SR :: Volume #9

#839: Divine Bird lair astonishing harvest

Vermilion Bird Abyss is very big, is very profound, dives several hundred li (0.5 km) not to have, then, in the darkness a pair of fearful pupil has shone, is similar to two edible tulips illuminates ancient land. 朱雀深渊很大,也很深邃,下潜数百里地还没有到底呢,然后,黑暗中一双可怕的眸子亮了起来,如同两盏金灯般照亮古地 Then, is similar to two dazzling Sun leaps in jet black Abyss, extremely fast. 接着,如同两轮刺目的太阳在漆黑的深渊中腾起,极速而来。 That old Vermilion Bird appeared, flies Abyss, it especially keen, even if usually is at the playing dead condition, life internal energy is dry, once has the bystander to approach, it can awaken immediately. 那头老朱雀出现了,飞上深渊,它格外的敏锐,哪怕平日处于假死状态,生命气机干涸,可是一旦有外人临近,它还是能在第一时间觉醒。 But at this moment is away from its lair far very, over a hundred li (0.5 km), it has the terrifying sensation fully! 而此刻距离它的巢穴很还远呢,足有上百里,它拥有恐怖的感知! „The Vermilion Bird little friend, is I visits.” The crippled fox sighed. 朱雀小友,是我来到访。”瘸腿狐狸叹道。 Chu Feng had a scare, old Vermilion Bird knows did not live many years, but in the yellow-haired fox eye actually is also only the little friend, really the background is really big. 楚风吓了一跳,老朱雀知道活了多少年,可是在黄毛狐狸眼中却也只是小友,果然来头甚大。 This is Divine Bird, should come up from Abyss silently, approaches here, if the enemy invades, had been struck to kill by it! 这是一头神禽,无声无息应从深渊底部上来,接近这里,如果是敌人入侵,已经被它击杀! Its whole body is the old meat of lumps, only then few feathers, are unable to cover the body, a red feather already quickly fell up, obviously old degree. 它浑身都是疙疙瘩瘩的老肉,只有少量羽毛,根本无法覆盖身躯,一身的红色羽毛都早已快落光了,可见苍老程度。 Senior, you were also old.” The old Vermilion Bird opens the mouth, looks at the front. “前辈,你也老了。”老朱雀开口,看着前方。 After yellow-haired fox, half body thorough petrify, not having the blood to flow, look also muddy, not in the past. 黄毛狐狸后半截躯体彻底石化,没有血液流淌,眼神也浑浊,不似当年。 Yes, in the world who can not die? No matter what your peerless talent, has hundred million a vast territory, in the end is also pou loess. When is World of the Living's Supreme Being also has the life essence end, they can live, usually is sinking the dormancy, reduces body to consume, can save the world to be remote.” “是啊,世上谁人能不死?任你绝代天骄,坐拥亿万里江山,到头来也不过是一抔黄土。就是阳间的大能也都有寿元尽头时,他们能活着,平日都是在沉眠,减少肌体所耗,才能存世久远一些。” yellow-haired fox sighed, it already knows, oneself this life ended, particularly after being lost to this World. 黄毛狐狸感叹,它早已知道,自己这一生完了,尤其是被丢到这一界后。 Chu Feng in a side silence, looks at old Vermilion Bird, this was the past years conquers by killing the wilderness, the slaughter god to destroy completely teng snake Abyss Divine Bird solitarily, hundred years ago was older. 楚风在旁一阵沉默,看着老朱雀,这就是当年血洗荒原、只身屠神并灭掉螣蛇深渊神禽,比百年前更苍老。 Please!” “请!” Finally, old Vermilion Bird spreads the wings, makes the movement that invited, when turned toward under to fly first. 最终,老朱雀展翅,做出请的动作,当先向着下方飞去。 On the way, when passed by medicine field, greets the nostrils fragrantly, to the bone of person, there has Vermilion Bird divine medicine richly, lifelike, can flutter, can fly. 途中,路过一处药田时,芬芳扑鼻,浓郁到人的骨子中,那里有朱雀神药,栩栩如生,也能振翅,也能飞行。 That is true divine medicine! 