SR :: Volume #9

#857: One the demon presses teaches

A Chapter 857 demon presses teaches 第857章一魔压一教 This planet is great and ancient, rotates in the starry sky slowly, pressure four directions. 这颗星球宏大而古老,在星空中缓缓转动,威压四方。 Its whole is filling the rich spiritual energy, Evolver of Moulding Shape level on this planet is very difficult to fly, this is the suppression of principle. 它整体都弥漫着浓郁的灵气,在这颗星球塑形层次的进化者都很难飞起来,这是法则的压制。 Chu Feng stands before Great Dream Pure Land, realized once more this ancient planet to stand out from the masses, he in Golden Body Great Perfection Realm, has touched Sub Saint Dominion now, the sensation is keen. 楚风站在大梦净土前,再次体会到了这颗古老星球与众不同,他如今在金身大圆满境界,触摸到亚圣领域,感知敏锐。 He can realize this stars the no small matter, even said unusually, void has Order Divine Chain one after another to let fall, extends. 他能体会到这颗星辰的非同小可,甚至说超凡,虚空中有一条又一条秩序神链在垂落,延伸过来。 The average people cannot see, the sensation, only has the powerhouse to have a sleep/felt, the principle is perfect, fills entire planet, suppresses weak one flying through the skies or escaping through the ground. 一般人看不到,感知不到,唯有强者可以有所觉,法则完善,弥漫整颗星球,压制弱者飞天遁地 Front, the beautiful mountain peak one after another, is surrounding the fog, some are hanging the waterfall, is growing several tens of thousands years of pine, the mountains and rivers are exceptionally grand. 前方,秀丽山峰一座又一座,都环绕着云雾,也有的挂着瀑布,长着数万年的青松,山河异常壮丽。 Some mountains are with overpowering momentum, scarlet light transpiration, some great mountain Golden-Red Clouds flow, the person of oppression must suffocate, they are twining the principle fragment. 一些大山气势磅礴,赤光蒸腾,有些大岳金霞流淌,压迫的人要窒息,它们都缠绕着法则碎片等。 But these are only place of corner Great Dream Pure Land can see, the deep place, Purple Qi that emits by Earth Vein in turns into the big dragon to hold up the head, was roaring, sending out terrifying pressure, there is the light of Order to sprinkle unceasingly, comprehended for the person. 而这些只是大梦净土所能看到的一隅之地,更深处,由地脉中冒出的紫气化成大龙在昂首,在咆哮,散发恐怖威压,也有秩序之光不断洒落,供人参悟。 Even if shortly after Chu Feng leaves by the Wu Lunhui's status, but comes back the feelings is very deep today again, when Earth thoroughly restores, can become such Holy Land? 哪怕楚风吴轮回的身份才离开不久,可今天再回来还是感触很深,地球什么时候彻底恢复,也能成为这样的圣地 At this time, outside front entrance presents a troop person, is staring at him, majority are Great Dream Pure Land's young disciple, looks to Chu Feng this Great Demon. 此时,前方山门外出现一大群人,都在盯着他,大多数都为大梦净土的年轻弟子,看向楚风这个大魔头 They to Chu Feng calculates on are greeting on first meeting, before more than one year, from pure land first goddess Qin Luoyin with the Chu Feng fierce combat, they start to pay attention. 他们对楚风算的上是“久仰”,一年多前,从净土的第一女神秦珞音楚风激战时,他们就开始关注。 But this is first time faces truly, naturally this is they believes, knows Wu Lunhui is not Chu Feng. 但这是第一次真正面对,当然这是他们自认为,并不知道吴轮回也是楚风 One crowd of person looks are bad, initially Chu Feng had nipped Qin Luoyin, that picture simply is...... Do not be too beautiful, once made in this pure lands young disciple grasp crazily, at that time was shouting in confusion, must collaborate to dismember a body Demon Chu Feng. 一群人都神色不善,当初楚风可是咬过秦珞音,那画面简直是……不要太美,曾让这片净土中很多年轻弟子抓狂,当时吵嚷着,要联手去将楚风魔头大卸八块。 