SR :: Volume #9

#834: The prestige of Domain

A Yaoyao palm of the hand, solves Sub Saint, the bang kills in the sky, the blood rain is similar to the heavy rain sprinkles on the wilderness, incarnadine wilderness ground. 妖妖一巴掌而已,将一位亚圣解决,轰杀在天空中,血雨如同瓢泼般洒落在荒原上,染红了荒原地面。 This take action has the formidable deterrent effect, making the surrounding person frightened, a spirit body, does not have fleshly body, unexpectedly in several Saint's surround such domineering to attack. 这一次出手具备强大的震慑力,让周围的人都惊悚,一具灵体而已,都没有肉身,居然在几位圣人的围堵中这样强势出击。 Held a moment ago these ghosts, do not make them run away!” A Saint Level powerhouse opens the mouth. “抓住刚才那些鬼魂,不要让他们跑掉!”一位圣级强者开口。 Then he looks to Yaoyao, said: „Do you want to shelter them? I did not make you achieve wishes, did not remain, gave me to rumble to kill!” 而后他看向妖妖,道:“你想庇护他们?我偏不让你如愿,一个不留,都给我轰杀!” Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… The surroundings came many troops, after hearing his order, all goes into action, their there besieges and pursues to block off toward Chu Feng. 周围来了很多人马,听到他的命令后全都行动起来,向着楚风他们那里围追堵截过去。 Especially small Martial God and Shaman God the later generation of later generation and moon goddess and others, somewhat was a moment ago distressed, was nearly stranded by Domain in the stones, now is to have the person chases down. 尤其是小武神巫神的后人、月亮女神的后人等,刚才有些狼狈,险些被场域困在土石间,现在更是带人追杀。 In their, large quantities of armies follow, the rocket is billowing, the men shouting and horses neighing, blood energy surges, making the trim wilderness tremble. 在他们的身后,大批的军队追随,狼烟滚滚,人喊马嘶,血气激荡而起,让整片荒原都颤栗起来。 In addition, Sub Saint comes once more, pursued the past toward Chu Feng their positions quietly, must strike a vicious blow. 除此之外,还有亚圣再次现身,悄然朝着楚风他们那个方位追击过去,要下毒手。 Chu Feng is very calm, not flurried, uses the Domain method calmly, from same place vanishes quickly once more, with the aid of the energy, he leads the people in underground to go through, crosses 800 li (0.5 km) instant. 楚风很镇定,并未慌乱,从容施展场域手段,倏地一声从原地再次消失,借助底气,他带着众人在地下穿行,刹那就横渡800里地。 This fellow likely is mouse, who can catch to me him?” Small Martial God shouts. “这家伙像是地老鼠,谁能将他给我抓出来?”小武神喊道。 Chu Feng is Big Black Ox, Qin Luoyin, Ouyang Feng and the others won the time, lets they as far as possible many refining wondrous medicines, is huge to their advantage. 楚风在为大黑牛秦珞音欧阳风等人争取时间,让他们尽可能多的炼化圣药,对他们的好处巨大。 First, this big medicine can promote them to Golden Body level Great Perfection, and consolidates the deepest foundation, after next, once Sanctification, hides the drug efficacy potential in soul light can activate, may play the tremendous role. 首先,这种大药能将他们都提升到金身层次大圆满,并巩固出最深厚的根基,其次以后一旦成圣,藏在魂光中的药效潜能等都能激活,可发挥出巨大作用。 Small Martial God, you and others were not anxious, old man and the others came.” “小武神,你等莫急,老夫等人来了。” The distant place broadcasts the sound, some old men appear, is not the ordinary person, controls the rusticity the line, one step takes is several hundred li (0.5 km). 远方传来声音,一些老者联袂出现,都不是一般的人,驾驭地气而行,一步迈出就是数百里。 Domain researcher! 场域研究者! Domain Master and Grandmaster of ferocious beast plateau caught up, these people were usually responsible for arranging the cave mansion, medicine field and other place of Domain, the status was very aloof. 凶兽高原的场域大师宗师赶来了,这些人平日负责布置洞府、药田等地的场域,地位十分超然。 This time, several medicine field successively stolen, by the thief was hit, making them fly into a rage, their arrangement were explained that these people were all alarmed. 这一次,几处药田先后失窃,被大盗洗劫,让他们勃然大怒,他们的布置被人破解,这些人皆被惊动出来。 Evolver of this world is very strong, but, the Domain research tool is not too profound, these people are outstanding people. 这个世界的进化者都很强,但是,场域研究手段算不上太高深,这些人就算是其中的佼佼者。 