SR :: Volume #9

#837: Final wish

yellow-haired fox, whole body fur already was bare, looks like suffering the years wind and frost, both eyes are gloomy, are having the moved color. 黄毛狐狸,周身皮毛都早已光秃秃,看起来饱经岁月风霜,双目暗淡,带着伤感之色。 He follows that teacher Supreme Being many years, finally actually entered this World by knock down, it will never go back, here will become its burying bone place, incomparable heartache. 他追随那位师尊大能很多年,最终却被打落这一界,永远不准它回去,这里将成为它的埋骨地,无比心伤。 Yes, he gave up this World, he spent with all one's heart the strength, wants to become time Supreme Treasure this World refining, according to the remnant chart in refinement method of some forbidden area having, consumes the endless world magical things, pours into too many painstaking care, finally said that gave up giving up.” “是的,他放弃了这一界,原本他费尽心力,想要将这一界炼化成时间至宝,按照从某一禁区中带出来的残图上的炼制方法,耗费无尽天地灵物,倾注太多的心血,结果说放弃就放弃了。” All reasons, because of grey matter, formidable such as yellow-haired fox master, that World of the Living Supreme Being, in the end also frightened. 一切的原因,都是因为灰色物质,强大如黄毛狐狸的师傅,那位阳间大能,到头来也惊悚。 grey matter of this world, inexhaustible, that World of the Living Supreme Being dreaded, felt the heart hair is cool, this World by his refining many years, was been similar, waited for that Supreme Treasure is mature. 这个世界的灰色物质,无穷无尽,那位阳间大能都忌惮,感觉心头发凉,这一界都被他炼化很多年,都差不多了,等待至宝成熟。 But, due to the grey matter reason, he is afraid unexpectedly, yellow-haired fox once saw that he crosses the hand of teacher to tremble, innermost feelings suitable is not tranquil, finally endures suffering to give up. 可是,由于灰色物质的原因,他居然在害怕,黄毛狐狸曾看到他过师尊的手发抖,内心相当的不平静,最后忍痛割舍。 He refines this World becomes time Supreme Treasure, but defers to some remnant chart?” Chu Feng is astonished however, suitable heart is startled. “他炼制这一界成为时间至宝,只是依照某一残图?”楚风讶然,相当的心惊。 Right, the chance coincidence, he from digs out some ancient remnant chart fragments in some forbidden area fortunately, moreover rejoiced very much has not alarmed in the restricted area the thing of deep sleep, having the remnant chart to leave successfully, refining up one according to this for time Supreme Treasure.” “没错,机缘巧合,他有幸从在某一处禁区中挖出一些古老的残图碎片,而且很庆幸没有惊动禁地中沉睡的东西,带着残图成功离开,依此炼一界为时间至宝。” Chu Feng hearing this, suck in a cold breath, this World of the Living does Supreme Being have how big divine ability? That restricted area certainly is immeasurably deep, is unable to estimate, has this remnant chart unexpectedly. 楚风闻言,倒吸冷气,这阳间大能到底有多么大的神通?还有那禁地一定深不可测,根本无法揣度,竟有这种残图。 Finally, Chu Feng is dreaded to the place of this degeneration completely, including that formidable World of the Living Supreme Being, the teachers of petrify fox gives up this, it can be imagined the issue is serious. 最后,楚风更是对这片堕落之地满是忌惮,连那么强大的阳间大能,石化狐狸的师尊都放弃此界,可想而知问题多么严重。 Especially thinks, his There is still one green skin bottle gourd, packs grey matter, this thing...... Let the World of the Living's people feel dizzy, is he is doing? 尤其是想到,他身上还有一个青皮葫芦呢,装满灰色物质,这东西……让阳间的人都眼晕啊,他是在作死吗? Senior, please look.” Chu Feng takes out green skin bottle gourd. “前辈,请看。”楚风取出青皮葫芦 Well, is born innate divine object in chaos, your fate is good.” “咦,诞生于混沌中的先天神物,你运道不错。” Facing bottle gourd that the innate spirit root has, yellow-haired fox can be this manner, is not that shocking, obviously the fearfulness of its vision, to this thing immunity. 面对先天灵根结出的葫芦,黄毛狐狸都能是这种态度,不是那么震惊,可见其眼界的可怕,对这种东西免疫。 But this type of thing, in the World of the Dead universe is Supreme Treasure. 而这种东西,在阴间宇宙就是至宝 Senior, I collected bottle gourd grey matter.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “前辈,我收集了一葫芦灰色物质。”楚风开口。 