SR :: Volume #9

#855: Lonely eternal

In the starry sky, each region mighty waves, Sub Immortal Clan's Ying Zhexian must marry Wu Lunhui, the bystander is incapable of preventing, does not dare to touch the mildew head. 星空中,各地起波澜,亚仙族的映谪仙要嫁给吴轮回,外人无力阻止,也不敢触霉头。 However, Divinity when closes a window, certainly opens a leafed door for you, this is the views of many people, is consoling that obtains, because also has Qin Luoyin to choose dao companion, the condition is not harsh. 然而,神祇在关上一扇窗的时候,一定为你打开一扇门,这是许多人的看法,也是所获得的慰藉,因为还有秦珞音在选道侣,条件一点也不苛刻。 So long as defeats Chu Feng to go on a journey, was too easy, haha......” some people are laughing. “只要击败楚风出行,太容易了,哈哈……”有人在大笑。 If this before, he dares saying that certainly was considered insane, why dares to fight with Demon Chu, there are how many people to dare such to make widely known? 这如果是在以前,他敢这么说,一定会被认为疯了,凭什么敢与楚魔头争锋,有几人敢这么张扬? But now is completely different, after the Great Dream Pure Land grand meeting ended, large quantities of young people grow, several hundred people of strengths rise suddenly, approaches the Golden Body level, or directly becomes Golden Body level expert, some topest person even Golden Body Great Perfection, have to attack the Sub Saint Dominion possibility. 但现在完全不同,大梦净土盛会结束后,一大批年轻人成长起来,数百人实力暴涨,都临近金身层次,或者直接成为金身高手,最顶尖的部分人甚至金身大圆满,有冲击亚圣领域的可能。 Is no comparison between them, one crowd of universe level talents are similar to Nirvana, one year of time, is reborn completely, the strength progresses by leaps and bounds, the confidence multiplies. 不可同日而语,一群宇宙级天才如同涅槃,一年的时光而已,完全脱胎换骨,实力突飞猛进,信心倍增。 Before do not say is they, is Great Amplification Battle Physique, Ying Wudi, Golden Scales Dao Child wait/etc. not necessarily is the Demon Chu match, but now is completely different. 以前不要说是他们,就是大衍战体映无敌金鳞道子等都不见得是楚魔头的对手,但现在完全不同。 Many people inflate, have the confidence bang to kill Chu Feng, now they think that overlooks Chu Feng in the Realm level sufficiently, Golden Body great accomplishment also hits a Moulding Shape initial stage person? 许多人非常膨胀,有信心轰杀楚风,现在他们认为在境界层次上足以俯视楚风,金身大成还打不过一个塑形初期的人吗? Afterward, some people realized, this inside has the loophole, is the first success hunting Chu Feng's person is a winner, is the final winner a winner? 随后,有人意识到,这里面有漏洞,是第一个成功狩猎楚风的人算是赢家,还是最后胜出者算赢家? Then, Qin Luoyin gave time to limit, in one month, who can defeat Chu Feng, defeated other people, even if led the field, finally won. 然后,秦珞音给予了一个时间限制,一个月内,谁能击败楚风,战胜其他人,就算是独占鳌头,最终胜出。 hee-haw hee-haw, the Great Dream Pure Land's fairy maiden hello/you good, I am Lu Feiyang of Earth south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River scholarly family aristocratic family, just like Great Dream Pure Land's everybody, the solid educational foundation received from family elders, I have the words to ask you and others, if Chu Feng sweeps away all matches finally, nobody can keep in balance, does the Qin Luoyin goddess need to marry him really?” 儿啊儿啊,大梦净土的仙子你好,我是地球江南水乡书香门第世家的吕飞扬,跟大梦净土的各位一样,家学渊源,我有话想问你等,如果最后楚风横扫所有对手,无人可以制衡,秦珞音女神是不是真要嫁给他?” On Earth the Old Donkey opens the mouth, on the account number through Beast Source Platform asked to Great Dream Pure Land, compelled palace Qin Luoyin. 