SR :: Volume #9

#841: Show package

I if now goes back, can hit ten universe level talents? No, must hit 100!” “我现在要是回去,一个能打十个宇宙级天才?不,要打100个!” Chu Feng talked to oneself, in the heart is detachable, depending on his present method, universe ranking should on contemporaries insufficiently look? 楚风自语,心中活络起来,凭他现在的手段,宇宙排行榜的上的同代人应该都不够看了吧? He is supposing, he can from second project on 100 th . Moreover the premise is lets their person of large expanse of piles, his solitarily alone anti- it! 他估摸着,他能从第二打到第100,而且前提是让他们那些人成片的堆起来,他只身独自抗之! Thinks of these, can Chu Feng then some senses of achievement, this way, he also hit under the starry sky not to have the match? 想到这些,楚风就有些成就感,这样看来,他也能打遍星空下无对手了吧? Ponders over carefully, past Yaoyao was also mediocre, he finally must achieve now this step, his golden account number, How lonely is the invincible, finally not that dazzling, turned head to let its Not just in name only, but also in reality! 仔细琢磨,当年的妖妖也不过如此,他现在终于也要做到这一步,他的金色帐号,无敌是多么寂寞,总算不那么的刺眼,回头就让它名副其实 Sub Saint Nine Yin Bird, your old codger, Hundred Transformations Saint Yuwen Cheng Kong, your starry sky Knight, slaughters the archaic Earth women and children, does not let off the children, notorious, this second-rate I go back, should be able to ask you to calculate an account personally!” 亚圣阴九雀,你个老不死的,还有百化圣人宇文成空,你们这些星空骑士,屠杀上古地球的妇孺,连孩子都不放过,臭名昭著,这次等我回去,应该能亲自找你们算一笔账!” Chu Feng thinks of these, in the chest has flame, wishes one could to kill immediately, should find some people to criticize. 楚风想到这些,胸中就有一股火焰,恨不得立刻杀回去,该找一些人清算了。 What is most hateful was Xilin Clan as well as past notorious starry sky Knight, should kill, in the hand moistened completely bloody. 最可恨的是就是西林族以及当年臭名昭著的星空骑士,都该杀,手上沾满血腥。 However, he thinks that Golden Scales Dao Child and Bodhisattva release great and the others the issues, these people were put a pair of foot by him with buttocks, won't have the big problem? 不过,他又想到道子金鳞佛子释宏等人的问题,这些人都被他放回去一对脚丫子与一个屁股,不会出大问题吧? The memory will be obliterated in any case, he pours does not care very much. 反正记忆会被磨灭,他倒也不是很在意。 A little, he is somewhat anxious, he seizes the Golden Scales Dao Child biggest good fortune, the Dao Race's inside story, the metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material! 只是有一点,他有些忧虑,他夺走道子金鳞的最大的造化,道族的底蕴,金属性天地奇珍物质! Senior , helping, in my this soul light integrates wisp of treasure material, its some backgrounds, after returning to universe, originally I feared that was jealous to stare.” “前辈,帮个忙,我这魂光中融入进一缕奇珍物质,它有些来头,回原本的宇宙后我怕被人眼红盯上。” In the matter did not ask yellow-haired fox definitely unclearly, the foreign affairs...... Asked the crippled fox. 内事不决问黄毛狐狸,外事不明……还是问瘸腿狐狸。 Chu Feng this depends on him, the direct examination, consulted the means. 楚风这是赖上他了,直接询问,请教办法。 yellow-haired fox already saw clearly his essence, the face thick-skinnedly not side! 黄毛狐狸早已看清他的本质,脸皮厚的没边! You believe firmly, is others is jealous of you, but is not under you sinister hand, snatched others' Heaven and Earth treasure material?” yellow-haired fox asked him, already completely understood your appearance. “你确信,是别人眼红你,而不是你下黑手,抢了别人的天地奇珍物质?”黄毛狐狸问他,一副早就看透你的样子。 