SR :: Volume #9

#832: Said that treasures

Son, 30 years passed, you how also such greatly a wee bit?!” Chu Feng sees Little Daoist Priest first, such cared that sent regards. “儿子,30年过去了,你怎么还这么大丁点?!”楚风看到小道士第一眼,就这么关心地问候。 The Little Daoist Priest complexion broke down immediately, is slanting the eye to see his father, wants to curse very much, the person difficult does not open! 小道士脸色当即就垮了,斜着眼睛看他父亲,很想诅咒,人艰不拆! toad, my son's eyes were how slanting, learns from you?” Chu Feng asked Ouyang Feng. 蛤蟆,我儿子的眼睛怎么斜了,都是跟你学的吧?”楚风欧阳风 Mmp......” Ouyang Feng rolls the eyes. “mmp……”欧阳风翻白眼。 Chu Feng looks to another side, said: Xiao, you, although long hair and waist, but, how is Little Loli?” 楚风又看向另一边,道:“晓晓,你虽然长发及腰,但是,怎么还是个小萝莉?” Finally such remarks, Little Loli air/Qi has turned around, leaves his back of the head, does not want to manage him again. 结果此言一出,小萝莉气的转过身去,留给他一个后脑勺,不想再理他了。 Then, Chu Feng looks to another side, said: Xi sunlight, should call you aunt sunlight now, but, how you also sell to sprout/moe to install tenderly, but you compared the difference not to be actually big with before.” 然后,楚风又看向另一边,道:“曦曦,现在该称你为大娘曦了,可是,你怎么还卖萌装嫩,不过你跟以前相比倒是区别不大。” Young Lady Xi has a fit of bad temper immediately, said: Demon Chu, your son and your Little Aunt modestly declines you, but, this fairy maiden fearless, comes, the great war 300 rounds, making me make into 18 petals you!” 少女曦顿时炸毛,道:“楚魔头,你儿子和你小姨子谦让你,但是,本仙子无惧,来来来,大战300回合,让我将你打成18瓣!” Wife's younger brother, your face bleached finally, so is no longer black, you praised , was the face also how black?!” The Chu Feng's mouth cannot idle completely, 30 years have not spoken, seeing anyone to say several, however, make the person wish one could him to shut up immediately. “小舅子,你的脸终于变白了,不再那么黑,诶,你真不禁夸奖,脸怎么又黑了?!”楚风的嘴完全闲不下来,30年没说话,看见谁都想说几句,然而,却让人恨不得他立刻闭嘴。 Old black, 30 years pass by, you still in thinking Tibetan Plateau that azure female yak? Have not thought that most injures your first love, now already was a white skeleton, rouge skeleton, you, when clearly became aware.” “老黑,30年过去,你还在想青藏高原上那头青色女性牦牛吗?别想了,最伤你的初恋,如今早已是一副白骨架,正所谓红粉骷髅,你当明悟。” clear/pain Heizui, Old Ox I must with your duel!” “楚黑嘴,老牛我要跟你决斗!” Chu Feng pays no attention to him, looks to Yellow Ox, said: Little Yellow, your male female, how small face was getting more and more attractive and fine, come, making me look at the real situation.” 楚风不理他,又看向黄牛,道:“小黄,你男的女的,怎么小脸越来越漂亮与精致了,来,让我看一看真实情况。” The Yellow Ox fine small face is very serious, golden color sends the silk illumination, it soars, bang, came a long-horned beetle meteor fist to Chu Feng! 黄牛精致的小脸很严肃,一头金色发丝发光,它腾升而起,砰的一声,给楚风来了一记天牛流星拳! Tiger elder brother your......” “虎哥你的……” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger: @#¥#......” 东北虎:“@#¥#……” ...... …… Such in a minute, Chu Feng was almost ganged up on, his mouth dai bo dai has not stopped, 30 years do not open the mouth, as if were harbored evil thoughts. 就这么片刻间,楚风差点被群殴,他的嘴嘚啵嘚就没停下过,30年不开口,似乎被憋坏了。 The key is, opens the mouth not to have the word of praise, letting the person wants to beat him. 关键是,一开口就没好话,让人想殴打他。 The people want to come out Yaoyao very much, looked that this blurts out also dares not to speak at a venture, dares to arrange the Yaoyao words, it is estimated that definitely will be beaten savagely. 众人很想将妖妖请出来,看他这张破嘴还敢乱说话不,敢编排妖妖的话,估计肯定会被暴打。 