SR :: Volume #9

#831: Grandmaster Chu Feng

Lifts looks at the eye, face upwards long and loud cry, the strong bosom is intense, 30 academic honor dust and earth, eight thousand li (500 km) cloud Heyue!” “抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈,30功名尘与土,八千里云和月!” Some people were reciting, are full of fervor. 有人在吟诵,饱含激情。 This is piece of mountain region, the fine wood is luxuriantly green, all over is the golden yellow leaf blades, is one year of autumn, having achieved great achievements, 30 years passes, the people who here lives in seclusion one after another go out. 这是一片山地,佳木葱茏,漫山遍野都是金黄色的叶片,又是一年秋季,硕果累累,30年过去,这里隐居的人都陆续出关。 On a mountain top, small silhouette, precisely was spirited a moment ago the incomparable person. 在一座山头上,一个小小的身影,正是刚才激昂无比的人。 However, to afterward, his some grief and indignation, said: fucking, 30 years passed, the track I have not changed, as before such trivial a wee bit?!” 然而,到了后来,他有些悲愤,道:“特么的,30年过去了,小道我还是没有变化,依旧这么屁大丁点?!” Another side, silver-haired Little Loli sits on the mountain top, maintains total silence, a face melancholy color, is similar to the demon is startled, muttering: Why? How to have grown up? Did not have my brother-in-law thigh to be high!” 另一边,还有银发小萝莉坐在山头上,一语不发,一脸忧郁之色,如同魔怔般,喃喃着:“为什么?怎么还不长大?还没有我姐夫大腿高!” The child who has not grown up always happily hopes to grow up earlier, but the person who grows up most fears the time to pass, the time passage elapses, here can also the dislocation places on Ying Xiaoxiao and Chu Wuhen's. 没长大的孩子总喜希望早点长大,而长大的人最怕时光流逝,年华逝去,在这里也能错位的放在映晓晓楚无痕的身上。 These two always hope soul light to rise suddenly, just like Sir, but, they are very strange, psychic energy is increasing sharply, but the soul light scale has not changed! 这两人总希望魂光暴涨,跟大人一样,但是,他们很奇怪,精神能量在激增,但是魂光规模没怎么变化! Black Swan at the back of tortoiseshell, graceful is stepping the step, does intentionally idly, self-satisfied however before two people of eyes passed by, said: You have seen the old ghost, is separated from fleshly body at that moment any appearance in the end throughout any appearance.” 一只黑天鹅背着乌龟壳,优雅的迈着步子,故作清闲,迤迤然从两人眼前路过,道:“你们看见过会老的鬼吗,脱离肉身那一刻起什么样子到头来就始终什么样子。” Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, Daoist Master do I want to be the big end of baby of 100 years of putting on split-seat pants?” Chu Wuhen almost the tears collapse at this moment, 无量天尊,道爷我要做100年的穿开裆裤的大头娃娃?”楚无痕这一刻差点泪崩, "Ah...... ” hears these, silver-haired Little Loli screamed directly, said: Little mother I over 30 years old am, are, but also are same as the little girl, the powder of pleasant to hear said carves the jade to carve, is actually dry, after my former is raised curls upwards, my curve is exquisite, my snow white big long leg, my full grasps the small waist, my great mind/bosom, my non- flaw peerless appearance, I...... Such greatly a wee bit...... I cry!” “啊啊啊……”听到这些,银发小萝莉直接尖叫起来,道:“小娘我30多岁了,可是,还跟个小女孩一样,说的好听粉雕玉琢,其实就是干巴巴,我的前凸后翘,我的曲线玲珑,我的雪白大长腿,我的盈盈一握小蛮腰,我的博大胸怀,我的无瑕绝世容颜,我就……这么大丁点……我哭!” Was speechless including Little Daoist Priest, he haggles over these, because of such big person, was actually the baby soul, fucking lost face too. But this Little Aunt angry is actually because before not having , after being raised, curls upwards?! 