SR :: Volume #9

#843: Last war treads the homeward journey

Small Martial God, this lives has not defeated, same step after on match, he always horizontally pushes the enemy, today Yin Soul in eye by spitting blood that hits, regards as the great shame by him. 武神,此生未尝一败,同阶对上对手后,他一向横推敌人,今天被眼中的阴魂打的吐血,被他视为奇耻大辱。 Military divine wind violent!” “武神风暴!” He scolds lightly, makes the sound that flutters, delays pair of golden yellow wings by his body, sends out the metal vibrato, strenuous vibration. 他轻叱,发出振翅的声音,在他的身体两侧延展出一对金黄的羽翅,发出金属颤音,剧烈震动起来。 Then, his speed rises suddenly, surpasses the limit all of a sudden, starts to kill regarding Chu Feng certainly, likely is golden storm, leads the destructive energy. 而后,他的速度暴涨,一下子超越极限,围绕楚风开始绝杀,像是一股金色的风暴,带动起毁灭性的能量。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Trembles void lightly, as can be seen, his place visited mountain peak is shortening, by a pair of golden wings smashing, the energy of striking against does not have the thing not to kill. 虚空轻颤,可以看到,他所过之处山峰在变短,被一对金色的羽翅粉碎,拍击出来的能量无物不杀。 Distant place, one crowd frightened runs beast, is distanced also has full have several kilometer far, finally disintegrates, has the silver mammoth shape, has the small mountain-like dragon scales tiger, but turns into bloody mud in the metal vibrato, all blasts out. 远处,一群受惊的蛮兽跑出来,相距还有足有数千米远,结果纷纷解体,有银色的猛犸象,有小山般龙鳞虎,可是都在金属颤音中化成血泥,全都炸开。 Small Martial God shows absolute technique, the both wings vibration, the frequency is too quick, resonates very fearful energy, does not have the thing broken. 武神展现出绝学,双翅震动,频率太快,共振出非常可怕的能量,无物不破。 Chu Feng avoided several times, did not understand that opposite party method, has not moved easily, after all he is only the soul light condition, does not have nourishing and protection of fleshly body and blood energy, congenitally deficient. 楚风数次避开,不了解对方这种手段,没有轻易触碰,毕竟他只是魂光状态,没有肉身血气的滋养与保护,先天不足。 Zheng! 铮! In metal vibrato, then fans to the golden yellow wings, a great mountain peak turns into fine powder, starts from the summit, has disrupted the foot, as long as was moved to fall down. 在金属颤音中,那对金黄的羽翅扇动,一座宏大的山峰化成齑粉,从山巅开始,一直碎裂到山脚,但凡被触碰到就倾塌。 Chu Feng in transverse shift body, each time Shrink the Ground to an Inch, from mountain ridge to another mountain ridge. 楚风在横移身体,每一次都缩地成寸,从一条山岭到另一条山岭 Along the way, dozens li (0.5 km) long mountain massif, is similar to horned dragon fu lies, finally was interrupted by small Martial God, his striking power is astonishing, destroys the hardest defenses. 沿途,数十里长的山体,如同虬龙匐卧,结果都被小武神截断,他的攻击力非常惊人,无坚不摧。 Yin Spirit, you run away anything, rolls to me!” His woods cold shouting, will adjust the optimum condition, blood energy is billowing, fills the air, covers this mountain scene lineage/vein. 阴灵,你逃什么,给我滚过来!”他森寒的喝道,将自己调整到最佳状态,血气滚滚,弥漫而起,笼罩这片山脉。 He has fleshly body, this depends on, nourishes soul light, the spirit and fleshly body unites, can release the incomparable terrifying the energy, stronger a big truncation compared with sole soul light. 他有肉身,这就是倚仗,滋养魂光,精神与肉身合一,能够释放出无比恐怖的能量,比单一的魂光要强一大截。 You also then that a matter, come!” “你也就那么回事,来吧!” Chu Feng sneers saying that after careful observation, thinks over his method, only has a quick character, world secret technique only quickly broken. 楚风冷笑道,仔细观察后,掂量出他的这种手段,唯有一个快字,天下秘术唯快不破。 