SR :: Volume #9

#838: Big villain clear/pain flickers

You praised like this, I quickly was embarrassed.” Chu Feng sighed, calm appearance. “你这样夸奖,我都快不好意思了。”楚风叹道,一脸平静的样子。 I this praises you especially? yellow-haired fox is crooked the head to visit him, clearly does not want to go a turbid water with him, is not willing to pick divine medicine with him. 我特么这是夸你吗?黄毛狐狸歪着脑袋看他,分明是不想跟他去蹚浑水,不愿跟他去采摘神药 Senior, takes the trouble, thinks that looked how to dig to divine medicine.” Chu Feng consults modestly. “前辈,多费心,想想看怎么去挖到一株神药。”楚风虚心请教。 yellow-haired fox rolls the eyes, did its spoken parts in Chinese opera say? Coerced this boy white/in vain, this psychological quality, this face was thick-skinned, whom also did not have really! 黄毛狐狸翻白眼,它那些话白说了?白挤对这小子了,这心理素质,这脸皮厚的,也真没谁了! Finally, yellow-haired fox was being drawn starting off by Chu Feng actually. 最终,黄毛狐狸硬是被楚风拉着上路。 Senior, did you find out the means? Or are you look like this good, I wait for you here.” Chu Feng said very much earnestly, he wants to stay here, waited for that yellow-haired fox picks the medicine. “前辈,你想出办法了?要不你看这样行不行,我在这里等你。”楚风很认真地说道,他想留在这里,等待黄毛狐狸去采药。 Your what meaning?!” After yellow-haired fox , the body of half petrify, cannot bear in this moment vibrates slightly, this is the air/Qi, in the end degenerates into it to pick the medicine, does this insensitive boy sit idle and enjoy the fruits, waits for it to return? “你啥意思?!”黄毛狐狸后半截石化的身体,在这一刻都忍不住略微抖动,这是气的,到头来沦为它去采药,这个厚脸皮的小子坐享其成,等它归来? I feared that is a drag on your, becomes your burden.” Chu Feng said. “我怕拖你后腿,成为你的负担。”楚风说道。 All right, has a look together.” yellow-haired fox requests him to with, turns toward Abyss to be close together. “没事,一起去看看。”黄毛狐狸要求他必须跟着,一起向着深渊接近。 Then, it more is ponders over more thought at heart is not the taste, what matter this is, picks the medicine with this boy really? 然后,它越是琢磨心里越是觉得不是味,这是什么事,真跟着这小子去采药? All the way, Chu Feng is heavyhearted, thinks of grey matter, once this thing will contaminate will pester the life, he will explain? 一路上,楚风忧心忡忡,想到灰色物质,这东西一旦沾染就会纠缠一生,他怎么去破解? Especially, Big Black Ox, Qin Luoyin, Ying Zhexian and other group of people contaminated grey matter, even if were not many, possibly had not the good influence. 尤其是,大黑牛秦珞音映谪仙等一群人都沾染上灰色物质了,即便不多,也可能有非常不好的影响。 But, on him, only then black paper talisman, snatches from his son Little Daoist Priest there, is insufficient. 可是,他身上只有一张黑色符纸,还是从他儿子小道士那里抢来的,根本不够用。 A sigh, Chu Feng raised head towards sky. 一声叹息,楚风仰头望天 What air/Qi you sighed, what thought?” yellow-haired fox asked him. “你叹什么气,想什么呢?”黄毛狐狸问他。 I in want in the experience of Reincarnation Road end, I to see ten people obviously, is holding paper talisman, has silver, has scarlet...... My facial skin is too but tender, starts to them embarrassedly.” “我在想在轮回路尽头的经历,我明明看到十个人啊,都持着符纸,有银色的、有赤色的……可是我脸皮儿太嫩,没好意思对他们都下手。” Chu Feng deep sigh, in heart big regret, if knows the Dao runes paper to be so useful, the golden hair man who manages these person of anything backgrounds, any twin sisters, anything are winged, under sinister hand, all faints in the back racket entirely, loots completely paper talisman, is more useful than anything! 楚风长叹,心中大悔,如果知道符纸这么有用,管那些人什么来头,什么双胞胎姐妹,什么长翅膀的金发男子,统统下黑手,全都在背后拍昏过去,洗劫走全部符纸,比什么都有用! Listens to him to be verbose, there regret, yellow-haired fox does not want to respond him, like this, felt all right to say own facial skin was tender? 