However, as Great Demon Chu is getting more and more ominous crazily, one group of people do not dare to leave to start off. 但是,随着楚大魔头越来越凶狂,一群人不敢动身上路。 However, now had the favorable turn, Great Dream Pure Land many people once had entered Foreign Territory, the self-confident strength rose suddenly. 不过,如今发生转机,大梦净土很多人都曾进入过异域,自信实力暴涨。 Naturally, for these days they withered, even if Great Demon Chu one year has not appeared, is that savage, practices should not to fall behind, follows this time. 当然,这几天他们又萎了,楚大魔头哪怕一年没露头,还是那么凶残,修行应是没有落伍,跟上这个时代。 They are puzzling, they are why informed and experienced in Foreign Territory, how many months even if the unusual person can stay on, but also sufficiently can be as good as reality dozens seniorities, but Great Demon Chu Feng why? 他们百思不得其解,为什么,他们在异域历练,哪怕少有人能呆上几个月,可是也足以抵得上现实数十年功,而楚风大魔头凭什么? Chu Feng, you are bold, repeatedly provokes I to teach, affronts the pure land, today also dares to come to here!” A youth berated. 楚风,你胆大包天,屡次挑衅我教,冒犯净土,今天还敢来这里!”一位青年喝斥。 No matter what said, today Great Demon Chu Feng gets the gate to come on own initiative, this is to their challenges and disrespecting, should suppress him from the imposing manner first. 不管怎样说,今天楚风大魔头主动打上门来了,这就是对他们的挑战与不敬,从气势上应该先压制他。 At this time, many Evolver on native planet obtained the news, first caught up with the aid of Teleportation Domain, the opportunity was too rare, whether wants to look at the Demon Chu greatly noisy pure land! 这个时候,本土星球上的许多进化者得到消息,第一时间借助传送场域赶来,机会太难得,都想看一看楚魔头能否大闹净土! Comes to kneel secure.” “都过来跪安吧。” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, opens mouth is such under- flat, making the Great Dream Pure Land's younger generation all vision cold, wants this demon according to there, to rub him with the shoe sole. 楚风开口,一张嘴就是这么的欠扁,让大梦净土的年轻一代全都目光冷幽幽,真想将这魔头按在那里,用鞋底摩擦他。 Chu Feng, you especially are any thing, coming my Great Dream Pure Land also to dare to be like this rampant, you give me dead!” 楚风,你特么算什么东西,来我大梦净土还敢这样嚣张,你给我去死吧!” In Great Dream Pure Land temperament irritable youth shouts out, murderous aura is billowing, is raising a golden purple sledgehammer, this is expert of Golden Body level. 大梦净土中一位脾气火爆的青年大喝,杀气滚滚,提着一柄紫金大锤,这是一个金身层次的高手 He is also in this Dao Lineage a few has the person of big harvest in Foreign Territory, now the strength rises suddenly. 他也是这个道统中少数几个在异域有大收获的人,如今实力暴涨。 Of bang, he shoots the golden purple sledgehammer suddenly, suddenly, this rare treasure shines, the purple flame is dreadful, sends out the suffocating pressure. 轰的一声,他猛然掷出紫金大锤,一时间,这件秘宝发光,紫焰滔天,散发出让人窒息的威压。 In the dazzling ray, the golden purple sledgehammer increases, in a flash, it rises suddenly from half meter to several kilometers high high, such big golden purple hammer surmounts many mountain peaks, moreover is secret gold/metal refines, the bang pounds to Chu Feng. 在刺目的光芒中,紫金大锤变大,一瞬间,它由半米高暴涨到数千米高,这么大一柄紫金锤超越很多山峰,而且是秘金炼制,轰砸向楚风 On many planet, this is the myth reappears! 在许多星球上,这就是神话再现! This divine might, who can resist? Any universe battleship, the void fortress, cannot block this sledgehammer to pound! 这种神威,谁可抵挡?