SR :: Volume #9

#852: Chooses dao companion

Heaven, this is the god reverses, does the life winner, everyone, you listen to Finally? Do two clans carry off a girl to be one's wife for respective Divine Maiden? My heart is quite sore!” Narrator study Ying Wudi of Dark Blood platform, a Xihu holds the appearance of heart, and shouted the heartburn unceasingly. 天啊,这是神逆转,人生大赢家,诸位,你们听到了吗?两族为各自的神女抢亲?我的心好疼啊!”黑血平台的解说员学映无敌,一副西子捧心的样子,并且不断喊心口疼。 The Beast Source Platform narrator also yelled, said: This...... The scene presents the illusory scene, I have possibly misread, misunderstood, Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan simultaneously must live with the bride's family, recognizes accurate Wu Lunhui?” 原兽平台的解说员也大叫,道:“这……现场出现虚幻场景,我可能看错了,听错了,大梦净土亚仙族同时要招亲,都认准吴轮回?” Suddenly, universe Star Sea stir, the live transmission influences of several platforms really huge boundless, alarms regional many to pay attention to Great Dream Pure Land's Evolver. 一时间,宇宙星海轰动,几个平台的直播影响真的巨大无边,惊动各地许多正在关注大梦净土的进化者 Some person thorough petrify, dumbfounded, is staring at Light Brain, in any event feels is a little false, is this real? 有些人彻底石化,目瞪口呆,盯着光脑,无论如何都感觉有点假,这是真的吗? The narrator in Dark Blood platform exaggerates, said: Everybody, I in scene most front, Wu Lunhui am not only final ultimate King, won the beautiful woman to return to evidently, two big strong clans both recognized him, told the sentence truth...... I want dead, Qin Luoyin is in my dream the goddess!” 黑血平台的解说员非常夸张,道:“各位,我就在现场最前沿,吴轮回不仅是最后的终极王者,看样子还赢得美人归,两大强族都认准了他,说句实话……我想死,秦珞音是我的梦中女神啊!” Across the universe, the thorough stir, many people were awakened! 宇宙各地,彻底轰动,许多人被惊醒! Waits, my old wine drank in a big way, what Dark Blood platform that monkey-like narrator said a moment ago, did his brain go bad has been sick?” “等一等,我的老酒喝大了,黑血平台那个尖嘴猴腮的解说员刚才说什么了,他脑子坏了有病吧?” The super famous elder of some clan is staring at Light Brain, while drinks wine, previously still in watching various clan massacres in Great Dream Pure Land, his matter does not close oneself, is narrowing the eye smile. 某一族的超级名宿一边盯着光脑,一边饮酒,早先还在看大梦净土中的各族惨案,他事不关己,眯着眼睛微笑。 But now, his tipsy feeling was awakened all of a sudden, the complexion sudden change, pounds the table, said: „The Sub Immortal Clan's wife, our clan had already been scheduled, but must marry!” 可是现在,他的酒意一下子被惊醒,脸色骤变,拍案而起,道:“亚仙族的媳妇,我们这一族早就预定了,还要联姻呢!” Aiyu, my heart split, is quite sore, my goddess, my fairy maiden, how must marry a person, is this must perform two female struggle husbands?” “哎呦,我的心脏裂开了,好疼啊,我的女神,我的仙子,怎么都要嫁给一个人,这是要上演两女争夫吗?” Has the young people to beat the breast and stamp the feet, if evidently Wu Lunhui at present, manages him whether to have been have hit, first fought one to say again. 有年轻人捶胸顿足,看样子如果吴轮回在眼前,管他能否打过,先战一场再说。 The response intense youth, raises the blade, wishes one could to kill Great Dream Pure Land to go, fights a decisive battle with Wu Lunhui, 一些反应激烈的青年,更是提刀,恨不得杀到大梦净土去,跟吴轮回决战, Even if in Great Dream Pure Land , some people of complexions snow white, is unacceptable, for example, Ying Wudi is covering the chest to whisper. 哪怕是在大梦净土中,也有人脸色雪白,不能接受,比如,映无敌就在捂着胸口低语呢。 „Can my elder sister marry this young fellow? Moreover, I noticed that he is agitated, why?” Ying Wudi asked itself there. “我姐怎么能嫁给这个毛头小子?而且,我看到他就烦躁,为什么?”映无敌在那里问自己。 