SR :: Volume #9

#858: Strong does not have the match

The Chu Feng azure clothes is pure, not having blood, the clothes sleeve show to move, he is overlooking the front, said: Why bother to come.” 楚风青衣洁净,没有一滴血液,衣袂展动,他俯视着前方,道:“何苦来哉。” His words sound is not high, but makes seven old women ashamed, the achievement Golden Body level several hundred over a thousand years, accumulated the long years, Dao Foundation is it may be said that deep. 他话语声不高,但是却让七名老妪羞愧,成就金身层次已经数百上千年,积累漫长岁月,可谓道基非常深厚。 Although cannot the achievement Sub Saint position, but, each of them is super expert, is more formidable than the general Golden Body character, may defeat. 虽然迟迟不能成就亚圣位,但是,她们每一个人都是超级高手,远比一般的金身人物强大,可还是败了。 Here is Great Dream Pure Land, a name will move the eternity evolution Sect, many years have not had this matter, got the gate, will be of far-reaching influence. 这里是大梦净土,一个名动千古的进化门派,多少年没有发生过这种事了,被人打上门来,影响深远。 Demon Chu Feng, you think that Great Dream Pure Land is a piece of plain, appointed how could you dash at will!” 楚风魔头,你以为大梦净土是一片平原吗,岂能任你随意冲撞!” An old woman wipes the blood of corners of the mouth, reveals to sneer, although she acknowledged that the Chu Feng's strength is indeed fearful, pursues Wu Lunhui, but, is really somewhat is unbearably angry, got the gate to compel the pressure, the innermost feelings are aggrieved. 一位老妪擦去嘴角的血液,露出冷笑,她虽然承认楚风的实力的确可怕,直追吴轮回,但是,真是有些气不过,被人打上门来逼压,内心憋屈。 One year ago, you do not give me the golden invitation, threatened that seals off my road of evolution, making me fall behind this time the talent, finally how? Now, I listen to your attending a meeting solitarily, comes to challenge and get married, finally you do not coordinate, must threaten that is attractive as before to me? I thought, you are this are return to one year ago road, meets pit. Why bother to come?” “一年前,你们不给我金色请柬,扬言封堵我的进化之路,让我落后这个时代的天才,结果如何?现在,我听你们的只身赴会,前来挑战并娶亲,结果你们还是不配合,依旧要扬言给我好看?我觉得,你们是这是重蹈一年前的覆辙,又会坑自己。何苦来哉?” Chu Feng opens the mouth gentle, finally that four characters some time ago had said that now raises again, stimulates to Great Dream Pure Land is not small. 楚风平和地开口,最后那四个字不久前就说过,现在再提,对大梦净土刺激不小。 Report, the imperial prince interview of emergence dynasty!” “报,羽化皇朝的皇子求见!” Report, Great Qi Dynasty's Princess visiting!” “报,大齐皇朝的公主拜访!” Report, Sub Immortal Clan heir apparent Ying Wudi presents outside the pure land, comes to visit friends.” “报,亚仙族世子映无敌出现净土外,前来访友。” Report, Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race and Princess come in waves!” “报,始魔族太子与公主联袂而来!” ...... …… Such the flash, unceasingly has disciple to come in to report, many guests visit, does not need to want also knows to be opens superior grade wormhole to catch up, must witness this heaven shaking storm. 就这么一瞬间,不断有弟子进来禀报,许多宾客登门,不用多想也知道是开启超级虫洞赶来的,要见证这场惊天风暴。 Does not see!” An old woman whispered, now this situation, sees any guest, lost face too. “都不见!”一位老妪低语道,现在这种情况,见什么客,太丢人了。 However, disciple consoles, said: Qin Luoyin Junior Sister once summoned the entire universe talent, invited them and fights a decisive battle with Chu Feng, who can defeat Demon Chu, she chose anyone, now came these many talents, whether we could borrow the strength?” 然而,一位弟子劝解,道:“秦珞音师妹曾召唤全宇宙的天才,请他们和跟楚风决战,谁能击败楚魔头,她就选谁,现在来了这么多天才,我们是不是可以借力?” The old woman face darken, said: Disgraced, my Great Dream Pure Land so is when weak, needs to borrow the external force unexpectedly?” 