SR :: Volume #9

#835: Returns to the original universe

Is five Sub Saint is shaken to fly, both ears thunders, at present becomes dark, because of them in most front, is helping four Grandmaster decide the rusticity, the head works as. 就是五位亚圣都被震飞出去,双耳轰鸣,眼前发黑,因为他们就在最前沿,正在帮四位宗师定地气,首当其中。 However, has saying that Sub Saint was too formidable, such fearful Domain explosion, had not killed them, this piece of wilderness is annihilating, comprehensive disintegration, but the body of Sub Saint has not actually been wounded. 不过,不得不说亚圣太强大了,这么可怕的场域爆炸,根本就没有将他们炸死,这片荒原都在湮灭,全面解体,可是亚圣之躯却没怎么负伤。 Domain Grandmaster died two people, direct sharp decline half, were killed as for Domain Master, not remaining. 场域宗师死了两人,直接锐减一半,至于场域大师都被干掉,一个没有剩下。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Small Martial God was calling out pitifully, finally, only the remaining arms and heads also had the small half body also, other places were bloody, he encountered the heavy losses. 武神惨叫着,最后,只剩下一条手臂与头颅还有小半截身子还在,其他地方血淋淋,他遭遇重创。 Moon Divine Maiden descendant and Shaman God later generation is similarly horrible to look , the remaining heads preserve, other spots vanished, the blood splashes randomly. 月亮神女的后代与巫神的后人同样惨不忍睹,就剩下头颅保全,其他部位都消失了,血溅乱地。 On the other hand, can live is lucky, other people died, more than 8000 people are the elites in army. 相对来说,能够活下来就算是幸运,其他人都死了,8000多人都是军队中的精英。 The Chu Feng opportunity leads one line to run away, he a moment ago using the rusticity, bringing people extremely fast to dive several hundred li (0.5 km), flees along Earth Vein. 楚风藉此机会带着一行人逃走,他刚才利用地气,带着众人极速下潜数百里,沿着一条地脉遁走。 Rolls to me!” Sub Saint searches in the hands, bang, the earth of bang broken distant place, wants they to hit to explode Chu Feng. “给我滚出来!”一位亚圣探手间,轰的一声,轰碎远方的大地,想要将楚风他们打爆出来。 Then, Chu Feng and other people became a fugitive, the rear several people greatly chase down! 就这样,楚风等人大逃亡,后方几人则一路大追杀! Chu Feng takes strength of the to lengthen for quite a while as the people forcefully the time, making them absorb many efficacies, but, they were chased down by one group of people on the wilderness, although more than 8000 people should tribulation, however following chasing down are more. 楚风以一己之力为众人硬生生延长大半天的时间,让他们吸收更多的药力,但是,他们在荒原上被一群人追杀,虽然8000多人应劫,但是后面的追杀者更多。 Moreover, as the descendant of gods, small Martial God and later generation and Shaman God of moon goddess later generation, immediately takes the big medicine, fleshly body wait/etc. restored. 而且,身为神明的后代,小武神、月亮女神的后人、巫神的后人,都在第一时间服食大药,肉身等恢复过来。 In process that the chaos fight, Abyss person also take action, wants to prevent Yaoyao, chases down Chu Feng and the others. 在大乱斗的过程中,深渊的人也出手,想要阻止妖妖,也追杀楚风等人。 Arrived finally, Chu Feng thought that could not insist, can these to start off, in return universe originally. 到了最后,楚风觉得也坚持不下去了,可以让这些人上路,回归原本的宇宙中了。 „To walk, have you asked me?” Small Martial God gets angry, leads many Sub Saint, chases down in behind greatly, he makes full use of oneself status, summoned Sub Saint to join. “想走,你问过我没有?”小武神发怒,带领多位亚圣,在后面大追杀,他充分利用自己的身份,召唤亚圣前来助阵。 This time, Chu Feng they run into the crisis, the earth are collaborated to hit to collapse by many Sub Saint, blasts out loudly, the magma ebullition, this piece of wilderness turns into the scarlet red immediately. 这一次,楚风他们遇到危机,大地被多位亚圣联手打崩,轰然炸开,岩浆沸腾,这片荒原顿时变成赤红色。 