SR :: Volume #9

#849: Compared with miserable congress

Two females were all being crowded around, is similar to many things around a center. 两个女子皆被人拥簇着,如同众星捧月般。 Makings are elusive the dust, a white clothing is pure, the fine dust does not dye, beautiful hair hangs loose, face shining white, pupil, if the autumn waters, descend to earth just like the Moon Palace fairy maiden, in aloof this mortal world. 一个气质空灵出尘,一身白衣洁净,纤尘不染,秀发披散,面孔莹白,眸若秋水,宛若月宫仙子下凡,超然尘世上。 Another is goddess model/pattern, wears the riot of color colored clothing, elegant, the graceful bearing is peerless, the beautiful eye is profound, the red lip is bright, white teeth like the jade, air/Qi the field to be full. 另一个则是女神范,身穿五色斑斓彩衣,雍容华贵,丰姿绝世,美目深邃,红唇鲜艳,贝齿如玉,气场十足。 Mother , the realm of love like the battlefield, slaughters, even if she is two mothers is not good!” “娘,冲啊,情场如战场,厮杀过去,哪怕她是二娘也不行!” Little Daoist Priest creates a clamor, anxious to stir up trouble. 小道士鼓噪,唯恐天下不乱。 In fact, after coming back, Qin Luoyin has not responded him from the start, this lets him is very helpless, although he chatty many words, but Qin Luoyin actually shows neither approval nor disapproval. 事实上,回来后秦珞音压根就没有怎么搭理他,这让他很是无奈,他虽然叽歪了很多话语,但是秦珞音却不置可否。 Little Daoist Priest has been pondering over, uses his method, instills into various memories, is enlightened, making her mother come awakening greatly. 小道士一直在琢磨,是否利用他的手段,将各种记忆灌输过去,醍醐灌顶,让她娘来个“大彻大悟”。 Elder sister, you came, comes to see him quickly is my brother-in-law?” Silver-haired Little Loli is flashing the big eye, called out cheerfully. “姐,你来了,快来看他是不是我姐夫?”银发小萝莉扑闪着大眼,欢快地叫道。 She had the lethality more than Little Daoist Priest, because the surrounding person can also hear her words. 她比小道士有杀伤力多了,因为周围的人也都能听到她的话。 At this moment, Ying Wudi wants to choke to death his sister's mood to have, the face chest cavity puts black light sparklingly, as for that elder also air/Qi of this clan wants to punch this little fellow, what chaotic mixes? 这一刻,映无敌想掐死他妹妹的心情都有了,脸膛烁烁放乌光,至于该族的那位长老也气的想揍这小家伙,掺什么乱? As for the surroundings, heart of one group of youth must break to pieces, are the words that this small girl spoke reasonable? 至于周围,一群青年的心都要碎了,这小丫头说的话靠谱吗? Ying Zhexian disregards the person in Dark Blood platform, has not paid attention, but arrives at Chu Feng not far away, more pays attention regarding that report, they are the entanglements, treads the nose upper eyelid. 映谪仙无视黑血平台的人,没有理会,而是走到楚风不远处,对于那种报道越是理会,他们越是纠缠,蹬鼻子上脸。 The beautiful woman who “Wú, good, in starry sky has been listed third had dao companion, then has been short of a competitor. ” “唔,太好了,星空中排名第三的丽人有道侣了,这下少了一个竞争对手。” Now those who are happiest is some young women, feels relieved, naturally has this qualifications, absolutely is the top beautiful women of various clans. 现在最开心的是一些年轻女子,如释重负,当然有这种资格的,绝对都是各族的顶级丽人。 Also some beautiful women are not willing, the light language said: „, Ying Zhexian was why bigger than Wu Lunhui most at least ten -year-old, I 16, I and Wu Lunhui am a match.” 