小道士都无语了,他计较这些,是因为这么大的人了,却是婴儿魂,太特么的丢人了。而这小姨恼怒却是因为没有前凸后翘?! „After first is raised, curls upwards, I have.” Ouyang Feng is stepping the Swan step, leaves self-satisfied. “前凸后翘啊,我有。”欧阳风迈着天鹅步,飘飘然离开。 Indeed, its front looks around, behind is digging the buttocks, is stepping the step there leisurely , before indeed is , after being raised, curls upwards. 的确,它前边探头探脑,后面撅着屁股,在那里慢悠悠地迈着步子,也的确算是前凸后翘。 Then, Ouyang Feng turns head, adds: "Um, the big long leg I have. ” 然后,欧阳风又回头,补充道:“嗯,大长腿我也有。” Then, he is stepping the Swan step of beautiful and graceful, such went far away. 说罢,他迈着婀娜的天鹅步,就这么远去了。 Ying Xiaoxiao is dumbfounded, then, was angry, said: Jun Tuo his son, you give me dead!” 映晓晓目瞪口呆,然后,气坏了,道:“钧驮他儿子,你给我去死!” Ouyang Feng in distant place sound transmission, said: Moreover, the curve is exquisite I also to have.” 欧阳风在远处传音,道:“另外,曲线玲珑我也具备。” ...... …… Little Aunt, we extinguish him, this boy compared with my greatly am two years old, each time when my uncle, but also ridiculed you, on together!” Little Daoist Priest urges. 小姨,咱俩去灭他,这小子就比我大两岁,每次都当我叔,还嘲笑你,一起上!”小道士撺掇。 Walks!” Silver-haired Little Loli nods. “走!”银发小萝莉点头。 Two people whiz whiz turned into two ray of light to pursue. 两人嗖嗖化成两道光就追下去了。 Ouyang Feng looked that the situation is not wonderful, immediately shouts the person, said: Old Donkey and Yellow Ox, old black, come, should teach our big nephew, comes to lend a hand!” 欧阳风一看情况不妙,立刻喊人,道:“老驴黄牛、老黑,来,又该教训咱们大侄子了,都过来搭把手!” Then, this place fights, is in chaotic situation, this group of people in recently went out, has been dormant, 30 years, have not appeared. 然后,这片地方就战斗起来,鸡飞狗跳,这群人都在最近才出关,一直在蛰伏,30年了,没怎么露头。 Initially, after Yaoyao hunted and killed Divine Beast, obtained enough divine blood, helping all people wash Yin Qi, here closed up dives to cultivate. 当初,妖妖猎杀一头神兽后,得到足够的神血,帮所有人都洗尽阴气,在这里闭关潜修。 Because grey matter leaves behind haze in the people heart, making Yaoyao somewhat dread, estimates and studies Small Six Paths Time Technique earnestly, she complements part unexpectedly. 因为灰色物质在众人心头留下阴霾,让妖妖都有些忌惮,认真揣摩与研究小六道时光术,她居然补全一部分。 When present Small Six Paths Time Technique just obtained Chu Feng is more perfect than! 现在的小六道时光术楚风刚得到时更完善! After long, the fight ended, one group of people diverge respectively. 很久后,战斗才结束,一群人各自散去。 In the field, a boy alone face upwards to pour there, he is indeed fierce, but cannot support the person to be many, one group of people gang up to surround and beat up him, including Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng on together, in addition the Good Fortune Ox Demon God body and other group of people, in addition also has pig teammate Ying Xiaoxiao always to hold back, Little Daoist Priest is very miserable. 场中,一个男娃独自仰天倒在那里,他的确厉害,但是架不住人多,一群人围殴他,连黄牛欧阳风都一起上,再加上无劫牛魔神体等一群人,此外还有猪队友映晓晓总是拖后腿,小道士很惨。 Little Aunt...... You absolutely are intentionally...... Implicates me to be punched!” Chu Wuhen grief and indignation. 小姨……你绝对是故意的……连累我又被揍!”楚无痕悲愤。 At this time, Ying Xiaoxiao is distracted, in fact, had been a moment ago distracted in the fight, she is peeping her elder sister, talked to oneself: I felt her even more after former is raised, curled upwards? Wū wū...... I do not want to live!” 