Suddenly, here becomes magma sea, the mighty waves are turbulent, in the circumference thousand li (500 km) is so, entire was melted. 瞬息间,这里成为岩浆的海洋,波涛汹涌,方圆千里内都是如此,整个被熔化了。 Chu Feng is stuffy, encounters the wound, even if his Domain attainments are formidable, but faces the imprisonment and attack that many Sub Saint collaborate, somewhat cannot endure. 楚风闷哼,遭遇创伤,哪怕他场域造诣强大,可是面对很多位亚圣联手的禁锢与攻击,也有些吃不消。 Underground Domain rune large expanse of obliteration! 地下的场域符文成片的磨灭! Finally the moment, some Kunlun Mountains big monsters are forced to start off, return to the original universe, in addition also has not the good matter, for example Qin Luoyin is captured, was imprisoned by Sub Saint. 最后关头,部分昆仑大妖被迫上路,回归原来的宇宙,此外也有不好的事,比如秦珞音被俘,被一位亚圣禁锢。 Haha, good!” Small Martial God laughs, is sneering, verbal command Chu Feng, rolls immediately. “哈哈,好!”小武神大笑,然后冷笑着,号令楚风,立刻滚过去。 Chu Feng appears from the magma sea, deeply looked at Qin Luoyin, then vanishes in underground, departs in light of this, has not gone to pay attention. 楚风从岩浆海中出现,深深看了一眼秦珞音,然后又消失在地下,就此离去,没有去理会。 Clearly, after Qin Luoyin sees that the vision somewhat is slightly gloomy. 很明显,秦珞音见状后,目光略微有些暗淡。 Chu Feng brings remaining person extremely fast to go far away, carves the Domain symbol along the way unceasingly, informs them to start off, he could not insist mostly was too long. 楚风带着剩下的人极速远去,沿途不断刻场域符号,告知他们上路吧,他多半坚持不了太久了。 After half double-hour, in several Sub Saint vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered magma, appears and disappears in this region, is protecting small Martial God and the others, and is raising Qin Luoyin, wants to direct Chu Feng to appear. 半个时辰后,数位亚圣纵横岩浆中,在这片区域出没,保护着小武神等人,并提着秦珞音,想引楚风出现。 However, Chu Feng disappears throughout. 然而,楚风始终不见踪影。 Finally, Chu Feng appeared towering, arrives in several Sub Saint encirclement rings, he carried the neck of small Martial God, mysteriously appeared and disappeared, evaded Saint Level divine consciousness. 最终,突兀地,楚风出现了,来到几名亚圣的包围圈中,他一把拎住了小武神的脖子,神出鬼没,避过圣级神识 Without a doubt, can achieve this step, absolutely because of the Domain reason, does not have other possibilities. 毫无疑问,能够做到这一步,完全是因为场域的原因,没有其他可能。 Chu Feng is dormant in the rusticity, naturally fuses together with the world, bears patiently half double-hour, suddenly launches an attack, seizes small Martial God. 楚风蛰伏在地气中,跟天地自然融为一体,隐忍半个时辰,突然发难,一把擒住小武神 In fact, does this take risks, when he hid in neighbor is many, Sub Saint was how keen, once discovered him, must die without doubt, does not run away. 事实上,这样做非常冒险,他藏身在附近多时了,亚圣何其敏锐,一旦发现他,必死无疑,根本逃不了。 He bet to win, evaded Sub Saint divine consciousness, avoided two Domain Grandmaster searches, captured alive small Martial God. 他赌赢了,逃避开亚圣神识,也避开两位场域宗师搜索,生擒小武神 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The small Martial God anxious anger launches a psychological attack, he is any cultivation base, below Sub Saint, in Evolver of Golden Body level rare match, unexpectedly was sneak attacked the captive to be successful! 武神急怒攻心,他是什么修为,亚圣以下,金身层次的进化者中罕有对手,居然被人偷袭俘虏成功! He does not think that Chu Feng is his match, because of the Domain camouflage aura, this causes to sneak attack completely successfully. 他不认为楚风是他的对手,完全是因为场域遮蔽气息,这才导致偷袭成功。 He wants to make, but, the body is inserting four Divine Magnetic Flag, in the thorough flesh, gives him suppresses here. 他想挣动,但是,身上插着四根神磁旗,深入血肉中,将他给生生压制在这里。 