Land Dragon turns over/stands up!” “地龙翻身!” Old man shouts out, grasps Divine Magnetic Flag, violent shaking. 一位老者大喝,手持一杆神磁旗,猛烈摇动。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Trim world big change, Earth Vein vibrates, the profound magnetism ebullition, then, wilderness ruptured, Earth Vein tumbled all of a sudden, is a big dragon is standing up from failure likely. 整片天地剧震,地脉抖动,玄磁气沸腾,然后,荒原一下子崩开了,地脉翻滚,像是一条大龙在翻身。 Chu Feng is astonished, wraps rusticity divulging of their group, they were submerged on the way nearly by various types of rocks and soil layers, was almost buried alive here. 楚风讶异,包裹他们一行人的地气泄漏,他们在途中险些被各种岩石、土层淹没,差点被活埋在这里。 He beckons, a flag appears, stimulates to movement the Domain symbol. 他一招手,一杆旗帜出现,催动场域符号。 The earth magnetism reappears, is wrapping them, runs out from the place bottom deep place quickly, runs away toward the distant place. 地磁气再现,包裹着他们,倏地一声,从地底深处冲出,朝着远方遁去。 A little meaning!” An old man is narrowing the eye, he is Domain Grandmaster, immerses in more than Dominion years, can adopt the rusticity equisignal meeting the enemy trace. “有点意思!”一位老者眯着眼睛,他是场域宗师,沉浸在这一领域多年,能够通过地气等感应敌踪。 He looks to old man, said: Come, the old friend, we collaborates, interrupts them, divides, sees a bloodiness.” 他看向身边一位老者,道:“来,老友,我们联手,将他们截断,分割开来,见点血腥。” Side him, another old man smiles, the nod said: Good, we very long have not collaborated to break cut, gives them to come.” 在他身边,另一位老者微笑,点头道:“好,我们很久没有联手施‘断地斩’了,给他们来一下。” Is very good, uses to cut, making them pay the price of blood.” “很好,就用断地斩,让他们付出血的代价。” Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly, centered on them, the rusticity rushes, the profound magneto-optical is flaming, then the trim underground world is similar to piece of great furnace, sends out the ray, boiling hot incomparable. 突然间,以他们为中心,地气澎湃,玄磁光炽盛起来,接着整片地下世界如同一片洪炉,散发光芒,滚热无比。 Then, an profound magnetic blade towering emergence, too dazzling and brilliant, goes directly to inside and outside several hundreds, the towering appearance in Chu Feng their here, bang, a blade separates the underground world, cuts off the soil layer and rock, interrupts the rusticity of Chu Feng stimulation of movement. 接着,哧的一声,一口玄磁刀突兀的出现,太刺目与绚烂了,直达数百里外,突兀的出现在楚风他们这里,轰的一声,一刀断开地下世界,斩断土层与岩石,截断楚风催动的地气等。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” A Kunlun Mountains big monster called out pitifully, the whole person exploded one group of light rain, without any suspense, the soul returned to go, a few words without enough time said that was cut by the great blade. 一位昆仑大妖惨叫,整个人爆成一团光雨,没有任何悬念,魂归而去,一句话都来不及说出,就被巨刀斩开。 Moreover, Chu Feng and other line of were separated, is divided into two parts, immediately stone avalanche, this is in the underground deep place, pounds to fall loudly, submerges to go toward them. 而且,楚风等一行人被隔开,分成两部分,顿时土石崩塌,这是在地下深处,轰然砸落,向着他们淹没而去。 Moreover, a giant profound magnetic blade sweeps away once more, must cut to kill all people. 而且,一口巨大的玄磁刀再次横扫,要斩杀所有人。 Town prints!” “镇地印!” Chu Feng drinks lowly, turns the hand, rune Large expanse, covers this stretch of region, earth seal appear, bang shakes that blade, then consolidates here. 楚风低喝,翻手间,符文成片,笼罩这片地带,一座土印出现,轰的一声将那口刀震开,而后稳固这里。 Eliminates!” “剥夺!” The distant place, that two old men shouted, the rusticity turned wells up, swept across crazily, must coerce few people. 远方,那两名老者喝道,地气翻涌,疯狂席卷,要将一部分人裹挟走。 Mother!” “娘!” At this time, Little Daoist Priest called out in alarm, because, Qin Luoyin flew upside down with several people, will soon be abducted by these people. 这时,小道士惊呼,因为,秦珞音与几人倒飞出去,被那些人即将掳走。 Chu Feng acts crazy, said: When really I am the soft persimmon am good to pinch? I do not want to fight, but wants to win the time, since is like this aggressive, you give me dead!” 