SR :: Volume #9

#836: The entire world got sick

Hundred years, the average person of this world already very thorough replacement one batch, even some weak Evolver birth and death goes. 百年时间,这个世界的普通人都已经很彻底的更换一批,甚至一些较弱的进化者都生老病死而去。 In the place of this degeneration, the common Evolver life is short, grows along with cultivation base, life essence somewhat will increase, however is the to become God also 600-700 year comes to the lifetime end. 在这片堕落之地,寻常的进化者生命短暂,随着修为增长,寿元才会有些增加,然而就是成神也不过六七百岁就走到一生的尽头。 Hundred years of years.” “百年岁月啊。” Chu Feng sighed lightly, felt that an inexplicable great changes feeling, an age elapsed, for hundred years the mortal renewal, once many life marks did not exist again. 楚风轻叹,感觉到一股莫名的沧桑感,一个年代逝去,百年来的凡人更新换代,曾经的许多生命印记再也不复存在。 creature too slightly vast.” 生灵太微渺。” Raised the head to look up to the dark green space, this Sun and Moon exists forever, vault of heaven as before. Looks into the distance, this earth is sincere, carrying/sustaining trillion lives, appointed the time passes gradually, the years obliterate, it throughout here. 抬头仰望苍宇,这日月长存,天穹依旧。眺望远方,这大地厚重,承载亿万生命,任时光荏苒,岁月磨灭,它始终就在这里。 Even, the stone of ground, may get down for a long time, various by far lives. 甚至,地上的一块石头,都可长久下去,远胜各种生命。 The life is the miracle, but it is also frail, takes a broad view at trim Between Heaven and Earth, does not pay attention slightly, it not. 生命是奇迹,可它也是脆弱的,放眼整片天地间,稍微不留意,它就不在了。 „Should 100 years, only remaining I and Yaoyao?” “100年了,应该只剩下我与妖妖了吧?” Chu Feng already found, without experiencing the soul of Divine Beast blood baptism, was unable to stay for a long time in this Yang Qi abundant world, will be corroded, will be burnt down by Yang Qi, even if practices unceasingly the exercise, most 20-30 years were also similar, again many also then the 40-50 year. 楚风早已了解到,没有经历过神兽血洗礼的灵魂,无法在这片阳气充沛的世界久留,会被侵蚀,会被阳气焚烧,哪怕不断修行锻炼,最多二三十年也就差不多了,再多也就四五十年。 Now wants to come, Yuan Shicheng and Undying Silkworm Young Master, Yuan Yuan and the others, since this world separates again had not seen, should already go back. 现在想来,元世成、不死蚕公子、元媛等人,自从在这个世界分开后就再也没有见到,应该早已回去了。 Was Ying Zhexian, Big Black Ox and Qin Luoyin they go back for dozens years. 就是映谪仙大黑牛秦珞音他们都回去数十年了。 Although knows, originally can see them in universe again, but, Chu Feng currently has feeling of the the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, in this world, realized parting forever. 虽然知道,在原本的宇宙可以再见到他们,可是,楚风现在却有种沧海桑田之感,在这个世界,体会到了生离死别。 Is worth alerting, return universe originally, must understand that treasures.” “值得警醒,回归原本的宇宙,要懂得珍惜。” Chu Feng soul light is powerful, he almost touches Sub Saint Dominion, has one after another clear silk thread in his body surrounding, that is the rule, that is Order, incomplete, is connected with him. 楚风魂光强盛,他几乎触摸到亚圣领域,在他的身体外围有一根又一根晶莹的丝线,那是规则,那是秩序,残缺不全,跟他相连。 This is the say/way of Sub Saint! 这是亚圣之道! However, Chu Feng actually does not dare to catch truly, does not dare to melt in the body them, he feared that sees the light suddenly by some chance, becomes Sub Saint, when returns to Great Dream Pure Land, fires one group of ashes own fleshly body. 