SR :: Volume #9

#842: Kneels

The Chu Feng ear was keen, turns head to look at its one, said: Senior, cultivates the behavior is sincere, can not say randomly, spoke an auspicious speech!” 楚风耳朵非常敏锐,回头看了它一眼,道:“前辈,做人要厚道,能别乱讲吗,说点吉利话!” "Um, anticipated that you were beaten, throw, looked that your such show package air/Qi! ” yellow-haired fox muttered. “嗯,期待你被殴打,扔出来,看你这么骚包就来气!”黄毛狐狸咕哝。 Chu Feng thinks little, holds in the mouth teng snake divine medicine to enter in mountain ridge, the footsteps are light and lively, are refreshing, the whole body sends out sparkling soul light, thinks loosely clean, the ultra dust is refined. 楚风不以为意,叼着螣蛇神药进入山岭中,脚步轻灵,神清气爽,周身都发出莹莹魂光,自认为风流倜傥,超尘脱俗。 yellow-haired fox and Vermilion Bird whole family and others outside. 黄毛狐狸朱雀一家人等在外面。 The time is very long, in the mountain range transmits the slight vibration, then, the thunder, then the mountain peak blasts out, the electric arc one after another, connects to high sky. 时间很长,山脉中传来轻微的震动,然后,电闪雷鸣,接着山峰炸开,电弧一道又一道,连接向高天 Some this people in Transcends Tribulation?!” Old Vermilion Bird doubt. “这是有人在渡劫?!”老朱雀狐疑。 Chirp chirp......” five capilli soft and thick Young Vermilion Bird whole bodies are fiery red, chirp, here light cry, curious looks. “啾啾……”五头毛茸茸的小朱雀浑身火红,叽叽喳喳,在这里轻鸣,都好奇的看着。 Then, they saw, a whole body braves the electric arcs and seven orifices the person who spurts the thunder to depart. 然后,他们就看到,一个浑身冒着电弧、七窍都在喷雷霆的人飞出。 Hey, the boy, are you Transcends Tribulation?” yellow-haired fox asked with a smile. “嘿,小子,你这是渡劫吗?”黄毛狐狸笑着问道。 Chu Feng uncouth falling on the ground, is sprawled to lie down there, if the body shakes chaff, the electric light flows, the look delay, restores some for a long time. 楚风十分不雅观的摔在地上,四仰八叉躺在那里,体若筛糠,电光流淌,眼神呆滞,好长时间才恢复一些。 He lies down is freezing, face upwards sighs lightly, said: I go to World of the Living to look for seductress, this difficulty coefficient is too high!” 他躺在原地不动,仰天轻叹,道:“我还是去阳间找狐狸精吧,这个难度系数太高!” I cannot kill you!” The yellow-haired fox nose must be mad crookedly. “我打不死你!”黄毛狐狸鼻子都要气歪了。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng ran, enters in mountain range, but also feared really the crippled old fox tidies up him. 楚风跑了,又进山脉中,还真怕瘸腿老狐狸收拾他。 Bang shaking, the mountain peak collapses, the earth caves, he was thrown. 轰隆一阵摇动,山峰倒塌,大地沉陷,他又被人扔出来。 Yaoyao, I deliver the medicine to you, what you misunderstand, don't tell me you have the idea to me, therefore such conflicts me?” He is the dead pig does not fear the boiling water to burn simply, was black and blue, the whole body is braving the electric light, but also there cocky. 妖妖,我只是给你送药而已,你误会什么,难道你对我有想法,所以这么抵触我?”他简直是死猪不怕开水烫,都鼻青脸肿了,浑身都在冒电光,还在那里得瑟 Then, fair clear white hands find out from the mountain, carries his soul armor, takes into him mountain ridge. 然后,一只白皙晶莹的玉手从山中探出,一把拎住他的魂甲,将他带进山岭中。 „, Has the words saying that do not use strongly to me, kills me not, since!” Has saying that on the road that Chu Feng in doing more walks is farther. “诶,有话好说,你不要对我用强,打死我也不从!”不得不说,楚风在作死的路上越走越远。 The consequence that this causes is, in the mountain shivers, the mountain range fluctuates, is similar to the wild waves, then he was punched fat, contorting one's face in agony ran away. 这导致的后果就是,山中颤动,山脉起伏,如同骇浪,然后他被胖揍,呲牙咧嘴的逃了出来。 Then , he on the ground, with very corpse, emits one horizontally wisp and a wisp of azure smoke. 接着,他吧嗒一声,横在地上,跟挺尸似的,冒出一缕又缕青烟。 