老妪脸色阴沉,道:“还是丢人,我大梦净土什么时候这般虚弱,竟需要借用外力?” Ok, please come , the paper cannot wrap up the fire, the matter that now has divulged a secret, how to conceal unable to conceal the truth again, might as well lets some people take action, common suppressed that demon, I do not believe that nobody can make he!” “算了,请进来吧,纸包不住火,现在发生的事情已经走漏风声,再怎么隐瞒也瞒不住,还不如让一些人出手,共同压制那魔头,我就不信,没人能制的了他!” Chu Feng is inducing carefully, his heart palpitates, has two groups of life flames in this Great Dream Pure Land deep place, is dormant in the underground most deep place, if not his Domain method great accomplishment, definitely cannot induce. 楚风在仔细感应,他心头悸动,在这大梦净土深处有两团生命火光,蛰伏在地下最深处,若非他场域手段大成,肯定感应不到。 He is Great Grandmaster, is most sensitive to the rusticity, the scene in entire piece of Mountains and Rivers is grasping, the careful investigation, naturally can the sensation to underground two big expert. 他是大宗师,对地气最敏感,整片山川内的景象都在掌握中,仔细探查,自然能感知到地下的两大高手 Most at least is Sub Saint, is having the deterioration aura, oneself should quick be decayed, life essence not many!” “最起码是亚圣,带着衰败气息,自身应该快腐朽了,寿元无多!” This makes Chu Feng enforce, realized, the evolution Sect foundation of this level was too solid, even if were known as that Saint walks cleanly, competes Godhood, but also some people stay behind actually assume personal command. 这让楚风严肃起来,意识到,这个层次的进化门派底蕴太深厚了,哪怕号称圣人都走干净,去争夺神位了,但其实还有人留下坐镇。 However, Chu Feng also guessed, did not arrive at the Great Dream Pure Land life and death time, the two will not be born, and their mostly take action several times, fleshly body and soul light were decayed. 不过,楚风也猜测出,不到大梦净土生死时刻,那两人不会出世,并且他们多半出手不了几次,肉身魂光都腐朽了。 Chu Feng is very tranquil, although the innermost feelings enforce, but, he did not fear! 楚风很平静,虽然内心严肃起来,但是,他并不怕! This is from own confidence, he is Domain Great Grandmaster, theoretically the person of fearless Sub Saint this level, must make war, if he is ready for any sacrifice, stops at nothing, who kills who is uncertain! 这是源自对自身的信心,他是场域大宗师,理论上来说无惧亚圣这个层次的人,真要开战,他要是豁出去的话,无所不用其极,谁杀谁还不一定呢! This is he dares to enter the universe most primary cause, even if meets true old Saint, really does not beat, he can also flee using Domain! 这是他敢进宇宙的最主要原因,即便遇上真正的老圣人,实在不敌,他也可以利用场域遁走! Luoyin, I want to see her, moreover your was Great Dream Pure Land to me too harsh, aimed at me again, when really I was the good nature, if not look in me is in your future Supreme Sect Lord share, my entirely suppress and kill and others!” 珞音呢,我想见她,另外你们大梦净土对我是不是太苛刻了,一而再的针对我,真当我是好脾气吧,如果不是看在我是你们未来太上教主的份上,我统统镇杀尔等!” When Chu Feng spoke of here, filled piece of murderous aura, simultaneously whole body blood energy proliferated, was similar to scarlet red True Dragon howls one after another, circles, stirring, was too big to the pressure of person. 楚风说到这里时,弥漫出一片杀气,同时周身血气扩散,如同一条又一条赤红色的真龙呼啸,盘旋,震撼人心,给人的压力太大了。 In addition, he is also filling astonishing Yang Qi, lets many young disciple complexion blanches, staggers to back up, feels unable to bear, is similar to facing him to a fearful Saint furnace, burns down divine soul! 此外,他还弥漫着惊人的阳气,让许多年轻弟子脸色发白,踉跄倒退,感觉受不了,面对他如同对着一座可怕的圣炉,焚烧神魂 Chu Feng, the demon, you are very strong, this we must acknowledge, but, the Great Dream Pure Land shame, do not think that nobody may suppress you.” An old woman is very strong, coldly shot a look at Chu Feng, then looks to the distant place, said: Asked Old Ancestor to go out!” 