SR :: Volume #9

#850: morality reaching up to the clouds shakes the universe

King return of reaching an agreement? Across the universe, major life planet, a piece moves restlessly, Evolver of various clans does not dare believe simply, is staring at Light Brain. 说好的王者回归呢?宇宙各地,各大生命星球,一片躁动,各族的进化者简直不敢相信,盯着光脑 Now in live transmission what? These senior and very famous narrator was saying...... Compared with miserable congress? 现在在直播什么?那些资深而非常出名的解说员在说……比惨大会? What's the matter, suddenly Evolver of universe regional clans are in a daze, thorough was ignorant, completely did not understand. 到底怎么回事,一时间宇宙各地各族的进化者都发呆,彻底懵了,完全不理解。 Especially the major strong clans, were anticipating in own clan qilin child blooms the radiant ray, what finally have they waited till? 尤其是各大强族,都在期待自己族中麒麟儿绽放出璀璨光芒呢,结果他们等到了什么? At this moment, some old monsters prepare the millennium aging in clan, on the table suspend rare meat dishes, is wanting the small feast to Light Brain, must look God's favored one return in own clan, forcing outstanding heroes. 此刻,有些老怪物在族中准备好千年陈酿,桌案上摆好珍肴,正对着光脑要小饮呢,要看自己族中的天之骄子归来,力压群雄。 However, report that the front passes on is sudden such, lets their petrify, stiffly there, a face dumbstruck appearance, reaching an agreement King divine ring? Must bring up the rear the return, becomes most powerhouse, shows disdain for the universe contemporaries, finally all turns into one crowd of crazy?! 然而,前方传回来的报道是这么的突然,让他们都石化,僵在那里,一脸发懵的样子,说好的王者神环呢?要压阵归来,成为最强者,傲视宇宙同代人,结果全都变成一群痴儿?! Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, was mad ghost your grandfather!” 无量天尊,气煞你爷爷了!” Amida, amida Golden Body Bodhisattva, your Sir, my family Bodhisattva ?!” “弥陀佛,弥陀金身菩萨,你们大爷的,我家佛子呢?!” Some places, many old fogies usually steady like rock, calmly like pine, but each and every one stamps one's foot now, the forehead blue vein appears. 一些地方,不少老家伙平日稳如磐石,静如青松,可是现在一个个跳脚,额头青筋浮现出来。 Serves their young lads to be dumbfounded, discovered that in this crowd of old monster eyes, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable and amida were almost equal to going to your motherfucker and fuck you this pet phrase. 伺候他们的童子目瞪口呆,发现在这群老怪物眼中,无量天尊与弥陀佛原来几乎等同于去你妈的你大爷这种口头禅。 Then, one group of young lads have scared, cannot bear recite the true words. 然后,一群童子都吓坏了,也忍不住口诵真言。 Their voice is immature, is having vibrato. 他们声音稚嫩,带着颤音。 Immeasurable...... Heavenly Venerate!” “无量……天尊!” More...... tuo Buddha!” “弥……陀佛!” Across universe, all person veiled Quan, with drinking, dizzy, does not dare believe the front live transmission simply. 宇宙各地,所有人都蒙圈,跟喝多了似的,晕晕乎乎,简直不敢相信前方的直播。 Left this important matter, were one crowd of talents given the slaughter?” “出这种大事了,一群天才都被人给屠了?” „It is not the thorough slaughter falls, but comes back some remnant souls, lamentable, that crowd of old monsters previously also delicious, the each and every one old god, finally now air/Qi rampage like the thunder, the whole body is trembling!” “不是彻底屠掉,而是回来部分残魂,可叹,那群老怪物早先还美滋滋呢,一个个都老神在在,结果现在气的暴跳如雷,浑身哆嗦!” Heaven, really has become compared with the miserable congress, in Great Dream Pure Land is quite chaotic, quickly hit, Golden Scales Dao Child that aiyu, I most paid attention to how?” 天啊,真成了比惨大会,大梦净土中好乱,都快打起来了,哎呦,我最为关注的道子金鳞怎么样了?” In Star Sea discusses spiritedly, is similar to the boiling water, a noise sound, is the nuclear weapon throws likely, in many people were bringing in anticipation some heart lakes, triggers the earthquake, the mushroom cloud blocks out the sun. 