SR :: Volume #9

#840: Half Paramount

The Chu Feng eye gives off heat, will trace the eyelid to be hot with the hand, he will be too joyful and excited, to this Buddha Race breathing method seriously will be the caring for a long time! 楚风眼睛发热,用手摸眼皮都会烫手,他太欣喜与激动,对这佛族呼吸法当真是惦记已久! He had experienced, fully realized when its interesting part, big thunder sound thunders, the whole body bone and internal organs all together vibrates, blood energy surges, was purified, the whole body was nourished with the baptism, regarding the Evolver advantage endless. 他曾经体验过,深知它的妙处,大雷音轰鸣时,周身骨头与脏腑齐震,血气激荡,被净化,全身被滋养与洗礼,对于进化者好处无尽。 Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method is one of laws Chu Feng earliest obtains, at that time the thunder attacked fleshly body, the exciting human body potential, making him realize the great benefit. 大雷音呼吸法楚风最早得到的法之一,当时雷霆冲击肉身,刺激人体潜能,让他体会到巨大好处。 What a pity, that is only the remnant law, can only make him practice Shackles Realm, the following chapter did not have. 可惜,那只是残法,只能让他练到枷锁境,后续篇章就没有了。 Now here presents complete Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method unexpectedly, how to make him excited and excited? 现在这里居然出现完整的大雷音呼吸法,怎不让他激动与兴奋? yellow-haired fox goes forward, said: Makes me look, un, as expected, this should be the World of the Dead's method.” 黄毛狐狸上前,道:“让我看一看,嗯,不出所料,这应该是阴间的法。” This many a little attacks Chu Feng's to be warm. 这多少有点打击楚风的热情。 Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method is representing, firm and fierce is overbearing, after stimulating to movement, within the body thunder sound like waterfall, what end is exquisite unparalleled! 大雷音呼吸法代表着至强,刚猛霸道,催动起来后,体内雷音如瀑,端的是精妙无双! yellow-haired fox cannot help laughing, said: What you think, but also thinks really here can meet one of the World of the Living's Paramount breathing method?” 黄毛狐狸哑然失笑,道:“你想什么呢,还真以为在这里能遇到阳间的究极呼吸法之一?” In World of the Living, Buddha Race's breathing method is known as Paramount, omnipotent, after the average person cultivates part, can call the wind and summon the rain, scattered beans turns into soldiers, assume a side. 阳间,佛族的呼吸法号称究极,无所不能,普通人修得一部分后,就能呼风唤雨,撒豆成兵,坐镇一方。 The idle talk is the complete law! 更遑论是完整的法! Buddha Race breathing method sufficiently is in World of the Living breathing method first several, overawes the entire world, ancient does not fade, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth is known to everybody to be known to everybody! 佛族呼吸法足以位列阳间呼吸法前几名内,威震寰宇,亘古不衰,天上地下无人不知无人不晓! You want do not think that can obtain complete World of the Living Buddha Race breathing method, that thing, various Great Heavenly Venerate are jealous, longs for obtaining, but cannot.” “你想都不要想能得到完整的阳间佛族呼吸法,那东西,各大天尊都眼红,都渴望得到而不能。” yellow-haired fox reminds Chu Feng, don't think too much, that law cannot obtain by the fate, ends the entire chapter, only then the Buddha Race direct descendant topmost level core member can grasp. 黄毛狐狸点醒楚风,别想太多,那种法靠缘分都得不到,完整篇只有佛族嫡系中最高层核心成员才能掌握。 Because, it concerns too in a big way, some Buddha Race's divine technique, various Paramount attack methods, through this breathing method deduction. 因为,它关乎太大,佛族的一些神术,各种究极攻击手段等,都是通过这门呼吸法演绎而出。 Grasps this law, is equal to grasping all! 