SR :: Volume #9

#845: Great Dream whose prescience

One year, enough one year, in Great Dream Pure Land can not be peaceful, one group of old woman and old man are badly battered, is almost insane. 一年了,足足一年的时间,大梦净土中不得安宁,一群老妪与老头子焦头烂额,几乎疯掉。 Who can think, a night of reaching an agreement grasps principles, finally had the big problem, the time of agreement already arrived, but as before many people have not regained finally actually consciousness. 谁能想到,说好的一夜悟道,最终出了大问题,约定的时间早就到了,可是最终却依旧有不少人没有苏醒。 Including Great Dream Pure Land's strongest successor Qin Luoyin, six months will recover, the soul returns to fleshly body. 包括大梦净土的最强传人秦珞音,足足将近半年时间才复苏,魂归肉身中。 This initiates the great unrest, these time was different from the past completely, time-consuming remote, initiated the big disturbance. 这引发轩然大波,这一次跟以往完全不同,耗时久远,引发大风波。 The must know, these juniors these successor are the cores of various clans direct descendant, is a clan most outstanding young member character, these time has the accident/surprise in Great Dream Pure Land unexpectedly, the mighty waves that initiates cannot imagine. 须知,这些子弟这些传人都是各族的核心嫡系,为一族最杰出的年轻代表人物,这一次居然在大梦净土出现意外,引发的波澜不可想象。 In years past, this good fortune, although also had the twists and turns, there is an accident/surprise, but mostly was shocking but not dangerous, will not have the big problem. 昔年,这桩造化虽然也有过波折,也有过意外,但大多有惊无险,不会真出大问题。 However, this time is different, the time that the most minimum people recover is a lot of than wanting of estimate in the evening, outside abatement earliest a group of people, other people delayed were too long. 但是,这一次不一样,最起码众人复苏的时间比预计的要晚上很多,除却最早一批人外,其他人都耽搁了太久。 Naturally, person soul light that regains consciousness one after another is brilliant, each and every one psychic energy increases sharply, in fleshly body, blood energy burns down reserved, the internal organs thunder, is very special. 当然,陆续苏醒的人魂光绚烂,一个个精神能量激增,内敛于肉身中,血气焚烧,脏腑轰鸣,都很特殊。 Meanwhile, is very thrilling, when for example Qin Luoyin return, fleshly body almost ruins, closes up urgently, the recuperation of more than half a year then restores. 同时,也很惊险,比如秦珞音回归时,肉身几乎毁掉,紧急闭关,大半年的调理这才恢复过来。 Extraordinary, after training more than half a year, after the Qin Luoyin goddess goes out, soul light is radiant, Concise Essence will have no time, may break through Sub Saint Dominion!” “了不得啊,修养大半年后,秦珞音女神出关后魂光璀璨,精粹无暇,有可能会突破进亚圣领域!” This causes the huge big stir, the achievement is too so astonishing. 这造成巨大的大轰动,如此成就太惊人。 Qin Luoyin soul light is strong, spiritual substantializing, moreover Yang Qi is abundant, is similar to Divine Furnace roasts roasts all around, in the startled pure land some old monsters are dumbfounded, recognize this are Yang Soul! 秦珞音魂光非常强,精神实质化,而且阳气充沛,如同一座神炉炙烤四周,惊的净土中一些老怪物都目瞪口呆,认出这是阳魂 In the half year, Qin Luoyin in recuperating body, is fleshly body relative soul light somewhat is mainly frail, carrying/sustaining formidable Yang Soul. 这半年来,秦珞音一直在调理肌体,主要是肉身相对魂光来说有些脆弱,承载不了强大的阳魂 Now, she goes out finally, obtains in the pure land innumerable spiritual medicine baptism fleshly body, the strength rises suddenly! 现在,她终于出关,得到净土中无数灵药洗礼肉身,实力暴涨! This is any chance, is more formidable than beforehand so-called One Night Dream Dao Hundred Years.” “这是什么机缘,比以前所谓的一夜梦道百年要强大很多。” You are silly, before said One Night Dream Dao Hundred Years, was the views of exaggeration, now Fairy Qin this condition is true grasping principles has!” “你傻啊,以前说一夜梦道百年,都是夸张的说法,现在秦仙子这个状态才是真正的悟道有成!” Qin Luoyin's restored, alleviated the Great Dream Pure Land's tense atmosphere, various clans came the person, stopped up here, prepares to get angry at any time. 