楚风,魔头,你很强,这我们得承认,但是,大梦净土不可辱,不要以为无人可压制你。”一位老妪很强势,冷冷瞥了一眼楚风,而后又看向远处,道:“请老祖出关!” This makes the Chu Feng heart jump, don't tell me can they use underground that two Saint Level expert now? 这让楚风心头一跳,难道他们现在就要动用地下那两个圣级高手 Quick, his knows have thought that a beard and hair pure white old man appears, old scary, the precisely Jun Tuo good friend, old Golden Body expert that lives from the antiquity, he ate the strange big medicine in the past, life essence rises suddenly. 很快,他知道自己多想了,一个须发洁白的老者出现,年岁大的吓人,正是钧驮的好友,从上古活下来的老金身高手,他当年误食奇异大药,寿元暴涨。 Otherwise, where has to live present Golden Body level expert from the antiquity, had outside few people, if the person of that time also already died in the Golden Body level. 不然的话,哪里有从上古活到现在的金身高手,出了个别人外,那个时代的人如果还只是在金身层次的话早就死光了。 The old man age is enormous, came from the distance, usually looks to smile, the hair is about not to have, dry, but actually starts the energy that fills to shock everybody now, particularly scary of soul light terrifying. 老者年岁极大,从远处走来,平日看着笑眯眯,头发都快没了,干巴巴,可是现在却开始弥漫惊世骇俗的能量,尤其是魂光恐怖的吓人。 „, Jun Tuo his son, the big nephew you also came, several days do not see, I especially think you.” “诶,钧驮他儿子,大侄子你也来了,几天不见,我就特别想你。” This old Golden Body opens the mouth, saw that Ouyang Feng that Ying Wudi, Yuan Shicheng and the others follow together, the incomparable enthusiasm, beckons to him. 这个老金身开口,一眼看到正跟映无敌、元世成等人一同走来的欧阳风,无比的热情,冲他招手。 Mmp......” Ouyang Feng thought, this is really unlucky, several days ago he travels directly is because could not endure this old man to be too warm, really could not bear, finally today just came back, met him. “mmp……”欧阳风觉得,这实在晦气,几天前他直接跑路就是因为忍不了这个老头子太热情,实在受不了,结果今天刚回来,又遇上他了。 Has looked like with your father Jun Tuo more and more, the big nephew, observes in side, looks at fierce of uncle.” The old men said, starts to look straight ahead Chu Feng. “跟你爹钧驮越来越像了,大侄子,在旁观战,看一看老叔的厉害。”老者说罢,开始直视楚风 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, his decayed fleshly body, flip-flop makes noise all of a sudden, whole person blood energy leaps, then the skeleton moves, suddenly he turns into a middle-aged man, is all of a sudden handsomer. 下一刻,他那腐朽的肉身,一下子噼啪作响,整个人血气腾起,而后骨骼移动,瞬息间他变成一个中年男子,一下子英俊很多。 Meanwhile, his soul light sparkle, fills the riot of color ray. 同时,他的魂光闪耀,弥漫出五色斑斓光芒。 Father, you, is leaving the say/way carefully!” The distant place, transmitted weak sound transmission, Little Daoist Priest came, means that Qin Luoyin appeared! “爹,你小心点,别着道!”远处,传来微弱的传音,小道士来了,也就意味着秦珞音出现! On the spot, many people on the ground, facing the pressure of this old man, they deeply feel weak frightened, is similar to facing a colossus, giant beast in a chaos, is incapable of contending. 现场,许多人瘫软在地上,面对这个老者的威压,他们深感惊悚,如同面对一头庞然大物,一头混沌中的巨兽,无力抗衡。 Especially his soul light, had oppressive. 尤其是他的魂光,太具有压迫性了。 Is Chu Feng changes countenance, this old man is powerful, touched Order Divine Chain, but why can't he enter in Sub Saint Dominion? 就是楚风都动容,这个老头子实力非常强,触及秩序神链了,但他为何没有能进入亚圣领域中? Buzz! 嗡! The next quarter, Chu Feng both ears thunders, at present becomes dark, his was attacked energetic. 下一刻,楚风双耳轰鸣,眼前发黑,他受到精神攻击。 