也有些丽人不甘心,轻语道:“凭什么,映谪仙吴轮回大了最起码十岁,我才16,我与吴轮回才般配。” I support you, comes up to snatch with her!” Side, some young girls teased, one group of beautiful women were laughing, was actually lively. “我支持你,上去和她抢!”旁边,有少女调侃,一群丽人嘻嘻哈哈,倒是热闹。 Quick, the people do not discover right, Qin Luoyin also walks, arrived at Chu Feng not far away with Ying Zhexian, moreover looked that this situation always thinks strange. 很快,人们发现不对,秦珞音也走来,跟映谪仙都到了楚风不远处,而且看这情形总觉得诡异。 The flash, some people have astonishing association, what relations can't these three worlds have? 一刹那,有人产生惊人联想,这三人间不会有什么关系吧? Ouyang Feng is raising the Swan neck, a very calm appearance, but actually anxious to stir up trouble actually, the eyeball chaotic revolutions, the decisive opens the mouth, said finally: Two goddesses, you do not use well discussed that starts directly!” 欧阳风扬着天鹅脖子,一副很淡定的样子,但其实却唯恐天下不乱,眼珠子乱转,最后果断开口,道:“两位女神,你们也不用好好的谈一谈了,直接就开打吧!” I scratch! Nearby, one group of people stare the big eye immediately, this is any situation, the Jun Tuo his son's tone is strange, this inside has the matter, and is very astonishing! 我擦!附近,一群人顿时瞪大眼睛,这是什么情况,钧驮他儿子的语气古怪啊,这里面有事情,而且很惊人! This is the explosive news, inside has the trick, with the instinct, the person and Beast Source Platform in Dark Blood platform senior interviewers realized that this inside has the story to unearth. 这是爆炸性新闻,里面有猫腻,凭着本能,黑血平台的人与原兽平台的资深采访者都意识到这里面有故事可以挖掘。 Then, they saw the bloody flavor shark likely, swarms to want the live transmission and interview. 然后,他们像是见了血腥味道的鲨鱼般,蜂拥过来就要直播与采访。 Great Dream Pure Land's several old women walk decisively, carries off Qin Luoyin, their eyelashes are spatial, realized that the situation is not right, reacts fast. 大梦净土的几名老妪果断走过来,带走秦珞音,她们眼睫毛都是空的,意识到情况不对,快速做出反应。 It looks like in several people, Sub Immortal Clan is very distressed today, if cannot secure against loss promptly, that estimate also really perhaps accepts a cheap visit son-in-law. 在几人看来,亚仙族今天很狼狈,如果不能及时止损,那估计还真没准接受一个便宜上门女婿。 Great Dream Pure Land wants to elect most powerhouse, all previous dynasties the person who comes out in the temple finally generally is with the first powerhouse in generation, will have the big good fortune. 大梦净土想选其中的最强者,历代在神殿中最后出来的人一般都是同代中的第一强者,会有大造化。 Therefore, they do not think ambiguous relations of Qin Luoyin in now with the Chu Feng contamination. 所以,他们现在可不想秦珞音楚风沾染上暧昧关系。 At the same time, the Sub Immortal Clan's elder is also black the face to carry off silver-haired Little Loli, teaches her not to permit to speak at a venture, moreover sound transmission, called Ying Zhexian. 同一时间,亚仙族的长老也黑着脸拉走银发小萝莉,教训她不准乱说话,而且也传音,叫走映谪仙 However, the news passed on. 然而,消息还是传出去了。 About Sub Immortal Clan, universe each region has different explanations, some people said that Wu Lunhui has Human King bloodline, once with inextricably involved that Demon Chu Feng killed, was one generation of handsome talents, could be joined to Ying Zhexian sufficiently. 