SR :: Volume #9

#853: Returns to Earth

Temple nearby one group of people by heavy of being startled, this Wu Lunhui look at the big eye has no time purely, but also shy, finally unexpectedly...... Dares to leave this opinion? 神殿附近一群人都被惊的不轻,这吴轮回看着大眼纯净无暇,还略带青涩呢,结果居然……敢出这种言论? Was this courage too also big? Since all previous dynasties, but also never heard that some people dare simultaneously to marry Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan two big Dao Lineage's Divine Maiden precedents. 这胆子也太大了吧?历代以来,还从未听说有人敢同时娶大梦净土亚仙族两大道统的神女的先例呢。 Now, Wu Lunhui daylight robbery, dares to propose this view unexpectedly. 现在,吴轮回狮子大开口,居然敢提出这种说法。 Many people believe, this is the harmonious considerations for two clans, either does not marry, either marries, does not let a side cannot get out. 许多人认为,他这是在为两族的和睦考虑,要么不娶,要么都娶,不让其中一方下不来台。 However, is many person unstated criticism, Wu Lunhui this does! 但是,还是有许多人腹诽,吴轮回这是作死! Person who across the universe is watching the live transmission, that responded is more intense, particularly that group of young people, previously had forgiven Chu Feng, to his to praise, but consistently is hostile to now. 宇宙各地正在观看直播的人,那反应更为激烈,尤其是那群年轻人,早先已经原谅楚风,对他大赞,但现在一致敌视。 In Great Dream Pure Land, in the temple, this time Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin complexion is unattractive, they have the posture of beautiful woman, the appearance nature is impeccable, but now the face slightly is black. 大梦净土中,神殿内,此时的映谪仙秦珞音脸色不好看,她们具有倾城之姿,容貌自然无可挑剔,但现在脸都微黑了。 Face is black, will infect?” Primitive Demon Race's Yuan Yuan whispered low voice, looked at Ying Wudi, looked to Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoqin, expressed admiration secretly. “脸黑,是不是会传染啊?”始魔族的元媛小声嘀咕道,看了一眼映无敌,又看向映谪仙与秦珞亲,暗暗称奇。 In fact, Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin have not taken a stand, nearby Ying Wudi has been driven beyond the limits of forbearance, wants to begin with Chu Feng. 事实上,映谪仙秦珞音还没有表态呢,旁边的映无敌已经忍无可忍,真想跟楚风动手。 Bang, he was given to hold by a Sub Immortal Clan's elder, making him more peaceful, do not impulse. 砰的一声,他被亚仙族的一位长老给抓住,让他安静一些,不要冲动。 Little friend, you chatted, how can my Sub Immortal Clan's daughter with her one person of best friend with marrying?” Sub Immortal Clan's elder not salty not pale opens the mouth, many a little feeling of anger. “小友,你说笑了,我亚仙族的女儿怎能与她的闺蜜同嫁一人?”亚仙族的长老不咸不淡的开口,多少有点恼意。 The Great Dream Pure Land's person is also the complexion is not how attractive, Wu Lunhui's this view goes too far, they did not accept. 大梦净土的人也是脸色不是多么好看,吴轮回的这个说法太过分,他们接受不了。 Since all previous dynasties, so long as married Sub Immortal Clan Princess, or Great Dream Pure Land Holy Daughter person, this person of life definitely only then only dao companion, is impossible not to act unreasonably possibly. 历代以来,只要娶了亚仙族公主,或者大梦净土圣女的人,此人一生肯定都只有唯一的道侣,不可能也不容许乱来。 Brother-in-law, you cannot have thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later!” Silver-haired Little Loli called out, but also is entraining the Chu Feng's arm. “姐夫,你不能始乱终弃!”银发小萝莉叫道,还在拽着楚风的手臂呢。 Xiao you give me to come!” Ying Wudi reproved her. “晓晓你给我过来!”映无敌训斥她。 Then, the people saw, Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin go forward, slender and wispy, looks together to Chu Feng, on the slightly black face is having the disaffection. 然后,人们就看到,映谪仙秦珞音都上前,袅袅娜娜,一起看向楚风,微黑的脸上都带着不满。 