SR :: Volume #9

#859: Regeneration daughter

The Great Dream Pure Land deep place, the golden light is shining, on various mountain massifs the winding around clean white fog silk, has loosen big wave to be intermittent, the silver mountain stream murmur, ripples the rich spiritual energy, among cloud and steam luxuriant glow, performs to reveal the Immortal Family tone. 大梦净土深处,金光灿灿,各座山体上缭绕洁白雾丝,更有松涛阵阵,银色溪涧潺潺,荡漾浓郁的灵气,云蒸霞蔚间,尽显仙家气韵。 At this time, Chu Feng lithe taking a step, on the face was having the smiling face, must see Qin Luoyin, the opposite party invites him to narrate finally. 这时,楚风轻盈的迈步,脸上带着笑容,要去见秦珞音,对方终于邀请他一叙。 On the road, Great Dream Pure Land all male disciple complexions are ugly, to Chu Feng suitable hostility, stared round the eye, because of their knows, the wind direction thoroughly changed, some elders suggested to incur this Great Demon are the visit sons-in-law, electing him to become Qin Luoyin's dao companion. 在路上,大梦净土所有男弟子都脸色难看,对楚风相当的仇视,都瞪圆了眼睛,因为他们知道,风向彻底变了,有长老建议招这个大魔头为上门女婿,选他成为秦珞音的道侣 Too indignant, one crowd of youth eyes torching, wish one could to overrun with Great Demon Chu Feng really fight to the death, according to rubs on the ground him, defends traditional moral principles except the demon! 太气愤了,一群青年眼睛喷火,真恨不得冲过去跟楚风大魔头决一死战,将他按在地上揉搓,除魔卫道! My heart good pain, Luoyin is first successor in my pure land, has no time holily, is in the starry sky various clan young people heart in the eye goddesses, the peerless grace and talent, the posture of beautiful woman, keeps aloof, like this raises the demon by the body, can marry the Indigenous demon who never cultured place-- wild planet walks?” “我的心好痛,珞音是我净土中的第一传人,圣洁无暇,也是星空中各族年轻人心目中的女神,绝代风华,倾城之姿,高高在上,就这样以身饲魔,要嫁给一个从未开化之地——蛮荒星球走出来的土著魔头?” One group of people are indignant, what means but can have, at all is not the match, hasn't seen Ying Wudi? In the universe one of the most formidable several talents, does not have the temperament that Demon Chu punches finally, flew a kite. 一群人激愤,但是又能有什么办法,根本不是对手,没看到映无敌吗?宇宙中最强大的几位天才之一,结果被楚魔头揍的没脾气,放了风筝。 An old woman scolds to say lightly: Shut up, Earth is first ten big one, takes Deity Race, but generation it, is not wild planet, their antiquities were extremely once magnificent, generally speaking, have the inheritance, have the ancient historical inside story, are not Barbarian Desolation Land.” 一位老妪轻叱道:“闭嘴,地球已经算是前十大之一,取天神族而代之,不算蛮荒星球,况且他们的上古曾经极度辉煌,总体来说,有传承,有古老的历史底蕴,并非蛮荒之地。” Arrived this moment, she must naturally change a statement, if marries Chu Feng Qin Luoyin, if continues to rip not to have the advantage to anyone. 到了这种关头,她自然得改口,万一真将秦珞音嫁给楚风,那如果继续撕下去的话对谁都没有好处。 Elder, I wants to cry, he so is young is one generation of demons, the rare person enemy, definitely will be in the starry sky most fearful Demon King, Luoyin Junior Sister brightly will have no time in the future, pure, will be similar to the bright moonlight of space, the upper boundary fairy maiden, the graceful bearing will be peerless, finally can actually marry a demon?” “长老,我想哭啊,他还这么年轻就已经是一代魔头,罕有人可敌,将来肯定是星空中最可怕的魔王,珞音师妹皎洁无暇,冰清玉洁,如同天上的明月,上界的仙子,丰姿绝世,结果却要嫁给一个魔头?” A youth grief and indignation, he is in the pure land one of the strongest several young expert besides Qin Luoyin, is in the top three, previously some heart expectation, but now is dejected. 