SR :: Volume #9

#844: A fearful truth corner/horn

An vortex jet black like black ink, how knows does not form, before its back seems chaos have not opened the giant beast, is opening the huge mouth, some to terrify people. 一口漩涡漆黑如墨,不知道怎样形成,它的背后仿佛是一头混沌未开辟前的巨兽,张着巨口,有些瘆人。 Chu Feng has come up, soul light will soon return, was not hit to explode, but leaves independently. 楚风上来了,魂光即将回归,不是被人打爆回去,而是自主离开。 As of late, he could not control oneself quickly, by strength of hauling an inexplicable space, is always wanted unceasingly to push aside the place of degeneration him. 最近这段时间,他都已经快控制不住自身,不断被一股莫名的空间之力牵引,总想将他排挤出堕落之地。 Now, the time of leaving. 现在,离开的时间到了。 He is bringing Young Vermilion Bird, crashes in the jet black vortex. 他带着小朱雀,冲进漆黑的漩涡中。 Chirp chirp!” The furry little fellow sad wail , the big eye with tears, sees below mother also several sister and brother limpidly, cries unceasingly, sobbing in grief, is sobbing here. “啾啾!”毛茸茸的小家伙伤心的哀鸣,大眼清澈含泪,看着下方的母亲还有几个姐弟,不断落泪,悲咽着,在这里哭泣。 It is forced to leave native place, enters a strange world, if no accident/surprise, possibly can never say goodbye with mother. 它算是背井离乡,进入一片陌生的世界,如果没有意外,可能跟母亲永远不能再见了。 But precisely its mother, delivers it to leave personally, but to give its way out, makes its live is better, but does not have the world of hope to get down in this dull, finally was corroded by grey matter. 正是它的母亲,亲手送它离开,只是为了给它一条生路,让它活的更好,而不是在这个没有希望的世界呆下去,最后被灰色物质侵蚀。 Do not be sad, after , you were formidable with me enough, can come this world again, sees your mother.” Chu Feng urged. “别伤心,等以后你跟我足够强大了,可以再来这个世界,看望你的母亲。”楚风劝道。 Actually, his knows, Young Vermilion Bird was impossible to say goodbye its mother, from now on one do not should part forever, World of the Dead universe one day of time, here possibly was hundred years! 其实,他也知道,小朱雀不可能再见它的母亲了,自此一别应该就是永别,阴间宇宙一天的时间,这里可能就是百年! The place of trim degeneration was built up by World of the Living's Supreme Being is time Supreme Treasure, the time speed of flow is too strange and terrifying. 整片堕落之地被阳间的大能炼为时间至宝,时间流速太诡异与恐怖。 Even if one day, Young Vermilion Bird again comes back, this world perhaps is also the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, that once existed withers away, that was known as that strongest Divinity also already changed to the dust, all will be decayed. 哪怕真有一天,小朱雀再回来,这个世界恐怕也是沧海桑田,那曾经存在的都消亡,那号称最强的神祇也早已化作尘埃,一切都将腐朽。 At that time, even even/including the Vermilion Bird grave possibly fell down and drops down, belongs to the ordinary and ordinary land, did not exist. 那时,甚至连老朱雀的坟都可能倾塌、倒下,归于平凡与普通的土地,不复存在。 Must return, that should only remaining moved, as well as final wailing, anything will not find. 真要回归,那应该只剩下伤感,以及最后的嚎啕大哭,什么都不会找到。 Child, you want strong going on living!” The old Vermilion Bird sound conveys. “孩子,你要坚强的活下去!”老朱雀的声音传来。 Chirp chirp, I...... Very sad, will think forever of you!” Young Vermilion Bird makes the weak sound, then, it vanished with Chu Feng, enters vortex most deep place. “啾啾,我……很伤心,会永远想念你!”