地球上老驴开口,通过原兽平台上的账号对大梦净土发问,逼宫秦珞音 „, Demon King Chu is not good, why must to talk too much, now said that many words, the report impractical fantasy, finally will become the joke.” “切,楚魔王不行了,何须多言,现在说过多的话,报不切实际的幻想,最后会成为笑话。” „A donkey also dares to boast shamelessly, you are the comedy, brings contempt upon oneself, Chu Feng estimated that quick will be seized to kill, easy, you said that these many cannot change anything.” “一头驴子也敢大言不惭,你这是搞笑吗,自取其辱,楚风估计很快就会被人擒杀,手到擒来,你说这么多也改变不了什么。” In the starry sky, some people react, has desolately, there are contemptuously, is unkind, today we are no longer as we have been, to some present a large number of person fearless Chu Feng, has not feared so-called Demon Chu. 星空中,一些人做出反应,有冷淡的,也有轻蔑的,还有非常刻薄的,今非昔比,到了现在有相当一部分人无惧楚风,再也不怕所谓的楚魔头 On the same day, many people started off, charges into Earth, regarded him for the prey, a big competion of nearly competition nature started. 就在当天而已,就有许多人上路,冲向地球,视他为猎物,一场近乎竞赛性质的大比拼开始。 One group of people compete, fighting, asking Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to open superior grade wormhole, wishes one could to enter the Solar System immediately, lest fell behind the person. 一群人竞逐,争抢着,请通天虫洞公司开启超级虫洞,恨不得立刻进入太阳系,唯恐落后于人。 In many person eyes, Chu Feng is the meat of block. 在不少人眼中,楚风已经是砧板之肉。 Them, many initially was defeated and captured alive the person by Chu Feng, now thought the opportunity of revenging arrived, certain domineering suppresses Demon King Chu. 他们当中,不乏当初被楚风击败与生擒过的人,现在觉得报仇的机会到了,一定强势镇压楚魔王 Ouyang Feng sneers in the starry sky, thought that these people court death purely, dares to look for the trouble of Demon Chu? It is estimated that to be suffered the suspicion life finally. 欧阳风在星空中冷笑,觉得这些人纯粹是找死,敢去找楚魔头的麻烦?估计到最后会被折磨到怀疑人生。 Does not dare to annoy that fellow this King easily, your this group of people...... Does not do not dead.” “就连本王都不敢轻易惹那家伙,你们这群人……不作死就不会死。” But this time Chu Feng, has not cared about these people's noises, in his opinion, these people are the local products, is the prey, is a Taotie grand feast. 而此时的楚风,根本就没有在意这些人的喧嚣,在他看来,这些人都是土特产,都是猎物,是一场饕餮盛宴。 He runs up to Eastern Sea Unextinguishable Mountain now, is exchanging with Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, wants to enter the place of degeneration once more, looks Young Vermilion Bird, brings it to World of the Dead. 他现在跑到东海不灭山,正在跟妖祖之鼎交流,想再次进堕落之地,去找小朱雀,将它带到阴间 However, the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor rejection, is not willing to help him do this matter. 然而,妖祖之鼎拒绝,不肯帮他做这件事。 Why?” Chu Feng is puzzled, inquired. “为什么?”楚风不解,向它询问。 Cauldron of Monster Ancestor replied: Even if there is past ancient path, including two, but wanted to link up, consumed was too big, in short-term I was helpless.” 妖祖之鼎答道:“哪怕有当年的古老道路,连着两界,但是想要贯通,也消耗太大了,短期内我无能为力。” It is confident, own energy is dry, is unable to achieve. 它坦然,自身能量干涸,无法做到。 This makes Chu Feng anxious, delays several days not to matter, but the time one must leave the important matter steadily, by the current situation, is not one night hundred years, is almost World of the Dead universe one year, the place of hundred years degeneration. 这让楚风焦虑,拖延个几天还无所谓,可时间一长要出大事,以目前的情况来看,并非一夜百年,差不多是阴间宇宙一年,堕落之地百年。 