什么宇宙战舰,虚空堡垒等,都挡不住这大锤一砸! As can be seen, even if outside Great Dream Pure Land soil texture is hard, has the principle void, distortion that but was also pounded by the violent secret gold/metal Magical Artifact bang, the energy is billowing, the earth is splitting, if not there is a Domain protection, the mountain peak can explode, collapse. 可以看到,哪怕大梦净土外土质坚硬,虚空有法则,可是也被猛烈的秘金法器轰砸的扭曲了,能量滚滚,大地在裂开,若非有场域守护,山峰都会爆开,塌陷。 However, such flies, to break through the sonic barrier, to be able high-speed to rumble by far sufficiently the broken large expanse of mountain rare treasure, when having the tyrannical aura is rushing to the Chu Feng front actually all of a sudden by the anchorage. 然而,这样一柄高速飞来、远远突破音障、足以能轰碎成片大山的秘宝,在带着暴虐气息冲到楚风面前时却一下子被定住。 The Chu Feng under foot Domain rune sparkle, imprisonment is void! 楚风脚下场域符文闪耀,禁锢虚空! Then, he uses a hand gently point, this is similar to the mountain huge golden purple sledgehammer flies upside down, recently when also rapid, but also is fierce, erupts the purple thunder ray, had entrusted with a more formidable energy by Chu Feng. 接着,他用手轻轻一点,这如同山岳般巨大的紫金大锤倒飞出去,比来时还迅疾,还凶猛,爆发出紫色雷霆光芒,被楚风赋予了更加强大的能量。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Great Dream Pure Land's disciple each and every one can jump compared with the rabbit, all jumped to run, frightened the complexion blanch, too the evil livestock, a finger hammered poking the god, scary. 大梦净土的弟子一个个比兔子都能蹦,全都跳起来跑了,吓得脸色发白,太孽畜了,一根指头就将神锤给戳回来了,吓死人啊。 Is the rare treasure master, youth expert of that Golden Body level must take to one's heels to dash about wildly, his so-called violent temperament withdraw came, a few words do not dare to say. 就是秘宝的主人,那位金身层次的青年高手也得撒丫子狂奔,他所谓的暴脾气收起来了,一句话都不敢说。 Bang! 轰! The sledgehammer bang pounds in the front, destroys the earth by the speed that the naked eye may look , a several tens of thousands meters deep big hole was pounded, the stone spatters in all directions, the magma erupts, with judgment day. 大锤轰砸在前方,以肉眼可看的速度摧毁大地,一个数万米深的大坑被砸出来,土石迸溅,岩浆喷发,跟世界末日般。 Meanwhile, nearby several mountain peaks all drop down, then crashes that in huge black Abyss that expands unceasingly. 同时,附近的几座山峰全都跟着倒下,然后坠落进那正在不断扩张的巨大黑色深渊中。 Quite savage, worthily is Demon Chu, this cultivation base practices, Earth such mysterious and fearful? One year, others whet using Foreign Territory, are equal to dozens over a hundred years of practicing, but how does he try to catch up?” “好凶残,不愧是楚魔头,他这一身修为是怎么练成的,地球这么的神秘与可怕吗?一年的时间,别人利用异域磨砺,相当于数十上百年的修行,而他怎么迎头赶上来的?” Has a troop person behind Chu Feng's, is native Evolver, from this planet other Sect. 楚风的背后有一大群人,都是本土进化者,来自这颗星球其他门派 One group of people are scared, whole body is goosebumps, the feeling is frightened, to the capital of Chu Feng this overlord, is awed at the sight, a finger creates so fearful destructive power, who isn't afraid? 一群人都发毛,浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩,感觉惊悚,对楚风这种霸王之资,望而生畏,一根指头造成如此可怕破坏力,谁不害怕? Your courage are not small, saw that future Supreme Sect Lord also dares to speak impertinently, comes to salute upon meeting.” Chu Feng opens the mouth in behind. “你们胆子不小,看到未来的太上教主还敢口出不逊,都过来见礼吧。”楚风在后面开口。 Runs into one group of people in entrance, the each and every one complexion is ugly, god fucking Supreme Sect Lord, this demon is not already concerned about face, is very flagitious, was not good to cope. 