SR :: Volume #9

#846: King returns

Chu Feng regains consciousness, unexpectedly was reciting, the sound was clear and bright, passes to outside the palace. 楚风苏醒,居然在吟唱,声音清朗,传到殿宇外面。 This lets one crowd of person look at each other in blank dis­may, always thinks some intent rhyme, but could also not say. 这让一群人面面相觑,总觉得略带某种意韵,但又说不出。 “Wú, a youngster, does not have not to send, pursues in the strongest several talents, even if not enter the top three, insisted that these step also calculated well, at this time should be does intentionally experienced. ” “唔,一个少年而已,无门无派,直追在最强几位天才的身后,哪怕不入前三甲,坚持到这一步也算不错了,此时应是故作老成。” The Corpse Race's old man brings to smile review pale, now their Corpse Race can overlook various clans, after all Yan Luo always does not have the sound, has not returned, strong astonishment! 尸族的老者带着淡笑点评,现在他们尸族可以俯视各族,毕竟阎洛始终都没有动静,还未回归呢,强的惊人! „When who is not young, obviously is proud slightly, indeed this congratulations.” The old monster of White Phoenix clan also smiles, an aloof stance, thinks when clan eminent main soul return will be stronger. “谁没有年少时,稍显自负而已,也的确该庆贺。”白凤族的老怪物也微笑,一副超然的姿态,认为族中翘楚主魂回归时会更强。 The old men of several other clans are all having the happy expression, an assured appearance, thinks that the juniors in clan did not have King to return, when the time comes will bloom a more dazzling brilliance. 其他几族的老者皆带着笑意,一副笃定的样子,认为族中的子弟还没有王者归来,到时候会绽放出更为炫目的光彩。 Then, young people of troop and others here, has previous receives various clan eminents that the golden invitation attended a meeting, there are to accompany the elder to meet the young talent men and women of person. 然后,还有一大群的年轻人等在这里,有早先接到金色请柬赴会的各族翘楚,也有随同长辈来接人的年轻天才男女。 Now one group of people are whooping, they cannot the elders characters like that act with constraint likely, these person of anything dare to say. 现在一群人都在议论纷纷,他们不可像老辈人物那般矜持,这些人什么都敢说。 Some people are judging, was discussing that actually who can insist finally, King returns finally. 有些人在评判,在谈究竟谁能坚持到最后,最终王者归来。 Slowly, I heard Wu Lunhui to call your name a moment ago.” And a black skirt young girl teased a white clothing young girl, said that Wu Lunhui was talking over her. “迟迟,我刚才听到吴轮回在喊你的名字。”其中一个黑裙少女打趣一个白衣少女,说吴轮回在念叨她呢。 What, where has?” The white clothing young girl moe dull, but also ignorant ignorant what's the matter. “什么呀,哪里有?”白衣少女呆萌,还懵懂无知怎么回事呢。 Surroundings, several young girls are grinning, immediately creates a disturbance, is noisy there, very lively. 周围,几名少女笑嘻嘻,顿时起哄,在那里吵闹起来,非常的活泼。 "Ah, your this group of dirty monster kings, spoke irresponsibly anything, he was reciting poetry, you...... Too excessive! ” “啊,你们这群污妖王,乱说什么呢,他在念诗而已,你们……太过分了!” One crowd of young talents are active, here discussed, many people gather, drinks while spoke freely, this for them is a personal connection, is communicating with the top youth of various clans, pulls closer the relations. 一群年轻的天才非常活跃,在这里议论,更有许多人聚集在一起,一边喝酒一边畅谈,这对他们来说都是人脉,在跟各族的顶级青年交流,拉近关系。 Meanwhile, here has many people personally to experience the person of Great Dream Pure Land smelting trial, has received the golden invitation, but was eliminated ahead of time, already recovered above more than half a year, but has waited here, wants to look that who can insist finally, eventually King returns. 