Yin Soul, has to plant with me fights, my hand executes you!” He said a word frivolous, wants to stimulate Chu Feng, fought with him directly. 阴魂,有种与我一战,我一只手格杀你!”他言语轻狂,想刺激楚风,跟他正面交手。 ka-cha!” Chu Feng, directly wrenches apart his neck, said: Dares rubbish with me again, four Divine Magnetic Flag all together vibrates, extinguished you directly!” 喀嚓!”楚风二话没说,直接扭断他的脖子,道:“再敢跟我废话,四杆神磁旗齐震,直接灭了你!” Stop, lets loose him to me!” Sub Saint shouted. “住手,给我放开他!”一位亚圣喝道。 The later generation but who small Martial God Martial God likes, makes no mistake, but they have not expected, this was known as that below Sub Saint nearly invincible young fierce character was captured alive unexpectedly! 武神可是武神非常喜欢的后人,不容有失,只是他们没有料到,这个号称亚圣以下近乎无敌的年轻厉害人物居然被人生擒! Few idle talk, let loose that woman!” Chu Feng indifferent opens the mouth. “少废话,放开那个女人!”楚风冷漠的开口。 Meanwhile, he reminded, must believe his Domain method, Divine Magnetic Flag shook, strangled to death the small Martial God source sufficiently. 同时,他提醒道,要相信他的场域手段,神磁旗一震,足以绞杀小武神的本源。 Two Domain Grandmaster hearing this color deteriorations, reminded Sub Saint on the scene, once Divine Magnetic Flag all together vibrates, can achieve absolutely easily. 两位场域宗师闻言变色,提醒在场的亚圣,神磁旗一旦齐震,绝对能轻易做到。 Qin Luoyin looked that becomes to the Chu Feng's vision very gentle, her knows a moment ago actually danger how, but Chu Feng is reckless, is dormant here, in the thorough hopeless situation saves her. 秦珞音看向楚风的目光变得很柔和,她知道刚才究竟多么的危险,而楚风却不顾一切,蛰伏在这里,深入绝境中来救她。 Originally, in her heart also because of passing these experiences, but to some Chu Feng lumps, has the indignation, but actually all of a sudden dilutes now. 原本,她心中还因为过往的那些经历,而对楚风有些疙瘩,有怨愤,但现在却一下子冲淡下去了。 Good, lets loose her!” A Sub Saint opens the mouth, does not want to bet. “好,放开她!”一位亚圣开口,不想赌下去。 Qin Luoyin returns to side Chu Feng, then, they retreat together. 秦珞音回归楚风身边,然后,他们一起退走。 Walks, returns to the original universe!” Chu Feng is leading her, thorough underground, then crosses void, is far away from here, rear one group of people. “走吧,回归原来的宇宙!”楚风带着她,深入地下,然后横渡虚空,远离这里,后方一群人跟着。 Finally, Chu Feng overtook Ying Zhexian, Ying Xiaoxiao and Little Daoist Priest. 最终,楚风追上了映谪仙映晓晓小道士 Bon voyage, return universe originally.” Chu Feng carries on final seeing off. “一路顺风,回归原本的宇宙吧。”楚风进行最后的送行。 You must take care!” Qin Luoyin opens the mouth. “你要保重!”秦珞音开口。 Father, you very much have the acting, I have not misread you!” Little Daoist Priest also opens the mouth. “爹,你还是很有担当的,我没看错你!”小道士也开口。 Brother-in-law!” Silver-haired Little Loli pours down to sob, always felt that like this separates with Chu Feng does not abandon very much, because her knows, once will go back to forget many matters. “姐夫!”银发小萝莉泫然欲泣,总感觉这样跟楚风分开很不舍,因为她知道一旦回去会忘记很多事。 Takes care!” Ying Zhexian also goes forward, whispered with him. “保重!”映谪仙也上前,跟他低语。 Walks!” Chu Feng urged. “走吧!”楚风催促。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Finally, they turn into up rain, then instant vanishes in the world! 最终,她们都化成光雨,而后刹那消失在天地中! Lets loose me!” Small Martial God drinks lowly. “放开我!”小武神低喝。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” This time, his waist has also been cut off, in the meantime, the skull by becoming less crowded that Chu Feng raises, warned him honestly. 这一次,他的腰也断掉了,同时,头盖骨被楚风掀的松动,警告他老实点。 Then, Chu Feng pursues Big Black Ox and the others, carries on final seeing off, sees them finally one side. 