那是一株真正的神药 This is with the Vermilion Bird clan related big medicine, obtains all previous Vermilion Bird blood energy baptism, gradually is powerful, can the nutritious young Vermilion Bird rapid growth. 这是跟朱雀族有关的大药,得到历代朱雀血气洗礼,逐渐强盛,可以滋补年幼的朱雀迅速成长。 It bright red clear, the rich fragrance greets the nostrils, although there is a root hair, but looks like one living very much Divine Bird, two leaves are fiery red, is the Vermilion Bird wing. 它鲜红晶莹,浓香扑鼻,虽然有根须,但很像一只活着的神禽,两片叶子火红,就是朱雀翅。 Chu Feng looked at several, has not dared carefully to observe, is too keen because of old Vermilion Bird divine awareness, felt that his vision was sparkling, turns head to look at his one eyes, the color of implication warning. 楚风看了几眼,没敢仔细去观察,因为老朱雀神觉太敏锐,感觉到他的目光烁烁,回头看了他一眼,暗含警告之色。 yellow-haired fox shot a look at Chu Feng, that meaning is, can you a little prospect? 黄毛狐狸瞥了一眼楚风,那意思是,你能有点出息吗? Looks novelly, therefore has sized up two.” A Chu Feng face opens the mouth calm, from the start has not thought embarrassed, covets obviously, said curiously. “看着新奇,所以打量了两眼。”楚风一脸淡定地开口,压根就没有觉得不好意思,明明是觊觎,却说好奇。 Buzz! 嗡! The wind sound/rumor howls, they arrive at bottom of Abyss quickly, hollow place on stone wall, the lair, builds by various spirit grass and Saint wood together. 风声呼啸,他们很快就到达深渊底部,在石壁上一处凹陷之地,有一个巢穴,以各种灵草、圣木共同搭建而成。 This lair is very big, is more spacious than the general palace. 这巢穴很大,比一般的宫殿都宽敞。 Especially the material quality is tasteful, the buntal fiber and scarlet spirit wood send out the rich energy spiritual energy to fluctuate, accumulated raises the baby bird to have the advantage very much. 尤其是材质讲究,金丝草、赤灵木都散发着浓郁的能量灵气波动,蕴养幼鸟很有好处。 Said is the childhood, is actually not really small, 100 years pass by, previously just broke Young Vermilion Bird each and every one that the shell leaves to be beaming and buoyant, the whole body is red, eye golden yellow, Yang Qi is rich, each and every one is very uncommon! 说是幼年,其实真的不小了,100年过去,早先刚破壳出的小朱雀一个个都神采奕奕,浑身赤红,眼睛金黄,阳气浓郁,一个个都很不凡! The Chu Feng imagination are more, five Young Vermilion Bird, only then the fist is big, compared with the past, unexpectedly...... Reduced! 楚风想象的还要多,共有五头小朱雀,个头都只有拳头大,跟过去相比,居然……缩小了! However, their true strengths are very terrifying. 但是,它们真正的实力很恐怖。 These little fellows, unexpectedly in the Golden Body complete level! 这些小家伙,居然都在金身圆满层次! Even, they must break through Sub Saint Dominion! 甚至,它们要突破进亚圣领域了! They have not practiced strange technique , and Divine Bird childhood growth is slow, therefore only arrives at this level at present.” yellow-haired fox said. “它们没有修炼异术,兼且神禽幼年成长缓慢,所以目前只到这个层次。”黄毛狐狸说道。 Also a little, he had not related in detail, this world was corroded by grey matter, Great Dao had problems, therefore and other formidable species is very disadvantageous to Divine Bird, Divine Beast, otherwise grows the present is quicker than! 还有一点,他没有细说,这个世界被灰色物质侵蚀,大道出了问题,所以对神禽神兽等强大的物种来说很不利,不然比现在成长要快! Was very fierce!” Chu Feng nods. “已经很厉害了!”楚风点头。 You do not use modestly, if not you concentrates on study Domain, if takes the road of evolution with single-hearted devotion, in the hundred years your strength will be very uncommon.” yellow-haired fox said. “你也不用谦虚,如果不是你潜心研究场域,若是专心走进化之路,这一百年来你的实力会很不凡。”黄毛狐狸说道。 