However, Chu Feng also has extremely fast, did not say that Close Horizon this Divine Skill, Lightning Fist, is having the demonic nature, after he stimulates to movement full power, simply is the fist technique controlling person! 但是,楚风也有极速,不说天涯咫尺这种神技,还有闪电拳,带着魔性,他全力催动开来后,简直是拳法驭人! The Chu Feng's body turns into the pale golden color, a pair of fist appears various rune, pesters on, erupts the thunder god sound! 楚风的身体变成淡金色,一双拳头浮现各种符文,纠缠在上,爆发雷霆神音! Meanwhile, he is also stimulating to movement Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, this is not the World of the Dead universe edition, but is World of the Living Paramount breathing method that yellow-haired fox corrects! 同时,他也在催动大雷音呼吸法,这可不是阴间宇宙版本,而是黄毛狐狸纠正过来的阳间究极呼吸法 Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method coordinates Vairocana Fist, coordinates Lightning Fist, simply certainly matches! 大雷音呼吸法无论是配合大日如来拳,还是配合闪电拳,都简直是绝配! For example now, after Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method revolution, Chu Feng within the body, thunder sound like waterfall, energetic internal organs by the thunder light baptism at the same time, fills the air to the Yang Qi breath to the whole body, soul light is prosperous! 比如现在,大雷音呼吸法运转后,楚风体内,雷音如瀑,精神脏腑被雷光洗礼的同时,一股至阳气息弥漫向全身,魂光鼎盛! This thunder sound unifies with the Lightning Fist thunder sound, the inside and outside cross coupling, from inside to outside, is the thunder, is the god sound, the energy of erupting beyond comparison in this Realm. 这种雷音闪电拳的雷霆音结合起来,内外交感,从内到外,都是雷霆,都是神音,爆发出的能量在这个境界无以伦比。 Has an misconception including Chu Feng, this Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method was too suitable he, in the coordination Young Lady Xi passed to his World of the Living Divine Skill, matched simply certainly! 楚风自己都有种错觉,这大雷音呼吸法太适合他了,配合上少女曦传给他的阳间神技,简直是绝配! Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng's speed is getting more and more fast, the person the controlling fist, the fist in the controlling person, Lightning Fist is also complete, is not incomplete, now displays, is extremely astonishing. 楚风的速度越来越快,人驭拳,拳也在驭人,闪电拳是完整的,不是残缺的,现在施展出来,极其惊人。 Chu Feng turned into the golden lightning, in the speed has surmounted small Martial God together, even if he fluttered unceasingly, was inferior to the Chu Feng's fist fast. 楚风化成一道金色的闪电,速度上超越了小武神,哪怕他不断振翅,也不及楚风的拳速。 World secret technique only quickly broken, this is eruption in a strength, suddenly promotion! 天下秘术唯快不破,这是一种实力上的爆发,骤然提升! Bang! 轰! Chu Feng every time shakes the fist to erupt the large expanse of golden electric light, the thunder explodes the sound, was too terrifying. 楚风每一次挥拳都爆发出成片金色的电光,还有雷霆炸音,太恐怖了。 As can be seen, his fist mark place visited, has the mountain peak to melt, was corroded in the golden energy ray, the collapse, blasts out loudly directly. 可以看到,他的拳印所过之处,有山峰在消融,在金色的能量光芒中被腐蚀,轰然塌陷,直接炸开。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Small Martial God angrily roars, he was too strenuous, the fist tingles with numbness, the hit blood drippings, was almost suppressed the point by Chu Feng in a minute. 武神怒吼,他太吃力了,拳头发麻,被打的鲜血淋淋,几乎在片刻间而已就被楚风压制了锋芒。 Clang clang! 锵锵! His pair of golden wings vibrate, separate all, the mountain range was interrupted, but meets Chu Feng's pair of golden color fist mark to suffer a disaster. 他的一对金色羽翅震动,割裂一切,山脉都被截断,可是遇上楚风的一对金色拳印还是遭劫。 