Finally, Chu Feng looks quietly to Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin, muttered low voice, before saying them , after being raised, curls upwards and so on. 最后,楚风悄然看向映谪仙秦珞音,小声咕哝,说她们更加前凸后翘云云。 Two female complexions were also black. 两女的脸色也黑了。 This is not many years has not seen, thinks you especially, my this is in warm greeted with you.” Chu Feng explained. “这不是很多年没见,特想你们吗,我这是在热情的和你们打招呼。”楚风解释。 Let alone these, prepare to rob medicine, this is a map, we had prepared many shares recently, actually looks to visit.” “别说这些,准备盗药,喏,这是地图,我们最近准备了很多份,看一看究竟光顾哪一家。” Big Black Ox hū lā, launches an animal skin map, the shop on the stone table, refers to Chu Feng watches, is very detailed, has on the ferocious beast plateau that displays the Divinity medicine garden, there is Abyss nearby medicine field. 大黑牛呼啦一声,将一张兽皮地图展开,铺在石桌上,指给楚风观看,罗列的很详细,有凶兽高原上神祇的药园子,也有深渊附近的药田 Does not need to think, difficulty coefficient was too big, will frequently offend the gods! 不用多想,难度系数都太大了,动辄就会得罪神明! Chu Feng looked, is easiest to go well is blood-color mountain peak there Medicinal Herb, initially they dug from there have been to five, simultaneously kills the Pu Lin young marquis. 楚风看了看,最容易得手的就是血色山峰那里的药草,当初他们就从那里挖到过五株,同时干掉普林小侯爷。 However, Medicinal Herb of this place can only be the primary wondrous medicines, although afterward watered the Divine Beast blood, but, Medicinal Herb is slow-growing, 30 years the knows whether drug efficacy did not increase sharply in the past. 不过,这地方的药草只能算是初级圣药,虽然后来又浇灌神兽血了,但是,药草生长缓慢,30年过去不知道是否药效激增。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger points at the map to introduce, said: Here, Wula mountain range, belongs to the wilderness region, in the ferocious beast plateau deep place, does not belong to moon goddess outer suburbs medicine field, on there summit some year very high soul lotuses, and other uses were also enormous to me!” 东北虎指着地图介绍,道:“这里,乌拉山脉,也属于荒原区域,不在凶兽高原深处,属于月亮女神的一块远郊药田,那里的山顶上也有一些年份很高的魂莲,对我等用处极大!” In Holy Pond of Mt. Wula, some soul lotuses, snow white bright, has no time sacredly, has the enormous advantage to the growth of psychic energy. 乌拉山的圣池中,有一些魂莲,雪白剔透,神圣无暇,对精神能量的增长有极大的好处。 Even, after this Saint lotus grows to the utmost, but can also help the person remould fleshly body, accomplishes the lotus flower body. 甚至,这种圣莲成长到极尽后,还能帮人重塑肉身,造就莲花身。 Here has to hold Sangmu, the Shaman God medicine garden, belongs to Divine Tree, in the ferocious beast plateau deep place, is away from the Shaman God genuine mansion is not very remote . Moreover, this god had to shoot the date to bend, was not very affable, is widely separated by hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) to lock the person to kill.” “这里有扶桑木,巫神的药园子,属于神树,不过在凶兽高原深处,距离巫神真正的府邸已经不是很遥远,而且,该神有射日弓,很不好惹,远隔数十万里都能锁定人射杀。” One group of people analyze, discovered that medicine field are really many, but many are the wondrous medicines, is effective to them, but is not big regarding the Yaoyao effect. 一群人分析,发现药田真多,但是多为圣药,对他们都有效,不过对于妖妖效果没那么大。 What Yaoyao need is divine medicine! 妖妖需要的是神药 However, true divine medicine near the cave mansion of gods, or under Abyss. 然而,真正的神药都在神明的洞府附近,或者深渊下。 30 years ago, the rapidness that luckily we run, has not kept thinking about Vermilion Bird divine medicine, that old Vermilion Bird was too terrifying, destroys completely the ferocious beast plateau two gods, kills all teng snakes, whom this power and influence did not have.” “30年前,幸亏我们都跑的快,没有去惦记朱雀神药,那头老朱雀太恐怖了,灭掉凶兽高原两尊神,杀死所有螣蛇,这威势也没谁了。” Until now wants to come, they somewhat are fearful. 