然后,楚风又去追大黑牛等人,进行最后的送行,看到他们最后一面。 Brother, takes care, we return to universe originally to say goodbye!” They also turn into the light rain to disappear. “兄弟,保重,我们回原本的宇宙再见!”他们也化成光雨消失。 Chu Feng gazes after them to leave, perhaps these people waited on for night to see him, but, his actually knows must wait on for dozens years to go back. 楚风目送他们离开,那些人或许等上一夜就能见到他了,可是,他却知道自己还要等上数十年才能回去。 He is raising small Martial God, speeds away, does not need to want knows knows many people not to pursue him all the way, wants to rescue the Martial God later generation. 他提着小武神,一路疾驰,不用想也知道一路上不知道多少人在追逐着他,想要救回武神的后人。 In fact, behind throughout also has two Domain Grandmaster in Chu Feng's with several Sub Saint! 事实上,在楚风的身后始终跟着几名亚圣还有两位场域宗师 They fear Divine Magnetic Flag to blast out, does not dare to begin, the later generation who if not Martial God likes becomes a hostage, they already launched an attack. 只是,他们怕神磁旗炸开,一直没敢动手,若非武神喜欢的后人成为人质,他们早就发难了。 Chu Feng returns to the wilderness, a little worries about Yaoyao. 楚风重返荒原,有点担忧妖妖 Because, he dreaded to this world really very much, any Evolver treads the skeletons of other people to grow, is very clever in fighting! 因为,他对这个世界真的很忌惮,任何一位进化者都是踏着其他人的尸骨成长起来的,都无比善战! Especially powerhouse, knows does not smelt many of the same generation talented people to have today's achievement with strange technique, the strength each one was very astonishing! 尤其是强者,也不知道异术熔炼了多少同辈人才有今天的成就,战力个个都很惊人! Bang! 轰! Shortly, wilderness deep place transmits the fierce fluctuation of energy, creates the huge panic, the trim ground subsidence, the Saint rain sprinkles. 不久后,荒原深处传来剧烈的能量波动,造成巨大的恐慌,整片地面沉陷,圣雨洒落。 Was bad, the slaughter Saint, slaughters the important matter occurrences of many Saint!” Some people call out in alarm. “糟了,屠圣,屠杀多位圣者的大事发生!”有人惊呼。 Whiz, Yaoyao departs from out of the blue, under her, on that piece of plateau altogether has 11 Saint to crash successively the upper air, she was killed cleanly by a heaven shaking wonderful technique complete bang! 嗖的一声,妖妖破空飞出,在她的身后,那片高原上共有11位圣者先后坠落下高空,她被一记惊天妙术全部轰杀干净! Heaven, a move of bang kills 11 Saints, this is must go against heaven's will!?” The distant place, some Sub Saint see that the whole body is trembling. 天啊,一招轰杀11圣,这是要逆天吗!?”远方,有亚圣看到那一幕,浑身都在颤栗。 The must know, that female does not have fleshly body, will enter Saint Level Dominion not to be remote! 须知,那个女子没有肉身,而且进入圣级领域不会太久远呢! How can so? 怎能如此? On the wilderness all people were startled, frightened scared. 荒原上所有人都怔住了,吓到胆寒。 Roar......” “吼……” The distant place, hears the beast roar, has the Divine Beast descendants who Abyss catches up with enter the war, has Sub Saint Level, there is Saint Level, wants to chase down Chu Feng and Yaoyao, thus sets up the prestige. 远方,传来兽吼声,有深渊赶来的神兽子孙参战,有亚圣级的,也有圣级的,原本也是想追杀楚风妖妖,从而立威。 However at present, the Saint Level powerhouse blocks road, Yaoyao phoenix contains the ghost, the posture of peerless completely reveals, bang, displays wonderful technique once more. 但是眼下,圣级强者阻路,妖妖凤目含煞,绝代之姿尽显,轰的一声,再次施展一种妙术 The next quarter, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound transmits, the Divine Beast descendants, Saint Level powerhouse die, turns into the big piece once more blood, incarnadine wilderness. 下一刻,凄厉的惨叫声传来,神兽的子孙,圣级强者再次殒落,化成大片的血液,染红荒原。 Yaoyao breaks through a tight encirclement, beats all matches successfully! 