His wing by tearing of fist mark bombardment, the blood was drippinged, that is the blood of section losing concentration, is the Martial God gene, even if not pure divine blood, but also far strong general lifeforms. 他的翅膀被拳印轰击的撕裂开来,鲜血淋淋,那是部分神之血液,属于武神的基因,哪怕不是纯粹的神血,但也远强一般的生物 What a pity, he was suppressed, was fiercely attacked by Chu Feng, at leeward. 可惜,他被压制,被楚风一路猛攻,处在下风。 Bang! 轰! As a Chu Feng Lightning Fist big move rumbles, the golden great waves that this piece of region thunder turns into have dozens heaviness fully, all raised, wave after wave hit forward. 随着楚风闪电拳的一记大招轰出,这片地带雷霆化成的金色浪涛足有数十重,全都掀起来了,一浪接着一浪的向前打去。 Front, the mountain range blasts out, quarry stone cloud penetration, the golden energy is similar to startled big wave strikes the shore, the small Martial God bang horizontal flies, the whole body is the blood! 前方,山脉炸开,乱石穿云,金色能量如同惊涛拍岸般,将小武神轰的横飞,满身是血! I am the Martial God later generation, has his invincible blood relationship, in the future will be doomed to become God, how can defeat!” The small Martial God low roar, a full head round of silk hangs loose, the whole body wound transpiration has flaming radiance, that is god's blood is burning down. “我是武神的后人,拥有他无敌的血统,将来注定要成神,怎么能败!”小武神低吼,满头发丝披散,浑身伤口蒸腾起炽盛的光华,那是神之血液在焚烧。 strange technique! 异术 He uses strange technique that Martial God founds, in humming sound the sound, his abatement pair of golden color wings sends out beyond the golden vibrato, in the body also presents one after another silver Divine Chain, is Order congeals likely, but is actually strange technique obviously. 他动用武神开创的异术,在嗡嗡声中,他除却一对金色羽翅发出金色颤音外,身体中还出现一根又一根银色的神链,像是秩序凝结而成,但其实是异术显化的。 Chī! 哧! Small Martial God kills, whole body lasing silver Divine Chain, pierces to go toward Chu Feng, must touch, smelts the opposite party immediately, changes into divine nature particles, direct absorption. 武神杀来,周身激射银色的神链,向着楚风洞穿而去,真要触及,会立刻熔炼对方,化为神性粒子,直接吸收。 This is God Level strange technique! 这是神级异术 The Chu Feng eye pupil is sparkling, he wants to try Small Six Paths Time Technique very much, presses the opposite party by most skilled person Duan Zhen of this world, but he bore finally. 楚风眼眸烁烁,他很想试试小六道时光术,以这个世界的最强手段镇压对方,但是最后他又忍住了。 Because, this strange technique, once displays, he fears to become addicted, later cannot provide lodging oneself to absorb divine nature particles, takes a road of no return. 因为,这种异术一旦施展,他怕上瘾,以后管不住自己去吸收神性粒子,走上一条不归路。 Bang! 轰! In the end, Chu Feng uses Lightning Fist, displays Yin-Yang divine light, uses together, the bang kills to forward. 到头来,楚风动用闪电拳,施展阴阳神光,一起动用,轰杀向前。 Light of Yin-Yang separates all, in clank sound, some silver Divine Chain dividing, enabling it near body! 阴阳之光割裂一切,在铮铮声中,将一些银色的神链给劈断,使之不能近身! Lightning Fist leads the Chu Feng's speed, making him as if have the demonic nature, the fist technique controlling person, is getting quicker and quicker, the unceasing bang kills to forward! 闪电拳带动楚风的速度,让他仿佛拥有魔性般,拳法驭人,越来越快,不断轰杀向前! , Chu Feng puts on the small Martial God golden wings bang, fist mark is broad, then suddenly shakes, making his wings blast out. 噗的一声,楚风将小武神的金色羽翅轰穿,拳印恢宏,接着猛然一震,让他的一只羽翅炸开。 Yelling of small Martial God pain, speed first falls, the whole person is staggering, the wings damage, covered with blood. 武神痛的大叫,速度第一时间就降下来,整个人踉跄着,羽翅破损,血肉模糊。 