关于亚仙族,宇宙各地说法不一,有人说吴轮回拥有人王血统,曾经跟楚风魔头杀的难解难分,也算是一代俊才,足以配得上映谪仙 May also some people ridicule, said Ying Zhexian as the Number Three Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman, finally is illegibile with Wu Lunhui, forms dao companion in Foreign Territory. 可也有人嘲笑,说映谪仙身为星空下第三丽人,结果跟吴轮回不清不楚,在异域结成道侣 Without a doubt, some people add fuel to the flames, satirize Sub Immortal Clan this time to be very miserable! 毫无疑问,有人推波助澜,讽刺亚仙族这次很惨! Extra, the extra, the first ball massacre draws a charge, to Sub Immortal Clan, the pure fairy maiden has the possibility to form dao companion with the person secretly, concerns the reputation, does not affect beautifully, is very miserable!” “号外,号外,第一弹惨案出炉,对亚仙族来说,冰清玉洁的仙子有可能与人私自结成道侣,关乎名声,影响不美,很惨!” The Dark Blood platform exaggerates, they also are really some courage, fearless Sub Immortal Clan's warning. 黑血平台进行渲染,他们还真是有些胆气,无惧亚仙族的警告。 Afterward, some person with high aspirations starts to disseminate, publicizes this matter. 随后,一些“有心人”开始传播,宣扬这件事。 Earth, Big Black Ox, Old Donkey, Zhou Quan and the others are actually sneering, they have some memories to return, can only say that Cauldron of Monster Ancestor goes against heaven's will very much. 地球,大黑牛老驴周全等人却在冷笑,他们都是带着部分记忆回归的,只能说妖祖之鼎很逆天。 Their many knows something, look like in these people, shortly after some clans will be more miserable, when the time comes must envy Sub Immortal Clan mostly! 他们多少知道一些事,在这些人看来,不久后有些族会更惨,到时候多半还要羡慕亚仙族 Sub Immortal Clan first reacts, refuted these rumor, said that Princess of this clan with Wu Lunhui not anything, who dares to slander again, was equal to that must make war with Sub Immortal Clan. 亚仙族第一时间做出反应,反驳那些“谣言”,说该族的公主吴轮回没有什么,谁再敢污蔑,等于要跟亚仙族开战。 hee-haw hee-haw, Sub Immortal Clan attaches importance to face very much, when the time comes knows Wu Lunhui's is fierce, has the regret the time, can fight for the son-in-law with Great Dream Pure Land together?” Old Donkey the tooth. 儿啊儿啊,亚仙族很好面子啊,到时候知道吴轮回的厉害,有后悔的时候,会不会跟大梦净土一起争抢女婿啊?”老驴呲牙。 In their opinion, the behind so-called King return, may turn compared with the miserable congress, when the time comes the Wu Lunhui's value manifested, will shock all parties. 在他们看来,后面所谓的王者归来,有可能会变成比惨大会,到时候吴轮回的价值就体现出来了,会震撼各方。 Great Dream Pure Land, finally gentle many, the space vortex in temple is surging fiercely, since Wu Lunhui comes back, in the recent several days so, is very strange. 大梦净土,终于平和了不少,神殿中的空间漩涡在剧烈涌动,自从吴轮回回来后最近几天都如此,很是诡异。 Now, all people are anticipating the final several people of returns. 现在,所有人都在期待最后几人的回归。 Came, I felt, the vortex back had formidable soul light to shiver, was attacking, some people must return doubtful.” “来了,我感觉到了,漩涡的背后有强大的魂光在颤动,在冲击,有人疑似要回归。” The Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters grow the one breath, puts down the heart finally, in the recent several days they are with trepidation, lest this final several people have problems not to come back. 大梦净土的老怪物们长出一口气,总算是放下心,最近几天他们都提心吊胆,唯恐这最后几人出问题回不来。 Haha......” the Corpse Race's old man laughs. “哈哈……”尸族的老者大笑。 Meanwhile, the elders of yellow autumn spider and White Phoenix clan and others , the hand twists the beard, is bringing gentle smiling, looks like aloof, is actually is enjoying envying and envy of other clan. 