Towed some days, the place of degeneration to be able in the past few years. 多拖上一些天,堕落之地就会过去数年。 Has the means?” Chu Feng is very anxious. “有没有办法?”楚风很急切。 Only if lets my absorption enough many pure energies, otherwise, must mount one year or so.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor replied. “除非让我一次吸收足够多的纯粹能量,再不然,就要登上一年半载。”妖祖之鼎答道。 Chu Feng the complexion sends immediately green, one year or so, place of that degeneration passed for 50 years to 100 years, this is too odd, Young Vermilion Bird will turn into big Vermilion Bird and old Vermilion Bird. 楚风顿时脸色发绿,一年半载,堕落之地那就是过去了50年到100年,这太离谱,小朱雀都会变成大朱雀、老朱雀了。 Must try to find the solution!” In his heart pondered over, was calmed down by oneself, anxious also useless, might as well the state of mind is gentler. “得想办法!”他心中思忖,让自己冷静下来,焦急也无用,还不如心境平和一些。 Afterward, he returns to Kunlun Mountain, found the opportunity to compare notes with Kunlun Mountain one crowd of big monsters. 随后,他回到昆仑山,找到机会就跟昆仑山一群大妖切磋。 Moo...... Demon Chu Feng, you are the retaliation, naked using one's office to redress personal grievances!” “哞……楚风魔头,你这是报复,赤裸裸的公报私仇!” Big Black Ox calls out, the ox roar sound is shocking. 大黑牛嚎叫,牛吼声震天。 The "Áo roar...... ” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is also very miserable, angrily roars again and again, resists Chu Feng's Lightning Fist. “嗷吼……”东北虎也很惨,怒吼连连,对抗楚风的闪电拳 hee-haw hee-haw, hurt the dead donkey master, my this scholarly family aristocratic family family background, most did not excel killed, Brother, stopped! The thousand faults are my mistake, should not look on the road that you in doing walks is so far, but you pull up not losing hope of Yaoyao, we can block you one time unable to block your two three four times.” 儿啊儿啊,疼死驴爷了,我本书香门第世家出身,最不擅长的就是打打杀杀,兄弟,停!千错万错都是我的错,不该看着你在作死的路上走那么远,不过你撩妖妖之心不死,我们能拦你一次也拦不了你两次三次四次啊。” Without a doubt, after Chu Feng is idle, starts to compare notes with the Kunlun Mountains big monsters in a friendly way, educates fate that they are not loyal, some time ago unexpectedly helplessly looks that he jumps to the fiery pit, this group of scoundrels were too bad. 毫无疑问,楚风清闲下来后开始跟昆仑大妖们“友好切磋”,教育他们不讲义气的下场,不久前居然眼睁睁的看着他向火坑里跳,这群混账太坏了。 Therefore, Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters have had bad luck, shrieks and howls wildly, Chu Feng gives the euphemistic name, shares sorrows, has bitter eating together, he liked a sudden thunderclap, these people also taste the Thunder Tribulation taste. 所以,昆仑一群大妖倒霉了,鬼哭狼嚎,楚风美其名曰,有难同当,有苦同吃,他被五雷轰顶,这些人也跟着尝尝雷劫的滋味吧。 Two days later, Chu Feng lands itself in Beast Source product Tai golden account number-- How lonely is the invincible, discovered that many people are provoking, burdensome. 两天后,楚风登陆自己在原兽品台的金色帐号——无敌是多么寂寞,发现很多人在挑衅,不胜其烦。 And, many people are meeting, the very high-sounding talk, does not regard a dish him completely. 并且,许多人都在约战,非常高调,完全不将他当成一盘菜。 But the past defeated, has shaken unexpectedly now, during the spoken languages disrespects to him very much. 而其中居然昔日的手下败将,如今也抖了起来,言语间对他很不敬。 