You......” crippled fox hearing this, the fine body hair explodes stands, cannot bear backs up backward, said: That material, others avoid lest is also inferior, you actually collect.” “你……”瘸腿的狐狸闻言,寒毛炸立,忍不住向后倒退,道:“那种物质,别人躲避还唯恐不及,你却收集。” He sighed lightly, warned Chu Feng, once this thing on messing with, that life were very difficult to get rid, went do not make this bottle gourd grey matter corrode to soul light, otherwise troubled is big. 他轻叹,告诫楚风,这东西一旦沾惹上,那一生都很难摆脱,前往不要让这一葫芦灰色物质侵蚀到魂光中,不然的话麻烦就大了。 yellow-haired fox, looks to this stretch of world, said: Your I cannot see, in fact, trim Between Heaven and Earth has this grey matter, is filling the air, this was also I said, the long time occupied this place the fearful place. The trim world therefore got sick, moves toward the deterioration.” 黄毛狐狸,看向这片天地,道:“你我都看不到,事实上,整片天地间都有这种灰色物质,在弥漫着,这也是我说,久居此地的可怕之处。整片世界都因此病了,走向衰败。” According to it, this grey matter possibly greatly had the background, on that day, it saw that the finger of his teacher was shaking, possibly has discovered any clue. 依照它所言,这灰色物质可能大有来头,那一天,它看到他师尊的手指在抖,可能发现了什么端倪。 But, when yellow-haired fox inquiry, its teacher has not paid attention. 可是,黄毛狐狸询问时,它的师尊没有理会。 By meeting the material, sees some truth...... Then, World of the Living Supreme Being was frightened!” “透过会物质,看到某种真相……然后,阳间大能惊悚了!” Chu Feng thinks big, more ponders over, more is felt that here water is too deep. 楚风觉得头大,越是琢磨,越是感觉这里的水太深。 Then, he has thought Purgatory, Shining Death City and Reincarnation Road's end hole, this is the artificial arrangement? 然后,他又想到了炼狱光明死城轮回路的尽头的洞,这是人为布置的吗? In addition, he has thought Little Daoist Priest mentioned their, number one forbidden area, this place had in World of the Living, had one in the Little Daoist Priest world, can carry over some ancient paper talisman. 此外,他想到了小道士提及的他们那一界,有一个第一禁区,这种地方在阳间有,在小道士的世界有一个,都可以带出某种古老的符纸 This paper likely is the faith token, is containing the supreme chance likely, is holding it, can walk to pass including Reincarnation Road. 此纸像是信物,又像是蕴含着无上机缘,持着它,连轮回路都能走通。 Chu Feng the scalp somewhat is suddenly sore, he thinks somewhat far, was pestered by grey matter, can choose Reincarnation, thorough formatting? 楚风一时间头皮都有些疼,他想的有些远,被灰色物质纠缠,可以选择轮回,彻底“格式化”自己? He is indistinct, sees the invisible hand, Reincarnation possibly artificially accomplishes, is not the natural production, but paper talisman is actually the faith token, buries in the World of the Living most fearful forbidden area. 他隐约间,看到无形的手,轮回都可能是人为造就的,并不是天然生成,而符纸却是信物,埋在阳间最可怕的禁区中。 But behind grey matter, as if also has some big terrifying, making World of the Living Supreme Being frightened. 灰色物质背后,似乎也有某种大恐怖,让阳间大能惊悚。 All these...... As if some, very light silk, is linked to each other, has saying that does not scavenge the unclear relations. 所有这些……仿佛有有些线,很淡淡的丝,连在一起,都有着说不清道不明的关系。 These things, these strengths, related to time too Abyss, from ancient to present, have been in progress. 这些东西,这些力量,涉及到时间太深渊了,从古至今,都在进行中。 Space that as for involving, that is from World of the Living to these given up world, everywhere. 至于涉及到的空间,那是从阳间到这些被放弃的世界,无处不在。 The Chu Feng heart is restless, more thinks deeply, more is feels the heart to tremble, he initially stepped onto one in Reincarnation, but also is really the know-nothing party is dauntless. 楚风心头不安,越是深思,越是感觉心头颤栗,他当初可是在轮回走上走一遭啊,还真是无知者无畏。 This behavior, is equal to intruding in a huge bureau inexplicably, does not do well, is beyond redemption, his strength was too mean. 这种行为,等于是莫名闯入一个的庞大的局中,一个弄不好,就是万劫不复,他的实力太低微了。 Fortunately, these bureaus are too big, the back person time attention, will frequently not surmount hundred million ten thousand years, eternal circulation. 