SR :: Volume #9

#854: Died must pull up

Yaoyao, thank in the life to have you, in Foreign Territory these desperate, affected, both of us experienced together, came clearly into view, making my heart shiver, is hard to forget, hundred years of time your I defended, I...... Remembers, has not put behind you!” 妖妖,感谢生命中有你,在异域那些绝望的,感动的,我们两人一同经历的,历历在目,让我心颤抖,难以忘记,百年光阴你我共守,我……都记得,没有忘却你!” Chu Feng is here sensational, spirited and affection appearance. 楚风在这里煽情,一副激昂与深情的样子。 However, Big Black Ox or (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, or facial skin thief thick Old Donkey, felt that had goosebumps, really cannot bear. 然而,无论是大黑牛还是东北虎,亦或是脸皮贼厚的老驴,都感觉起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,真是受不了。 In their hearts incomparably sympathizes, Chu Feng this show package of excessiveness, reveal the inside story thoroughly, must the blood mildew, this really make them blush for him but actually. 他们心中可谓无比同情,楚风这次骚包过头,彻底露底,要倒血霉了,这实在让他们都替他脸红。 Zhou Quan really cannot endure, wants to remind Chu Feng, he is combing the big long hair combed straight back, the head is growing four horn, opens mouth must shout Chu Feng. 周全实在忍受不住,想要提醒楚风,他梳着大背头,头上长着四根犄角,张嘴就要喊楚风 However, Big Black Ox holds on him very much decisively, sound transmission, said in secret: Young people you are too tender, do you do, this is the how rare opportunity, making Demon Chu release for flight, listens respectfully to his intention, displays looked to Princess Yaoyao, is good!” 然而,大黑牛很果断的拉住他,暗中传音,道:“年轻人你太嫩,你去干什么,这是多么难得的机会,让楚魔头放飞自我,聆听他的心意,表现给妖妖公主看,多好啊!” Zhou Quan is speechless, this is Big Black Ox only insincere, making Chu Feng put me? It is estimated that a while was rumbled to fly, that scene can expect. 周全无语,这只大黑牛太不厚道,让楚风放我自我?估计一会儿真被轰飞起来,那种场面可以预想。 Yellow Ox is covering continuously eye with the hand, another eye is peeping, also sound transmission, told Zhou Quan in secret, said: Does not do not dead, lets his show package, leave alone he, making him continue to release for flight, making him then pull up Yaoyao.” 黄牛用手捂着一直眼睛,另一只眼睛在窥视,也暗中传音,告诉周全,道:“不作死就不会死,让他骚包,别管他,让他继续放飞自我,让他接着撩妖妖。” The short flash, Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters reach the agreement, looks at Chu Feng to do, looks at his show package, pulls up the Yaoyao opportunity to him. 短暂的一瞬间,昆仑一群大妖达成共识,看楚风作死,看他骚包,给他撩妖妖的机会。 „, Is quite affected, I must cry!” Young Lady Xi is very bad, the big eye smiles the crescent moon shape, displays listening the appearance that invests very much, said: Chu Feng you and Yaoyao experienced anything, making you like this unforgetable, to say thin.” “哇,好感动啊,我都要哭了!”少女曦很坏,大眼睛笑成月牙状,表现出一副听的很投入的样子,道:“楚风你和妖妖到底经历了什么,让你这样的难以忘怀,细说一说。” We experienced too many matters, feels the day to move, remembers with eternal gratitude, even if comes back from Foreign Territory, I am hard to forget, something forever carve in my soul mark, the eternal life is unforgettable!” “我们经历了太多的事,感天动地,刻骨铭心,哪怕从异域回来,我都难以忘记,有些事永远刻在我的灵魂印记中,永生难忘!” A Chu Feng self- affected appearance, affectionate looks at Yaoyao, that expression, that stance, as if really has the sincere and pure emotion flows in two worlds. 楚风一副自我感动的样子,深情的看着妖妖,那表情,那姿态,仿佛真的有真挚而纯真的情感在两人间流淌。 Brother, you are quite pitiful!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger the large-mouthed vessel big mouth, such is opening the mouth, this is the truth, in their opinion, Chu Feng is now good to do, a while guarantees is hit half dead. “兄弟,你好可怜!”