SR :: Volume #9

#848: The mother, to/clashes forward

Chu Feng calm and gentle going out, on the face has the smile to stand outside the cave mansion. 楚风从容而平和的出关,脸上带着微笑站在洞府外。 This pure lands everywhere are the dense spiritual energies, the variegated light beam lets fall one after another from elegant summit, all around including rock clear, the irises and orchids are fragrant. 这片净土到处都是氤氲灵气,斑斓光束一道又一道从秀峰上垂落下来,四周连岩石都晶莹,芝兰芬芳。 The cobblestone slightly strips fresh is also having the natural aura, before direct link cave mansion, nearby strange tree another, leaf blade clear, blossoms to spit the rosy cloud, may make the mortal step the Evolution Road valuable tree. 鹅卵石小路带着清新还有自然的气息,直达洞府前,附近奇树一株又一株,叶片晶莹,开花吐霞,都是可让凡人踏上进化路的宝树。 Chu Feng breathes fresh air, is refreshing, this piece of region nobody disturbs him, is very peaceful, but the distant place is noisy, can hear depending on his keen aural acuity many. 楚风呼吸一口清新的空气,神清气爽,这片地带没有人打扰他,很安静,但是远处吵吵嚷嚷,凭他的敏锐耳力多少能听到一些。 Came many people, the Dark Blood platforms and Beast Source Platform these people to arrive, the universe first ten big races was, today possibly the vortex closure date?” “来了很多人,黑血平台、原兽平台这些人都到了,还有宇宙前十大种族等,今天可能是漩涡的关闭日?” Chu Feng is astonished however, understands immediately front so is why lively, can expect, in Great Dream Pure Land definitely the guest like clouds, the sea of people, is all parties' famous elders and talents. 楚风讶然,顿时明白前方为何这么热闹,可以料想,大梦净土中肯定宾客如云,人山人海,都是各方的名宿与天才等。 Today, is doomed to have big event to occur, the entire universe is paying attention! 今天,注定将有大事件发生,全宇宙都在关注! Chu Feng treads the cave mansion region, walks on the cobblestone alley, has gone through the verdant bamboo grove, is listening to the roadside mountain stream murmur, his whole body is light and lively. 楚风踏出洞府区域,走在鹅卵石小路上,穿行过青翠的竹林,听着路边溪水潺潺,他周身轻灵。 The average people could not realize that his terrifying, only some truly touches inside Chu Feng's to discover, this looks like, only then 14 or 15-year-old attractive youngster how astonishing. 一般人体会不到他的恐怖,唯有真正触及楚风的内里才会发现,这个看起来只有十四五岁的漂亮少年到底多么的惊人。 At this moment, Chu Feng recuperates good fleshly body, although has not been the most satisfactory degree, but can carrying/sustaining his vigor and formidable soul light. 此刻,楚风调理好肉身,虽然没有达到自己最满意的程度,但是已经能够承载他的雄浑与强大的魂光 An cliff wall stands upright before, purple sparkling, flows the good luck, under the cliff wall has a deep deep pool, emits a continuously Great Dao aura, and there is a rune twinkle. 一座崖壁兀立在前,紫莹莹,流淌瑞气,崖壁下有一口深潭,冒出一缕缕大道气息,且有符文闪烁。 Chu Feng is astonished, Great Dream Pure Land is not really simple, a casual scenery is containing past worthies staying behind the strength of Order. 楚风讶异,大梦净土果然不简单,随便的一处景物都蕴含着前贤的留下的秩序之力。 His peaceful station here, realizes from experience silently, then caused that the deep deep pool surges, the water splash turns wells up, various symbols appear, the strength of principle fills the air. 他安静站在这里,默默体悟,然后引得深潭激荡起来,水花翻涌,各种符号浮现,法则之力弥漫开来。 Mainly is because, Chu Feng soul light is too strong now, spiritual strength is boundless, almost must touch Sub Saint Dominion, naturally may the sensation to this place exceptionally. 主要是因为,楚风如今魂光太强,精神力磅礴,几乎要触及亚圣领域,自然可感知到此地异常。 At this time nobody, he investigates directly, the fleshly body illumination, blood energy is billowing, is human form True Dragon of deep sleep awakens likely, is all of a sudden formidable and fearful. 