妖妖杀出重围,成功干掉所有对手! Finally adaptation this world all was regular, only had in the fight can touch is this world most source thing specially, great war did not need such to use energy once more.” “总算适应这个世界的所有规则了,唯有在战斗中才能触及专属于这个世界最本源的东西,再次大战就不用这么费劲儿了。” Yaoyao light language, however, this words are scared Sub Saint directly along the way, nobody dares to crop up, all wishes one could to feign death, is running away. 妖妖轻语,然而,这种话语直接吓傻沿途的亚圣,没有一个人敢冒头,全都恨不得装死,都在逃遁。 Whiz! 嗖! Yaoyao induces to the Chu Feng site, directly flushed. 妖妖感应到楚风所在地,直接冲了过来。 Small Martial God had already been scared, he usually is always proud, is the arrogance. 武神早就吓傻了,他平日间一向自负,最是傲气。 But now, the small Martial God whole body is stiff, facing this beautiful nearly not real spirit body female, he feels inferior unexpectedly, this female makes him feel inferior, he is the God's descendants, is compared with this female, he felt that differs too far. 可是现在,小武神浑身僵硬,面对这个美丽的近乎不真实的灵体女子,他居然自惭形秽,这个女子让他自卑,他是神灵的子孙,可是与这个女子相比,他感觉相差太远。 little martial divine ability feels, person who this female hits the same step, really with pulling up weeds and ripping the window paper is easy, was too formidable. 小武神能感觉到,这个女子打同阶的人,真的跟拔草、撕窗户纸般容易,太强大了。 In fact, the truth indeed differs not far, fight consciousness of Yaoyao and other comprehensive returns, in fights, she adapted to the source of this world thoroughly. 事实上,真相的确相差不远,妖妖的战斗意识等全面回归,在刚才的一战中,她彻底适应了这个世界的本源。 This causes her strength to rise suddenly! 这导致她的战力暴涨! Thus in just now, her reappeared in the past the shocking performance when archaic Earth, was similar to that time hits Star Sea to be unpaired, same step nobody can challenge her! 从而就在方才,她再现出当年在上古地球时的惊艳表现,如同那个时代打遍星海无对手,同阶无人可以挑战她! We walk!” Yaoyao greeted Chu Feng, does not need to kill again, otherwise, may bring in Divinity. “我们走!”妖妖招呼楚风,没有必要再杀下去了,不然的话,有可能会引来神祇 Kills the two!” Chu Feng aims at rear two Domain Grandmaster, these two tails are too fierce, the words that tags along, would finding them. “干掉那两人!”楚风指向后方的两位场域宗师,这两个尾巴太厉害,一路尾随的话,总会找到他们。 Two Domain Grandmaster faces were both green, turns around to run away, then, puts out a hand in Yaoyao selects two ray of light instant, they exploded. 两位场域宗师脸都绿了,转身就逃,然后,在妖妖伸手点出两道光的刹那,他们都爆开了。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Finally, small Martial God was also broken the whole body bone by Chu Feng, before leaving, was rumbled one group of blood mist by a fist, Chu Feng they vanishes from here. 最后,小武神也被楚风打断全身骨头,离开前被一拳轰成一团血雾,楚风他们两人从这里消失。 Remaining they, are very only good to hide, Chu Feng uses the Domain method, Yaoyao uses mystique method, obliterates all internal energy that own leaves behind, vanishes from this stretch of world. 只剩下他们两人,很好隐藏,楚风利用场域手段,妖妖动用秘法,磨灭自身所遗留的一切气机,从这片天地消失。 What is main, Chu Feng took the time of wondrous medicines to pass enough grew, thinks again the affiliation karma rule searched for him, difficulty ten times grew. 最主要的是,楚风服食圣药的时间过去足够长了,再想藉因果规则搜寻他,难度十倍增长。 Moreover, along with the time lapse, then does not have the means to search. 而且,随着时间推移,便没有办法寻觅。 The time in a hurry, dozens years pass by, Chu Feng arrived at this world about hundred years, hidden cultivation many years, he also prepared to return. 时光匆匆,数十年过去,楚风来到这个世界近百年了,隐修很多年,他也准备回归。 The old friends already departed, he stayed in this time was long enough, should depart! 故人都早已离去,他在这个时间停留足够久了,也该离去了!
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