楚风发飙,道:“真当我是软软柿子好捏吗?我不想战斗,只是想争取时间,既然这样咄咄逼人,你们都给我去死!” In he evolves unceasingly, the symbol appears in the place bottom world one after another, each and every one such as small Sun is flaming, then turns into Divine Sword, in the chī chī chī sound, flew. 在他不断的演化中,一枚又一枚符号出现在地底世界,一个个都如小太阳般炽盛,而后化成神剑,在哧哧哧声中,飞了出去。 „It is not good, this person grasps to have in Domain to kill the technique greatly!” “不好,这个人的掌握有场域中的大杀术!” Domain Grandmaster of ferocious beast plateau is startled, they arrange Domain, generally is sleepily kills for the Lord, but the opposite party is skilled in various attack methods obviously. 凶兽高原的一位场域宗师吃惊,他们布置场域,一般都是困杀为主,但对方明显精通各种进攻手段。 Bang!” “轰!” The underground ebullition, Domain rune spreads, fierce disputes, Chu Feng by an enemy two, profound magnetic rusticity that but he stimulates to movement actually vigorous incomparable, easily accomplished, forward bombardment in the past. 地下沸腾,场域符文蔓延,激烈交锋,楚风以一敌二,但是他所催动的玄磁地气等却雄浑无比,摧枯拉朽,向前轰击过去。 Finally, that profound magnetism blade was broken, Divine Sword attacked the past one after another, nearly injured to that two old men, making them quite distressed. 最后,那柄玄磁刀被震碎,神剑一口又一口冲击过去,险些伤到那两位老者,让他们颇为狼狈。 ! 噗! Finally their body first two Domain Master called out pitifully, cannot defend, was stood by the giant sword light chops, directly became two groups of blood mist. 最终他们身前两位场域大师惨叫,没有能防住,被巨大的剑光立劈,直接成为两团血雾 Whiz, Qin Luoyin and the others had been saved by Chu Feng. 嗖的一声,秦珞音等人被楚风救了过去。 Ok, the time was also up, we return to the reality in light of this universe.” Qin Luoyin whispered, she feared that this way had the accident/surprise. “算了,时间也差不多了,我们就此回归现实的宇宙中。”秦珞音低语,她怕这样下去出现意外。 Yes, we go back, insists again like this, you were surrounded by them by some chance, is easy the danger.” Big Black Ox also said. “是啊,我们回去吧,再这样坚持下去,你万一被他们围住,容易出危险。”大黑牛也道。 Chu Feng said: Key is, now stared by them, don't worry, I find the way to pack off you!” 楚风道:“关键是,现在已经被他们盯上,不用担心,我想办法送走你们!” Several Grandmaster also please collaborate, surrounds to me them, do not bleed off.” At this time, small Martial God opens the mouth. “几位宗师还请联手,将他们给我困住,一定不要放走。”此时,小武神开口。 Good, we collaborate to leave behind that person, that is young Domain Grandmaster, this time cannot leave his words, later will become the big trouble!” “好,我们联手将那人留下,那是一个年轻的场域宗师,这次留不下他的话,以后就会成为大患!” Then, four old man together take action, arrangement whole-heartedly. 然后,共有四位老者一起出手,全力以赴的布置。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Chu Feng arranges Domain, crosses directly void, vanished from here. 楚风布置场域,直接横渡虚空,从这里消失了。 Then, is almost closely associated, four Grandmaster use the Domain super treasure, locks them, crosses void, and takes large quantities of pursuing troops. 然后,几乎是如影随形,四位宗师动用场域超级宝物,锁定他们,跟着横渡虚空,并且带上大批的追兵。 „To walk, but also nobody can use Domain under our eyes hide run away!” An old man shouted. “想走,还没有人可以动用场域在我们眼皮子底下逃走!”一位老者喝道。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 The next quarter, various types of profound magnetic flags dance in the air, dense and numerous, covers void, interrupts the road ahead, much is the god magnetism, must separate this place. 下一刻,各种玄磁旗飞舞,密密麻麻,笼罩虚空,截断前路,其中不少都是神磁,要隔断此地。 Four Grandmaster in extremely fast take action, lay out large-scale Domain, must they seal Chu Feng in inside, while still alive kills sleepily. 四位宗师极速出手,布下一座大型场域,要将楚风他们封在里面,活活的困杀。 The Chu Feng look is serious, he also in whole-heartedly, stimulates to movement various types of magnets, the rapid arrangement, carves rune in the interior, constructs Domain, protects the people. 楚风神色严肃,他也在全力以赴,催动各种磁石,迅速布置,在内部刻写符文,构建出一座场域,守护众人。 