Oh, sees your two people, I have remembered a dynasty suddenly toward an evening evening, had some memories at Foreign Territory certain matters.” “唉,看到你们两人,我忽然想起了一朝朝一暮暮,在异域的某些事有了一些记忆。” Chu Feng sighed, then, he very natural walked, arrives among two people, asks to move their forehead, wants to give to fill the top directly, transports some memories. 楚风感叹,然后,他很自然的走了过去,来到两人中间,伸手就要触碰她们的眉心,直接想给予灌顶,输送部分记忆。 "Um, what do you want to make? ” Black face Ying Wudi flushed, direct stop. “嗯,你要做什么?”黑脸映无敌冲了过来,直接阻拦。 However, Chu Feng outside the body leaps flaming light beams, very radiant, forms the light screen, all of a sudden Ying Wudi to impact backs up. 然而,楚风体外腾起一片炽盛的光束,非常的璀璨,形成光幕,一下子将映无敌给冲击的倒退出去。 This makes many person hearts startled, this Wu Lunhui is young, strength really immeasurably deep, Ying Wudi went out for sometime, who knows his fierce, the Golden Body level was complete. 这让许多人都心惊,这吴轮回年岁不大,实力真的深不可测,映无敌出关有段时间了,谁都知道他的厉害,金身层次圆满。 But, he actually does not beat Wu Lunhui here, the opposite party does not have take action, blocks him! 可是,他在这里却不敌吴轮回,对方都没有出手,就将他阻住! „Does little friend, what you want to make?” Sub Immortal Clan and Great Dream Pure Land's old monster is one startled, forehead there of person is very frail, is easy to penetrate divine soul of person. “小友,你这是想做什么?”亚仙族大梦净土的老怪物都是一惊,人的额头那里很脆弱,容易击穿人的神魂 But at this time, Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin are resisting, have goddess model/pattern, naturally cannot readily to move the forehead, this is extremely intimate. 而此时,映谪仙秦珞音都在对抗,有女神范,自然不会轻易让人触碰到额头,这样太过亲近。 Believes that I will not be disadvantageous to you.” Chu Feng said calmly, the look transmits the sincere friendship, he indeed wants to make two people restore to remember. “相信我不会对你们不利。”楚风平静地说道,眼神传递出真挚的情义,他的确想让两人恢复记忆。 Otherwise, today's matter must screw up, in the end is not good to end, if these two restore to come, all give them to choose. 不然的话,今天的事非搞砸不可,到头来不好收场,如果这两人恢复过来,一切交给她们去选择。 Bang bang! 砰砰! These two were short with him have fought, however, Chu Feng is very really terrifying, after soul light and fleshly body unified, the strength was tyrannical, had Order Divine Chain to reappear in outside the body, blocks these two females. 这两人还是短暂跟他交手了,然而,楚风现在真的很恐怖,魂光肉身结合后,实力强横,在体外有秩序神链浮现,挡住这两位女子。 These two strengths, may the platoon advance several in universe generation, finally calmly was melted by Chu Feng. 这两人的实力,在宇宙这一代人都可排进前几名,结果都被楚风从容化解。 Chī! 哧! He uses a hand point, a streak of divine light to submerge in the Ying Zhexian forehead, then, his light and lively backing up. 他用手一点,一道神光没入映谪仙的眉心间,然后,他轻灵的倒退。 What Wu Lunhui have you made to my elder sister?!” Ying Wudi is furious, was extremely worried, flushed once more. 吴轮回你对我姐做了什么?!”映无敌震怒,非常担心,再次冲了过来。 Then, Chu Feng turns around, is similar to a golden Péng bird spreads the wings, the whole body is having the dazzling ray, revolves, plunges Ying Wudi. 然后,楚风转身,如同一头金色的鹏鸟展翅,浑身都带着刺目的光芒,旋转起来,扑向映无敌 May not!” The Sub Immortal Clan's person calls out in alarm, thinking Chu Feng must begin to Ying Wudi, wants to prevent actually to discover that is unable quick Wu Lunhui, cannot block. “不可!”亚仙族的人惊呼,以为楚风要对映无敌动手,想要阻止却发现无法快过吴轮回,根本挡不住。 “Chi!” “哧!” Ying Wudi was suppressed by Chu Feng, and a streak of divine light submerges in his forehead, immediately makes Ying Wudi one yell, then he thoroughly absent-minded, then complexion black like bottom of the pot. 映无敌楚风压制,且一道神光没入他的眉心中,顿时让映无敌一声大叫,然后他彻底失神,接着脸色黑如锅底。 Because, Chu Feng gives his memory to be very simple, when is the ordinary day summons him for the wife's younger brother picture, Ying Xiaoxiao called the Chu Feng brother-in-law's scene intimately, this was too simply exciting, letting Ying Wudi wants to spit blood, then...... He really spat. 