逃进山门中的一群人,一个个脸色难看,神特么的太上教主,这魔头既不要脸,也十分凶残,太不好对付了。 Chu Feng takes a step, walks toward entrance directly, one step takes far of that several li (0.5 km) place, that is quite fearful and fast. 楚风迈步,直接就向山门走去,一步迈出那就数里地之远,那是相当的可怕与快速。 One crowd of young disciple turn around to run immediately again, they feel lose face too, this is in own entrance, finally by running away of person such crush. 一群年轻弟子顿时转身再跑,他们感觉太丢人,这可是在自家门口,结果被人这样碾压的逃窜。 However, after entering the entrance deep place, they have felt at ease, has to protect to teach the large-scale Domain protection, they do not believe Chu Feng to go easily and freely, dare dissolute hard to rush. 不过,进入山门深处后,他们就安心了,有护教大型场域守护,他们就不信楚风可以如履平地,敢放肆的硬闯。 However, was quick they unable to rely on, Chu Feng such entered the entrance, under foot rune leaps the big piece the bright, was then getting more and more radiant. 然而,很快他们就无法自恃了,楚风就这么走进山门,脚下符文腾起大片的亮光,而后越来越璀璨。 Arrived afterward, a beam of light has shot up to the sky together, likely is one after another volcanic eruption, illuminates the boundless vault of heaven, rune is densely covered, covers this place. 到了后来,一道又一道光束冲天而起,像是一座又一座火山喷发,照亮苍茫天穹,符文密布,笼罩此地。 Chu Feng has such come, he is Domain Great Grandmaster, the entrance cannot block him now, what naturally is main is this group of people does not have activation true large-scale Domain. 楚风就这么进来了,他如今是场域大宗师,山门拦不住他,当然最主要的是这群人没有激活真正的大型场域 He such enters, transforms rapidly, had the entrance control. 他就这么进入,迅速改造起来,掌握了山门的控制权。 In fact, in Chu Feng originally is expected, wants to enter the Great Dream Pure Land's entrance, here battle should be most intense, even he must pay the price. 事实上,在楚风原本的预料中,想进大梦净土的山门,这里的厮杀应该最激烈,甚至他得付出代价。 Where expects, Great Dream Pure Land has a low opinion of the enemy, discards the large-scale Domain control directly, lets him, if the shoes flat land, such overcomes an obstacle successfully. 哪里预料到,大梦净土太轻敌,直接丢掉大型场域的控制权,让他若履平地,就这么闯关成功。 Chu Feng has smiled, after occupying here, he can arrange slowly, can penetrate in Great Dream Pure Land finally! 楚风笑了,占据这里后,他就可以慢慢布置了,能最终深入大梦净土中! He is very discrete, not unscrupulous rushes to, because of his clear knows, in this piece of universe is impossible not to have Sub Saint, is in Great Dream Pure Land possibly has, therefore the careful arrangement, was in an impregnable position by oneself using the Domain Great Grandmaster status, changes course with Domain, completely changes rune in mountains. 他很谨慎,并没有肆无忌惮的向里闯,因为他清楚的知道,这片宇宙中不可能没有亚圣,就是大梦净土中都可能有,因此小心的布置,利用场域大宗师的身份让自己立于不败之地,用场域改道,彻底改变山川中的符文 Dissolute, 10,000 years, recent antiquity nobody hardly has also dared to rush to my Great Dream Pure Land, Chu Feng, the demon, do you dare to come our Dao Lineage heavily to provoke, court death?!” “放肆,10000年了,近古还没有人硬敢闯我大梦净土,楚风,魔头,你敢来我们道统重地挑衅,找死吗?!” An old man, is similar to the lion, the whole face falls the cheek beard, is the golden color, the overwhelming power, the whole body golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), fly high to come, to grasp a lance, bang, punctures forward. 