东北虎咧着血盆大嘴,这么开口,这是实话,在他们看来,楚风现在好作,一会儿保准被打个半死。 Yes, is really pitiful, Brother, I am sad for you, incomparably sympathizes with you, oh!” Big Black Ox is the pretense has patted the Chu Feng's shoulder, here sighs with emotion. “是啊,真可怜,兄弟啊,我为你伤心,无比同情你,唉!”大黑牛更是假模假样的拍了拍楚风的肩头,在这里感慨。 Chu Feng completely knows what situation, is not only a little doubt, oneself are sensational to Yaoyao, are these big uneducated people moved with the moved yarn? 楚风完全不知道什么情况,只是有点狐疑,自己对妖妖煽情呢,这几个大老粗感动与伤感个毛线啊? You also are really...... The perception, is a little frail, this is the experience that I and Yaoyao share hardships, is moved, has the true feelings, what tears but you are all right wipe randomly, Old Donkey said you, what's the matter?” Chu Feng is staring at Old Donkey. “你们还真是……感性,有点脆弱,这是我与妖妖共患难的经历,有感动,有真情,但是你们没事乱抹什么眼泪,老驴说你呢,你怎么回事?”楚风盯着老驴 Old Donkey does not have the tears, wipes there dry/does, sighed: Brother, your knows, Old Donkey I always have the sympathy, sees your this, listens to be so miserable, I who you said really am the whole body have goosebumps, the heart have intimately, oh, wants to cry for you!” 老驴没眼泪,在那里干抹,叹道:“兄弟,你知道的,老驴我一向具有同情心,看到你这样,听你说的那么惨,我真是浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,心有戚戚焉,唉,想替你哭!” Problem!” A Chu Feng face depressed and dumbstruck look, is moved to cry a donkey, this called any matter! “毛病!”楚风一脸郁闷与发懵的神色,将一头驴子感动到要哭,这叫什么事! He affectionate looks to Yaoyao, acting recklessly then pulls up, mentions them in the specific detail that another world shares life and death, for example Yaoyao is similar to Immortal Flying Over The Heavens, rescues Chu Feng, for example Chu Feng does not give a thought to own safety, helping Yaoyao keep off a Martial God eldest son's lance, nearly the soul flies away and scatters, two people relied on one another, supported the colleague. 他又深情的看向妖妖,不知死活的接着撩,说起他们在另一个世界生死与共的具体细节,比如妖妖如同天外飞仙,去救楚风,也比如楚风不顾自身安危,帮妖妖挡了武神长子的一矛,险些魂飞魄散,两人相依,一路扶持同行。 This show package was incurable!” Yellow Ox covered two eyes thoroughly, was not cruel enough to visit him. “这骚包没救了!”黄牛彻底捂上了两只眼睛,不忍心看他。 Boss Black trembles there dozen, said: My first knows, our brothers Great Demon Chu such can scatter the dog blood, this simply is...... Died must pull up!” 大老黑在那里打哆嗦,道:“我第一次知道,咱兄弟楚大魔头这么能撒狗血,这简直是……死了都要撩!” Is the Mastiff King such serious person, nods there, sees the face to be thick-skinned, but has not seen this Chu Feng to be so unscrupulous, does not have the bottom line. 就是獒王这么严肃的人,都在那里点头,见过脸皮厚的,可是没见过这楚风这么无道德,无底线的。 Horse King feels itself brightly burnished big bald, sighed: Our brothers, on the road that this is in doing is gone forever, rides to be above mundane thoughts, will work as the ice extremely, glances under the numerous mountains, the face thick-skinned unmatched in the world, as everyone knows, this time has planted, this somersault estimated that makes him taste sufficiently for several years!” 马王摸着自己锃亮的大光头,感叹道:“咱兄弟,这是在作死的路上一去不返,一骑绝尘,会当凌绝顶,一览众山下,脸皮厚的天下无敌,殊不知,这次栽了,这跟头估计足以让他回味几年!” Finally, the Yaoyao opens the mouth, the long skirt sways, the peerless Fang magnificent, now her the aloof makings comprehensively present, hit stance of antiquity universe gold one generation of non- rivals completely obviously without doubt, in the past was Number One Beauty Under the Starry Sky, in addition swept away all obstacles, queen Fan's Celestial Maiden must lower the head before her, the makings were very different. 