但是,楚风却不敢真正捕捉,不敢将它们融进身体中,他怕万一自己顿悟,成为亚圣,回归大梦净土时,将自己的肉身灼烧成一团灰烬。 Trades to be other people are goes all out to practice, the sensibility world highest good, catches Order veined pattern, hoping Sanctification, but he is actually restraining, fears oneself really breakthrough. 换作其他人都是拼命修行,感悟天地至理,捕捉秩序纹路,以期成圣,而他却在克制,怕自身真个突破。 Life soul light is brilliant, including many glittering and translucent Order lines, this is not being the Chu Feng biggest harvest. 生命魂光绚烂,连着许多晶莹剔透秩序线条,这不是楚风最大的收获。 He now the strongest place is Domain attainments the promotion of steady steps, hundred years of years, his most time comprehend in this Dominion, ponder over complex topography, arrange Domain. 他现在最强之处是场域造诣的稳步提升,百年岁月,他大多数时间都在这一领域参悟,琢磨各种复杂的地势,布置场域 Chu Feng further become stronger , to promote late stage from Grandmaster middle stage, recently makes the most crucial breakthrough, became Great Grandmaster! 楚风进一步变强,从宗师中期提升到后期,最近更是作出最为关键性的突破,成为大宗师 Domain Realm are not many, from the Grandmaster to Grandmaster, is Great Grandmaster, again, is Holy Master! 场域境界并不多,从大师到宗师,然后就是大宗师,再后就是圣师 Once to the Holy Master level, that were terrorist, can effective and direct killing Saint! 一旦到了圣师层次,那就恐怖了,可以有效而直接的干掉圣人 Now, Chu Feng is Great Grandmaster, has not feared Sub Saint, most at least with the Domain method, after an arrangement, can the slaughter fall this level creature. 现在,楚风大宗师,已经不怵亚圣,最起码用场域手段,一番布置后可以屠掉这个层次的生灵 Naturally, he must prepare to be good fully, after all is Great Grandmaster initial stage. 当然,他得准备充分才行,毕竟才是大宗师初期 Chu Feng stands in mountain ridge, is an autumn, all over is the yellow leaf, the autumn wind dreary, every time has swept, is everywhere leaf withers and falls. 楚风站在山岭中,又是一个秋季,漫山遍野都是黄叶,秋风萧瑟,每一次扫过,都是漫天叶子凋落。 Chu Feng soul light is very strong, but actually does not stand steadily, is indistinct, one inexplicable space force is towing him, must receive and instruct him to rise straight from the ground, leaves this world. 楚风魂光很强,但是却站立不稳,隐约间,一种莫名的空间力量在牵引他,要接引他拔地而起,离开这个世界。 His knows, that is the vortex energy! 知道,那是漩涡的能量! This world in repelling him, but vortex there in summoning him, the time is too long, this world is pushing aside, must return to the original universe him. 这个世界在排斥他,而漩涡那里在呼唤他,时间太长,这个世界在排挤,要将他送回原来的宇宙中。 Like this leaves, is a little not willing.” Chu Feng thinks, once had said that must be Yaoyao picks divine medicine, but has not been put into action now. “就这样离开,有点不甘心。”楚风想到,曾说过,要为妖妖采摘神药,可是现在还没有付诸行动呢。 He looked at one, Yaoyao has still been closing up, has not appeared, there soul light was boundless, can dissipate the faint trace by Domain continuously, pesters in Order Divine Chain together, formed the terrifying pressure. 他看了一眼,妖妖还在闭关,没有出现,那里魂光磅礴,透过场域都能逸散出丝丝缕缕,都跟秩序神链纠缠在一起,形成恐怖的威压。 Yaoyao become stronger! 妖妖变强了! divine medicine!” Chu Feng spreads out the obsolete animal skin map, he wants to be Yaoyao picks divine medicine , helping her to practice. 神药!”楚风摊开陈旧的兽皮地图,他想为妖妖采摘来一株神药,助她修行。 