Chu Feng is helpless, if he breaks through to Sub Saint Dominion, after going back, fleshly body definitely cannot preserve, by Yang Soul burning burn to ashes! 楚风无奈,他要是突破到亚圣领域,回去后,肉身肯定保不住,会被阳魂给焚烧成灰烬 Old Vermilion Bird first time sizes up Chu Feng carefully, because hears yellow-haired fox to appraise him like this, thought that this person is uncommon. 朱雀第一次仔细打量楚风,因为听到黄毛狐狸这样评价他,觉得此人不凡。 „The Vermilion Bird senior hello, I called Chu Feng, Foreign Territory from your eyes, was actually a piece of World of the Dead universe.” Chu Feng quite honest, considers it directly. 朱雀前辈您好,我叫楚风,来自你眼中的异域,其实是一片阴间宇宙。”楚风相当的坦诚,直接告之。 Then, his dai bo dai, explained the purpose in coming directly, wants to seek divine medicine! 然后,他嘚啵嘚,直接说明来意,想求取一株神药 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, scratches!” yellow-haired fox just here drank one cup of tea, puffed out directly, can't this boy tactful? 无量天尊,擦!”黄毛狐狸刚在这里喝上一杯茶,直接就喷了出去,这小子就不能委婉点吗? It has the person to visit now, such demands divine medicine, is brushing its this shamelessly! 它现在带人上门,这么索取神药,都在刷它这张老脸啊! „Does senior want to train him to enter World of the Living?” Old Vermilion Bird asks. “前辈是想培养他进阳间?”老朱雀开口询问。 At this time, because it a mood fluctuates, but causes true blood energy to overflow one wisp slightly, the flash, Chu Feng feels Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the trim is thundering void, fierce shake. 此时,它因为一丝情绪波动,而导致真正的血气稍微溢出一缕,一刹那而已,楚风感觉天崩地裂般,整片虚空都在轰鸣,剧烈震荡。 This is God Level lifeforms, it finally exposes the fearful place now. 这就是神级生物,它现在终于展露出可怕之处。 Even if to the old age, blood energy were withered, but reveals one wisp slightly, unexpectedly lets the space dent, making trim Abyss tremble. 哪怕已经到了晚年,血气干枯,可是稍微露出一缕,居然让空间塌陷,让整片深渊都在颤栗。 This is too terrifying, once it locks somebody, only one pressure in the past, can grind explodes! 这实在太恐怖,一旦它锁定某人,只一个威压过去,就能碾爆! Conceivable, Saint cannot block his power and influence, this is one opens the bird beak to swallow existence of Sun and Moon, finds out the claw to tear terrifying Divine Bird of universe! 可以想象,圣人也挡不住他的威势,这是一个张开鸟喙就能吞日月的存在,探出爪子就能撕裂天宇的恐怖神禽 Excuse me, was old, cannot control the strength frequently.” Old Vermilion Bird sighed, in the eye has the low-spirited look. “不好意思,年纪大了,经常控制不住力道。”老朱雀叹道,眼中有黯然神色。 „It is not training, is only the convenient next idle chess.” yellow-haired fox replied, spelled with Chu Feng some, quite direct. “算不上培养,只是顺手下一部闲棋。”黄毛狐狸答道,跟楚风有的一拼,相当的直接。 This makes Chu Feng not be feeling well, after all that time, he also obtains this treatment. 这让楚风不爽,闹了半天,他也只是获得这个待遇啊。 yellow-haired fox supplemented, said: Appropriation divine medicine of Vermilion Bird clan, you are remaining, I do not want, if teng snake divine medicine your here also has the extra, can give me less than half.” 黄毛狐狸补充,道:“朱雀族的专有神药,你自己留着,我不要,如果螣蛇神药你这里还有富余的话,可以给我小半株。” Ok, a teng snake clan foundation is solid, although this generation of strengths are disappointing, however the accumulation of all previous dynasties, expedites six teng snake divine medicine, I must leave behind five, is remaining for my heir, but also remaining can send out.” “可以,螣蛇一族底蕴深厚,虽然这一代实力差劲,但是历代的积累,共催生出六株螣蛇神药,我要留下五株,为我的子嗣留着,还剩下一株可以送出。” Old Vermilion Bird is very natural, sends out divine medicine directly. 