SR :: Volume #9

#847: Widely-noted( Happy New Year!)

Great Dream Pure Land is blustery, at this moment, each region is paying attention, many platforms were reporting that the latest news, initiates all parties to focus attention on. 大梦净土风起云涌,此时此刻,各地都在关注,许多平台都在报道最新消息,引发各方瞩目。 Beast Source Platform, is the Dark Blood platform, or other, have the specialist to guard, disseminates news the latest progress to the starry sky each region universe ten thousand clans. 无论是原兽平台,还是黑血平台,亦或是其他,都有专人驻守,向星空各地宇宙万族播报最新进展。 This obtains Great Dream Pure Land's to permit, because this time matter was too big, somewhat is frightened including them, after all one year, had not ended! 这得到大梦净土的允许,因为这次的事情太大了,连他们自己都有些惴惴,毕竟一年了,还未结束! The old monster in pure land hopes to publicize all situations, is more transparent, if there is accident/surprise, various clans are not good to ask them to trouble, cannot blame them. 净土中的老怪物希望公开所有情况,透明一些,万一出现意外,各族也不好找他们麻烦,不能怪他们。 „The latest report, has the Human King bloodline's Wu Lunhui domineering to return, soul light soars to the heavens, making the elders characters feel the palpitation, has to plant the suppressed feeling.” “最新报道,拥有人王血统的吴轮回强势回归,魂光冲霄,让老辈人物都感觉心悸,有种被压制的感觉。” Perhaps, everybody has not understood that is anything is Human King bloodline, in the past, in that very ancient time, Human Race presented several kings, they collaborated, almost suppressed the All Heavens ten thousand clans, was known as Human King one, each region the still, regional Divine Bird demonic beast as well as many physique all may not with it fighting!” “或许,大家还不明白是什么是人王血统,当年,在那非常古老的时代,人族出现几位王,他们联手,几乎镇压诸天万族,号称人王一出,平定各地,各地的神禽魔兽以及诸多体质者皆不可与之争锋!” Without a doubt, the Wu Lunhui's return initiates giant mighty waves, the people paid more attention to the Great Dream Pure Land remaining several people. 毫无疑问,吴轮回的回归引发巨大波澜,人们对大梦净土剩下的几人就更加关注了。 Makes us wait, who is final King!” “让我们拭目以待,谁是最终的王者!” Across universe, the mood of people was lit, is all of a sudden irritable, all people are paying attention to this matter. 宇宙各地,人们的情绪被点燃,一下子火爆起来,所有人都在关注这件事。 Because, the old monsters of Great Dream Pure Land's several guard temples had predicted, the final smelting trial will soon end, the final several people should return immediately. 因为,大梦净土的几个看守神殿的老怪物已经预言,最终的试炼即将结束,最后几人应该马上就回归了。 Do not say that is in universe Star Sea, is Evolver on Earth is paying attention, obviously the momentum is vast. 不要说是宇宙星海中,就是地球上的进化者都在关注,可见声势多么浩大。 Unextinguishable Mountain one crowd of big monsters not to mention, knows what's the matter. 不灭山一群大妖就更不必说了,都知道怎么回事。 The Dark Blood platform makes the further speculation, said that should be Buddha Race's releases great can laugh last, his strength is too tyrannical, soul light is incomparable, grasps principles after hundred years, should exceed all people. 黑血平台做出进一步的推测,说应该是佛族的释宏能笑到最后,他实力太强横,魂光无匹,经过百年悟道,应该超越一切人。 Beast Source Platform some famous elders believe, should be Golden Scales Dao Child wins the surface to be big, he grasps to have Heaven and Earth treasure, technique broken ten thousand laws, other people cannot block. 原兽平台的一些名宿则认为,应该是道子金鳞赢面较大,他掌握有天地奇珍,一术破万法,其他人挡不住。 Suddenly, in the starry sky in many platforms shouted in confusion, was predicting that who was final King, all parties' supporters debated unceasingly. 