星海中议论纷纷,如同沸水般,一片喧嚣声,像是核武器投在许多人原本带着些许期待的心湖中,引发强烈大地震,蘑菇云蔽日。 This time Great Dream Pure Land, that may really be the black smoke miasma complete mess. 此时的大梦净土,那可真是乌烟瘴气一团糟。 Nearby the temple, the sea of people, the guests from all parties are too really many, have the elders character, has to receive the golden invitation the universe level talent, there are outstanding young men and women who accompanies the elder to come to attend the ceremony, at this time shaken heavy. 神殿附近,人山人海,来自各方的宾客实在太多,有老辈人物,有接到金色请柬的宇宙级天才,也有随同长辈前来观礼的杰出年轻男女,此时都被震的不轻。 Elder Brother, you pinch my, I have not misunderstood, is known as universe strongest several talent...... Became the fools?” “哥,你掐我一下,我没听错吧,号称宇宙最强的几位天骄……都成傻子了?” „, Low voice, do not speak at a venture, when nobody you is a mute! Any fool, but soul light comes back little, now is at most crazy!” “嘘,小声点,不要乱说话,没人当你是哑巴!什么傻子,只是魂光回来的少点而已,现在顶多算痴!” Right that Fellow Daoist, your younger sister said that the so-called foolishness is linked to each other, the meaning is similar.” 道友,你妹妹说的对,所谓的痴傻连在一起,意思差不多。” Luo Brother, you do not want to live, this does not put salt to the wound of strongest several clan, you had not looked that several old monster eyes were red, whom now catches to bite who! Moreover, these Great Clan methods are exceedingly high, perhaps in the clan has soul divine medicine wait/etc., could make them restore, should not the thorough dementia.” 罗兄,你不想活了,这不是向最强几族的伤口上撒盐吗,你没看那几个老怪物眼睛都红了,现在逮谁想咬谁啊!再者说,这些大家族手段通天,族中说不定就有灵魂神药等,或许能让他们恢复,应该不会彻底痴呆。” ...... …… Outside the temple, one group of young people have a big mouth, unscrupulous, here was discussing. 神殿外,一群年轻人口无遮拦,肆无忌惮,在这里谈论着。 But in the temple, one crowd of old monsters stamp one's foot, the lip turned purple, the eye was green, looked that who wants to go all out, the each and every one danger is incomparable. 而神殿中,一群老怪物跳脚,嘴唇都发紫了,眼睛都已经绿了,看谁都想拼命,一个个都危险无比。 Naturally, among them calmness also in attempting to save the God's favored one in clan. 当然,他们当中的冷静者还在尝试挽救族中的天之骄子。 Child, awakes, leaves is so foolish!” The purple light Dao Body elder is filling the soul medicament to his mouth, wishes one could to restore immediately. “孩子,醒一醒啊,别这么痴痴傻傻!”紫霞道身的长辈在向他嘴里灌灵魂药剂,恨不得立刻恢复过来。 Now let alone any glory returns, first under the heavens, can return to normal, do not become crazy then the line. 现在别说什么荣耀归来,天下第一了,能够恢复正常,别成痴儿就行。 The Great Amplification Battle Physique elder also lowly roars, said: Divine Son of my clan, you had pondered that more than one year, clearly is heaven blessed genius, you once proposed that three issues, who am I? Where comes? Where can go? Points to the Great Dao's essence, making our generation characters exclaim in surprise, you have this natural talent, the reality is the universe ancient rare hero, how today this was, Heaven is jealous of heroic genius?” 大衍战体的长辈也低吼,道:“我族的神子,你已经思考一年多了,分明是天纵之资,你曾提出三个问题,我是谁?从哪里来?要到哪里去?直指大道的本质,让我辈人物都惊叹,你有这种天资,实乃宇宙亘古难得一见的英杰,今天这是怎么了,天妒英才吗?” After the guests these matters do not close the old monster of oneself hears, roll the eyes in secret, wants to say very much, that three Great Dao issues, started to blow the people, now looks like, was Divine Son in your clan is clearly silly, has been recalling diligently! 