此时无人,他直接探查,肉身发光,血气滚滚,像是一头沉睡的人形真龙觉醒,一下子强大与可怕起来。 His soul light is boundless, blends with Order of outside, as if has dense and numerous Divine Chain to interweave in his outside the body one after another. 魂光磅礴,跟外界的秩序交融,在他的体外仿佛有一条又一条密密麻麻的神链在交织。 This is Order, turns into the visible thing, spreads to come from void, interweaves with him, thinks that achievement Sub Saint this is the first step! 这就是秩序,化成有形之物,从虚空中蔓延而来,跟他交织,想成就亚圣这就是第一步! However, Chu Feng has not flushed pass/test immediately, he just returned to this World of the Dead universe after all, needs to consolidate, adjusts the strongest condition fleshly body. 不过,楚风没有立刻冲关,他毕竟刚回归这个阴间宇宙,需要巩固一番,将肉身调整到最强状态。 Then past on the 4 th, but also slightly is hasty. 这才过去四日,还略显仓促。 Grasping principles wall!” “悟道壁!” Chu Feng understands immediately, this is place of grasping principles, the sensibility of past worthies turns into Order, comprehends under the puddle with stone wall for the later generation with the carve concise. 楚风顿时明白,这是一处悟道之地,前贤的感悟化成秩序,凝练与刻写在水潭下与石壁间供后人参悟。 His spiritual strength is too strong, directly touched, here immediately caused many Order Divine Chain fell from void, god spider that let him likely is nettinged! 他的的精神力太强,直接就触及到了,在这里顿时引得诸多秩序神链从虚空中落下,让他像是一只正在结网的神蛛! The experience long time, Chu Feng thought silently, breaks through Sub Saint Dominion to have very big help to him, but now is not the time, he has digested here sensibility, then once more reserved, leaves tranquilly. 默默体会良久,楚风觉得,对他突破进亚圣领域有很大帮助,但现在不是时候,他消化了这里的感悟,然后再次内敛,平静离开。 The Great Dream Pure Land deep place is very lively, usually temple type heavy does not allow the bystander to approach, but opens today thoroughly, permits the report, for public transparent, feared that in the temple the final several talents have the accident/surprise, but takes on the responsibility. 大梦净土深处真的很热闹,平日神殿这种重地绝不允许外人接近,但今天彻底开放,允许报道等,为的是公开透明,怕神殿中最后几位天才出意外而担责。 Chu Feng came, sees the familiar face, many are receives the golden invitation the talent, he once saw with one's own eyes them dead in another world, returns to this piece of universe. 楚风来了,看到许多熟悉的面孔,不少都是接到金色请柬的天才,他曾亲眼看到他们在另一片世界死去,回归这片宇宙。 However, at matter that world has, these people cannot recall to mind mostly again. 但是,在那个世界发生的事,这些人多半再也记不起。 Quick, some people discover him, immediately warm greeting. 很快,有人发现他,顿时热情的打招呼。 Looked quickly, Wu Lunhui went out, is quite rapid, how this comes out quickly, others are close up for over a half year, don't tell me has he recuperated good fleshly body?” “快看,吴轮回出关了,好迅速啊,怎么这样快就出来,别人都是闭关半年以上,难道他已经调理好肉身?” Wu brother!” A young man of wear azure golden armor zhou goes forward, named Li Xu, can rank 20-30 in universe generation. “吴兄!”一个穿着青金甲胄的年轻男子上前,名叫李旭,能在宇宙这一代人中排位二三十名间。 “Wú, the young people are good, such quickly went out. ” Also there are elders characters to greet. “唔,年轻人不错,这么快就出关了。”也有老辈人物打招呼。 Chu Feng responded, expressed best wishes to them. 楚风都进行回应,向他们致意。 Quack......” a laughter of shrill and raucous voice resounds, at the back of tortoiseshell black Swan Ouyang Feng to/clashes, said: You appear finally.” “嘎嘎……”一个公鸭嗓子的笑声响起,背着乌龟壳的的黑天鹅欧阳风冲过来,道:“你终于出现。” Obviously, after Chu Feng arrived here, initiates the people to look askance, freely looks like in some people, he is not this time protagonist, true King has not returned, but also many people well up, particularly the people in some platforms, reported. 