yellow-haired fox educates several Young Vermilion Bird, said: Looks at Finally, the distinguished persons may shake the eternity, the coquettish character may eagerly anticipate the time 35 years, but show package of this lifeforms must be struck by lightning!” 黄毛狐狸教育几只小朱雀,道:“看到了吗,风流人物可震千古,风骚人物可引领时代35年,但骚包这种生物必然要遭雷劈!” The Chu Feng whole body charging, the words could not say, becomes the model black teaching material. 楚风浑身过电,话都说不出来了,成为典型黑教材。 For a long time, he sighed: I decided that looks for the World of the Living's seductress.” 很长时间,他才叹道:“我决定,还是去找阳间的狐狸精。” Chirp chirp......” five Young Vermilion Bird red sparkling, the head, is looking to yellow-haired fox, asked that what situation this is? “啾啾……”五只小朱雀都红莹莹,偏着头,看向黄毛狐狸,问这是什么情况? Was divided silly, he this is strives for now oppressively!” The crippled old fox is black the face saying that overruns directly, brandishes a claw then the racket, the thunder begins, and explained: Looks at Finally, strove for oppressively is this appearance!” “被劈傻了,他现在这是求虐!”瘸腿老狐狸黑着脸说道,直接冲过去,抡起一只爪子就拍,雷霆再起,并且解释道:“看到了吗,求虐就是这个样子!” Scratches, weren't you abandoned?” Chu Feng pitiful yell. “擦,你不是被废了吗?”楚风惨叫。 The following half a month, this tablet of region medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, after Yaoyao comes out to see Chu Feng, closes up, absorbs divine medicine, withdraws Divine Energy. 接下来的半个月,这片地带药香扑鼻,妖妖出来看望过楚风后就去闭关,吸收神药,提取神性能量 But in the mountain, old Vermilion Bird whole-heartedly is also helping an own child, the teng snake medicine and Vermilion Bird medicine will grind, helping Young Vermilion Bird absorb! 而山中,老朱雀也在全力以赴帮助自己的一个孩子,将螣蛇药、朱雀药都碾碎,帮小朱雀吸收! It wants to deliver this child to start off, walks World of the Dead, goes to World of the Living again, rushes out a way out! 它想送这个孩子上路,走阴间,再去阳间,闯出一条生路! Chirp chirp......” Young Vermilion Bird is reluctant to part, for serveral days is always crying, the golden big eye is holding the tears, clear teardrops cluster tumbles. “啾啾……”小朱雀依依不舍,这些天总是在哭,金色大眼噙着泪水,晶莹泪珠成串的滚落下来。 It only then the fist is so big, after rolling up, likely is a wool ball, is bright red and clear, the wail, has a specific use to move its mother gently unceasingly, is attached to does not abandon. 它只有拳头那么大,蜷缩起来后,像是一个绒球,鲜红而晶莹,轻轻哀鸣,不断用头触碰它母亲,眷恋不舍。 Had it to cry several times tired, lethargic sleep in its mother's side. 有数次它都哭累了,昏睡在它母亲的身边。 Old Vermilion Bird is also very moved, its feather quickly fell up, only remaining rough, but the fold transparent shark's fins, said: I was old, quick was dying, you must go to me eventually, the children, you will grow up, later must depend on itself.” 朱雀也很伤感,它的羽毛都快落光了,只剩下粗糙而褶皱的肉翅,道:“我已经老了,很快就要死了,你们终究要离我而去,孩子们,你们都将长大,以后要靠自己。” It urged, which later regardless in, must try hard to go on living, do not easily speak to give up. 它叮嘱,以后无论在哪一界,都要努力活下去,不要轻言放弃。 You are formidable enough, have the excellent strength, can come back to look before my grave, if the strength is insufficient, never come back, in the heart has thought me and that's the end. You must learn to protect......” “等你们足够强大,有过人的实力,可以回来在我的坟前看一看,如果实力不够,永远不要回来,心中想过我就是了。你们要学会保护好自己……” Old Vermilion Bird was verbose, said that likely was not Divinity, was only an ordinary mother. 朱雀絮絮叨叨,说了很多,不像是神祇,只是一个普通的母亲。 Chu Feng most cannot look at this scene, sits outside the mountain, a person watches the sunset, the sunset glow incarnadine sky, chilly colorful like blood, must finish in this world eventually. 楚风最看不得这种情景,坐在山外,一个人看日落,晚霞染红天空,凄艳如血,在这个世界终究要结束。 