朱雀很大方,直接送出一株神药 This matter resembles with fantasy story regarding Chu Feng, this is divine medicine, is not the cabbage, sufficiently seizes the world good fortune, finally like this obtained? 这种事情对于楚风来说跟天方夜谭似的,这可是神药,不是大白菜,一株就足以夺天地造化,结果就这样得到了? Moreover, divine medicine of this place wants high level more than divine medicine of his piece of universe, the drug efficacy rich big truncation, Yang Qi is billowing, is no comparison between them! 而且,此地的神药比他那片宇宙的神药高级很多,药效浓郁一大截,阳气滚滚,不可同日而语! yellow-haired fox looks at several Young Vermilion Bird, likes very much, but in the eye is also also low-spirited and helpless. 黄毛狐狸看着几头小朱雀,很是喜欢,但眼中也也黯然与无奈。 My situation is not very good, had been abandoned, knows cannot live many years, looked that these children are so outstanding, I really cannot bear, several years later will find the opportunity to try, looks whether take action one time, can strive to feed in World of the Living them again, gets rid of this piece of fearful world prisoner's cage.” “我的情况很不好,已经被废,不知道还能活多少年,看这几个孩子这么出色,我实在忍不住,过几年找机会试试,看能否再出手一次,争取将他们送进阳间,摆脱这片可怕的天地囚笼。” Old Vermilion Bird hearing this, the great happiness, the whole face excited color, its life essence was withered immediately, how long cannot live, most was in suspense was several Young Vermilion Bird, if can feed in World of the Living, that greatest and hopeful Great Realm, it naturally can rouse, was blissful. 朱雀闻言,顿时大喜,满脸激动之色,它寿元干枯,活不了多久,最放心不下的就是几头小朱雀,若是能够送进阳间,那种最为宏大与充满希望的大界,它自然会振奋,充满喜悦。 It looks like in it, that is the place of hope! 在它看来,那是希望之地! Many thanks senior!” It executes gift to pay respect. “多谢前辈!”它施大礼参拜。 Chirp chirp......” several Young Vermilion Bird also open the mouth, becomes by the original curiosity in reverential awe, pays respect with their mothers together. “啾啾……”几头小朱雀也都开口,由原来的好奇变得诚惶诚恐,跟着它们的母亲一起参拜。 Chī! 哧! Shortly, divine medicine appears in the lair, all over the body blue sparkling, likely is standing erect the teng snake, lifelike, has not distinguished with real anything, can run, can run away, if is not pressing with the hand, it ran away. 不久后,一株神药出现在巢穴中,通体蓝莹莹,像是一条直立着的螣蛇,栩栩如生,跟真实的没什么区别,能够跑,可以逃遁,若非用手按着,它就逃走了。 In addition, it has the root hair, similarly blue sparkling, fills the medicine to be fragrant, can float in soul light, making the person almost want the emergence to fly upwards, such moment, Chu Feng felt that oneself must lift the rosy cloud to be stave void. 此外,它有根须,同样蓝莹莹,充满药香,可以飘进魂光中,让人几乎要羽化飞升,就这么一刻而已,楚风感觉自身要举霞破碎虚空了。 divine medicine! 神药 What a pity, he does not have fleshly body, otherwise felt that will be clearer, even might fragrance keel over drunk here! 可惜,他没有肉身,不然的话感觉会更清晰,甚至有可能会被馨香醉倒在这里! Blue light raindrop point, wraps him, making his whole person sacred, is having the Divinity aura, this is divine medicine! 蓝色光雨点点,将他包裹,让他整个人都神圣起来,带着神祇的气息,这就是神药 pā! 啪! Finally, Chu Feng has sealed it with stone box, he also really fears unable to bear, swallowing down. 最终,楚风石盒将它封了起来,他还真怕忍不住,一口给吞下去。 