Good, several Sub Saint came, happen to coordinates four Grandmaster, seizes to kill them together!” Small Martial God laughs, he felt relieved thoroughly. “好,几位亚圣来了,正好配合四位宗师,一起擒杀他们!”小武神大笑,他彻底放下心来。 The Chu Feng look is even more dignified, he tries hard to think, some Domain that on that page of silver paper obtains from Moon will reappear, arranges in this. 楚风神色越发凝重,他努力思索,将从月球上得到的那页银色纸张上的某一场域再现出来,布置在此。 Even if material not entire, is unable to reappear that Domain thoroughly, once were arranged, this stretch of region was also different, leaps the big piece the smoke cloud. 哪怕材料不全,无法彻底再现那种场域,可是一经布置,这片地带也不同了,腾起大片的烟云。 Domain of good terrifying, must take him, this person has the mysterious Domain atlas, is worth look into!” Grandmaster said. “好恐怖的场域,一定要拿下他,此人身上有神秘场域图谱,值得探究!”一位宗师说道。 Has us, he cannot escape!” A Sub Saint opens the mouth. “有我们在,他插翅难逃!”一位亚圣开口。 Then, attacks great war to erupt, five Sub Saint and four Domain Grandmaster together take action, or stimulation of movement lethality huge strange technique, or uses Domain, attacks Chu Feng they. 然后,攻伐大战爆发,五位亚圣、四位场域宗师一起出手,或催动杀伤力巨大的异术,或者动用场域,进攻楚风他们。 In the field, the mysterious Domain illumination, the silver white point, is withstanding fiercely attacking of one group of powerhouses. 场中,神秘场域发光,银白点点,承受着一群强者的猛攻。 Gives me to attack together!” Small Martial God and later generation and Shaman God of moon goddess later generation orders together, they are bringing large quantities of armies, starts the crazy bang. “都给我一起进攻!”小武神、月亮女神的后人、巫神的后人一同下命令,他们带着大批的军队,开始狂轰。 The flowing light are suddenly innumerable, submerges the front location. 一时间流光无数,将前方的场地淹没。 Chu Feng lay out Domain is formidable, goes through the examination that one group of powerhouses have attacked, because eventually lacks the material, now starts to disintegrate. 楚风布下场域非常强大,经受住了一群强者进攻的检验,但终究因为缺少材料,现在开始瓦解。 Brother, should not be worried about anything, dies here is not the true death, but is the return, do not worry!” Mastiff King saw that the Chu Feng complexion is ugly. “兄弟,别担心什么,死在这里不是真正的死,而是回归,别发愁!”獒王看出楚风脸色难看。 Horse King also nods, said: Yes, Brother, we walk first one step, does not have anything at the worst, at our world reunions.” 马王也点头,道:“是啊,兄弟,我们先走一步,没什么大不了,在我们自己的世界团圆。” However, in Chu Feng or the heart are not feeling well, oneself go back, or commit suicide, with was killed by others completely is two matters! 然而,楚风还是心中不爽,自己回去,或者自己自杀回去,跟被别人杀死完全是两回事! Is very good!” At this time, on the small Martial God face brought to smile pale, he stood on a high ground, looked into the sieged these people, extracted a flying lance from his back once more. “很好!”这时,小武神脸上带着淡笑,他站在一块高地上,眺望被围困的那些人,再次从他的背后抽出一杆飞矛。 At this time, Domain of Chu Feng arrangement was broken, the outside individual super character can look at inside scene. 此时,楚风布置的场域已经残破,外面个别超级人物能望到里面的景象。 Come, several Fellow Daoist not must anxiously the attack, helping us stand firm Domain, under we must study this young Grandmaster Domain to have any way, this is very important to us.” “来,几位道友莫要急着进攻,帮我们稳住场域,我们要研究下这个年轻宗师场域有什么门道,这对我们很重要。” Domain Grandmaster greeted several Sub Saint, asking them to assist, anchorage place all rusticity. 一位场域宗师招呼几位亚圣,请他们相助,定住此地所有的地气。 Meanwhile, the small Martial God indifferent opens the mouth, is carrying a flying lance, said: Delivers them to start off!” 同时,小武神冷漠开口,拎着一杆飞矛,道:“送他们上路!” Then looks to the moon goddess and Shaman God later generation, shows the happy expression, said: Continues to compete, looked Yin Soul that who kills are many?” 而后看向月亮女神与巫神的后人,露出笑意,道:“继续竞赛,看谁杀的阴魂多?” Good!” “好!” Ok!” “可以!” The other two nod. 另外两人点头。 Chī! 