同时,这里有不少人都是亲身经历过大梦净土试炼的人,接到过金色请柬,只是提前出局了,早就复苏大半年以上,但一直等在这里,想看一看谁能坚持到最后,最终王者回归。 Li Xuxiong, your impression, in that world outcome what's the matter, a memory has not had, to want knows, you rank in universe generation the first 20-30 super powerhouses, unexpectedly anything cannot remember.” “李旭兄,你真的没有一点印象吗,在那个世界究竟怎么回事,一点记忆也没有,要知道,你可是在宇宙这一代中排位前二三十位的超级强者,居然什么都记不得。” Li Xu, wears azure golden armor zhou, the facial features are handsome, he makes an effort to recall, but actually shakes the head finally sighs, any impression does not have. 李旭,身穿青金甲胄,面容俊朗,他使劲回想,但最终却摇头一叹,什么印象都没有。 In the temple, solemn and respectful, other people cannot approach, only then Great Dream Pure Land's several old monsters are defending. 神殿中,一片肃穆,其他人不许靠近,只有大梦净土的几个老怪物守着。 After Chu Feng regains consciousness, that may really be similar to falls into the immortal furnace, the whole body is burningly painful, hot not being able to bear, he felt that oneself quickly was burning. 楚风苏醒后,那可真是如同陷入仙炉中,浑身灼痛,热的受不了,他感觉自己都快烧着了。 At this time, his blood energy wisp of another wisp of emitting, psychic energy of whole person is too huge, and is mixing with excessive Yang Qi, burns down True Body. 此时,他的血气一缕又一缕的冒出,整个人的精神能量太庞大,且夹杂着过量的阳气,焚烧真身 If the common body, is impossible to withstand Chu Feng this boundless soul light, when it Qin Luoyin and Ying Wudi they return is more powerful, his soul light is indistinct is linking Order rune. 如果是一般的身体,根本不可能承受住楚风这种磅礴的魂光,比之秦珞音映无敌他们回归时还要强盛,他的魂光隐约间连着秩序符文 This lets Great Dream Pure Land's several old monster suck in a cold breath, feels to shock, this young youngster approaches Sub Saint Dominion unexpectedly, might tread anytime! 这让大梦净土的几个老怪物倒吸冷气,感觉震撼,这个十几岁的少年居然临近亚圣领域,随时有可能会踏进去! Although Chu Feng prepares sufficiently, finally also pours into soul light the body part, some soul light outside, have not dared to go. 楚风虽然准备充足,最后也只是将魂光注入身体中一部分,还有部分魂光在外,不敢进去。 Because, his psychic energy is too strong, Yang Qi that brings is overbearing, exceeds other people, even if he has Human King blood unable to bear now. 因为,他的精神能量太强,带回来的阳气过于霸道,超越其他人,即便他现在拥有人王血液也受不了。 Finally, clang, he turns into Sword Embryo that remaining half soul light temporarily, shoulders after behind, does not appear towering. 最后,锵的一声,他暂时将那剩下的一半魂光化成一柄剑胎,背负在身后,不显得突兀。 However, Great Dream Pure Land is responsible for the clarity how many old men here protects to look, each and every one shocks, fuck, soul light concise becomes a weapon, the low-key luxury, shoulders after behind, this boy now strong? 但是,大梦净土负责守护在这里的几个老者看的清楚,一个个都震惊,尼玛啊,魂光凝练成兵器,低调的奢华,背负在身后,这小子现在得有多强? No wonder is proud to read poems, is seriously extraordinary.” One of them whispered. “难怪自负吟诗,当真了不得。”其中一人低语。 After Chu Feng soul light stabilizes, in trim palace a flamboyance, its soul light Sword Embryo shines is similar to the daytime with the ignition, he likely is a round scorching sun, sits cross-legged there. 楚风魂光稳定后,整片殿宇中一片炽盛,被其魂光剑胎照耀与灼烧的如同白昼般,他像是一轮骄阳,盘坐在那里。 