But neighbor, many people faint thoroughly, sent in the dreamland by piece of variegated soul light, if that old man has a mind to kill people, this group of people must die. 而附近,不少人彻底昏死过去,被一片斑斓魂光送入梦境中,若是那老者有心杀人,这批人都得死。 Fierce, is this holds the dream to kill people?” Chu Feng is imposing, he a moment ago almost by hypnosis, almost lethargic sleep in the past, once hauled in the dreamland, the opposite party will possibly cut to kill him. “厉害,这就是托梦杀人吗?”楚风凛然,他刚才几乎被催眠,差点昏睡过去,一旦被拉进梦境,对方可能就会斩杀他。 Variegated soul light turns toward Chu Feng to attack wave after wave, is similar to tidal must submerge him. 斑斓魂光一波接着一波向着楚风冲击过来,如同潮水般要将他淹没。 Chu Feng is very calm, is naturally formidable enough, old monster that even if the opposite party lived from the antiquity, may as before not be Sub Saint, in the Golden Body range, he had the means to cope eventually. 楚风很冷静,自然足够强大,哪怕对方是从上古活下来的老怪物,可依旧不是亚圣,终究还是在金身范围内,他就有办法对付。 However, this enemy is indeed formidable enough, Chu Feng that compels uses the real ability, silently revolution Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, within the body god sound crack, the thunder and five internal organs resonating, with the flesh resonance, own golden light cover, is similar to the Divinity illumination. 不过,这个敌人的确足够强大,逼的楚风动用真本领,默默运转大雷音呼吸法,体内神音炸响,雷霆与五脏共振,与血肉共鸣,自身金光笼罩,如同神祇般发光。 Most important is, the thunder and soul light resonating, making him maintain sober, this is one of the World of the Living strongest breathing method, what Chu Feng displays is the World of the Living version, but World of the Dead has not modified. 最为重要是,雷霆与魂光共振,让他保持清醒,这可是阳间最强呼吸法之一,楚风施展的是阳间版,而是不阴间改动过的。 This might was too tyrannical, the time, he is similar to great furnace, roasts is roasting surrounding Evolver, making many people call out in alarm, wakes up from the lethargic sleep, then fast runs away, otherwise oneself must be lit. 这威力太强横了,顿时间,他如同一座洪炉,炙烤着周围的进化者,让许多人惊叫,从昏睡中醒来,而后快速逃遁,不然自身都要被点燃了。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng's within the body thunder sound thunders, the Yang Qi ebullition, attacking gives to disintegrate to his soul light, shakes disperses in void. 与此同时,楚风的体内雷音轰鸣,阳气沸腾,将冲击向他的魂光都给瓦解,震散在虚空中。 So-called request dream murder is invalid to him. 所谓托梦杀人对他无效。 Finally, this old man energetic dispirited, staggers to back up, does not beat Chu Feng. 最终,这个老者精神萎靡,踉跄倒退,也不敌楚风 At this time, Great Dream Pure Land, is these honored guests, very much shocked, the old monster that an antiquity lived was not the Chu Feng's match, was defeated, who can also surrender him in Golden Body Dominion? 这时,无论是大梦净土内部,还是那些贵客,都很震撼,一个上古活下来的老怪物都不是楚风的对手,被击败了,在金身领域中谁还能降服他? Makes me come!” “让我来!” At this time, in Great Dream Pure Land an old woman also just went out, was very old, leans on the walking stick to clash to Chu Feng. 这时,大梦净土中一位老妪也刚刚出关,十分苍老,拄着拐杖向楚风冲来。 Bang! 轰! The flash, she lays out a palm, everywhere is the snow white ray, divine force is astonishing. 一刹那,她拍出一掌,漫天都是雪白光芒,神力惊人。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng with her to the palm, feels a boundless energy to well up like the mountain torrent, compelling him to whole-heartedly, uses the fleshly body energy, blood energy is similar to Jianghai, erupts directly in outside the body, forms the intense red strong winds, sweeps across this place, the earth cracks. 楚风跟她对掌,感受到一股磅礴的能量如山洪般涌来,逼得他不得不全力以赴,动用肉身能量,血气如同江海,直接在体外爆发开来,形成强烈的红色狂风,席卷此地,大地崩裂。 