Clarity that Chu Feng looks, he stands in the palace, these people outside sizing up, then this has called air/Qi, this wife's younger brother does not cope with him inborn. 楚风看的清楚,他站在殿宇中,一直在打量外面的那些人,然后这叫一个气,这个小舅子天生跟他不对付。 What is published the sentiment is, teaches life loathsome appearance permits......” also to have the scholar to face upward the deep sigh, appearance that being crushed with grief, that is lives not to have the love simply. “问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许……”也有文士仰天长叹,一副郁郁寡欢的样子,那简直是生无可恋。 Naturally, must have is hostile toward Wu Lunhui. 当然,也少不了仇视吴轮回 Chu Feng wants to say very much, this pass/test for my what matter? 楚风很想说,这关为我什么事? Also truly has not become dao companion, he felt that cold air/Qi whiz whiz, one group of youth with greedy person, the look were green and glossy, stare at him. 还没有真正成为道侣呢,他就感觉冷气嗖嗖,一群青年跟饿狼似的,眼神都绿油油,盯上了他。 Why, I suddenly thought that Great Demon Chu Feng is very lovable, compared with this Wu Lunhui strong 100 times!” Shouting of some people of grief and indignation. “为什么,我突然觉得楚风大魔头很可爱,要比这个吴轮回强100倍!”有人悲愤的喊道。 Good, the Great Demon Chu Feng real personality, the real hero, has sold that many Divine Son and Holy Daughter, has not bribed anyone, this Wu Lunhui...... Too hateful!” “不错,楚风大魔头真性情,真豪杰,卖了那么多神子圣女,都没有染指过谁,这个吴轮回……太可恶!” Yes, Great Demon Chu Feng you where, how this Wu Lunhui dividing!” “是啊,楚风大魔头你在哪里,怎么不将这个吴轮回给劈死!” One group of young people cursed there, the voices of some people passed on, entered in the Chu Feng's ear, much has received the universe level talent of golden invitation. 一群年轻人在那里诅咒,有些人的声音都传过来了,进入楚风的耳中,其中不少都是接到过金色请柬的宇宙级天才。 Wu Lunhui toothache, if to not maintain the morality reaching up to the clouds condition, wants to pass very much, each and every one tidies up their, all grasps, hitting that this selling of selling, should hit. 吴轮回牙疼,如果不是为了保持义薄云天的状态,很想过去,一个个收拾他们一顿,全抓起来,该卖的卖,该打的打。 Only those who make Chu Feng comfort, silver-haired Little Loli disregards, breaks through prevents, enters in the temple, grasps the Chu Feng arm, sweet was calling: Brother-in-law!” 唯一让楚风安慰的是,银发小萝莉不管不顾,冲破阻挡,进入神殿中,一把抱住楚风手臂,甜甜的叫着:“姐夫!” This lethality is very big, outside the palace one group of young people get hold of the fist, is Great Dream Pure Land's several old woman also complexions is ugly, thought that Sub Immortal Clan leaves the cloudy move. 这杀伤力很大,殿宇外一群年轻人握紧拳头,就是大梦净土的几名老妪也都脸色难看,觉得亚仙族出阴招。 "cough! ” The distant place, the Ying Wudi cough, then his corners of the mouth present a trivial not obvious scarlet, hurries to wipe off. “咳!”远处,映无敌咳嗽,然后他的嘴角出现一丝微不可见的猩红,赶紧擦掉。 Brother Ying, you? Your older sister must get married, selects dao companion, you should be happy be right, how I felt that your face is getting more and more black.” Primitive Demon Race's Princess Yuan Yuan is smiling asking. 映兄,你怎么了?你姐姐要嫁人,选中道侣,你应该高兴才对,我怎么感觉你的脸越来越黑。”始魔族的公主元媛微笑着问道。 No matter, I...... Very happy!” Ying Wudi this is destroys the tooth and blood swallows. “没有的事,我……很开心!”映无敌这是打碎牙齿和血吞。 The distant place, the Chu Feng corners of the mouth twitch, this wife's younger brother can against one's conscience speak , is also good, makes him suppress! 远处,楚风嘴角抽搐,这小舅子真能昧着良心说话,也好,就让他憋着吧! „Does little friend, how you see?” In the temple, the Dao Race's elder corners of the mouth twitch, he wants to be Golden Scales Dao Child seeks a marriage alliance to Sub Immortal Clan. “小友,你怎么看?”神殿中,道族的长老嘴角抽搐,原本他可是想为金鳞道子亚仙族求亲呢。 "Um, does the little friend, which you choose? ” The elders of White Phoenix clan are enduring sorrowfully, at this time, has the leisurely mood to mix unexpectedly chaotically, coerces Chu Feng, then wants to look how he took a stand, candidate, certainly must at the appointed time injure the cheek of another clan. “嗯,小友,你选哪一个?”白凤族的长老忍着悲恸,此时,竟也有闲心掺乱,挤对楚风,然后想看他如何表态,到时候选一个,肯定要伤另一族的面皮。 Flash, Sub Immortal Clan or the Great Dream Pure Land's person facial color changed, they are fighting and exchange in secret intensely, no matter how chooses, cannot on tear outwardly, needs more complete is good, but at present the old monsters of several other clans do not have the peaceful good intention obviously. 一刹那,无论是亚仙族还是大梦净土的人面色都变了,他们正在暗中激烈争锋与交流呢,不管怎么选择,都不能明面上撕裂,需要圆满一些才好,而眼下另外几族的老怪物明显没安好心。 Sub Immortal Clan you went too far, don't tell me uses strength to bully the weak, bullies my Great Dream Pure Land is not your matches?” 亚仙族你们太过分了,难道恃强凌弱吗,欺我大梦净土不是你们的对手?” This naturally is interrogation in secret, cannot say in the presence of everyone. 这自然是暗中的质问,不能当众说出来。 The Sub Immortal Clan's elder is not irritable, said: How can, you want knows, previously when small Princess Ying Xiaoxiao of my clan shouted the Wu Lunhui brother-in-law, since Zhexian has become dao companion in another world with him, we naturally must help, can don't tell me also beat with a club the affectionate couple to be inadequate? Why your can Great Dream Pure Land butt in actually horizontally?” 亚仙族的长老不急不躁,道:“怎么会,你们要知道,早先时我族的小公主映晓晓就喊吴轮回姐夫了,既然谪仙与他在另一个世界已经结为道侣,我们自然要成全,难道还要棒打鸳鸯不成?倒是你大梦净土为何要横插一脚?” You previously clearly did not approve Wu Lunhui, denied in the presence of everyone, but my Great Dream Pure Land one year ago to the public announced, must be Holy Daughter chooses dao companion, the candidate is most powerhouse in this smelting trial.” “你们早先分明不认可吴轮回,当众否认,而我大梦净土一年前就对外公布,要为圣女道侣,人选就是本次试炼中的最强者。” One crowd of old man lip spears/guns argued heatedly in secret, pinched directly, said various truth respectively. 一群老者暗中唇枪舌战,直接掐起来了,各说各的道理。 Brother-in-law, you cannot eat wipe dry/does only, does not acknowledge mistakes!” In the temple, silver-haired Little Loli that may really have a big mouth, anything dares saying that here compels the palace. “姐夫,你可不能吃干抹净,不认账哦!”神殿中,银发小萝莉那可真是口无遮拦,什么都敢说,在这里逼宫。 This words make her elder sisters want to beat her, was too hateful! 这种话语让她姐姐都想殴打她,太可恶了! Is Sub Immortal Clan's several elder cheeks twitches, wants to choke to death her very much, asking the brother-in-law to suffice boldly, how can say that this words, did not keep the escape route completely! 就是亚仙族的几位长老都面皮抽搐,很想掐死她,叫姐夫已经够奔放,怎么能说这种话,完全不留退路! If this arrives finally, Wu Lunhui and Ying Zhexian have not become dao companion, does Sub Immortal Clan feel sad? 这要是到最后,吴轮回映谪仙没有结为道侣,亚仙族情何以堪? A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman look is shining, has been ready for any sacrifice, sees Sub Immortal Clan not to leave a way out, she is also very direct, said: Wu Young Fellow Daoist, you, since comes the smelting trial, should knows our customs, finally the winner to become dao companion with Holy Daughter of my clan.” 大梦净土的一位老妪眼神灿灿,也是豁出去了,见亚仙族不留后路,她也很直接,道:“吴小道友,你既然来试炼,就应该知道我们的规矩,最后胜出者要与我族的圣女结为道侣。” At this time, Ying Zhexian was brought to enter in the temple by the elder, she was chilly the dust, the white clothing is holy, the black hair like the waterfall, the whole person nimble and resourceful and ultra dust was refined. 