He is Great Grandmaster, Domain of this world is very difficult to block his footsteps, but, once picks divine medicine, that likely will alarm Divinity, in that case, the incomparable danger, wants to walk difficultly! 他已经是大宗师,这个世界的场域很难挡住他的脚步,但是,一旦采摘神药,那就很可能会惊动神祇,那样的话,会无比的危险,想走都难! Initially, the wondrous medicines did not place in the Divinity eye, picked not to matter, was divine medicine was different, will pay attention including the gods. 当初,圣药并不放在神祇的眼中,采摘走也无所谓,可是神药就不同了,连神明都会关注。 Chu Feng looked at this mountain scene range, is Yaoyao keeps the character, then he alone leaves here, crosses the earth, controls the rusticity the line, flickers to move is several thousand li (0.5 km). 楚风看了一眼这片山岭,为妖妖留字,然后他独自离开这里,横渡大地,驾驭地气而行,一个瞬移是数千里。 He arrives at the ferocious beast plateau first, understood startled for dozens years have an important matter. 他先来到凶兽高原,愕然了解到数十年来发生一件大事。 The moon goddess marches into the old age, was killed, what replaces it is a new god, from number Dark Moon Goddess, a moon goddess department was cleaned! 月亮女神步入晚年,被人干掉,取而代之的是一位新神,自号暗月女神,月亮女神一系都被清洗! This is the place of degeneration, is very brutal, even if the god once marches into the old age, the fate is also very pitiful, will be struck to kill it by coveting directly. 这就是堕落之地,无比残酷,哪怕是神一旦步入晚年,下场也很可悲,会被觊觎者直接击杀之。 In fact, they are also such high-rank, any Jinza is dyeing the blood, the back skeleton myriad. 事实上,他们自己也是这样上位的,任何神座都染着血,背后尸骨万千。 The moon goddess the graceful bearing was initially outstanding, seems like holy, but also swallowed an old god high-rank in the past. 月亮女神当初风姿出众,看似圣洁,可当年也是吞噬一位老神上位的。 Actually, is not only the god, is ordinary Evolver is also slaughtering, uses strange technique, after beating the match, quenchings divine nature particles, such promote step. 其实,不仅是神,就是普通的进化者也都在厮杀,利用异术,干掉对手后淬炼神性粒子,这样晋阶。 Generally speaking, this world is very brutal, powerhouse the road of rising is accompanying bloody. 总的来说,这个世界很残酷,强者的崛起之路伴着血腥。 Shaman God also arrived at the old age, only then Martial God is strong, the scepter of ferocious beast plateau alternates, is really the reactionary reign of terror.” 巫神也已到晚年,只有武神还算强壮,凶兽高原的权杖更迭,果然是血雨腥风。” Chu Feng paces back and forth here, after understanding are many enough, he thought that Shaman God old age already, his divine medicine garden is the ideal destination. 楚风在这里徘徊,了解足够多后,他觉得巫神晚年已至,他的神药园子是理想的目的地。 However, he does not have to begin immediately, catches up to Abyss, wants to look at these Divine Beast situations. 不过,他没有立刻动手,又赶向深渊,想看一看那些神兽的情况。 Way Qin Luoyin, Little Daoist Priest, Ying Zhexian and the others had occupied the wilderness, Chu Feng settles down slightly, quick, he startled, sees familiar lifeforms in this. 路径秦珞音小道士映谪仙等人曾经居住过的荒原,楚风稍微驻足,很快,他愕然,在此看到一头熟悉的生物 yellow Maokuai of that crippled fox whole body fell up, latter half body petrify, but was also living, sunned before a mountain scene cliff. 那头瘸腿狐狸浑身的黄毛快落光了,后半部躯体石化,但还活着,在一片山崖前晒太阳。 This is one says the World of the Living Heavenly Venerate fox. 这是一头自称阳间天尊的狐狸。 Its both eyes slightly obviously muddy, the last years of life, the condition is not how good. 它的双目略显浑浊,已经风烛残年,状况不是多么好。 Heavenly Venerate senior.” 