秦珞音的恢复,缓解了大梦净土的紧张气氛,各族可是都来人了,堵在这里,随时准备翻脸呢。 Now, some of their on the contrary anticipations. 现在,他们反倒有些期待。 Naturally , some people bring to doubt the color, was worried that the young eminent in clan has problems. 当然,也有一些人带着疑色,担心族中的年轻翘楚出问题。 For example, long before then return Great Amplification Battle Physique and purple light Dao Body and the others, now condition some does not suit, does not dare to move from the temple them, has let them in the training. 比如,很早以前就回归的大衍战体、紫霞道身等人,现在状态有些不对劲,都没敢将他们搬离神殿,一直让他们在修养。 When the must know, they come back, each and every one is very special. 须知,他们回来时,一个个都很特别。 Great Amplification Battle Physique sits there, motionless, makes the ponder shape, some people spoke to him, he once said, who I was, where I came, where do I want to go? 大衍战体坐在那里,一动不动,作沉思状,有人跟他说话,他曾说,我是谁,我从哪里来,我要到哪里去? This once shocked some Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters, thinks him to comprehend, enters in the Great Dao palace thoroughly. 这曾惊呆大梦净土的一些老怪物,认为他开悟,彻底进入大道殿堂中。 However, one year passed by, this was still pondering, has not recovered! 然而,一年过去了,这位还在思考,还没有回过神来! But purple light Dao Body is spits the Reincarnation two characters, then, sits , is lost in thought there, was motionless. 而紫霞道身则更是口吐轮回二字,然后,就坐在在那里陷入沉思中,一动不动了。 One crowd of old monsters that these two characters also once shook are startled, thinks that he possibly touches the essential thing about Reincarnation, does not dare to disturb him. 这两个字也曾震的一群老怪物吃惊,认为他可能触摸到关于轮回的本质性东西,不敢打扰他。 But, one year passes by, he is still pondering over Reincarnation, the body does not lead. 可是,一年过去,他还在琢磨轮回呢,身体都不带动的。 The truth is, in his heart the final moment never forgets Wu Lunhui, wishes one could to pat dead Chu Feng, finally remembers that was obliterated, only remembers the Wu Lunhui's Reincarnation two characters. 事实真相是,他心中最后关头念念不忘吴轮回,恨不得拍死楚风,结果记忆被磨灭了,只记住吴轮回的轮回二字。 However, as Qin Luoyin recovers, these clansmen of talent believe, disciple of oneself family can also change for the better. 不过,随着秦珞音复苏,这些天才的族人认为,自己家族的弟子也能好转。 What is most essential, this situation has also occurred, for example, several thousand years ago, has some talent to return to some soul light, majority of soul light was suppressed for hundred years, finally was pushed aside by that world forcefully, returned successfully, the strength rises suddenly. 最为关键的是,这种情况也发生过,比如,数千年前,就有某位天才回归部分魂光,还有大部分魂光被人压制百年,最终被那个世界强行排挤,又成功回归了,实力暴涨。 Therefore, everybody should not be worried, the person who has not regained consciousness, obtained certainly the big chance, but also is tempering oneself.” “所以,各位不要担心,没有苏醒的人,一定获得了大机缘,还在磨砺自身呢。” In addition, person of half recovery, has the person of big good fortune, previously was wounded, returns to some spirit soul light rain, but main soul light is informed and experienced in that world, may be receives some setbacks, but has the advantage to them. The so-called day will fall lets greatly in this person, must its will, toil with one's sinews and bones first painstakingly, hungry his body skin, destitute its, the line strokes the chaotic its behavior!” “此外,半复苏的人,也是有大造化的人,早先负伤,逃回部分灵魂光雨,而主体魂光还在那个世界历练,有可能是受到一些挫折,但是对他们更加有好处。所谓天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为!” Having a parched mouth that Ms. Great Dream Pure Land's said that the spittle flies randomly, comforts the old fogies of various clans. 大梦净土的老妪说的口干舌燥,唾沫星子乱飞,安慰各族的老家伙们。 Is reasonable, according to this logic, my clan qilin child should have the big good fortune, but the earlier period suffered setbacks.” “有道理,这样说来,我族麒麟儿应该是有大造化,只是前期受挫了。” Some people open the mouth, be with smile on the face, immediately is calm much. 