终于,妖妖开口,长裙飘曳,绝代芳华,现在她的超然气质全面呈现出来,打遍上古宇宙黄金一代无敌手的姿态尽显无疑,当年就是星空下第一美女,再加上所向披靡,女王范的天女在她面前都得低头,气质相去甚远。 „Were you saying me and your experience?” Yaoyao asked calmly, stares fellow who this was being. “你在说我与你的经历?”妖妖平静地问道,盯着这个作死的家伙。 Yaoyao, you forgot, you were divided a palm by the Martial God eldest son, I displayed the Great Grandmaster level Domain divine technique, was holding your flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, changed the mountains and rivers trend, the entire ninth heaven/day nine nights hugged you to soar......” 妖妖,你忘记了吗,你被武神的长子劈中一掌,我施展大宗师级的场域神术,抱着你飞天遁地,改变山河走向,整整九天九夜抱着你飞腾……” Young Lady Xi feels the tooth acid, cannot bear him. 少女曦感觉牙酸,真受不了他。 Yaoyao is very tranquil, said: But, you some time ago were still not cancelled in Great Dream Pure Land build two, wanted to get married two great Holy Daughter, how in an instant, came my sensational, were you do? Does!” 妖妖则很平静,道:“可是,你不久前不是还在大梦净土勾一搭二,想要迎娶两大圣女吗,怎么转眼间,又来我这里煽情,你这是作死呢?还是作死呢!” Yaoyao, you broke faith, you have all forgotten, I am passionately devoted to you, we have such common experience, how I will pull up other females. I am perfunctory in Great Dream Pure Land, the play said that must marry two Holy Daughter, they will definitely not agree, my precisely so taking the opportunity leaves. All for you, I want to rush to side you as soon as possible.” Chu Feng righteousness words. 妖妖,你变心了,你全都忘记了,我对你一往情深,我们有那样共同的经历,我怎么会去撩其他女子。在大梦净土我不过是敷衍,戏说要娶两个圣女,他们肯定不会同意,我正是如此才借机抽身。一切都是为了你,我想尽快赶到你身边。”楚风义正言辞。 Has done, I feel unable to bear, wants to pat him for Princess Yaoyao really!” Such whispered including Old Donkey, let alone was other people. “太作了,我都感觉受不了,真想替妖妖公主拍死他!”连老驴都这么嘀咕,更何况是其他人。 Yaoyao looks at Chu Feng, said: You believe firmly, you do not remember wrong, remembers between you and me the matter?” 妖妖看着楚风,道:“你确信,你记忆没有错,记得你我之间的事?” Naturally, in that world, we each other relies on one another, advances together, the friendship is sincere, I really quite grieved, the space vortex is too heartless, cuts your memory.” Chu Feng continues to do. “当然,在那个世界,我们彼此相依,一路共进,情谊真挚,我真的好心痛,空间漩涡太无情,斩掉你的记忆。”楚风继续作死。 However, Yaoyao could not bear, does not want to look that he continues to do, wields the palm of the hand directly, gave him to come to like a sudden thunderclap, a piece of lightning pounded directly. 然而,妖妖也受不了了,不想看他继续作下去,直接挥动巴掌,给他来了个五雷轰顶,一片闪电直接砸下去。 Yaoyao, you how like this to me?!” The Chu Feng seven orifices spurt the electric arc. 妖妖,你怎么这样对我?!”楚风七窍喷电弧。 Bang! 砰! Yaoyao turned the hand to pat a palm, immediately let present a human form big hole same place, Chu Feng does not have the shadow, was entered the underground deep place, simultaneously a piece of thunder also with. 妖妖翻手拍了一掌,顿时让原地出现一个人形大坑,楚风没影了,被打进地下深处,同时一片雷霆也跟进去了。 Brother, do not do, we bring to remember, remembers at the matter that Foreign Territory has clearly.” “兄弟,别作了,我们都是带着记忆回来的,在异域发生的事都记得清楚。” Until to this moment, Big Black Ox the reminder of good intention. 直至到了这一刻,大黑牛才好心的提醒。 Then, Chu Feng has stamped one's foot, seething with rage of air/Qi, this fucking was too awkward, this really receives the dauntless doing dead spirit to toss about here. 然后,楚风就跳脚了,气的七窍生烟,这特么的太尴尬了,他这真是秉承大无畏的作死精神在这里折腾。 After running out of the surface, has not waited for Yaoyao to tidy up him, Chu Feng hit the mountain wall by first, and shouting: Do not block me, I do not want to live!” 