Finally this strikes, two people back up, but Chu Feng is safe and sound, but the corners of the mouth of old woman are actually hanging the blood, is about unable to halt. 最终这一击,两人都倒退,但是楚风安然无恙,可是老妪的嘴角却挂着血,快站不住了。 Great Dream Pure Land another famous elder, an immeasurably deep old monster defeated! 大梦净土又一位名宿,一位深不可测老怪物败了! Makes me give a try!” “让我来试试看!” Finally, had the talent of outside to begin, after all concerned whether to marry Qin Luoyin, the younger generation naturally had many people to but for this reason bloody battle. 终于,有外界的天才动手了,毕竟关乎到能否娶秦珞音,年轻一代自然有许多人要为此而血战。 Even, Yuan Shicheng and Ying Wudi intent move, thinks take action very much. 甚至,元世成、映无敌都意动,很想出手 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In Great Dream Pure Land, Chu Feng holds up the head to stand, stands on the scene, these so-called universe level talents often some people horizontally fly, has the big piece blood splash, very chilly colorful. 大梦净土中,楚风昂首而立,站在场中,那些所谓的宇宙级天才不时有人横飞出去,带起大片的血花,非常的凄艳。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Great Dream Pure Land's person suck in a cold breath, can determine, this demon has gone against heaven's will, from the talent of Foreign Territory cultivation return is not his match, does he practice? 大梦净土的倒吸冷气,可以确定,这个魔头逆天了,从异域修炼归来的天才都不是他的对手,他到底是怎么修行的? I looked, even if Luoyin marries him, not very awful choice, after all he so formidable, only above Wu Lunhui, but not under him!” “我看,哪怕珞音嫁给他,也不算非常糟糕的选择,毕竟他是如此的强大,只在吴轮回之上,而不在他之下!” Key is we and his mutual hatred, already became enemies, moreover he gets the gate like this, this is compelling the palace, we lost face!” “关键是我们与他交恶,早已结下梁子,而且他这样打上门来,这是在逼宫,我们太丢面子了!” What face also wanted to the present, such formidable Heaven-Blessed character does not dare to enter to take in the gate, don't tell me must wait for him with running away of Wu Lunhui, was robbed by Sub Immortal Clan?” “到现在了还要什么面子,这么强大的天纵人物不敢进收进门中,难道还要等着他跟吴轮回似的跑掉,被亚仙族抢走?” ...... …… Great Dream Pure Land, some old monsters discussed, for this reason disputed, was very intense. 大梦净土内部,一些老怪物议论起来,为此而争执,很激烈。 Chu Feng discovered, Ying Wudi went on stage, he is not polite, this wife's younger brother always gives him the black face, happen to teaches while this opportunity. 楚风发现,映无敌上场了,他是没客气,这个小舅子总是给他黑脸,趁着这个机会正好教训一番。 In fact, Ying Wudi is very strong, but faces Demon King Chu that lets loose, as in a short time punched is very miserable. 事实上,映无敌很强,可是面对放开的楚魔王,依旧在短时间内被揍的很惨。 „, The elder brother, you became the airborne kite, unceasing spitting blood that hit, you from the sky flew, the blood line that spat arrive at the ground continually.” Ying Xiaoxiao also came, screamed there. “哇,哥,你都成空中风筝了,被人打的不断吐血,你在空中飞,吐的血线连到地上。”映晓晓也来了,在那里尖叫。 Ying Wudi has defeated, does not beat, is, he is very excited, unexpectedly very happy. 映无敌败了,根本不敌,可是,他却很兴奋,居然非常的高兴。 He was rumbled to fly, after coughing up blood continuously, once more in high spirits runs up to the Chu Feng near, said: brother Chu Feng, your really Heaven-Blessed supernatural might, fierce, I admire!” 他被轰飞出去,连续咳血后,再次兴冲冲的跑到楚风近前,道:“楚风兄,你果然天纵神武,厉害,我佩服之极!” The Chu Feng surprise, sees the wife's younger brother to be pleasing to the eyes finally. 楚风诧异,总算看着小舅子顺眼一些。 