一位青年悲愤,他是净土中除了秦珞音外最强的几名年轻高手之一,位列前三甲内,早先心有憧憬,而现在则心灰意冷。 The old woman said: Your also knows, he now can push various group of King in peer horizontally, in the future more invincible? This to him, is to Luoyin, or to my Great Dream Pure Land, is the good news, the Taboo powerhouse who in the future can show disdain for entire universe protects, what but also there is not to be content?!” 老妪道:“你们也知道,他现在就已经能够横推同辈中的各路王者,将来岂不是更无敌?这无论是对他,还是对珞音,亦或是对我大梦净土而言,都算是好消息,将来有一个能够傲视全宇宙的禁忌强者守护,还有什么不知足?!” But, he is gets gate, kills my Great Dream Pure Land, we must agree that really this wedding, doesn't this appear my Great Dream Pure Land is timid? Furthermore, he previously talked wildly, said that must become my pure land Supreme Sect Lord, once to become true, this too scoundrel!” “可是,他是打上门来的,只身杀进我大梦净土,我们真要同意这门婚事,这不是显得我大梦净土怯弱吗?再者而言,他早先就放言,说要成为我净土的太上教主,一旦成真,这太混账了!” Some disciple are not convinced, here argued. 一些弟子不服气,在这里争辩。 Do not mind these matters, forces one's way into is also what kind, in the future perhaps also will be an edifying anecdote.” Another old woman opens the mouth, unexpectedly helps Chu Feng speak. “不要介意这些事,打进来又怎样,将来说不定还算是一桩美谈呢。”又一名老妪开口,居然帮楚风说话。 An old man also nods, said: Luoyin heir , if outstanding enough, why not in the future will stand is Sect Lord, will also chat as for this so-called Supreme Sect Lord.” 一个老头子也点头,道:“珞音的子嗣若是足够优秀,将来立为教主又有何不可,至于他这个所谓的太上教主也只是说笑罢了。” In fact is, once the thought has transformation, that is so-called loving it and everything that comes along with it, will hate the room and black, the cognition with various transformations. 事实上是,一旦思想发生转变,那就是所谓的爱屋及乌,恨屋及乌,认知等都会跟着各种转变。 Some Great Dream Pure Land old women detected, admits Chu Feng unexpectedly also well, will have many advantage, therefore some people start to attempt now are Chu Feng wash white. 大梦净土一些老妪发觉,接纳楚风竟也不错,会有很多好处,因此现在一些人开始尝试为楚风洗白。 Naturally , some old woman and old man complexion is pale, had not approved Chu Feng, but also is competing. 当然,也有一些老妪与老头子脸色铁青,一直没有认可楚风,还在较劲儿呢。 „Similar to these by Divine Son and Holy Daughter that Chu Feng sells out, before looked is the shame, but Chu Feng shows such formidable strength now, you also think after their captured, very lost face? Trades to do is you also only then sold share, if in dozens over a hundred years, but also did not say really certainly, just like perhaps that donkey said that was sold by Chu Feng possibly has been the proof of talent, did not frustrate, but possibly was an alternative honor.” “就如同那些被楚风卖掉的神子圣女,以前看是耻辱,但现在楚风展现出这么强大的战力,你们还认为他们被俘虏后很丢人吗?换作是你们也只有被卖的份,而如果再过数十上百年,还真说不准,也许正如那头驴子所言,被楚风卖过可能算是天才的证明,不是挫败,而可能是一种另类的荣光。” These words language, the young people likely by being struck by lightning, the injury of receiving are too been simply big, like this helped Chu Feng speak including these important elders, but also there is a natural justice? 这番话语一出,现场的年轻人简直像是遭了雷劈,受到的伤害太大了,连这几名重要的长老都这样帮楚风说话,还有没有天理? At this moment, not only they are not willing, other clan eminents that comes Great Dream Pure Land to be a guest of also get hold of the fist, looks helplessly Chu Feng meets Qin Luoyin, vanishes in the bamboo grove deep place. 