一个老头子,如同雄狮般,满脸落腮胡须,都是金色的,十分威猛,浑身金光万丈,凌空而来,手持一杆长矛,轰的一声,向前刺去。 Golden Body Great Perfection, even touches Sub Saint the strength of Order, his lance punctures, the surrounding mountain peak thunders, fierce shaking, if in the outside, does not have in the situation that Domain protects, many mountain peaks must be cracked, even blasts out. 金身大圆满,甚至触及到亚圣秩序之力,他一矛刺来,周围的山峰轰鸣,剧烈摇动,若是在外界,没有场域守护的情况下,诸多山峰都要龟裂,甚至炸开。 Because, the aura of this old man was too powerful, the energy is rich, suppresses all directions! 因为,这个老者的气息太强盛了,能量浓郁,压制八方 Chu Feng reveals being astonished color, this Dao Lineage inside story is really uncommon, this Golden Body Great Perfection person strength is indeed profound, is he does not dare to be negligent. 楚风露出讶色,这种道统果然底蕴不凡,这种金身大圆满的人实力的确高深,就是他也不敢大意。 Therefore, Chu Feng finger golden yellow, blood energy is similar to the immortal sword bursts out, the direct impact clouds, he mixes Lightning Fist and Vairocana Fist, mixes in together, the bystander cannot understand, but, the energy is vigorous, making his finger destroy the hardest defenses, is having the Jianghai golden energy. 为此,楚风手指金黄,血气如同仙剑般迸发,直冲云霄,他糅合闪电拳大日如来拳,混合在一起,外人看不懂,但是,能量雄浑霸道,让他的手指无坚不摧,带着江海般的金色能量。 dang! 当! Chu Feng with the finger light shell lance front, shakes to be very high it, but the fingers/tiger mouth of that old man directly cracks, blood long class. 楚风用手指轻弹矛锋,将它震起很高,而那老者的虎口则直接崩裂,鲜血长流。 This...... Really the demon has the youngster!” “这……真是魔头出少年!” This is similar to lion old man backs up, cannot bear the opens the mouth, he shocks, this cultivation base knows did not accumulate many years, finally meets a youth, unexpectedly falls in leeward. 这个如同雄狮般的老者倒退,忍不住开口,他非常震撼,他这种修为知道积累了多少年,结果遇上一个青年,居然落于下风。 Kills!” “杀!” Old man shouts out, the full head golden color sends silk to dance in the air, in the hand the lance illumination, around the lance front interweaves dozens golden small Sun, each is the incarnation of energy. 老者大喝,满头金色发丝飞舞,手中长矛发光,矛锋周围交织出数十颗金色的小太阳,每一颗都是能量的化身。 Bang! 轰! When he punctures once more, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the ghost crying god is howling, various phenomenon came out, is the energy burst is too mainly terrorist. 当他再次刺出时,天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎,各种异象都出来了,主要是能量爆发太恐怖。 Chu Feng lifts the fist then the bang, this place immediately becomes the golden energy sea, has seethed with excitement! 楚风举拳就轰,这个地方顿时成为金色能量海洋,沸腾了起来! Bang! 轰隆! Had golden small Sun to fly, that was at the old man lance front was hanging energy ball of light, was hit to explode, the part by Chu Feng departs. 有金色的小太阳飞出来了,那是老者矛锋上挂着的能量光团,被楚风打爆一些,还有部分飞出。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 After a golden small Sun falls into the outside, eight great mountain peaks blast out fully, explode break to pieces in same place, several including root pull up, at high sky by bang. 一颗金色的小太阳落入外界后,足有八座宏大的山峰炸开,爆碎在原地,还有几座连根拔起,被轰上高天 At this moment, observing the might of talented person knows that lance strong! 这一刻,观战的人才知道那一矛的威力到底有多强! Wants knows, at the lance front to hang dozens small Sun! 知道,矛锋上可是挂着数十颗小太阳! !” “噗!” The old man big mouth coughs up blood, in the hand grasps is succeeding in giving up two sections of lances, flew horizontally, hits on a mountain peak, flows off the big piece the bloody water. 