SR :: Volume #9

#851: Installs as well as carries off a girl to be one's wife

At this moment, across the universe knows, the youngster, he called Wu Lunhui, morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King! 这一刻,宇宙各地都知道了,有一个少年,他叫吴轮回,义薄云天轮回王 The key is, the sound in this Great Dream Pure Land is too big, affects in Star Sea various clan Evolver's hearts, particularly the final moment, wants to look, who is the strongest voice, laughs last. 关键是,这一次大梦净土中的动静太大,牵动星海中各族进化者的心,尤其是最后关头,都想看一看,谁是最强音,笑到最后。 Now the people saw, unexpectedly is Wu Lunhui, this kind of delicate youngster! 现在人们看到了,居然是吴轮回,这样一个清秀的少年! morality reaching up to the clouds, Samsara King!?” In the Qin Luoyin's abdomen, Little Daoist Priest was also muttering, then he starts aiyu to shriek with pain, said: Aiyu, flashed my old waist, is Daoist Master this must smile?” 义薄云天,轮回王!?”秦珞音的腹中,小道士也在跟着咕哝,接着他就开始哎呦喊痛,道:“哎呦,闪了我的老腰,道爷这是要笑死吗?” He is holding oneself small waist, is really a little cannot endure, wants to spurt his father, can this be good? 他扶着自己的小腰,真是有点忍受不住,想喷他爹,这都能行? His memory is retaining, clear knows had anything in another world, Lord soul light of these people are not his father kills, finally now on the contrary is on intimate terms, said his father morality reaching up to the clouds, this ignominious father. 他的记忆可是都保留着呢,清楚的知道在另一个世界发生了什么,这些人的主魂光不都是他爹干掉的吗,结果现在反倒称兄道弟,说他爹义薄云天,这个可耻的爹。 „, My old waist, is really whoops sore, simultaneously needs to love dearly Corpse Race, Dao Race and other seconds.” Little Daoist Priest has been convinced, this not good father kills one group of rivals, after coming back, such is subject to hounds, whom also really did not have, the facial skin was very thick. “哎呦,我的老腰,真疼啊,同时需要心疼尸族道族等三秒钟。”小道士服气了,这个无良的爹干掉一群敌手,回来后还这么备受追捧,也真是没谁了,脸皮忒厚。 This father real pit, lacks the morals, is really insincere, how also to go beyond compared with my previous life?” He talked to oneself, carries on the comparison and introspection. “这爹真坑,太缺少道德,实在不厚道,怎么比我前世还有过之而无不及呢?”他自语,进行比较与反省。 Then, a Little Daoist Priest doubt, this don't tell me is because the makings are close, the moral character is similar, therefore, he reincarnation does become this father's son? 然后,小道士一阵狐疑,这难道是因为气质相近,品格相似,所以,他才投胎成这个爹的儿子? He more wants more to think possibility, some truth, this possibly is so-called is not the whole family does not enter a home. 他越想越是觉得可能,有些道理,这可能就是所谓的不是一家人不进一家门。 Little Daoist Priest toothache, because, his present ability is very strong, can see the Chu Feng's appearance, more is looked that more thinks strange. 小道士牙疼,因为,他现在能力很强,可以看到楚风的样子,越是看越是觉得古怪。 Because, this father is also too delicate, now let alone the bystander, is he thought, this father is a good person, then a limpid eye, is similar to the crystal has no time, looks is the typical list stupid youngster, even a little dull moe. 因为,他这个爹也太清秀,现在别说外人,就是他都觉得,这个爹是个好人,那么清澈的一双眼睛,如同水晶般无暇,一看就是典型的单蠢少年,甚至有点呆萌。 Fierce, this is gives up affectation, the dirty and black near pinnacle is on the contrary clear, this Realm is not the average person can achieve, when is most in peak condition then my previous life some spell, worthily person who can be my father.” “厉害,这是返璞归真啊,污与黑近极致反倒清纯,这境界不是一般人可以达到的,也就我前世最巅峰状态时有的一拼,不愧是能做我老子的人。” The Little Daoist Priest review, unexpectedly has the feelings here, even pities clearheadedly. 