宾客中那些事不关己的老怪物听闻后暗中翻白眼,很想说,那三个大道问题,也就开始镇住了众人而已,现在看来,分明是你们族中的神子傻了,在努力回想自我呢! However, nobody dares saying that who dares such to raise, guarantees must occur to bleed great war. 但是,没人敢说,谁敢这么一提,保准要发生流血大战 Bodhisattva , this is amida, you read aloud, looked whether to restore soul light!” An old monk draws is releasing great, making him read aloud the amida ancient scripture article. 佛子,这是弥陀经,你来诵一遍,看能否恢复魂光!”一个老僧拉着释宏,让他诵弥陀古经文。 Why, releases great him also to chant sutras, can't the war body of my clan actually?” The Great Amplification Battle Physique person of father's generation character, both eyes are scarlet, stare at Buddha Race to look. “为什么,释宏他还能诵经,我族的战体却不能?”大衍战体的父辈人物,双目猩红,盯着佛族这边看。 The old monk gets angry, said: Amida, hasn't your grandfather, seen? Vajra Protector Shi Wu of my clan cannot chant sutras, now is dumb as a wooden chicken, is more miserable than your clan Divine Son!” 老僧翻脸,道:“弥陀佛,你爷爷的,没看到吗?我族的护法金刚释武也不能诵经,如今呆若木鸡,比你族神子还惨!” „......” Another side hears the wailing sound, the Corpse Race's old monster whole body emits continuously Yin Qi, the eye is green and glossy, with greedy person, including wail sound that coarse with the to terrify person, shouting: Why, Divine Son and war of body and Bodhisattva your clan have the mental consciousness, my family qilin child so is why miserable, now moves will not move, does not have the response, his soul light? even/including remnant soul have not run away, dark green Heaven, you envy the person with outstanding ability?!” “哇呜……”另一边传来嚎啕大哭声,尸族的老怪物浑身冒出一缕缕阴气,眼睛绿油油,跟饿狼似的,连哭嚎声都那么的难听与瘆人,嘶吼着:“凭什么,你族的神子、战体、佛子都有精神意识,为何我家麒麟儿这么惨,现在一动也不会动,全无反应,他的魂光呢?连残魂都没有逃回来,苍天啊,你这是嫉妒英才吗?!” Deity later generation, why can you like this? Their Corpse Race person body originally ice-cold, not having the temperature may say, but the talent that now why my Deity Race ancestral land comes is also this, all over the body ice-cold, Luo Shirong, the envoy, how you were, Heavenly Dao was unfair!” The Deity Race's person also wails, with Corpse Race's person comparison. “天神的后人,你为什么会这样?他们尸族人身体本来就是冰冷的,毫无温度可言,而现在为何我天神族祖地来的天才也是这样,通体冰冷,罗世荣,使者,你这是怎么了,天道不公啊!”天神族的人也哀嚎,跟尸族的人比较。 Nonsense, my Corpse Race's person how ice-cold, the cloudy blood is exuberant!” The Corpse Race's old man refutes. “胡说,我尸族的人怎么冰冷了,阴血旺盛!”尸族的老者驳斥。 Quite miserable, my clan Golden Scales Dao Child Heaven and Earth treasure material discarded, this is we several tens of thousands years of accumulation, has retained to this, in Dao Child to the clan uses, unexpectedly lost!” “好惨,我族道子金鳞天地奇珍物质丢掉了,这是我们数万年的积累,一直保留到这一世,给族中道子去用,居然丢了!” "Ah, before young lord of my White Phoenix clan just before leaving, is bringing one group of real phoenix soul blood, unexpectedly...... Disappears, has not returned! ” “啊,我白凤族的少主临走前可是带着一团真凤魂血,居然……不见了,没有回归!” Nearby the temple, one group of people are speechless, here really has become compared with the miserable congress, these old monster each and every one hate to want crazily, on the face the blue vein appears. 神殿附近,一群人都无言,这里真的成了比惨大会,那些老怪物一个个都恨欲狂,脸上青筋浮现。 As they related, the people are fearful and apprehensive, these family foundations are solid, on these spoiled children is bringing treasure, big Killing Weapon wait/etc., the loss is serious. 随着他们诉说,众人心惊肉跳,这些家族底蕴深厚,那些骄子身上都带着奇珍、大杀器等,损失惨重。 Is Chu Feng is also speechless, has probably missed anything, initially when he struck kills White Phoenix clan young lord, does not have the careful search, originally also has one group of phoenix soul blood! 