SR :: Volume #9

#833: Ten side Gongji

Soul lotus five , can only solve the needs of some people, but is not complete. 魂莲共五株,也只能解决部分人的需要,而不是全部。 This time, Chu Feng decides to go all out, gives everyone wondrous medicines, therefore needs to collect many medicine field to sufficiently collect. 这一次,楚风决定大干一场,送给每人一株圣药,因此需要采集多处药田才能凑够。 This quite luxurious, this type of wondrous medicines are containing Yang Qi, the drug efficacy is astonishing, if can thorough refining, have the great benefit to their soul light potentials. 这相当的奢侈,这种圣药蕴含着阳气,药效惊人,如果真能彻底炼化,对他们的魂光潜能都有巨大好处。 Most at least, they will think Sanctification in the future, this is a very big boost! 最起码,将来他们想成圣,这是一股很大的助力! The Wula mountain range is tranquil, nobody protects, the Holy Pond illumination, the good luck is torrential, five snow white soul lotus do not have remaining, was taken. 乌拉山脉宁静,没有人守护,圣池发光,瑞气滔滔,五株雪白的魂莲一株都没有剩下,都被取走。 Then, Ying Xiaoxiao, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and other people sit cross-legged, was motionless, the refining wondrous medicines, have Yaoyao to assist full power, then the people take them to start off once more. 然后,映晓晓黄牛欧阳风等五人盘坐下来,一动不动了,全力炼化圣药,另外有妖妖相助,而后众人带上他们再次上路。 Domain opens, Chu Feng they cross void, this long journey, entered in the ferocious beast plateau, is near to the gods. 场域开启,楚风他们横渡虚空,这一次远行,进入了凶兽高原中,离神明较近。 Naturally, said that is near, that also relative, in fact, Chu Feng is very prudent, distance any Divinity cave mansion over 2 million li (0.5 km). 当然,说是较近,那也是相对的,事实上,楚风很慎重,距离任何一座神祇洞府都在2000000里以上。 Since having understood the aggression of old Vermilion Bird slaughter four directions, he is more discrete. 自从领略过老朱雀屠杀四方的霸气后,他就更加谨慎。 Yerengu, in a mountain scene area in ferocious beast plateau, the bird of prey are usually many, after circling, frequently throws down the big piece the shadow. 野人谷,在凶兽高原中的一片山区中,平日间猛禽很多,盘旋起来后,经常投下大片的阴影。 Here is the Shaman God domain. 这里算是巫神的地盘。 In the dense fog area of mountain valley most deep place, not having the bird of prey dares to approach, is the place of Taboo. 山谷最深处的迷雾区中,没有猛禽敢接近,属于禁忌之地。 Here has several crowns of thorns, growth many ten thousand years, already became the wondrous medicines, that dense fog is the crown of thorns sends out, is bringing fragrantly. 这里有几株麒麟花,生长很多万年了,早已成为圣药,那迷雾就是麒麟花散发出来的,带着芬芳。 This time, is very as before smooth, Chu Feng has the Grandmaster level strength, regarding Domain research Perfection, targeted searched searched particularly on the spot. 这一次,依旧很顺利,楚风拥有宗师级实力,对于场域的研究出神入化,尤其是有针对性的实地探查过了。 Four crowns of thorns, deep blue flower petal glittering and translucent, flowers like Qilin, lifelike, drags in the breeze, sends out the rich fragrance. 四株麒麟花,湛蓝的花瓣晶莹剔透,花朵如麒麟,栩栩如生,在微风中摇曳,送出浓郁的芬芳。 This type of wondrous medicines almost can make Cultivator keel over drunk on the ground, if there is fleshly body, can realize the emergence flies upwards misconception, is all over the body comfortable, light and lively Ruoxian. 这种圣药几乎可以让修士醉倒在地上,如果有肉身的话,能体会到羽化飞升般的错觉,通体舒泰,轻灵若仙 Ahead of time said the sound takes care!” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “提前说声保重!”楚风开口。 