一时间,星空中许多平台上都吵嚷起来,都在预言谁才是最后的王者,各方的支持者争论不休。 Do not quarrel, you are really weak, had not looked that disseminates news most newly? Only then my Corpse Race's Divine Son has not returned at present, other people had the remnant soul to run away, in your mouth released great, Golden Scales is such person, who first under the heavens and true were King also with asking?” “别吵了,你们真是幼稚,没看最新播报吗?只有我尸族的神子目前还没有回归,其他人都有残魂逃回来了,你们口中的释宏、金鳞都是这样的人,天下第一、真正的王者还用问是谁吗?” Some Corpse Race person of aloof expresses opinion, many people who immediately coerces do not have the temperament. 尸族有人高冷的发表言论,顿时挤对的许多人没脾气。 Naturally , many people refuse to accept, with the 60,000 years ago Buddha Race first young expert examples, has the remnant soul to run away first, but after the main soul returns, can suppress various group of expert as before. 当然,也有很多人不服,拿60000年前的佛族第一年轻高手举例,也是有残魂先逃回来,但是主魂回归后,依旧能压制各路高手 Joke, you struggle anything, who said that only then the Corpse Race's person is complete, had not returned, my Deity Race's main family, envoy Luo Shirong in chaos universe did not have the sound!” “笑话,你们争什么,谁说只有尸族的人完好,一直没有回归,我天神族的本家,混沌宇宙中的使者罗世荣也还没有动静呢!” Deity Race opens the mouth, old god, although the Deity Race candidate of World of the Dead universe was already eliminated, but, they regard as clansmen Luo Shirong, incomparably relies on as before. 天神族开口,老神在在,尽管阴间宇宙的天神族人选早就被淘汰回来,但是,他们将罗世荣视为己族人,依旧无比自恃。 Some people curl the lip, in the World of the Dead universe, your Deity Race was hit remnantly, after the rank crashes 250, has something to be proud? 有人撇嘴,在阴间宇宙中,你天神族都被人打残了,排名坠落250名后,有什么可自负的? Oh, what a pity, Demon King Chu has not gone informed and experienced, otherwise, he can also strive for hegemony, could laugh last, is final King!” “唉,可惜,楚魔王没有去历练,不然的话,他也能争雄,或许能笑到最后,是最终的王者!” Some people mentioned these, expressed the regret, was Chu Feng was a pity. 一些人提及这些,都纷纷表示遗憾,为楚风可惜。 After this service, Chu Feng is falls behind the person, is unable to fight with Ying Wudi, Golden Scales and Yan Luo, Luo Shirong and the others mostly again, is short for hundred years to accumulate, is not the matches of these people.” “经此一役,楚风算是落后于人,多半再也无法与映无敌金鳞、阎洛、罗世荣等人争锋,少了百年积累,再也不是那些人的对手。” Haha...... How I want to smile, Demon Chu Feng you made the person be inferior finally, cannot damage the talents of various universe clans.” “哈哈……我怎么想笑呢,楚风魔头你终于让人比下去了,再也不能祸害宇宙各族的天才。” Good, Great Demon Chu this time has cast off by the top universe talent thoroughly, could not make a name.” “不错,楚大魔头这次算是彻底被顶级的宇宙天才甩开了,成不了气候。” Some people regretted, naturally also many people take pleasure in others' misfortunes, thought that Chu Feng had been finished, through this event, he cannot obtain the biggest chance, cannot compare universe strongest a number of talents. 有人惋惜,自然也有不少人幸灾乐祸,觉得楚风完蛋了,经此一役,他没有能获得最大的机缘,比不上宇宙最强的一批天才。 You little want cocky, be careful after the so-called God's favored ones in oneself family meet Demon Chu, was given dozen of waste by him, makes into the pig head, fleeing like a scared rat that hits!” “你们少要得瑟,当心自己家族中的所谓天之骄子遇上楚魔头后,还是被他给打废,打成猪头,打的抱头鼠窜!” Some people refuse to accept, is Chu Feng disputes, really for him, but sad with regretting, thinks that he must fall behind the person mostly. 有些人不服,为楚风辩驳,同时也真的为他而感伤与惋惜,认为他多半真的要落后于人。 