一些人开口,面带微笑,顿时淡定不少。 "Um, I believe that Great Dream Pure Land several Fellow Daoist words, probably 60,000 years ago, my Buddha Race's first Bodhisattva also once met this issue, the earlier period returns to some soul light, finally Lord the soul also to return, the strength rises suddenly, now Shining Upon All Heavens, became a big buddha! ” “嗯,我相信,大梦净土几位道友的话,大概60000年前,我佛族的第一佛子也曾遇上这种问题,前期回归部分魂光,最后主魂也回归,实力暴涨,如今已经映照诸天,成为一尊大佛!” The Buddha Race's person opens the mouth, is very calm, because they have experienced these. 佛族的人开口,很淡定,因为他们经历过这些。 However, these time somewhat special , to continue one year of some people not to regain consciousness, all people generally return are slow, this causes some people to worry. 不过,这一次有些特殊,持续一年还有人没有苏醒呢,所有人普遍回归较慢,这才导致一些人担忧。 I think that should be that world has the change with the time speeds of flow of our world, this causes some disciple returns to be late.” “我想应该是那个世界与我们这个世界的时间流速发生改变,这才导致部分弟子回归较晚。” Arrived finally, all people gradually relieved, after all all previous does not have the deceased person, has not had too many accidents/surprises, should not have the big problem. 到了最后,所有人都渐渐安心,毕竟历届都没有死人,都没有发生太多意外,应该不会出大问题。 Shortly, Ying Zhexian regains consciousness, she comes back with Qin Luoyin about the same time, closes up, now went out. 不久后,映谪仙苏醒,她跟秦珞音前后脚回来的,也就地闭关,现在出关了。 Sub Immortal Clan prepares many heavenly material earthly treasure for her, this time after Great Dream Pure Land closes up the recuperation, her strength rises suddenly, soul light is concise, to get close to Sub Saint! 亚仙族为她准备很多天材地宝,这一次在大梦净土闭关调养后,她的实力暴涨,魂光凝练,接近亚圣 The people are thoroughly relieved, was anticipating in own clan juniors' performance. 人们彻底安心,都在期待自己族中子弟的表现。 "hē hē, my clan Great Amplification Battle Physique returns to some soul light, its Lord soul has not come back, so is dull long in that world, certainly will harvest greatly! ” “呵呵,我族大衍战体回归部分魂光,其主魂还没有回来,在那个世界呆这么久,一定会收获巨大!” “Wú, purple light Golden Body of my clan is also so, haha...... ” “唔,我族的紫霞金身也是如此,哈哈……” Some old fogies from worrying to relaxing, arrive to be filled with the anticipation again, the mentality transform unceasingly. 有些老家伙由担忧到放松,再到满心期待,心态不断转变。 In fact, these two estimated that also like this, they once had been imprisoned with Soul Bell by Chu Feng, destroys completely the main soul truly, reason that puts their respective foot to come back, completely is because Chu Feng makes mischief, keeps thinking about their fleshly body, after wants to come back , the blood refinement medicine, creates own brothers, anticipates to present Great Amplification Battle Physique and purple light Dao Body. 事实上,这两人估计也就这样了,他们都曾经被楚风魂钟禁锢,真正灭掉主魂,之所以放他们各自一只脚丫子回来,完全是因为楚风冒坏水,惦记他们的肉身,想回来后炼血药,造就自己的兄弟,期待出现大衍战体、紫霞道身等。 Now Big Black Ox became the Good Fortune Ox Demon God body, has the successful example to suspend here. 现在大黑牛已经成为无劫牛魔神体,有成功的例子摆在这里。 "hē hē...... Divine Son of my clan, some soul light, Lord soul light, has not come back! ” “呵呵……我族的神子,无论是部分魂光,还是主魂光,至今都没有回来呢!” A Corpse Race's old man laughter is loud and clear, with golden bell in the vibration, his look punctures the person, the whole body is bringing Yin Qi, making people feel that sends to terrify. 尸族的一个老者笑声洪亮,跟一口金钟在震动般,他的眼神刺人,周身带着阴气,让人感觉发瘆。 Many people reveal the color of envying, is Buddha Race, Dao Race, Sub Immortal Clan and Primitive Demon Race's people are no exception, thought that Corpse Race's Divine Son is too terrifying, has not turned over, did not have a sound! 