这时,映谪仙被长老带着进入神殿中,她清冷出尘,白衣圣洁,青丝如瀑,整个人灵动而超尘脱俗。 Qin Luoyin also came, a splendid attire, variegated color skirt, elegant, the waist long leg, the Swan neck, the face beautiful is leading goddess model/pattern, is calm and calm. 秦珞音也来了,一身盛装,斑斓彩裙,雍容华贵,蛮腰长腿,天鹅颈项,面孔绝美中带着女神范,从容而镇定。 Two females are the peerless beautiful woman, the glowing countenance are both bright, enhance one another's beauty, is born just like upper boundary Divine Maiden. 两女都是绝代丽人,容光灿烂,交相辉映,宛若上界神女降世。 Brother-in-law, what you are thinking, is in a daze?” Silver-haired Little Loli urging. “姐夫,你在想什么呢,发什么呆?”银发小萝莉催促。 Ying Wudi also came, really cannot bear, threatens Chu Feng in secret, sound transmission said secretly: Wu Lunhui, I thought that you are not pleasing to the eyes, should better not into the gate of my Ying Family.” 映无敌也来了,实在忍不住,暗中威胁楚风,暗自传音道:“吴轮回,我看你不顺眼,最好不要入我映家之门。” Chu Feng has not responded him, touches the head of silver-haired Little Loli, then looks to two females. 楚风没搭理他,摸了摸银发小萝莉的头,便看向两女。 The Corpse Race's old man also sneers, at this time opens the mouth, wants to look at two clan sides the ugliness, even hopes them to quarrel, arches the quirk: „Does little friend, which you choose?” 尸族的老者也冷笑,此时开口,想要看两族其中一方的难看,甚至希望他们反目,拱火道:“小友,你选哪一个?” At this time, in the temple, is outside the palace, person who also or watches the live transmission, is peaceful, is staring at Wu Lunhui, wants to look that he decided finally. 此时,无论是神殿中,还是殿宇外,亦或是观看直播的人,都安静下来,盯着吴轮回,想看他最后的决定。 Naturally, in many will of the people indignation, this is not two goddesses, the result two clansmen must carry off a girl to be one's wife unexpectedly, what way of the world is this?! 当然,许多人心里不忿,这可是两位女神,结果两族人居然要抢亲,这是什么世道?! Chu Feng sighed lightly, at first has not opened the mouth, left had a look right to have a look, finally said: Can choose?” 楚风轻叹,起初没有开口,左看看右看看,最后才道:“非要选择吗?” Naturally!” Some old monsters urged. “当然!”一些老怪物纷纷催促。 Person who let alone they as well as watch the live transmission, is Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin own this time is also staring at Chu Feng, does not concern other, but wants to look that he responded and chooses truly. 别说他们以及观看直播的人,就是映谪仙秦珞音自身此时也都在凝视楚风,不关乎其他,只是想看一看他真正的反应与选择。 After all, is called Zhexian, regards as the goddess by various clan youth, is supercilious, is very self-confident to oneself, first time was chosen. 毕竟,一个被称为谪仙子,一个被各族青年视为女神,都心高气傲,对自身很自信,还是头一次被选择呢。 Without a doubt, to them, has forgotten the experience of Foreign Territory, at this moment is far from the sentiment, now stresses on the Chu Feng's manner, but within when two females each other looks at each other, to them, is no different than a fight, concerns the charm and influence. 毫无疑问,对她们两人来说,已经遗忘异域的经历,此刻谈不上感情,现在更侧重于楚风的态度,而两女间彼此对视时,对她们两人来说,无异于一场战斗,关乎魅力与影响。 Little friend do you choose? Hehe......” had the old monster to smile maliciously. “小友你怎么选择?呵呵……”有老怪物不怀好意的笑了起来。 Brother-in-law!” Silver-haired Little Loli shakes the Chu Feng's arm. “姐夫!”银发小萝莉摇动楚风的手臂。 Ouyang Feng shouts: Has elected the elder sister, silver-haired loli, this is the obvious matter, Great Dream Pure Land you should also add individual again.” 