SR :: Volume #9

#830: 30 years in a flash

No, the father, I was blessing you, was using the Dao Race's auspicious omen nine character true words techniques to pray for you, hope your soul the return.” “没有,爹,我真的在祝福你,在用道族的祥瑞九字真言术为你祈福,愿你魂兮归来。” Little Daoist Priest stubborn to admit mistakes, kills did not acknowledge, otherwise, the buttocks definitely are not make into 18 petals that Old Donkey said that it is estimated that 36 petals have the possibility. 小道士嘴硬,打死也不承认,不然的话,屁股肯定不是老驴说的打成18瓣,估计36瓣都有可能。 “Chi!” “哧!” At this moment, dazzling metal ray appears from the Chu Feng forehead together, then separated him all of a sudden is two halves, the whole person separates. 就在这时,一道刺目的金属光芒从楚风眉心浮现,然后一下子将他割裂为两半,整个人都分开了。 "Ah, Brother?! ” “啊,兄弟?!” Chu Feng!” 楚风!” Brother-in-law!” “姐夫!” One group of people call out in alarm, was too sudden, among breaths is less, Chu Feng's soul light was split as two pieces, the whole person disintegrated, shocks has presented all people. 一群人惊叫,太突然了,一息间不到,楚风的魂光被剖为两片,整个人解体,震撼了在场所有人。 A wisp of soul blood sprinkles, Chu Feng that two pieces of soul light drag, this is separated, who is injuring him, who in take action? divine awareness keen such as Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng have not seen clearly. 一缕魂血洒落,楚风那两片魂光摇曳,这是被割裂的,谁在伤害他,谁在出手神觉敏锐如黄牛欧阳风都没有看清。 Father...... I already said that your hero's soul dies young, buries bone another region, you were used the calling back from the dead incantation by me to the soul fragment that detains forcefully, is the hero soul to reappear.” Little Daoist Priest calls out, shakes the head to be moved, said: We really have the reality of fathers and sons, does not have the reason of fathers and sons.” “爹……我早就说了,你英魂早逝,埋骨他乡,你是被我用招魂咒给强行拘禁回来的灵魂碎片,属于英灵再现。”小道士嚎叫,摇头而伤感,道:“咱们果然是有父子之实,无父子之缘。” He acknowledged finally, was calling back from the dead a moment ago, where was any safe incantation. 他终于承认,刚才是在招魂,哪里是什么平安咒。 Big Black Ox, Old Donkey, Zhou Quan and the others are frightened, noticed that Chu Feng soul light separates, gloomily and gets down but actually, they are shocked, chill down the spine, did Chu Feng die really? 大黑牛老驴周全等人都惊悚,看到楚风魂光分开,暗淡并倒下去,他们震惊,毛骨发寒,楚风真的死了? One group of people rush, must help Chu Feng reorganize True Soul. 一群人冲上去,就要帮楚风重组真魂 Do not move!” Little Daoist Priest yelled, serious incomparable. “别动!”小道士大叫,严肃无比。 Then, he is also very moved, said: What I use is calling back from the dead incantation, but lets the hero soul obviously, once you bump into him, my father bang will explode the spirit soul light rain directly, henceforth dissipation Between Heaven and Earth, may not meet again.” 而后,他又很伤感,道:“我用的是招魂咒,只是让英灵显化而已,你们一旦碰到他,我爹直接就会砰的一声炸成灵魂光雨,从此消散天地间,再也不可重聚。” One crowd of person creepy feeling, look pale. 一群人头皮发麻,面色苍白。 Is the face of Ying Wudi is not black, restores originally pretty boy handsome stance, lacks certainly a blood-color. 就是映无敌的脸都不黑了,恢复成原本的“小白脸”英俊姿态,当然缺少点血色。 Ying Zhexian turns around to look at Yaoyao, wants to ask her to assist, then discovered that she quite tranquil, immediately is startled, felt relieved. 映谪仙转身去看妖妖,想请她相助,然后发现她相当的平静,顿时一怔,跟着放下心来。 At this time, Chu Feng is really air/Qi to is not good, this disobedient son, to this moment in cocky, unexpectedly also has still had a face to propose the spiritism, uses his god stick skills on own father. 此时,楚风真是气到不行,这个逆子,到这种关头了还在得瑟,居然还有脸提招魂术,将他那些神棍本事用在自己爹身上。 Reason that Chu Feng this, completely is because after killing Golden Scales Dao Child, takes away his Heaven and Earth treasure material forcefully, encounters backlash to cause. 