Laughable, Demon Chu unexpectedly continuously with How lonely is the invincible this account number, this was as rampant as the what kind of situation, did not fear that the wind did dodge the tongue greatly?” “可笑,楚魔头居然一直在用无敌是多么寂寞这个帐号,这是嚣张到了何等地步,也不怕风大闪了舌头吗?” Haha, saw that the name of this golden account number I want to smile, matches depending on present him, said that the sentence fair and just words, many people lift the hand to pinch him now!” “哈哈,看到这个金色帐号的名称我就想笑,凭现在的他也配吗,说句公允的话,如今许多人抬手就能捏死他!” Demon Chu Feng, I must challenge to you, the night of moon/month circle, the summit of Earth, I tie up a hand, fights with you.” 楚风魔头,我要向你挑战,月圆之夜,地球之巅,我自缚一只手,跟你一战。” Chu Feng looked at many messages, complexion is pale, both eyes are deep and quiet, this group of people were really tired of living, dares such to provoke and dirty him, really did! 楚风看了很多留言,脸色铁青,双目幽邃,这群人真是活腻了吗,敢这么挑衅与埋汰他,真是作死啊! Finally, he sees some people of messages is to beg the tone. 终于,他看到有人留言是央求语气的了。 „The Chu Feng big good man, I asked you, gave me an opportunity......” to see here Chu Feng also slightly satisfied, however saw the following words, his complexion was also immediately cloudy. 楚风大善人,我求你了,给我一个机会吧……”看到这里楚风还稍微满意,然而看到后面的话,他的脸色顿时又阴沉了。 Behind writes: „The clear/pain big good man, you must boil, endures, leaves me the opportunity, when I arrived in the Solar System, seizes to kill you, received exchange for to become the Qin Luoyin dao companion opportunity.” 后面写着:“楚大善人,你一定要熬住,挺住,把机会留给我,等我到了太阳系,将你擒杀,换取成为秦珞音道侣的机会。” Chu Feng uses own golden account number to leave a message on Beast Source Platform, said: Thing of one crowd of acting recklessly, you roll to me, told your family while convenient the elder, prepared Sub Saint Level Medicinal Pill to wait to redeem you to me, otherwise caught one to kill one, caught two to kill one pair, the hand has the blade to fall, does not have what idle talk, when the time comes the head/number of people was billowing, rivers of blood!” 楚风用自己的金色帐号在原兽平台上留言,道:“一群不知死活的东西,你们都给我滚过来吧,顺便告诉你们家长辈,都给我准备好亚圣级丹药等着赎你们,不然的话抓到一个杀一个,抓到两个杀一双,手起刀落,没有什么废话,到时候人头滚滚,血流成河!” Low key more than one year of Great Demon Chu Feng, finally again spoke, was similar to the past like that directly became the focal point, startled exploded all eyeball. 低调一年多的楚风大魔头,终于再发话,如同当年那般,直接成为焦点,惊爆各方眼球。 Wild, but also thinks is one year ago, all people are growing, progress by leaps and bounds, only then you are still marking, wants and others to fight with me? Waits for death!” “猖狂啊,还以为是一年前吗,所有人都在成长,突飞猛进,只有你还在原地踏步,也想跟我等争锋?等死吧!” Hey, Chu Feng, I thought that you were insane insanely, after two day met, when I picked your head!” “嘿,楚风,我看你是失心疯了,两日后相见,等我摘你头颅!” It can be said that the Chu Feng's golden color account number just like becomes a stretch of battlefield, all young Evolver leaves a message, shares a common hatred, wishes one could to start to him to hunt immediately. 可以说,楚风的金色帐号俨然成为一片战场,各方年轻的进化者都来留言,同仇敌忾,都恨不得立刻开始对他狩猎。 Chu Feng is unambiguous, is not the Wu Lunhui's status, now said that anything has not had scruples, quite happy. 楚风一点也不含糊,不是吴轮回的身份,现在说什么都没有顾忌,相当的痛快。 „The person who is comes, even, does not need you to come, your Uncle clear/pain must enter in the starry sky I to go to Great Dream Pure Land to get married on own initiative!” “作死的人来吧,甚至,不用你们来,你楚大爷也要主动进星空中去了我会去大梦净土娶亲!” The Great Dream Pure Land's person acts, taunts, coerces Chu Feng. 