因为,楚风给他的记忆很简单,都是平日呼唤他为小舅子时的画面,还有映晓晓亲热称呼楚风姐夫的场景,这简直太刺激了,让映无敌想吐血,然后……他就真的吐了。 You...... How possibly is my brother-in-law?!” He yelled. “你……怎么可能是我姐夫?!”他大叫。 Surroundings, one group of people looked that blames to his look, naturally also many people are subject to the attack, is don't tell me in another world Chu Feng and Ying Zhexian really dao companion? 周围,一群人看向他的眼神都怪怪的,当然也有很多人备受打击,难道在另一个世界楚风映谪仙真的是道侣 Chu Feng is quite decisive, to/clashes, breaks open the Qin Luoyin's defense, directs, fills the top as before, gives her some related memories. 楚风相当果断,一冲而过,破开秦珞音的防御,一指点出,依旧算是灌顶,给予她一些相关的记忆。 Naturally, the time is short, did not allow that he awakens these people of all memories thoroughly, can only transmit in the past some fragments. 当然,时间短暂,不容许他彻底唤醒这几人的所有记忆,只能传递过去一些片段。 Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin attacked being lost in thought slightly, suddenly stands is in a daze same place. 映谪仙秦珞音都被冲击的略微出神,一时间站在原地发呆。 I do not believe!” Even if chilly aloof Ying Zhexian is also the complexion slightly turns white at this time, soul light is shivering, her innermost feelings are not calm, although since saw that the Wu Lunhui innermost feelings have the favorable impression, but obtains some memories now, she thinks to be startled, the soul trembles slightly. “我不相信!”即便是清冷超然的映谪仙此时也是脸色略微发白,魂光在颤动,她的内心不平静,虽然自从看到吴轮回内心就有好感,但现在得到部分记忆,她还是觉得吃惊,灵魂略微发抖。 Chu Feng goes forward, whispered in secret: I can display Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique with you together.” 楚风上前,暗中低语道:“我可以跟你一起施展七宝妙术。” During the speeches, he grasps the Qin Luoyin's snow white delicate hands, then in two people arms soul light altogether melts, making Ying Zhexian realize immediately, they can display Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique. 说话间,他一把抓起秦珞音的雪白纤手,然后两人手臂间魂光共融,让映谪仙立时意识到,他们真能施展七宝妙术 But, the bystander cannot look, only discovers them hand in hand, is in a daze immediately. 可是,外人看不出来,只发现他们手牵手,顿时发呆。 The person who watches the live transmission, hears a pitiful shrieking and howling wildly sound, many young men cursed Wu Lunhui, but in Great Dream Pure Land some young eminents were also brokenhearted. 观看直播的人,传来一片凄惨的鬼哭狼嚎声,许多青年男子诅咒吴轮回,而大梦净土中也有很多年轻翘楚心碎。 shuā! 刷! Two people separate, is lost in thought respectively. 两人分开,各自出神。 This is...... What's the matter?” The Sub Immortal Clan's elder is startled, don't tell me Wu Lunhui has some memories to return to, this is too astonishing. “这是……怎么回事?”亚仙族的长老吃惊,难道吴轮回真的带着部分记忆而归,这实在太惊人。 Great Dream Pure Land's several old women also quite shock, since all previous dynasties, only then few people can have the little memories to come back, looked that this Wu Lunhui is very as if astonishing. 大梦净土的几名老妪也相当震撼,历代以来,只有极少数人能带着少许记忆回来,看这吴轮回似乎很惊人。 At this moment, the impact that the Qin Luoyin face whiten, she is under is naturally big, some memories were activated, she looked that is complex to the Chu Feng's look. 此刻,秦珞音脸色苍白,她受到的冲击自然非常大,部分记忆被激活,她看向楚风的眼神复杂无比。 Vacation!” She talked to oneself in a soft voice. “假的!”她轻声自语。 Real!” Chu Feng stares at him. “都是真的!”楚风凝视他。 Mother, all real, I give you to come to be filled with wisdom, told you thoroughly all truth!” Sometimes the Little Daoist Priest opens the mouth, very much looks like with Chu Feng, when this is decisive does not hesitate, while this opportunity, he transmitted in the past a large part of memories. “娘,一切都是真的,我给你来个醍醐灌顶,彻底告诉你所有真相吧!”小道士开口,跟楚风有时候很像,该果断时不犹豫,趁此机会,他传送过去很大一部分记忆。 