至今想来,他们还有些可怕。 Makes me think.” “让我想一想。” Chu Feng studies these medicine field, worst is the wondrous medicines, high level region that is divine medicine, this may be different from the World of the Dead's treasure medicine sells at a discount greatly, here Yang Qi is very sufficient, the drug efficacy is astonishing. 楚风研究这些药田,最差的都是圣药,高级区域那就是神药,这可不同于阴间的宝药大打折扣,这里阳气很充足,药效惊人。 We are sober, once robs the medicine, that definitely is the heaven shaking case, at that time, we definitely could not hide, takes the wondrous medicines to estimate that greatly will be chased down, can support to the drug efficacy absorption reluctantly is good.” “我们要清醒,一旦盗药,那肯定是惊天大案,那个时候,我们肯定躲不下去了,服食完圣药估计就会被大追杀,勉强能支撑到药效吸收就不错了。” Chu Feng estimated that once to that time, them some people successively will possibly have been killed, or was compelled the suicide, returns to the original universe in a hurry. 楚风估计,一旦到了那时,他们当中有些人可能会先后被杀死,或者被逼自杀,匆匆逃回原来的宇宙中。 People expression grave, nods unceasingly, this means that they will finish completely in the journey of this world! 众人神色凝重,不断点头,这就意味着他们在这个世界的旅程将彻底结束! The Chu Feng look enforces, more pondered, he more thought that once this time begins, then means that many people then really must finish in this world, therefore he is very prudent. 楚风神色严肃起来,越是细想,他越是觉得,这次一旦动手,那么就意味着很多人便真的要在这个世界结束了,所以他很慎重。 Earlier finished also well, after all, our harvests should exceed in the past these people, we use the Divine Beast blood baptism soul , to promote swiftly and violently.” Ying Zhexian said. “早点结束也好,毕竟,我们这次的收获应该超越以往那些人,我们用神兽血洗礼灵魂,都提升迅猛。”映谪仙道。 This is the fact, in years past, how many people there are to obtain the Divine Beast blood? 这是事实,昔年,有几人可以得到神兽血? Qin Luoyin hearing this, the look incomparable seriousness, she also had also realized serious of issue, they are the present are Yang Soul. 秦珞音闻言,亦神色无比的郑重,她也意识到了问题的严重,他们是现在是阳魂 Once returns to fleshly body, our formidable Yang Soul will possibly make fleshly body be damaged seriously!” “一旦回归肉身,我们强大的阳魂可能会让肉身受损严重!” Right!” Ying Zhexian nods. “对!”映谪仙点头。 All people are imposing, this is the issue that must face , when they return, the Yang Soul formidable words not necessarily are the good deed. 所有人都凛然,这是一个必须要正视的问题,他们回归时,阳魂过于强大的话不见得是好事。 Relax, even if a person takes wondrous medicines, is impossible immediately becomes Sub Saint, thinks that Sanctification is not easy.” Chu Feng said. “放心,哪怕一人服食一株圣药,也不可能立刻成亚圣,想成圣没那么容易。”楚风说道。 Sub Saint, is not the dependence swallows heavenly material earthly treasure to be able the achievement, but needs to sense, catches the Order rule, with own resonance cross coupling. 亚圣,不是依靠吞食天材地宝就能成就的,而是需要感悟,捕捉秩序规则,跟自身共鸣交感等。 If is really the Saint soul soul returns, their fleshly body do not want to stay behind, certainly must be burnt burn to ashes, wants not to need to think. 若真是圣魂魂归,他们的肉身别想留下,肯定要被焚烧成灰烬,想都不用多想。 That line, like this has decided that most people this conclusion journey.” Chu Feng said. “那行,就这样定了,大多数人都该结束旅程了。”楚风道。 Outside Yaoyao that abatement closed up, other people not suitable long-time is detained. 除却正在闭关的妖妖外,其他人不宜长久的滞留下去。 Naturally, Chu Feng is an exception, he can continue to sense Domain in this world, studies the mountains topography. 