On this is place of strongest Golden Body level Evolver degeneration, then such a matter.” Chu Feng sighed lightly, at this moment he had a strange feeling, wants to enter World of the Living, looks there so-called true talent strong! “就这是堕落之地最强的金身进化者吗,也就这么一回事。”楚风轻叹,这一刻他有种奇异的感觉,真想进阳间,去看一看那里所谓的真正天才到底有多强! Small Martial God becomes angry out of shame, whole body divine blood surges, soul light ebullition, with a fleshly body more perfect union, release energy. 武神恼羞成怒,周身神血激荡,魂光沸腾,跟肉身更加完美的结合起来,释放能量。 Chī! 哧! His whole body is spurting thin silver light, stimulates to movement strange technique, once this silver light touches the match to decompose opposite party fleshly body and soul, changes into divine nature particles. 他周身都在喷薄银光,催动异术,这种银光一旦触及对手就可以分解对方的肉身与灵魂,化为神性粒子 Chu Feng scolds lightly, stimulates to movement Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, at this moment, his appearance is solemn, is similar to a Buddha stands erect here, the whole body surging golden light also has the thunder, fills the sonic boom sound, that is the lightning thunders, that is thunder sound is resonating. 楚风一声轻叱,催动大雷音呼吸法,此刻,他宝相庄严,如同一尊佛陀矗立在这里,周身涌动金光还有雷霆,弥漫音爆声,那是闪电轰鸣,那是雷音在共振。 He attempts, moves wells up pure breathing method whether can block strange technique, then, he has succeeded, really does not have the issue, these silver light are unable to crash in his within the body, was all prevented by breathing method outside. 他尝试,动涌纯粹的呼吸法是否可以挡住异术,然后,他成功了,果然没有问题,那些银光无法冲进他的体内,全被呼吸法阻挡在外。 Buddha Race breathing method is really terrifying, lets the law that World of the Living Supreme Being is jealous of worthily, is the supreme Paramount inheritance, at this moment manifests its proper value. 佛族呼吸法果然恐怖,不愧是让阳间大能都眼红的法,是无上究极传承,此刻体现出它应有的价值。 Chu Feng just like Myriad Laws Immunity, strange technique cannot injure him, silver light cannot penetrate the golden gloss and thunder sound of his body surface, he stands one's ground steadfastly. 楚风宛若万法不侵,异术不能伤他,银光不能击穿他体表的金色光泽与雷音,他岿然不动。 No wonder World of the Living can suppress place of degeneration Gods, Chu Feng sighs secretly, has this Paramount breathing method, did not fear that opposite party strange technique, is seriously astonishing. 难怪阳间可以压制堕落之地的诸神,楚风暗叹,有这种究极呼吸法,就不怕对方的异术,当真惊人。 However, that true Six Paths Time Technique is very certainly fearful, initially caused World of the Living Supreme Being to collaborate to encircle and hunt, making the person yearn. 不过,那真正的六道时光术一定很可怕,当初可是导致阳间大能联手围猎,让人向往。 Finished!” “结束吧!” Chu Feng whispered, can end in the fight of this World, although dozens years fought this time, but also enough he tasted. 楚风低语,在这一界的战斗可以落幕了,虽然数十年才战斗这一次,但也足够他回味。 Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng whole body illumination, stimulates to movement breathing method at the same time, left hand Lightning Fist, wonderful quick incomparable, the bang puts on opposite party silver light, hits the arm of opposite party, ka-cha, making small Martial God call out pitifully, the entire left arm blasts out. 楚风浑身发光,催动呼吸法的同时,左手闪电拳,奇快无比,轰穿对方的银光,打中对方的手臂,喀嚓一声,让小武神惨叫,整条左臂炸开。 Meanwhile, the Chu Feng right hand displays Vairocana Fist, is similar to a golden big buddha exists forever through ancient times, the suppression, suppresses the small Martial God whole person under. 同时,楚风右手施展大日如来拳,如同一尊金色大佛亘古长存,镇压而下,将小武神整个人都压制在下方。 ! 