同时,黄金天蛛、白凤族的长老等,也都手捻胡须,带着平和的笑,看起来超然物外,其实是在享受别族的羡慕与嫉妒。 Even if inactivity Dao Race with birth Buddha Race, these two troops also corners of the mouth belts smiles, waited for that in the clan this generation of strongest talent come back. 哪怕无为的道族与出世的佛族,这两股人马也都嘴角带笑,等待族中这一代的最强天骄回来。 “Wú, was the time, should come back. ” The Great Amplification Battle Physique clansman relies on, their Divine Son books are formidable physique, once obtains the big good fortune here, certainly will progress by leaps and bounds. “唔,是时候了,该回来了。”大衍战体的族人更是自恃,他们的神子本就是强大的体质者,一旦在这里得到大造化,一定会突飞猛进。 The Chu Feng surprise, he clearly extinguishing that one group of people extinguish, waste waste, how can also some people come back, he also quite puzzled, therefore pushes to the crowd front line stares is looking. 楚风诧异,他分明将一群人灭的灭,废的废,怎么还能有人回来,他也是相当的不解,因此挤到人群最前方盯着看。 Quick, he is surprised, because induces to soul light really fluctuates, some people are returning! 很快,他非常吃惊,因为真的感应到魂光波动,有人在回归! Who this is, so will be unexpectedly strong, compared with me also evening?” Chu Feng is stunned, is puzzling. “这是谁,竟会这么强,比我还回来的晚?”楚风愕然,百思不得其解。 The Corpse Race's elder sees him, has patted his shoulder very much at will, said: Wu Lunhui, you also calculated to be OK, hehe.” 尸族的长老看到他,很随意的拍了拍他的肩头,道:“吴轮回,你也算可以了,呵呵。” shit, this old goods also too can install, Chu Feng wants to tell him very much, do not rely on proudly, Yan Luo was already killed! 玛德,这老货也太能装了,楚风很想告诉他,你就不要自恃自傲了,阎洛早就被干掉! “Wú, Human King bloodline is very ancient, in it age vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Great Amplification Battle Physique has not appeared and assumed an awe-inspiring pose truly. ” The Great Amplification Battle Physique clansman is an old man, is smiling the opens the mouth, simply put, Great Amplification Battle Physique catches up. “唔,人王血统很古老,在其纵横的年代,大衍战体还没有真正出现与发威呢。”大衍战体的族人是一位老者,微笑着开口,言下之意,大衍战体后来居上。 Ouyang Feng is slanting the eye to visit him, this old fogy also very much can install! 欧阳风斜着眼睛看他,这老家伙也很能装! “Wú, you guess that a while who comes back first, after , comes back? ” The elder opens the mouth of White Phoenix clan. “唔,你们猜一猜一会儿谁先回来,谁后回来?”白凤族的长老开口。 The Dao Race's elders cannot maintain the state of mind are gentle, participates, said with a smile: Generally speaking, the strength is stronger, more easily for a long time settles down, finally will be repelled that world to come back.” 就连道族的长老都不能保持心境平和,参与进来,微笑道:“一般来说,实力越强,越是容易长久驻足,最后才会被排斥出那个世界回来。” “Wú, should so. ” The Buddha Race's old monk nods, eye pupil opens and closes, the none remaining is fearful. “唔,理应如此。”佛族的老僧点头,眼眸开阖间,精光慑人。 According to this logic, my Corpse Race's qilin child definitely is the last return.” The Corpse Race's old man laughs, then looks to Chu Feng, said: Little friend you said that is?” “这样说来,我尸族的麒麟儿肯定是最后一个回归。”