Naturally, this consumed to him in a big way, after all had not been born very much, this was the reason that before this he has not acted rashly is also, but orally narrated the truth. 当然,这对他消耗很大,毕竟还未出生,这也是此前他没有轻举妄动的原因所在,而只是口头上讲述真相。 Suddenly all people feel astonishedly, always felt that the Wu Lunhui use monster technique, seriously affected Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin. 一时间所有人都感觉惊异,总感觉吴轮回动用妖术,严重影响了映谪仙秦珞音 In the old monster in temple some people of looks are cold, stare at Chu Feng, the Corpse Race's old monster opens the mouth, said: Little friend, you have some memories to return, whether to look to me?” 神殿中的老怪物中有人眼神冷冽,盯上楚风,尸族的老怪物开口,道:“小友,你带着部分记忆而回,能否给我看一看?” I cannot look to you, everyone has own secret, but I can show me to you knows some pictures.” Chu Feng gentle response. “我不能给你看,每个人都有自己的秘密,但我可以给你展现我所知道的部分画面。”楚风平和的回应。 Little friend, is important, I think how knows the God's favored ones of my clan have the accident/surprise, you must result to us look!” The elders of White Phoenix clan are aggressive. “小友,事关重大,我想知道我族的天之骄子是怎么出现意外的,你必须得给我们看!”白凤族的长老咄咄逼人。 I respect fellow seniors, but my Wu Lunhui is not the person of being afraid of getting into trouble!” Chu Feng cold sound responded. “我敬重各位前辈,但我吴轮回也不是怕事的人!”楚风冷声回应。 Several Fellow Daoist, I thought it is necessary to take him, asked why!” Was the Dao Race's elders seriously opens the mouth. “几位道友,我觉得有必要拿下他,一问究竟!”就是道族的长老都严肃地开口了。 The must know, this is several big strong clans, 20-30 old monsters are defending here, must begin, they believe that even if the Wu Lunhui talent must be taken again. 须知,这可是几大强族,二三十位老怪物在这里守着,真要动手,他们相信,哪怕吴轮回再天才也要被拿下。 They are the Golden Body Great Perfection people, came from the universe strongest race, such as Dao Race, Buddha Race, Corpse Race and White Phoenix clan, yellow autumn spider, Deity Race. 他们都是金身大圆满的人,都是来自宇宙最强种族,如道族佛族尸族白凤族、黄金天蛛、天神族等。 Ouyang Feng crashes in the temple, shouted: You go too far!” 欧阳风冲进神殿,喝道:“你们欺人太甚!” You draw back, I think that these seniors are also care chaotically, for a while is desperate, I deal with.” Chu Feng said calmly, is not on the point of death chaotic, self-poise. “你退开吧,我想这些前辈也是关心则乱,一时情急而已,我来应付。”楚风平静地说道,临危不乱,镇定自若。 This made outside Sub Immortal Clan and Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters cannot help but high look little. 这让场外的亚仙族大梦净土的老怪物们不由得又高看了几许。 In fact is, Chu Feng now is the Wu Lunhui's status, is not suitable wages a war, avoids implicating the related person, if the Chu Feng's status, already palm of the hand patted some people. 事实上是,楚风现在是吴轮回的身份,不宜大动干戈,避免牵连相关的人,如若是楚风的身份,早就一巴掌一个拍死一些人了。 "hē hē, Wu Lunhui, you are very actually self-confident, does your implied meaning take a person to resist our group of old men? ” Great Amplification Battle Physique person of father's generation character opens the mouth. “呵呵,吴轮回,你倒是很自信,你言下之意是要一个人对抗我们这群老头子吗?”大衍战体的父辈人物开口。 I want to talk with you.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “我只是想和你们对话。”楚风摇头。 Few idle talk, you come, must result to us looks to remember!” The Corpse Race's old monster take action, he did not fear first, because of Buddha Race and Dao Race's people, absolutely with together will begin. “少废话,你过来吧,必须得给我们看记忆!”尸族的老怪物最先出手,他一点也不怕,因为佛族道族的人都在,绝对会跟着一起动手。 That makes me ask for advice giving up study of fellow seniors!” Chu Feng light saying. “那就让我领教各位前辈的绝学!”楚风平淡的说道。 Bang! 