噗! Small Martial God angrily roars, whole body blood energy rolling wells up, is a piece of desert fluctuates likely, erupts, goes all out with Chu Feng, fights to the death. 武神怒吼,浑身血气滚滚而涌,像是一片瀚海起伏,爆发开来,跟楚风拼命,决一死战。 However, this is the futile effort, cannot block the Chu Feng's attack, was suppressed comprehensively. 但是,这是徒劳的,根本挡不住楚风的进攻,被全面压制下去。 Bang, the Chu Feng's golden color Vairocana Fist seal drops, small Martial God that hits has hair dishevelled, another arm also blasts out, and body crack, starts to disintegrate finally. 砰的一声,楚风的金色大日如来拳印落下,打的小武神披头散发,另一条手臂也炸开,且身体龟裂,最后开始瓦解。 The blood splashes, small Martial God is split up! 血液溅起,小武神四分五裂! Bang! 轰! Chu Feng has made up a fist, rumbles to explode him in the midair, all finished, the last war ends. 楚风又补了一拳,将他轰爆在半空中,一切结束,最后一战落幕。 During this process, Chu Feng wants to experiment Plundering Guide Breathing Method several times, looked whether can be similar to Buddha Race breathing method same can block the corrosion of strange technique, but has not been put into action finally. 在此过程中,楚风数次都想试验盗引呼吸法,看能否能如同佛族呼吸法一样可以挡住异术的侵蚀,但最终没有付诸行动。 This breathing method origin is mystical, he does not dare to reveal easily. 这门呼吸法来历神秘,他不敢轻易泄露。 yellow-haired fox came from World of the Living, is Supreme Being disciple, day knows it saw that this breathing method will have anything to respond. 黄毛狐狸来自阳间,是一位大能弟子,天知道它看到此呼吸法会有什么反应。 Because, this breathing method winner, the Yaoyao grandfather once had a grudge with some World of the Living's Supreme Being, was enslaved, in the flesh was planted Origin Metal, which Supreme Being behavior knows is not, is discretely for good. 因为,这门呼吸法的得主,妖妖的爷爷曾经与阳间的某位大能有仇,被奴役,血肉中被种上母金,不知道是哪一尊大能所为,还是谨慎为好。 Suddenly, small Martial God that explodes reappears, the soul light reorganization, the flesh meets again, because he has Death Substituting Talisman, moreover at this time belongs to Martial God soul light to reappear, pressure mountain scene range, frightens world. 突然,爆开的小武神再现,魂光重组,血肉重聚,因为他有一枚替死符,而且此时属于武神魂光浮现出来,威压这片山岭,震慑世间。 Who dares to kill my later generation?!” A middle-aged man, bronze skin, the fleshly body illumination, is very solid, the pupil is sending out the fearful ray. “谁敢杀我的后人?!”一个中年男子,古铜色皮肤,肉身发光,无比结实,瞳孔散发着可怕的光芒。 How has killed?” Old Vermilion Bird goes forward, obviously melts the main body, opens mouth attracts, bang extinguished Martial God this soul light directly, strangles to death cleanly. “杀了又如何?”老朱雀上前,显化出本体,张嘴一吸,轰的一声直接将武神这道魂光灭了,绞杀干净。 You also start off.” Old Vermilion Bird said very much gentle, fans the wing gently, soul light of small Martial God reorganization has not exuded one with several Dao Protector including the pitiful yell, turns into several groups of blood mist in light of this. “你们也上路吧。”老朱雀很平和地说道,轻轻扇动翅膀,小武神重组的魂光与几名护道者连惨叫都没有发出一声,就此化成几团血雾 Without a doubt, old Vermilion Bird does not want to divulge a secret, after all its life essence not many, for several children considered, avoids later Martial God visiting to retaliate. 毫无疑问,老朱雀不想走漏风声,毕竟它寿元无多,为了几个孩子考虑,避免以后武神登门报复。 It now fearless, however dozens years later, when its oil lamp is completely dry troubled is big. 它现在无惧,但是数十年后,它油尽灯枯时麻烦就大了。 Packed off my children does not matter.” It talked to oneself in a soft voice. “等将我的孩子都送走就无所谓了。”它轻声自语。 Had finished, this world, bye!” Chu Feng looks here every bit of property, the deep brand mark in the heart, no matter what said, this is an experience, he hopes to remember, but does not forget. “结束了,这个世界,再见!”