许多人都露出羡慕之色,就是佛族道族亚仙族始魔族的人都不例外,觉得尸族的神子太恐怖,至今未归,还没有一点动静呢! This means that he is long in the years of that world cultivation enough, the strength must certainly rise suddenly. 这意味着,他在那个世界修炼的岁月足够长,实力肯定要暴涨。 One group of people go forward to congratulate, in abundance congratulation. 一群人都上前恭喜,纷纷祝贺。 Corpse Race is one of the universe first ten big races, the strength is always profound. 尸族为宇宙前十大种族之一,一向实力高深。 If what a pity, their knows, Corpse Race's Yan Luo by Chu Feng extinguishing, will never return, it is estimated that like this will not be joyful, must cry. 可惜,如果他们知道,尸族的阎洛被楚风给灭了,永远不可能回归,估计就不会这样欣喜了,得哭。 “Wú, Broken Universe in chaos comes the person, Deity Palace's envoy Luo Shirong not to have any sound, for the spoiled child of another piece of universe, it seems like that the strength must rise suddenly worthily! ” “唔,混沌中的残破宇宙来人,天神宫的使者罗世荣也没有任何动静呢,不愧为另一片宇宙的骄子,看来实力也要暴涨!” Some other person sighed, thinks chaos Deity Palace's envoy Luo Shirong, once returns, it is estimated that may break through to Sub Saint Dominion. 另有人感叹,觉得混沌天神宫的使者罗世荣一旦回归,估计有可能突破到亚圣领域中。 Because , he although is young, but in the accurate Golden Body level, thinks this time could found the history! 因为,他虽然年轻,但原本就在准金身层次,认为他这次可能要开创历史! At this moment, Qin Luoyin in not far away, hears their talks, she had not felt, but Little Daoist Priest in her abdomen is actually curling the lip, muttered: Do not have a dream, early made my father extinguish!” 此刻,秦珞音就在不远处,听到他们的谈话,她没有感觉,但是她腹中的小道士却在撇嘴,咕哝道:“别做梦了,早让我爹灭了!” Under Little Daoist Priest retains remembers, his body has one group of strange fog, from the hole of Reincarnation Road end, can guarantee his miraculous glow not to reduce, the memory does not extinguish. 小道士保留下记忆,他身上有一团奇怪的雾,来自轮回路尽头的洞中,能保他灵光不减,记忆不灭。 Worthily is the chaos Deity Palace's juniors, is powerful, we may witness shortly after the miracle, perhaps wants achievement Sub Saint!” “不愧是混沌天神宫的子弟,就是强悍,不久后我们可能会见证奇迹,也许要成就亚圣啊!” Another side, Dao Race and Buddha Race's come person is very gentle, is drinking tea, static and other Golden Scales Dao Child and Bodhisattva release the great main soul return. 另一侧,道族佛族的来人都很平和,在喝茶,静等道子金鳞佛子释宏的主魂归来。 Similar also has the person of yellow autumn spider and White Phoenix clan, is hoping for, they anticipated after talent in clan awakens , the strength rises suddenly, surmounts other talents. 类似的还有黄金天蛛、白凤族的人,也都在希冀,他们期待族中的天骄觉醒后实力暴涨,超越其他天才。 “Wú, the main soul does not return, actually compared with the person who it had not returned, not necessarily the good fortune are few, even becomes the great talent because of the experiencing suffering tribulation! ” “唔,主魂不回归,其实比之一直没有回归的人,不见得造化少,甚至因为受尽磨难而成大器!” Good, precisely so.” “不错,正是如此。” Some people open the mouth in abundance, congratulate Buddha Race and Dao Race and White Phoenix clan. 一些人纷纷开口,恭喜佛族道族白凤族等。 Dao Race, Buddha Race and White Phoenix clan and other guests very much enjoy this congratulation, they have the smile, one by one to deal, indeed, so long as Lord soul light not to return, all have the possibility, endless chance and good fortune possibly also in behind. 道族佛族白凤族等来客都很享受这种祝贺,他们都带着微笑,一一应对,的确,只要主魂光没有回归,一切都有可能,无尽的机缘与造化可能还在后面呢。 Country bumpkin, made my father extinguish, but also Lord soul light, if did not fear that annoyed greatly troublesome, cannot run away including some soul light!” “傻帽,都让我爹灭了,还主魂光,如果不是怕惹出大麻烦,连部分魂光都逃不回来!” Little Daoist Priest curls the lip, muttered in mother 's womb again, is slanting the eye to look at the world the stance, suitable relies on. 小道士撇嘴,再次在娘胎中咕哝,一副斜着眼睛看世界的姿态,相当的自恃。 However, other person not knows what's the matter, but also in expectation and anticipation! 