掌握此法,就等于掌握一切! Let alone is you, is my master is jealous, research many years, collect many remnant laws, but are fruitless, because Buddha Race breathing method is too mysterious, complicated incomparable, after is Paramount supreme powerhouse oneself evolves the law to end point!” “别说是你,就是我师傅都眼红,研究很多年,收集不少残法,但是都无果,因为佛族呼吸法太玄奥,繁复无比,是究极无上强者自身进化到终点后的法!” yellow-haired fox sighed, has endless feeling. 黄毛狐狸叹道,有着无尽的感慨。 It was very strong, indeed number Heavenly Venerate, can its master strong? 它已经很强,敢自号天尊,它的师傅得有多强? But, is jealous including his master, is keeping thinking about Buddha Race's breathing method, does everything possible to collect, concentrating on study many years, as before failure. 可是,连他的师傅都眼红,都在惦记佛族的呼吸法,想尽办法收集,潜心研究很多年,依旧失败。 What is the Paramount method? That is! Let World of the Living's High Supreme Being never forget, heart lives obsession, the conceivable this breathing method charm is. 何为究极法?这就是!让阳间的无上大能都念念不忘,心生执念,可以想象此呼吸法的魅力所在。 Chu Feng is speechless, was very happy, this half body petrify fox dai bo dai, is really the pouring extinguishes him to be many. 楚风无语,原本还很开心呢,这头半截身子石化的狐狸一通嘚啵嘚,真是浇灭他不少热情。 What although the knows old fox said is the truth, may make Chu Feng sigh, thinks very regrettable. 尽管知道老狐狸说的是实情,可还是让楚风叹气,觉得很遗憾。 The uselessness wants also knows, how this breathing method to come, all previous dynasties have the World of the Dead universe person to enter the place of degeneration, the Vermilion Bird clan naturally have the opportunity to obtain. 无用想也知道,这呼吸法是怎么来的,历代都有阴间宇宙的人进入堕落之地,朱雀族自然有机会得到。 Although teaches in disciple divine soul to have restrictions respectively, will not reveal in the clan the top secret. 尽管各教弟子神魂中皆有禁制,不会泄露族中最高机密。 However, existence in Vermilion Bird Abyss, this is Divinity Realm's creature, definitely has restrictions in means unlocking Buddha Race core disciple soul light. 然而,朱雀深渊中的存在,这可是神祇境界的生灵,肯定有办法解锁佛族核心弟子魂光中的禁制 Because, the World of the Dead universe, Buddha Race most powerhouse is Shining Upon All Heavens, but what here is Vermilion Bird passed the god! 因为,阴间宇宙,佛族最强者是映照诸天,而这里的是朱雀则已通神! Clearly obtains Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, is, Chu Feng now is not excited, anything fears the contrast, this is the law that the World of the Dead universe ranks among the best, but compares with World of the Living's, that missed much. 分明得到大雷音呼吸法,可是,楚风现在却一点也不兴奋了,什么都怕对比,原本这是阴间宇宙数一数二的法,可是跟阳间的一比,那就差了不少。 Do not be depressed, World of the Living most formidable breathing method, let alone is you, my teacher with some deep sleep in ancient Supreme Being of underground innumerable years is unavailable, to look, who can only be jealous do not let one's thoughts wander.” “别沮丧,阳间最强大的呼吸法,别说是你,我师尊与一些沉睡在地下无数岁月的古老大能都不可得,只能眼红的看着,你就别乱想了。” Here, yellow-haired fox carefully looks at carved stone, the pharmaceutical supervision, light well made noise finally, said: Some ways, it seems like in the past had the Buddha Race juniors not to enter World of the Dead carefully, has the genuine scrip­tures of this clan supreme method, but is not reckless Pinluan collects.” 说到这里,黄毛狐狸仔细看着石刻,认真研究,最后轻咦出声,道:“有些门道,看来当年有佛族子弟不小心进入阴间,带过去该族无上法的真正经文,而不是胡拼乱凑的。” Sees finally, it changes countenance unexpectedly! 看到最后,它居然动容! How did senior, have strangely what?” Chu Feng asked. “前辈怎么了,有什么古怪吗?”楚风问道。 If stays in the World of the Dead universe relieved, grasps Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, he can definitely cultivation the pinnacle in the end, the advantage is infinite. 