This time, Qin Luoyin takes crown of thorns, the person is tenderer than the flower, enhances one another's beauty, brilliant incomparable, auspicious light winds around her. 这一次,秦珞音服食麒麟花,人比花娇,交相辉映,绚烂无比,瑞光将她缭绕。 The Qin Luoyin light language, said: You also look after yourself good!” 秦珞音轻语,道:“你也照顾好自己!” Ying Zhexian has also taken, is very gentle, very spatial clear(ly), even more indifferent Ruoxian. 映谪仙也服食了,很文静,也很空明,越发的淡然若仙 Chu Feng said: „After going back, studies Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique.” 楚风道:“回去后多研究七宝妙术。” Ying Zhexian is unable to be tranquil, thinks that in the experience of this world, two people soul light blends, displays Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique together, will this experience become passing? Perhaps, soon pale will go from the memory. 映谪仙无法平静,想到在这个世界的经历,两人魂光交融,共同施展七宝妙术,这段经历将成过往吗?或许,即将从记忆中淡去。 Shortly, they also leave here, the next station enters outside the wilderness, then nearby to get close to Abyss. 不久后,他们也离开这里,下一站地进入荒原外,而后接近深渊附近。 Then, their movements are quick, gives the looting medicine field outside several Abyss one after another, the cleanness of sweeping! 接下来,他们的动作很快,接连将几座深渊外的药田给洗劫,扫荡的干干净净! In the end every wondrous medicines! 到头来人手一株圣药! What a pity, Yaoyao regarding the demand of wondrous medicines is not very big, Chu Feng wants to take risk to help her pick divine medicine, but, was prevented by Yaoyao. 可惜,妖妖对于圣药的需求不是很大,楚风想冒险帮她去采摘一株神药,但是,被妖妖阻止了。 Because, the risk is too big, even if the Domain level of this world is not very high, but, divine medicine approaches the dwelling place of gods, once were discovered that that is the life and death catastrophe! 因为,风险太大,哪怕这个世界的场域水平不是很高,但是,神药都接近神明的栖居地,一旦被发现,那就是生死大祸! Good, time, when I study again for dozens years, should be able to pick to divine medicine!” “好,还有时间,等我再研究几十年,应该能采摘到一株神药!” However, on the same day, they avoids, is exposed, initiates the dreadful mighty waves! 然而,就在当日,他们才躲避起来,便东窗事发,引发滔天波澜! Regional wondrous medicines one after another stolen, cannot conceal the truth, in the shortest time exposes to have problems. 各地圣药接连失窃,根本瞒不住,在最短的时间内就暴露出问题。 Nearby these medicine field usually is very peaceful, but does not represent nobody to inspect, Chu Feng can be so smooth , because he spends the long time to understand and study, already fished out the rule, this time avoids these people directly. 这些药田附近平日很安静,但并不代表没有人巡视,楚风能够这么顺利,是因为他花费漫长时间了解、研究,早已摸出规律,这次直接避开那些人。 Yerengu, here Medicinal Herb stolen is realized first, because these fog vanished, initiates the bird of prey attention. 野人谷,这里的药草失窃是最先被察觉的,因为那些雾霭消失了,引发猛禽注意。 As here matter erupts, regional medicine field making an inspection tour, naturally can pay attention to the wondrous medicines that own nurses, finally many person crazy class cold sweat. 随着这里的事情爆发出来,各地的药田巡守者,自然都会关注自身所看护的圣药,结果许多人狂流冷汗。 From the ferocious beast plateau to Abyss, altogether six medicine field was looted cleanly, is the wondrous medicines, this noisily was all of a sudden big matter. 凶兽高原到深渊,总共有六处药田被人洗劫干净,全都是圣药,这一下子就将事情闹大了。 Regional combat generals were alarmed, was requested to capture the thief full power! 