此刻,不仅他们不甘心,其他来大梦净土做客的各族翘楚也都握紧拳头,眼睁睁地看着楚风去相会秦珞音,消失在竹林深处。 Where Wu Lunhui you, come out to fight a decisive battle with Great Demon Chu Feng, this time I am not black you and ensure full power supports you, cheers the call for you!” 吴轮回你在哪里,出来跟楚风大魔头决战吧,这次我不黑你,保证全力支持你,为你助威呐喊!” Some person of extremely angry shouting, summoned Wu Lunhui, wants to make him come out to keep in balance Great Demon Chu Feng. 有人愤愤的喊道,召唤吴轮回,想让他出来制衡楚风大魔头 At this time, Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin discussed that really happy, naturally this is only his feeling, thinks unilaterally. 此时,楚风秦珞音“相谈甚欢”,当然这只是他的感觉,单方面认为。 Here is very lonesome and quiet, not far away has piece of Purple Bamboo Forest, the spiritual energy is rich, Purple Mist flows, just like Southern Sea Purple Bamboo Forest Immortal Realm, is accompanying the clear lake, shining. 这里很幽静,不远处有一片紫竹林,灵气浓郁,紫雾流淌,宛若南海紫竹林仙境,伴着晶莹的湖泊,流光溢彩。 The near, the short mountain is beautiful, the spirit cane winding, sends out the sparkling brilliance, the lake and rivers and lakes embellishes, the pure white stone arch bridge stretches across on, has the pavilion to be situated. 近前,矮山秀丽,灵藤缠绕,发出烁烁光彩,湖泊与水泽点缀,洁白的石拱小桥横跨在上,更有亭台坐落。 Chu Feng said that does not look on as an outsider. 楚风说了很多,一点也不见外。 At first Qin Luoyin has been listening respectfully, is very tranquil, has not opened the mouth. 起初秦珞音一直在聆听,很平静,没怎么开口。 Because, although restores Foreign Territory many memories, but she also always remembers, two world once rough enmity, many heart knots. 因为,虽然恢复异域的许多记忆,但她也始终记得,两人间曾经的坎坷过节,多少还是有些心结的。 However, as Chu Feng this has not been hot-tempered, the facial skin thief thick person to open the mouth shamelessly unceasingly, she a little cannot be quiet, even cheeks slightly red. 不过,随着楚风这个没羞没躁、脸皮贼厚的人不断开口,她有点不能平静了,甚至脸颊都微红。 What were you speaking irresponsibly?!” “你在乱说什么?!” Qin Luoyin thought, this fellow did not have the ashamed heart, this came to meet, how long has not chatted, was symmetric then the by elderly married couples, very originally ripe. 秦珞音觉得,这家伙太没羞耻心了,这才过来见面,没聊多久而已,就以老夫老妻相称,非常自来熟。 What embarrassment among us also has, outside what sees?” Chu Feng is all smile. “咱俩之间还有什么不好意思,见什么外?”楚风满脸堆笑。 However, looks in the Qin Luoyin eye, always thought that this smiling face is very hateful, is a little slightly lowly, but also a little evil aura, in brief looked that is not proper. 但是,看在秦珞音眼中,总觉得这种笑容很可恶,略微有点小贱,还有点邪气,总之一看就不正经。 Tone that Chu Feng discussed that said: „After turning head we bows to Heaven and Earth to get married, you thought that sets up our sons, when Sect Lord is good, makes our daughters make Sect Lord to be wonderful?” 楚风一副商量的口吻,道:“回头咱拜堂成亲后,你觉得是立咱们儿子当教主好,还是让咱们女儿做教主妙?” The Qin Luoyin figure is slender, the skin color has the gloss fairly, likely is the suet jade carving, but is nimbler more and resourceful, the whole person is elegant, the looks are speechless, may be called beautiful. 秦珞音身段修长,肤色白皙而有光泽,像是羊脂玉石雕刻而成,但更为灵动,整个人雍容华贵,姿容无话可说,堪称绝美。 At this moment, her astonished color, the complexion is then crimson in an instant, really cannot bear him, always thought that this fellow is not very concerned about face. 