欧阳风喊道:“选了姐姐,还有个银发萝莉,这是多明显的事儿,大梦净土你们也应该再加个人。” His is anxious to stir up trouble, making Sub Immortal Clan one group of people look angrily at him, Ying Wudi wants to pass with him goes all out, makes contact with an elder sister, but can also deliver a younger sister? To kill that to be only black really Swan! 他这是唯恐天下不乱,让亚仙族一群人都怒视他,映无敌更是想过去跟他拼命,搭上一个姐姐,还要送上一个妹妹?真想打死那只黑天鹅 Good.” Chu Feng raised the head, looks to Sub Immortal Clan's Ying Zhexian, looks to Great Dream Pure Land's Qin Luoyin, finally sighed: I hope that various clans are harmonious, today had too many extremely painful matters.” Here, he looked to the Corpse Race's old monster, an appearance of incomparable sympathy, looked to Dao Race and yellow autumn spider clan, the White Phoenix clan, was having the color of comfort, this gives to stimulate the old monster that one crowd harbored evil intentions a moment ago simply, uncovered their scabs again. “那好吧。”楚风抬头,看向亚仙族的映谪仙,又看向大梦净土的秦珞音,最后才叹道:“我希望各族和睦,今天已经发生太多沉痛的事。”说到这里,他看向尸族的老怪物,一副无比同情的样子,又看向道族、黄金天蛛族、白凤族等,带着安慰之色,这简直是将一群刚才不怀好意的老怪物又给刺激了一个遍,再揭他们的伤疤。 Therefore, I do not elect, chooses one wound one, two clans are inharmonious, I do not hope such matter occurrence.” A Chu Feng face earnest opens the mouth. “所以,我还是不选了,选一个伤一个,两族不睦,我不愿这样的事发生。”楚风一脸认真的开口。 The narrator response of Dark Blood platform is rapid, immediately pounds the table, said loudly: Really upholds justice, worthily is Samsara King, facing two outstandingly beautiful Celestial Maiden, can actually consider like this, morality reaching up to the clouds, does not hope two clans are inharmonious!” 黑血平台的解说员反应迅速,顿时拍案而起,大声道:“真是仗义,不愧是轮回王,面对两位绝色天女,却能这样考虑,义薄云天啊,不希望两族不睦!” Across the universe, some people are indeed surprised, many young people show the smiling face immediately, approved Wu Lunhui greatly, flash nobody scolds him, said that he was good. 宇宙各地,一些人的确惊讶,诸多年轻人顿时露出笑容,大赞吴轮回,一瞬间没人骂他了,都说他好。 This is not good, two clans both like this, you, if rejects completely, after this lets two fairy maidens, how to face the common people?” “这样不好吧,两族都这样了,你如果全部拒绝,这让两位仙子以后怎么面对世人?” Has the old monster to be aggressive, mentioned again, saying Chu Feng should make the choice. 有老怪物咄咄逼人,再次提及,说楚风该做出选择。 Then, some people look to Sub Immortal Clan and Great Dream Pure Land, said them, since must choose Wu Lunhui, that makes him take a stand. 然后,更有人看向亚仙族大梦净土,说他们既然都要选吴轮回,那就让他表态。 In fact, two clans also somewhat regretted, now was forced to do something desperate, was extremely previously decisive, does not have the escape route simply. 事实上,两族也有些后悔了,现在被逼上梁山,早先太过果断,简直没有后路。 Finally, they look to Chu Feng, meant that non- Chang Ming reveals. 最后,他们都看向楚风,意味非常明显。 Such being the case......” the Wu Lunhui opens the mouth, sighed in a soft voice, does not hope matter out-of-control the appearance, the hope is harmonious, he is awe-inspiring, said: My two both elect!” “既然如此……”吴轮回开口,轻声叹道,一副不愿事情失控的样子,希望和睦,他正气凛然,道:“那我两个都选!” I scratch! The Ouyang Feng chin almost falls on the ground, he wants to say very much, this Chu Feng, has suppressed for quite a while very much, originally is doing intentionally to have no recourse, ferments the big move. 我擦!欧阳风下巴差点掉在地上,他很想说,这很楚风,憋了半天,原来是在故作迫不得已,酝酿大招呢。 Surroundings, one group of people are scared, did not have the sound, many people look instantaneously to Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan, looks to Qin Luoyin and Ying Zhexian. 周围,一群人傻眼,都没有了声音,许多人瞬间望向大梦净土亚仙族,更是看向秦珞音映谪仙
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