Chu Feng? He do not think, has annoyed my Great Dream Pure Land, wants to rise? Most at least this he do not count on that is with the generation certainly summit!” 楚风?他就不要多想了,惹了我大梦净土,也想崛起?最起码这一世他不要指望位列同代绝巅!” Some Great Dream Pure Land people responded, the spoken language was indifferent, did not treat as a matter. 大梦净土有人回应,言语冷漠,不当作一回事。 One crowd of big monsters of Earth are not really anxious, since knows Wu Lunhui comes back, they thoroughly felt relieved. 地球的一群大妖真是一点也不急,自从知道吴轮回回来后,他们就彻底放心了。 hee-haw hee-haw, anticipated, waits for brother Chu Feng to go out from Great Dream Pure Land, finally before leaving, married Qin Luoyin, when the time comes I looked where the Great Dream Pure Land's face to puts.” 儿啊儿啊,期待,等着楚风兄弟大梦净土中走出,最后临走前娶了秦珞音,到时候我看大梦净土的脸向哪里放。” One group of people have resentment thought, because, Great Dream Pure Land is too arrogant, initially did not give the Chu Feng golden color invitation. 一群人都有怨念,因为,大梦净土太傲慢,当初不给楚风金色请柬。 Across the universe, was discussing recently, widely-noted, focuses in Great Dream Pure Land, all people were anticipating, wants to look who can laugh last. 宇宙各地,最近都在热议,举世瞩目,都聚焦于大梦净土,所有人都在期待,想看一看谁能笑到最后。 The spot, in Great Dream Pure Land, beautiful mountain peak one after another, in the cave mansion the dense spiritual energy transpiration, Divine Tree and spiritual medicine spit auspicious, drifts the exotic fragrance. 事发地,大梦净土中,秀丽山峰一座又一座,洞府中氤氲灵气蒸腾,神树灵药吐瑞,飘漾异香。 Now, here scenery is auspicious, however all influence is very intense, is paying attention to the final result. 如今,这里景色祥和,然而各方势力却都很紧张,都在关注最后的结果。 The elders characters of various clans came to be many, was waiting for the qilin child final domineering to return! 各族的老辈人物来了不少,都在等着自家麒麟儿最后的强势回归! One crowd of monsters, don't tell me can also insist compared with me and Wu Lunhui, comes back is later?” Ouyang Feng takes a walk in Great Dream Pure Land, at the back of the black tortoise shell, is stepping the Swan step, is slanting the eye to look at the person, but also almost everywhere spits the saliva, does not refuse to accept the indignation. “一群怪物,难道比我与吴轮回还能坚持,回来的更晚?”欧阳风大梦净土中散步,背着黑龟壳,迈着天鹅步,斜着眼睛看人,还差点满地吐口水,不服不忿。 He cannot preserve to remember eventually, will otherwise not be feeling well. 他终究是没有能保住记忆,不然也就不会不爽了。 Looked quickly, Jun Tuo his son went out, is quite fierce, soul light is reserved, blood energy is tyrannical, worthily is Tyrant God Physique, dual physique!” “快看,钧驮他儿子出关了,好厉害,魂光内敛,血气强横,不愧是霸神体,双重体质者!” „The Jun Tuo Saint old age, was really no lack of successors to carry on. What a pity, he in Broken Universe in chaos, has not come back, if knows has the child so, certainly always feels at ease consoles.” 钧驮圣人晚年得子,真是后继有人了。可惜,他在混沌内的残破宇宙中,至今还没有回来,若是知道有子如此,一定老怀畅慰。” Mmp......” Ouyang Feng is black a face, steps the Swan step to walk from these people, maintains total silence, if not and other Chu Feng, he thinks how really take action educates these Evolver to cultivate the behavior, then kills Great Dream Pure Land. “mmp……”欧阳风黑着一张脸,迈着天鹅步从那些人面前走过去,一语不发,如果不是等楚风,他真想出手教育这些进化者怎么做人,然后杀出大梦净土 At this moment, Chu Feng in the abyss of suffering, he is recuperating fleshly body, revolution breathing method, the whole body Yin Qi transpiration, chì lá chì là makes noise, blood energy clear, is then brilliant, illuminates the entire cave mansion. 此刻,楚风处在水深火热中,他在调理肉身,运转呼吸法,周身阴气蒸腾,哧啦哧啦作响,血气晶莹,而后绚烂,照亮整座洞府。 