楚风之所以这样,完全是因为干掉道子金鳞后,强行收走他的天地奇珍物质,遭遇反噬引起的。 Do not move, get out of the way, the father, I come to call back from the dead for you, the day spirit spirits, the earth deities spirit......” Little Daoist Priest starts to chant scripture, a face filled with grief color, calls back from the dead for the father in him. “都别动,都闪开,爹,我来为你招魂,天灵灵,地灵灵……”小道士又开始念经,一脸悲怆之色,在他为爹招魂。 At this time, Chu Feng suppresses the metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material, gathers soul light forcefully, composes True Soul once more, appears completely. 此时,楚风压制金属性天地奇珍物质,强行聚拢魂光,再次组成真魂,完整浮现出来。 Look, what kind, track my spiritism practices the boundary of Perfection, condenses my father's hero soul once more forcefully.” Little Daoist Priest is supporting the chest, boasted there. “看,怎么样,小道我的招魂术练到出神入化之境,再次强行凝聚我爹的英灵。”小道士挺着胸脯,在那里吹牛。 Chu Feng this called air/Qi, fucking, spent Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, forcefully condensed soul light with great difficulty, finally in the end on the contrary became the merit of this young brat, called back from the dead for him? 楚风这叫一个气,特么的,费了九牛二虎之力,好不容易又强行凝聚魂光,结果到头来反倒成这个小兔崽子的功劳,为他招魂呢? Brother, are you all right? Soul return!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is very solid, arranges in order the big mouth to call out here. “兄弟,你没事吧?魂兮归来啊!”东北虎很实在,列着大嘴在这里嚎叫。 Brother, endures, do not die, soul light not must disperse!” Also there are shouting of other Kunlun Mountains big monster jar sound jar air/Qi. “兄弟,挺住,不要死,魂光莫要散开!”也有其他昆仑大妖瓮声瓮气的喊道。 Do not move, do not bump my father, be careful his soul light blasts out, do not approach!” Little Daoist Priest stressed, the serious color, warned the people do not put out a hand to touch. “别动,别碰我爹,当心他的魂光又炸开,千万不要靠近!”小道士强调,一脸严肃之色,警告众人别伸手去摸。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and Mastiff King hearing this is startled, does not dare to go forward, does not dare to touch. 东北虎獒王闻言都是一怔,没敢上前,不敢触摸。 „Does disobedient son, you want to irritate me?” Chu Feng been mad soul light shivers, very much then, he does not make every effort to succeed and split, the Heaven and Earth treasure attribute in within the body is the gold/metal, is too sharp, can cut open soul light, destroys the hardest defenses. “逆子,你想气死我吗?”楚风被气的魂光颤抖,然后,他很不争气的又裂开了,体内的天地奇珍属性为金,太锋锐,将魂光都能割开,无坚不摧。 Father...... You must insist, should not be angry, I call back from the dead for you very laboriously!” Little Daoist Priest called out, a face sad color. “爹……你要坚持住,不要生气啊,我为你招魂很辛苦!”小道士叫道,一脸忧伤之色。 knows is not sad for his father, is sad for own spiritism. 知道是为他爹忧伤,还是在为自己的招魂术忧伤。 Oh, burst, but must call back from the dead.” Little Daoist Priest muttered. “唉,又破裂了,还得重新招魂。”小道士咕哝。 Do not chant incantations, you chanted incantations again, your father must be irritated by you.” Finally, Yaoyao opens the mouth. “别念咒了,你再念咒,你爹真要被你气死了。”终于,妖妖开口。 What?!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger stares. “啥?!”东北虎瞪眼。 Other one group of people are also speechless, in fact, after Chu Feng second soul light reorganizes, they have realized anything, guessed any situation. 其他一群人也都无语,事实上,楚风第二魂光重组后,他们就意识到了什么,猜测出什么情况了。 Little Daoist Priest, you were mad any appearance my brother-in-law, soul light has blasted out, you may really bully master Miezu!” Silver-haired Little Loli called out. 小道士,你把我姐夫气成什么样子了,魂光都炸开了,你可真是欺师灭祖!”银发小萝莉叫道。 