This...... They encircle and hunt me, wants to send me in the deathtrap, I naturally must kill them, convenience this material smelting in soul light.” “这个……他们围猎我,想致我于死地,我自然得干掉他们,顺手就将这种物质给熔炼进魂光中了。” This view, making nearby five furry fiery-red Young Vermilion Bird together roll the eyes, here despises him. 这种说法,让旁边的五只毛茸茸的火红色小朱雀都一起翻白眼,在这里鄙视他。 Then, yellow-haired fox then suck in a cold breath, saw that on Chu Feng has the so-called metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material, his surprised. 然后,黄毛狐狸倒吸冷气,看到楚风身上有所谓的金属性天地奇珍物质,他一阵惊讶。 Really is good, this thing, is World of the Living Supreme Being is the closing juniors seeks, must spend on is very big a time, although is World of the Dead produces, but has also been able to use to World of the Living, naturally, must be nourished years to be good by Yang Qi, has big using!” “真是不错,这东西,就是阳间大能为关门子弟寻找,都得费上很大一番功夫,虽然是阴间出产,但是到了阳间也能用上,当然,要被阳气滋养一段岁月才行,有大用!” Evolver of yellow-haired fox this status, what hasn't seen? Like this appraisal, obviously the uncommonness of this Heaven and Earth treasure material! 黄毛狐狸这种身份的进化者,什么没见过?这样评价,可见这种天地奇珍物质的不凡! However, Chu Feng is astonished, this thing in the World of the Dead universe is most extremely extraordinary treasure material, may with not be possible to ask, seeks one type by the Dao Race's inside story! 然而,楚风还是惊异,这东西在阴间宇宙中已经算是最绝顶非凡的奇珍物质,可遇不可求,以道族的底蕴也只是寻到一种而已! As for Buddha Race, previous time kills releases great, on his body simply had not found the same rank the material, obviously is rare and precious. 至于佛族,上一次击毙释宏时,在其身上根本没有找到同级别的物质,可见多么的稀有与珍贵。 However, yellow-haired fox said that so long as World of the Living's Supreme Being takes the trouble to take the trouble to seek, can find? 然而,黄毛狐狸却说,阳间的大能只要费心费力去寻找,就能找到? Is sees his doubts likely, yellow-haired fox, said: World of the Living is very big, limitless, the length and breadth is boundless, some places are unable to come to the end including Supreme Being, some forbidden area most ancient Paramount powerhouses have not gone in continually. The product was too rich, therefore, some rare materials may seek.” 像是看出他的疑惑,黄毛狐狸,道:“阳间很大,无边无际,广袤无垠,有些地方连大能都无法走到尽头,有些禁区连最古老的究极强者都没有进去过。物产真的太丰富了,所以,一些稀有物质可寻。” Naturally, he also stressed that even if this Heaven and Earth treasure material in World of the Living, Supreme Being wants to collect several types, is very difficult, needs to spend many thoughts. 当然,他也强调,这种天地奇珍物质哪怕是在阳间,大能想收集几种,也很困难,需要花费很多心思。 Chu Feng is speechless, wants to say very much, fucking, turns head to enter World of the Living, had better be able look for Supreme Being to swear brotherhood, when the big brother, later anything did not need to look. 楚风无语,很想说,特么的,回头真要进阳间,最好能找个大能结拜,当大哥,以后什么都不用找了。 However, his knows, this is not realistic, it is estimated that the Supreme Being disciples and followers is a side sovereign basic shell character, he dares to affront, will be patted, will be chased down by entire World of the Living. 然而,他也知道,这根本不现实,估计大能的徒子徒孙都是一方皇主级人物,他敢冒犯,会被拍死,会被全阳间追杀。 Suddenly, some Chu Feng vacillations, yearned to World of the Living very much! 