此刻,她一脸愕然之色,接着脸色刹那间绯红,实在受不了他,总觉得这个家伙忒不要脸。 What nonsense spoke, where has the daughter?” She scolds to say lightly. “说什么鬼话,哪里有女儿?”她轻叱道。 Chu Feng said: Now indeed does not have, but definitely fresh, must result in has, after getting married, we strive for training a clever intelligent and pretty youngest daughter come out.” 楚风道:“现在的确没有,但肯定要生啊,必须得有,成亲后我们就争取‘培养’出一个乖巧聪慧而又漂亮的小女儿出来。” This father really has not been concerned about face, I had not been born, he starts a face to be inexpensive the color, must regenerate a daughter to come out, ignominious.” “这爹还真是不要脸,我还没出生呢,他就就开始一脸贱兮兮之色,要再生个女儿出来,可耻。” Was Little Daoist Priest could not bear, such appraisal, could not bear his father. 就是小道士都忍不住了,这么评价,受不了他爹。 Then, his tragedy, after Chu Feng heard his sound , the direct opens the mouth, said: Regeneration daughter, must pay attention, maybe brings to remember surely, the disobedient son was enough, does not want counter female, moreover this disobedient sons must process first.” 然后,他就悲剧了,楚风听到他的声音后直接开口,道:“再生女儿,一定得注意,千万别是带着记忆来的,有一个逆子就足够了,不要逆女,另外这个逆子都得先处理掉。” Who lives with you!” Qin Luoyin thinks the cheeks to feel hot, this who, this comes to attempt to mend the relations, just the conversation time not long then the matter that the discussion had the daughter, making her unable to bear. “谁跟你生!”秦珞音觉得脸颊发烫,这什么人啊,这才过来尝试修复关系,刚交谈时间不长就谈论生女儿的事,让她受不了。 Father, I was the creditor of your ancestors, this whole life was duns, your also my black paper talisman, returned to this piece of universe, has not seen you to have the sound . Moreover, my family heirloom?” Little Daoist Priest Balla Balla, can say very much. “爹,我是你上辈子的债主,这辈子是来讨债的,你还我黑色符纸,都回到这片宇宙了,还没见你有动静,另外,咱家的传家宝呢?”小道士巴拉巴拉,很能说。 Then, his thread of conversation revolution, said: Mother, you must limelight, say that the daughter was the sweetheart of father ancestors, this was the heart has illegal, wants to return the lifetime the sentiment debt.” 然后,他话锋一转,又道:“娘,你得注意点,都说女儿是父亲上辈子的情人,他这是心有不轨,想还上辈子的情债。” Disobedient son, shut up.” Chu Feng berated him, then looked to Qin Luoyin, said: This disobedient son has memory to come, always feels too the evildoer/monstrous talent, under we must comb the condition. I thought, certainly wants the Caesarean birth, moreover looks for Divine Beast to work as the wet nurse to him, otherwise brings to remember the heir , the regular production raises is too irritable!” “逆子,闭嘴。”楚风喝斥他,然后又看向秦珞音,道:“这个逆子带着记忆而来,总感觉太妖孽,咱得梳理下状况。我觉得,肯定要剖腹产,另外给他找个神兽当奶娘,不然的话带着记忆来的子嗣,正常生产养育太别扭!” Father, you are the retaliation, can the good ruthless heart, split me?!” The Little Daoist Priest indignation, even more did not think, this father is not the kindhearted generation. “爹,你这是报复,好狠的心,要将我剖出来?!”小道士不忿,越发觉得,他这个爹不是良善之辈。 Few idle talk, if you are not my son, already entered Reincarnation Cave your this evildoer/monstrous talent, delivered you to be reborn in paradise once more!” Chu Feng said. “少废话,如果你不是我儿子,早就将你这个妖孽打进轮回洞,再次送你去往生了!”楚风道。 Biological mother, you figures out, was he too excessive?!” Little Daoist Priest is not convinced. “亲娘,你来评理,他是不是太过分了?!”小道士不服气。 