当然,楚风是个例外,他可以继续在这个世界感悟场域,研究山川地势等。 Ouyang Feng said: We step on now, prepares various work, before the true decision leaves, crazy committing a crime!” 欧阳风道:“我们现在踩点,准备好各种工作,真正决定离开前疯狂作案!” Chu Feng nods, now he prepares to go into action first, inspects on the spot. 楚风点头,现在他准备先行动起来,实地去考察。 I leave now, you close up as before practice, I study the mountains myriad things in the process also to practice outside, when I must begin really will inform you!” “我现在就动身,你们依旧闭关修行,我在外面研究山川万物的过程中也在修行,等我真要动手时会通知你们!” Chu Feng said, here slightly gathers after with them, left to start off. 楚风说罢,在这里跟他们小聚过后,就动身上路了。 Ten years, Chu Feng goes all over the ferocious beast plateau, traveles across nearby eight big Abyss, finally under establishes the goal, very much what is a pity, picks him not to grasp to divine medicine's, near gods! 十年,楚风走遍凶兽高原,踏遍八大深渊附近,最终确定下目标,很可惜的是,对神药的采摘他没把握,都在神明附近! In the ten years, he further studies Domain, the attainments even more profoundly, already from Grandmaster initial stage to middle stage! 这十年来,他进一步研究场域,造诣越发的精深,已经由宗师初期中期 This is the astonishing progressive speed. 这是惊人的进步速度。 Walked, picks the medicine!” Ten years, Chu Feng came back, greeted all people. “走了,采药去!”十年,楚风回来了,招呼所有人。 Is Yaoyao is alarmed, therefore goes out, the preparation travels together. 就是妖妖都被惊动,因此而出关,准备跟着同行。 Because, some people could leave to return to universe originally today, this is also sees off. 因为,有些人今天可能就要动身回归原本的宇宙了,这也算是送行。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Everybody, today or will be in the next few days, most of us must depart, first said that will treasure!” 楚风开口,道:“各位,今天或者是今后几天,我们当中大多数人都要离去,先道一声珍重!” Some people are silent, including Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin, because mostly will be cut in the memory of this world, is unable to retain. 一些人沉默,包括映谪仙秦珞音,因为在这个世界的记忆大多都会被斩掉,无法保留下去。 Original world that once returns, they will forget here person, here experience, here sentiment, here some precious things...... 一旦回归的原来的世界,她们就会忘记这里的人,这里的经历,这里的感情,这里一些珍贵的东西…… Was a pity, after the return, among us will also dissipate compared with the Origin Metal precious friendship, forgets in light of this, is quite sad.” Ying Xiaoxiao looks at the present people. “可惜,回归后,我们之间比母金还珍贵的情谊就会消散,就此遗忘,好伤心。”映晓晓看着眼前的众人。 Walks, first picks the medicine!” Chu Feng guides. “走吧,先去采药!”楚风带路。 Yaoyao follows, protects the people. 妖妖跟随,保护众人。 This time, Yaoyao will definitely not leave. 这一次,妖妖肯定不会离开呢。 The first station, they choose the Martial God domain, when is initially Chu Feng their first time arrived at the place, blood-color mountain peak there. 第一站,他们就选择武神的地盘,也就是当初楚风他们第一次降临时的地点,血色山峰那里。 Here big medicine is best to collect! 这里的大药最好采集! However, on here mountain peak, some raw materials for medicine were picked ahead of time, but also the remaining two mountain peaks have the blood medicine, what a pity, two mountains add altogether four wondrous medicines, are not really many. 不过,这里的山峰上,有些药材被提前采摘走了,还剩下两座山峰有血药,可惜,两座山加起来总共才四株圣药,真的不多。 The blood-color mountain peak as before, is winding around the scarlet lightning, flip-flop makes noise. 血色山峰依旧,缭绕着赤红的闪电,噼啪作响。 About here, Yaoyao can break open forcefully, but, she cannot this such do, once does this will alert the enemy, can only take here medicine, other places do not want to take. 