如果安心呆在阴间宇宙,掌握大雷音呼吸法,他到头来肯定能修炼到极致,好处无穷。 But, since the knows World of the Living matter, is thinking some day must pass, Chu Feng is a little not resigned, does not satisfy the World of the Dead method. 可是,自从知道阳间事,想着有朝一日要过去,楚风就有点不甘心了,不满足于阴间法。 He sees the old fox to reveal the color of difference now, some anticipations. 他现在看到老狐狸露出异样之色,不禁有些期待。 This law is very fierce, the preliminary stage modification is few, I can return to original state!” yellow-haired fox so said. “这法很厉害,前期阶段改动很少,我能还原!”黄毛狐狸这般说道。 In the past, his master in being jealous of some time to Buddha Race's breathing method to certain situation, obsession was really deep, collects the innumerable remnant laws, wanted to piece together. 当年,他师傅在某段时间对佛族的呼吸法的眼红到了一定地步,执念甚深,收集无数残法,想要拼凑。 At that time, yellow-haired fox entire journey participation, therefore knew about Buddha Race Paramount breathing method extremely. 当时,黄毛狐狸全程参与,所以对佛族究极呼吸法极其了解。 Now, he compares, discovered that these that his master includes, with the present union, can return to original state a major part! 现在,他进行对比,发现将他师傅收录的那些,跟眼前的结合起来,能够还原一大部分! Do not shout, making me study!” yellow-haired fox is very earnest. “别嚷,让我来研究一下!”黄毛狐狸很认真。 Is old Vermilion Bird is very surprised, draws back looks in the one side. 就是老朱雀都很惊疑,退在一旁看着。 I can return to original state much, it seems like that the World of the Dead universe is more valuable, unifies remnant law that my teacher who we imagine collects, has the pleasant surprise really!” “我能还原出不少,看来阴间宇宙比我们想象的有价值,结合我师尊收藏的残法,真的有惊喜!” yellow-haired fox spoke frankly, law yang nature of World of the Dead universe was full, to adapt to World of the Dead, certain places have made the modification, causes to look like the cloudy law. 黄毛狐狸坦言,阴间宇宙的法原本阳性十足,但是为了适应阴间,某些地方做了改动,导致更像阴法。 However, the old fox can actually see vein, moreover first half changes few, is mainly many of late stage change. 然而,老狐狸却能看到脉络,而且前半部分改变很少,主要是后期改变的多。 From awakening to the shackles, to Unfettred, arrives at Visualising again...... Finally to Saint, reducible!” “从觉醒到枷锁,到逍遥,再到观想……最后到圣人,都可还原!” Awakens, shackles, Unfettred, Visualising, Eating Rosy Cloud, Moulding Shape, Golden Body, Sub Saint and Saint Level, these nine levels can reappear, manifests the World of the Living breathing method original appearance! 觉醒、枷锁、逍遥观想餐霞塑形金身亚圣圣级,这九个层次都能再现出来,体现出阳间呼吸法的本来面貌! These nine levels, are Buddha Race Paramount breathing method previous! 这九个层次,就是佛族究极呼吸法的上篇! Chu Feng came the spirit all of a sudden, previous of World of the Living supreme method, can complete birth, he be able to obtain fortunately?! 楚风一下子来了精神,阳间无上法的上篇啊,能圆满的出世,他有幸可以得到?! Right, previous!” The yellow-haired fox look is serious. “没错,上篇!”黄毛狐狸神色郑重。 Good!” Chu Feng great happiness. “太好了!”楚风大喜。 Finally, a World of the Living method was refined, yellow-haired fox believes firmly, is slightly unmistakable, absolutely is Buddha Race most perfect previous Paramount breathing method! 最终,一篇阳间法被提炼出来,黄毛狐狸确信,丝毫无误,绝对是佛族最完善的上篇究极呼吸法 Chu Feng remembers in the heart, this thing is too precious, is more important than anything. 楚风牢记心中,这东西太珍贵,比什么都重要。 Cannot think, the painstaking care of my teacher had the whereabouts here, return to original state Buddha Race's previous breathing method!” yellow-haired fox sighed. “想不到,我师尊的一番心血在这里有了着落,还原佛族的上篇呼吸法!”黄毛狐狸感叹。 