At this time, Chu Feng sizes up all around, saw that several old people are staring at him, some people are bringing kind smiling , some people of looks are bad. 此时,楚风打量四周,看到几个老人都在盯着他,有人带着和蔼的笑,也有人神色不善。 He looked, Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin already not. 他看了看,身边的映谪仙秦珞音早已不在。 A Great Dream Pure Land old woman is bad to his look, is mainly because, previously discovered that fleshly body of this youngster pushes between Qin Luoyin and Ying Zhexian unexpectedly, slightly is intimate. 大梦净土一位老妪对他神色不善,主要是因为,早先发现这个少年的肉身居然挤在秦珞音映谪仙之间,略显亲密。 Wu Lunhui, you may remember that what experienced in that world?” An old man asked kindly. 吴轮回,你可记得在那个世界都经历了什么?”一个老头子和蔼地问道。 Chu Feng has the memory to return, the nature preparation is sufficient, the bewildered appearance, is thinking likely, the result asked that three do not know. 楚风带着记忆而回,自然准备充足,一脸茫然的样子,像是在思索,结果一问三不知。 He looked at one quietly, Yan Luo, Luo Shirong are motionless, with the corpse, anything responded that does not have. 他悄然看了一眼,阎洛、罗世荣一动不动,跟死尸般,什么反应都没有。 But side, Great Amplification Battle Physique and purple light Dao Body and Buddha Race Vajra Protector Shi Wu and the others, with thinker, frown there, is holding the chin, maintains total silence, was too serious. 而旁边,大衍战体、紫霞道身佛族护法金刚释武等人,都跟思考者似的,在那里皱着眉头,托着下巴,一语不发,太严肃了。 In addition, releases great, Golden Scales and yellow autumn spider, return soul light are slightly more, is all sitting cross-legged, recuperates blood energy, is thinking deeply about anything with hardship. 此外,释宏、金鳞、黄金天蛛等,回归的魂光稍微多些,全都在盘坐,调理血气,苦苦思索着什么。 Chu Feng knows fairly well, understands any situation completely, these people were not discarded by him, was executed by him. 楚风心中有数,完全明白什么情况,这些人不是被他废掉的,就是被他格杀的。 Outside the temple, many people look around, thinks the knows Wu Lunhui present condition. 神殿外,很多人张望,都想知道吴轮回现在的状态。 dang! 当! bell ring, makes here solemn and respectful, the palace gate open immediately, some people must come out. 一声钟响,顿时让这里一片肃穆,殿门开启,有人要出来了。 Well, came out!” “咦,出来了!” Walks, in the past looks at Wu Lunhui now any condition, this is one of the final several talents late returning to!” “走,过去看一看吴轮回现在什么状况,这可是较晚回归的最后几位天才之一啊!” One group of young people set out, swarms to go forward, stops up outside the temple front door. 一群年轻人都起身,向前蜂拥而去,堵在神殿大门之外。 In fact, one group of old men could not sit still, cannot keep cool, all set out, looks around forward, sends out in abundance, must look at Wu Lunhui strongly now. 事实上,一群老者也坐不住了,不能保持镇定,皆已经起身,向前张望,纷纷出动,要看一看吴轮回现在有多强。 Chu Feng came out, whole body chì lá chì là makes noise, that is blood energy in the transpiration, runs out by Yin Qi that soul light roasts, Yang Qi displaces. 楚风出来了,周身哧啦哧啦作响,那是血气在蒸腾,被魂光烤的阴气冲出,阳气取而代之。 What is most fearful, his soul light passes the body, was too radiant, flesh one insight of Shining Upon, is nearly transparent, Yang Qi is strong. 最为可怕的是,他的魂光透体而出,太璀璨了,映照的血肉都一片通透,近乎透明起来,阳气浓烈。 Aiyu, cannot bear, I burnt quickly, living how this Wu Lunhui withstood, was away from such him quickly to burn me!” “哎呦,受不了,我快烧起来了,这吴轮回怎么承受的住,隔着这么远他都快将我烧着了!” Chī! 哧! In fact, a recent youth who leaves swats Yang Qi flame fast, his face frightened color, backs up unceasingly, he was lit. 