小朱雀发出虚弱的声音,然后,它就跟着楚风消失了,进入漩涡最深处。 Good child, to go!” yellow-haired fox also opens the mouth, under sighed, has wielded the claw. “好孩子,去吧!”黄毛狐狸也开口,在下方叹道,挥了挥爪子。 The Soul Bell illumination, protects Young Vermilion Bird, it hides in middle, but Chu Feng also under bell, he also really feared that own memory does not exist, forgets all. 魂钟发光,护住小朱雀,它躲在当中,而楚风也在钟体下,他还真怕自身记忆不复存在,遗忘所有。 The black vortex is deep and quiet, slowly rotation, dizzy, here is dumbstruck, the inexplicable energies well up, must corrode soul light of person! 黑色的漩涡幽邃,缓缓转动,让人天旋地转,在这里发懵,有一股莫名的能量涌来,要侵蚀人的魂光 Came really!” Chu Feng is scared, he cannot accept the memory to be cut, forgot that here experience, he wants to go back completely. “真的来了!”楚风发毛,他不能接受记忆被斩,忘记这里的经历,他想完整的回去。 Then, inexplicable fog scatters, looks gently, when to moves Soul Bell finally actually erupts the extremely powerful, numerous bang on bell's surface. 然后,一股莫名的雾霭飘散过来,看着柔和,但是到最后触碰到魂钟时却爆发出万钧之力,重重的轰在钟壁上。 dang! 当! The sound is shocking, making the Soul Bell fierce tremor, the bell's surface illumination buzz, suddenly on bell's surface unexpectedly the reappearing design, is the complex cloud pattern. 响声震天,让魂钟剧烈颤动,钟壁发光嗡嗡作响,一时间钟壁上居然浮现图案,都是复杂的云纹。 This makes Chu Feng astonished, he fully realized, this is a seed, is not genuine metal Artifact, unexpectedly does the reappearing mark wind? 这让楚风惊异,他深知,这是一枚种子,并不是真正的金属器物,居然浮现纹络? Conceivable, at this time Soul Bell has encountered how fearful energy bombardment, must corrode Chu Feng soul light, finally now is blocked by bell's surface, these fog become firm and fierce rule by force, fiercely attacks him! 可以想象,此时魂钟遭遇了多么可怕的能量轰击,原本是要侵蚀楚风魂光的,结果现在被钟壁挡住,那些雾霭变得刚猛霸道起来,对他进行猛攻! Bang! 轰! The bell illumination, the cloud pattern is densely covered, carefully looked that should be natural, a seed, possibly is not carves, the mysterious mark that naturally forms winds. 钟体发光,云纹密布,仔细看应该都是天然的,一枚种子而已,不可能是雕刻上去的,都是自然形成的玄奥纹络。 „Are some ways, likely Order?!” Chu Feng is astonished, is only the seed, unexpectedly has the rule Order mark to wind the hidden. “有些门道,像是秩序?!”楚风讶异,只是种子啊,居然有规则秩序纹络隐藏。 dang! 当! Soul Bell shakes again, lets Chu Feng and Young Vermilion Bird in bell felt that must blast out, by inexplicable energy attack. 魂钟再震,让楚风小朱雀钟体内都感觉要炸开了,被莫名的能量攻击。 Your this does not kill me not to give up, this is what clever way, does don't tell me have the lifeforms control?!” The Chu Feng heart is startled. “你这不是弄死我不罢休啊,这是什么鬼门道,难道生物控制?!”楚风心惊。 Outside bell, is twining pure white Immortal Vapours, looks like sacred auspicious, but is fearful, can obliterate all, may cut the person to remember, extinguishes person soul light. 钟体外,缠绕着一层洁白的仙雾,看起来神圣祥和,但却是可怕的,能磨灭一切,可斩人记忆,灭人魂光 Why you eliminate me to remember, what thing is?!” Even if Chu Feng is the spiritual soul light condition, felt that had goosebumps, felt that this snow white mist the back as if has an eye. “你凭什么剥夺我记忆,到底是什么东西?!”