显然,楚风来到这里后,引发人们侧目,尽管在有些人看来,他不是这次的主角,真正的王者还没有回归,但是也有不少人涌来,尤其是一些平台的人,进行报道。 Naturally, the Dark Blood platform not as well as the best Heavenly Eye equipment aims at Chu Feng the anchor, but is time attention temple there sound, there is their main battlefields, needs to report specially. 当然,黑血平台等没有将主播以及最好的天眼器材对准楚风,而是时刻关注神殿那里的动静,那里才是他们的主战场,需要特别报道。 The person who Chu Feng here gathers are not few, including the eminents of various clans, is Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan appeared, already does not remember that world the matter, talked with Chu Feng. 楚风这里聚集的人不算少,其中包括各族的翘楚等,就是元世成、元媛等都出现,早已不记得那个世界的事,跟楚风交谈。 Then, Chu Feng sees Ying Wudi! 然后,楚风就看到映无敌 He almost blurts out to shout his wife's younger brother, but is bears and awakens eventually. 他差点冲口而出喊他小舅子,但终究是忍住与醒悟。 After Ying Wudi sees him, wants to bring to smile the regards, however, knows why, he does not have another mood inexplicably, his face was black, is not having the good nature to Chu Feng, wants to give him the complexion. 映无敌看到他后,原本想带笑问候的,然而,莫名地,不知道为何,他就出现另一种情绪,他的脸不知不觉间就黑了,对着楚风没好脾气,想给他脸色。 shit! Chu Feng is really speechless, wants to strike his, this „does elder sister control must have how big resentment thought? Returned, loses the memory of place of degeneration, but sees him to return the black face with the instinct, this called any matter! 玛德!楚风真是无语,想敲打他一顿,这个“姐控”得有多么大的怨念?都回归了,失去堕落之地的记忆,可是凭着本能一见到他还黑脸呢,这叫什么事! Brother Ying, you are uncomfortable, how was the face black?” The Yuan Shicheng surprise asked. 映兄,你不舒服吗,脸怎么黑了?”元世成诧异地问道。 All right, the condition was very recently good, my not knows what's the matter, in heart inexplicable agitated.” Ying Wudi did not understand. “没事,最近状态很好,我也不知道怎么回事,心中莫名烦躁。”映无敌自己也不理解。 Then, he saw opposite to Chu Feng that he smiles, the flash, his knows agitated source, does not know that his face even more was why black. 然后,他又看到了对面对他微笑的楚风,一刹那,他就知道烦躁源头了,不知为何他的脸越发的黑了。 Aiyu Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable amida!” Chu Feng air/Qi is not good, this wife's younger brother owes to hit, has such intense malice to him at heart? This face sees him, was getting more and more black then fucking. “哎呦个无量天尊弥陀佛!”楚风气的不行,这小舅子真欠打啊,心里对他有这么强烈的恶感吗?这张脸一看到他,就特么的越来越黑了。 At this time, many people paid attention to here. 这时,不少人都关注这里。 The appearance that Ying Xiaoxiao jumps, silver sends the silk to hang to the waist border, the big eye is juicy, the eyelash is very long, winks unceasingly, the whole person is lively. 映晓晓蹦蹦跳跳的出现,一头银色发丝垂到腰际,大眼水灵灵,睫毛很长,不断眨动,整个人非常活泼。 Her eyes see Chu Feng, inexplicable are startled, then blurts out, said: Brother-in-law!” 她一眼看到楚风,莫名就是一怔,接着冲口而出,道:“姐夫!” Such a clear cry, the audiences have calmed down, all people look askance, turns head to look to here, was too amazed, what did this bear child shout a moment ago? 就这么一声清脆的叫声而已,全场都静下来了,所有人都侧目,纷纷回头看向这里,太惊诧了,这熊孩子刚才喊什么? The must know, the silver-haired Little Loli background is too big, is the Ying Wudi younger sister, is Sub Immortal Clan's small Princess, is the youngest sister of universe third beautiful woman. 须知,银发小萝莉来头太大,是映无敌的妹妹,是亚仙族的公主,是宇宙第三丽人的幼妹。 She shouted others the brother-in-law, this meaning was also too obvious! 她喊别人姐夫,这意味也太明显了! Suddenly, presents many young people petrify, is absolutely unacceptable, does Ying Zhexian have dao companion? Has never presented the scandal! 