事实上,离的最近的一位青年快速扑打身上的阳气火光,他一脸惊悚之色,不断倒退出去,他已经被点燃。 The people with amazement, this was really too fierce, was soul light strong? Is Human King bloodline, fleshly body can withstand worthily unexpectedly. 众人骇然,这位真是太厉害了,魂光得有多么强?不愧是人王血统,肉身居然可以承受住。 Especially, many people see Sword Embryo that Chu Feng shoulders, that is big Killing Weapon, Yang Qi congeals simply, the soul light illumination, can flicker to kill the spirits of all people simply! 尤其是,许多人都看到楚风背负的剑胎,那简直是个大杀器,阳气凝结,魂光照射,简直能瞬杀所有人的精神! „It is not simple, this Wu Lunhui stronger compared with all people who previously came back!” An old man said. “不简单啊,这个吴轮回比早先回来的所有人都要强!”一位老头子说道。 The Chu Feng smile, nods facing all people, well-mannered, in fact he is a little afraid, has killed certain Divine Son in another world. 楚风微笑,面对所有人都点头,彬彬有礼,事实上他是有点心虚,在另一片世界干掉了某些神子 Meanwhile, he also hits some people silly, only puts some remnant souls, now facing the clan head generations of these enemies, he is smiling. 同时,他也将一些人打傻,只放回来部分残魂等,现在面对这些对头的族长辈,他一脸笑意。 Young people you are very good, can once see the performance of my family qilin child in that world?” The Corpse Race's old man goes forward. “年轻人你很不错,在那个世界可曾看到我家麒麟儿的表现?”尸族的老者上前。 Chu Feng heard, almost a fist bang on his nose, Corpse Race's enemy, is this perceived? However, he is very calm, does not have take action. 楚风闻听,差点一拳轰在他的鼻子上,尸族的对头啊,这是有所觉察吗?但是,他很沉稳,没有出手 In an instant, he ponders over flavor, this old man did not perceive anything, but installs before him deeply, an aloof stance, thought that Corpse Race's Yan Luo has not returned, should be stronger. 刹那间,他就琢磨出味道,这个老者不是觉察了什么,而是在他面前装深沉呢,一副超然姿态,觉得尸族的阎洛还没有回归,应该更强。 Chu Feng was instant calm, shook the head, normal, the wizard can remember that world matter. 楚风刹那淡定了,摇了摇头,正常来说,鬼才能记住那个世界的事。 Then, he walks, leaves this old man, is instantaneous, he actually backs up, is all smile, said: „The Corpse Race's senior, blessed me thank you, but, since you favored me, that please borrow me some spiritual medicine, my this fleshly body could not bear, needs the big medicine to close up.” 然后,他走过去,离开这个老者,可是瞬间而已,他却又倒退回来,满脸堆笑,道:“尸族的前辈,谢谢你祝福我,不过,既然你老人家看好我,那就请借我一些灵药吧,我这肉身受不了,需要大药去闭关。” This face thick-skinned whom did not have, this was Little Daoist Priest discussion in secret, discovered that his father was really insincere, after killing Yan Luo, but also to Corpse Race like this borrows spiritual medicine. 这脸皮厚的也没谁了,这是小道士暗中的议论,发现他爹真不厚道,干掉阎洛后,还向尸族这样借灵药 The Corpse Race's old man doubt, always felt the smiling face of this boy is a little inexpensive, he wants to reject very much, on him indeed is bringing many big medicines, prepares for Yan Luo. 尸族的老者狐疑,总感觉这小子的笑容有点贱,他很想拒绝,他身上的确带着不少大药,都是为阎洛准备的。 However, under is in the glare of the public eye, this potential very high youngster has opened the mouth, does not borrow is inappropriate. 不过,众目睽睽之下,这个潜力很高的少年都开口了,不借又不合适。 Then, he hold one's noses to hand over a jade box, inside has an old medicine, the year is very high, gives Chu Feng. 然后,他捏着鼻子递出去一个玉盒,里面有一株老药,年份很高,送给楚风 Many thanks senior!” Chu Feng salutes, does not consider too little, such met. “多谢前辈诶!”楚风施礼,也不嫌少,就这么接过去了。 