楚风哪怕是精神魂光状态,也感觉起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,感觉这雪白的雾气的背后仿佛有一双眼睛。 Chirp chirp!” The furry Young Vermilion Bird light cry, whole body is fiery red, it is timid, hides behind Chu Feng's, leaves mother, after leaving world originally, it fills restlessly, the innermost feelings are weak. “啾啾!”毛茸茸的小朱雀轻鸣,浑身火红,它怯怯的,躲在楚风的后面,离开母亲,离开原本的世界后,它充满不安,内心虚弱。 The snow white mist to/clashes from Soul Bell, wants to get close to Chu Feng, does not obliterate his memory to vow not to rest. 雪白雾气从魂钟底部冲来,想要接近楚风,不磨灭他的记忆誓不罢休。 Chī! “哧哧! The incantation and energy that yellow-haired fox leaves behind have now had an effect, sends out yellow Xia, fills the air, prevents this type of monster different and mysterious mist. 黄毛狐狸所留下的咒语、能量现在起作用了,发出黄霞,弥漫开来,阻挡这种妖异而神秘的雾气。 However, is like that formidable by yellow-haired fox, the subsequent hand who it leaves behind cannot resist unexpectedly, the fog spreads upwardly. 然而,以黄毛狐狸那般强大,它留下的后手居然也不能抵挡,雾霭向上蔓延过来。 This is somewhat fearful, the very to terrify person, wants knows, yellow-haired fox from number Heavenly Venerate, even if were abandoned, but it, since dares to display this wonderful technique, has the assurance, may unable to block the fog silk. 这有些可怕,非常瘆人,要知道,黄毛狐狸自号天尊,哪怕被废,可它既然敢施展这种妙术,自有把握,可还是挡不住雾丝。 dang! 当! Finally, the Chu Feng violent force thrashes Soul Bell, shakes wisp of another wisp of bell's sound wave, prevents the white fog, unexpectedly resists it successfully, then pushes aside. 最后,楚风猛力捶打魂钟,震出一缕又一缕钟波,阻挡白雾,居然将它成功抵住,然后排挤出去。 Bang! 轰! Soul Bell big change, that white fog is not willing, is attacking as before, changes extremely powerfully, the bang pounds. 魂钟剧震,那白雾不甘心,依旧在冲击,化作万钧之力,轰砸过来。 However, entire Soul Bell seals up, the rippling ripples, resist the white fog, enabling it to be corroded. 不过,整座魂钟都封闭,荡漾涟漪,对抗白雾,使之不能被侵蚀。 The vortex is similar to a sea eye, held breath this world, Chu Feng they penetrates, the surrounding darkness, anything did not see. 漩涡如同一口海眼,倒吸这个世界,楚风他们深入进去了,周围一片漆黑,什么都不看到。 "Dang!" “当!” big change, one group of white fog attack once more violently, middle has a azure eye likely, stares at Soul Bell, does not let off them, must cut to remember. 一声剧震,一团白雾再次猛烈冲击过来,当中像是有一只青色的眼睛,凝视魂钟内部,不放过他们,非要斩记忆。 Chu Feng sees clearly, in the white fog has the thing , the bloody eyeball, the incomparable to terrify person, the delay, likely is not the intelligence, but strictly is actually carrying out some order. 楚风看清,白雾中真的有东西,血淋淋的眼球,无比的瘆人,很呆滞,不像是神智,但却在严格执行某种命令。 Feeling that Chu Feng some types must suffocate immediately, he thought that soul light one gloomy and cold, have one's hair stand on end, can discover this truth unexpectedly. 楚风顿时有种要窒息的感觉,他觉得魂光都一阵阴冷,毛骨悚然,居然能发现这种真相。 Suddenly, he from the beginning coolly arrives at foot, because, him discovered that this so-called channel possibly is some Supreme Being arranges, subsequent hand who leaves behind. 