还好,这些局都太大,背后的人不会时刻关注,动辄就会跨越亿万载,万古流转。 Must go to World of the Living!” Chu Feng thought that, the original universe he is too on the other hand unenlightened, is too bleak, was too desolated, anything does not have. “要去阳间!”楚风觉得,相对来说,自己原来的宇宙他太闭塞,太萧条,太荒芜了,什么都没有。 Even, he wants to rise, wants on just not to meet the requirement directly. 甚至,他想崛起,想迎头刚上都不具备条件。 In World of the Living, most at least has various Dao Lineage, frequently saves the world several hundreds to go forward for ten thousand years, even there is Heavenly Venerate Sect that did not extinguish since old times, has the evolution dynasty of through ancient times existing forever. 阳间,最起码有各种道统,动辄就存世数百上前万年,甚至有自古不灭的天尊门派,有亘古长存的进化皇朝。 These inside story, there are these deep sleep Supreme Being, most at least can have the goal to pursue, has formidable Evolver to seek for advice. 这些底蕴,有那些沉睡大能,最起码可以有目标追赶,有强大进化者可以去求教。 Right, you must get rid of the present all, can only go to World of the Living, otherwise the fate will be very possibly pitiful, has contaminated grey matter, arrives at this world process, can leave the important matter eventually.” “对,你要摆脱现在的一切,只能去阳间,不然下场可能会很可悲,沾染了灰色物质,来到这个世界过程,终究会出大事的。” yellow-haired fox also urged him. 黄毛狐狸也劝他。 Then, when yellow-haired fox knows Chu Feng after which universe, he is a sigh, said: There is a cemetery, cannot be regarded true Evolutionary Civilization .” 然后,当黄毛狐狸知道楚风来自哪篇宇宙后,他更是一声叹息,道:“那里就是一片坟场,算不得真正的进化文明。” Although the World of the Living's person cannot pass, is unable to penetrate World of the Dead, universe that but, Chu Feng is, for them was too bleak. 虽然阳间的人也过不去,无法深入阴间,但是,楚风所在的宇宙,对他们来说真的太荒凉了。 In the final analysis, is Yin Soul, then the life level, wants the ground more than World of the Living's lifeforms.” yellow-haired fox review. “说到底,都是阴魂,就生命层次而言,比阳间的生物要地上不少。”黄毛狐狸点评。 It believes, Chu Feng gets rid of the World of the Dead universe, appears when World of the Living, is the true manner, otherwise is before then incomplete as World of the Living lifeforms most basic quality. 它认为,楚风摆脱阴间宇宙,出现在阳间时,才算真正为人,不然在此之前连作为阳间生物的最基本特质都不完备。 Then, Chu Feng has consulted about the World of the Living's matter, even his facial skin very thick mentioned breathing method, divine technique wait/etc., finally yellow-haired fox was silent. 然后,楚风请教了许多关于阳间的事,甚至他脸皮很厚的提及呼吸法神术等,结果黄毛狐狸默然。 My law, does not dare to pass on you, once were grasped by you, even if you hide in World of the Dead not necessarily are safe, my teacher will possibly be away from the Yin-Yang to kill you!” “我的法,不敢传你,一旦被你掌握,哪怕你躲在阴间都不见得保险,我师尊可能会隔着阴阳杀你!” Is so fierce?” “这么厉害?” The yellow-haired fox earnest nod, said: Compared with fierce of imagination, once he knows, would finding out the means.” 黄毛狐狸认真点头,道:“远比想象的厉害,一旦他知晓,总会想出办法的。” Chu Feng realized, the yellow-haired fox teacher is a ruthless stubble, and seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, cannot provoke. 楚风意识到,黄毛狐狸的师尊是一个狠茬子,且睚眦必报,不可招惹。 In fact, if is really a broadminded Lord, is insufficient to give to discard own apprentice, and infiltrates the place of degeneration, always sends into exile, cannot go back. 事实上,如果真是一个宽宏大量的主,也不至于将自己的徒弟给废掉,并且打入堕落之地,永世放逐,不可回去。 Where this is, that World of the Living Supreme Being finally were frightened, gives up world Supreme Treasure, actually such to own disciple, obviously the heart of it ruthless burning. 这是什么地方,那位阳间大能自己都最后都惊悚了,放弃世间至宝,却这么对自己的徒儿,可见其狠辣之心。 Suddenly, yellow-haired fox was somewhat silent, latter half body of its petrify even more gloomy, including both eyes very muddy. 一时间,黄毛狐狸有些沉默了,它那石化的后半部躯体越发的暗淡,连双目都很浑浊。 