天尊前辈。” Chu Feng settles down, greeted with it. 楚风驻足,跟它打招呼。 You are......” crippled and petrify fox are startled slightly, then quickly awakens, said: Originally is you, has not left, this world is really not that happy, here lives for day, in the future then many danger, where will have your universe to be good.” “你是……”瘸腿石化的狐狸略微一怔,而后很快醒悟,道:“原来是你,还没有离开啊,这个世界真的不是那么美好,在这里多生活一天,将来就多一份危险,哪里有你自己的宇宙好。” Chu Feng is astonished however, this petrify fox knows matter are many, is don't tell me really World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate? 楚风讶然,这头石化的狐狸知道的事情很多,难道真的是阳间的天尊 Why doesn't the senior leave?” Chu Feng asked. “那前辈为何又不离开呢?”楚风问道。 The yellow-haired fox mirthless smile, the body of latter half petrify moves slightly, said: I am an abandoned child, some people throw me here, where can go, perhaps leaves here dead.” 黄毛狐狸惨笑,后半部石化的躯体略微挪动,道:“我是一个弃子,有人将我丢在这里,能去哪里,离开这里说不定就是死。” Chu Feng said: Senior, since indeed number Heavenly Venerate, who dares to throw into here you, goes back is.” 楚风道:“前辈,既然敢自号天尊,又有谁敢将你丢进这里,回去就是。” Regarding this mysterious fox, he very curious, obviously this Stone Fox has not the general status, has extraordinary past events. 对于这头神秘的狐狸,他很有多好奇,显然这头石狐狸有着不一般的身份,有着一段非凡的往事。 Goes back?” The crippled petrify fox is lost in thought slightly, desolate of whole face, is then user-friendly, can the real slight demonstration joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, it bring also to have the heart pain disappointed, said: Could not go back.” “回去?”瘸腿石化的狐狸略微出神,然后满脸的落寞,很人性化,可以真实细微的显示喜怒哀乐,它带着怅然还有心痛,道:“回不去了。” Then, its is lost in thought that said: World of the Living is very big, the length and breadth is boundless, the powerhouse pours forth, Heavenly Venerate does not dare to say certainly invincibly. There is the genuine rare talent strives for hegemony, other universes, for example here, for example World of the Dead, many time trains came the strongest person with outstanding ability to arrive at World of the Living , can only place illumination in a corner, be on the big stage mostly truly, compare with successor that some old fogies trained, or fought with some magnificent eternal Dao Lineage's disciple, were far of difference. World of the Living, is too radiant, is stronger, not strongest, some Supreme Being were not dormant knows many worlds, some Sect deteriorated has reconstructed, in the entrance Dao Lineage has traded, was, occasionally, from that entrance in most ancient the soil layer, will have beginning First Ancestor of generation of Sect deep sleep is living coming out, formidable. Also some restricted areas, through ancient times exist forever, World of the Living Supreme Being does not dare to attack, has the endless mysterious legend, making the person yearn, including me thinks knows is dormant any thing or who.” 接着,它一阵出神,道:“阳间很大,广袤无垠,强者辈出,天尊都不敢说一定无敌。那里才是真正的奇才争霸地,其他宇宙,比如这里,比如阴间,多少个时代培养出的来最强英才到了阳间,多半也只能在一隅之地发光,真正登上大舞台,跟一些老家伙培养的传人比,或者跟一些辉煌万古的道统的弟子争锋,还是差的远。阳间,太璀璨,只有更强,没有最强,有些大能蛰伏不知道多少世了,有些门派都衰败了又重建,山门内道统换了一个又一个,可是,偶尔间,从那山门下最古老的土层中,会有初代门派沉睡的鼻祖活着出来,让人生畏。