听着他絮叨,在那里遗憾,黄毛狐狸都不想搭理他了,都这样子了,也好意思说自己脸皮儿嫩? Senior, these paper talisman reveals itself has any rule, or goes to the Reincarnation Road's person to hurry to the special time node, otherwise how the previous these people arrive successively, is in certain time horizons.” “前辈,那些符纸出世是不是有什么规律,或者说去走轮回路的人是不是都在特殊的时间节点赶去,不然何以上次那些人先后抵达,都处在一定的时间范围内。” Chu Feng consults modestly, saw that is very amiable. 楚风虚心请教,怎么看都很谦和。 However, yellow-haired fox does not think that he is a modest and self-demanding gentleman, cannot bear ask him, wants to do? 然而,黄毛狐狸可不认为他是个谦谦君子,忍不住问他,想干什么? Chu Feng but actually also direct, said: „The previous time is not thin-skinned, starts embarrassedly, if Firmament gives me again an opportunity, I do not disappoint absolutely, hit the staggering blow!” 楚风倒也直接,道:“上次不是脸皮薄吗,没好意思下手,如果上苍再给我一次机会,我绝对不辜负,打闷棍到底!” Looks at his righteousness words, a very serious appearance, yellow-haired fox sighed secretly, this especially...... Is a talented person, will take by force, robs on the way on Reincarnation, meteorology that such said is dignified, very sacred as, cannot discover several such people. 看他义正言辞,一副很严肃的样子,黄毛狐狸暗叹,这特么……是个人才,将打劫、在轮回上劫道,都说的这么气象庄严,很神圣似的,真找不出几个这样的人。 „The water on Reincarnation Road is too deep, related to the level is too high, is my teacher not necessarily completely knows, the idle talk is I.” 轮回路上的水太深,涉及到的层面太高,就是我师尊都不见得尽知,更遑论是我。” yellow-haired fox does not want to discuss the Reincarnation Road's matter with this serious robber \; first, to dread \; second, to think to rob loses face. 黄毛狐狸不想跟这个一本正经的强盗多讨论轮回路的事,一是忌惮,二是觉得抢劫太丢脸。 Suddenly, it wants to understand Chu Feng very much, is what kind of person, should mix in World of the Dead by this thick-skinned attribute lifeforms good? 突然间,它很想了解楚风,到底是怎样一个人,以他这种脸厚属性的生物来说在阴间应该混的不错吧? Then, it inquired. 然后,它就询问了。 Regarding this Chu Feng mentioned some past events simply, beautified itself as far as possible. 对此楚风简单提及一些旧事,尽量美化自己。 Is yellow-haired fox the what kind of character? What big storm has not experienced, since the recent antiquity has dropped the hell from the cloud top, drifts about destitute, experience completely world bitter. 黄毛狐狸是何等人物?什么样的大风浪没有经历过,近古以来更是从云头跌落地狱,颠沛流离,体会尽人间酸苦。 Its eyelash is spatial, through the Chu Feng's words, it first thinks to have the issue, said: „Are you only a shop owner in grocery store?” 它眼睫毛都是空的,通过楚风的话语,它第一时间觉得有问题,道:“你只是一个杂货店的店主?” It can believe, a shop owner in shop is capable of running up to this piece of universe? 它怎么能相信,一个小店的店主有能力跑到这片宇宙? Chu Feng nods, say/way I am fastidious about the good faith, thing of genuine selling, treats both the young and old honestly, therefore has sold certain fame.” 楚风点头,道“我讲究诚信,所卖之物货真价实,童叟无欺,因此卖出了一定的名气。” He boasted here, said that has bought the person reach an agreement, each auction, across the universe many people on own initiative bid, the competition buys, finally has sold the positive result. 他在这里自夸,说买过的人都说好,每一次拍卖,宇宙各地都有许多人主动竞价,竞相求购,最后卖出了名堂。 A yellow-haired fox face stupid look, finally, really does not think clearly, said: Takes the liberty to ask, you sell what is?” 