Disobedient son, you give me to come!” Finally, after Chu Feng reorganizes soul light once more, consolidated, surrendered that Heaven and Earth treasure material thoroughly, suppresses in within the body. “逆子,你给我过来!”终于,楚风再次重组魂光后,稳固住了,将那天地奇珍物质彻底降服,镇压在体内。 Naturally, but must need to spend time to boil down, wants it with oneself body to fuse truly in together, impossible error, but. 当然,还得需要花费时间去熬炼,想将它跟己身真正融合在一起,不可能一蹉而就。 Father, you must thank me, I help you call back from the dead, making your soul light meet again, otherwise you were dangerous.” Little Daoist Priest called out, naturally, is afraid. “爹,你得感谢我,我帮你招魂,让你魂光重聚,要不然你就危险了。”小道士叫道,当然,非常心虚。 pā! 啪! Then, this place resounded the clear sound, Little Daoist Priest is punched, that spanked by the violent blossoms. 然后,这个地方就响起了清脆的响声,小道士被暴揍,打的屁股开花。 This is not small chance.” Then was Yaoyao like this said, mentions the metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material that Chu Feng obtained, she thought that was the treasure. “这是不小的机缘。”便是妖妖都这样说,提及楚风得到的金属性天地奇珍物质,她觉得算是瑰宝。 Ying Zhexian understands clearly, already guessed that the treasure of Dao Race collection exchanges ownerships, becomes the Chu Feng's spoils of war. 映谪仙了然,早就猜测出道族收藏的瑰宝易主,成为楚风的战利品。 knows how long, Little Daoist Priest has not extricated, has the weeping voice to refer to the day pledging there, said: Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, only I alone revere!” Then, he detours the four directions, walks seven respectively, said: I pledged, this time is the technical fault!” 知道过了多久,小道士才解脱出来,在那里带着哭腔指天发誓,道:“天上地下,惟我独尊!”然后,他绕行四方,各走七步,道:“我发誓,这次是技术失误!” One group of people roll the eyes, being disinclined manages him. 一群人翻白眼,懒得理他。 The Chu Feng headache, Soul Bell has suppressed one pile of soul fragments, must handle, don't tell me with strange technique killing? 楚风头疼,魂钟镇压了一堆灵魂碎片,要怎么处置呢,难道都用异术给干掉? But, such words sound was too big, after this, Great Dream Pure Land estimates by various Great Clan joint attacks. 可是,那样的话动静太大了,从此之后,大梦净土估计会被各大家族联手进攻。 If before, he will be glad so, naturally very much happily to see that is now, Qin Luoyin had his bloodlines. 如果是以前,他乐得如此,自然会很开心看到那一幕,可是现在,秦珞音有了他的血脉。 If Dao Race, Buddha Race wait/etc. collaborated to attack Great Dream Pure Land, Qin Luoyin and Little Daoist Priest may not run. 如果道族佛族等联手攻打大梦净土,秦珞音小道士不一定能跑的了。 Chu Feng thinks, sighed, said: Heaven has care for all living things, said again, I am not a person of bloodthirsty, little under killer.” 楚风想了想,叹了一口气,道:“上天有好生之德,再说,我也不是一个嗜杀的人,很少下杀手。” Brother-in-law, your not owing heart?” Silver-haired Little Loli asked low voice. “姐夫,你不亏心吗?”银发小萝莉小声问道。 Occasionally kills to take a life, in normal condition, for example this time, I restrain very much, does not want to kill them.” Chu Feng face loyalty does not jump said. “偶尔杀杀生,正常情况下来说,比如这次,我很克制,没想杀他们。”楚风脸不红心不跳地说道。 The people looked at this mountain scene place, the soul blood everywhere is, soul light of these people all became the fragments, immediately all speechless! 众人看了一眼这片山地,魂血到处都是,那些人的魂光全成碎片了,顿时皆无语! That, puts them to walk.” Chu Feng said. “那就,放他们走吧。”楚风说道。 Qin Luoyin reveals the color of difference, innermost feelings has the mighty waves, her knows, Chu Feng is considered for her and Great Dream Pure Land. 秦珞音露出异样之色,内心有波澜,她知道,楚风是在为她与大梦净土考虑。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable!” Little Daoist Priest curls the lip in secret, this father will really be will never let off displays oneself opportunity, a moment ago his father speech while will see her mother. 无量天尊!”小道士暗中撇嘴,这爹真是从来不会放过表现自己的机会,刚才他爹一边说话一边看她娘。 