一时间,他从头凉到脚,因为无意间而已,他发现这所谓的通道都可能是某位大能布置的,留下的后手。 According to him is the result, this path most at least existed for dozens over over a million years. 据他所致,这条道路最起码存在数十上百万年以上了。 Certain exists, his layout frequently is several million years, this is the how remote matter, does he want to do? 某些存在,他的布局动辄就是数百万年,这是多么久远的事,他想干什么? He thinks all of a sudden the yellow-haired fox master, once thinks the place of refining degeneration, changes into time Supreme Treasure the trim world, is his writing skill? 他一下子想到黄毛狐狸的师傅,曾想炼化堕落之地,将整片世界化为时间至宝,这是他的手笔吗? Chu Feng feels like, does not say according to the wilderness fox, should not be remote. 楚风感觉不像,依照荒漠狐狸所言,应该没有那么久远呢。 Other Supreme Being leave behind back door here, even, is the matter that the more remote past cannot be researched? What attempts? 还有其他大能在这里留下后门,甚至,是更久远年代不可考证的事?所图什么? Then, Chu Feng thinks that the strange matter-- gray fog, making the trim world get sick, moved toward the destruction, will be whether related with here back door. 然后,楚风想到诡异物质——灰色雾霭,让整片世界都病了,走向毁灭,是否会跟这里的后门有关。 But, said according to yellow-haired fox, even if World of the Living's Supreme Being wants to surmount the chaos wall, arrives at the World of the Dead universe is very difficult, does not arrive at a dead moment, they will not consume own precious blood essence, self-preservation life essence also without enough time, here what's the matter?” “可是,按照黄毛狐狸所说,即便是阳间的大能想要跨越混沌界壁,来到阴间宇宙都十分艰难,不到身死关头,他们不会消耗自身珍贵的血精,自保寿元还来不及呢,这里是怎么回事?” Bang!” “轰隆!” bell's surface big change, the azure eyeball in that white fog in the drop blood, the very delay, attacks Soul Bell directly, must break open the energy ripples, infiltrated from the bottom. 钟壁剧震,那白雾中的青色眼球在滴血,非常呆滞,直接冲击魂钟,要破开能量涟漪,从底部钻进来了。 „It is not good!” Chu Feng yelled. “不好!”楚风大叫。 But fist big Young Vermilion Bird trembles, hides on the Chu Feng's shoulder, the light language low cry, in the golden big eye writes all over the restless, very fear. 而拳头大的小朱雀更是瑟瑟发抖,躲在楚风的肩头上,轻语低鸣,金色的大眼中写满不安,非常害怕。 Do not fear, I protect you!” Chu Feng whispered, since complied with old Vermilion Bird to protect its child, moreover took others divine medicine, said that anything cannot make this little fellow be injured. “别怕,我保护你!”楚风低语,既然答应老朱雀保护好它的孩子,而且还拿了人家的神药,说什么也不能让这个小家伙受到伤害。 Chu Feng hides it in the back, oneself keep off in front, blocks that azure eye. 楚风将它藏在背后,自己挡在前面,阻住那只青色眼睛。 That pupil was giant, is more terrifying than the mountain massif, just like planet, but is reducing along with to get close to bell rapidly, rips open the ripples, is dropping the blood, enters in bell thoroughly. 那眼眸原本非常巨大,比山体还要恐怖,宛若一颗星球,但随着接近钟体在急骤缩小,撕开涟漪,滴着血,彻底进入钟体内。 Finally, it turns into the face shape to be so big, the blood that flows bright red is also mixing with Dark Blood! 最后,它化成脸盘那么大,流淌的血鲜红中也夹杂着黑血 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, the amida, could not block!” The Chu Feng wool, he most should wash off to remember, is what to do Young Vermilion Bird's fleshly body?! 