚风低头俯视着他。 The distant place, Ying Wudi is moved to tears, he thought, Chu Feng this is replying in kind, is helping him vent anger, is really the real personality, real hero, excellent son, compared with that Wu Lunhui good ten times and hundred times. 远处,映无敌热泪盈眶,他觉得,楚风这是在以其人之道还治其人之身,在帮他出气,果然是真性情,真英雄,大好男儿一个,比那吴轮回好十倍、百倍。 He thought that as a last resort, could introduce that Chu Feng to his elder sister, takes Wu Lunhui, but generation it. 他觉得,万不得已时,或许可以将楚风介绍给他的姐姐,取吴轮回而代之。
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