Chu Feng started to release people, has bled off a Golden Scales Dao Child foot, then started to find the way to use strange technique to strangle to death. 楚风开始放人,放走了金鳞道子一只脚,然后开始想办法动用异术绞杀。 „It is not good, how to put a foot to go back? He becomes a fool, divine soul is too incompletely fierce.” Qin Luoyin flies into a rage, but also thinks that Chu Feng wants the whole to put. “不行,怎么就放一只脚回去?他会成为傻子,神魂残缺太厉害。”秦珞音急眼,还以为楚风要整体放回去呢。 Little Daoist Priest is also speechless, then knows his father is not the Buddhism believers. 小道士也无语,就知道他爹不是善男信女。 That...... Puts a foot again.” Complying that Chu Feng pushes someone take on a difficult job. “那就……再放回去一只脚吧。”楚风勉为其难的答应。 Then, the people noticed that a Golden Scales pair of foot flies high sky, charges into the distant place, must escape the original universe from that vortex. 然后,人们就看到金鳞的一对脚丫子飞上高天,冲向远方,要从那漩涡中遁回原来的宇宙。 Is too few, Dao Race can go all out with our Great Dream Pure Land!” In the Qin Luoyin beautiful face reveals the anxious color. “还是太少,道族会和我们大梦净土拼命的!”秦珞音绝美的面孔上露出焦虑之色。 Good, then the remaining buttocks, puts now.” Chu Feng nods, soul light of other spots, were used strange technique to disintegrate by him, turned into divine nature particles, but, he has not actually absorbed. “好吧,现在就剩下个屁股了,放回去吧。”楚风点头,其他部位的魂光,都被他用异术瓦解,化成神性粒子,但是,他却没吸收。 Because, sees these Divinity old ages, Chu Feng was frightened. 因为,看到那些神祇的晚年,楚风真被吓到了。 In addition, Te Huang poured in a moment ago his at present, how witnesses this Divine Beast dead, the restlessness in Chu Feng heart was more intense. 此外,刚才螣荒就倒在他的眼前,亲眼目睹这头神兽是怎么死的,楚风心中的不安就更加强烈了。 He thought that before absorbed little did not matter, should not have an accident, but must provide lodging from now on oneself. 他觉得,以前吸收的少无所谓,应该不会出事,但今后得管住自己。 „Did brothers too waste?” Big Black Ox looks at Chu Feng, appointed divine nature particles scatters to go, has not fused, he felt that ruins the resources. “兄弟太浪费了吧?”大黑牛看着楚风神性粒子飘散而去,没有融合,他感觉太糟践资源。 The Chu Feng heart is imposing, said: Old was black you also to get sucked?” 楚风心头凛然,道:“老黑你也深陷进去了?” He looks to Kunlun Mountain one crowd of big monsters, then looks to Yaoyao, Yellow Ox and the others, in the heart is scared, the intense restlessness, worries for them. 他看向昆仑山一群大妖,然后又看向妖妖黄牛等人,心中发毛,强烈的不安,为他们担忧起来。 In fact, more has contacted Divinity, more can realize that big terrifying. 事实上,越是接触过神祇,越是能体会到那种大恐怖。 After Chu Feng foot and buttocks of one group of defeat bleed off, he takes out green skin bottle gourd, pulls up the plug, then receives the fog in distant place Te Huang corpse, immediately, there hikes up many strange matter, enters in green skin bottle gourd. 楚风将一群战败者的脚丫子、屁股放走后,他取出青皮葫芦,拔起塞子,然后收远处螣荒尸体中的灰雾,顿时,那里飘起很多诡异物质,进入青皮葫芦中。 Naturally, is impossible to take away, has a large number forever to keep in the Te Huang rotten corpse. 当然,不可能都收走,有相当一部分永远留在螣荒的腐烂尸体中。 Looks at Finally, this is Sub Saint, but, actually easily by the grey matter entanglement until death!” Chu Feng detailed explanation process. “看到了吗,这可是一位亚圣,但是,却轻易被灰色物质纠缠至死!”楚风详细解释经过。 Even, the people see, grey matter before entering green skin bottle gourd, but also turns into together the human form, grins to smile to Chu Feng, is fierce and fearsome, making all people send to terrify, felt that soul light is trembling. 甚至,人们看到,灰色物质在进入青皮葫芦前,还化成一道人形,对楚风咧嘴笑,狰狞而可怖,让所有人发瘆,感觉魂光都在颤栗。 Chu Feng hurried plugging up stopper! 楚风急忙塞紧瓶塞! Is Yaoyao reveals grave expression, said: I overtook that only crippled fox, tells me a position of World of the Living grave.” 