一时间,在场许多年轻人都石化,绝对不能接受,映谪仙不是没有道侣吗?从未出现过绯闻! Well, what's the matter, why I thought that he is very kind, wants to shout him like this?” Ying Xiaoxiao muttered. “咦,怎么回事,我为什么觉得他很亲切,就是想这样喊他呢?”映晓晓咕哝。 At this time, Chu Feng really feels urgently...... old bosom to console smoothly! Ying Wudi gives him the black face to look, owes him 2 million appearances, is this Little Aunt is good, meets intimately shouts him, unexpectedly returns the energy to remember he, has not obliterated to remember thoroughly! 此时,楚风真是倍感……“老怀”畅慰!映无敌给他黑脸看,一副欠他2000000的样子,还是这个小姨子好,见面就亲热的喊他,居然还能记住他,没有彻底磨灭掉记忆! A Ouyang Feng face damn the look, he looked, Ying Xiaoxiao should in shouting Chu Feng, because he stood side Chu Feng's, clarity and clarity that this angle looked. 欧阳风一脸见鬼的神色,他看出来了,映晓晓应该是在喊楚风呢,因为他就站在楚风的身边,这个角度看的清楚与真切。 Brother-in-law!” Silver-haired Little Loli ran over, is flashing the big eye, handles affairs with the instinct, she felt that had any important thing to forget, wanted to recall to mind, ignores returned to think, therefore she has run over, but also held on the Chu Feng's sleeve. “姐夫!”银发小萝莉跑了过来,扑闪着大眼,凭着本能行事,她感觉有什么重要的东西遗忘了,想要记起,放任自己去回思,所以她跑过来了,还拉住楚风的袖子。 At this moment, the people see clearly that suspicion goal, immediately is at a loss for words, what situation is this? Did Wu Lunhui become the Ying Family's son-in-law? 这一刻,众人看清那个嫌疑目标,顿时都张口结舌,这是什么情况?吴轮回映家的女婿了? The flash, many young men hear the brokenhearted sound, has loved dearly, did the universe third beautiful woman have dao companion unexpectedly? 一刹那,许多青年男子听到自己心碎的声音,太心疼了,宇宙第三丽人居然有道侣了? At this moment, a face of Ying Wudi black cannot be black, must drop the water leakage to come. 此刻,映无敌的一张脸黑的不能再黑了,都要滴出水来了。 Speechless that side, Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan look, wants to ask him very much, has the matter? 旁边,元世成、元媛都看的无语,很想问问他,到底有没有事? The Ying Wudi knows anxious accurate root, stems from Wu Lunhui finally, his sister shouted that this person is a brother-in-law? He is in an uncontrollable rage. 映无敌终于知道焦躁的确切根源,真的源于吴轮回,他妹妹怎么喊这个人为姐夫?他怒不可遏。 Meanwhile, an appearance of Ouyang Feng face constipation, he is also dumbfounded, looks to Chu Feng and silver-haired Little Loli, looks for Ying Zhexian in the crowd. 同时,欧阳风一脸便秘的样子,他也是目瞪口呆,看向楚风与银发小萝莉,又在人群中找映谪仙 Ouyang Toad currently the heart has sigh with emotion, thinks that Chu Feng this bastard has one set really! 欧阳蛤蟆现在心有感慨,认为楚风这王八蛋真有一套! Is impossible, Wu Lunhui has not occurred together with Fairy Ying, how will become dao companion?” Some people shout, cannot accept this brutal reality. “不可能,吴轮回映仙子没有交集,怎么会成为道侣?”有人喊道,不能接受这个残酷的现实。 „, How they are possible, the small fairy maiden you did not remember incorrectly, your family did not have anything to relate with him.” “就是啊,他们怎么可能,小仙子你不是记错了吧,你们家族跟他没什么关系啊。” Some people open the mouth in abundance, thinks that is this bear child practical joke. 一些人纷纷开口,认为是这个熊孩子恶作剧。 However, Ying Xiaoxiao head, with hardship is actually thinking, very worried appearance, said: Real, I felt obviously he is my brother-in-law, is very kind, but why can't think?” 然而,映晓晓却偏着头,一副苦苦思索,非常苦恼的样子,道:“是真的,我明明感觉他就是我姐夫,很亲切,但为何想不起来?” Side, Ouyang Feng looks around, the swinging very long Swan neck, reminded: Can at the matter that another world has?” 