小道士点评,在这里居然颇有感触,甚至惺惺相惜。 Then, he thought that bang, the head shivers, pain, this has suffered his mother palm of the hand, punched him directly! 然后,他就觉得轰隆一身,脑袋颤动,一阵巨痛,这是挨了他娘一巴掌,直接揍他呢! This mother what's the matter, did not say, is not the whole family does not enter a home, hasn't don't tell me discovered her abdomen black feelings?” Little Daoist Priest sends out the doubts. “这个娘怎么回事,不是说,不是一家人不进一家门吗,难道还没发现她的腹黑心肠?”小道士发出疑惑。 Then, he was punched several palms of the hand. 然后,他又被揍了几巴掌。 Now, across the entire universe is gazing at Great Dream Pure Land, is watching the live transmissions of major platforms. 现在,全宇宙各地都在注视大梦净土,全都在看各大平台的直播。 In the temple, the Wu Lunhui small face is clear, eye for the window of mind, clear thorough, his words are here gentle, comforts several clan troops in a soft voice. 神殿中,吴轮回小脸清纯,眼为心灵的窗口,晶莹透彻,他在这里话语柔和,轻声安慰几族人马。 „The Golden Scales brother, I believes that you can be good quickly, when the time comes we altogether break into various universe restricted areas together, your I am predestined friends in another world, has certainly the fate in our universes!” 金鳞兄,我相信你很快就能好起来,到时候我们一同共闯宇宙各处禁地,你我在另一片世界有缘,在我们自己的宇宙中一定更有缘分!” A Wu Lunhui face earnest color, he was keeps thinking about Dao Race's Heaven and Earth treasure, if can also take one type? 吴轮回一脸认真之色,他是惦记上道族的天地奇珍了,万一还能拿出来一种呢? He is not guilty, because these people want to kill him, moreover despicable collaboration ambush, if not he is formidable enough, was killed by this group of people. 他一点也不愧疚,因为这些人都想杀他,而且卑鄙的联手伏杀,若非他足够强大,就被这群人干掉了。 Then, he moves toward next, looks to releasing great. 接着,他又走向下一处,看向释宏。 Bodhisattva , looked that your whole body golden light winds around, is similar to god Buddha is reincarnated, looked that has the big wisdom person, I believe that you can change for the better quickly, reappears God's favored one elegant demeanor that the universe ranks among the best.” 佛子,看你周身金光缭绕,如同神佛转世,一看就是有大智慧的人,我相信你能很快好转起来,再现宇宙数一数二的天之骄子风采。” Then, he goes to boasts Great Amplification Battle Physique, said: Great Amplification Battle Physique heavenshaking, I always thought that Dao Brother in another one is very solemn and stirring, for me and others escaped to pay the price, the heart is kindhearted, when our generation always remembered.” 然后,他又去夸大衍战体,道:“大衍战体名震天下,我总觉得道兄在另一界很悲壮,为我等的逃生付出了代价,心地良善,我辈当铭记。” When Chu Feng arrives at the Corpse Race near, when sees Yan Luo, there is a little has a headache, this Lord made him kill thoroughly. 楚风来到尸族近前,看到阎洛时,也有是有点头疼,这主让他给彻底干掉了。 Corpse Race Divine Son, its fleshly body, when lasts forever, some day could fleshly body spiritual wisdom, reappears spiritual wisdom, with initially the generation of Corpse Race first ancestors, divine might not measured, must become Corpse Race qilin child.” 