大梦净土的人出面,冷嘲热讽,挤对楚风 "hē hē, Demon Chu Feng, you died that heart, has not matched to appear depending on you in my Great Dream Pure Land Holy Daughter front, one year ago has not given you opportunity, has not delivered you golden invitation, has kicked out from the strongest young talent sequence you, no matter how what now you toss about, does not turn any storm! You are not good, degenerated into thoroughly mediocre, not having the qualifications to enter my Great Dream Pure Land! ” “呵呵,楚风魔头,你就死了那条心吧,凭你还不配出现在我大梦净土圣女的面前,一年前就没有给你机会,不曾送你金色请柬,已经将你从最强的年轻天才序列中踢出去了,现在任你如何折腾,也翻不起什么风浪!你不行,彻底被沦为凡俗,没有资格进我大梦净土!” These words suitable disregarding another's feelings, but, after Chu Feng hears, actually sneers, this really cannot be exciting he. 这些话语相当的不留情面,但是,楚风闻听后,却只是冷笑,这还真刺激不到他。 He responded: Waiting , the young master I will be killing Great Dream Pure Land directly, must marry your Holy Daughter not to be possible, has a kid while convenient, later my son will be doomed becomes the Lord of Great Dream Pure Land, you must pay respect to him, must do obeisance me while convenient, will call my Supreme Sect Lord, how not so can make you submit to and awe, this will be your select error price, when the time comes you will be lying to me, will wait to kotow line of gift to me!” 他回应道:“等着,小爷我直接会杀进大梦净土,非要娶了你们的圣女不可,顺便生个娃,以后我儿子注定会成为大梦净土之主,你们都得参拜他,顺便也得拜我,称呼我一声太上教主,不如此怎能让你们臣服与敬畏,这是你们选择错误的代价,到时候你们都给我趴着,等着对我叩首行大礼吧!” Aiyu, my Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, my amida!” “哎呦,我个无量天尊,我个弥陀佛!” One group of people were mad, particularly the Great Dream Pure Land's person, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance simply, several old women look blacks, some people open the mouth, said: If can leave behind Wu Lunhui to be good, now like this lives with the bride's family, highly improper, meets Demon Chu this evil person, even if he does not make a name now, but also lets in the person heart agitated.” 一群人都被气到了,尤其是大梦净土的人,简直是忍无可忍,几名老妪都面色阴沉,更是有人开口,道:“要是能留下吴轮回多好,现在这样招亲,成何体统,遇上楚魔头这种恶人,哪怕他现在不成气候,但也太让人心中烦躁。” I said, the old friends, this demon should not become very formidable, if gets the gate, here is Evolver of Golden Body level, what to do couldn't surrender them? Can make him Luoyin dao companion really?” “我说,老友们,这魔头该不会也变得很强大了吧,万一打上门来,我们这里都是金身层次的进化者,降服不了他们怎么办?真要让他成为珞音道侣?” Is impossible, he absolutely does not have that chance and good fortune, one year ago we have closed that leafed door for him, has died of suffocation the possibility of his promote step, waits for him to do! However, he must be able to kill, I who hits and others did not have the temperament, the old body hold one's noses has also recognized, explained that this demon is indeed fearful, has the big destiny. We disgraced disgraced, might as well. However, hehe, he does not have that opportunity!” “不可能,他绝对没有那种机缘与造化,一年前我们为他关上了那扇门,堵死了他晋阶的可能,等着他作死吧!不过,他真要能杀进来,打的我等没脾气,老身捏着鼻子也认了,说明这魔头的确可怕,有大气运。我们丢人就丢人,也无妨。不过,呵呵,他没那机会!” Then, in the universe made noise, a reprimanding sound, lopsided rebuttal Chu Feng, the people denounce in word and in writing, said that Demon Chu is too rampant, this courts death purely! 