SR :: Volume #9

#860: Arrogantly for whose Hero

This person stature is tall, is tall, the face is very handsome, he has a hair light silver hair, but makings cold proud, looks disdainfully very all people. 这个人身材颀长,很是高挑,面孔还算英俊,他拥有一头发光的银发,而气质十分冷傲,睥睨所有人。 Said that this universe all talents are the waste, has violated the popular anger absolutely, the people glower, Yuan Shicheng cannot help taking a step to meet head-on, but held on by his sister Yuan Yuan, feared that he does not beat the disastrous defeat. 说这片宇宙所有天才都是废物,绝对犯了众怒,人们怒目而视,元世成忍不住要迈步去迎战,但被他妹妹元媛一把拉住,怕他不敌惨败。 Lets loose him!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, approaches forward, is staring at the person in field. “放开他!”楚风开口,向前逼近,盯着场中的这个人。 However, that person shoots a look at has not shot a look at Chu Feng one, is quite calm and calm, when looks to Qin Luoyin there, the eye reveals the none remaining immediately. 然而,那个人瞥都没有瞥楚风一眼,相当的镇定与冷静,只是看向秦珞音那里时,眼睛顿时露出精光。 Shocking!” He shows the happy expression, is nodding there, unexpectedly disregards Chu Feng, neglects it, has not responded. “惊艳!”他露出笑意,在在那里点头,居然无视楚风,将其忽略,根本就没有搭理。 Elder Brother!” Silver-haired Little Loli is bringing the tear stains, summoned outside, when this handsome man in looking to Qin Luoyin and carrying on appraisal, the under foot made an effort, making Ying Wudi send out stuffily, the mouth coughed up blood unceasingly. “哥!”银发小萝莉带着泪痕,在场外呼唤,因为这个英俊男子在看向秦珞音并进行评价时,脚下不知不觉间用力,让映无敌发出闷哼,嘴里不断咳血。 Ying Xiaoxiao loves dearly, cannot bear the sob make noise, then strategic place in the past. 映晓晓心疼,忍不住哭泣出声,就要冲过去。 The Chu Feng complexion is cold, moving sideways that brushes, holds on silver-haired Little Loli, he naturally can see that person is very strong, is not a little girl can shake, defeated including her elder brothers. 楚风脸色冷冽,刷的一闪身,一把拉住银发小萝莉,他自然能够看出那个人很强,不是一个小女孩可以撼动的,连她哥哥都败了。 Really is boisterous, shuts up to me, honest!” The man in field opens the mouth indifferently, very overbearing, has not looked at Chu Feng and Ying Xiaoxiao as before, making them shut up, gives to disregard other people, is very proud with domineeringly, he in looking at Qin Luoyin, the slight nod, in the mouth commended. “真是聒噪,都给我闭嘴,老实一点!”场中的男子冷漠地开口,非常的霸道,依旧没有看楚风映晓晓一眼,让他们闭嘴,也将其他所有人都给无视,十分自负与跋扈,他只是在看着秦珞音,轻微的点头,口中称赞。 Meanwhile, his makes an effort slightly, Ying Wudi skeleton exudes creak the sound, almost must be stepped on, among mouth and nose the blood overflows unceasingly. 同时,他脚下稍微用力间,映无敌身上的骨骼发出咯吱咯吱声,几乎要被踩断,口鼻间鲜血不断溢出。 The Chu Feng pupil contraction, killing intent fills the air, if is not cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, he already began, this person from outside territory universe was too insolent! 楚风瞳孔收缩,杀意弥漫,若非投鼠忌器,他早就动手了,这个来自域外宇宙的人太张狂了! Qin Luoyin frowns, loathes and dislikes this handsome silver-haired man very much, the vision of this person has the aggressiveness, wishes one could to completely understand her from top to bottom. 秦珞音蹙眉,很厌恶与反感这个英俊的银发男子,这个人的目光非常具有侵略性,恨不得将她浑身上下看透。 But at this time, this person took back from Qin Luoyin the vision finally, shows the light happy expression, said: Outstandingly beautiful woman, worthily is the World of the Dead universe famous beautiful woman, Not just in name only, but also in reality, although in this stretch of world the so-called talent is very disappointing, but the beautiful woman is shocking!” 