无量天尊,弥陀佛,挡不住了!”楚风毛了,他最多应该是被洗掉记忆,可是小朱雀的肉身怎么办?! He impossible helplessly looks at Young Vermilion Bird to suffer a disaster! 他不可能眼睁睁的看着小朱雀遭劫! Buzz! 嗡! The eyeball tremor of delay, sends out the weak light, cuts toward Chu Feng, really suddenly, his some memories must be eliminated, must be obliterated. 呆滞的眼球颤动,发出虚弱的光,向着楚风斩去,果然一刹那间,他的有些记忆要被剥夺,要被磨灭。 Chu Feng is how willingly, furiously resistance, he some negative mood, these for hundred years some useless memories, go all out to fall in torrents, resists the eyeball. 楚风怎么甘心,奋力对抗,他将一些负面的情绪,这百年来的一些无用的记忆,拼命倾泻而出,抵挡眼球。 This is very useful, blocks its way! 这很有用,挡住它的去路! Meanwhile, the bell's surface illumination, Soul Bell surges, the ripples are intermittent, weakens the ray of eyeball, is not intense to the threat that Chu Feng poses. 同时,钟壁发光,魂钟激荡,涟漪阵阵,也消弱眼球的光芒,对楚风造成的威胁没有那么强烈。 „It is not good, this way, can smoothly return to Great Dream Pure Land not necessarily, Young Vermilion Bird will possibly encounter the danger!” “不行,这样下去,不见得能顺利回归大梦净土,小朱雀可能就会遭遇危险!” In the Chu Feng heart sinks, he discovered that oneself cannot bet, at the worst he was obliterated to remember, but Young Vermilion Bird may pay the price of life and blood. 楚风心中一沉,他发现自己赌不起,大不了他被磨灭记忆,而小朱雀则可能会付出生命与血的代价。 His decisive belt/bring controls Soul Bell, goes all out to struggle, counter the background, is flushing away toward the place of degeneration, this incomparably difficult, because the trim world is pushing aside him, but is similar to the sea eye vortex is also revolving, holds him. 他果断带驾驭魂钟,拼命挣扎,逆着来路,向着堕落之地冲去,这无比地艰难,因为整片世界都在排挤他,而如同海眼般的漩涡也在旋转,将他吸住。 Chu Feng exhausts the energy, has gone all out, he fears the Young Vermilion Bird tragic death, such words are unfair to the person, wants to kill. 楚风耗尽能量,真的拼命了,他怕小朱雀惨死,那样的话太对不起人,想要杀回去。 Finally, ding long, a soul play trembles, was gloomy including bell, no longer releases black light, Chu Feng also soul light is gloomy, murky, in the vortex runs out, drops from the upper air. 最后,钟声悠悠,魂阵剧颤,连钟体都暗淡了,不再释放乌光,楚风自己则也魂光暗淡,昏昏沉沉,漩涡中冲出,从高空中跌落下来。 Can "Ah, how?! ” yellow-haired fox is startled. “啊,怎么会?!”黄毛狐狸吃惊。 Child!” Old Vermilion Bird is the heart trembles, rushes to high sky, not only catches Young Vermilion Bird, protects Chu Feng, led them. “孩子!”老朱雀更是心颤,冲上高天,不仅接住小朱雀,也保护住楚风,将他们带了回来。 Young Vermilion Bird is very good, safe and sound, by the Chu Feng protection a lost/carrying wound, actually he is not weak, almost exhausts soul light, counter the background return is too difficult, he nearly while still alive dies of exhaustion. 小朱雀很好,安然无恙,被楚风保护的没有负一点伤,倒是他自己非常虚弱,差点耗尽魂光,逆着来路回归太艰难,他险些活活累死。 However, has old Vermilion Bird and desolate yellow-haired fox here, so long as he also the wisp of life fluctuates, will obviously not have the big problem. 不过,有老朱雀与荒黄毛狐狸在这里,他只要还有一缕生命波动,显然就不会出大问题。 