此时,映晓晓正走神,事实上,刚才在战斗中就走神了,她正在偷窥她姐,自语道:“我怎么感觉她越发的前凸后翘了?呜呜……我不想活了!” Then, she discovers Qin Luoyin, graceful is stepping the step, slender beautiful leg, slender waist, great mind/bosom...... Again makes her be jealous. 然后,她又发现秦珞音,优雅的迈着步子,修长的美腿,纤细的腰肢,博大的胸怀……再次让她眼红。 30 years, my to become loli!” She covered the face to run. “30年了,我都成老萝莉了!”她捂着脸跑了。 Hee hee......” Young Lady Xi appears, holds her, said: You were pure natural naive, the porcelain doll are attractive, come, making the elder sister rub to pinch the small face!” “嘻嘻……”少女曦露头,一把抓住她,道:“你这是纯天然的天真,瓷娃娃漂亮极了,来,让姐姐揉揉捏捏小脸!” Ying Xiaoxiao sees her, were naturally many a object of hostility, immediately the grief and indignation, counterattacks saying: Sunlight elder sister, your aunt's age, but also sells to sprout/moe, is too ignominious!” 映晓晓看到她,自然又多了一个仇视的对象,顿时悲愤,还击道:“曦姐姐,你都大娘的年纪了,还卖萌,太可耻!” I hit!” Young Lady Xi chases down her immediately. “我打!”少女曦顿时追杀她。 Bang! 轰! The distant place, mountain range deep place, transmits everything may become vulnerable sound, as can be seen, the stone tumbles, the hills fluctuate, quite scary. 远方,山脉深处,传来地动山摇般的声响,可以看到,土石翻滚,群山起伏,相当的骇人。 Right, these mountain top each and every one continuously, go up and down abruptly, constantly changes. 没错,那些山头一个个此起彼伏,忽高忽低,不断变化。 However, the people look was used to it, recently these years, mountain range deep place this, their knows that was Chu Feng in the research rusticity, studied the topography, was arranging Domain. 但是,众人看的都习惯了,最近这些年来,山脉深处一直这样,他们知道那是楚风在研究地气,研究地势,在布置场域呢。 Reason that they dull here, are mainly and other Chu Feng Domain study the achievement, makes the breakthrough, when he becomes Grandmaster, is good to rob the medicine! 他们之所以呆在这里,主要是等楚风场域研究出成果,做出突破,等他成为宗师,然后好去盗药! These 30 years regarding Chu Feng, enrichment was excessive. 这30年对于楚风来说,充实的过头了。 Because, he has forgotten other, wholeheartedly in studying Domain, any thoughts pale have gotten down, a drill of heart in the Domain world. 因为,他忘记了其他,一心在研究场域,什么心思都淡下去了,一门心的钻在场域的世界中。 Regarding him, 30 years of harvest is huge, the Domain attainments are promoting with steady steps! 对于他来说,30年的收获是巨大的,场域造诣在稳步提升! Studies Domain, what use is psychic energy, to this level, has carved Domain rune wait/etc. completes with soul light and spiritual strength, this causes the growth of his psychic energy because of studying Domain delays. 研究场域,动用的是精神能量,到了他这个层次,刻写场域符文等都是用魂光精神力完成,这导致他的精神能量的增长并没有因为研究场域而耽搁下来。 Now, the Chu Feng's soul light energy already achieved Golden Body level Great Perfection! 如今,楚风的魂光能量早已达到金身层次大圆满 During 30 years, his spiritual strength increases with steady steps, arrives in an extreme, is unable to break through again, because that will soon involve becomes the Sub Saint Dominion issue. 30年间,他的精神力稳步增加,抵达一个极点,无法再突破了,因为那即将涉及到成为亚圣领域的问题。 Always, does not have dozens -year-old Sub Saint, only if in this world, swallows using strange technique, fuses divine nature particles of other people, otherwise practices by oneself, depends upon breathing method, this age nobody can break through Sub Saint Dominion directly. 