Road of too bad risk evolution, what the initial stage stage we enjoy is the transformation, the change of life level, was to afterward, that was a big terrifying matter, because, your knows will not turn into anything, for example my teacher!” “进化之路太凶险,初期阶段我们享受的是蜕变,生命层次的变迁,可是到了后来,那就是一件大恐怖的事,因为,你不知道自己会变成什么,比如我师尊!” Finally, yellow-haired fox mentioned the matter about its master, but does not dare deeply to say. 终于,黄毛狐狸提及一些关于它师傅的事,但不敢深说。 As if away from the universe wall, he worried that his master can hear, is this how fearsome? 仿佛隔着宇宙界壁,他都担心他师傅能听到,这是多么的可怖? „The road of normal evolution, because there is a predecessor to experience, our knows will have anything. However, once comes to the end point of road, wants to evolve again, wants to get down again formidable, that can only depend upon itself to try to find out, you were very difficult saying that oneself exuviate will turn into anything, might be supreme existence, might turn into the big terrifying......” “正常的进化之路,因为有前人经验,我们都知道会发生什么。然而,一旦走到路的终点,再想进化,再想强大下去,那只能依靠自己摸索,你很难说,自己会蜕变成什么,有可能是无上存在,也有可能化成大恐怖……” yellow-haired fox mentions this matter again, doubtful is also related with his teacher. 黄毛狐狸再提这件事,疑似又跟他师尊有关。 His words are not many, but makes Chu Feng shiver, he has realized anything keenly. 他的话不多,但是却让楚风打了个冷颤,他敏锐的意识到了什么。 Arrived finally, how regardless of Chu Feng consults, inquired, yellow-haired fox did not speak. 到了最后,无论楚风怎么请教,怎么询问,黄毛狐狸都不说话了。 Senior divines according to the diagrams to me.” Chu Feng saw his anything not saying that asking him to divine according to the diagrams, dozens years of that time he had a vivid memory, yellow-haired fox said that Little Daoist Priest had the disaster of blood light, then really had, said that Abyss nearby wilderness will have Divine War, the result occurred quickly, the old Vermilion Bird slaughter god, swept away the world. “前辈给我算一卦吧。”楚风见他什么都不说了,请他算一卦,数十年那一次他记忆犹新,黄毛狐狸小道士有血光之灾,便真的有,说深渊附近的荒原将有神战,结果很快发生,老朱雀屠神,横扫天下。 Does not calculate certainly, I thought that you were very long, has no way to divine according to the diagrams.” yellow-haired fox said very much directly. “算不准,我看你很久了,没法算卦。”黄毛狐狸很直接地说道。 Chu Feng is stunned, this is not Divine Prediction, unexpectedly lost the ability? 楚风愕然,这不是一个神算吗,居然失去能力了? If can calculate that all your, I did not speak to you, because precisely, thinks some variables, I have an anticipation to you.” “如果能算到你的一切,我就不跟你多说话了,正是因为,觉得有些变数,我才对你有一丝期待。” yellow-haired fox but actually also honest. 黄毛狐狸倒也坦诚。 Then, he inquired whether on Chu Feng has any strange thing, or has experienced the strange matter. 然后,他询问,楚风身上是否有什么奇异的东西,或者经历过奇异的事。 Chu Feng hearing this, does not dare to raise stone box obstinately, with three seeds, these things concerns too in a big way, he always thought that with previously had a headache about various general situations and big karma some connections that and indulged in flights of fancy. 楚风闻言,愣是没敢提石盒,与三颗种子,这些东西关乎太大,他总觉得跟早先头疼、胡思乱想的各种大局、大因果有些关联。 He does not dare to reveal, even if this fox quick petrify, and spoke frankly that oneself were discarded, he does not dare the multi- languages to come out. 他真不敢泄露出来,哪怕这头狐狸都快石化了,且坦言说自己被废掉了,他还是不敢多语出来。 I have gone to Land of Reincarnation, has seen an unpainted clay idol.” After Chu Feng thinks carefully, said such a secret, actually also to probe. “我去过轮回之地,见到过一个泥胎。”楚风仔细想后,说出这么一则秘密,其实也是为了试探。 What, can you arrive at that place?! There has one...... Unpainted clay idol? Do not mention, should cut from the memory about his all!” “什么,你能走到那种地方?!那里有一个……泥胎?不要提及,最好从记忆中斩掉关于他的一切!” Unexpected, yellow-haired fox responded greatly, he was likely frightened. 出乎意料,黄毛狐狸反应巨大,他像是在惊悚。 