黄毛狐狸一脸痴呆神色,最后,实在想不明白,道:“冒昧问下,你卖的都是什么?” The appearance that this......” Chu Feng blushes bashfully, said: Pamphlet business, is some local products that I hunt, did not say that does business in a small way, mixes a warm and sufficient condition.” “这个……”楚风一副羞赧的样子,道:“小本生意,都是我自己狩猎的一些土特产,不说也罢,小本经营,混个温饱而已。” Do not be immodest, you said that listens to me, my this is after the judgment you pleasantness whether to mix in World of the Living, is evaluating your potential.” yellow-haired fox said very much seriously. “别谦虚,你说给我听听,我这是在评判以后你能否在阳间混的如意,在评估你的潜力。”黄毛狐狸很严肃地说道。 Chu Feng hearing this, a face is serious immediately, said: What I sell is only some Divine Son, Holy Daughter.” 楚风闻言,顿时一脸郑重,道:“我卖的只是一些神子圣女等。” yellow-haired fox staggers, then, the whole face color, is staring at Chu Feng startled, its lip trembles, finally cannot say anything obstinately. 黄毛狐狸一个踉跄,然后,满脸愕然之色,盯着楚风,它嘴唇微颤,最后愣是没能说出啥。 It had certain bottom line at heart, has not thought, at present this young people can also break through, this is not a good person, fucking is kidnapper. 它已经有一定的心里底线,没有想到,眼前这个年轻人还能突破下去,这不是好人啊,特么的是一个人贩子 At the scene, it wants to turn head to go, even if it needs the cruel and merciless generation, but, actually cannot surpass some type of bottom line. 当场,它就想扭头而去,哪怕它需要心狠手辣之辈,可是,却也不能超出某种底线。 Senior, I also to protect oneself, all were compelled.” A Chu Feng face sincere color, informs the process in detail. “前辈,我也只是为了自保,一切都是被逼的。”楚风一脸诚恳之色,详细告知经过。 yellow-haired fox complexion cloudy clear uncertain, said: Excusable, but, you will praise with flower bud, as before is kidnapper.” 黄毛狐狸脸色阴晴不定,道:“情有可原,可是,你将自己夸的跟花骨朵似的,依旧是个人贩子。” yellow-haired fox hesitates slightly, said: But, I thought that your such person could live is better, more suitable World of the Living, this time I elected you.” 黄毛狐狸略微沉吟,道:“不过,我觉得,你这样的人也许能活的更好一些,更适合阳间,这一次我就选你了。” What meaning? The Chu Feng doubt, thought, yellow-haired fox isn't first time elects the person? 什么意思?楚风狐疑,怎么觉得,黄毛狐狸不是第一次选人? Yes, I have elected several people, somewhat was known as that ninth good man, somewhat is regarded as this World the child of destiny, the moral character is noble, is the good people, but, enters World of the Living in the end, each and every one dies is very miserable, eating that killing that quick killed, eats. Gives their chance including me, has helped others, is really......” “是,我选过几个人,有些号称九世善人,有些被视为这一界的命运之子,品格高贵,都是好人,可是,到头来进入阳间后,一个个都死的很惨,很快就被人杀的杀,吃掉的吃掉。连我送给他们的机缘,都成全了别人,真是……” yellow-haired fox sighed, person who these he favors, death is very miserable. 黄毛狐狸感叹,那些他所看好的人,都死的很惨。 Therefore, you thought that I am quite appropriate?” Chu Feng thought that is not the taste. “所以,你觉得我比较合适?”楚风觉得不是味儿。 "Um, you by innate aptitude, the unusual person may, I anticipated very much, some day can hear you to sell Divine Son and Holy Daughter news in this place of degeneration in World of the Living. ” “嗯,你以的先天资质,少有人可及,我很期待,有朝一日在这堕落之地能听到你在阳间神子圣女的消息。” fucking, isn't that courts death? Chu Feng is slanting the eye to visit him. 特么的,那不是找死吗?楚风斜着眼睛看他。 Do not be angry, I mean, by your talent, kidnapper has done, after entering World of the Living, definitely is not the one who keeps on good terms with everybody, can live is very good, does not disappoint me to your anticipation.” “别生气,我的意思是,以你的才情,人贩子都做过,进入阳间后肯定不是滥好人,能活的很好,不辜负我对你的期待。” Chu Feng was looks, this old goods recognized that he was not a good person, thought that he will therefore possibly start an aspect to come, this made him not be feeling well, this was positioned as a villain. 