After investigating own situation simply, Chu Feng opens the eye, stops breathing method, then he starts to arrange carefully here, is precise Domain, isolates with the outside, feared that some people peep. 简单探查自身情况后,楚风睁开眼睛,停止呼吸法,然后他开始仔细在这里布置,都是精密的场域,与外界隔绝,怕有人窥视。 Because, his something must not exposed to up. 因为,他的有些东西见不得光。 Now, he is Domain Great Grandmaster, arranges truly, few people can completely understand, can ensure his security. 现在,他是场域大宗师,真正布置起来,没有几人能看透,可以确保他的安全。 Shortly, here Domain rune shines, various symbols are similar to everywhere stars, Chu Feng grows the one breath, felt relieved thoroughly. 不久后,这里场域符文亮起,各种符号如同漫天繁星,楚风长出一口气,彻底放心了。 He spiritual medicine that borrows from various clan old man there will put down, has a big pile fully, but these actually compare his thing. 他将从各族老者那里借来的灵药放下,足有一大堆,但是这些却比不过他身上的东西。 He once braved death the place of Young Vermilion Bird back degeneration, once therapy there, exhausts drop of divine medicine fluid, but once more before starting off, old Vermilion Bird delivers him his several drops, gave to bring! 他曾冒死将小朱雀送回堕落之地,曾在那里疗伤,耗去一滴神药液,而再次上路前,老朱雀更是多送他他几滴,都给带回来了! In addition, the Vermilion Bird blood, he wants to take the Young Vermilion Bird's feather and blood conducts the experiment, looked after this return, whether to preserve well. 此外,还有朱雀血,他原本想带上小朱雀的羽毛与血液进行试验的,看这次回归后能否保存无恙。 Has not thought, the old Vermilion Bird final moment also delivers him blood, making him experiment the black vortex to have how fearfully. 不曾想,老朱雀最后关头也送他一点血液,让他试验黑色漩涡到底有多么的可怕。 Runs out from the vortex, he uses soul light to wrap these things, submerges in fleshly body instantaneously, avoids Great Dream Pure Land the attention of several Golden Body monsters successfully, had not been detected. 从漩涡中冲出时,他用魂光包裹这些东西,瞬间没入肉身中,成功避开大梦净土中的几个金身怪物的注意,没有被发觉。 Now, Chu Feng takes completely. 现在,楚风全部取出来。 „The Young Vermilion Bird's feather and blood were corroded, have certain influence, must bring it to return to next life the slain material, but old Vermilion Bird divine blood is well!” 小朱雀的羽毛与血液遭受侵蚀,有一定的影响,真要带它回来生死难料,但是老朱雀神血无恙!” In the Chu Feng's hand, seal in crystal Vermilion Bird divine blood ray is gentle, the bright red desire drops. 楚风的手中,封印在水晶的中的朱雀神血光芒柔和,鲜红欲滴。 ka-cha, he unties the seal slightly, finally the trim cave mansion is dazzling, Scarlet Rosy Cloud rushes to surge all of a sudden, was too dazzling, incomparable radiance. 喀嚓一声,他稍微解开封印,结果整片洞府都炫目起来,赤霞一下子澎湃激荡,太炫目了,无比的璀璨。 Thanks the Vermilion Bird senior, is only the experiment used, but actually helps my fleshly body now, can in several days then baptism clean Yin Qi, simultaneously force a crossing to promote a big truncation fleshly body!” “谢谢朱雀前辈,原本只是试验用,但现在却成全我的肉身,可以藉此在几天内就洗礼干净阴气,同时将肉身强渡提升一大截!” In the trim cave mansion is Scarlet Rosy Cloud, blood dispersing turns into one group of scarlet flame to wrap Chu Feng fleshly body, carries on the temperance and burning down. 整片洞府中都是赤霞,一滴血液散开就化成一团赤色火焰将楚风肉身包裹在内,进行锤炼与焚烧。 This is Vermilion Bird divine blood, this lifeforms inborn is to positive, brings to be possible the Burning all the Heavens Divine flame energy, therefore such divine blood simply is the terrifying level. 这可是朱雀神血,这种生物天生就属至阳,带着可焚烧诸天神焰能量,所以这样的神血简直是恐怖级的。 