His teacher includes that many, does not have what result, has not expected in this place of degeneration begins to materialize unexpectedly. 他师尊收录那么多,都没有什么结果,未料到在这堕落之地居然有眉目了。 Meanwhile, yellow-haired fox urged, once Chu Feng practice, was surely prudent, can only in nobody's place cultivation, otherwise definitely be chased down by World of the Living Buddha Race. 同时,黄毛狐狸叮嘱,楚风一旦修行,千万要慎重,只能在没人的地方修炼,不然的话肯定会被阳间佛族追杀。 Fortunately, world has many remnant laws, is related with big thunder sound, Chu Feng wants discretely, should not any major problem. 还好,世间有不少残法,都与大雷音有关,楚风只要谨慎,应该没什么大问题。 As for flagrant, that have not thought that the yellow-haired fox teachers do not dare to act unreasonably, formidable such as he, as World of the Living background heaven shaking Supreme Being does not dare to capture Buddha Race's core disciple forcefully, explores mystery. 至于明目张胆,那就别想了,连黄毛狐狸的师尊都不敢乱来,强大如他,身为阳间来头惊天大能都不敢强行俘虏佛族的核心弟子,去探索奥秘。 Otherwise, that does not die continuous, was equal to that was announcing makes war with Buddha Race, the non- side exterminated the clan cannot end! 不然的话,那就是不死不休,等于在宣告跟佛族开战,非有一方被灭族不能完! Conceivable, breathing method in World of the Living how important, cautiously is treating including Supreme Being! 可以想象,呼吸法阳间多么的重要,连大能都在慎重对待! Was a pity, the little friend has led a pious life the Golden Body level, if can the gravity head come again, the Buddha Race breathing method advantage that since childhood cultivated is many.” “可惜,小友已经修行到金身层次,若是能够重头再来,自幼修炼的这佛族呼吸法好处多多啊。” yellow-haired fox sighed, said according to him, Buddha Race's supreme breathing method is suitable to training of child, with thunder Yang Qi baptism internal organs, marrow, wonderful! 黄毛狐狸感叹,按照他所说,佛族的无上呼吸法非常适宜对孩子的培养,用雷霆阳气洗礼脏腑、骨髓等,妙不可言! If, has the breathing method coordination of Dao Race earlier period again, both appear on a child together, that is really...... Unimaginable!” “如果,再有道族前期的呼吸法配合,两者共同出现在一个孩子身上,那真是……不可想象!” yellow-haired fox was looking forward, person who like this trains, in the future will definitely have the unimaginable achievement. 黄毛狐狸在憧憬,这样培养起来的人,将来肯定会有不可想象的成就。 Generally speaking, the Great Clan juniors, these Divine King successor, Heavenly Venerate final disciple wait/etc., will use various heavenly material earthly treasure, exhausts Heaven and Earth treasure, trains, this can overawe the world, haughty and good. You are not doomed such resources, is, if breathing method is powerful, since childhood practice, can make up.” “一般来说,大家族子弟,那些神王传人,天尊关门弟子等,都会动用各种天材地宝,耗尽天地奇珍,进行培养,这样才能威震天下,傲世而行。你注定没有那样的资源,可是,如果呼吸法给力,自幼修行,也能弥补一些。” I am only 14 years old, is very as before young immaturely, you looked, I can also save, how can achieve strongly?” A Chu Feng face shames the color of blushing, inquired there. “我才14岁,依旧很年轻稚嫩,您看,我还能挽救一下,怎么能达到最强?”楚风一脸羞赧之色,在那里询问。 Go away, 100-year-old person!” The color of yellow-haired fox whole face despising. “滚,都100多岁的人了!”黄毛狐狸满脸鄙夷之色。 Scratched, has forgotten, in this world 100 years, I grew from a handsome immature beautiful youngster to the golden puberty in full flower. Really disconsolate, these happy, may the love, makes the person remember that the profound time never to return, the time passage, like this falls from referring, sneaks off quietly.” “擦,忘了,在这个世界100年,我已经由一个翩翩稚嫩的美少年成长到风华正茂的黄金青春期。真是让人惆怅,那些美好的、可恋的、让人记忆深刻的时光一去不复返,年华啊,就这样从指间滑落,悄然溜走。” A Chu Feng disappointed appearance. 