哧! Small Martial God first take action, as on the ferocious beast plateau below Sub Saint one of the most formidable Golden Body level expert, he is competent, has the self-confidence, shoots a flying lance. 武神第一个出手,身为凶兽高原上亚圣以下最强大的金身高手之一,他有实力,更有自信,掷出一杆飞矛。 ! 噗! This time, the flying lance pierces the chest of Horse King, making his complexion become stiff, then directly blasts out, any words have not said. 这一次,飞矛洞穿马王的胸膛,让他脸色发僵,而后直接炸开,什么话都没有说出口。 Big Black Ox, Mastiff King and the others all bellow, even if knows, this were not the true death, but saw that Horse King was killed at present, made their heart feel uncomfortable, the soul play trembled. 大黑牛獒王等人全都大吼,哪怕知道,这并不是真正的死亡,可是看到马王被杀于眼前,还是让他们心头发紧,灵魂剧颤。 The same time, Ying Xiaoxiao also screamed, she has thought some time ago when her Elder Brother Ying Wudi directly was thrown kills the scene by this type of flying lance. 同时间,映晓晓也尖叫,她想到了不久前她哥哥映无敌被这种飞矛直接掷杀时的景象。 "hē hē, another! ” Small Martial God sneers densely. “呵呵,又一个!”小武神森然冷笑。 “Chi!” at this time, the later generation of moon goddess, the whole body was covered by the moonlight, brilliant incomparable, a took out full moon sickle, separates Mastiff King soul light, making his arm explode up the rain, but the body has not blasted out actually. “哧!”这时,月亮女神的后人,周身被月光覆盖,绚烂无比,祭出一柄圆月弯刀,哧的一声,割裂獒王魂光,让他的一条手臂爆成光雨,但是身体倒是没有炸开。 Was a pity, has missed a point!” The descendant that female of moon goddess has the regret to say. “可惜,差了一点!”月亮女神的后代那个女子带着遗憾说道。 At this moment, the Mastiff King complexion is pale, Unextinguishable Mountain one group of people are furious. 这一刻,獒王脸色铁青,不灭山一群人都震怒不已。 Looks my!” The Shaman God later generation opens the mouth, wants take action. “看我的!”巫神的后人开口,就要出手 Looks my.” Small Martial God is having the happy expression, prepares to shoot the flying lance once more. “还是看我的吧。”小武神带着笑意,再次准备掷出飞矛。 Attention, with tightening me!” Chu Feng whispered, he was angry, the opposite party had four Grandmaster also to have the large expanse of army with five Sub Saint, like this collaborated to suppress his Domain, really bullied other people list to be helpless. “注意,跟紧我!”楚风低语,他恼了,对方有四名宗师与五位亚圣还有成片的大军,这样联手压制他的场域,真是欺他人单势孤。 He changes Domain, then suddenly lights Domain under oneself arrangement with the special symbol, blends with that four Grandmaster lay out large-scale Domain unexpectedly in the same place. 他改变场域,然后突然用特殊的符号点燃自己布置下的场域,竟然跟那四位宗师布下的大型场域交融在一起。 Bang! 轰! This piece of wilderness blasts out, comprehensive disintegration, the innumerable giant stones explode broken become fine powder, flies high sky, the earth is caving , the terrifying energy is turbulent. 这片荒原炸开,全面解体,无数巨石爆碎成齑粉,飞上高天,大地都在沉陷,恐怖的能量汹涌。 First, after more than 6000 people by this formidable Domain disintegration, explodes blood mist, instantaneous miserable big change has been startled all people, this is too fearful. 第一时间,就有6000多人被这种强大的场域解体后炸成血雾,瞬间的惨剧震惊了所有人,这实在太可怕。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Is small Martial God is roaring, his arm broke, his thigh flies high sky, his body in the crack, the blood scatters. 就是小武神都在怒吼,他的手臂断了,他的大腿飞上高天,他的身体在龟裂,血液四溅。 Moon goddess the lower half body of later generation vanishes directly, becomes one group of blood mist, she screamed sad and shrill. 月亮女神的后人的下半截躯体更是直接消失,成为一团血雾,她凄厉尖叫。 ...... …… Here pitiful yell sound, what is main is swarms the army that to be too miserable, the population is crowded, is centralized, to finally, more than 8000 people had died a tragic death fully. 这里一片惨叫声,最主要的是蜂拥过来的军队太惨,人数密集,过于集中,到了最后,足有8000多人惨死。 Some Domain Grandmaster also people angry roar, then turns into a beach blood, dies here. 场域宗师也有人怒吼,接着化成一滩血,死在这里。
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