然后,宇宙中就喧嚣了,一片斥责声,一面倒的驳斥楚风,人们口诛笔伐,说楚魔头太嚣张,这纯粹是找死! At this time, the place of degeneration, time passed for 1-2 years, Chu Feng left for several days, this world passed for 1-2 years, this time speed of flow was too fearful. 此时,堕落之地,时间过去一两年了,楚风离开数天,这片世界则过去了一两年,这种时间流速太可怕。 „Will Chu Feng also come back?” A Young Vermilion Bird fist is big, whole body is fiery red, the feather clear illumination, was asking yellow-haired fox, with stylish: I always felt that he is not proper, is not reasonable.” 楚风还会回来吗?”一只小朱雀拳头大,浑身火红,羽毛晶莹发光,偏着头问黄毛狐狸,同时道:“我总感觉他不正经,不靠谱。” yellow-haired fox whole face great changes, said: „ Whose not young time, while the youth , the time passage has not passed, smiles as far as possible, otherwise after growing, once recedes Foreign Territory, goes on an expedition another region, crosses Reincarnation, the truth that sees the ancient and modern general situation, wants to smile smiles does not leave, only meets the remaining blood and tears. 黄毛狐狸满脸沧桑,道:“谁没有年轻的时候,趁着青春还在,年华未逝,尽量多笑笑吧,不然成长起来后,一旦远走异域,征战他乡,横渡轮回,看到古今大局的真相,想笑都笑不出了,只会剩下血与泪。 Young Vermilion Bird refuses to accept, said: I thought that Chu Feng is the show package, when cannot cry!” 小朱雀不服,道:“我觉得楚风是个骚包,什么时候都哭不出来!” yellow-haired fox hearing this is startled, finally nodded, said: "Um, pours also some truth, he perhaps is rarely seen, most minimum face thick-skinned world rare, in talent that in I contact, he rides to be above mundane thoughts, a glance at the many mountains that seem small. ” 黄毛狐狸闻言一怔,最后点了点头,道:“嗯,倒也有些道理,他或许是朵奇葩,最起码脸皮厚的世所罕见,在我所接触的天才中,他一骑绝尘,一览众山小。” Young Vermilion Bird hears this appraisal, immediately was depressed, was speechless, later can with this person? 小朱雀听到这种评价,顿时郁闷了,也无语了,以后要跟着这种人? World of the Dead universe, a noise sound. 阴间宇宙,一片喧嚣声。 Passed by the 2nd, the first batch of days rushed to the Solar System, approached Earth, berated the Chu Feng's name directly, making him come out a war. 两日过去,第一批天才赶到太阳系,接近地球,直接喝斥楚风的名字,让他出来一战。 Then...... Did not have then. 然后……就没有然后了。 The person who this crowd earliest catches up with, twenty people, are chop Nakiri melon by Chu Feng fully likely, all gave to take down, the blood dyed the starry sky, in extraterrestrial was captured, has not run. 这群最早赶来的人,足有二十几人,被楚风像是砍菜切瓜般,全都给放倒了,血染星空,在地球外都被擒住,一个也没有跑了。 One year passed by, I said that your progress does not have, I remember that among you some people were captured alive to capture alive by me in the past, then gave to sell, now came, was sold to become addicted to? Really incorrigbility, this is the sickness, must govern!” “一年过去了,我说你们怎么一点长进都没有,我记得你们当中有些人当年就被我生擒活捉,然后给卖了,现在又来了,被卖成瘾是吧?真是劣根性,这是病,得治!” Chu Feng these words, like are the big slap and slap in the face, pulls out on the faces of some people, lets on their faces burning, gets flushed in the face with anger, this fucking is unscientific, Demon Chu Feng so will be how terrifying, the growth is too swift and violent, in the past suppressed them, now as before! 楚风这些话语,像是大耳光一样,哐哐抽在部分人的脸上,让他们脸上火辣辣,脸红脖子粗,这特么的不科学,楚风魔头怎么会如此恐怖,成长太迅猛,过去压制他们,现在依旧! Meanwhile, here also fresh faces, are depressed, they are reborn now, soul light is formidable, but, in front of Chu Feng, that does not endure to look straight ahead simply, was beaten crazily, each and every one becomes the pig head. 