而这时,这个人终于将目光从秦珞音身上收回,露出淡淡笑意,道:“天姿国色,不愧是阴间宇宙出名的丽人,名副其实,虽然这片天地中所谓的天才都很差劲,但是美人却非常惊艳!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, is strong and direct, watches intently him, said: „Can you cocky, you not shut out the match to be weak really? Lets loose him, was butchered you by me!” 楚风开口,强硬而直接,逼视他,道:“你真能得瑟,你不是嫌弃对手弱吗?放开他,由我宰了你!” His murderous intention is not covers up, said directly, immediately made those present astonished, many people were also simultaneously encouraged. 他的杀机是不加掩饰的,直接说出,顿时让在场的人都惊异,同时许多人也都振奋起来。 Before then, many young people have the hostility to Chu Feng, but short the matter that has in a minute, irritates them, beyond this universe young powerhouse was too insolent, humiliates their this generation of all, really makes the person choke with rage with the indignation. 在此之前,很多年轻人都对楚风有敌意,可是短暂的片刻间发生的事,却让他们都很恼火,这个外宇宙的年轻强者太张狂了,折辱他们这一代所有人,实在让人窝火与愤慨。 Some people were anticipating Chu Feng take action a moment ago, saw him to fulfil expectations, appeared must attack, was immediately excited, hopes that he can win. 刚才就有人在期待楚风出手,见他不负所望,一出现就要出击,顿时都兴奋起来,希望他能赢。 What thing you are, dares to speak to me like this?!” This person is very overbearing, this time looked at Chu Feng one finally, the coldly glance, once more shifts the vision, does not have many attention. “你算什么东西,也敢这样跟我说话?!”此人很霸道,这次终于看了楚风一眼,冷冷一瞥,就再次转移目光,没有过多的关注。 This makes all people think, he was too extremely arrogant, despises Chu Feng, is despising them, is disinclined to look at one. 这让所有人都觉得,他实在太狂妄了,蔑视楚风,也在轻蔑他们所有人,都懒得多看一眼。 Chu Feng takes a step, must go forward to attack! 楚风迈步,就要上前出击! Gives me law-abidingly!” At this time, silver-haired man opened the mouth once again, meaning that the implication warned, and his Ying Wudi was stuffy, the face twisted, was being stepped on by a foot, can say by the humiliation. “都给我安分点!”这时,银发男子又一次开口,暗含警告的意味,且他脚下的映无敌闷哼,面孔都扭曲了,被一只脚踩着,可以说饱受屈辱。 Is he who? Sub Immortal Clan's successor, is stepped on with the foot today unexpectedly in the face chest cavity, went too far, but also nobody dares such to humiliate this clan. 他是什么人亚仙族的传人,今天居然被人用脚踩在脸膛上,太过分了,还没有人敢这么折辱该族。 Allows me to speak, otherwise I a foot stamp him first!” This silver-haired person said desolately. “容我说完话,不然我先一脚踩死他!”这个银发人冷淡地说道。 Really installs 13, you think that is world destiny in addition holds in the present age protagonist of body, the child of destiny? This doing faction, really do not go against heaven's will, must be killed!” “真是装13,你以为是天地气运加持在身的当世主角,命运之子?这种做派,不是真的要逆天,就是要被人打死!” Ouyang Feng muttered there, sneers again and again, although feels this person indeed very fearsome, powerful excess, but thought as before this is doing, causes the popular anger. 欧阳风在那里咕哝,冷笑连连,尽管感觉这个人的确很可怖,实力强大的过分,但是依旧觉得他这是在作死,引起众怒。 My name was Rochon, Deity Palace from chaos universe, for deity lineage/vein core direct descendant juniors.” “我叫罗尚,来自混沌宇宙中的天神宫,为天神一脉核心嫡系子弟。” This stature is tall, the tall silver-haired man introduced oneself, narrated that own background, initiated those present one to be startled immediately. 这个身材颀长,十分高挑的银发男子自我介绍,讲述自身的来头,顿时引发在场的人一阵吃惊。 This is the chaos Deity Palace's person, really came from the outside territory universe! 这是混沌天神宫的人,果然来自域外宇宙! The Chu Feng pupil is spooky, talked to oneself in a soft voice: Suspends such big spectrum, I also by am the World of the Living Supreme Being juniors.” 