就是楚风也无言,好像错过了什么,当初他击杀白凤少主时,没有仔细搜索,原来还有一团凤凰魂血! It is estimated that is also only the Yin Soul blood, pours is also insufficient the regret for a lifetime. 估计也只是阴魂血,倒也不至于遗憾一辈子。 Fellow audiences, the universe major life planet Evolver friends, hello, I am the Dark Blood platform cold variable, braves death to disseminate news for you in the front line. Several Great Clan are really miserable, these old strange wanted insanely, was underway compared with the miserable congress, such that just like you saw, their eyes were red, momentarily wants to kill people, I stood such before the place, was using the life to disseminate news for you!” “各位观众,宇宙各大生命星球进化者朋友,你们好,我是黑血平台的冷无常,在最前方为您冒死播报。几大家族真惨啊,这些老怪都要疯了,比惨大会正在进行中,正如你们所看到的那样,他们眼睛都红了,随时想杀人,我站这么靠前的地方,在用生命为您播报!” Dark Blood platform while live transmission, the narrator often like this is sensational two, is overly proud for oneself. 黑血平台在直播的同时,解说员还不时这样煽情两句,为自己表功。 Then, he...... On tragedy! 然后,他……就悲剧了! pā! 啪! He really a palm of the hand patting rottenly, Heavenly Eye is luckily solid, non- Saint cannot ruin, escaped, the old monster of Dark Blood platform hurries to go forward to block, angry roaring, is changing players to disseminate news. 他真的被人一巴掌给拍烂,幸好天眼结实,非圣人不能毁掉,逃过一劫,黑血平台的老怪物赶紧上前挡住,怒吼着,换人播报。 Fellow audiences, carry on intensified compared with the miserable congress now, looks at Finally? My colleague was patted, this is offering sacrifices with the life, the risk is too big! Good, the live transmission continues, after the Sub Immortal Clan first ball massacre occurred, the second ball massacre, Corpse Race's qilin child died, the third ball massacre, Bodhisattva crazy......” “各位观众,现在比惨大会进行到白热化,看到了吗?我的同行被人拍死,这是用生命在献祭,风险太大!好,直播继续,继亚仙族第一弹惨案发生后,第二弹惨案,尸族的麒麟儿死了,第三弹惨案,佛子痴了……” Is like a raging fire than the miserable congress, vibrates the entire universe, regional Evolver feelings were too crazy. 比惨大会如火如荼,震动全宇宙,各地的进化者感觉太疯狂了。 Then, in Great Dream Pure Land, who also knows is not, suddenly starts to pay attention to Chu Feng, because looks like he is last comes back now. 然后,大梦净土中,也不知道是谁,突然就开始关注楚风,因为现在看来他是最后一个回来的。 Wu Lunhui, true King return, in universe generation the first person!” Both hands hold the young girl face excited look of heart. 吴轮回,真正的王者回归,宇宙这一代中第一人!”有一位双手捧心的少女一脸激动的神色。 The flash, all people recover, this is the fact, Wu Lunhui is true final King, the person who other are favored Lord the soul to be executed. 一刹那,所有人都回过神来,这是事实,吴轮回算是真正的最后王者,其他被看好的人主魂都被格杀了。 Especially thinks, some time ago Divinity specially came for him, this simply is...... Startled breaks all parties, shocked. 尤其是想到,不久前一位神祇专门为他而来,这简直是……惊破各方,太震撼了。 Suddenly, all people looked that was different to the Chu Feng's vision, this is the final victor, the universe younger generation strongest voice! 瞬息间,所有人看向楚风的目光都不同了,这才是最后的胜利者,宇宙年轻一代最强音! Divinity, he says anything, Martial God! Once braved death to look for Wu Lunhui to do accounts, obviously, Wu Lunhui mixed the what kind of wind and cloud in that world, has killed the Martial God later generation, definitely also made other big events, seriously was Heroes come out from the Youth!” “一位神祇啊,他自称什么,武神!曾冒死来找吴轮回算账,可见啊,吴轮回在那个世界搅动起何等风云,杀了武神的后人,肯定还做下其他大事件,当真是英雄出少年!” Some people sighed. 有人叹道。 But when one group of youth look to Chu Feng, reveals startled accommodates. 