knows why, I do not feel like old friends at the first meeting to brother Chu Feng, especially likes, I want to become friends with...... his Balla Balla to say one pile with you. “不知道为何,我对楚风兄一见如故,特别喜欢,我想跟你结交……”他巴拉巴拉说了一堆。 Chu Feng is happy, this always unexpectedly discussed with this status to the wife's younger brother of his black face happily, compatibled very much, later found the opportunity to tell him, Wu Lunhui was Chu Feng, wants to come this brother-in-law not to conflict? 楚风心情不错,这个总对他黑脸的小舅子居然跟他这个身份相谈愉快,很合得来,以后找机会告诉他,吴轮回就是楚风,想来这舅子就不会那么抵触了吧? However, quick, the Chu Feng's face was black, thought to become empty/sky! 然而,很快,楚风的脸就黑了,刚才的念头成空! brother Chu Feng, I have the matter to ask you to assist, if you can defeat Wu Lunhui, I definitely will have thank again, but if you can prevent Wu Lunhui to marry into the wife's household my Ying Family, I am willing to deliver you wondrous medicines!” 楚风兄,我有事请你相助,你若是能够击败吴轮回,我必然会有重谢,而你如果能阻止吴轮回入赘我映家,我愿意送你一种圣药!” After Chu Feng hears his these words, immediately is slanting the eye to visit him, this wife's younger brother is really the natural disposition is difficult to move, unexpectedly wants to ask him to cope with Wu Lunhui! 楚风听到他这些话后,顿时斜着眼睛看他,这个小舅子真是禀性难移,居然想找他对付吴轮回 Ying Wudi then said: To be honest, if you can defeat Wu Lunhui, my rather you and my elder sister all are dao companion, is not willing to see that a boy enters our home. Naturally, the premise is, you can defeat Wu Lunhui.” 映无敌接着道:“说实话,如果你能够击败吴轮回,我宁愿你和我姐皆为道侣,也不愿意看到个小子进我们家门。当然,前提是,你能战败吴轮回。” Chu Feng endures to beat a he impulsion, this is always looking for the foreign aid to wife's younger brother this of his black face, but he, if knows Chu Feng is Wu Lunhui, what expression in the end can be? 楚风忍着殴打他一顿的冲动,这个总对他黑脸的小舅子这是在找外援,不过他如果知道楚风吴轮回,到头来会是什么表情? A conversation, Ying Wudi leaves, then talked to oneself in the distant place: Strange, this Chu Feng makes me agitated, felt that is the same with Wu Lunhui, is not the good thing!” 一番交谈,映无敌离开,然后在远处自语道:“奇怪,这个楚风怎么也让我烦躁,感觉跟吴轮回一样,都不是好东西!” shit! Chu Feng divine awareness was too keen, unexpectedly hears, he calculates that looked, was incompatible in character with this wife's younger brother day, the ancestors definitely were the biggest personal enemy! 玛德!楚风神觉太敏锐了,居然听到,他算看出来了,跟这小舅子天犯相,上辈子肯定是最大的仇人! Big demon...... Chu Feng, here walks, our Holy Daughter is invited!” “大魔……楚风,这边走,我们圣女有请!” Some people go forward, wants to call him Great Demon, but frightens changes a statement, because this young disciple instinct thought that does not suit, the pure land may agree that this Great Demon becomes Qin Luoyin's dao companion, the direction in the change! 有人上前,原本想叫他大魔头的,可是又吓得改口,因为这位年轻的弟子本能的觉得不太对劲,净土或许会同意这个大魔头成为秦珞音的道侣,方向在发生变化! Chu Feng however, walks toward Qin Luoyin there self-satisfied! 楚风迤迤然,向着秦珞音那里走去! All people realized, the wind direction is not quite right. 所有人都意识到,风向不太对。 Meanwhile, Great Dream Pure Land external unexpected visitor, he is sneering, said: peerless beautiful woman who in this piece of universe is listed sixth, I must look but actually beautifully.” 与此同时,大梦净土外来了不速之客,他冷笑着,道:“这片宇宙中排名第六的绝代丽人,我倒要看一看有多美。” He supplements one, said: Here so-called talent is a sickly person, is the sick person, was too weak!” 他又补充一句,道:“这里所谓的天才都是病秧子,全是病夫,都太弱了!” Then, he turns toward Great Dream Pure Land to rush directly. 然后,他直接向着大梦净土内部闯去。
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