就是妖妖都露出凝重之色,道:“我追上了那只瘸腿狐狸,告告诉我阳间一座坟的位置。” Then, that crippled fox escapes disappears, can escape from Yaoyao at present, that suitable terrifying! 然后,那个瘸腿狐狸就遁地消失,能从妖妖眼前逃掉,那相当的恐怖! Yaoyao previous time crosses five times Heavenly Tribulation continually, now is Saint Level soul light! 妖妖上一次连渡五次天劫,现在已经是圣级魂光 I and your altogether onset and retreat, any grey matter, any strangeness, does not have anything to be fearful!” Chu Feng opens the mouth to say. “我与你们共进退,什么灰色物质,什么诡异,没什么可怕的!”楚风开口道。 Te Huang, you where?” At this moment, the earth end has the great sound to transmit, that is a teng snake, like mountain ridge, the terrifying is thickly boundless, is curling the clouds, comes. 螣荒,你在哪里?”就在这时,大地尽头有宏大的声音传来,那是一头螣蛇,粗如山岭,恐怖无边,卷着云朵,呼啸而来。 Saint Level teng snake! 圣级螣蛇! This is a Te Huang elder, because, the Te Huang soul lamp goes out, making this people be startled, the gate pulse arrived here for a while. 这是螣荒的一位长辈,因为,螣荒的魂灯熄灭,让此人大吃一惊,第一时间冲到这里。 Good that comes, happen to needs the massive Divine Beast blood.” Yaoyao said. “来的好,正好需要大量神兽血。”妖妖道。 Whiz, she moved forward to meet somebody, at this moment all people experienced the Yaoyao terrifying, had no qualms for antiquity Number One Under the Starry Sky. 嗖的一声,她迎了上去,这一刻所有人都见识到了妖妖的恐怖,无愧为上古星空下第一 The palm that pair of soul light turns into strikes, the wonderful technique lasing, the flash interrupts two sections the body of Saint Level teng snake. 一双魂光化成的手掌拍击,妙术激射,一刹那就将圣级螣蛇的躯体截断成两截。 Roar......” this teng snake angrily roars, fights to the death with Yaoyao, goes crazy the attack, wants knows this to be Divine Beast, blood energy like the sea, Yang Qi if rolling vast, has the superiority inborn. “吼……”这头螣蛇怒吼,跟妖妖决一死战,发疯进攻,要知道这可是一头神兽,血气如海,阳气滚滚若汪洋,天生占据优势。 However, in the end he called out pitifully, in the people surprised vision, the fight finished quickly. 但是,到头来他却惨叫,在众人吃惊的目光中,战斗很快结束。 A fist of Yaoyao pair of shining white, the violent force pounds, is similar to two groups of snow white Sun blasts out, the bang flies, hits on the teng snake head. 妖妖一双莹白的拳头,猛力砸出,如同两团雪白的太阳炸开,轰飞出去,撞在螣蛇头颅上。 ! 噗! Finally, Saint Level teng snake tragic death! 最终,圣级螣蛇惨死! We walk!” Yaoyao with space bracelet withdraw this teng snake, the whole body blooming ray, takes all people to go with lightning speed. “我们走!”妖妖用空间手链收起这条螣蛇,周身绽放光芒,带上所有人风驰电掣而去。 Well? Princess Yaoyao, our is leaving Abyss this region, didn't wait for Vermilion Bird Abyss great war here?” Big Black Ox asked. “咦?妖妖公主,我们这是在离开深渊这片区域,不在这里等待朱雀深渊大战了?”大黑牛问道。 Does not wait, according to the view of that crippled fox, will keep nearby Abyss is very dangerous, we will avoid.” “不等了,按照那个瘸腿狐狸的说法,留在深渊附近会很危险,我们避开。” One day later, Divine War erupts! 一天后,神战爆发! Old Vermilion Bird of God Level peak level across the sky, runs out from Abyss, hits to explode two gods from ferocious beast plateau, destroys completely teng snake Abyss, shakes under heaven shaking. 一头神级巅峰层次的老朱雀横空而起,从深渊中冲出,打爆两尊来自凶兽高原的神明,灭掉螣蛇深渊,震惊天下。 In addition, as long as enters Vermilion Bird Abyss nearby Evolver, where strength regardless of belongs, all was extinguished, a person has not fled, the trim earth becomes the blood-color. 此外,但凡进入朱雀深渊附近的进化者,无论属于何方实力,全都被灭,一个人都没有走脱,整片大地都成为血色。 Wants knows, the red feather of that old Vermilion Bird whole body must fall out or off entirely, momentarily will die, is the lethality actually such scary, shakes under heaven shaking! 知道,那头老朱雀浑身的红色羽毛都要掉光了,随时会断气,可是杀伤力却这么的吓人,震惊天下! The time in a hurry, 30 years pass by in a flash! 时间匆匆,一晃眼30年过去!
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