冲出地表后,没等妖妖收拾他,楚风自己先以头撞山壁,并且喊着:“你们都不要拦我,我不想活了!” Rare this insensitive person can also grasp now crazily, the feeling that really a little must collapse, then, he several hitting to collapse the mountain wall. 难得他这种厚脸皮的人现在也能抓狂,实在有点要崩溃的感觉,然后,他哐哐几下就将山壁给撞塌了。 Brother, do not hit, your facial skin is too hard, gave to hit to collapse the mountain, you looked here dust rocket, for no reason have destroyed the beautiful mountains now.” “兄弟,别撞了,你脸皮太硬,将山都给撞塌了,你看现在这里尘土狼烟,平白毁了秀丽的山川。” Chu Feng clenches teeth saying: Your this group of friend who is a bad influences, Boss Black, Yellow Ox, Old Donkey, Yellow Ox, (Western) Siberian Tiger and horse are bald, I must fight a decisive battle with you, life and death dying war, you on together!” 楚风咬牙道:“你们这群损友,大老黑黄牛老驴黄牛西伯利亚虎、马光头,我要跟你们决战,决死一死战,你们都一起上吧!” „To fight a decisive battle, comes.” The Yaoyao figure is tall and graceful, the curve fluctuates, has a big long leg of pair of golden proportion, she flies high to come, the waist is slender, in addition can be called mind/bosom to be great, the Swan snow white neck, the face has no time perfectly, is gazing at Chu Feng, then the snow white clear lotus root arm show moves, directly Chu Feng patting underground, is accompanying the large expanse of thunder once more. “想决战,过来啊。”妖妖身段挺秀,曲线起伏,拥有一双黄金比例的大长腿,她凌空而来,腰肢纤细,此外称得上“胸怀博大”,天鹅般的雪白颈项,面孔完美无暇,注视着楚风,然后雪白晶莹的藕臂展动,直接将楚风给拍进地下,再次伴着成片雷霆。 Yaoyao, this inside has misunderstanding.” Chu Feng own thinks afraid, explained that a yarn, this time planted thoroughly. 妖妖,这里面有误会。”楚风自己的都觉得心虚,解释个毛线啊,这次彻底栽了。 I remember, this was not the first time, Chu Feng this courage quite big, pulled up the heart of Yaoyao not dead throughout, selected this hell -type ultimate difficulty challenge specially, admire.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger assumes an air of self approbation. “我记得,这不是第一次了,楚风这胆子相当的大啊,撩妖妖之心始终不死,专门挑这种地狱式的终极难度挑战,佩服。”东北虎摇头晃脑。 We respond with the most serious mournful thought that mourns Chu Feng this dauntless doing dead spirit sincerely, died must pull up, next year here will burn paper resembling money and visit a grave for him.” “我们报以最沉重的哀思,深切悼念楚风这种大无畏的作死精神,死了都要撩,明年来这里为他烧纸、上坟。” On this day, in the Chu Feng heart is gloomy, once suspected the life, was too bad luck, oneself make itself to swallow the bitter fruit. 这一天,楚风心中是灰暗的,一度怀疑人生,太倒霉了,自己作死自己吞苦果。 Reflects on one's mistakes in seclusion can not be peaceful, Young Lady Xi sits out him, various study he does. 闭门思过都不得安宁,少女曦坐在他门外,各种学他作死。 Only slightly those who make Chu Feng feel the comfort is, that night, on his Light Brain received the Qin Luoyin's information, making him startle to sit. 唯一让楚风稍感安慰的是,这一天晚间,他的光脑上收到秦珞音的信息,让他激灵一下坐了起来。 Qin Luoyin spoke, she restored to remember, if must choose, she hopes that one day of Chu Feng to appear in Great Dream Pure Land open and aboveboard, as for Wu Lunhui, making him go damn, lost to Ying Zhexian! 秦珞音明言,她已经恢复记忆,如果非要选择的话,她希望有一天楚风能堂堂正正出现在大梦净土,至于吴轮回,让他去见鬼,丢给映谪仙 „, This what meaning?” Chu Feng ponders over, this inside has tasteful, he is not Wu Lunhui, naturally that is the empty body. “诶,这什么意思?”楚风琢磨,这里面有讲究,他不就是吴轮回吗,当然那是虚身。 This is requests Chu Feng True Body one day to go to Great Dream Pure Land, then, got rid of the empty body, throws to Ying Zhexian, this was the suggestion gives a Ying Zhexian dream, was spatial, what? 