楚风算是看出来了,这老货认定他不是好人,觉得他可能会因此而开创出一番局面来,这让他不爽,他这是被定位为反派了。 I told you, must record me to tell your address, that was the thing that I can send out finally, was the most precious thing, let my teacher knows, possibly excited incomparable.” “我跟你说,一定要记好我告诉你的那个地址,那是我最后能送出的东西了,也是最珍贵的东西,让我师尊知道,都可能会激动无比。” Senior, I, if from here chapter of World of the Dead, will possibly be washed to remember, what cannot remember, what means you do have?” Chu Feng asked. “前辈,我要是从这里回阴间,可能会被洗尽记忆,什么都记不住,你有什么办法吗?”楚风问道。 yellow-haired fox knits the brows immediately, this issue was too difficult, related to a rule of trim universe, it has now abandoned, where so many methods. 黄毛狐狸顿时皱眉,这问题太难了,涉及到一整片宇宙的规则,它现在废了,哪有那么多的手段。 I turn head to ponder over, tries to find the solution.” It said finally like this. “我回头琢磨一下,想一想办法。”它最后这样说道。 Really?” Chu Feng is pleasantly surprised, then also said: Then achieves the bottom then the good deed, I have a companion, named Yaoyao, you also make her preserve the memory.” “真可以啊?”楚风惊喜,然后又道:“那就好事做到底,我还有个同伴,名为妖妖,你也让她保留着记忆吧。” Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, I scratch, boy, you have not to end, face thick-skinned to not side, the request are too many, a person I was considering that two people are hopeless!” 无量天尊,我擦,小子,你有完没完,脸皮厚到没边了吧,要求太多,一个人我都在考虑呢,两个人没戏!” yellow-haired fox was anxious, throws up one's job thoroughly, no matter he. 黄毛狐狸急了,彻底撂挑子不管他了。 This is was not discussing that the senior should not be angry, come, we discussed slowly.” Chu Feng hurries the whole face to compensate to smile. “这不是在商量吗,前辈别生气,来,咱慢慢谈。”楚风赶紧满脸赔笑。 How I saw that your this boy is not so pleasing to the eyes, inborn like the villain, you said that once your such person enters World of the Living, hasn't made the person kill immediately?” “我怎么看你这小子这么不顺眼,天生就像个反派,你说,你这样的人一旦进入阳间,还不让人立刻打死?” yellow-haired fox stared at him to look looked. 黄毛狐狸盯着他看了又看。 How possible, made me reduce prices to sell out for the people of enemy with me, in my opinion, World of the Living also then a matter, after waiting, I must link am digging several restricted areas to look to have any thing. The premise is, the senior you give these things that I prepare, can make me rise? Is good , the senior you to me said again several places, making me dig a good thing. Otherwise, you pour to write your breathing method and divine technique, I think that your master divine ability cannot induce again generally, turned head my to exercise good.” “怎么可能,跟我为敌的人都让我降价卖掉了,在我看来,阳间也就那么一回事,等以后我非连着挖几个禁地看一看有什么东西不可。前提是,前辈你给我准备的那些东西,能让我崛起吗?到底行不行,要不,前辈你再给我说几处地点,让我多挖点好东西。再不然,你倒着将你的呼吸法神术写出来,我想你师傅再神通广大也感应不到,回头我正着去练就行了。” Is staying at the same time going!” “一边呆着去!” Then, two people approach Abyss the line, soon approached. 就这样,两人一路向深渊而行,快要接近了。 Well, this not road to lead to Vermilion Bird Abyss?” Chu Feng was startled, then opens the eye, is suddenly enlighted, said: Senior, you can predict accurately, expected that old Vermilion Bird isn't good? Therefore leads me to come to here to pick Vermilion Bird divine medicine?” “咦,这不是通向朱雀深渊的路吗?”楚风吃了一惊,然后睁大眼睛,恍然大悟,道:“前辈,你能掐会算,是不是预料到那头老朱雀不行了?