SR :: Volume #9

#856: The family/home has my good wife

I love dearly, the liver hurts, really cannot bear, who went to Earth extinguishing that demon, was too rampant, you looked at his cocky, must ascend the sky. It is not a demon, the person who seizes one crowd of preliminary Golden Body levels has any extraordinary, goes to a Golden Body Great Perfection person, hits remnantly him, lets his tears tears long class, kneels apologizes in the starry sky, so is not insufficient the even popular indignation!” “我心疼,肝疼,真是受不了,谁去地球将那个魔头给灭了,实在太嚣张,你们看他得瑟的,都要上天了。不就是一个魔头吗,擒住一群初阶金身层次的人有什么了不起,去一个金身大圆满的人,将他打残,让他涕泪长流,跪在星空中请罪,不如此不足以平民愤!” Has the temperament irritable person, seriously is stamping one's foot of air/Qi, saw that Chu Feng provokes like this various clan troops, thought that in the heart the vexed fire, seethes with rage. 有脾气火爆的人,当真是气的跳脚,看到楚风这样挑衅各族人马,觉得心中怄火,七窍生烟。 Mainly is because, in their eyes, Great Demon Chu Feng is a feudal bully, is a big scoundrel, initially very shameless makes kidnapper to sell their relatives and friends, now thinks that his fell behind, finally cannot follow this time the step of talent, has not thought of him not only also with the Great Leap Forward, but also is more savage. 主要是因为,在他们眼中,楚风大魔头是一个恶霸,是一个大混账,当初很无耻的做人贩子卖他们的亲朋,现在原以为他的落伍了,终于跟不上这个时代的天才的步伐,没有想到他不仅也在跟着大跃进,还更凶残。 After fighting initially, the demon holds the banner, on Beast Source Platform demonstrated that his so-called Chu Family shop, simultaneously specially writes: The mountain is not having the immortal high famous, the shop is not having the special product greatly then the spirit. 初步交手后,那魔头打出旗号,在原兽平台上展示他那个所谓的楚家小店,同时特别写着:山不在高有仙则名,店不在大有特产就灵。 This may really be may endure what else cannot be tolerated, goes too far, hasn't seen? He becomes one string that twenty talent hitches, with putting on to ice Tanghulu, with tying up one string of native place bird, very casual bunch becomes a big string, that is one crowd of universe level talents, by his types of swayed rackets, the picture exhibitions of various modeling was filled his Chu Family shop, this kidnapper old problem has violated, must sell the person . Moreover the very shameless high price extorts! 这可真是是可忍孰不可忍,欺人太甚,没看到吗?他将那二十几名天才栓成一串,就跟穿冰糖葫芦似的,也跟绑了一串老家雀儿似的,很随便的捆成一大串,那可是一群宇宙级天才,被他各种摆拍,各种造型的照片陈列满他的楚家小店,这个人贩子老毛病又犯了,要卖人,而且很无耻的高价勒索! Everybody, I also has no recourse, Great Dream Pure Land invited me to go to their there to get married, gets married my kid's mother Qin Luoyin, however, did not give me the travel expense. Your knows, my this is a shop, suffers no loss of capital the management, maintains reluctantly, therefore this forced selling point local product, collects some travel expenses, good please exceedingly high wormhole one group of bastards and Vampire in company open the wormhole to me, crosses starry sky, goes to bride's home to escort her to the wedding. Therefore, holds money Chang richly, does not have money holds individual field , helping one another much. Has good that words said that within the four seas all the brothers, fellow brothers, please support. The Chu Family shop starts doing business after one year once more, hopes the most favorable auspices!” “各位,我也是迫不得已,大梦净土邀请我去他们那里娶亲,迎娶我孩子他娘秦珞音,但是呢,又不给我路费。你们知道的,我这是小店,保本经营,勉强维持,所以这次迫不得已卖点土特产,凑些路费,好请通天虫洞的公司的一群王八蛋、吸血鬼给我开启虫洞,去横渡星空,去迎亲。所以,各位有钱的捧个钱场,没钱的捧个人场,多多相助。有句话说的好,四海之内皆兄弟,各位兄弟,请你们来捧场。楚家小店时隔一年再次开业,希望大吉大利!” Chu Feng this talked irresponsibly, all troops of air/Qi want to extinguish him immediately, the clansman of talent particularly this crowd was captured, that may really be the heart in the drop blood. 楚风这一通瞎掰,气的各方人马想立刻灭了他,尤其是这群被擒住的天才的族人,那可真是心都在滴血。 