同时,这里也有很多新面孔,更是郁闷,他们如今脱胎换骨,魂光强大无匹,但是,在楚风面前,那简直不忍直视,被疯狂殴打,一个个都成为猪头。 These universe level talents started now in the suspicion life, was too pitiful, the bone broke the muscle booklet, the mouthful tooth fell most probably, the eye with blood steamed stuffed bun, must miserably miserable, must distressedly distressed, disgraced proficient. 这些宇宙级天才现在已经开始在怀疑人生,太悲惨了,骨断筋折,满嘴牙齿掉了大半,眼睛跟血包子似的,要多惨有多惨,要多狼狈有多狼狈,丢人到家。 In the universe, is startled a place eyeball, one year passes by, all parties think Demon Chu Feng to fall behind, cannot follow the time, already cast off by the talents of rising, finally truth so brutal, Demon Chu as before incomparable savage, moreover must ascend the sky savage! 宇宙中,惊掉一地眼球,一年过去,各方都以为楚风魔头落伍,跟不上时代,早已被崛起的天才们甩开,结果真相是如此的残酷,楚魔头依旧无比的凶残,而且要凶残上天了! The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Has exploded weakly, this is any talent, the Golden Body level has, not completely, feels all right Earth, who also does not have a look at me is, understanding that in the golden account number writes, How lonely is the invincible. You came, I still in want to be not quite lonely, finally after you came, I discovered, wants seriously lonely eternal!” 楚风开口,道:“弱爆了,这都是什么天才,金身层次的有一些,都没圆满,也好意思来地球,也不看看我是谁,金色帐号上写的明白,无敌是多么寂寞。原本你们来了,我还在想或许可以不太寂寞了,结果你们来了后,我发现,当真是要寂寞万古啊!” My amida, is too whoops ignominious, was too annoying, this fellow can cocky, who chop him really!” In the universe, all parties cannot bear. “哎呦我个弥陀佛,太可耻,太可气了,这家伙真能得瑟,谁上去剁了他!”宇宙中,各方都受不了。 One crowd of person murderous aura are steaming, does not believe in evil doctrines, has the Golden Body Great Perfection person to start, must enter the Solar System, must go to Earth, harvests the Chu Feng's head/number of people. 一群人杀气腾腾,不信邪,有金身大圆满的人启程,要进太阳系,要去地球,去收割楚风的人头。 Do not take time, your Uncle clear/pain decides to enter the starry sky on own initiative, goes to Great Dream Pure Land to get married my kid's mother by oneself, you on the road just wait, kneel secure to await calmly!” “别费事了,你们楚大爷决定主动进星空,亲身去大梦净土迎娶我孩子他娘,你们都在路上等着吧,跪安静候!” Chu Feng spoke, made one crowd of person complexions pale directly, many short tempers, early were in an uncontrollable rage, rampage like thunder. 楚风发话,直接又让一群人脸色铁青,更有许多脾气暴躁的,早已经是怒不可遏,暴跳如雷。 These people thought consistently, Demon Chu Feng is too rampant, unexpectedly dares to enter the starry sky on own initiative? 这些人一致觉得,楚风魔头太嚣张,居然敢主动进星空? Chu Feng's did not fear firmly, even if has Sub Saint wait/etc. not to leave the World of the Dead universe really by some chance, he also has the Domain method self-preservation, now he is Domain Great Grandmaster, can enter in the starry sky, hides uselessly again! 楚风的确不怕,即便真的万一有亚圣等未曾离开阴间宇宙,他还有场域手段自保,如今他是场域大宗师,可以进星空中,无用再躲藏! Great Dream Pure Land, prepares to open the entrance, is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, when I visit to go to bride's home to escort her to the wedding, you can arrange ahead of time, shortly after I arrive.” 大梦净土,准备打开山门,张灯结彩,等我上门迎亲,你们可以提前布置起来了,不久后我就到场。” Chu Feng this may really be vertical intent, but is, a fearless appearance, must go to Great Dream Pure Land directly. 楚风这可真是纵意而为,一副无所畏惧的样子,直接要去大梦净土
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