而一群青年看向楚风时,都露出惊容。 Some many universe talent young girls and others were having the charming smiling face, greeted to Wu Lunhui, eye miraculous type. 更是有不少宇宙天才少女等带着迷人的笑容,冲吴轮回这边打招呼,眼神异样。 Awful!” The narrator in Dark Blood platform also realizes to have problems, previously insufficiently attached great importance to Wu Lunhui, has not aimed at his there Heavenly Eye. “糟糕!”黑血平台的解说员也意识到出了问题,早先对吴轮回不够重视,都没有将天眼对准他那里。 But a Beast Source Platform narrator face excited color, already stood in the Wu Lunhui near, carries on various live transmissions. 原兽平台的解说员则一脸激动之色,早已站在吴轮回近前,进行各种直播呢。 Without a doubt, after this day, across the Wu Lunhui's face entire universe all knows, all people saw this attractively and slightly shy face. 毋庸置疑,自这一日后,吴轮回的面孔全宇宙各地皆知,所有人都看到了这张漂亮而略显青涩的面孔。 He looks like the 14 or 15-year-old appearance, face is fine and delicate and pretty, exceeds many females, particularly an eye pure like crystal, has no time limpidly, looks like incomparably pure. 他看起来十四五岁的样子,面孔精致而俊美,胜过很多女子,尤其是一双眼睛纯净如水晶,清澈无暇,看起来无比单纯。 precisely this kind of youngster, leads the field, becomes the strongest voice in peer, true King return! 正是这样一个少年,独占鳌头,成为同辈中的最强音,真正的王者归来! Everybody, please remember, this is Samsara King-- Wu Lunhui, initially with inextricably involved that Demon Chu Feng killed, now should by far Great Demon Chu!” The person in Dark Blood platform joins in the fun, is full of the introduction of fervor. “各位,请记住,这就是轮回王——吴轮回,当初跟楚风魔头杀的难解难分,现在应该远胜楚大魔头!”黑血平台的人过来凑热闹,饱含激情的介绍。 Chu Feng, what does he take now with the Wu Lunhui comparison? Is no comparison between them, now in space, in underground.” A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman smiles. 楚风,他现在拿什么跟吴轮回比较?不可同日而语,如今一个在天上,一个在地下。”大梦净土的一位老妪微笑。 The Corpse Race's old monster noted outside temple at this time, sees to see Wu Lunhui, the eye green to terrify person, shouted: Wu Lunhui, why you come back perfectly, but qilin child of my clan actually died away from native place!?” 尸族的老怪物这时候注意到神殿外,一眼看到看到吴轮回,眼睛绿的瘆人,喝道:“吴轮回,为什么你完好无损的回来,而我族的麒麟儿却客死他乡!?” Outside the temple, Chu Feng is stunned, quite loathes him, in fact other people are also speechless. 神殿外,楚风愕然,相当厌恶他,事实上其他人也都无语。 Previously, a Corpse Race's old monster proud appearance, secure, once profaned in the presence of everyone pats the Chu Feng's shoulder saying that he was also good, the implied meaning could not compare Corpse Race's qilin child. 早先,尸族的老怪物一副自傲的样子,有恃无恐,曾当众轻慢地拍楚风的肩膀说他也还算不错,言下之意远比不上尸族的麒麟儿 But now, Corpse Race's qilin child really becomes the corpse, but Wu Lunhui actually truly rises. 可是现在,尸族的麒麟儿真的成为尸体,而吴轮回却真正崛起。 One group of people are seeing a play, felt that Corpse Race previously made widely known, now throws completely the cheek, becomes compared with the murder victim's family that the miserable congress ranks among the best. 一群人都在看戏,感觉尸族早先太张扬,现在丢尽面皮,成为比惨大会数一数二的苦主。 Old monster, randomly do not suspect.” Some people are unable to continue watching, like this said. “老怪物,你就别乱猜疑了。”有人看不下去,这样说道。 However, in the temple actually murderous aura rises dramatically, the people of several other clans, including Dao Race and yellow autumn spider and Great Amplification Battle Physique clansman, the look are all cold, looks toward here, stares at Wu Lunhui. 然而,神殿中却杀气飙升,另外几族的人,包括道族、黄金天蛛、大衍战体的族人等,全都眼神冷冽,向着这边望来,盯上吴轮回 Buddha Race that the art reveals itself, that old monks look is scary, locks Chu Feng. 