Whose knows Demon Chu heart is not black, in the past when sold Visualising and Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's Divine Son and Holy Daughter, in daylight robbery, having made various clan livers hurt, endures suffering is extorted. 谁不知道楚魔头心黑,过去卖观想餐霞境界的神子圣女时,就已经在狮子大开口,让各族肝疼,忍痛被勒索。 Now, in the fucking clan strongest talent captured of Golden Body level, makes them become dark simply at present, that Demon Chu cursed that Heavenspan Worm-hole Company is Vampire, will be he absolutely compared with Vampire also hateful hundred times, this time can want the human life simply, will make various clans spit blood absolutely greatly. 现在,特么的族中金身层次的最强天才被俘虏,简直让他们眼前发黑,那楚魔头大骂通天虫洞公司吸血鬼,可是他绝对会比吸血鬼还可恶百倍,这次简直会要人命,绝对会让各族大吐血。 I said that everybody, you have a heart of stone , the stone of heart in compared with latrine pit is hard, such helplessly looks that the juniors head/number of people in clan does fall to the ground? Words as the saying goes, money is things, you want that many what to use, what this world is most precious is the life.” “我说,各位,你们真是铁石心肠,心比茅坑里的石头还要硬,就这么眼睁睁的看着族中的子弟人头落地吗?俗话说的话,钱乃身外之物,你们要那么多何用,这个世间最珍贵的是命啊。” Chu Feng heaves a deep sigh, then, facing the entire universe live transmission, carries a Golden Body level directly the talent, looks at his pallid face, said: This you, we have seen, I remember probably you can arrange in entire universe talent list first hundred, you said why bother you come, scurries to please running over to make me sell? You want knows, was sold the risk, entering the market is discrete, this is a dyes with blood big hole! You had not noticed that your grandfather does not kiss, the uncle does not love, nobody wants to redeem you. Right, probably before then, I hear you to scold happiest? Has satirized me, said that I do not use for parts How lonely is the invincible that golden color account number, added that any hand can pinch me, can jump compared with anyone. don't tell me you have not heard, the rafter that raising one's head is rotten first, nobody redeems you, it seems like you must rot first!” 楚风摇头叹息,然后,面对全宇宙直播,直接拎过来一个金身层次的天才,看着他煞白的脸,道:“这位兄台,咱见过吗,我好像记得你能排进全宇宙天才榜前百名内,你说你这是何苦来哉,上赶着跑过来让我卖吗?你要知道,被卖有风险,入市需谨慎,这可是一口染血的大坑!你没看到吗,你姥爷不亲,舅舅不爱,都没人想将你赎回去。对了,在此之前,我好像听到你骂的最欢是吧?一直讽刺我,说我不配用无敌是多么寂寞那个金色帐号,还说什么一只手就能捏死我,比谁都能跳。难道你没有听说过,出头的椽子先烂,没人赎你,看来你是要先烂掉啊!” Chu Feng said, in his shop, the hand has the blade to fall, directly this person chopping, the animal head tumbled, this hominization leaves the main body, is huge ferocious beast, blood energy like the smoke, the scales is dense, is fierce, a little looks like legendary beast. 楚风说罢,在他的小店中,手起刀落,直接将此人给剁了,兽头翻滚,此人化出本体,是一头庞大的凶兽,血气如烟,鳞甲森森,非常狰狞,有点像梼杌 In the starry sky, each region shocks, a moment ago this Demon Chu added well, now chops the person directly, is too savage. 星空中,各地震撼,这楚魔头刚才还说的好好的,现在直接砍人,实在太凶残。 The elder of black scale legendary beast this clan sees this secretly, loves dearly almost faints, becomes dark seriously at present, the mouth is rank, the big mouth spits blood. 黑鳞梼杌这一族的长辈见到这一幕后,心疼的差点昏死过去,当真是眼前发黑,嘴巴腥咸,大口吐血。 My family qilin child,...... Such died, had been killed, he is the powerhouse of Golden Body level, has the person of big chance, actually untimely death, Demon King Chu you send any insanity, why does not wait for me to redeem a slave cuts to kill, I and you am unable to co-exist, must kill your soul!” “我家麒麟儿,啊啊啊……就这么死了,被人杀了,他可是金身级的强者,有大机缘的人,却英年早逝,楚魔王你发什么疯,为何不等我赎人就斩杀,我与你势不两立,必杀你生魂!” The elder of this clan angrily roars, tooth must cut by biting, the heart in the drop blood, did not endure. 该族的长老怒吼,牙齿都要咬断了,心都在滴血,忍受不了。 „Can this blame me? I hawked for a long time, your nobody bought, I think that this local product quality was too bad, nobody wanted, that can only kill has eaten the meat, turned head please one group of brothers to eat the legendary beast hot pot, Inferior Divine Beast of Golden Body level, wants to come to be delicious, before ate were not many.” “这能怪我?我都叫卖好长时间了,你们没人买,我以为这个土特产品质太差,没人要,那只能杀了吃肉,回头请一群兄弟去吃梼杌火锅,金身层次的亚神兽,想来味道鲜美,以前吃的可是不多。” Chu Feng did not explain good, such an explanation, simply initiated the popular anger, one group of people want to spurt him with the saliva. 楚风不解释还好,这么一解释,简直引发众怒,一群人都想用口水喷死他。 Quarrelled anything, the Chu Family shop always so, the prestige ensure the cargo was not good to process firmly, did not sell the counterfeit goods, treated both the young and old honestly, quality first! Good, then sells, the remaining some people buy, words that nobody buys, when the counterfeit goods process, the head store rather does business at a loss, does not take substandard products as fine products.” “吵什么,楚家小店一向如此,信誉保证,货物不好坚决处理掉,绝不卖假货,童叟无欺,品质第一!好了,接着卖,剩下这些有人买吗,没人买的话,也都当假货处理掉,本店宁可赔本,绝不以次充好。” These words, related side wants to shout 'motherfucker', but nobody dares, moreover is fighting for the offer, for fear that the talent in clan was regarded the defective product to process by him 这些话语一出,相关方都想骂娘,但是没有一个人敢,而且全都争抢着报价,生怕族中的天才被他当成残次品处理掉 One group of people register enthusiastically, is very positive, rushing to be first redeems the eminent in oneself clan, lest by Great Demon Chu Feng cutting. 一群人踊跃报名,无比积极,争先恐后的赎自己族中的翘楚,唯恐被楚风大魔头给剁掉。 All people comprehend, the person of onlooking also understands, the kidnapper method that this is not concerned about face, cuts one intentionally, the remaining so-called local product that called one to sell! 所有人都领悟,旁观的人也都明白,这就是不要脸的人贩子的手段,故意剁掉一个,剩下的所谓土特产那叫一个好卖! Now does not need him saying that various clan which dare not to buy, is one by one positive, does not need him to continue to call there. 现在都不用他多说了,各族哪个敢不买,一个比一个积极,都不用他在那里继续吆喝。 A little I must stress, the universe coin as well as general spiritual medicine do not do to raise, I am only interested in the Sub Saint Dominion medicament, naturally, you, if gives me divine medicine, I do not decline and reject, welcome and thanks.” “有一点我得强调,宇宙币以及一般的灵药休要提,我只对亚圣领域的药剂感兴趣,当然,您要是给我神药,我也绝不推辞与拒绝,欢迎与感谢。” Can face loyalty not jump said this words also only then Chu Feng, extorted, did not let off one, let various clan massive hemorrhage. 能脸不红心不跳说出这种话的也就只有楚风了,敲诈勒索,不放过一个,让各族大出血。 Really, the faces of all people were green, one year ago he also demanded that cultivates Golden Body Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, is the present, so long as the Sub Saint medicament, daylight robbery, this medicine average person could not have withstood. 果然,所有人的脸都绿了,一年前他还只是索要修炼金身六道轮回丹呢,可是现在只要亚圣药剂,狮子大开口,这种药一般人还真承受不起。 However, without the means that does not take the words that the medicament redeems a slave, the talent in family must die. 但是,没有办法,不拿药剂赎人的话,家族中的天才就得死。 Clearance sale, passed through to pass by do not miss!” Chu Feng is carrying the big thin-bladed knife, shouting, prepares clearance processing. “清仓甩卖,走过路过不要错过!”楚风拎着大片刀,嚷嚷着,准备清仓处理。 Finally, various clans quite decisive, immediately agreed his request, contacts with him secretly, provided has let the Chu Feng satisfactory price. 结果,各族相当的果断,立刻同意他的要求,暗自联系他,都提供了让楚风满意的价格。 Relax, after Sub Saint medicine, I ensure immediately transmits the local product, the prestige guaranteed, your trustworthy Chu Family shop!” “放心,亚圣药到了后,我保证立刻发送土特产,信誉保证,您值得信赖的楚家小店!” Is listening to Chu Feng there cocky, all people want to pat him! 