关于这里,妖妖都能强行破开,但是,她不能这这么做,一旦这样做就会打草惊蛇,只能取走这里的药,其他地方的就别想取了。 Here does not have the difficulty regarding Chu Feng, in the past had experienced here cardinal principle arrangement, now after he becomes Grandmaster, easily accomplished, quick breaks open Domain. 这里对于楚风来说没有难度,当年就见识过这里的大体布置,现在他成为宗师后,摧枯拉朽,很快就破开场域 Shortly, group smooth mountaineering, the four wondrous medicines of two blood-color mountain peaks were picked. 不久后,一行人顺利登山,两座血色山峰的四株圣药都被采摘下来。 Hurries to take!” Chu Feng gives Ying Xiaoxiao one, gives old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng and the others. “赶紧服食!”楚风递给映晓晓一株,又送给老宗师吴起峰等人。 I behind and others take again.” Ying Xiaoxiao purses the lips, she has not wanted to walk, is not willing they to distinguish with Chu Feng, somewhat does not give up. “我等后面再服食。”映晓晓噘嘴,她还不想走呢,不愿跟楚风他们分别,有些舍不得。 You are silly, after going back, actually is also night of time, they also then return Great Dream Pure Land.” Ying Wudi scolded him. “你傻啊,回去后,其实也就是一夜的时间,他们也就回归大梦净土了。”映无敌数落他。 You understand anything, after going back, here all will forget, your elder sister controls, looks forward early to go back!” Ying Xiaoxiao, simultaneously is very angrily sad. “你懂什么,回去后,这里的一切都会遗忘,你个姐控,巴不得早回去吧!”映晓晓气鼓鼓,同时很伤心。 Staring on helplessly of Ying Wudi air/Qi, wants to punch his sister, really did not have idea. 映无敌气的干瞪眼,想揍他妹妹,真是没辙了。 Finally, these four medicines are eaten by the Unextinguishable Mountain's four big monsters in advance. 最后,这四株药由不灭山的四位大妖先行吃掉。 Four people could not move, needs person to bring, on the way, Yaoyao helps their refining drug efficacy, obviously, this thing is impossible fully to absorb, can only hide in soul light. 四人动弹不得了,需要人带着,途中,妖妖更是帮他们炼化药效,显然,这东西不可能都充分吸收,只能藏在魂光中。 Naturally, most drug efficacy that is wastes thoroughly, after all does not have fleshly body, the mental ability absorption some limited. 当然,还有大半药效那是彻底浪费掉的,毕竟没有肉身,精神能吸收的部分有限。 Walks, goes to next place!” “走,去下一地!” Chu Feng arranges Domain, they cross directly void, vanishes from here! 楚风布置场域,他们直接横渡虚空,从这里消失! Then, after their departure moment, the Domain automatic disintegration, turns into the flying ash, this is Grandmaster level the method of person. 然后,在他们离去片刻后,场域自动解体,化成飞灰,这是宗师层次的人的手段。 They appeared in the Wula mountain range, Chu Feng already studied thoroughly, having the person to rush to the summit directly, saw in a snow white pool, soul lotus several, snow white clear, filled the delicate fragrance. 他们出现在乌拉山脉,楚风早就研究透了,带人直接闯上山顶,看到一口雪白的池子中,魂莲数株,雪白晶莹,弥漫清香。 Here, Ying Xiaoxiao has to take the wondrous medicines, is holding Chu Feng's, looks to other people, said: Everybody, I will think of your, I thought, the somewhat precious thing can certainly precipitate in the heart, but does not forget thoroughly!” 在这里,映晓晓不得不服食圣药,拉着楚风的手,又看向其他人,道:“各位,我会想念你们的,我觉得,有些珍贵的东西一定可以沉淀在心底,而不是彻底遗忘!” Takes the wondrous medicines, means that not today in following in several day must leave! 服食完圣药,就意味着,不是在今日就是在接下来的几日内必须离开! Said that treasures, everybody, meets in our universes again, hoped that time, we were the closest friends, but was not the enemy, but can also remember each other!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, looks to Qin Luoyin, Ying Zhexian, Ying Wudi and the others. “道一声珍重,各位,在我们自己的宇宙再相见,希望那时,我们还是最亲密的朋友,而不是敌人,还能记得彼此!”楚风开口,看向秦珞音映谪仙映无敌等人。
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