旁边,欧阳风探头探脑,摆动很长的天鹅颈项,提醒道:“会不会是在另一片世界发生的事?” Right, I felt that should be the matter that another world has!” Ying Xiaoxiao awakens immediately, big eye illumination, then called out: „Does brother-in-law, you still remember?” “对呀,我感觉应该就是另一片世界发生的事!”映晓晓顿时醒悟,大眼发光,而后叫道:“姐夫,你还记得吗?” Side, Ying Wudi is covering the chest, feels to love dearly, the step is not steady, staggers to back up, his face black sent out black light. 旁边,映无敌捂着胸口,感觉心疼,步履不稳,踉跄倒退,他的那张脸黑的都发出乌光了。 Side, some youth are also the complexion blanches, this attack also is too rather big. 旁边,一些青年也是脸色发白,这打击未免也太大。 Huge news, the first ball flash news appears today, Ying Zhexian and Wu Lunhui spread the scandal, once formed dao companion in the different world doubtful!” “天大的消息,今天第一弹大新闻出现,映谪仙吴轮回传出绯闻,疑似在异世界曾结成道侣!” Beast Source Platform first exits this news live transmission, suddenly, initiates the universe major life planet stirs, causing the great unrest to appear. 原兽平台第一时间将这则消息直播出去,瞬息间,引发宇宙各大生命星球轰动,导致轩然大波出现。 The Dark Blood platform very much regretted immediately, previously did not have enough to take seriously Wu Lunhui, attention that gives is insufficient, hurries to recover, reports the attention. 黑血平台等顿时都很后悔,早先没有足够重视吴轮回,给予的关注度不够,赶紧补救,进行关注与报道。 Startled explodes the eyeball, Sub Immortal Clan Princess gets married, becomes dao companion dozens over a hundred years with the person in another world!” The Dark Blood platform to pay attention appealingly, exaggeration reported. “惊爆眼球,亚仙族公主嫁人,在另一个世界跟人成为道侣数十上百年!”黑血平台为了吸引人关注,夸张报道。 Such in a minute, in universe Star Sea is unable to be tranquil, each region discusses, many young people are whooshing, is not willing to believe. 就这么片刻间,宇宙星海中无法平静了,各地都热议,许多年轻人嘶吼着,不肯相信。 In Great Dream Pure Land, Little Daoist Priest moves restlessly, is not thoroughly law-abiding. 大梦净土中,小道士躁动,彻底不安分。 This Little Aunt is really ruthless, but Sub Immortal Clan one of the universe most how many clans, cannot stir up, if grasps to become the visit son-in-law my father, my mother unmarried does nurture first? After I was born, is definitely bad luck. The mother, to/clashes forward!” “这个小姨真狠啊,亚仙族可是宇宙最强几族之一,惹不起,万一将我爹抓去当上门女婿,我娘岂不是未婚先育?我出生后,肯定要倒霉。娘,向前冲!” Little Daoist Priest was a anomaly, the normal person early should be born, but he has been very steady. 小道士是个怪胎,正常人早该出生了,而他却一直很稳。 "cough, simply no matter, do not speak irresponsibly, do not report randomly, my Sub Immortal Clan's pearl always clean body self-respect. ” “咳,根本没有的事,你们不要乱说,不要乱报道,我亚仙族的明珠一向洁身自爱。” In Great Dream Pure Land, a Sub Immortal Clan old man stands, a face black like bottom of the pot, can spell with Ying Wudi some, explained vigorously, moreover threatens and warns several big platforms. 大梦净土中,亚仙族一位老者站出,一张脸黑如锅底,能跟映无敌有的一拼,极力解释,而且威胁与警告几大平台。 At this time, Ying Zhexian appeared, such as many things around a center were crowded around to walk to here by many people, was faintly recognizable the dust, the winding around white fog, might be called beautiful. 这时,映谪仙出现,如众星捧月被许多人拥簇着向这边走来,飘渺出尘,缭绕白雾,堪称绝美。 Fairy Ying, you still remember that another world matter, whether has some intimate relation with Wu Lunhui?” The person in Dark Blood platform is really bold, like this inquired and live transmission. 映仙子,你还记得另一个世界的事吗,是否跟吴轮回有某种亲密关系?”黑血平台的人真是胆大包天,这样询问与直播。 Not far away, Qin Luoyin also appears, comes slender and wispy, the grace and talent is peerless, approaches this place. 不远处,秦珞音也出现,袅袅娜娜而来,风华绝世,接近此地。
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