历来,就没有数十岁的亚圣,除非是在这片世界中,利用异术去吞噬,去融合其他人的神性粒子,不然的话靠自己修行,依靠呼吸法,这个年岁没有人可以直接突破进亚圣领域 Sub Saint is also the Saint, has moistened a Saint character, that is as far apart as heaven and earth! 亚圣也是圣,沾了一个圣字,那是天地之差! Any Sub Saint take action, manages your Golden Body expert is one or 100, was the crush in the past. 任何亚圣出手,管你金身高手是一个还是100个,都是碾压过去。 To Cultivator of Golden Body level, Sub Saint greatly like heaven, heavy, if Star Sea, differs too far! 金身层次的修士来说,亚圣大如苍天,重若星海,相差太远! Naturally, the Chu Feng biggest harvest is, he breaks through the Grandmaster level, five years ago he achieved! 当然,楚风最大的收获是,他突破进宗师层次,五年前他就做到了! 25 years, he breaks through Grandmaster Dominion from the Grandmaster level, this is the shocking record! 25年的时间,他从大师层次突破进宗师领域,这是惊世的纪录! Then was Yaoyao once was startled, revealed the look of surprise, because past Holy Master so is not quick, the Chu Feng's speed broke the record absolutely. 便是妖妖都曾吃惊,露出异色,因为当年的圣师都没有这么快,楚风的速度绝对破纪录了。 Moreover, according to the situation in their original universe Star Sea, normal, from Domain Master to Grandmaster, most at least must take over 200-300 years. 而且,依照他们原宇宙星海中的情况来看,正常来说,从场域大师宗师,最起码也得需要两三百年以上。 Also in other words, the Chu Feng time needed reduces to 1/10. 就是说,楚风所用的时间缩短到1。 Actually, this is not special, previously the Chu Feng's Domain talent manifested, goes against heaven's will compared with his practicing talent, on the energy inheritance tower including Moon exclaimed in surprise, in that time, Chu Feng has broken the record, otherwise, that tower possibly will directly give Chu Feng that page of mysterious silver paper that Holy Master will obtain? 其实,这并不特别,早先楚风的场域天赋就体现出来了,比他的修行天赋更逆天,连月球上的能量传承塔都惊叹,早在那个时期,楚风就破纪录了,不然的话,那座塔怎么可能会将圣师得到的那页神秘银色纸张直接送给楚风 The Holy Master Domain method has to go to school from that page of silver paper! 圣师场域手段有很多都是从那页银色纸张上学来的! Now, various mountain range deep place mountain peak fluctuating, with dancing, they looked like in Big Black Ox became accustomed , after Chu Feng became Domain Grandmaster, for several years continuously so! 现在,山脉深处各种山峰起伏,跟跳舞似的,在大黑牛他们看来都习以为常了,楚风成为场域宗师后,几年来一直如此! He in the control rusticity, he in the research earth magnetism, he is pondering various rune. 他在掌控地气,他在研究地磁,他在冥思各种符文 Meanwhile, Chu Feng is also manipulating astonishing Domain, constructs the model. 同时,楚风也在摆弄许多惊人的场域,构建模型等。 Bang! 轰隆! Finally, mountain range deep place has the mutation, various flowing light lasings, on, just like the flying immortal, the light rain interweave dreadfully, is bright and beautiful. 终于,山脉深处发生异变,各种流光激射,滔天而上,宛若飞仙般,光雨交织,灿烂而又美丽。 Fierce earthquake! 剧烈的大地震! Then, ka-cha, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the mountain range deep place disintegrates comprehensively, all mountain peaks blasted out, the innumerable place magneto-opticals appear, is similar to the immortal ray of light rain fills the trim world. 接着,喀嚓一声,天崩地裂,山脉深处全面解体,所有的山峰等都炸开,无数的地磁光浮现,如同仙道光雨弥漫整片世界。 Bang! 轰隆! The flash, the earth caves , the mountain peak that all breaks to pieces vanished. 一刹那,大地沉陷,所有碎掉的山峰都消失了。 Chu Feng!” 楚风!” Brother-in-law!” “姐夫!” One group of people call out in alarm, because presents huge Abyss same place, swallows all, the terrifying symbols glitter in the place bottom deep place. 