楚风一副怅然的样子。 Finally, yellow-haired fox and old Vermilion Bird deep despises him! 结果,黄毛狐狸与老朱雀深深的鄙视他! Side, Young Vermilion Bird of several fists, the each and every one circle, fiery red shines, the big eye flashes, chirp, also despises Chu Feng there, installs tenderly! 旁边,几只拳头的小朱雀,一个个圆乎乎,都火红发光,大眼扑闪,叽叽喳喳,也在那里也鄙夷楚风,装嫩! Little friend, I urged you, if you had said black paper talisman, should be reincarnated, the direct reincarnation in World of the Living, the gravity head came again.” “小友,我劝你,若是你有所说的黑色符纸,应该去转世,直接投胎在阳间,重头再来。” yellow-haired fox consoles earnestly. 黄毛狐狸认真劝解。 And, he stated clearly, Chu Feng is good, but compares with the true World of the Living talent , compared with Heavenly Venerate final disciple, missed much. 并且,他言明,楚风不错,但是跟真正的阳间天才比起来,跟天尊关门弟子相较,还是差了不少。 Chu Feng since birth, first time has been considered not good, he is also a little speechless, since steps evolves this road, he sweeps away the match, has not feared the person of same step. 楚风自出世以来,第一次被人认为不行,他也是有点无言,自从踏上进化这条路,他一路横扫对手,还没怕过同阶的人。 But, in the yellow-haired fox eye, this achievement insufficiently looks radically. 可是,在黄毛狐狸的眼中,这点成就根本不够看。 yellow-haired fox spoke frankly, Chu Feng such Evolver, is good in place of corner, arrives at the World of the Living big point and complicated/many flower/spend the region not to be slightly good. 黄毛狐狸直言,楚风这样的进化者,在一隅之地还是不错的,走到阳间稍微大点、繁花的地带就不行了。 Moreover, it stressed, Chu Feng's soul light truly has washed off majority of Yin Qi, but by the World of the Living's vision, does not have completely to eliminate, but also belongs to Yin Soul. 另外,它强调,楚风的魂光确实已洗掉大部分阴气,但以阳间的眼光来看,还是没有尽除,还属于阴魂 Meanwhile, it is very serious, informs Chu Feng, even if the soul light baptism crossed, his fleshly body in World of the Dead, is the birth defect are also too many. 同时,它很严肃,告知楚风,哪怕魂光洗礼过了,他的肉身也在阴间,还是天生缺陷太多。 I listened to your such saying, felt oneself were then the disabled person, what was not good, which aspect was inferior to World of the Living's these young animals? Do you believe that turn head I to go to World of the Living, extinguishes final disciple of your master directly, has boiled eating!” “我听你这样一说,怎么感觉自己是就个残废,什么都不行,哪方面都不如阳间的那些小崽子?你信不信,回头我去阳间,直接就灭你师傅的关门弟子,煮了吃!” Chu Feng very injured, was stimulated, oneself thinks without question, sweeps away all obstacles, finally in yellow-haired fox this character eyes, the problem are too many. 楚风很受伤,真被刺激到了,自身觉得毫无问题,所向披靡,结果在黄毛狐狸这种人物眼中,却毛病太多。 Especially, yellow-haired fox repeatedly stressed, said Chu Feng is the hooligan family background, in the practicing process is not tasteful, misses the important node. 尤其是,黄毛狐狸一再强调,说楚风是野路子出身,修行过程中太不讲究,错过很多重要的节点。 Possibly is my request high, has been comparing with you with disciple of these old monsters, therefore you appear inferior. But, I have not said the matter with true High Supreme Being's final disciple.” yellow-haired fox shakes the head. “可能是我的要求过高,一直在拿那些老怪物的弟子跟你比,所以你就显得逊色很多。可是,我还没有拿真正的无上大能的关门弟子说事呢。”黄毛狐狸摇头。 Chu Feng looks at it with the supercilious look, has not wanted to speak with it! 楚风拿白眼看它,已经不想和它说话! who, looks at him like this, after making a debut, he has not met belittles his person like this, as long as refusing to accept, 90% made him sell! 什么人啊,这样看他,从出道以后,他还没有遇上这样小觑他的人,但凡不服者,九成都让他卖了! How I thought, you can make me be reincarnated the reincarnation?” Chu Feng doubt. “我怎么觉得,你非要让我去转世投胎呢?”