老者大口咳血,手中握着断成两截的长矛,横飞了出去,啪的一声撞在一座山峰上,流下大片的血水。 „Do you like this greet in the future Supreme Sect Lord?” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “你们就是这样迎接未来太上教主的?”楚风开口。 „Your you......” old man could not speak, many years, the recent antiquity never some people have also dared to enter Great Dream Pure Land, like this pushed directly into. “你你你……”老者说不出话来,多少年了,近古还从未有人敢打进大梦净土,这样长驱直入呢。 This youth demon was too fearful, a strength is immeasurably deep, does not have the magical power enemy including him unexpectedly, made into the severe wound. 这个青年魔头太可怕了,一身实力深不可测,连他都居然无法力敌,就被打成重伤。 In fact, Chu Feng has shown mercy, otherwise, old man, although is fierce, will be struck to kill by him. 事实上,楚风已经手下留情,不然的话,老者虽然厉害,也会被他击杀。 Since entering the entrance, he has not killed one person, is mainly feared noisy is too stiff, has no way to confess to Qin Luoyin. 自从进入山门后,他还没有杀一人,主要是怕闹的太僵,没法对秦珞音交代。 Naturally, since he came, the Great Demon Chu elegant demeanor does not allow to crash, he is crosses Star Territory to come, is gets the gate, is doomed to shock Star Sea. 当然,既然他来了,楚大魔头的风采也不容坠落,他是横渡星域而来,是打上门来的,注定要震撼星海 Really, the news first reaches the universe. 果然,消息第一时间传进宇宙。 Extra, the extra, the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering news, Great Demon Chu Feng is supernaturally brave, true It takes constant vigilance to stave off evil, he sweeps away Great Dream Pure Land, a person suppresses sufficiently teaches, was too scary!” “号外,号外,惊天动地的消息,楚风大魔头神勇无敌,真正的道高一尺魔高一丈,他一路横扫进大梦净土,一人足以压制一教,太骇人了!” This initiates the dreadful mighty waves, across the universe in an uproar, past, Chu Feng's already spread savage, but, such savage demon initially heard today. 这引发滔天波澜,宇宙各地都哗然,昔日,楚风的凶残就早已传出,但是,今天这么凶残的魔头还是初闻。 Where is Great Dream Pure Land? This is not general Sect, in the universe ranks before, does Demon Chu Feng such visit to kill?! 大梦净土是什么地方?这可不是一般的门派,在宇宙中都排名靠前,楚风魔头就这么登门杀进去了?! This...... Too astonishing, it seems like that this passing by the road money cannot save, Heavenspan Worm-hole Company Vampire opens superior grade wormhole to me, I must go to Great Dream Pure Land, witnesses this heaven shaking storm. What, warned me? Does not do right by, I was affected by Demon Chu Feng, listening to him to shout you Vampire, I also read smoothly saying that is not to a precedent, next time will not dare absolutely.” “这……太惊人,看来这个过路钱不能省,通天虫洞公司吸血鬼给我开个超级虫洞,我要去大梦净土,见证这场惊天风暴。啥,警告我?对不住,我被楚风魔头影响了,听他喊你们吸血鬼,我也顺嘴说出,下不为例,下次绝对不敢了。” Then, this Evolver shouts 'motherfucker' then back, said: Scratches, when Great Demon Chu Feng shouted you Vampire, how hadn't you responded?” 然后,这个进化者就背后骂娘,道:“擦,楚风大魔头喊你们吸血鬼时,你们怎么没反应?” Because, he is our top distinguished guests, sells the goods to be innumerable, our Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's channel that uses, we naturally gives to give favored treatment regarding the distinguished guest, must respect.” “因为,他是我们的顶级贵宾,卖货无数,都用的我们通天虫洞公司的通道,对于贵宾我们自然给予优待,要尊敬。” That Evolver had a scare, in the back, opened the wormhole, but also spreads the sound, he hurries the entry wormhole without saying a word to start off, does not dare the multi- languages. 