The old fox was also sighing, is taking liquor bottle gourd, poured liquor down the throat to the mouth in another side unceasingly, it was also looking at the setting sun, by that blood-color sunset glow, as if saw World of the Living's past the grand occasion, what a pity, it forever left that world center. 老狐狸也在叹息,拿着一个酒葫芦,在另一边不断向嘴里灌酒,它也在看夕阳,透过那血色的晚霞,仿佛看到阳间的昔日盛况,可惜,它永远离开那片世界中心。 This is late autumn, in the mountain outside the mountain has many big trees, full tree withered and yellow, was caught the light red under the setting sun, is bringing some chilly colorful beauty. 这是深秋,无论是山中还是山外都有很多大树,满树枯黄,在夕阳下被染上淡淡的红色,带着些许凄艳之美。 At this time, came several people from the distance, one of them saw Chu Feng, the feeling was startled slightly, the stern-faced color, said: Is you, past Yin Spirit, you also in world!” 这时,从远处走来几人,其中一人看到楚风,稍感吃惊,一脸阴沉之色,道:“是你,当年的阴灵,你还在世间!” Chu Feng turns head, looks to the mountain, reveals startled the color, said: „Didn't you die?” 楚风回头,看向山外,露出愕然之色,道:“你不是死了吗?” He is profound to this person impression, dozens years ago, this person is having the faint color, is self-confident, the use flying lance, strikes to kill Ying Wudi, delivers Horse King to start off, connects the bang to add up totals the position Kunlun Mountains big monster. 他对这个人印象深刻,数十年前,此人带着淡漠之色,非常自信,动用飞矛,将映无敌击杀,送马王上路,接连轰杀数位昆仑大妖。 He is small Martial God, Golden Body Great Perfection many years, was known as powerhouse who under Sub Saint ranks among the best! 他是小武神,金身大圆满很多年,号称亚圣之下数一数二的强者! Dozens years ago that war, Chu Feng and Yaoyao hit to explode this person, turns around to depart directly, now unexpectedly sees him. 数十年前那一战,楚风妖妖将此人打爆,直接转身离去,现在居然又见到他。 However ponders over slightly, is not then accidental, initially even/including Lingwei Hou the heir had Death Substituting Talisman, won't the Martial God later generation have? 不过稍微一琢磨,便不意外了,当初连灵威侯的子嗣都有替死符,武神的后人怎么会没有? Initially, after Chu Feng and Yaoyao are was worried to strike to kill him, will annoy Martial God soul light, therefore the bang killed, turned around to walk, has not looked at the result. 当初,楚风妖妖就是担心击杀他后,会惹出武神魂光,所以轰杀完,转身就走,没有看结果。 It is not out of the anticipation, small Martial God lived. 不出意料,小武神真的活下来了。 I have suppressed do not break through, across the world informed and experienced, but thinks some day becomes strongest Sub Saint, cannot think that runs into you today!” “我一直压制不突破,在天下各地历练,只是想有朝一日成为最强亚圣,想不到啊,今天遇到你!” Small Martial God has smiled, does not have the anger, but is the tooth is snow white, shows the incomparably happy smiling face, he stares at Chu Feng. 武神笑了,不带怒意,而是牙齿雪白灿烂,露出无比开心的笑容,他盯上楚风 Yin Soul, gives you an opportunity, rolls, kneels to bend down in my under foot, submits, says all secrets of world you are at!” 阴魂,给你一个机会,滚过来,跪伏在我的脚下,臣服,将你所在的世界的一切秘密都讲出来!” He sits on the beast, on the face is having the faint color, the back at the back of several short lances, relies on and is proud, is staring at Chu Feng, launches in salvos silk clear, dances in the breeze with the wind. 他坐在蛮兽上,脸上带着淡漠之色,背后背着十几杆短矛,自恃而又自负,盯着楚风,连发丝都根根晶莹,随风飘舞。 Chu Feng stands up, stand forth, his recent mood is not feeling well, provokes the Yaoyao failure, had been repaired ruthlessly one time, has wanted to find the person to vent anger. 楚风站起身来,向前走去,他最近心情不爽,撩拨妖妖失败,被狠狠地修理过一次,一直想找人出气呢。 Yin Spirit, you are so weak, wants to fight me?!” Small Martial God brings cold smiling, the corners of the mouth to raise, appears somewhat callous, he will have treated as Sub Saint Level expert, is overlooking Chu Feng. 