然而,其他人都不知道怎么回事,还在憧憬与期待呢! “Wú, fellow youngest brothers, the There is still one person have not regained consciousness, is not the juniors in your my clan, is not simple. ” “唔,各位老兄弟们,还有一个人没有苏醒,不是你我族内的子弟,也不简单啊。” Wu Lunhui?!” 吴轮回?!” Some people mentioned Chu Feng, this was only a 14 or 15-year-old youngster, unexpectedly insisted such for a long time, the legend also had Human King bloodline, immediately let all revealed the look of surprise. 一些人提及楚风,这仅是一个十四五岁的少年,居然坚持这么久,传说还拥有人王血统,顿时让各方都露出异色 "Um, looks that the remaining people who returns finally. ” A Dao Race old man smiles, he thinks that Golden Scales Dao Child can persist in finally, having the big Killing Weapon-- metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material after all, after practicing technique broken ten thousand laws, destroys the hardest defenses, does not have the thing not to extinguish. “嗯,看一看剩下的人谁最后回归吧。”道族一位老者微笑,他认为金鳞道子能坚持到最后,毕竟有大杀器——金属性天地奇珍物质,练成一术破万法后,无坚不摧,无物不灭。 dang! 当! Outside the temple in Great Dream Pure Land, transmits bell ring, this meant that the person returns today, immediately initiates not the small mighty waves, making many people well up, looks around outside the palace. 大梦净土中的神殿外,传来一声钟响,这意味有一人在今天回归,顿时引发不小的波澜,让许多人涌来,在殿外张望。 Who awoke?!” Some old monster anxious asking. “谁醒了?!”一些老怪物急切的问道。 Wu Lunhui, he regained consciousness, soul light is too terrifying, is almost burning his fleshly body, but he is very experienced, controls instantaneously, is flowing Human King blood Heaven-Blessed Talent for within the body worthily!” Some people sighed. 吴轮回,他苏醒了,魂光太恐怖,差点将他的肉身都烧着,不过他很有经验,瞬间就控制住,不愧为体内流淌着人王血液天纵奇才!”有人感叹。 "hē hē, was Wu Lunhui awakes, but also was good, insists now. ” “呵呵,是吴轮回醒了啊,还算不错,坚持到现在。” A Corpse Race's old man opens the mouth, black clothes Yin Qi is dense, the pupil sends out the sparkling light beam, the sound like the mighty bell, is not low-key. 尸族的一位老者开口,一身黑衣阴气森森,眸子发出烁烁光束,声音如洪钟,不算低调。 Side, some people think highly immediately, said: Corpse Race's Divine Son is stronger, has not returned to the present!” 旁边,立时有人恭维,道:“还是尸族的神子更强,到现在还未回归!” "hē hē, my clan Divine Son Heaven-Blessed is indeed uncommon, has to become the Divinity potential. ” The Corpse Race's old man smiles, review Wu Lunhui, said again: Wu Lunhui this youngster also calculated well.” “呵呵,我族神子的确天纵不凡,有成为神祇的潜质。”尸族的老者微笑,再次点评吴轮回,道:“吴轮回这个少年也算不错了。” At this moment, Dao Race, Buddha Race and elders of White Phoenix clan and others, shows the light happy expression, they believe that most powerhouses in clan Lord the soul not to come back, was laughs last. 此刻,道族佛族白凤族的长老等,也都露出淡淡的笑意,他们认为,族中的最强者主魂没有回来,就是笑到最后了。 “Wú, Wu Lunhui eventually is too young, is 14 or 15-year-old, can arrive at these step to be good. ” The elders of White Phoenix clan narrow eye to say. “唔,吴轮回终究是太年轻,才十四五岁而已,能走到这一步就不错了。”白凤族的长老眯着眼睛说道。 "Um , he even if not being able to stand in line top three, can arrange first ten. ” The elders of yellow autumn spider clan smile. “嗯,他即便排不上前三甲,也能排进前十了。”黄金天蛛族的长老笑到。 Dao Race and Buddha Race's elder gentle color, smiles not to speak wear a look, static and other results. 道族佛族的长老面带平和之色,笑而不语,静等结果。 Chu Feng regained consciousness, the soul light soul returns, all smooth, he has the memory to return to! 楚风苏醒了,魂光魂归,一切顺利,他带着记忆而归! At this time, heard outside the temple the talks of these clan old monsters, on the face not happy without cause for grief, recited: Great Dream whose prescience, always I knew, the thatched house rested the foot, out of the window date slowly.” 此时,听到了神殿外那些各族老怪物的谈话,脸上无喜无忧,吟唱道:“大梦谁先觉,平生我自知,草堂睡睡足,窗外日迟迟。”
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