就连讲究出世的佛族,那名老僧都眼神骇人,锁定楚风 In Chu Feng heart chatty, this crowd of old monster this are thinks that is not concerned about face and implicate on him, luckily is he does, if not so, how could it not be treated unjustly dead. 楚风心中腻歪,这群老怪物这是想不要脸、牵连到他身上,幸亏是他做的,若非如此,岂不被冤枉死。 Suddenly, all Heavenly Eye aim at him. 一时间,所有天眼都对准他。 At this moment, the Wu Lunhui innocent look, on the shy and attractive cheek full is puzzled, simultaneously that eye has no time purely, does not have mighty waves, the eye is the window of mind, as if can see his heart, is too pure to the feeling of person. 此刻,吴轮回一脸无辜的神色,青涩而漂亮的脸蛋上满是不解,同时那双眼睛纯净无暇,没有一丝波澜,眼是心灵的窗口,仿佛可以看到他的心底,给人的感觉太单纯。 Fellow seniors, I do not understand that your meanings, these Dao Brother have the accident/surprise, in my heart is also very sad.” “各位前辈,我不明白你们的意思,这些道兄发生意外,我心中也很难过。” Boy, you give me to come!” The Corpse Race's old monster opens the arm, a jet black big hand is similar to the dust pan is so big, bang searched, is having the astonishing fluctuation of energy, void is trembling, must present the fissure, Yin Qi is dreadful, reveals itself just like the evil spirit! “小子,你给我过来吧!”尸族的老怪物张开手臂,一只漆黑的大手如同簸箕那么大,轰的一声探了过来,带着惊人的能量波动,虚空都在颤栗,要出现裂痕,阴气滔天,宛若厉鬼出世! However, Wu Lunhui does not change color, calm standing there, lifts the hand suddenly, a palm of the hand has clapped, is simple and direct. 然而,吴轮回毫不变色,冷静的站在那里,猛然抬手,一巴掌拍了过去,简单而直接。 Bang!” “砰!” Then, next quarter, Golden Body Great Perfection Corpse Race old monster then a big mouth coughs up blood, staggers to back up, almost horizontally flies, whole body Yin Qi ebullition. 然后,下一刻,金身大圆满尸族老怪物便哇的一声大口咳血,踉跄倒退,差点横飞起来,周身阴气沸腾。 As for surrounding one group of people, felt that Mount Tai capping pressure, that frail youngster likely is a Immemorial Divine Mountain recovery, likely is human form Immortal Beast, blood energy fills the air, was too terrifying. 至于周围的一群人,都感觉到泰山压顶般的压力,那个单薄的少年像是一座太古神山复苏,又像是一头人形的仙兽,血气弥漫,太恐怖了。 Rip! 哧啦! This has not calculated, Yang Qi that Chu Feng leaks is similar to the roaring flame, burning down is void, making the Corpse Race's old monster complexion pallid, runs to the temple deep place fast, a face frightened color. 这还不算完,楚风外泄出的阳气如同烈焰般,焚烧虚空,让尸族的老怪物脸色煞白,快速向神殿深处跑,一脸惊悚之色。 Inborn restraint of this Yang Qi to Corpse Race, making him feel have one's hair stand on end, must be swept across really in inside, he must be discarded may not. 这种阳气尸族来说天生克制,让他感觉毛骨悚然,真要被席卷在里面,他非得被废掉不可。 Yin Qi that even if so, his body emits was also burnt down cleanly, the energy of Golden Body level was all disintegrated, dissipates. 即便如此,他身体冒出的阴气也都被焚烧干净,金身级的能量全被瓦解,消散一空。 Nearby, all people tremble, is mainly Wu Lunhui looks like clear frail, however stands there is motionless, blood energy that fills is simply dreadful, the pressed and covered trim is void, frightens the fine divine soul soul of person! 附近,所有人都颤栗,主要是吴轮回看起来清纯单薄,然而站在那里不动间,弥漫的血气简直滔天,压盖整片虚空,震慑人的精神魂魄! Anyone, all expert is scared, cannot bear tremble, is saw likely youngster Divine King stands at the scene, the elegant demeanor is outstanding, to strong invincible. 无论是谁,各方高手都发毛,忍不住发抖,像是看到一尊少年神王当场而立,风采出众,至强无敌。 Chu Feng takes a step to enter in the temple, immediately makes the Corpse Race's old monster scared, retrocedes unceasingly. 楚风迈步走进神殿内,顿时让尸族的老怪物胆寒,不断后退。 