所以带我来这里采摘朱雀神药?” yellow-haired fox deeply looked at his one eyes, said: This Vermilion Bird has not practiced strange technique, therefore live particularly distant, I thought, it most at least can also live for 50 years.” 黄毛狐狸深深看了他一眼,道:“这头朱雀没有修炼异术,所以活的分外悠远,我觉得,它最起码还能活50年。” We come to here to make anything, hurries to travel!” Chu Feng turns around to walk. “那我们来这里做什么,赶紧跑路!”楚风转身就走。 You skidding, comes back!” yellow-haired fox shouts, then told Chu Feng, it knew that old Vermilion Bird, was in one of the world few friends. “你就滑溜,回来!”黄毛狐狸喊道,而后告诉楚风,它认识那头老朱雀,算是在这个世界为数不多的朋友之一。 Initially, when this old Vermilion Bird was young, it almost chose this Vermilion Bird, sent to World of the Living. 当初,这头老朱雀还年轻时,它差点选这头朱雀,送去阳间 Chu Feng one hear, came the spirit immediately, said: Unexpectedly has this matter...... Early said that the senior, a while you dig two, no, five aren't divine medicine a problem?” 楚风一听,立刻来了精神,道:“居然有这种事……早说啊,前辈,一会儿你就挖上两株,不,五株神药都不成问题吧?” Are many then your words, what thinks, Vermilion Bird divine medicine is very important regarding the Vermilion Bird young son, gives you, what to do they?” “就你话多,想什么呢,朱雀神药对于朱雀幼崽来说很重要,都给你,它们怎么办?” Chu Feng hearing this, said immediately: Old Vermilion Bird did not extinguish teng snake Abyss, gives me to select teng snake divine medicine to be also good.” 楚风闻言,立刻道:“老朱雀不是灭了螣蛇深渊吗,给我点螣蛇神药也行。” Your words are really many!” yellow-haired fox more looks at him to jump over likely is a villain. “你话真多!”黄毛狐狸越看他越像是个反派。 Was right, the senior, our is must enter Vermilion Bird Abyss, you said that shortly after old Vermilion Bird life, what to do these can Young Vermilion Bird?” “对了,前辈,我们这是要进朱雀深渊啊,你说,老朱雀性命不久矣,那些小朱雀可怎么办?” You worry, what actually wants to say?!” yellow-haired fox is staring him. “你真操心,到底想说什么?!”黄毛狐狸瞪着他。 Remaining several Young Vermilion Bird are alone, does not have the parental care, is pitiful, you look at such line not, I carry off them, then raising well, has the opportunity is takes into World of the Living to go, gives their broad sky, after letting they grow up, assault trillion li (0.5 km) World of the Living, this is good, I sympathized small and weakly, certainly well will protect them!” “剩下几头小朱雀孤零零,没有父母照料,多可怜啊,您看这样行不,我带走它们,然后好好的养大,有机会更是带进阳间去,送给它们广阔的天空,让它们长大后搏击亿万里阳间,这样多好,我最同情弱小了,一定会好好保护它们!” Chu Feng spoke of afterward, a face sincere, finally was fervent. 楚风说到后来,一脸正色,最后更是慷慨激昂。 A little truth. It is not right, your this kidnapper, but can also flicker, wants to have the idea of Vermilion Bird baby bird, must also probably say is so spirited, don't you want to turn to sell out?!” “有点道理。不对,你这个人贩子,还真能忽悠,想打朱雀幼鸟的主意,非得还要说的这么激昂,你不是想拐走卖掉吧?!” A yellow-haired fox doubt appearance, stared at him to keep watching not to have. 黄毛狐狸一副狐疑样子,盯着他看个没完没了。 How possible, I am earnest, is looks at them to be pitiful, wants to carry off, raises the great accomplishment person. Please believe that a heart of warm-blooded youth, now boiling hot boiling hot, did not want coldly this pure good heart.” Chu Feng strikes one's chest to say. “怎么可能,我是认真的,就是看它们可怜,想带走,养大成人。请你相信一个热血青年的心,现在滚烫滚烫的,不要冷了这颗纯真善良的心。”楚风拍着胸脯说道。 What let alone, advanced Vermilion Bird Abyss.” “什么都别说了,先进朱雀深渊。” They arrived, front huge Abyss, jet black is similar to the universe black hole, spans there. 他们到了,前方一个巨大的深渊,漆黑如同宇宙黑洞,横亘在那里。
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