尸族的老者大笑,然后看向楚风,道:“小友你说是不是?” Has made a mistake, who finally outside return shed Golden Scales Dao Child can also?” “错了,最后回归的舍金鳞道子外还能有谁?” Amida, releases great has Buddha-nature, when this world achieves Buddhahood!” “弥陀佛,释宏有佛性,此世当成佛!” Some old fogies no longer do intentionally finally lightly, finally the moment, the state of mind is not that gentle, here argued. 一些老家伙终于不再故作平淡,最后关头,心境不是那么平和,在这里争论起来。 But Chu Feng was regarded the green leaf, often some people regard the frame of reference with him, compared with, even some people mentioned qilin child of their clan, once returned, could be as good as several Chu Feng, regarded the weight unit him. 楚风则被当成绿叶,不时有人拿他当成参照物,比较一下,甚至有人提及他们族的麒麟儿一旦回归,抵得上几个楚风,将他当成衡量单位。 Was angry including Ouyang Feng. 欧阳风都跟着恼了。 But the Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform in the live transmission, propagandize, exaggerates unceasingly, appearance that King will soon return. 黑血平台、原兽平台则在直播,进行宣传,不断渲染,一副王者即将归来的样子。 Bang! 轰! In the temple, soul light moves restlessly, falls in torrents the part, immediately initiates the screams, because the energy is too astonishing. 神殿中,魂光躁动,倾泻出来部分,顿时引发惊呼声,因为能量真的太惊人。 King returns, who making us visit him is?!” The person in Dark Blood platform prepares Heavenly Eye, here catches the real scene. 王者归来,让我们看一看他是谁?!”黑血平台的人准备好天眼,在这里捕捉真实场景。 Great Dream Pure Land opened the temple front door, allowing all people to watch. 大梦净土已经开启神殿大门,允许所有人观看。 True King will soon tread the return trip, everybody, making us wait!” Other platforms are also drumming up support, exaggeration vigorously. “真正的王者即将踏成归程,各位,让我们拭目以待!”其他平台也在造势,极力的渲染。 Chu Feng brings Ouyang Feng to back up, he thinks to have the issue, he does not think that these people can return, the main soul made him give to extinguish cleanly. 楚风带着欧阳风倒退,他觉得有问题,他不认为那些人能回归,主魂都让他给灭干净了。 Bang! 轰! In brilliant light rain, there is a soul light fragment to fly, exudes the sad and shrill shouting sound, said: „The World of the Living Supreme Being writing skill, I hate!” 在一片绚烂的光雨中,有魂光碎片飞出来,发出凄厉的嘶吼声,道:“阳间大能的手笔,我恨啊!” That piece of soul light disintegrates, finally burns burn to ashes! 那片魂光瓦解,最后焚烧成灰烬 This makes all people shocking, who that is, the soul light aura was too formidable. 这让所有人震惊,那是谁,魂光气息太强大了。 Also then, the soul light fragment soon will fly together, hiss exclaimed: I am Martial God, Wu Lunhui you roll to me, dares to kill my descendant!” 接着,又一道魂光碎片即将飞出来,嘶吼道:“我是武神,吴轮回你给我滚过来,敢杀我的后代!” However, suddenly, that piece of soul light also disrupts, was strangled to death a cleanness by the vortex. 然而,一刹那间,那片魂光也碎裂,被漩涡绞杀个干净。 At this moment, all person petrify, what situation, Divinity must overcome an obstacle, from Foreign Territory, he revenges for his later generation? 这一刻,所有人都石化,什么情况,一位神祇要闯关,来自异域,他是为其后人报仇而来? Many people look to Wu Lunhui, deeply feels shocking, which Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering important matters has this youngster done in that world? 许多人望向吴轮回,都深感震惊,这个少年在那个世界到底都干了哪些惊天动地的大事? "Ah...... ” “啊……” The vortex deep place, has the Martial God spirit to roar, this is the spirit shouts, therefore the people can understand. 漩涡深处,有武神的精神咆哮,这是精神嘶吼,所以众人能听懂。 