一群人惊叫,因为原地出现一个巨大的深渊,吞噬一切,有一个恐怖的符号在地底深处闪烁。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Trillion wisps of brilliance surge, the darkness was scattered, the innumerable mountain peaks rise straight from the ground, all of a sudden becomes with as high as Heaven, is over original highly many times. 亿万缕光辉激荡而出,黑暗被驱散,无数山峰重新拔地而起,一下子变得与天齐高,超过原来的高度很多倍。 The people are in a daze, is this optional letting mountain massif grows with models again? 众人发呆,这是随意的让山体生长与再塑吗? Their knows, this is research of Chu Feng to Domain, the rusticity that causes has various changes to cause. 他们知道,这是楚风场域的研究,导致的地气发生各种变化引起的。 The people realized, the Chu Feng's Domain attainments have gone to a shocking situation. 众人意识到,楚风的场域造诣达到了一个骇人听闻的地步。 Bang! 轰! Really, various peaks rise together simultaneously, earth magnetism appears, the ray shining day, Chu Feng sits cross-legged on the high point, obviously melts silhouette. 果然,诸峰并起,地磁浮现,光芒耀天,楚风盘坐在最高峰上,显化出身影 Compared with past, he did not have anything to change, as before was that appearance. 跟过去相比,他没什么变化,依旧是那个样子。 Whiz, he one step takes, the rusticity spout, he from disappears same place, then towering appears from the people present soil layer. 嗖的一声,他一步迈出,地气喷涌,他从原地消失,然后突兀的从人们眼前的土层中浮现出来。 Hiss! 嘶! People suck in a cold breath, this Domain Dominion matter Immemorial has blamed, making them be startled. 人们倒吸冷气,这场域领域的事太古怪了,让他们吃惊。 No wonder some people said that when Domain Grandmaster buries, buries obviously in Eastern Sea, several tens of thousands years later, the later generation actually in extremely west the desert of place found, this is really the ghosts and gods not measured, in underground walks freely.” Such sighed including Ying Wudi. “难怪有人说,场域宗师葬下自己时,明明葬在东海,数万年后,后人却在极西之地的沙漠中找到,这真是鬼神莫测,在地下行走自如啊。”连映无敌都这么感叹。 Wife's younger brother, your consciousness is actually very high.” Chu Feng smile opens the mouth. “小舅子,你的觉悟倒是挺高。”楚风微笑开口。 The flash, the face of Ying Wudi was directly black, did not speak, did not respond him. 一刹那,映无敌的脸直接就黑了,再也不说话,不搭理他。 What kind , is your this goes out officially?” Asking of Big Black Ox face hope. “怎么样,你这算是正式出关吗?”大黑牛一脸希冀的问道。 Old Donkey is also giving a tongue-lashing the big thread chaser, smiles somewhat dreadful, said: We whether to pick the elixir?” 老驴也呲着大板牙,笑的有些猥琐,道:“我们是不是可以去采摘仙药了?” Chu Feng nods, said: Prepares, we can depart!” 楚风点头,道:“准备一下吧,我们可以出发了!” hee-haw hee-haw!” Old Donkey yelled excitedly, came several backward somersaults. 儿啊儿啊!”老驴兴奋地大叫不已,来了几个后空翻。 The Chu Feng's face was black, the finger, Old Donkey from same place vanished, runs the bottom deep place to go, after for a long time, dirty crawled, the cough, the mouthful was the earth. 楚风的脸黑了,手指一点,老驴从原地消失,跑地底深处去了,很长时间后才灰头土脸的爬出来,咳嗽不已,满嘴是土。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others saw that the knows Chu Feng Domain attainments enter greatly, rouse, all are ready to fight. 东北虎等人见状,知道楚风场域造诣大进,振奋不已,全都摩拳擦掌。 brother Chu Feng, then depended entirely on you, looked at you are the Great Grandmaster bearing, our depart, picks divine medicine!” 楚风兄弟,接下来全靠你了,一看你就是大宗师气度,我们出发,去采摘神药!”
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