This pool of water is too deep, know-nothing party is dauntless, can refer, person who has contacted truly, that is the meeting...... The fear, will be panic-stricken!” “这池水太深,无知者无畏,可以谈及,真正有所接触的人,那是会……害怕的,会惊恐!” He said like this, then informs explicitly, this matter dreads then his teacher, does not dare to speak irresponsibly. 他这样说道,然后明确告知,这种事就他的师尊都忌惮不已,不敢乱说。 Level is higher, the understanding are more, is the awe. Perhaps my teacher has the qualifications join.” “层次越高,了解越多,越是敬畏。我师尊或许有资格入局。” Has the qualifications join, high is indefinite, once posed as Heavenly Venerate including it! 是否有资格入局,高都不确定,连它都曾以天尊自居! Arrived afterward, yellow-haired fox sighed, said that this lived also like this, lived not to have the love, his road broke, the heart like the dying embers, lived not to have the love. 到了后来,黄毛狐狸叹气,说此生也就这样了,生无可恋,他的路已经断了,心如死灰,生无可恋。 My only obsession is, wants to return to World of the Living, the little friend, if future competent, can come here, carries off my skeleton, buries me in World of the Living?” “我唯一的执念就是,想回到阳间,小友如果将来有实力的话,能否来这里一趟,带走我的尸骨,将我埋在阳间?” This is its final desire, in the meantime, yellow-haired fox told Chu Feng, will not make him do these matters white/in vain. 这是它最后的一个愿望,同时,黄毛狐狸告诉楚风,不会白让他做这些事。 I, if has that ability, certainly helps one another.” Chu Feng nods. “我如果有那种能力,一定相助。”楚风点头。 Good, I told you a place, you must remember, when this was I initially with my teacher together some restricted area the thing that brought, was buried by me in some World of the Living place, no one has told.” “那好,我告诉你一个地点,你要记住,这是我当初跟我师尊一同某一禁地时带出来的东西,被我埋在了阳间某一地,谁都没有告诉过。” Even, it guessed, his teacher is possibly looking for this thing. 甚至,它猜测,他师尊可能都在找这东西。 However, it had been abandoned by his master, throws here, said that does not have resentment thought that is impossible, therefore does not have after finally, to report gives his master. 但是,它被他师傅废了,扔到这里,说没有怨念那是不可能的,因此最后也没后禀报给他师傅。 Chu Feng takes down that Coordinate position. 楚风记下那个坐标位置。 Then, he also sighed: I have the last desire, complies to give Yaoyao, must help her pick divine medicine, but has not grasped now, the senior can you help me?” 然后,他也叹道:“我也有最后一个愿望,答应给妖妖,要帮她采摘一株神药,可是现在还没有把握,前辈你能帮我吗?” yellow-haired fox visits him, the muddy look is spooky, finally sighed: I discovered that you have one very good quality, very suitable to develop in World of the Living.” 黄毛狐狸看着他,浑浊眼神幽幽,最后叹道:“我发现你具备一种很好的品质,很适合在阳间发展。” Chu Feng is surprised, is interested, which quality the inquiry is. 楚风惊讶,颇感兴趣,询问是哪种品质。 Facial skin thief is thick!” The yellow-haired fox review, knows it, slightly familiar, Chu Feng is not concerned about face asked it to help, and was so natural. “脸皮贼厚!”黄毛狐狸点评,才认识它,才稍微熟悉,楚风就很不要脸的请它帮忙,而且这么自然。 It looks like in it, this is an inherent talent. 在它看来,这是一种与生俱来的天赋。 The Chu Feng's face was black immediately, this fuck praises the person? 楚风的脸顿时黑了,这尼玛是夸人吗? World of the Living is very fearful, various brutal matters are too many. To go on living, thinks that good work good , the thick-skinned heart black is most basic and most natural moral character. In the past, I am the insufficient heart sinister hand spicy facial skin am black, I once had engaged in introspection long time.” 阳间很可怕,各种残酷的事太多。想要活下去,想好活的很好,脸厚心黑是最基本与最朴质的品格。当年,我就是不够心黑手辣脸皮黑,我曾反省过很长时间。” Chu Feng is speechless, no matter he these, then also asked: Senior, you can help, I currently indeed have this last wish.” 楚风无言,他才不管这些,然后又问:“前辈,你能帮忙,我现在的确是还有这最后一个心愿。” This is the talent, I said you, coerced face to face, but you did not care, the facial skin was also too thick.” “这就是天赋啊,我都这么说你了,当面挤对,可你都不在乎,脸皮也太厚了吧。”
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