Even if so, Chu Feng also training three days three nights, this swallowed a reason of drop of divine medicine fluid, it can be imagined, his wound multiple, soul light will collapse, was almost dried up and dies! 即便如此,楚风也足足修养三天三夜,这还是吞了一滴神药液的缘故,可想而知,他的伤多重,魂光将崩,差点干枯而死! Senior, does not do right by, has lost/carrying great trust!” Chu Feng briefed the situation, said that he to does not dare to take risk to carry off Young Vermilion Bird finally directly. “前辈,对不住,有负重托!”楚风介绍情况,说他到最后不敢冒险直接带走小朱雀 Thank you, such cares about it, protects it to come back.” Old Vermilion Bird is very grateful, Chu Feng this comes back at risk of life, this explained that is responsible. “谢谢你,这么在意它,保护它回来。”老朱雀很感激,楚风这样拼死回来,这说明非常负责。 Chu Feng said: I carry off several Vermilion Bird feathers, several Vermilion Bird blood, experiment, after looking returns to my world, these whether retain, if no issue, I come back again, has Unextinguishable Mountain that road to walk in any case!” 楚风道:“我带走几根朱雀羽毛,还有几滴朱雀血液,去试验,看一看回归我的世界后,这些能否保留下来,如果没有问题,我再回来,反正还有不灭山那条路可以走!” He does not think really Young Vermilion Bird has accident/surprise, all like this is discrete and careful. 他真不想小朱雀发生意外,所有才这样谨慎与小心。 Good, thank you, child!” Old Vermilion Bird nods, agrees, it does not hope that really oneself child is injured accidentally/surprisingly. “好,谢谢你,孩子!”老朱雀点头,表示同意,它也真不希望自己的孩子意外受伤。 Finally, Chu Feng alone starts off, these time somewhat unusual, unusual. 最后,楚风独自上路,这一次有些异常,非同一般。 After he enters the black vortex deep place, that azure eye, that substantially swiftly reduces from the stars to the wash bowl, kills directly, crashes in Soul Bell, must obliterate his memory. 等他进入黑色漩涡深处后,那只青色眼睛,从星辰那么大迅速缩小到脸盆到,直接杀过来,冲进魂钟,要磨灭他的记忆。 Moreover, clarity that Chu Feng looks, on the eyeball of entire drop blood, but also is connecting many silk threads, that is the strength of Order. 而且,楚风看的清楚,整颗滴血的眼球上,还连接着许多丝线,那是秩序之力。 This is don't tell me the rule formation?” “这难道是规则形成的?” If others, already at present become dark, but, Chu Feng lived with Soul Bell firmly resist, during this process, he is also releasing oneself memory, leaves the eyeball to obliterate. 若是别人,早已眼前发黑,但是,楚风魂钟硬抗住了,在此过程中,他也在释放自己的记忆,留给眼球去磨灭。 For example, these for hundred years the useless experience, some trivial matters, various negative mood, were lost by him, making that azure light obliterate. 比如,这百年来的无用经历,一些琐事等,还有各种负面情绪,都被他丢出去,让那青光磨灭。 Suddenly, Chu Feng discovered, like this is very favorable for him, the whole person was light and lively, soul light gradually limpid like crystal, is no longer motley, is no longer disorderly. 一时间,楚风发现,这样对他很有利,整个人都轻灵了,魂光渐渐清澈如水晶,不再斑驳,不再杂乱。 Although before does not care, but, he indeed felt that oneself has one to be depressed, after all lived for hundred years in this world, said that mentality not old that is impossible. 虽然以前不在意,但是,他的确感觉到自身有一丝暮气,毕竟在这个世界生活了百年,说心态一点都不苍老那是不可能的。 