Heavenly Eye of major platforms all aim in the temple, the close live transmission, shows Wu Lunhui this time graceful bearing. 各大平台的天眼全都对准神殿中,密切直播,展现吴轮回此时的风姿。 No one has expected, Wu Lunhui not aggressive, but is very friendly, sighed there: Fellow seniors, I understand your moods, but, how many Dao Brother misfortunes have not related with me, was not I have killed them, all previous peer competed, regardless of finally the life and death can't turn into the soul rain to return? I think, definitely was Divinity take action of that world, for example a moment ago that also only then he had that ability, can leave behind me and others.” 谁也没有料到,吴轮回并没有咄咄逼人,而是很和气,在那里叹道:“各位前辈,我理解你们的心情,但是,几位道兄的不幸跟我没有关系啊,又不是我杀了他们,历代同辈竞争,最后无论生死不是都能化成魂雨回归吗?我想,肯定是那个世界的神祇出手了,比如刚才那位,也只有他有那种能力,可以留下我等。” Martial God this being unjustly discredited, it may be said that back does not have idea calmly, was fastened by Chu Feng ruthlessly. 武神这口黑锅,可谓背的从容而没辙,被楚风给狠狠地扣上了。 Wu Lunhui is gentle and calm, here said that comforts the old monsters of several clans, quite honest, immediately touches many people. 吴轮回平和而从容,在这里说了很多,安慰几族的老怪物,相当的坦诚,顿时打动很多人。 Even if in the temple some old monsters are having the hostility to him as before, in the heart the envy and hate he can live, but qilin child in oneself clan actually died a tragic death, but actually does not dare the multi- languages now, all people realized, this Wu Lunhui formidable terrifying, is too astonishing, may visit Sub Saint Dominion anytime. 哪怕神殿中有些老怪物对他依旧带着敌意,心中忌恨他能活下来,而自己族中的麒麟儿却惨死,但现在却也不敢多语,所有人都意识到,这个吴轮回强大的恐怖,太惊人,随时有可能踏足亚圣领域 Is he big? The 14 or 15-year-old appearance, this really goes against heaven's will! 他才多大?十四五岁的样子,这实在太逆天! Suddenly, Great Dream Pure Land, is the Sub Immortal Clan's old fogies, the eye braves divine glow, recognized Chu Feng, this was in the clan Holy Daughter matched good! 一时间,无论是大梦净土,还是亚仙族的老家伙们,都眼冒神芒,认准了楚风,这是族中圣女的良配! Two clansman looks collide in together, the flame scatter immediately, decide to fight for! 两族人眼神碰撞在一起,顿时火光四溅,决定争抢! Senior, I looked that Golden Scales Dao Child is specially kind, this is from the soul, I think that we have certainly fought side-by-side in Foreign Territory.” Chu Feng arrives at Dao Race there, said earnestly. “前辈,我看金鳞道子特别亲切,这是发自灵魂的,我想我们在异域一定并肩作战过。”楚风来到道族那里,认真地说道。 In fact, he looks certainly kindly, robs the Heaven and Earth treasure material from the Golden Scales hand, was too big to his advantage, if later has the opportunity to go to World of the Living, may help his cultivate successfully World of the Living strongest several wonderful technique, this is the strongest inside story! 事实上,他当然看着亲切,从金鳞手中抢走天地奇珍物质,对他好处太大了,以后若是有机会去阳间,可助他修成阳间最强的几种妙术,这是最强底蕴! Golden Scales sees Chu Feng, raised the head, the remnant soul that comes back are not many, but most at least compared with Great Amplification Battle Physique and the others, but can also start talking, is only the response is slow. 金鳞看到楚风,也抬起头,回来的残魂不多,但最起码比大衍战体等人强,还能开口说话,只是反应较慢。 Strange, visits you, my also soul light gives off heat, some favorable impressions.” Golden Scales Dao Child opens the mouth. “奇怪,看着你,我也魂光发热,有些好感。”道子金鳞开口。 Chu Feng is stunned, this simply is...... God Level secondary attack! 楚风愕然,这简直是……神级助攻! Quick, why he realizes like this, because absorbs the Heaven and Earth treasure material of opposite party, Golden Scales should be has the favorable impression to that type of thing! 