各地的战将都被惊动,被要求全力追捕大盗! The wondrous medicines could not have entered the discernment of gods, but this influence is too bad, must punish is good. 圣药还入不了神明的法眼,但是这种影响太恶劣,必须严惩才行。 However, two days pass by, all troops have not sought the bandits and thieves. 然而,两天过去,各方人马都没有寻到盗贼。 Two days passed by, drug efficacy was similar, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor already related, turned on the vortex channel.” “两天过去了,药效差不多了吧,妖祖之鼎早已联系好,已经开启漩涡通道。” Wilderness underground deep place, Chu Feng their expression grave. 荒原地下深处,楚风他们都神色凝重 Because, the outside has raised a rumpus, but won the time of precious refining wondrous medicines in their this group of people well. 因为,外界闹翻天了,不过好在他们这批人争取到了宝贵的炼化圣药的时间。 A group of people must return to Unextinguishable Mountain, this channel does not open at times, needs to officially inform Cauldron of Monster Ancestor ahead of time, another was quite convenient, has existed. 一批人要回不灭山,这条通道不是时时开启,需要提前知会妖祖之鼎,另一条就比较便捷了,一直存在。 Walked, the preparation goes back!” “走了,准备回去!” I feel to feel constrained, like has any matter to occur!” “我感觉心情压抑,像是有什么事情要发生!” Good, must have an accident!” “不错,要出事!” At this moment, the ferocious beast plateau deep place, the Shaman God big disciple take action Chinese hibiscus bow, projects an arrow directly! 就在这时,凶兽高原深处,巫神的大弟子出手扶桑弓,直接射出一箭! Searched to rob the medicine thief to be fruitless on the 2nd, the following person found his here, please leave the Shaman God weapon, Divine Artifact carried on to lock the soul! 两日寻觅盗药贼无果,下面的人找到他这里,请出巫神的兵器,藉此神器进行锁魂! Steals food wondrous medicines, you think to be all right, the karma two characters difficultly will forever run away!” “偷食圣药者,你们以为没事吗,因果二字永难逃!” Chī! 哧! The arrow that Shaman God big disciple projects, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, crosses void, flew not the knows many ten thousand li (0.5 km), runs out of the ferocious beast plateau. 巫神的大弟子射出的这一箭,惊天动地,横渡虚空,飞行了也不知道多少万里,冲出凶兽高原。 Its true pierces void, finally presents on the wilderness, then falls from high sky, bang, pierces the earth, dives directly to underground. 它真正的洞穿虚空,最后出现荒原上,而后从高天上落下,轰的一声,洞穿大地,直接俯冲向地下。 Walks!” “走!” Yaoyao most mister leaves the induction, takes all people to leave Chu Feng arrangement Domain here, the twinkling vanishes. 妖妖最先生出感应,带上所有人离开楚风布置在这里的场域,瞬息消失。 Almost is simultaneously, here has blasted out, heaven and earth turning upside down, the magma spout, the trim earth caves, here becomes the end state. 几乎是同时,这里炸开了,天翻地覆,岩浆喷涌,整片大地沉陷,这里成为末日国度。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! This time, was discovered trail, after an arrow projects the whereabouts, Chu Feng they meet troublesome. 这一次,被发现踪迹,被一箭射出行踪后,楚风他们就遇上麻烦。 Divinity has not sent out, the wondrous medicines could not have alarmed them . Moreover, to seize to rob the medicine thief, sets out the Divinity words, really cannot be justified. 神祇没有出动,圣药还惊动不了他们,而且,为了捉盗药贼,就出动神祇的话,实在说不过去。 Even, their direct disciple have not moved, only then Shaman God big disciple projects a karma principle the arrow feather, compels them. 甚至,他们的亲传弟子都没有动,只有巫神的大弟子射出一支略带因果法则的箭羽,逼出他们。 But, Chu Feng their troubles is also very big, various group of feudal lords, are moving, is chasing down. 可是,楚风他们的麻烦还的很大,各路诸侯,都在行动,都在追杀。 