阴灵,你这么弱,也想跟我动手?!”小武神带着冷冽的笑,嘴角扬起,显得有些冷酷,他已经将自己当做亚圣级高手,俯视着楚风 Because, he momentarily can break through, now to whet, will build the strongest foundation for future to become God! 因为,他随时能突破进去,现在不过是为了磨砺,为将来成神筑下最强根基! Chu Feng's face immediately slightly black, said: You are really the long face do not know from the height, the face is big enough, you think that you isn't the weak chicken? Comes, cannot kill you!” 楚风的脸顿时微黑,道:“你真是驴脸不知自身长,脸够大的,你以为自己不是弱鸡吗?过来,打不死你!” Spoke?” Side, another person opens the mouth, is an old man, sends blue sparkling, the robe sleeve flap flap, quite the tones of some features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. “怎么说话呢?”旁边,又一人开口,是一位老者,发丝蓝莹莹,袍袖猎猎,颇有些仙风道骨的气韵。 He is one of the small Martial God Dao Protector, becomes famous many years of Saint, follows, protects the later generation who Martial God is liking very much. 他是小武神护道者之一,成名多年的圣人,一路跟随,保护着武神很喜欢的这个后人。 Then, he displays the pressure to Chu Feng, said: Kneels.” 然后,他就对楚风施展威压,道:“跪过来吧。” This is the naked suppression, uses his formidable Saint Level energy, to the Chu Feng crush, wants to make him kneel to bend down, humiliates. 这是赤裸裸的压制,动用他强大的圣级能量,对楚风碾压,想让他跪伏下来,进行折辱。 The small Martial God smile, has not prevented, to wait for Chu Feng to kneel to bend down to him, he wants to accept the worship, then take action, tidies up this Yin Soul. 武神微笑,并未阻止,等着楚风向他跪伏下来,他想接受朝拜,然后再出手,收拾这个阴魂 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The earth disintegration, the crack appears one after another, Chu Feng uses Domain, the mark winds to interweave, sends out the dazzling brilliance, the resistance Saint prestige. 大地崩碎,一道又一道裂缝浮现,楚风动用场域,纹络交织,发出炫目的光彩,抵御圣威。 Meanwhile, he looked in a mountain, wants please old Vermilion Bird take action, the independent showdown, to oppress others with Realm, who feared who? Here has Divinity! 同时,他看了一眼山中,想请老朱雀出手,单独对决也就罢了,拿境界压人,谁怕谁?这里可是有神祇 Old Vermilion Bird has not disappointed him, turns into a crane to send the old woman of young face, is leaning on the walking stick, towering appearance. 朱雀没有让他失望,化成一个鹤发童颜的老妇人,拄着拐杖,突兀的出现。 Two young man showdowns, what hand do you insert?” Her light language said, resists the Saint prestige. “两个后生对决也就罢了,你插什么手?”她轻语说道,抵住圣威。 I urged you do not mind others' business, a person journey of Martial God department, you were best to withdraw.” That sends Saint to open the mouth blue desolately, he saw that the old woman is not affable, but cannot think absolutely, this is Divinity. “我劝你还是不要多管闲事,武神一系的人出行,你最好退避。”那名蓝发圣人冷淡地开口,他看出老妇人不好惹,但是绝对想不到,这是一位神祇 Martial God, hehe......” old Vermilion Bird has smiled, then sends Saint to hint to that blue, said: You kneel.” 武神,呵呵……”老朱雀笑了,然后对那蓝发圣人示意,道:“那你还是跪过来吧。” Depended on you......” to send Saint just to speak of here blue, the complexion startled greatly, then trembled, then knees ka-cha sent out the resounding, he to the end knelt directly, bent down passively on the ground, kotowed to Chu Feng and old woman here. “就凭你们……”蓝发圣人刚说到这里,脸色大骇,然后颤栗,接着双膝喀嚓一声发出脆响,他直接倒头就跪,被动伏在地上,对着楚风与老妇人这里叩首。 This, making the rear several people very surprised, other small Martial God and several people of complexion petrify. 这一幕,让后方的几人很吃惊,小武神与其他几人的脸色都石化了。 And, summit Saint complexion sudden change, said a certainly: Fellow Daoist, you rather extremely, humiliated Martial God one are troops, for Yin Soul is worth?!” 其中,一位绝巅圣人脸色骤变,道:“道友,你未免太过了,折辱武神一系人马,为了一个阴魂值得吗?!” Old Vermilion Bird soon will entrust the heir to Chu Feng, let alone they, were Martial God personally came, dares to come up preying, it did not fear any Divinity! 