轰! In the temple erupts great war, the flash yellow autumn spider spinning, White Phoenix spreads the wings, the Corpse Race old clever turnover flood darkness fog, the Buddha Race Golden Body Great Perfection person recited the Daoist scripture, rumbled the radiant law seal...... 神殿中爆发大战,一刹那黄金天蛛吐丝,白凤展翅,尸族老鬼吞吐滔天黑雾,佛族金身大圆满的人口诵真经,轰出璀璨法印…… Suddenly, here energy ebullition, with boiling, is extremely fearful. 一时间,这里能量沸腾,跟开锅了似的,极其可怕。 These people have to break through to the Sub Saint possibility, collaborate, the nature is astonishing, if in the past, the powerhouses of younger generation collaborated not to hit their one. 这些人都有突破到亚圣的可能,强强联手,自然惊人,若是以往,年轻一代的强者联手也打不过他们其中的一个。 But now, Chu Feng today we are no longer as we have been, strength rises suddenly, becomes this generation of strongest voice. 可是现在,楚风今非昔比,实力暴涨,成为这一代人的最强音。 Bang! 轰! He stimulates to movement Lightning Fist, the whole person shines, uses Undying Bird breathing method, this is Young Lady Xi teaches his World of the Living Divine Skill and Divine Bird incomplete breathing method. 他催动闪电拳,整个人发光,动用不死鸟呼吸法,这是少女曦教给他的阳间神技神禽的残缺呼吸法 Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, here energy sweeps across, is indistinct has Order Divine Chain to interweave, runs out from the Chu Feng's body, sweeps away the four directions. 惊天动地,这里能量席卷,隐约间有秩序神链交织,从楚风的身体中冲出而出,横扫四方。 This temple to stand out from the masses, is firm, otherwise is impossible to withstand the strength of space vortex. 这座神殿与众不同,非常坚固,不然的话也不可能承受空间漩涡之力。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Finally, one group of old men horizontally fly, spits the blood by each one mouths that a Chu Feng person digs, hits on the wall of palace, all falls to the ground. 最终,一群老头子都横飞出去,被楚风一个人打的个个口吐鲜血,撞在殿宇的墙壁上,全都倒地。 But the capital of Chu Feng youngster, whole body is brilliant, alone sets up the body on the scene, is very tranquil, without any distress. 楚风少年之资,浑身绚烂,独自立身在场中,很平静,没有任何的狼狈。 Fellow seniors offended.” His tranquil opens the mouth, if in the universe, these people were hunted by him, trades, but is now different, in live transmission. “各位前辈得罪了。”他平静开口,如果是在宇宙中,这些人都已经被他狩猎,去贩卖,但现在不同,在直播呢。 Said that these words, Chu Feng goes out of the temple directly, expressed best wishes after to Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan's person, floating departed. 说完这些话,楚风径直走出神殿,冲大梦净土亚仙族的人致意过后,飘然离去。 Wu Lunhui walked directly, leaves Great Dream Pure Land, making all people stunned, such left? 吴轮回直接走了,离开大梦净土,让所有人都愕然,就这么离开了? This goods run was too quick, forgets to take me, the younger sister, I must run!” Ouyang Feng curse. “这货跑的太快,忘记带上我了,妹的,我还得自己跑路!”欧阳风诅咒。 Two people are not suitable also leave. 两人不宜同时离开。 Has awakened their some memories in any case, I should leave.” The Chu Feng light language, Great Dream Pure Land's Domain naturally cannot block him. “反正已经唤醒他们的部分记忆,我该离开了。”楚风轻语,大梦净土的场域自然挡不住他。 In fact, nobody starts Domain, appointed he departs. 事实上,也没有人发动场域,任他离去。 Chu Feng knows, Sub Immortal Clan and Great Dream Pure Land are too domineering, is impossible to allow the so-called two females to marry one person, he is not willing them to worry, oneself leave and that's the end. 楚风知道,亚仙族大梦净土都太强势,不可能允许所谓的两女共嫁一人,他也不愿他们犯难,自己离开就是了。 All results can expect. 一切结果都能预料到。 Then, Chu Feng nonstop, now he is Domain Great Grandmaster, walks nobody can tag along in the mountains, then he enters a piece of charge, may surmount the galaxy in Domain, leaves this planet. 然后,楚风马不停蹄,如今他是场域大宗师,行走在山川中没有人可以尾随,然后他进入一片收费的、可跨越星系的场域中,离开这颗星球 First, he has retrieved stone box, Vajra Cutter in some piece of Star Sea wait/etc., then he changes the identity, several times changed the position, stretches across many Teleportation Domain, goes to Earth. 