Wu little brother is really young and promising, the future is limitless.” Some people open the mouth in abundance. “吴小兄弟真是年轻有为啊,前途不可限量。”一些人纷纷开口。 Chu Feng reveals the tooth to smile immediately, the fair tooth, is very bright, well-mannered to others...... Taking advantage of big medicine. 楚风立刻露齿一笑,白生生的牙齿,很灿烂,彬彬有礼的向人家……借大药。 Has not seen such shamelessly has not been hot-tempered, one crowd of old fogy toothaches, where have such youngster, direct visible cable/search medicine?! 就没见过这么没羞没躁的,一群老家伙牙疼,哪里有这样的少年,直接明着索药?! The following person does not dare to notify him immediately, feared that was borrowed the medicine. 后面的人顿时不敢跟他打招呼了,怕被借药。 However, after Chu Feng borrows here, runs on own initiative, enters among one group of old men, mouth this called a sweetness, a senior, borrowing medicines. 然而,楚风在这里借完后,主动跑过去,进入一群老头子中间,嘴巴这叫一个甜,一口一个前辈,一个一个的借药。 „The Dao Race's senior also please help one another, I relate the sworn friend with Golden Scales, you must help my.” 道族的前辈还请相助,我跟金鳞关系莫逆,您得帮我一把。” Amida, Buddha Race's old person, 500 years ago we definitely are one, I believe cycle of reincarnation, in the past I definitely was a really Buddha, you must help my.” “弥陀佛,佛族的老人家,500年前咱们肯定是一家,我相信转世轮回,当年我肯定是一尊真佛,您得帮我一把。” „The uncles of White Phoenix clan......” 白凤族的老伯……” The Chu Feng's mouth has not idled, dai bo dai, walks, sees the person to demand that the day earth deities Jane|treasure, said that must take care, he was burning quickly. 楚风的嘴就没闲下来过,嘚啵嘚,一路走过去,见人就索要天地灵珍,说是要去调理身体,他都快烧着了。 Some are the big personal enemies, his has not fallen actually. 有些是大仇人,他硬是一个都没有落下。 These people are black the face, hold one's noses, finally has recognized, has given him more or less the thing of spirit essence. 这些人都黑着脸,捏着鼻子,最后认了,或多或少给了他一点灵粹之物。 Fellow Daoist, when the vortex in Great Dream Pure Land temple closes, can deduce?” Some people asked that cannot wait. 道友,大梦净土神殿中的漩涡什么时候闭合,能推演出来吗?”有人问道,等不及了。 Ms. Great Dream Pure Land's replied: Vortex is reducing, infers according to us, possibly immediately must close, I think that the final several people should be also about to come out.” 大梦净土的老妪答道:“漩涡在缩小,依照我们推断,可能马上就要闭合了,我想最后的几人应该也快出来了。” “Wú, that is really good. ” Some people nod. “唔,那真是再好不过。”有人点头。 Corpse Race, Dao Race, or Buddha Race and White Phoenix clan and yellow autumn spider clan, were anticipating, hopes to perform the final King return! 无论是尸族、还是道族,亦或是佛族白凤族、黄金天蛛族等,都在期待,希望上演最后的王者回归! This is Wu Lunhui, is quite young, is very pretty, is more attractive than the girls, moreover cultivation base is so formidable, they are later than Ying Wudi and Yuan Shicheng, was too great!” “这就是吴轮回,好年轻,也很俊秀,比女孩子都漂亮,而且修为这么强大,比映无敌、元世成他们都晚回来,太了不起了!” The nearby has many young people, is whooping, is staring at Chu Feng. 附近有不少年轻人,都在议论纷纷,盯着楚风 Little sends sex-madly, you must collect, knows with him?” Another girl teased the companion. “少发花痴,你是不是要凑过去,跟他结识?”另一位女孩取笑同伴。 Ok, his soul light is so formidable, if I dare to walk, was not lit, after waiting for him to close up had finished, said again!” “算了吧,他魂光那么强大,我要是敢走过去,非被点燃不可,还是等他闭关结束后再说吧!” The Chu Feng place visited, numerous young people allow to pass through on own initiative, although wants to go forward to chitchat and become friends with very much, but could not endure his Yang Qi. 