一时间,楚风有些动摇,对阳间很向往! yellow-haired fox looks at the Chu Feng's Heaven and Earth treasure material, has studied long time, finally, he passes to a Chu Feng method, silently after the revolution, but short lets soul light fair and honest, gentle and mild, the Heaven and Earth treasure material that melts, not and will obviously melt because of various stimulation of outside. 黄毛狐狸看着楚风的天地奇珍物质,研究了很长时间,最终,他传给楚风一种法,默默运转后,可短暂的让魂光中正平和,融进去的天地奇珍物质,不会因为外界的各种刺激而显化出来。 This was enough!” “这就足够了!” Chu Feng is joyful. 楚风欣喜。 Senior, the good person achieves the bottom, here also has bottle gourd, this thing looks is innate divine object, I feared when the old fogy who one crowd is not concerned about face smelly, for example Dao Race's and Buddha Race's senior statesman meets the person, saw that my this thing snatches with me.” “前辈,好人做到底,这里还有个葫芦呢,这东西一看就是先天神物,我怕一群臭不要脸的老家伙,比如道族的佛族的元老去接人时,看到我这东西跟我抢。” Chu Feng is swaying green skin bottle gourd in hand, making yellow-haired fox unable to bear back up, it in knows that is anything, bottle gourd grey matter, too much the to terrify person, it does not want to move. 楚风晃荡着手中的青皮葫芦,让黄毛狐狸都忍不住倒退,它已经知道那里面是什么,一葫芦灰色物质,太特么瘆人,连它都不想触碰。 The old Vermilion Bird look is bright, is staring at green skin bottle gourd, saw, this is born in the treasure that the innate spirit root in chaos has, was too rare and precious, moves including the gods! 朱雀眼神炯炯,盯着青皮葫芦,一眼看出,这是诞生于混沌中的先天灵根结出的宝贝,太稀罕与珍贵了,连神都动心! This thing, you are used to install grey strange matter, is reckless waste of natural resources, if falls in the God hand, can definitely refine big Killing Weapon, falls that is extraordinarier in the Divine King hand.” “这东西,你用来装灰色诡异物质,算是暴殄天物,如果落在神灵手中,肯定能炼制成一件大杀器,落在神王手中那就更了不得。” yellow-haired fox sighed, this looks like with a top semi-transparent jade vessel, has installed full one bowl of spates, too the waste, ruins the vessel itself. 黄毛狐狸感叹,这就像是用一块顶级羊脂玉容器,去装了满满一碗泥水,太浪费,太糟践容器本身。 Most at least, looks like in it is this. 最起码,在它看来是这样。 However, Chu Feng does not believe, now this is big Killing Weapon, has big using to him. 然而,楚风不这么认为,现在这就是大杀器,对他有大用。 bottle gourd is so small, moreover is green skin, has not clearly grown into, in addition by the Reincarnation stone mill plate crush, full is the fissure, has more than enough several times, quick will break to pieces.” 葫芦这么小,而且是青皮的,分明还没有长成,再加上被轮回石磨盘碾压,满是裂痕,也用不了几次,很快就会碎掉。” yellow-haired fox said, strokes gently with the hand, carries on to do old by mystique method, then this green skin bottle gourd fissure were more, and ka-cha ka-cha makes noise, appearance that momentarily can collapse. 黄毛狐狸说道,用手摩挲,以一种秘法进行做旧,然后这个青皮葫芦裂痕更多了,且喀嚓喀嚓作响,一副随时会崩坏的样子。 Chu Feng is fearful and apprehensive, if this thing blasts out, here definitely will become the source of disaster, even if old Vermilion Bird will be the god estimates must but actually big mildew. 楚风心惊肉跳,这玩意要是炸开,这里必然会成为灾难之源,哪怕老朱雀是神估计都得倒大霉。 Relax, this does old, does false, looks appearance that must collapse, but might as well, actually does not have anything to affect. This is only mystique method, the dust sand of named fingertip, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the years keeps the mark, miraculous treasure also meets such as under the dust sand flows of our fingertip again finally, belongs to ordinary, class in ordinary.” “放心,这是做旧,做伪,看着要崩坏的样子,但无妨,其实没什么影响。