这是要求楚风真身有一天去大梦净土,然后,将虚身抛弃,扔给映谪仙了,这是暗示给映谪仙一场梦,一场空,还是什么? Next day, a heavy pound news spreads, was issued by the Dark Blood platform. 第二天,一则重磅消息传出,由黑血平台等发布。 Sub Immortal Clan makes an important decision, choosing Wu Lunhui to be Ying Zhexian dao companion. 亚仙族做出一项重要决定,选吴轮回映谪仙道侣 But on the same day, in Great Dream Pure Land, Qin Luoyin, no matter the threat and warning of elder, announced an important big event to the outside. 而当日,大梦净土中,秦珞音不管长老的威胁与警告,也对外宣布一件重要大事件。 In universe generation of who can defeat Chu Feng, she marries anyone, if nobody can defeat Chu Feng, she is willing to marry Demon Chu Feng. 宇宙这一代人中谁能击败楚风,她就嫁给谁,如果没有人能够击败楚风,她甘愿嫁给楚风魔头 Insane, what situation this is, Qin Luoyin goddess this is the angry words, wants to raise the demon by the body?” “疯了吗,这是什么情况,秦珞音女神这是气话吗,想要以身饲魔?” One group of people are shocked, universe regional responses are intense, this Sub Immortal Clan announced that chooses Wu Lunhui to be dao companion is more astonishing, shocks the younger generation. 一群人都震惊,宇宙各地反应强烈,这比亚仙族宣布选吴轮回道侣还要惊人,震动年轻一代。 Sub Immortal Clan chooses Wu Lunhui, this is the people expected matter, after all that silver-haired Little Loli shouted including the brothers-in-law, moreover said in the presence of everyone Wu Lunhui and Ying Zhexian already formed dao companion in Foreign Territory, this simply has not left a way out to oneself, inadequate dao companion, that absolutely will become a personal enemy, moreover did not die continuous. 亚仙族吴轮回,这是人们意料之中的事,毕竟那个银发小萝莉连姐夫都喊出来了,而且当众说吴轮回映谪仙异域早已结成道侣,这根本没有给自己留后路,不成道侣,那绝对会成为仇人,而且是不死不休。 However, which play Qin Luoyin this makes? Was ignorant including the Great Dream Pure Land's people, several old women hurry to look for her, but late, the words had already let out. 但是,秦珞音这是闹哪一出戏?连大梦净土的人都懵了,几名老妪赶紧找她,但是早已晚了,话都已经放出去。 Everybody should not be worried, Chu Feng now what cultivation base, at most is also Cultivator of Moulding Shape level, currently from the group of people of Foreign Territory return in Golden Body Realm, has Golden Body Great Perfection, even there are to break through to Sub Saint Dominion, has what to fear?! Demon Chu Feng, now is a piece of cake, a fist can rumble to kill!” “各位不要担心,楚风现在什么修为,顶多也就是塑形层次的修士而已,现在从异域归来的这群人都在金身境,更有金身大圆满的,甚至有要突破到亚圣领域的,有何惧哉?!楚风魔头,如今不过是小菜一碟,一拳就能轰杀!” Then, one group of people were excited, shouted must go to Earth, wanted hunting Demon Chu Feng, this simply was the generous gift under last bestowed by heaven, was too easy. 然后,一群人兴奋了,嚷着要去地球,要去狩猎楚风魔头,这简直是上天赐下的厚礼,太容易了。 My knows, Qin Luoyin goddess this is to all person opportunities, kills Chu Feng to be easy as pie now, our generation Cultivator, can kill it, haha!” “我知道了,秦珞音女神这是给所有人一个机会,杀楚风如今易如反掌,我辈修士,都能杀之,哈哈!” The young generation of ebullition, felt that this is the space falls the meat pie, wishes one could immediately to rush to Earth to go, hunts Chu Feng, seizing first. 年轻一辈沸腾,感觉这是天上掉馅饼,都恨不得立刻赶到地球去,猎捕楚风,将之抢先抓走。 The starry sky deep place, Ouyang Feng in depressed hurrying along, Chu Feng is giving to abandon him, he can only person laborious looking Teleportation Domain, curse unceasingly. 星空深处,欧阳风正在苦闷的赶路,楚风将他给扔下了,他只能一个人辛苦的找传送场域,不断诅咒。 Then, he also receives the news, immediately the eye straightens, said: Say/Way is heartless also feels emotion, this is to a Chu Feng huge opportunity, the different status marry the different people, show package that aiyu, this makes, this is lucky, is unfortunate, later goes out wants Avatar to be weak, must prepare two faces. This is goes to Great Dream Pure Land to get married first, goes to Sub Immortal Clan to get married first, the master did not return to Earth, here waited for this show package!” 