楚风瞳孔幽幽,轻声自语道:“摆这么大的谱,我还以是阳间大能的子弟呢。” In fact, he is extremely discontented, this person is too bad, the conduct is overbearing, like this humiliates Ying Wudi, despises World of the Dead universe all talents, was too rampant. 事实上,他非常不满,此人太恶劣,行事霸道,这样折辱映无敌,蔑视阴间宇宙所有天才,实在太嚣张了。 Does "hē hē, depending on your also knows World of the Living, understand these Supreme Being juniors unexpectedly? The shortsighted person, is some guesses. ” Rochon responded lightly. “呵,凭你居然也知道阳间,了解那些大能子弟?井底之蛙,还是少些猜测吧。”罗尚淡淡的回应。 Nearby, many people are stunned, discussed in a low voice, although was hostile to Chu Feng, but they loathe at present this person now, wishes one could some people to suppress him immediately. 附近,许多人都愕然,低声议论起来,虽然敌视楚风,但是现在他们更厌恶眼前这个人,恨不得有人立刻压制他。 Chu Feng said: Mouth is actually very cruel, since you are so self-confident, that comes, I ensure a palm of the hand claps you!” 楚风道:“嘴巴倒是很阴损,既然你这么自信,那就过来,我保证一巴掌拍死你!” At that moment what is most important is rescues Ying Wudi, Chu Feng thought that this wife's younger brother is somewhat pitiful. 当下最要紧的是救出映无敌,楚风觉得这个小舅子有些可怜。 Ouyang Feng also indignant, but, said: I remember that Deity Race is the golden hair, your how full head mildew, this was the variant, was the blood relationship is impure.” 欧阳风也气愤不过,道:“我记得天神族是金毛,你怎么满头白毛,这是变种了,还是血统不纯啊。” His is changes the method is scolding Rochon is the bastard, because, he was not feeling well this person. 他这是变着法子骂罗尚是杂种,因为,他太不爽这个人了。 Your this does, understands?” Rochon profanes takes a fast look around one, the words are faint, said: But, I do not have free time to respond you now, a while and others haggled over with again.” “你们这是作死,懂?”罗尚轻慢地扫视一眼,话语淡漠,又道:“不过,我现在没工夫搭理你们,一会儿再与尔等计较。” He turns around to look that does the elder to Great Dream Pure Land's, reveals smiles pale, said: Today hears Great Dream Pure Land to live with the bride's family, comes to try especially.” 他转身看向大梦净土的一干长老,露出淡笑,道:“今日听闻大梦净土招亲,特来一试。” He indicates the purpose in coming, has not disrespected but actually regarding the person of pure land, after all he harbors the sense of purpose. 他表明来意,对于净土的人倒也没有怎么太不敬,毕竟他怀着目的性而来。 Then, he looks to Qin Luoyin, said: Fairy maiden, may be willing to go to the chaos universe with me, enters Deity Palace?” 而后,他看向秦珞音,道:“仙子,可愿与我去混沌宇宙,进天神宫?” Does not hope!” Qin Luoyin is simple, simply and rejects directly. “不愿!”秦珞音简简单单,干脆而直接地拒绝。 "hē hē, pours also somewhat ardent nature and wild nature, dares such simply to reject me. ” Rochon looks to the Great Dream Pure Land's elder, said: Everybody, how you sees, the talent too waste of this piece of universe, is my defeated, therefore, I seek a marriage alliance.” “呵呵,倒也有几分烈性与野性,竟敢这么干脆拒绝我。”罗尚看向大梦净土的长老,道:“各位,你们怎么看,这片宇宙的天才都太废物,皆是我的手下败将,所以,我来求亲。” He has the energy, fully realized that this piece of universe the actual situation, all Saint above expert walked, enters broken Yu within/inner in chaos, competes for Godhood there, entered the War God Palace region. 他有底气,深知这片宇宙的虚实,所有圣人以上的高手都走了,进入混沌中的残破宇内,在那里争夺神位,都进入战神宫区域了。 Including their Deity Palace, as well as in chaos universe other Great Influence strength, in whole-heartedly, wants to drive out War God Palace, gains Godhood. 包括他们天神宫,以及混沌宇宙中其他各方大势力,也都在全力以赴,想轰开战神宫,获取神位 It is reported that besides Godhood, other fruit positions can inherit, making various clans crazy. 据传,除了神位外,还有其他果位可以继承,让各族都要疯狂了。 