Senior, I am willing to protect Young Vermilion Bird, gives a try whether to lead into the universe that I am, if one day, I visit World of the Living, certainly will take it.” “前辈,我愿意保护一只小朱雀,试试看能否带入我所在的宇宙,而若是有一天,我踏足阳间,一定会带上它。” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, the spoken language is sincere, is very earnest, he wants to carry off Young Vermilion Bird. 楚风开口,言语诚恳,无比认真,他想带走一只小朱雀 Looks at this fiery red Divine Bird, he likes, the fist is so big, the wing is bright, the light is shining, the golden big eye flashes, is one by one lovable. 看着这种火红的神禽,他就喜欢,拳头那么大,羽翼鲜亮,光灿灿,金色大眼扑闪,一个比一个可爱。 Old Vermilion Bird was stunned, looked at yellow-haired fox. 朱雀愕然,看了一眼黄毛狐狸 yellow-haired fox nods, said: This young thief, a little way, follows him, not necessarily cannot be a way out, can give a try, making him carry off one.” 黄毛狐狸点头,道:“这小贼,有点门道,跟着他走,未必不能是一条生路,可以试试看,让他带走一只。” Old Vermilion Bird hearing this, agrees immediately. 朱雀闻言,立刻同意了。 Chirp chirp......” five Young Vermilion Bird the chirp chirp called immediately, in the big eye was shouting the tears, which regardless of chose not to walk, the specific use rubbed old Vermilion Bird, very much did not abandon. “啾啾……”五只小朱雀顿时啾啾叫了起来,大眼中喊着泪水,无论选哪个都不想走,用头摩擦老朱雀,都很不舍。 Finally, old Vermilion Bird has hung one, making it turn head to give Chu Feng to start off together! 最终,老朱雀还是悬了一只,让它回头给楚风一起上路! Chirp chirp......” this only Young Vermilion Bird immediately both eyes burst into tears, sad was calling, did not abandon completely. “啾啾……”这只小朱雀立时双目流泪,哀伤的叫着,满是不舍。 Was Chu Feng was tenderhearted, some do not want to bring it to walk, felt that like this made them distinguish, really did not have the heart. 就是楚风都心软了,有些不想带它走了,感觉这样让它们分别,实在于心不忍。 To survive, to go on living, child...... You must be strong, you need alone to start off, sooner or later, you will leave, but I have been dying, could not shelter your several years.” Old Vermilion Bird does not abandon very much, the specific use rubs this Young Vermilion Bird, the tears in eye is only suppressed, has compelled. “为了生存,为了活下去,孩子……你得坚强,你需要独自上路,早晚有一天,你们都会离开的,而我已经快死了,庇护不了你们几年了。”老朱雀也很不舍,用头蹭这只小朱雀,眼中的热泪被强忍着,又逼了回去。 Year family member, this delivers you.” The old Vermilion Bird opens the mouth, aims at the cliff wall, that above dense and numerous, carves the full writing. “年亲人,这个送你。”老朱雀开口,指向崖壁,那上面密密麻麻,刻满文字。 What is this?” Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise, then, he after he stares carefully, immediately shocks, this is breathing method, he had studied! “这是什么?”楚风露出异色,然后,他当他仔细凝视后,顿时震惊,这是一篇呼吸法,他曾经学过一点! Does Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, end the entire chapter?! 大雷音呼吸法,完整篇?! This is the World of the Dead universe, most formidable with top breathing method, with Dao Race's breathing method compound, ranks among the best, what end is wonderful infinite. 这是阴间宇宙,最强大与顶级的呼吸法,跟道族的呼吸法并列,数一数二,端的是神妙无穷。 Today, he sees on cliff wall unexpectedly here the dense and numerous writing, is very perfect! 今天,他居然在这里看到崖壁上密密麻麻的文字,很完满! Buddha Race's breathing method, this is Supreme Treasure breathing method, the value is immeasurable!” Opens the mouth including yellow-haired fox, like this said one. 佛族的呼吸法,这可是至宝呼吸法,价值无量!”连黄毛狐狸都开口,这样说了一句。
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