听着楚风在那里得瑟,所有人都想拍死他! Who can kill him, I do not believe in evil doctrines, the Golden Body Great Perfection person is not his match, goes to several people and ensure hits to explode him!” Some people indignantly. “谁能去杀了他,我就不信邪,金身大圆满的人不是他对手,多去几个人,保证将他打爆!”一些人气愤不过。 Sees today this, universe regional many talents, several hundred Divine Son and Holy Daughter complexion is most at least pale, they have the sold experience. 看到今日这一幕,宇宙各地许多天才,最起码有数百神子圣女都脸色铁青,他们都有过被卖的经历。 At this time, Chu Feng used own golden account number, demonstrated the Chu Family shop there, suitable self- good, said: Everybody, should not be air/Qi, now you thought that was captured by me somewhat depressed, but, ten years pass by, hundred years pass by, later you will take this as the honor!” 这时,楚风动用自己的金色帐号,在那里展示楚家小店,相当的自我良好,道:“各位,别气,现在你们觉得被我俘虏有些郁闷,但是,十年过去,百年过去,以后你们会以此为荣!” This saying exit|to speak, the Star Sea deep place cooker, this Demon Chu also is really hateful, in traffic in persons, but also such shameless, stimulates various clans. 这话一出口,星海深处炸锅,这个楚魔头还真是可恨,都在贩卖人口了,还这么的无耻,刺激各族。 everyone, makes me explain to you.” The Old Donkey opens the mouth in Kunlun Mountain big monster. 诸位,还是让我给你们解释吧。”昆仑山大妖中的老驴开口。 His knife edge a pair of greatly long ear, is giving a tongue-lashing the big thread chaser, said: You listened to me saying that passed some years again, who wanted not to be sold by Chu Feng, you went out embarrassed, did not match to call the talent, many years of after past, you will discover, only had by my wind is looked has glanced and has sold the talented person to calculate the talent!” 他支棱着一双大长耳朵,呲着大板牙,道:“你们听我说,再过些年头,谁要没被楚风卖过,你都不好意思出门,不配称之为天才,多年过去后,你们会发现,唯有被我风看上眼并卖过的人才算天才!” I scratch, spoke, this donkey, had you to explain like this?” “我擦,怎么说话呢,这头驴子,有你这样解读的吗?” fucking, is too not concerned about face!” 特么的,太不要脸了!” One group of people are angry. 一群人愤怒。 However, the Chu Feng old god, one is being such appearance, nods to Old Donkey, indicated good that. 然而,楚风老神在在,一副就是如此的样子,对老驴点头,表示说的不错。 Aiyu irritated me, was really not concerned about face the pinnacle, you have sold is the talent, took this as the honor? How Demon Chu you do not die!” “哎呦气死我了,真是不要脸到极致,被你卖过的才算天才,以此为荣?楚魔头你怎么不去死!” Was too shameless, Demon Chu one year ago also hateful, when rallies together to execute it!” “太无耻了,楚魔头比一年前还可恶,当群起而诛之!” The Chu Feng smile, said: I have decided that soon will take a long journey, the entire universe travels, I think in the universe sea certainly everywhere am the friend of mine, once by I have sold Divine Son and Holy Daughter, you are ready that welcomes the emperor, if I passed by the galaxy that you are, will see your.” 楚风微笑,道:“我决定了,即将远行,全宇宙游历,我想宇宙海中一定到处都是我的朋友,曾经被我卖过的神子圣女,你们都做好接驾的准备,我若是路过你所在的星系,会去看望你们的。” One group of people do not do, this uncovers the person scabs. 一群人都不干了,这是揭人伤疤啊。 Then, many people shouted in confusion. 然后,许多人纷纷吵嚷。 Chu Feng, Great Demon, so long as you dare to come out, certainly extinguished you!” 楚风,大魔头,只要你敢出来,一定灭了你!” In fact, some Great Dream Pure Land's old women were also unable to continue watching, felt that Chu Feng this is stirs up trouble intentionally, they believe that originally Qin Luoyin with him, when the target, making the person kill him, the result instead was used by him. 事实上,大梦净土的一些老妪也看不下去了,感觉楚风这是故意挑事,她们一致认为,原本秦珞音拿他当靶子,让人去杀他,结果反被他利用了。 Chu Feng, do not come Great Dream Pure Land, we and others you, looked that you do dare to come?!” The Great Dream Pure Land's person sneers. 楚风,你不是要来大梦净土吗,我们等你,看你敢来吗?!”大梦净土的人冷笑。 Do not be anxious, after I receive the account, leaves!” Chu Feng said. “别急,等我收完账后就动身!”楚风道。 Then, two days , the medicament of various clans arrived, what opens is superior grade wormhole, transmits the ransom money that Chu Feng wants. 