朱雀即将把子嗣托付给楚风,别说他们,就是武神亲自来了,都敢上去搏杀,它可不怕任何神祇 Your words are really many, kneels!” Old Vermilion Bird to his point, a pū tōng this person also kneels to bend down. “你话语真多,也跪下来吧!”老朱雀冲着他一点,噗通一声此人也跪伏下来。 Yin Soul, I challenge to you!” little martial divine fruit separation mouth, he saw that the situation is not right, prods Chu Feng with the words. 阴魂,我向你挑战!”小武神果断开口,他看出情况不对,用话语激将楚风 Ok, you kneel first secure, we fight again!” The Chu Feng smile, copes with him with his method. “行啊,你先跪安,咱们再战!”楚风微笑,用他的手段对付他。 Kneels.” Old Vermilion Bird opens the mouth. “都跪过来吧。”老朱雀开口。 pū tōng! 噗通 This group of people all kneel down, trembles including small Martial God, cannot withstand this pressure. They with amazement, then saw the old Vermilion Bird whole body sends out Scarlet Rosy Cloud, forms divine ring, this absolutely is Divinity, picks the star to take the moon/month sufficiently, the bang kills the god on ferocious beast plateau! 这群人全都跪倒,包括小武神在内都瑟瑟发抖,根本承受不了这种威压。他们骇然,然后就见到老朱雀浑身发出赤霞,形成神环,这绝对是一尊神祇,足以摘星拿月,轰杀凶兽高原上的神! Straightens up after bowing or performing the kowtow, gets up.” A Chu Feng calm appearance, is slanting the eye to look at the ground is kneeling small Martial God, small Martial God of this stance air/Qi thinks that a palm of the hand killed by explosion him! “平身,起来吧。”楚风一副淡定的样子,斜着眼睛看地上跪着的小武神,这副姿态气的小武神想一巴掌轰死他! Chu Feng opens the mouth at a moderate pace, said: My dozens years have not fought with the person, under the activity the physique before the return, are very happen to good, finished my wish that you came, otherwise also not with creature of this world very good hit one.” 楚风不紧不慢地开口,道:“我都有几十年没跟人战斗了,在回归前正好活动下筋骨,你来的很好,了却我一桩心愿,不然的话还没有和这个世界的生灵很好的打一场呢。” Small Martial God flies into a rage, after he restores the ability to act, suddenly jumps, float in midair, is overlooking Chu Feng, said: Good, good, good, today looked how I rumble to kill your this Foreign Territory Yin Spirit!” 武神勃然大怒,他恢复行动能力后,瞬息间跃起,悬浮在半空中,俯视着楚风,道:“好,好,好,今天看我如何轰杀你这个异域阴灵!” In a twinkling, his all pores spurt thin divine glow, launches in salvos the silk to be radiant, is similar to the child of Sun stands in the sky, fills the formidable pressure, frightens Chu Feng. 霎时间,他所有毛孔都喷薄神芒,连发丝都璀璨起来,如同太阳之子当空而立,弥漫强大的威压,震慑楚风 Clang, he extracts a short lance from the back, the arm illumination, is similar to the giant who must hold to put on the vault of heaven, soon will shoot a heaven shaking lance! 锵的一声,他从背后抽出一杆短矛,手臂发光,如同要捅穿天穹的巨人,即将掷出惊天一矛! Chu Feng narrows the eye, thinks all of a sudden dozens years ago that Ying Wudi is killed by his lance bang, several Kunlun Mountains big monsters also shoot the flying lance by he such rampant and overbearing stance, pierces the body, the scrap perishes! 楚风眯起眼睛,一下子想到数十年前的那一幕,映无敌被他一矛轰杀,还有几位昆仑大妖也都被他这样嚣张而霸道的姿态掷出飞矛,洞穿躯体,炸碎而亡! Chu Feng shouted: In the final analysis, you are also Golden Body Great Perfection, has not entered Sub Saint Dominion, dares to despise me?! Comes to suffer to death!” 楚风喝道:“说到底,你也不过是金身大圆满而已,还未进入亚圣领域,也敢藐视我?!过来受死!” He wants to be over Ying Wudi, Horse King and the others, initially the arrogant military Divine Son child killed this, blood debts must be paid in blood! 他想为映无敌马王等人出头,将这个当初飞扬跋扈的武神子嗣干掉,血债血还! Before this is he leaves this last war, open and aboveboard take action, otherwise, in his heart somewhat is throughout regrettable, below this so-called Sub Saint the first person happen to be used for the showdown. 