Suicide words, turn into the light rain to go back, is really is a little not willing, after all the drug efficacy did not have refining to fall completely.” Big Black Ox said. “自杀的话,化成光雨回去,真是有点不甘心,毕竟药效还没有完全炼化掉呢。”大黑牛道。 Then, the next quarter, , distant place a streak of divine light flies, making all person facial colors change, that was sacred sword! 然后,下一刻,噗的一声,远方一道神虹飞来,让所有人面色都变了,那是一口圣剑 Chī! 哧! Then, the arrow feather flies one after another, is bringing the Saint air/Qi, winds around this place. 接着,一道又一道箭羽飞来,全都带着圣气,缭绕此地。 If the situation is not right, your oneself start off.” Yaoyao urged, she moved forward to meet somebody, won some time for them again, absorbed some wondrous medicines diligently. “如果情况不对,你们就自己上路吧。”妖妖叮嘱,她迎了上去,再为他们争取一些时间,努力多吸收一些圣药。 Yaoyao, you are careful!” Chu Feng shouts, feared that she has accident/surprise, the person who because comes are not few, if surrounded her to trouble is big. 妖妖,你自己当心!”楚风喊道,怕她出现意外,因为来的人不算少,万一围住她麻烦就大了。 ! 噗! After half double-hour, Ying Wudi looks down own chest, then, opened mouth, anything has not said that bang, he blasted out. 半个时辰后,映无敌低头看着自己的胸膛,然后,张了张嘴,什么都没有说出,砰的一声,他炸开了。 His soul light very magnificently intense, because of after nourishing of wondrous medicines, a flying lance that even if this, he shot executes! 他的魂光盛烈,因为经过圣药的滋养,但即便这样,他还是被人掷出的一杆飞矛格杀! Moreover, that person is only Golden Body Great Perfection expert, is not Sub Saint. 而且,那个人只是金身大圆满高手,并不是亚圣等。 Elder Brother!” Ying Xiaoxiao calls out in alarm. “哥哥!”映晓晓惊叫。 The horizon end, walks one team of troops, a youth is having the indifferent look, shoulders several short lances, rides to sit on the beast, overlooks here. 地平线尽头,走来一队人马,其中一个青年带着冷漠的神色,背负十几支短矛,骑坐在蛮兽上,俯视这边。 Originally is one crowd of Yin Soul rebels, courts death!” This has executed the Ying Wudi youth expert cold sound said. “原来是一群阴魂作乱,找死!”这个格杀了映无敌的青年高手寒声道。 little martial divine might military!” Some people cheer, shouts out loudly. “小武神威武!”有人欢呼,大声呼喝。 This is a heir descendant of gods, even if has not grown thoroughly, already very formidable, is shocking in the ferocious beast plateau performance, below Sub Saint almost nobody is his match. 这是一位神明的子嗣后代,哪怕还未彻底成长起来,也已经非常的强大,在凶兽高原表现惊艳,亚圣以下几乎没有人是其对手。 Naturally, as soon as he strikes to kill Ying Wudi to be also concerned with his weapon, is very fierce, how could the God heir uses every thing. 当然,他一击袭杀映无敌也跟他的兵器有关,很厉害,神灵子嗣岂能用凡物。 How the grandson of god can, your grandfather my also Divine Beast biological son!” Ouyang Feng clenches teeth. “神的孙子能如何,你爷爷我还神兽亲儿子呢!”欧阳风咬牙。 Uncle!” Little Daoist Priest gets hold of the fist, these many years, has the sentiment. “舅舅!”小道士握紧拳头,这么多年了,也算是有感情了。 Invincible!” Ying Zhexian raised the head, looks that the light rain vanishes, her heart a moment ago also fierce ache, but thinks that this was not the true death, but can also resurrect in the original universe, was finally relieved. “无敌!”映谪仙抬头,看着光雨消失,她的心刚才也剧烈疼痛了一下,但想到这不是真正的死亡,还能在原来的宇宙中复活,总算安心。 fucking, is Ying Wudi revenges!” Big Black Ox exclaimed. 特么的,为映无敌报仇!”大黑牛吼道。 Arrived this situation, they have not feared death, at the worst after dying in battle, returns to world originally and that's the end. 