However at present, he is equal to cleaning with the aid of this opportunity, is quenching, the useless memory on own initiative will cut, soul light becomes has no time purely. 但是眼下,他借助这个机会等于在清洗,在淬炼,将无用的记忆都主动斩掉,魂光变得纯净无暇。 „When no wonder in the ancient times to formidable Cultivator described, will say that is similar to the pure feelings, really has its truth, I think that they on own initiative are also cutting completely are depressed, wash the useless memory, momentarily cuts the burden, insurance pays attention a purity.” “难怪古代对强大的修士形容时,会说如同赤子之心,果然有其道理,我想他们也在主动斩尽暮气,洗尽没用的记忆,随时斩掉负担,保留心中一份纯净。” Chu Feng suddenly, suddenly thoroughly comprehends the evolution some essences. 楚风恍然,一时间悟透进化的一些本质。 Has the Soul Bell help, the light beam of azure eyeball he resists successfully, becomes the experience of Domain Great Grandmaster, is with these person of gratitude and grudges emotions, has not melted, retains. 魂钟帮助,他成功抵挡住的青色眼球的光束,无论是成为场域大宗师的体验,还是跟那些人恩怨情感,都不曾消融,保留下来。 Well, what is that?!” The memory can retain, has discarding of choice, Chu Feng is in high spirits, opens Discerning Eyes, he sees some fearful truth suddenly. “咦,那是什么?!”记忆得以保留,有选择的丢弃一些,楚风精神振奋,睁开火眼金睛,他忽然看到某种可怕的真相。 The vortex rotation, it actually has the fissure, could say, this so-called black vortex was comprised of many black cracks, only then a middle channel. 漩涡转动,它其实是有裂痕的,或许可以说,这所谓的黑色漩涡是由很多黑色裂缝组成的,只有中间的一条通道。 Behind of that vortex crack, the fearful world, is a piece of great universe, dusky, bringing the fog, death aura heavy, gloomy and cold to send to terrify. 那漩涡裂缝的后面,有一个可怕的世界,是一片宏大的宇宙,灰蒙蒙,带着雾霭,死气沉沉,阴冷让人发瘆。 Is that the strange matter fog? Is that the source? 那是诡异物质灰雾吗?那是源头吗? Chu Feng shock! 楚风震惊! Then, his Discerning Eyes displays to the utmost, by the black crack, sees the world in vortex, that likely is a piece of dead universe, was too silent. 然后,他的火眼金睛发挥到极尽,透过黑色的裂缝,看到漩涡中的世界,那像是一片死宇宙,太寂静了。 No, has lifeforms, has the thing!” “不,有生物,有东西!” Chu Feng sees, has the giant, pupil is bigger than planet, taking a step slowly, in the hand is raising the stone ax, in the front paves the way, shells the chaos! 楚风看到,有巨人,眸子比星球要大,缓缓的迈步,手中提着石斧,在前方开辟道路,轰击混沌! Moreover, more than one giant, is one crowd, is one piece, exactly said, they possibly are Divine Demon! 而且,不止一位巨人,是一群,是一片,确切的说,他们可能是神魔 Their builds were too huge, smallest Divine Demon its bulb is bigger than planet, if not uses Discerning Eyes, with the strength of Order, Chu Feng is impossible to see clearly their whole bodies. 他们的体形太庞大了,最小的神魔其手指肚都比星球大,若非用火眼金睛,用秩序之力,楚风都不可能看清他们的全身。 Their bodies are bringing the shackles, is the convict, or holds the great axe, either holds the iron sword, in the opening chaos, is unearthing any thing. 他们的身上带着枷锁,是囚徒,或持巨斧,或持铁剑,在开辟混沌,在挖掘什么东西。 In this piece of death aura heavy universe, drops down along the way such huge Divine Demon corpse, died, motionless. 在这片死气沉沉的宇宙中,沿途倒下很多那样巨大的神魔尸体,都死了,一动不动。 These also in the movement, the eye pupil are also the delay, the whole body is the blood, clearly loses the intelligence, in machinery is acting. 