尸族神子,其肉身当永存,有朝一日也许可以肉身通灵,再现灵智,跟初代尸族始祖般,神威莫测,必成尸族麒麟儿。” Side, the Corpse Race's old monster listens quite speechless, he did not have little said that qilin child of this clan was how what kind, finally finally became damned child, now hears qilin child several characters once more, that really felt urgently grating. 旁边,尸族的老怪物听的相当无语,他没少说该族的麒麟儿怎么怎么样,结果最终成为一个死孩子,现在再次听到麒麟儿几个字,那真是倍感刺耳。 He thinks really a palm of the hand claps dead Chu Feng, but, he does not dare to begin now randomly, had asked for advice the Wu Lunhui's strength a moment ago, was too terrifying. 他真想一巴掌拍死楚风,可是,他现在不敢乱动手,刚才已经领教过吴轮回的实力,太恐怖了。 Formidable such as he, Golden Body Great Perfection level, but at all is not the match, must attack really again, it is estimated that did not fight with the fists to explode by the enemy, while still alive will be burnt by opposite party Yang Qi. 强大如他,金身大圆满层次,但根本不是对手,真要再出击的话,估计不是被对方一拳打爆,就会被对方的阳气活活烧死。 When Chu Feng arrives at the Luo Shirong front, another toothache, is one by the person who he kills thoroughly. 楚风走到罗世荣面前时,又一阵牙疼,又是一个被他彻底干掉的人。 Perhaps you, the capital of deity, divine soul does not extinguish, in the future may also come back to life also perhaps.” “兄台,天神之资,也许神魂不灭,将来还可复生也说不定。” He such walks, the tone is gentle, shows the sympathy and confident look, comforts various clans, is the words of praise. 他就这么一路走下去,语气柔和,露出同情与坦然的神色,安慰各族,都是好话。 Good, this child young, but is free from arrogance and rashness, is very calm, he should be the final King return, but does not have an arrogance, is really Qilin!” “不错,此子年岁不大,但是不骄不躁,很是沉稳,他应该算是最终的王者归来,但却没有一丝的傲气,真乃麒麟子!” The distant place, has the matter not to close the old monster of oneself to acclaim, recognizes Wu Lunhui. 远处,有事不关己的老怪物赞叹,非常认吴轮回 Although was praised, but after Chu Feng hears, actually the toothache, he to qilin child and Qilin this word suitable allergy, before always listened to Corpse Race to say again. 虽然被夸赞了,但是楚风听到后却牙疼,他对麒麟儿、麒麟子这种词相当的过敏,之前总听尸族再说。 Heroes come out from the Youth, is universe generation of strongest voices, Samsara King lives up to reputation seriously!” Another old monster nods, having the smile to say. 英雄出少年,当真是宇宙这一代的最强音,轮回王名不虚传!”另有老怪物颔首,带着微笑说道。 Do not say as for one group of young people, evolution is the powerhouse to revere in the final analysis, this Wu Lunhui becomes final King, moreover showed the unusual strength a moment ago, can suppress the Corpse Race's old monster easily, making them shock. 至于一群年轻人就更不要说了,说到底进化界是强者为尊,这一次吴轮回成为最终的王者,而且刚才展现出超凡实力,轻易就能镇压尸族的老怪物,让他们都震撼。 Is Samsara King, the strength is as deep as a well worthily, initially can with inextricably involved that Great Demon Chu Feng hits, now is more invincible!” “不愧是轮回王,实力高深莫测,当初就能跟楚风大魔头打的难解难分,现在更加无敌了!” Oh, he is big, 14 or 15-year-old, may becomes the younger generation first powerhouse, is seriously shocking!” “唉,他才多大,十四五岁啊,却有可能成为年轻一代第一强者,当真惊世!” As for one crowd of female talents say nothing, some young girls were laughing, teased mutually, beckoned to Wu Lunhui, quite initiative sexually harassed him. 至于一群女性天才就更不用说了,部分少女嘻嘻哈哈,互相取笑,冲吴轮回这边招手,相当主动的调戏他。 everyone, looks at Finally, this is morality reaching up to the clouds Wu Lunhui, the elegant demeanor is outstanding, Heroes come out from the Youth, has subdued Dao Race, Buddha Race and Corpse Race all people!” The person in Dark Blood platform was reporting, as before a spirited appearance, is to Chu Feng very positive/direct publicizing. 