首先,他在某片星海中寻回了石盒金刚琢等,然后他改变身份,数次改变方位,横跨诸多传送场域,向地球而去。 The time is not long, several days, Chu Feng hurries back to Earth, restores True Body, returns to the homeland once more, relaxes thoroughly. 时间不长,数天的时间而已,楚风就赶回地球,恢复真身,再次回到家园,彻底放松下来。 He contacts with Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Old Donkey and the others directly, inquired there. 他直接联系大黑牛黄牛老驴等人,询问在那里。 Goes to Kunlun Mountains, we gather in Kunlun Mountains, Princess Yaoyao also in!” Big Black Ox told him. “去昆仑吧,我们在昆仑聚,妖妖公主也在!”大黑牛告诉他。 Then, Chu Feng rushed to Kunlun Mountains, saw this crowd of big monsters, he felt urgently immediately is intimate with, naturally he thinks that this group of people have forgotten the Foreign Territory matter, in fact, after these people pieced together the memory, was not worse than him many. 然后,楚风就赶到昆仑了,看到这群大妖,他顿时倍感亲近,当然他以为这群人都遗忘了异域的事,事实上,这些人拼凑记忆后,不比他差多少。 The Kunlun Mountains vegetation is luxuriantly green, the spiritual energy is dense, silver-colored waterfall like dragon, very grand. 昆仑草木葱茏,灵气氤氲,银瀑如龙,非常的壮丽。 Not only Yaoyao goes out, Young Lady Xi also ran. 不仅妖妖出关,少女曦也跑来了。 Ok, is not really simple, in Great Dream Pure Land, you cancels unexpectedly builds two, wants to get married two fair, rich, and beautiful, really suffices the unfaithful/stamen!” Young Lady Xi taunted him. “行啊,真是不简单,在大梦净土中,你居然勾一搭二,想要迎娶两个白富美,真是够花心的!”少女曦嘲讽他。 Chu Feng strikes one's chest, said: I am such person, obviously is not, was right, Young Lady Xi you forgot that in the experience of Foreign Territory, we once had many matters there actually, various entanglements, you possibly did not have the impression, at that time you to my cordiality continuous......” 楚风一拍胸脯,道:“我是那样的人吗,显然不是,对了,少女曦你忘记在异域的经历了吗,其实我们曾经在那里发生很多事,各种纠缠,你可能没有印象了,当时你对我情意绵绵……” Chu Feng boasts shamelessly, Young Lady Xi is dumbfounded. 楚风大言不惭,少女曦目瞪口呆。 Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters are also at a loss for words, they realized, this goods also really think their knows Foreign Territory did not have anything, was talking irresponsibly. 昆仑一群大妖也是张口结舌,他们意识到,这货还真以为他们不知道异域发生了什么呢,在信口开河。 Then, Yaoyao goes out, light and lively walks, true grace and talent peerless, more and more may not estimate, is similar to an empress. 然后,妖妖出关,轻灵的走来,真正的风华绝代,越来越不可揣度了,如同一个女皇般。 "hē hē, Ok, do you remember? ” Yaoyao is having the smile. “呵,可以啊,你都记得?”妖妖带着微笑。 Yaoyao, can see you once more, I was really too happy, your knows, both of us in Foreign Territory, shared life and death, wing to wing flying together, great war Divinity......” 妖妖,能够再次见到你,我真是太高兴了,你可知道,我们两人在异域,生死与共,比翼齐飞,大战神祇……” The Chu Feng opens the mouth comes, is unceasingly sensational, on the face full is the friendship, very excited appearance. 楚风张口就来,不断煽情,脸上满是情谊,很激动的样子。 Big Black Ox is dumbfounded, he realized, this goods must have bad luck, unexpectedly dares to seize the chance to pull up Yaoyao, thinks the Yaoyao not knows Foreign Territory matter really? 大黑牛目瞪口呆,他意识到,这货要倒霉了,居然敢趁机撩妖妖,真以为妖妖知道异域的事吗? Yellow Ox has covered an eye with the hand, is Chu Feng pays silent tribute, blushes for him, is too not concerned about face, unexpectedly here pulls up Yaoyao. 黄牛用手捂住了一只眼睛,为楚风默哀,也替他脸红,太不要脸了,居然在这里撩妖妖 This was awkward, is quite pitiful.” Old Donkey does not dare to cry out hee-haw hee-haw, but is color of the face sympathy, did not endure to look, had turned around. “这就尴尬了,好可怜啊。”老驴都没敢叫唤儿啊儿啊,而是一脸同情之色,不忍看下去了,被转过身去。
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