很快,他意识到为什么会这样,因为吸收对方的天地奇珍物质,金鳞应该是对那种东西有好感! However, he pours was not worried, yellow-haired fox means that teaches him to conceal, does not fear the Dao Race search. 不过,他倒也不担心,黄毛狐狸教过他掩饰的办法,不怕道族搜寻。 A Chu Feng face sincere opens the mouth, said: “Wú, I somewhat fuzzy impression, we were chased down by the Martial God later generation in that world probably, then, Dao Brother encountered difficulty, I...... Is dormant, has used for dozens years, finally kills the Martial God later generation, revenges for the brother. What a pity, was too fuzzy, cannot think, these many. ” 楚风一脸正色地开口,道:“唔,我好像有些模糊的印象,我们在那个世界被武神的后人追杀,然后,道兄遇难,我……蛰伏起来,用了数十年时间,最终杀死武神的后人,为兄报仇。可惜,太模糊,想不起来了,就这么多。” This...... Should be this, wasn't Martial God killed a moment ago? I think that Dao Child, Bodhisattva and the others should meet chasing down of Divinity lineage/vein in that world, Wu Lunhui...... Really morality reaching up to the clouds, slaughters for dozens years, suffices the loyalty seriously!” “这……应该就是这样,刚才武神不是杀过来了吗?我想道子佛子等人应该是在那个世界遇到神祇一脉的追杀,吴轮回……真是义薄云天啊,厮杀数十年,当真是够义气!” Outside the temple, some people sighed, makes this inference. 神殿外,有人感叹,做出这种推断。 Then, Chu Feng arrives at Great Amplification Battle Physique, Shi Wu and purple light Dao Body and the others the near, said: I look that several Dao Brother are also very kind, we certainly in that world are the good brothers of sharing life and death.” 然后,楚风又来到大衍战体释武、紫霞道身等人近前,也道:“我看着几位道兄也很亲切,我们一定在那个世界是生死与共的好兄弟。” These people now are the foolish conditions wait/etc. had been inferior compared with it Golden Scales and yellow autumn spider, Flying Immortal Divine Physique, naturally cannot refute, a face dumbstruck appearance. 这几人现在都是痴傻状态,比之金鳞、黄金天蛛、羽化神体等都有所不如,自然不会反驳,一脸发懵的样子。 At this time, the person in Dark Blood platform was sensational, makes up for the previous mistake, because initial stage enough has not taken seriously Wu Lunhui, has not aimed at him including Heavenly Eye. 这时,黑血平台的人煽情,弥补早先的过错,因为初期没有足够重视吴轮回,连天眼都没有对准他。 Now the person in Dark Blood platform exaggerates intensely, that new narrator is full of the sentiment, said: morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, lives up to reputation! Why does Martial God kill? Wu Lunhui this is in the talent revenge of our this World, brings in chases down. Does not need to think, in my heart can appear these inspiring scenes, Wu Lunhui, Golden Scales and Great Amplification Battle Physique, releases great, Corpse Race Divine Son Yan Luo and the others certainly mutually to support, the common fight, one by one was killed finally, only then Wu Lunhui insists, he suffices the loyalty, revenges for them, I am unable to describe the exquisite brothers friendship, but can imagine, really...... Too touching!” 现在黑血平台的人激烈渲染,那个新解说员饱含着感情,道:“义薄云天轮回王,名不虚传!为何武神杀来?吴轮回这是在我们这一界的天才复仇,引来追杀。不用多想,我心中都能浮现那些可歌可泣的场面,吴轮回金鳞大衍战体、释宏、尸族神子阎洛等人一定是相互扶持,共同战斗,最后一一被杀,只有吴轮回坚持下来,他够义气,为他们报仇,我无法描述其中的细腻兄弟情义,但是能够想象,真的……太感人了!” This is faces across the universe in live transmission, such flash, various praises about morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King then passes to across Star Sea, did not say strikes root in the hearts of the people, but also almost made the person first impressions are most lasting. 这可是面对宇宙各地在直播,就这么一瞬间,关于义薄云天轮回王的各种赞誉便传到星海各地,不说深入人心,但也差不多让人先入为主了。 This is a long chapter. 这是个长章。
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