诸位,看到了吗,这就是义薄云天吴轮回,风采出众,英雄出少年,折服了道族佛族尸族所有人!”黑血平台的人在报道,依旧一副激昂的样子,也算是对楚风非常正面的宣扬。 Then, Beast Source Platform wait/etc. were unwilling to fall behind, spoke, to the utmost exaggeration. 然后,原兽平台等不甘落后,纷纷出言,极尽渲染。 morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, everybody you look at Finally, this is one dares the descendant's of God Killer youngster, making Foreign Territory Martial God lose one's temper, raised the dreadful storm, now King returns, subdues various clans!” 义薄云天轮回王,各位你们看到了吗,这是一个敢杀神之后代的少年,让异域武神都动怒了,掀起滔天风浪,如今王者回归,折服各族!” At this moment, in the temple Corpse Race and White Phoenix clan, Dao Race and yellow autumn spider clan and other old monster each and every one face darkens, god fucking subdue, own Divine Son died, wants multi- resentment thought to have multi- resentment thought at heart, wishes one could to pat dead Wu Lunhui immediately, how to be subdued? 此刻,神殿中尸族白凤族、道族、黄金天蛛族等老怪物一个个脸色阴沉,神特么的折服,自家的神子死了,心里要多怨念有多怨念,恨不得立刻拍死吴轮回,怎么就被折服了? If not Wu Lunhui is formidable enough, in them already some people want to begin once more, completely by the Wu Lunhui's martial strength value blowing. 如果不是吴轮回足够强大,他们中早就有人想再次动手了,完全是被吴轮回的武力值给镇住了。 Good, morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, is really a light bright youngster hero!” “不错,义薄云天轮回王,真的是一个光明灿烂的少年英雄!” Many people echo were saying. 许多人纷纷附和着说道。 Universe regional many people were commending, the people as if noticed star of the King raises slowly, will illuminate the trim universe to be void. 宇宙各地许多人都在称赞,人们仿佛看到一颗王者之星冉冉升起,将照亮整片宇宙虚空。 Earth, Unextinguishable Mountain. 地球,不灭山 The "Áo roar, haha...... ” this is (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is roaring, then laughs. “嗷吼,哈哈……”这是东北虎在咆哮,然后又大笑。 Moo......” Big Black Ox four limbs hoof faces upwards, lies down drinks, the flowering branch that there smiles...... The black belly shivers all over. “哞……”大黑牛四肢蹄子朝天,躺在那里喝酒,笑的花枝……黑肚皮乱颤。 hee-haw hee-haw, smiled the dead donkey master, this crowd of old monsters hold one's nose there hear of people praise Wu Lunhui, morality reaching up to the clouds, haha......” 儿啊儿啊,笑死驴爷了,这群老怪物捏着鼻子在那里听人夸奖吴轮回,义薄云天,哈哈……” Their naturally knows what's the matter, one crowd of big monster many are is having some memories, the matter that then they will remember spells to crowd together, almost can return to original state various truth. 他们自然知道怎么回事,一群大妖多少是带着些许记忆回来的,然后他们将自己记住的事拼凑在一起,差不多能还原各种真相。 Therefore, they dumbfounded looks at Chu Feng there attire, while looks at other parties there doing, is the facial skin twitches seriously, drinks the liquor of mouth to spurt to keep. 因此,他们一边目瞪口呆的看着楚风在那里“装”,一边又看着其他各方在那里“作”,当真是脸皮抽搐不已,喝到嘴里的酒喷个不停。 At this time, Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters incomparable big, does this time matter solve? Although has publicized all details, but makes the eminents of several big strong clans have the accident/surprise after all, was too miserable. 此时,大梦净土的老怪物们无比头大,这次的事怎么解决?虽然公开了所有细节,但毕竟让几大强族的翘楚出现意外,太惨了。 