楚风看着这里的一草一木,深深烙印在心底,不管怎样说,这是一番经历,他希望能够记住,而不是遗忘。 Soon will return, his many somewhat is disturbed, feared that forgot really here all, these people, these matters, in life once intravenous drip, experience all, needs to treasure, but does not forget. 即将回归,他多少还是有些忐忑的,怕真的忘记这里的一切,那些人,那些事,生命中曾经的点滴,经历的一切,都需要去珍惜,而不是遗忘。 His not knows Qin Luoyin and the others whether forgets here, not knows whether somewhat retains. 他不知道秦珞音等人是否忘记这里,不知道是否有些保留。 Two days later, all are ready, Yaoyao also went out, the whole body brings the medicine to be fragrant, is having the flaming ray, she gained the huge advantage! 两天后,一切准备就绪,妖妖也出关了,周身带着药香,带着炽盛的光芒,她获得了巨大的好处! However, even if takes divine medicine, impossible error but, is unable directly to become Shining Upon All Heavens level expert, this level needs to become aware, but did not take heavenly material earthly treasure to be able the promote step. 但是,哪怕服食神药,也不可能一蹉而就,无法直接成为映照诸天高手,这个层次需要悟,而不是服食天材地宝就能晋阶。 The Yaoyao white clothing wins the snow, cheeks shining white, the pupil is nimble and resourceful, in the peerless looks is having the smile, lithe walks, looks at each other with Chu Feng, urges him to be careful, then she started off. 妖妖白衣胜雪,脸颊莹白,眸子灵动,绝代姿容上带着微笑,轻盈的走来,跟楚风相视,叮嘱他小心,而后她就上路了。 What she walks is Unextinguishable Mountain that road, with Chu Feng cannot with returning. 她走的是不灭山那条路,跟楚风不能同归。 Then, Chu Feng also prepares to start off! 然后,楚风也准备上路! Suffering extreme distress that Young Vermilion Bird cries, likely is the fist big wool wool ball, trembles, snuggles side old Vermilion Bird, does not want to leave, is not willing to depart, in the golden big eye tumbling of tears cluster, the chirp chirp shouted lightly, sobbing in grief, sobbing. 小朱雀哭的死去活来,像是拳头大的毛绒球,瑟瑟发抖,依偎在老朱雀身边,不想离开,不愿离去,金色的大眼中眼泪成串的滚落,啾啾轻叫,悲咽着,哭泣着。 Walks, breaks the spell, leaves this ominous places, hopes that you and your child can grow in an auspicious world, go, my child!” “走吧,打破魔咒,离开这片不祥之地,希望你与你的孩子能够在一片祥和的世界中成长,去吧,我的孩子!” Finally, old Vermilion Bird has pushed its, then brings other four Young Vermilion Bird to fly high sky suddenly, does not endure to look child sob that this will soon take a long journey. 最终,老朱雀推了它一把,然后猛然带着其他四头小朱雀飞上高天,不忍看着这个即将远行的孩子哭泣。 However, old Vermilion Bird actually does not hate to leave, circles in the sky unceasingly, finally even flies to fall, strokes gently that come all alone with own wing Young Vermilion Bird, cries. 但是,老朱雀却也舍不得离开,在天空中不断盘旋,最后甚至又飞落下来,用自己的翅膀摩挲那头形单影只的小朱雀,跟着落泪。 Walks, it departs like this, might as well be a happiness, will obtain the peace and good health, can go on living.” yellow-haired fox urged. “走吧,它这样离去,未尝不是一种幸福,会获得安康,能够活下去。”黄毛狐狸劝道。 Chu Feng salutes to them, then took out Soul Bell, covers Young Vermilion Bird, protects it in inside, like this rushes to the universe, charges into that vortex. 楚风对他们施礼,然后祭出魂钟,笼罩小朱雀,将它保护在里面,就这样冲上天宇,冲向那口漩涡。 During this process, yellow-haired fox, covers Soul Bell there with large expanse of rune, protects Young Vermilion Bird's fleshly body, hopes that can cross smoothly. 在此过程中,黄毛狐狸也施法,用成片的符文笼罩魂钟那里,保护小朱雀的肉身,希望可以顺利横渡。 Buzz, Chu Feng brings Soul Bell to enter in the vortex, sets off the homeward journey! 嗡的一声,楚风带着魂钟进入漩涡中,踏上归途!
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