Crossing over chaos Ancient Road that this time hard and dangerous and is beset with difficulties, arrives at this piece of universe, secure, wants to come this void places to harvest some chances! 他这一次艰险而困难重重的穿越混沌古路,来到这片宇宙,有恃无恐,就是想来这片空虚之地收割一些机缘! As for the so-called peerless beautiful woman, naturally also conveniently carries off. 至于所谓的绝世丽人,自然也是顺手带走。 „Do several seniors, you think?” Rochon opens the mouth once more, inquired the Great Dream Pure Land's important elder. “几位前辈,你们觉得呢?”罗尚再次开口,询问大梦净土的重要长老。 Meanwhile, his voice enhances slightly, said: A while ago, Luo Shirong of my clan took the envoy, walked in the World of the Dead universe, may actually have an accident in the Great Dream Pure Land's smelting trial finally, even if he were not the core direct descendant member, but cannot for no reason die.” 同时,他声音略微提高,道:“前段时间,我族的罗世荣作为使者,行走在阴间宇宙,可结果却在大梦净土的试炼中出事,哪怕他不是核心嫡系成员,但也不能平白死去。” This is the warning, in the sound is bringing coldly. 这算是警告,声音中带着冷冽。 Great Dream Pure Land's person immediately one cold, some elder mind uneasy, in any event, they thought all of a sudden cannot stir up chaos Deity Palace mostly. 大梦净土的人顿时一凛,有些长老一下子心神不宁,无论如何,他们觉得多半惹不起混沌天神宫 At present is very thorny, this clan true splendid talent visits! 眼下很棘手,该族一名真正出色的天才登门! Now looks like, Luo Shirong takes the envoy, calculates very strongly, but cannot compare most core direct descendant. 现在看来,罗世荣作为使者,也算很强,但是远比不上最核心的嫡系。 Rochon smiles, said: Fairy Qin, you have a look here, World of the Dead universe so-called talent weak, was too disappointing, is the waste, I think you, if goes the chaos universe with me, does not want to come back, there resources and cultivation environment by far here!” 罗尚微笑,道:“秦仙子,你看看这里,阴间宇宙所谓的天才到底有多弱,太差劲了,都是废物,我想你如果跟我去混沌宇宙,就再也不想回来了,那里的资源与修炼环境远胜这里!” Does not have the interest!” The Qin Luoyin tone is desolate, has not looked at his one eyes, once more rejects. “没兴趣!”秦珞音语气冷淡,都没有看他一眼,就再次拒绝。 At this time, Ying Xiaoxiao erased the tears, shouted: You let loose my brother, is not chaos Deity Palace, we are the Sub Immortal Clan's person, in the chaos have our ancestral land, you dare to humiliate my clan like this, when the time comes your chaos Deity Palace do not want to feel better!” 这时,映晓晓抹掉眼泪,喊道:“你放开我哥哥,不就是混沌天神宫吗,我们是亚仙族的人,混沌中也有我们的祖地,你敢这样折辱我族,到时候你混沌天神宫也别想好过!” Rochon is surprised, said: Right, unexpectedly is the Sub Immortal Clan's person, but, you are not the chaos Central Asia Immortal Cave people, does not have anything at the worst.” 罗尚深感意外,道:“是吗,居然是亚仙族的人,不过,你们又不是混沌中亚仙窟的人,没什么大不了。” Here, he lowered the head to overlook Ying Wudi, brought to sneer saying: Sub Immortal Clan, hey, interesting, frequently the fierce struggle in the chaos universe, with us is the competitive relations, World of the Dead's you...... Too weak!” 说到这里,他低头俯视着映无敌,带着冷笑道:“亚仙族,嘿,有意思,在混沌宇宙中经常激斗,跟我们是竞争关系,阴间的你们……太弱了!” Then, he looks once more to Qin Luoyin, said: I remember, your Great Dream Pure Land has said that who is strongest, who can defeat Chu Feng with all people, who is Fairy Qin dao companion, today I stand here, which looks at to be able my this pass/test, I must take away you, I looked who can block me?!” 然后,他再次看向秦珞音,道:“我记得,你们大梦净土说过,谁最强,谁能击败楚风与所有人,谁就是秦仙子道侣,今天我站在这里,看哪一个能过我这一关,我非要带走你,我看谁能阻我?!” Great Dream Pure Land has a few elder intent to move, wants to speak, choosing Great Demon Chu Feng to be the Qin Luoyin's dao companion words, perhaps might as well elects this person, after all the background is too fearful. 