那位进化者吓了一大跳,就在背后,开启了虫洞,还传出声音,他赶紧蔫不出溜的的进入虫洞上路,不敢多语。 At this moment, person who has the background, many started off, wants to look at Chu Feng what kind of savage, dares to rush to Great Dream Pure Land to assume an awe-inspiring pose solitarily. 这一刻,有来头的人,许多都上路了,想一看楚风何等的凶残,敢只身闯大梦净土去发威。 Started off including Ying Wudi and silver-haired Little Loli, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Vermilion Bird fairy maiden and the others. 包括映无敌、银发小萝莉、元世成、元媛、朱雀仙子等人都上路了。 Good guts, the demon, you were really insane, my Great Dream Pure Land hundreds of thousands of years auspicious safe, you dare to rush like this hardly!” “好胆,魔头,你真是疯了,我大梦净土数十万年都祥和平安,你敢这样硬闯!” In front of Chu Feng, seven old women block the way, collaborates to keep off in the front, the complexion is pale, is staring at him, prepares to collaborate to suppress Great Demon Chu Feng. 楚风面前,七位老妪阻住去路,联手挡在前方,脸色铁青,都在盯着他,准备联手镇压楚风大魔头 „It is not you asks me to get married? I came, I must set up my child am Sect Lord, do not exhibit such death face, later I am your Supreme Sect Lord, hasn't come to welcome the emperor?” “不是你们叫我来娶亲的吗?我来了,我要立我的孩子为教主,都不要摆出这样的死人脸,以后我就是你们的太上教主,还不过来接驾?” Chu Feng said lightly, a youth, keeps up appearances now is very big, overlooks all people. 楚风平淡地说道,一个青年而已,现在摆谱很大,俯视所有人。 Naturally, this is also because the opposite party manner is bad, Chu Feng counter-attack without hesitation, the domineering overcomes an obstacle. 当然,这也是因为对方态度非常恶劣,楚风才毫不犹豫的反击回去,强势闯关。 Wild, young demon, you give me accept your coming fate, everybody, suppresses him together!” “猖狂,小魔头,你给我纳命来吧,各位,一起镇压他!” Seven Golden Body Great Perfection expert take action, joins up, simultaneously kills to Chu Feng, shells to him, the energy is boundless, the world thunders, Order rune interweaves the part. 七位金身大圆满高手出手,联合起来,同时杀向楚风,对他轰击,能量磅礴,天地轰鸣,秩序符文都交织出来部分。 Seven big expert collaborate, this cannot imagine simply, heavy has this fight in Great Dream Pure Land's, in lets teach the disciple complexion blanch. 七大高手联手,这简直不可想象,在大梦净土的重地发生这种战斗,让教内弟子脸色发白。 Their first time realized, before had underestimate Chu Feng how, this demon was too terrifying, was that Wu Lunhui now has resulted in the big good fortune, not necessarily can side by side. 他们第一次意识到,以前有多么的低估楚风,这魔头太恐怖了,就是那吴轮回如今得了大造化,都不见得能比肩。 Bang! 轰! Finally, seven big expert after Chu Feng fights intensely some time, all flies upside down, each one corners of the mouth bleed, the weapon lets go to go, flying sword has broken off four handles, is the age gold/metal casts, originally tenacious immortal, but is broken by smashing with stone by the Chu Feng's golden color fist now! 最终,七大高手楚风激烈交手一段时间后,全都倒飞出去,个个嘴角淌血,兵器脱手而去,飞剑更是折断了四柄,都是庚金铸成,原本坚韧不朽,但现在都被楚风的金色拳头砸断! Chu Feng sets up in the body field, shoulders both hands, stands one's ground steadfastly, clothes sleeve dances in the breeze, flap flap makes noise, is similar to fights the immortal being near dust, the imposing manner is swift and fierce, all people of suppression must suffocate! 楚风立身场中,背负双手,岿然不动,衣袂飘舞,猎猎作响,如同战仙临尘,气势凌厉,压制的所有人都要窒息!
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