Naturally, at present the more urgent matters, are important, that carries off a girl to be one's wife, must result in leaves behind Wu Lunhui, does not make the Sub Immortal Clan's person rob! 当然,眼下还有一件更为紧迫的事,非常重要,那就是抢亲,必须得留下吴轮回,不让亚仙族的人抢走! Fortunately, they had already spread wind sound/rumor, Great Dream Pure Land's Holy Daughter, if chooses dao companion, the choice participates in the most powerhouse of this smelting trial. 还好,他们早就放出过风声,大梦净土的圣女如果选道侣,就选择参与此次试炼的最强者。 Everybody, our something wants to announce here, that about Wu Lunhui finally......” “各位,在这里我们有件事想宣布,那就是关于吴轮回最终……” A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman but actually also decisive, must announce directly in the presence of everyone, first decided to say the matter again. 大梦净土的一位老妪倒也果断,直接就要当众宣布,先把事情定下来再说。 However, at this moment, a distant place clear infant voice resounds, silver-haired Little Loli jumps to run, attractive in a complete mess, on the small face is hanging the sweet smiling face, shouts: Brother-in-law!” 然而,这一刻,远处一声清脆的童音响起,一个银发小萝莉蹦跳着跑来,漂亮的一塌糊涂,小脸上挂着甜甜的笑容,喊道:“姐夫!” shit! 玛德! Ms. Great Dream Pure Land's the complexion was black immediately, the body is stiff, she looks to Sub Immortal Clan there, happen to saw that an old monster is narrowing the eye, is having the smiling face. 大梦净土的老妪顿时脸色黑了,身体僵硬,她看向亚仙族那里,正好看到一个老怪物眯着眼睛,带着笑容。 Ms. Great Dream Pure Land's knows, this old fogy is leaving the cloudy move immediately, is this wants to create the faits accomplis? 大梦净土的老妪顿时知道,这老家伙在出阴招,这是想造成既成事实吗? She thinks too ignominious, was too mean, previously Sub Immortal Clan also refused stubbornly to acknowledge that does not approve directly, now unexpectedly incites this Little Loli to shout the brother-in-law, she thinks that old monster is too not concerned about face. 她觉得太可耻,太卑鄙了,早先亚仙族还死不承认呢,直接不认可,现在居然指使这个小萝莉来喊姐夫,她认为那个老怪物太不要脸了。 Aiyu, this anything situation, my heart must break to pieces, they...... Really is dao companion?!” “哎呦,这什么情况,我的心都要碎了,他们……真的是道侣?!” Side, some young people yelled, is covering the chest. 旁边,一些年轻人大叫,捂着胸口。 Similarly is covering the chest also has Ying Wudi, he thought that the pit of the stomach is hurting, such as Xihu holds the heart, his facial color blanch, then becomes dark. 同样捂着胸口的还有映无敌,他觉得心窝子都在疼,如西子捧心,他面色发白,然后又发黑。 "Um, this little girl chatted, Wu Lunhui is our Great Dream Pure Land Holy Daughter dao companion! ” At this time, old woman quite resolute, announced in the presence of everyone like this! “嗯,这个小女孩说笑了,吴轮回是我们大梦净土圣女道侣!”这时,老妪相当的果决,当众这样宣布! Aiyu!” Some people have not nipped oneself tongue carefully, does not dare believe that simply own ear, Great Dream Pure Land this can also snatch Wu Lunhui? “哎呦!”有人不小心咬了自己的舌头,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,大梦净土这也是要抢吴轮回 The key is, Sub Immortal Clan take action, Great Dream Pure Land has not avoided finally, directly participates, both sides must carry off a girl to be one's wife! 关键是,亚仙族已经出手,结果大梦净土不回避,直接参与进来,双方要抢亲! The must know, faces across the universe now the live transmission, the influence was needless to say much! 须知,现在可是面对宇宙各地直播呢,影响都不用多说!
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