还有的禁地,亘古长存,连阳间大能都不敢去攻打,有着无尽的神秘传说,让人向往,连我都想知道到底蛰伏什么东西或者什么人。” Chu Feng did not speak, static was listening. 楚风不说话,静静的听着。 The petrify fox was verbose, said many matters, some extremely shocked everybody, making Chu Feng shock. 石化的狐狸絮絮叨叨,说了很多事,有些太过惊世骇俗,让楚风都震惊。 For example, he said that inherits 8 million years of Sect, does not lack Divinity, is several Divine King assumes personal command, even there is a to get close to Heavenly Venerate character. But because, wants to go to some ominous place excavation to lose the treasure, the result one at night, entire Dao Lineage all extinguishes, Divinity of this clan died a tragic death, only then Divine King was insane, lived, sees the person to shout, in that vestige has First Ancestor that they died, greatly strange. 比如,他说一个传承8000000年的门派,不缺少神祇,更是几位神王坐镇,甚至有接近天尊的人物。可是,因为想去某一不祥之地挖掘遗宝,结果一夜间,整个道统全灭,该族的神祇都惨死,只有一个神王疯了,活了下来,见人就喊,那遗迹中有他们死去的鼻祖,有大诡异。 Divine King, will fear how possibly the common thing and creature, unexpectedly was frightened half dead, finally is insane, thinks these matters then fearsome. 神王啊,怎么可能会惧怕一般的东西与生灵,居然被吓个半死,最后疯掉,想一想这些事就可怖。 My that master good ruthless heart, most was the heartless World of the Living Supreme Being heart......” speaks of afterward, the crippled petrify fox flowing cried unexpectedly. “我那师傅好狠的心,最是无情的阳间大能心……”说到后来,瘸腿石化的狐狸竟潸然落泪。 It is very depressing, not knows in this world many years, compared with many Divinity live remote, because his body something can make him barely manage to maintain a feeble existence temporarily. 它很压抑,不知道在这个世界多少年了,比许多神祇都活的久远,因为他的身上有些东西可以让他暂时苟延残喘。 Then, his mood lost control, suppresses strongly fragrant is very long, told something with Chu Feng. 然后,说到伤心处,他的情绪就失控了,憋郁很久,跟楚风讲述了一些事。 Young people, I urged you earlier to leave, if there is an opportunity, went to World of the Living, perhaps can also melt your old ailment.” The crippled fox persuasion said. “年轻人,我劝你还是早点离开吧,若是有机会,就去阳间,或许还能化解你的病根。”瘸腿狐狸劝说道。 Chu Feng is stunned, said: What old ailment do I have?” 楚风愕然,道:“我有什么病根?” This is place of degeneration, the entire world got sick , the idle talk is you, nobody does not get sick, your looked how long Divinity can live? The 600-700 year arrives at the life end, is how possible!” “这是一片堕落之地,整个世界都病了,又遑论是你,没有一个人不病,你那看神祇才能活多久?六七百岁就到生命尽头,怎么可能!” I got sick.” Chu Feng talked to oneself. “我病了。”楚风自语。 You in this world hundred years, getting sick did not calculate lightly, the most effective means were rush to some restricted area in bump the chance, if can bring to come out mysterious paper talisman, then you were reincarnated the reincarnation, this was the safest means that but, was not most realistic, you could not achieve. Is Supreme Being rushes to the forbidden area to be killed to strike to kill, such place few people can succeed, only if many World of the Living Supreme Being collaborate to seek.” “你在这个世界百年时间,病的不算轻了,最有效的办法就是去闯到某一处禁地中碰机缘,如果能够带出来一张神秘符纸,然后你去转世投胎,这是最稳妥的办法,但是,也最不现实,你做不到。就是大能闯禁区都会被杀击杀,那样的地方没几人可以成功,除非多位阳间大能联手去求取。” The crippled fox makes the suggestion to him. 瘸腿狐狸向他提建议。 