楚风狐疑。 Because, your beforehand road walks insufficient good, even repleted with errors, has delayed the precious opportunity. Actually, was regretting including me, if there is an opportunity gravity head to come again, I must revise the past road, will not leave behind a slight defect!” Whether there is yellow-haired fox is completely is likely regrettable, here sighs with emotion, simultaneously in the eye has desolate, there is great changes. “因为,你以前的路走的不够好,甚至错误百出,耽搁了很多宝贵的机会。其实,连我自己都在遗憾,如果有机会重头再来,我一定要修正当年的路,不会留下一点瑕疵!”黄毛狐狸像是有无尽遗憾,在这里感慨,同时眼中有落寞,也有沧桑 You remember, the road ahead is not right, is of far-reaching influence, goes astray one step, you possibly could not become the god, idle talk Divine King as well as following Heavenly Venerate!” “你记住,前路不对,影响深远,走错一步,你就可能成不了神,更遑论神王以及后面的天尊等!” This, the senior you these experiences, the node that needs to pay attention, passes to me!” Chu Feng said. “这样吧,前辈你把那些经验,需要注意的节点,都传给我!”楚风说道。 Gives you also to might as well, if you step the reincarnation road, these are the priceless secrets, these experiences and methods cannot trade with anything!” yellow-haired fox serious saying. “给你也无妨,你要是踏上转世路,这些都是无价秘传,这些经验与方法拿什么都换不来!”黄毛狐狸郑重的说道。 Meanwhile, he asked: You determined that you can be reincarnated the reincarnation? Since the hand has paper talisman, cannot waste!” 同时,他问道:“你确定自己要去转世投胎?手中既然有符纸,就不能浪费!” Chu Feng said: You first pass to me, my whether reincarnation goes to World of the Living, now says also early. However, I have the son, will have the daughter, can train since childhood, when the time comes turns into one crowd of Heavenly Venerate, damages World of the Living!” 楚风道:“您就先传给我吧,我是否投胎去阳间,现在说还早。但是,我有儿子啊,也会有女儿,可以从小培养起来,到时候变成一群天尊,去祸害阳间!” yellow-haired fox rolls the eyes, said: Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, scratches, you think that you have the son, to have the daughter to become the person of that level, let alone you, these Supreme Being do not dare saying that certainly trains that Realm the heir, unavoidablily, in accepting the disciple, chooses the outstanding person from trillion creature, has big destiny lifeforms.” 黄毛狐狸翻白眼,道:“无量天尊,擦,你以为你有儿子、有女儿就能成为那个层次的人,别说你,那些大能都不敢说一定将子嗣培养到那个境界,不得已,都在收徒,从亿万生灵中选择佼佼者,有大气运的生物。” No matter what said, Chu Feng successful flickered a method and experience of yellow-haired fox department, this can call the supreme experience really! 不管怎样说,楚风成功将黄毛狐狸一系的方法与经验等忽悠到手中,这真的可以称之为无上经验! These things, are the yellow-haired fox teacher summarize, represented World of the Living to train the highest standard of disciple, was the rare method! 这些东西,都是黄毛狐狸的师尊总结出来的,代表了阳间培养弟子的最高水准,是难得的方法! Chu Feng more looked that the complexion is blacker, according to the personally written letter of yellow-haired fox teacher, he misses the important node, but, was previously knows did not have the means to attempt, because needs to build the foundation in the Yang Qi sufficient place. 楚风越看脸色越黑,按照黄毛狐狸师尊的手札来看,他错过很多重要的节点,可是,就是早先知道也没有办法尝试,因为需要在阳气充足的地方筑下根基。 fuck off!” Chu Feng curse. 你大爷的!”楚风诅咒。 Finally, this world fate completely, Chu Feng had decided, this chapter of World of the Dead, stepped the road of his magnificence, his road of rising. 终于,这个世界缘分已尽,楚风决定,该回阴间了,重新踏上他的辉煌之路,他的崛起之路。
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