那些还在移动的,眼眸也是呆滞的,满身是血,分明失去神智,在机械的动作着。 The fog surges, strange matter is strong, they in open to the chaos, along the way dropping down corpses. 灰雾翻腾,诡异物质浓烈,他们在向混沌中开辟,沿途倒下一具又一具尸体。 The Chu Feng heart shivers, incomparably shocks, his not knows, but, he has a feeling, saw some most fearful universe truth, this will be as if important in the future, related to Taboo, what a pity, he does not understand the situation now, did not understand. 楚风心头颤动,无比震撼,他不知道这是怎么回事,但是,他有一种感觉,看到了某种最为可怕的宇宙真相,这在将来似乎非常重要,涉及到了禁忌,可惜,他现在不明白情况,不理解。 He wants to go back, consults to yellow-haired fox, perhaps this must be frightened from the number Heavenly Venerate fox. 他真想回去,向黄毛狐狸请教,或许这个这个自号天尊的狐狸都要被吓到。 However, he does not have the opportunity at present, does not have the strength to reverse again. 然而,他眼下没有机会,也没有力量再一次逆转回去。 The world in crack, , in the sky one round gold/metal date blasted out, was Golden Crow, the blood scatters unexpectedly, crashed in the fog. 在裂缝中的世界,噗的一声,天空中一轮金日炸开,竟然是一头金乌,血液四溅,在灰雾中坠落下来。 Hurry up , to continue to dig!” Suddenly, that cold and gloomy universe, in the world of fog surges, some people scold all and as high as Heaven Divine Demon. “快点,继续挖!”突然,那森冷的宇宙,灰雾翻腾的世界中,有人呵斥所有与天齐高神魔 The Chu Feng pupil contraction, he sees similarly big silhouette, puts on ancient and tattered Full-Body Armor, at the back of a standard long blade, the scabbard rotted. 楚风瞳孔收缩,他看到一个同样高大的身影,穿着古老而破烂的甲胄,背着一口制式长刀,刀鞘都烂掉了。 This is...... 这是…… The Chu Feng heart trembles, this silhouette somewhat looks familiar, he carries unexpectedly is standard weapon-- Reincarnation Blade, these bodies that even his Full-Body Armor sees on Reincarnation Road with Chu Feng are withered, the protection Reincarnation Road's person who the look delay and thought stop is similar! 楚风心头发颤,这道身影有些眼熟,他背着的居然是制式武器——轮回刀,甚至他身上的甲胄都跟楚风轮回路上见到的那些身体干枯、眼神呆滞、思维停顿的守护轮回路的人相似! However here person also has the consciousness obviously, unexpectedly with as high as Heaven, is similar to Divine Demon. 不过这里的人明显还有意识,居然与天齐高,如同神魔般。 Can see through the side that person of eye socket gets sucked, the flesh is withered, the whole person lacks spirituality, the look slightly has also revealed the delay. 通过侧面能看到,那人眼窝深陷,血肉干瘪,整个人缺少灵性,眼神也已经略显呆滞。 What situation is this?!” Chu Feng cried out in the heart, here, is related with the Reincarnation back person? “这是什么情况?!”楚风在心中呐喊,这里,也跟轮回背后的人有关吗? Meanwhile, he once listened to Young Lady Xi to mention, Reincarnation Blade is very fearful, is related with World of the Living. 同时,他曾听少女曦提及过,轮回刀很可怕,跟阳间有关。 What these Supreme Being want to make, so-called World of the Living Supreme Being, strong?!” The Chu Feng heart palpitates. “那些大能想做什么,所谓的阳间大能,到底有多强?!”楚风心头悸动。 Whiz! 嗖! Finally, he disappears from here, steps the return trip, flushes away toward Great Dream Pure Land. 最终,他从这里消失,踏上归程,向着大梦净土冲去。
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