大梦净土有少数几个长老非常意动,想要说话,选楚风大魔头秦珞音的道侣的话,或许还不如选此人,毕竟背景太可怕。 However, more elders were indifferent, have prevented these elders. 但是,更多的长老冷漠,阻止了这几名长老。 I am Chu Feng, in your heart has the idea to Fairy Qin, and wants here the forcing outstanding heroes, leads the field, then passes my this pass/test first.” Chu Feng said lightly, has not stimulated him, has not said a word the intense taunt, wants to rescue Ying Wudi safely. “我就是楚风,你心中对秦仙子有想法,并且想要在这里力压群雄,独占鳌头,那么先过我这一关。”楚风平淡地说道,并没有去刺激他,也不曾言语激烈的嘲讽,就是想平安救下映无敌 Bang! 砰! Finally, Rochon look is cold and gloomy, observes closely Chu Feng, and a foot kicks Ying Wudi flew, the endoskeleton flip-flop kept ringing, broke many roots. 最终,罗尚眼神森冷,盯住楚风,并且一脚将映无敌踢的飞了起来,体内骨骼噼啪响个不停,断了很多根。 He puts one's foot down is very heavy, almost kicks to explode Ying Wudi, Chu Feng first rushed, catches Ying Wudi, injects the boundless life energy rapidly, helping him stand firm the injury. 他下脚很重,差点将映无敌踢爆,楚风第一时间冲了上去,接住映无敌,迅速注入磅礴的生命能量,帮他稳住伤势。 At this time, Rochon's gloomy and cold shouting: Chu Feng, your this evil livestock, your Earth attacks and captures us in this piece of World of the Dead universe the inhabit region of clansman, hears you are disasters in this generation of person, has killed World of the Dead universe Deity Race many people, when executes!” 此时,罗尚阴冷的喝道:“楚风,你这孽畜,你们地球攻克我们在这片阴间宇宙的族人的聚居地,听闻你是这一代人中的祸害,杀了阴间宇宙的天神族不少人,当诛!” Chu Feng is smiling, many are somewhat callous, finally can unshackle, does not need to be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 楚风在笑,多少有些冷酷,终于可以放开手脚了,再也不用投鼠忌器。 Your knows I am good, to be honest, your Deity Race is nothing, quickly made us extinguish, how chaos Deity Palace came the person, was doomed with me is the mortal enemy, heard that your side people due to the limit of principle, was very difficult to enter the World of the Dead universe, how did your this place mouse drill?” “你知道我就好,说实话,你们天神族算个屁,都快让我们灭了,混沌天神宫来人又如何,跟我注定是死敌,听说你们那边的人由于法则的限制,很难进入阴间宇宙,你这个地老鼠是怎么钻过来的?” The words that Chu Feng this contemptuous look, as well as stops at nothing, enrage Rochon immediately. 楚风这种轻蔑的神色,以及无所顾忌的话语,顿时激怒罗尚。 Courts death, the talent of this universe is the waste, collapses at the first blow, dares to boast shamelessly with me, particularly the demon of this acting recklessly, I have been looking for you, die!” “找死,这个宇宙的天才都是废物,不堪一击,也敢跟我大言不惭,尤其是你这个不知死活的魔头,我一直在找你呢,去死!” Rochon bellows, bang makes a fist, the silver ray erupts, fluctuates just like the vast expanse of water, having the terrifying energy to strike! 罗尚大吼,轰的一声打出一拳,银色光芒爆发,宛若一片汪洋起伏,带着恐怖的能量拍击而来! Chu Feng is imposing, avoids instant, he changes color thoroughly, is this person fierce, chaos universe young expert so is seriously fearful? 楚风凛然,刹那躲避出去,他彻底变色,这个人当真是厉害,混沌宇宙的年轻高手都这么可怕吗? He opens Discerning Eyes, is staring at this person vigorously, must completely understand his actual situation. 他睁开火眼金睛,在极力盯着此人,要看透他的虚实。 "Um, the abdomen has one group of light, some Sub Saint aura! ” The flash, Chu Feng knows his formidable secret was, once obtained some Sub Saint sources! “嗯,腹部有一团光,有部分亚圣气息!”一刹那,楚风知道了他强大的秘密所在,曾得到部分亚圣本源! No wonder, this is your rampant reason is , the person who despises our piece of universes, you are nothing actually!” The Chu Feng look woods are cold. “难怪啊,这就是你嚣张的原因所在吗,蔑视我们这片宇宙的人,其实你自己算个屁!”楚风眼神森寒。 He rushed over, must fight a decisive battle with Rochon. 他冲了过去,要跟罗尚决战。 