然后,两天的时间,各族的药剂就到了,都开启的是超级虫洞,将楚风所要的赎金发送过来。 Is the medicines that Sub Saint needs to use, for example melts the soul medicine powder and fleshly body to quenching the medicinal preparation, is not every, got rich!” Big Black Ox exclaimed in surprise. “都是亚圣需要用到的药,比如融魂药散、肉身淬炼剂,都不是凡品,发财了!”大黑牛惊叹。 Old Donkey is very direct, facing starry sky, ** various clans, said: Qin Luoyin female divine fruit however is virtuous, this has not gotten married, starts is Chu Feng considers, sends the large expanse of local product to make him sell , helping out with family expenses.” 老驴更是很直接,面对星空,**各族,道:“秦珞音神果然贤惠,这还没有过门呢,就开始为楚风着想,送来成片的土特产让他去卖,贴补家用。” All parties could not listen, was given the air/Qi by this donkey heavy. 各方都听不下去了,被这头驴给气的不轻。 The person in Great Dream Pure Land scolds, curses this Old Donkey. 大梦净土中的人更是呵斥,诅咒这头老驴 That donkey you shuts up to me!” “那头驴子你给我闭嘴!” And, what your family donkey grandfather said is the truth, you by Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin this to husband-and-wife team to pit, this is collaborates to trade you obviously, but also likes a moth to the flame, is initiative to ask to sell.” Old Donkey assumes an air of self approbation. “且,你家驴爷爷说的是实话,你们都被楚风秦珞音这对夫妻档给坑了,这是明显联手要贩卖你们啊,还飞蛾扑火般,主动过来求卖。”老驴摇头晃脑。 Finally, he also summarized: This is the typical family/home has my good wife, is subsidizing Chu Feng completely, has not gotten married starts to look after the household.” 最后,他又总结道:“这是典型的家有贤妻,完全是在贴补楚风,未过门呢就开始顾家了。” Many people were mad by him to are not good, particularly the Great Dream Pure Land's people do not want to manage him, moves calls to account Chu Feng excessively. 许多人都被他气到不行,尤其是大梦净土的人都不想理他了,调过头去责问楚风 Demon Chu you dare to come to the starry sky deep place, dares to make great strides forward my Great Dream Pure Land one, in the past did not give you golden invitation, today we must say, you are unqualified!” 楚魔头你到底敢来星空深处吗,敢迈进我大梦净土一步吗,当年不给你金色请柬,今天我们还是要说,你不够资格!” Some Great Dream Pure Land people provoke, prod Chu Feng, wants to get so far as in the starry sky him, then copes with him. 大梦净土有人挑衅,激将楚风,想把他弄到星空中,而后对付他。 The Chu Feng unambiguous response, said: Waiting, your Supreme Sect Lord was coming, you prepare the nuptial chamber!” 楚风毫不含糊的回应,道:“等着,你们的太上教主来了,你们准备好洞房!” Then, he shouted Heavenspan Worm-hole Company, opens superior grade wormhole, the time is not very long, he appears beside Great Dream Pure Land. 然后,他真的喊了通天虫洞公司,开启超级虫洞,时间并不是很长,他就出现在大梦净土之外。 Your Supreme Sect Lord came, has not come to kneel secure, greets this Chu!” Chu Feng shouted. “你们的太上教主来了,还不过来跪安,迎接楚某人!”楚风喝道。 Great Dream Pure Land, all people are in a daze, does this boy dare to come really? 大梦净土,所有人都发呆,这小子真敢来? At the same time, across the universe, Evolver of various clans also shock, Chu Feng leaves Earth unexpectedly, enters in the starry sky flagrantly? 同一时间,宇宙各地,各族的进化者也震惊,楚风竟然离开地球,明目张胆地走进星空中? Walks, goes to Great Dream Pure Land, I thought how he gets married!” “走,去大梦净土,我看他如何娶亲!” Insane, this demon courage was also too big, to Great Dream Pure Land outside, don't tell me also is really goes to Goddess Qin really?” “疯了吗,这魔头胆子也太大了,真的到了大梦净土外,难道还真是冲着秦女神去的?” Regional Evolver hearts startled, then many people first leave, charge into Great Dream Pure Land, wants to look at an outcome. 各地进化者心惊,然后许多人第一时间动身,冲向大梦净土,想看个究竟。 Over the two days did not renew stably , because came to Changsha to participate in a activity, the person who has not retained the draft can only various miserable, although now was very late, but insisted wrote finally the second chapter. 这两天更新不稳定,是因为来长沙参加一个活动,没有存稿的人只能各种悲催,现在虽然很晚了,但总算是坚持将第二章写出来了。
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