Chu Feng is silent, is this world so fearful? Stayed hundred years of time, in the future can have the big problem? 楚风默然,这个世界如此可怕吗?呆了百年时光,将来会出大问题? Such road you walk do not pass, that strives for World of the Living, there has the special mountains topography, perhaps some places have the rare fruit, or special Heavenly Venerate can help you melt.” “这样的路你走不通,那就争取去阳间吧,那里有特殊的山川地势,有些地方说不定就有稀罕的果实,或者特殊的天尊能帮你化解。” Is so fearful?” Chu Feng does not control self to ask, the place of degeneration , is too rather astonishing, here is lives for hundred years, unexpectedly will have such issue. “有这么可怕吗?”楚风不自禁问道,堕落之地,也未免太惊人,在这里不过是生活百年,居然会有这样的问题。 Compared with fearfulness that also you imagine, your knows, this world had already been scheduled by my Supreme Being teacher, thinks that refining becomes time Supreme Treasure, but, eventually he with amazement gives up.” “比你想象的还可怕,你知道吗,这个世界被我那位大能师尊早就预定了,想炼化成时间至宝,可是,最终他又骇然放弃。” What?!” Chu Feng is surprised. “什么?!”楚风大吃一惊。 He listened to Young Lady Xi saying that initially, here was called as the place of degeneration by the World of the Living's person, in the past Gods once attacked World of the Living, rips open place of corner/horn. 他已经听少女曦说过,当初,这里被阳间的人称作堕落之地,当年诸神曾进攻阳间,撕开一角之地。 However, that multi- Divinity, even Divine King, was led disciple killing a cleanness by World of the Living Supreme Being finally, does not have remaining. 但是,那么的多神祇,甚至神王,结果都被阳间一尊大能带领弟子给杀个干净,一个都没有剩下。 Finally, that World of the Living Supreme Being wants to refine this world is time Supreme Treasure, this may also be this place time speed of flow so fearful reason. 最后,那尊阳间大能想炼这片世界为时间至宝,这也有可能是此地时间流速如此可怕的原因。 Has not thought, today Chu Feng finds fortunately, has such World of the Living Supreme Being, his disciple here. 不曾想,今日楚风有幸了解到,真的有那样一位阳间大能,他的弟子就在这里。 „A refining world is time Supreme Treasure, is this how astonishing ability?” The Chu Feng shock, looks at this crippled yellow-haired fox. 炼化一个世界为时间至宝,这到底是多么惊人的本领?”楚风震惊,看着这个瘸腿黄毛狐狸 He has many words to ask, many matters want to consult, this was too astonishing. 他有很多话想问,有许多事想要请教,这太惊人了。 Chu Feng thought, meets extraordinary lifeforms, this petrify fox is too terrifying, is disciple of that person, should personally experience these. 楚风觉得,遇上一个了不得的生物,这个石化的狐狸太恐怖,是那个人的弟子,应该亲身经历过这些。 Meanwhile, this person should also truly understand thoroughly, how this world got sick. 同时,此人应该也真正洞彻,这个世界到底怎么病了。 Senior, are you his disciple?” “前辈,你是他的弟子?” Yes, once with my teacher together take action, had also killed Divinity and Divine King of this world in the past, what a pity, is very pitiful, in the end I reduce to this world, altogether decays with here.” “是的,当年还曾跟我师尊一起出手,杀过这个世界的神祇神王,可惜啊,也很可悲,到头来我自己沦落到这个世界,与这里共朽。” When spoke of these, the petrify fox almost must cry, has thought of some painful event. 当说及这些,石化的狐狸几乎要落泪,想到了一些伤心事。 Teacher, you quite ruthless heart!” The petrify fox muttered “师尊,你好狠的心!”石化的狐狸喃喃 In the Chu Feng heart shocks, but came the spirit, he wants to inquire the process, understands various types of secrets. 楚风心中震撼,但同时来了精神,他想询问经过,了解各种隐秘。
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