然后,他也接到消息,顿时眼睛发直,道:“道是无情还有情,这是给楚风一个天大的机会吗,不同的身份去娶不同的人,哎呦,这个作死的骚包,这是幸运呢,还是不幸,以后出门都要分身乏术,要准备两种面孔。这是先去大梦净土成亲,还是先去亚仙族成亲,爷不回地球了,在这里等这个骚包!” Everybody, the stars sea is our battle paths, Earth is our other shore, no one must snatch, first arrives fights a decisive battle with Demon Chu first!” “各位,星辰大海是我们的征途,地球是我们的彼岸,谁都不要抢,先到先跟楚魔头决战!” In the starry sky, many people were calling, had entered Foreign Territory, now the strength rises suddenly, now is fully-confident. 星空中,不少人叫着,曾经进入过异域,如今实力暴涨,现在信心百倍。 Meanwhile, the vast World of the Living world, the genuine world, Yang Qi is billowing, some people attempt to open the chaos, must penetrate a short wormhole, wants to enter World of the Dead. 与此同时,浩大的阳间世界,真正的人间,阳气滚滚,有人尝试开辟混沌,要击穿一个短暂的虫洞,想要进入阴间 to report Dao Lord, we probe repeatedly, discovered that perhaps broken Ancient Road, has certainly successful probability, may enter World of the Dead.” 禀报道主,我们多次试探,发现一条残破的古路,或许有一定成功的几率,可进阴间。” In an ancient palace, one group of powerhouses kneel to bend down below, is similar to one clay sculpture woodcarving idol kotows, he moistens the full dust, fell has thick one on earth, half foot continued. 一座古老的殿宇中,有一群强者跪伏在下,对一个如同泥塑木雕般的神像叩首,他沾满灰尘,落在身上的土都有厚厚一层了,半尺都不止。 At this time, idol opens the mouth, the body moved slightly, the dust rustle crashed, below several people of heart palpitated, this ancient Supreme Being most minimum several tens of thousands years have not opened the mouth, have not moved, the flesh was withered, divine consciousness died out, now recovers, was really also living. 这时,神像开口,身体微动,尘埃簌簌坠落,下方的几人都心头悸动,这尊古老的大能最起码数万年未开口,不曾动弹过了,血肉干枯,神识寂灭,现在复苏,果然还活着。 “Wú, threw World of the Dead several small fish in the past, some plant Origin Metal, some carrying/sustaining the curse, is being the test piece, if can pass, looks for the opportunity to receive several small fish . Moreover, World of the Dead's these seeds are good, pick one batch, does not limit the race, I want to look, after they return from the grave, can grow to any situation. ” “唔,当年将几头小鱼抛进阴间,有的身上栽种有母金,有的身上承载着诅咒,都是试验品,如果能过去,找机会将几条小鱼收回来,另外,阴间的那些种子不错,采摘一批回来,不限种族,我想看一看,他们还阳后能成长到什么地步。” This Supreme Being opens the mouth, vibrates the will of the people. 这位大能开口,震动人心。 Obeys Dao Lord Dharma Decree!” “遵道主法旨!” Reported Dao Lord, recently also had other Supreme Being direct disciple to move, doubtful must enter World of the Dead.” Kneels some people reports below powerhouse. “禀告道主,最近也有其他大能门下弟子在行动,疑似也要进阴间。”跪在下方的强者中有人禀告。 “Wú, was expected that the matter, World of the Living loses in some World of the Dead's things is sought, their this does not lose heart, pays attention to their trend! ” “唔,预料中的事,阳间失落在阴间的一些东西一直在被寻找,他们这是不死心啊,注意他们的动态!” World of the Living, the length and breadth is boundless, but uneasy was now static, somewhat ancient Supreme Being is recovering, some later generations that they arranged long ago involve World of the Dead, now some people started to have an action to perform! 阳间,广袤无垠,但是现在不宁静了,有些古老的大能在复苏,他们早年的布置的一些后世涉及到阴间,现在有些人开始有所动作了! Has fainted, tonight had matter this chapter, felt that had no way to write the second chapter, tomorrow then diligently. 晕了,今晚有事就这一章了,感觉没法写第二章了,明天接着努力吧。
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