这只是一种秘法,名叫指尖的尘沙,沧海桑田,岁月留痕,再神异奇珍最后也会如我们指尖的尘沙流下,归于平凡,流于普通。” Then, the old fox told Chu Feng, after using this mystique method, even if opened the bottle gourd match, the fog that emitted looks like will change, was very ordinary. 然后,老狐狸告诉楚风,动用这种秘法后,哪怕打开葫芦赛,冒出的灰雾看起来都会变样,很普通。 This is better, you worthily are the World of the Living's Laokeng, whom such cheated does not have.” Chu Feng praise. “这样更好,您老不愧是阳间的老坑,这么坑人也没谁了。”楚风赞美。 yellow-haired fox one hear, the complexion slightly was black, this is doing formally is old, arrived at this boy mouth becomes assists him to violate the law and commit crime? 黄毛狐狸一听,脸色就微黑了,他这是正儿八经的做旧,怎么到这小子嘴里就成为协助他作奸犯科了? Then, has nothing to delay, Chu Feng they start off, first looks for Yaoyao! 然后,没什么可耽搁的,楚风他们上路,先去找妖妖 Old Vermilion Bird follows, takes five baby birds, although only prepares to pack off one, but other keep Abyss not to feel relieved. 朱雀跟随,带上五头幼鸟,虽然只准备送走一只,但是其他留在深渊不放心。 Meanwhile, old Vermilion Bird takes divine medicine, before departure, must help that Young Vermilion Bird refining fall, melts in the body , helping it to grow! 同时,老朱雀带上神药,在离开前,要帮那头小朱雀炼化掉,融进身体中,助它成长! On the way, that Young Vermilion Bird pours down to sob, in the golden big eye full is the tears, the wail continues, has a specific use to rub its mother's wing unceasingly. 途中,那头小朱雀泫然欲泣,金色的大眼中满是泪水,哀鸣不止,不断用头去摩擦它母亲的翅膀。 Chu Feng sighed, most could not look that was small and weak and pitiful, in his heart the slightly acid, did not endure them to distinguish. 楚风叹气,最看不得弱小与可怜,他也一阵心中微酸,不忍它们分别。 Senior, I do not have the too big assurance, can't knows bring its fleshly body to the World of the Dead universe, do you have the big divine ability method?” “前辈,我没有太大的把握,不知道能不能带它的肉身阴间宇宙,你有大神通手段吗?” Chu Feng asked that he can depend on is only Soul Bell, this was not the soul light fine divine object nature, but was real Artifact, unexpectedly can bring to come, he wants to give a try whether to use Soul Bell to carry off Young Vermilion Bird. 楚风问道,他所能倚仗只是魂钟,这可不是魂光神物质,而是真实的器物,居然能带过来,他想试试看能否用魂钟带走小朱雀 But, in his heart lacks self-confidence, uncertain. 可是,他心中真没底,无把握。 yellow-haired fox is staring at him, felt that this boy what matter depended on it, various types counted on that it gave the upholstery to be good, this conveniently has played an idle chess, has raised an ancestor? 黄毛狐狸盯着他,感觉这小子什么事都赖上它了,各种都指望它给铺垫好,这到底是随手下了一步闲棋,还是养了个祖宗? It more wants more to think, the gain does not equal the loss, this time owed in a big way. 它越想越是觉得,得不偿失,这次亏大了。 Senior, leaves is being black face, aren't we are predestined friends? I thought, you help me are helping you!” A Chu Feng face smiling face, tries to get close there. “前辈,别黑着脸,咱不是有缘吗?我觉得,你帮我就是在帮你自己!”楚风一脸笑容,在那里套近乎。 Then, on the road, he lowers the sound, said: Senior, you have such big divine ability ability, from number Heavenly Venerate, definitely founded a magnificent and formidable family, do you have the granddaughter and so on? If Fox Race always beautiful Heavenly Immortal, fire imagination, turns head I definitely to help you take care of your later generation!” 