到这种地步了,他们还真不怕死,大不了战死后回归原本的世界就是了。 One crowd of trash, dares before me boisterous!” Small Martial God is cold, on the face is having the indifferent look, gazes here in the earth end. “一群垃圾,也敢在我面前聒噪!”小武神冷冽无比,脸上带着漠然的神色,在大地尽头注视这里。 Then, he turns head to the person frontline propaganda of other positions, said: Shaman God and later generation of moon goddess, we competes, gives a try, Yin Soul that who kills are many, rapidness that who kills, how?” 然后,他回头对其他方位的人喊话,道:“巫神、月亮女神的后人,咱们来比赛一番,试试看,谁杀的阴魂多,谁杀的快,如何?” Ok!” “可以!” The Shaman God later generation haha said with a smile, turns into the strong winds to sweep across to come together, must sweep off to Big Black Ox and the others directly. 巫神的后人哈哈笑道,化成一道狂风席卷而来,直接就要向大黑牛等人扫去。 Bang!” “轰!” At the same time, some moon goddess department also people run out, is a young female, is very elegantly beautiful, extremely fast kills. 同一时间,月亮女神一系也有人冲出,是一个年轻的女子,十分冷艳,极速杀来。 She was being wrapped by one group of moonlight, the strength is astonishing. 她被一团月光包裹着,实力惊人。 Haha, hunts and kills Yin Spirit to start in light of this!” Small Martial God shouts, he also began. “哈哈,猎杀阴灵就此开始!”小武神喊道,他也动手了。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, the earth caves , the Divinity later generation who these three clash, all directly sinks with the earth, was surrounded by the Domain symbol, was isolated there. 突然,大地沉陷,这三名冲过来的神祇后人,全都直接跟着大地下沉,被场域符号环绕,被隔绝在那里。 Chu Feng take action, the face darken, Ying Wudi had been killed a moment ago, making him also be so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, this occasion his decisive under killer. 楚风出手了,脸色阴沉,映无敌刚才被杀,让他也惊出一身冷汗,此际他果断下杀手。 A big dragon in underground appears, that is the energy condenses, tumbling, is strangling to death to go toward that three people. 一条大龙在地下浮现,那是底气凝聚而成,翻滚着,向着那三人绞杀而去。 Buzz! 嗡! The flash, in the sky presents big hand, dusky, was too great, strikes all of a sudden, bang, hits to collapse the earth. 一刹那,天空中出现一只大手,灰蒙蒙,实在太宏大了,一下子拍击下来,轰的一声,将大地打崩。 Suddenly, his big hand will have driven out Chu Feng a moment ago temporary start Domain, making that three people get out of trouble, has the Sub Saint intervention! 瞬息间,他大手将轰开了楚风刚才临时启动的场域,让那三人脱困,有亚圣干预! Young cloudy god, but also understands Domain, dares to start to the bloodlines later generation of god, courts death!” In the sky, that Sub Saint bellows, wields big hand once more, they strikes toward Chu Feng. “小小的阴神,还懂得场域,敢对神的血脉后人下手,找死!”天空中,那位亚圣大吼,再次挥动一只大手,向着楚风他们拍击过去。 Whiz, Chu Feng leads all people to vanish from here, with the aid of Earth, flickers to move to several hundred li (0.5 km), trades a position to fight again! 嗖的一声,楚风带着所有人从这里消失,借助地球,瞬移数百里,换个方位再战! Meanwhile, Yaoyao moved, gets rid many are the Saint's fetter, the shining white palm wields, a palm of the hand destroys void, bang covers that Sub Saint in the West. 与此同时,妖妖动了,摆脱多为圣人的束缚,莹白手掌挥动而出,一巴掌打碎虚空,轰的一声将那位亚圣覆盖在西方。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” , that Sub Saint blasts out, was hit to explode by Yaoyao in the universe, the blood rain spurts. 噗的一声,那位亚圣炸开,被妖妖打爆在天宇中,血雨飞洒。 Wish everybody Merry Christmas! 祝大家圣诞快乐!
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