Hateful, failed eventually, cannot pass, the vortex limits God!” “可恨,终究是失败了,过不去,漩涡限制神灵!” Bang! 轰! Meanwhile, the vortex vanishes, finally closes. 与此同时,漩涡消失,最终闭合。 ! The Corpse Race's old man is dumbfounded, felt that own chin fell, his mouth opened a moment ago too greatly, he was frightened, hasn't qilin child in clan returned? 吧嗒!尸族的老者傻眼,感觉自己的下巴掉了,刚才他的嘴巴张得太大,他惊悚了,族中的麒麟儿还没有回归啊? No, how did the vortex close?” He yelled crazily. “不,漩涡怎么闭合了?”他疯狂大叫。 „It is not right, Golden Scales Dao Child, he has the Heaven and Earth treasure material, should first under the heavens, how only then the soul light fragment comes back, main soul?!” “不对啊,道子金鳞呢,他拥有天地奇珍物质,理应天下第一,怎么只有魂光碎片回来,主魂呢?!” Amida, Bodhisattva !?” That old monk has been sitting cross-legged, but stamps one's foot now. “弥陀佛,佛子呢!?”那个老僧原本一直在盘坐着,可是现在跳脚了。 Aiya, my clan Great Amplification Battle Physique pondered that here nearly one year, do not tell me, he one year ago made the person extinguishing, only then did the remnant soul run away?” “哎呀,我族大衍战体在这里思考快一年了,别告诉我,他一年前就让人给灭了,只有残魂逃回来?” One crowd of old fogy cookers, cannot be calm thoroughly, the each and every one anxious eye was red. 一群老家伙炸锅,彻底不能淡定,一个个急的眼睛都红了。 Old fogy do not call out, the yellow autumn spider also has the consciousness, but the main soul vanishes, my clan qilin child does not have soul light to come back from the start!” “老家伙别嚎叫了,黄金天蛛还有意识,只是主魂消失而已,我族麒麟儿压根就没有魂光回来!” Fart, my family day spider psychasthenia, the situation is not very good!” “放屁,我家天蛛精神衰弱,情况很不好!” Damn, my clan Great Amplification Battle Physique now became any appearance, entire crazy, any expression did not have!” “该死,我族大衍战体现在成什么样子了,整个一个痴儿,什么表情都没有!” Amida, my Buddha Race Vajra Protector Shi Wu is also so, but releases great, although has the consciousness, can ponder, but where actually good also very to go!” “弥陀佛,我佛族护法金刚释武也是如此,而释宏虽然有意识,可以思考,但是却好也好不到哪里去!” young lord, how were you?” The elders of White Phoenix clan also shout, shake Divine Son of their this clan. 少主,你这是怎么了?”白凤族的长老也嘶吼,摇动他们这一族的神子 The flash, here thorough was chaotic. 一刹那,这里彻底乱了。 The people are dumbfounded, King return of reaching an agreement? 人们目瞪口呆,说好的王者回归呢? Who is final King? 谁是最终的王者 Now, all people are dumbstruck, turned on the spot compared with the miserable congress, this so-called King return, is one by one miserable, was not silly stayed. 现在,所有人都发懵,现场变成了比惨大会,这所谓的王者归来,一个比一个惨,不是傻了就是呆了。 I am the narrator in Dark Blood platform, the scene latest report, after the Sub Immortal Clan first ball massacre occurred, the massacre one after another, connects occurrence, the King return congress turned compared with the miserable congress!” “我是黑血平台的解说员,现场最新报道,继亚仙族第一弹惨案发生后,惨案一起又一起,接连发生,王者回归大会变成了比惨大会!” Hello, I am the Beast Source Platform narrator, now makes us focus the vision in this compared with the miserable congress at!” “大家好,我是原兽平台的解说员,现在让我们将目光聚焦在这场比惨大会上!” ...... …… Universe big stir, each region noise, with cooker, piece of chaos. 宇宙大轰动,各地喧嚣,跟炸锅似的,一片大乱。
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