Following several days, every day have several to drop Vermilion Bird divine blood to fall, turns into blood mist, wraps Chu Feng's fleshly body, making him unceasingly stuffy, is bearing the huge pain. 接下来几天,每天都有数滴朱雀神血落下,化成血雾,包裹楚风的肉身,让他不断闷哼,忍受着巨大的痛苦。 In the sound, Yin Qi in his flesh, Yin Qi in marrow, Yin Qi in internal organs was fired unceasingly, the scene is fearful and astonishing. 在哧哧声中,他血肉中的阴气,骨髓中的阴气,脏腑中的阴气不断被灼烧出来,景象可怕而又惊人。 I really am a ghost, how so many Yin Qi?” “我真的是鬼吗,怎么会有这么多的阴气?” refining arrived afterward, has suspected including Chu Feng, since achievement Yang Soul, the feeling and fleshly body was incompatible, the body was that ice-cold and gloomy. 炼化到后来,连楚风自己都怀疑了,自从成就阳魂,就感觉与肉身格格不入,身体是那么冰冷与阴森。 Now, he uses Vermilion Bird divine blood nourish fleshly body, is actually equal to the burning down flesh, quenchings the marrow, internal organs, attacked Yin Qi. 现在,他用朱雀神血温养肉身,其实等于是在焚烧血肉,淬炼骨髓、脏腑等,冲击掉阴气 This is not complete, he also has the divine medicine's bubble, this is promotes the fleshly body strength most important part, otherwise he will not have confidence to have within several days. 这不是全部,他还有神药的液滴,这是提升肉身实力的最重要一环,不然他也不会有把握数日内有成。 This is bringing divine medicine of World of the Living energy, compared with it World of the Dead universe knows does not want formidable many, drug efficacy incomparable astonishment. 这是带着阳间能量的神药,比之阴间宇宙的也不知道要强大多少,药效无比的惊人。 divine medicine bubble, this is a divine medicine most essence is. 神药液滴,这是一株神药最精华的所在。 Moreover, this is Vermilion Bird divine medicine, after integrating in Chu Feng's fleshly body, further drives away Yin Qi, and is nourishing his body and spirit, making his fleshly body intensity promote, clear, is from top to bottom brilliant, blooms Scarlet Rosy Cloud and unusual brightness! 而且,这是朱雀神药,融入楚风的肉身中后,进一步驱赶阴气,且在滋养他的体魄,让他的肉身强度在提升,浑身上下一片晶莹,绚烂起来,绽放赤霞与宝光! When Chu Feng revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, then revolution Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, absorbs the divine medicine essence here twice the result with half the effort. 楚风在这里运转盗引呼吸法,而后又运转大雷音呼吸法,吸收神药精华时事半功倍。 Here, has his personally lay out Domain, the Great Grandmaster level strength, he did not worry that peeped. 在这里,有他亲手布下场域,大宗师级实力,他一点也不担心被人窥视。 Four in the future, Chu Feng goes out! 四日后,楚风出关! His in the eyes is bringing rune, fleshly body seems to be connected with this piece of universe, like has Order Divine Chain one after another to blend with him. 他的双目中带着符文,肉身仿佛跟这片宇宙相连,像是有一条又一条秩序神链跟他交融。 Whiz, various phenomenon restraining, he opens the cave mansion, walked. 嗖的一声,各种异象收敛,他开启洞府,走了出去。 But on this day, in Great Dream Pure Land the vortex in temple will also close, the old monsters of various clans came many people, but the people in major platforms also arrived, reported the final result. 而这一天,大梦净土中神殿内的漩涡也将闭合,各族的老怪物来了许多人,而各大平台的人也都到了,争相报道最后的结果。 On this day, the wind and cloud surges, widely-noted, in universe Star Sea, actually various clans are paying attention to final King to fall on. 这一天,风云激荡,举世瞩目,宇宙星海中,各族都在关注最后的王者究竟落在哪一家。 The new year arrived, 2018, new quick joyful, blessed everybody peace and good health happiness, everything was satisfactory! 新的一年到了,2018,新快快乐,祝福大家安康幸福,事事顺心如意! Since has thanked everybody one year support, thank you. 谢谢大家一年以来的支持,感谢你们。
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