然后,在路上,他更是压低声音,道:“前辈,你有这么大的神通本领,自号天尊,肯定开创了一个辉煌而强大的家族吧,你有没有孙女之类的?狐族一向美若天仙,让人神往,回头我肯定帮你照顾好你的后人!” Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, scratches!” yellow-haired fox cannot bear read Dao name also to scold the bad language, was really has had food stuck in the throat by him, heavy of air/Qi. 无量天尊,擦!”黄毛狐狸忍不住念完道号又骂脏话,真是被他噎住了,气的不轻。 This boy had the son, but also wants to have its descendant's idea? Has to recede far, no way! 这小子都有儿子了,还想打它后代的主意?有多远走开多远,门都没有! Senior, my this to not repay a debt of gratitude, your this what look? How with against thief, your this not to uphold justice, what do I help you take care of your outstanding later generation to have not to be good?” Chu Feng is very unsatisfied. “前辈,我这不是为了报恩吗,你这什么眼神啊?怎么跟防贼似的,你这样就不仗义了,我帮你照顾你杰出的后人有什么不好?”楚风很不满意。 Boy, I warned you, if some day you entered World of the Living, dares to damage my granddaughter, my later generation, I ensure found the person unable to kill you! Do not look that I was kicked World of the Living, was exiled to censure in the place of degeneration, but I also know many people, I warned you, was honestly more serious!” “小子,我警告你,如果有一天你进入阳间,敢祸害我孙女,我的后人,我保证找人打不死你!别看我被踢出阳间,被谪贬在堕落之地,可我还认识不少人,我警告你,老实本分一些!” „, Thinks really I am willing to marry the seductress, heard that your this clan is easiest to let the man die sooner die sooner, I do not want.” Chu Feng curls the lip. “切,真以为我愿意娶狐狸精啊,听说你们这一族最容易让男人折寿,我才不愿意呢。”楚风撇嘴。 Boy, what you said that profanes looks down upon our Fox Race, your what meaning?!” yellow-haired fox is staring at him. “小子,你说什么,轻慢看不起我们狐族,你什么意思?!”黄毛狐狸盯着他。 No matter, since you said like this, I know your granddaughter, showed that I am very earnest, takes seriously your later generation very much!” Chu Feng asked it. “没有的事,既然你这样说,那我就去结识你孙女,证明我很认真,很重视你的后人!”楚风问它。 Go away, do not circle!” yellow-haired fox does not want to pester this matter with him. “滚,别绕了!”黄毛狐狸不想跟他纠缠这件事。 Then, it saw, Chu Feng starts dao to put in order itself, very show package of appearances. 然后,它就看到,楚风开始捯饬自己,一副很骚包的样子。 Because, the group start off, has old Vermilion Bird to spread the wings, quick arrives in that mountain scene lineage/vein that Chu Feng and Yaoyao previously closed up, rushes to the destination. 因为,一行人上路,有老朱雀展翅,很快就抵达楚风妖妖早先闭关的那片山脉中,赶到目的地。 Meanwhile, old Vermilion Bird is staring at Chu Feng, rolls the eyes. 同时,老朱雀盯着楚风,也是翻白眼。 Is several Young Vermilion Bird visits him, one look strange appearance. 就是几头小朱雀看着他,也都一副眼神古怪的样子。 After Chu Feng one tidies up, teng snake divine medicine will take out, treats as the rose to be the same, holds in the mouth in the mouth, lets them and others here, he walks toward mountain ridge. 楚风一番收拾后,将螣蛇神药取出,当作玫瑰一样,叼在嘴里,让他们等在这里,他一个人向着山岭中走去。 Chirp chirp......” “啾啾……” Several Young Vermilion Bird talked in whispers, was saying, this Human Race was too coquettish! 几只小朱雀窃窃私语,都在说,这个人族太风骚! Is show package!” yellow-haired fox corrects. “是骚包!”黄毛狐狸纠正。 Then, its attempt is Chu Feng divined according to the diagrams, said: How unable to calculate, but, I anticipated really this show diaper hits half dead!” 然后,它就尝试为楚风算了一卦,道:“怎么还是算不出来,不过,我真期待这个骚包被打个半死!”
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