Whose knows, after Qin Luoyin one ponders over, unexpectedly agrees with the Chu Feng's viewpoint, decides the Caesarean birth, then gives Little Daoist Priest to look for a formidable wet nurse. 知道,秦珞音一番出思忖后,居然同意楚风的观点,决定剖腹产,然后给小道士找个强大的奶娘。 Aiyu, I had not been born, encounters 10,000 storms to strike the injury, is this my biological mother? Is this my biological father? Does this have the natural justice? You were too ignominious.” “哎呦,我还没出生,就遭遇10000点暴击伤害,这还是我亲娘吗?这还是我亲爹吗?这还有天理吗?你们太可耻了。” Little Daoist Priest shouted, but he has not revolted, because he also thought that has the memory to come, truly makes these two very awkward. 小道士叫嚷,但是他也没有反抗到底,因为他自己也觉得带着记忆而来,确实让这两人很尴尬。 Oh, actually my knows what's the matter, you want to make the person, wants to regenerate a youngest daughter, enjoys two people of fluttering flags world, therefore abandons me ahead of time!” “唉,其实我知道怎么回事,你们是想造人啊,想再生个小女儿,去享受二人的旖旎世界,所以提前抛弃我!” Qin Luoyin cannot bear him, this is any impudent remark, strikes against the abdomen directly, beats Little Daoist Priest. 秦珞音受不了他,这是什么混账话,直接拍击腹部,殴打小道士 However, Chu Feng is actually nodding, said: Disobedient son you said is reasonable, has your this child in such an arrangement in the side, this is any matter, I thought that you very much had self-knowledge.” 然而,楚风却在点头,道:“逆子你说的有道理,有你这个拖油瓶在身边,这算什么事,我看你还是很有自知之明嘛。” Little Daoist Priest called out immediately: Father, your this facial skin thick became any appearance, this words think, you must dare to say unexpectedly, was too shameless!” 小道士顿时叫道:“爹,你这脸皮都厚成什么样子了,这种话自己心里想想也就算了,你居然要敢说出来,太无耻了!” Then, Chu Feng walks, blocks the Qin Luoyin's waist gently. 然后,楚风就走过来,轻轻拦住秦珞音的腰肢。 What do you make?!” But the Qin Luoyin shining white the beautiful cheeks are crimson immediately, backs up rapidly, must avoid his arm. “你做什么?!”秦珞音莹白而绝美的脸颊顿时绯红,迅速倒退,要避开他的手臂。 Do not move, I thought that the clear/pain difficult this disobedient sons too not to make sense, must teach his, simply earlier digs, keeps him to celebrate the new year, when otherwise does the daughter live?” “别动,我是觉得楚难这个逆子太不像话,要教训他一顿,干脆早点挖出来,留着他过年啊,不然的话女儿什么时候生?” Listens to Chu Feng such not to want the words of facial skin, Qin Luoyin is really a little feels dizzy, wants to him a palm of the hand, to be then direct very much light and lively taking a step, must avoid. 听着楚风这么不要脸皮的话,秦珞音真是有点发晕,很想给他一巴掌,然后直接轻灵的迈步,就要避开。 However Chu Feng is powerful, peer the is unpaired, moves with her together, is embracing his waist, just like dances lightly, on the stone arch bridge, on the lake rivers and lakes, the surging waves crosses, two people clothes sleeve dances in the breeze, just like deity family companion. 然而楚风实力强大,同辈无对手,跟着她一起而动,揽着他的腰肢,宛若翩然起舞,在石拱小桥上,在湖泊水泽上,凌波而渡,两人衣袂飘舞,宛若神仙眷侣。 The distant place, has Great Dream Pure Land's young disciple to walk, must deliver a letter, the result happen to sees this, an old blood spouts directly, the grief and indignation wants certainly. 远处,有大梦净土的年轻弟子走来,要送信,结果正好看到这一幕,一口老血直接喷出,悲愤欲绝。 Then how long, Great Demon Chu Feng is embracing the waist of his Junior Sister, in surging waves line, wing to wing flying together, too wound will of the people. 这才多长时间,楚风大魔头就揽着他师妹的腰肢,在凌波而行,比翼齐飞,太伤人心。 "Ah , my blood, my heart good pain! ” That young disciple called out. “啊噗,我的血,我的心好痛!”那名年轻弟子叫道。 Why does the Senior Brother institute come, to have an accident?” Qin Luoyin obstinately and pats Chu Feng's firmly, shoves open him. 师兄所为何来,出了什么事?”秦珞音执拗而坚决地拍开楚风的手,将他推开。 Heart pain!” This two Senior Brother face resentful colors, replied subconsciously, are hostile toward Chu Feng, clenched jaws, but finally was a deep sigh, had no alternative. “心痛!”这位二师兄一脸愤懑之色,下意识地答道,仇视楚风,咬牙切齿,但最后又是一声长叹,无可奈何。 Then, he informs fast, said: Junior Sister, left the important matter, in the pure land super youth expert, had said that from another piece of universe, the terrifying was boundless, he mentioned names to see you, was Cui Elder take action cannot block him!” 接着,他快速告知,道:“师妹,出大事了,净土中来了一个超级青年高手,自称来自另一片宇宙,恐怖无边,他指名道姓要见你,就是崔长老出手都拦不住他!” Then, his tone ran, does not want to stay really in this place, the innermost feelings are too sad. 然后,他调头就跑了,真不想在这个地方呆下去了,内心太忧伤。 Senior Brother, your how corners of the mouth are bringing the blood, was Great Demon Chu Feng started to you, we went to revenge for you!” 师兄,你怎么嘴角带着血,是不是楚风大魔头对你下手了,我们去为你报仇!” Across Purple Bamboo Forest, after running back the front, one group of people see this appearance, immediately encircles, is very concerned. 穿过紫竹林,跑回前方后,一群人见到他这个样子,顿时围上来,很是关切。 Oh, our Junior Sister must marry Demon Chu, I see them...... , did not say!” This two Senior Brother hearts such as the appearance of dying embers, the corners of the mouth bled. “唉,咱师妹要嫁给楚魔头了,我看到他们两个正在……噗,不说也罢!”这个二师兄一副心如死灰的样子,嘴角又淌血了。 But at this time, more people another side attention, because had the big event. 而此时,更多的人在关注另一边,因为发生了大事件。 Chu Feng came back, Qin Luoyin also follows on the heels, is slender and wispy and good. 楚风回来了,秦珞音也跟在后面,袅娜而行。 The flash, the Chu Feng look is cold, in the eye divine light rises suddenly, he sees the front fight, Ying Wudi makes the person refer to the puncture chest, the blood scatters, simultaneously is coughing up blood, the body flies horizontally. 一刹那,楚风眼神冷冽,目中神光暴涨,他看到前方的战斗,映无敌让人一指击穿胸膛,血液四溅,同时在咳血,身子横飞出去。 But the person who that starts turned into a ray of light to pursue, bang, stepped on Ying Wudi to fall from the midair, a foot trod him in the ground, then stepped on with a sole on the face of Ying Wudi, was having the color of despising, said: You are any thing, although is careless, but does not allot me to fight!” 而那下手的人则化成一道光追了过去,砰的一声,踩着映无敌从半空中落下,一脚将他踏在地面,而后更是用一只脚掌踩在映无敌的脸上,带着轻蔑之色,道:“你算什么东西,虽然马马虎虎,但也不配与我争锋!” Chu Feng has gotten angry immediately, no matter what said, this is his wife's younger brother, looks in the Ying Zhexian share, this matter he has no alternative but to manage! 楚风顿时怒了,不管怎样说,这都算是他小舅子,看在映谪仙的份上,这件事他就不能不管! You let loose my brother!” Ying Xiaoxiao has the weeping voice to shout, the critical moment, she naturally very much loves dearly her elder brother, she can look, this person indeed is bringing evil intent, does not show mercy like Chu Feng. “你放开我哥!”映晓晓带着哭腔喊道,关键时刻,她自然很心疼她哥,她能看出来,此人的确带着歹意,不像楚风那样手下留情。 "hē hē, this universe so-called talent is the waste! ” That person sneers to say. “呵呵,这片宇宙所谓的天才都是废物!”那人冷笑道。
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