楚风所过之处,众多年轻人主动让路,虽然很想上前攀谈与结交,但是忍受不了他的阳气 He raised the head, sees Qin Luoyin of distant place, is visiting him, the beautiful woman, grace and talent peerless, goddess model/pattern does not reduce, moreover unusual. 他抬头,一眼看到远处的秦珞音,正在看着他,明眸皓齿,风华绝代,女神范不减,而且更加的超凡。 „Does she still remember me?” Chu Feng not knows. “她还记得我吗?”楚风知道 At this time, when does not recognize each other, cannot greet, if showed finally, he is last comes back, the true King return, Great Dream Pure Land will incur to be Qin Luoyin's dao companion him? 此时,不是相认之际,不能打招呼,不过如果最后证明,他才是最后一个回来的,真正的王者回归,大梦净土是否会将他招做秦珞音的道侣 Chu Feng stand forth, looks at Ying Zhexian, as soon as she raids the white clothing to win the snow, faintly recognizable, but the dust, is similar to the broad cold fairy maiden, clothes sleeve flap flap. 楚风向前走去,一眼又望到映谪仙,她一袭白衣胜雪,飘渺而出尘,如同广寒仙子,衣袂猎猎。 The Chu Feng smile, nods to her, does not have the means to be initiative, he must close up. 楚风微笑,向她点头,也没有办法主动接近,他得去闭关。 The time is very tight, Chu Feng needs to promote fleshly body immediately, will otherwise have problems, but he was not worried, but the body good thing are many, the thing that the sneak crossing brings, has hidden the truth from several people of Great Dream Pure Land protection temple. 时间很紧迫,楚风需要立刻提升肉身,不然会出问题,不过他不担心,身上好东西可是不少,偷渡带回来的东西,瞒过了大梦净土守护神殿的几人。 “Wú, does not need too for a long time, several days of time should be enough, I should quick recuperate good fleshly body, the true spirit and flesh unite, achieve strongly! ” “唔,不需要太长时间,几天时间应该就足够了,我应该很快会调理好肉身,真正的精神与血肉合一,达到最强!” Great Dream Pure Land already prepared the cave mansion for these talents, momentarily can close up. 大梦净土早已为这些天才准备好洞府,随时都能去闭关。 When Chu Feng closes up, some cave mansion opens, more than half a year, Ouyang Feng went out finally, fleshly body was well! 楚风去闭关时,某一座洞府开启,大半年了,欧阳风终于出关,肉身无恙了! Old friend, you goes to temple to look again whether qilin child of my clan is about to awake.” Some old monsters could not wait, saw that Wu Lunhui is so strong, wants to see talent return in own clan, performs one that King comes back. “老友,你再去神殿中看一看,我族的麒麟儿是否快醒了。”有些老怪物等不及了,看到吴轮回那么强,都想看到自己族中的天骄回归,上演王者回来的一幕。 A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman nods, said: Good, no rush, I guessed that their several people must come back immediately, I look!” 大梦净土的一位老妪点头,道:“好,别急,我猜测他们几人马上就要回来了,我去看一看!” "hē hē, the old friend, does not need the anxious, good food not to fear late, shortly after can witness true King to return. ” The Dao Race's old man smiles. “呵呵,老朋友,不用急,好饭不怕晚,不久后就能正见证真正的王者回归了。”道族的老者微笑。 He is confident, thinks that Dao Child in clan can rise, becomes strongest King returns. 他有信心,认为族中的道子可以崛起,成为最强王者归来。 In fact, the Buddha Race's person is also very self-confident, said with a smile pale: „It is not anxious, immediately can see them.” 事实上,佛族的人也很自信,淡笑道:“不急,马上就能见到他们。” Looked on a chapter of commentary, I can only say, you too dirty, each and every one is the dirty monster king. 看了上章的评论,我只能说,你们都太污了,一个个都是污妖王。
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