这是他离开此界前的最后一战,堂堂正正的出手,不然的话,他心中始终有些遗憾,这所谓的亚圣以下第一人正好可以用来对决。 “Chi!” “哧!” Small Martial God shoots the flying lance suddenly, turns into together the flaming lightning, must tear simply void, causes the sonic boom, leads the big piece the white fog, blasts out loudly. 武神猛然掷出飞矛,化成一道炽盛的闪电,简直要撕裂虚空,引起音爆,带动起大片的白雾,轰然炸开。 Bang! 轰隆! The flash, Chu Feng rises straight from the ground, just like a great god, among able to support both heaven and earth, meets the approaching enemy loudly. 一刹那,楚风拔地而起,宛若一尊巨神,顶天立地间,轰然迎击。 His soul light is concise, whole body aura is vigorous, psychic energy rises suddenly, formidable incomparable, directly changes the motion trajectory of this flying lance. 他的魂光凝练,周身气息雄浑,精神能量暴涨,强大无比,直接去改变这飞矛的运行轨迹。 Even, Chu Feng shells with energy soul light! 甚至,楚风用能量魂光去轰击! He uses wonderful technique, complete World of the Living gives up study-- Lightning Fist, this was World of the Living's Divine Skill, Young Lady Xi initially passed to him! 他动用妙术,完整的阳间绝学——闪电拳,这是阳间的神技,少女曦当初传给他的! dang! 当! He by the soul light fist bang on the flying lance, latter sends first , the interruption flying lance way, an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration that this metal short lance shakes, then blasts out in the midair, turns into fine powder. 他以魂光拳头轰在飞矛上,后发先至,截断飞矛去路,将此金属短矛震的寸寸崩碎,而后在半空中炸开,化成齑粉 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng rules by force soaring that makes widely known, dived the past, shakes small Martial God hardly. 楚风霸道而张扬的腾空,俯冲了过去,硬撼小武神 This time, what he uses is World of the Living Divine Skill-- Vairocana Fist! 这一次,他动用的是阳间神技——大日如来拳 He in Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method that the stimulation of movement obtains newly, this is also the World of the Living's Paramount method, happen to agrees with the Vairocana Fist fist intent, suddenly the fist light writings, the direct access to the highest authorities moves, stirring! 他在催动新得到的大雷音呼吸法,这亦是阳间的究极法,正好契合大日如来拳的拳意,一时间拳光大作,通天动地,震撼人心! After dozens years, Chu Feng take action, the prestige that the institute obviously melts can be frightening finally once more, is yellow-haired fox stops drinking, talked to oneself: Some ways, the hooligan family background can arrive this step, is not simple!” 时隔数十年,楚风终于再次出手,所显化出来的威能让人心惊,就是黄毛狐狸都停止喝酒,自语道:“有些门道,野路子出身能走到这一步,不简单啊!” Bang! 轰! Small Martial God is bringing callous smiling, a palm bang kills, below his self-confident Sub Saint invincible, nobody is his match, therefore meets the tough head-on with toughness, must extinguish this ghost. 武神带着冷酷的笑,一掌轰杀过来,他自信亚圣以下无敌,没有人是他的对手,故此硬碰硬,要灭这个鬼魂。 Bang! 砰! Two people fists and palms hit in the same place, forms the heaven shaking storm! 两人的拳与掌撞在一起,形成惊天风暴! Chu Feng soul light shakes, flashes on and off erratically, but he has stood firm finally, stands in the sky. 楚风魂光摇动,明灭不定,但是最后他稳住了,当空而立。 The small Martial God corners of the mouth overflowing blood, body shakes, fleshly body presents many fissures, finally cannot bear in void backs up several steps, he is very difficult to believe that below Sub Saint some people can resist with all one's strength him. 武神嘴角溢血,身体摇颤,肉身出现很多裂痕,最后忍不住在虚空中倒退几步,他很难相信,亚圣以下有人可以力敌他。 How possible, you are only Yin Spirit!” “怎么可能,你只是一个阴灵!” If then this skill, you kneels to pay respects, I rush to time.” Chu Feng indifferent opens the mouth. “如果就这点本事,你还是跪过来请安吧,我赶时间。”楚风淡然开口。
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