However, Rochon is very terrifying, the bystander cannot see him to transfer some Sub Saint Source Energy, only sees him to be easily accomplished, sweeps away this stretch of region. 不过,罗尚真的很恐怖,外人看不出他调动部分亚圣本源能量,只见到他摧枯拉朽,横扫这片地带。 Void is trembling, is thundering, splits many black slits, the scene was too fearful. 虚空都在颤栗,都在轰鸣,裂开许多黑色的缝隙,景象太可怕了。 fucking, this mildew so is really fierce, has the rampant qualification!” Was Ouyang Feng was frightened, was Chu Feng worried. 特么的,这白毛真的这么厉害,有嚣张的本钱!”就是欧阳风都惊悚了,为楚风担忧。 Nearby, all people change color, because Chu Feng is evading its point, using the extremely fast avoidance, has not shaken with Rochon unceasingly hardly, in people opinion, Great Demon Chu Feng was suppressed! 附近,所有人都变色,因为楚风在避其锋芒,不断利用极速躲避,没有跟罗尚硬撼,在众人看来,楚风大魔头被人压制了! The Chu Feng facial color is indifferent, he uses Discerning Eyes to watch Sub Saint Level energy ball of light in this human body, finally finally moved, attacks swiftly and violently! 楚风面色冷漠,他用火眼金睛观看此人体内的亚圣级能量光团,最后终于动了,迅猛出击! Because, he seizes the right moment for battle, saw that rolls the Sub Saint Level energy storage to stagnate slightly, short has not transported the energy instantaneously, then he counter-attacked! 因为,他捕捉到战机,看到那团亚圣级能量源稍微一滞,短暂的瞬间没有输送出能量,然后他就反击了! Bang! 轰! A Chu Feng fist, the bang puts on this person to protect the body light screen, shakes a fist with him hardly, Rochon body big change that shakes. 楚风一拳而已,轰穿此人护体光幕,跟他硬撼一拳,震的罗尚身体剧震 At the same time, Chu Feng displays the mixing technique of World of the Living Divine Skill-- Lightning Fist and Vairocana Fist, becomes variant fist technique, the collection speed and strength as one! 同一时间,楚风施展阳间神技——闪电拳大日如来拳的糅合术,成为变种拳法,集速度与力量于一体! Especially the speed, is similar to like lightning, was too quick. 尤其是速度,如同闪电般,实在太快了。 pā! 啪! Finally the moment, the Chu Feng's golden color fist turns into the palm to refer, pulls out in Rochon's face chest cavity, he who hits called out pitifully, half face almost vanished, the mouthful tooth flew to fall most. 最后关头,楚风的金色拳头化成掌指,啪的一声抽在罗尚的脸膛上,打的他惨叫,半张脸差点消失,满嘴牙齿飞落出来大半。 I must kill you!” Rochon angrily roars, transfers the Sub Saint source once more, he thought that lost face too, under was in the glare of the public eye is hit one to slap unexpectedly! “我要杀了你!”罗尚怒吼,再次调动亚圣本源,他觉得太丢人了,众目睽睽之下居然被人打了一个打耳光! What thing you are, dares to belittle this piece of universe the talent, but depends on the predecessor inherited from predicessors, is your strength? Is also rampant!” Chu Feng sneers. “你算什么东西,也敢小觑这片宇宙的天才,不过是倚仗前人余荫而已,是你自己的力量吗?藉此也敢嚣张!”楚风冷笑。 In fact, when speaking these words, before the opposite party has not transferred the Sub Saint Level energy once more, Chu Feng displays World of the Living Divine Skill Lightning Fist to go well once more. 事实上,在说这些话时,在对方没有再次调动起亚圣级能量前,楚风施展阳间神技闪电拳再次得手。 ! 噗! This time, his palm of the hand the fan in Rochon another side face chest cavity, immediately let there bone scrap, a covered with blood piece. 这一次,他的巴掌又扇在罗尚另一边的脸膛上,当即让那里的骨头都炸碎了,血肉模糊一片。 Also is one slaps, Rochon who hits flies horizontally. 又是一个打耳光,打的罗尚横飞出去。 Compared with rampant, you is a wool, is great from the chaos universe, same chops chops can cook eats ripe!” “比嚣张,你算个毛啊,来自混沌宇宙就了不起吗,一样剁吧剁吧就可以炖熟吃掉!” Chu Feng shouted, flew upwards compared with it Rochon with the domineering, this type had the special flavor arrogantly. 楚风喝道,比之罗尚更飞扬与强势,这种飞扬跋扈有特别的韵味。
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