SR :: Volume #9

#829: All extinguishes

In the mountainous region, Chu Feng decisive take action, strikes these people horizontally, a person blocks many universe level talents. 山地中,楚风果断出手,横击这些人,一个人拦住多名宇宙级天才。 Brother Chu, you are compelling us, does not give us the means of livelihood, you will not feel better!” Golden Scales Dao Child said. 楚兄,你这是在逼我们,不给我们活路,你自己也不会好受!”道子金鳞说道。 Crawls to suffer to death!” Chu Feng berated. “匍匐过来受死吧!”楚风喝斥。 Light of Yin-Yang flies to shoot, is very sharp, is accompanying soul light and Yang Qi, the bang kills to forward. 阴阳之光飞射,十分犀利,伴着魂光阳气,轰杀向前。 "Suppress!" Golden Scales Dao Child scolds lightly, in the lips and teeth departs a silver symbol, then turns into big mountain-like, suppresses toward Chu Feng. “镇!”金鳞道子一声轻叱,唇齿间飞出一个银色符号,而后化成大山般,向着楚风这边镇压而来。 Meanwhile, releases great treasure portrait to be dignified, holds their palms together, the whole body blooms the dazzling golden light, is similar to a Buddha recovers, his both hands tie seal, then suddenly rumbles a fearful law seal. 与此同时,释宏宝相庄严,双手合十,浑身绽放刺目的金光,如同一尊佛陀复苏,他双手结印,而后猛然轰出一记可怕的法印。 Dao Child and Bodhisattva collaborate, the flash gives up study then the use top, rumbles two light beams, is similar to the flash flood, is Star Sea bursts a dike likely, falls in torrents to come, bang makes noise, the energy ebullition, is exceptionally terrorist. 道子佛子联手,一刹那就动用顶级绝学,轰出两片光束,如同山洪爆发,像是星海决堤,倾泻而来,轰隆作响,能量沸腾,异常恐怖。 Chu Feng coldly snorted, the Light of Yin-Yang spin cuts, shakes two people secret technique hardly. 楚风一声冷哼,阴阳之光旋斩,硬撼两人的秘术 Bang! 轰! This stretch of region exudes giant bellow, the soul light storm sweeps across, psychic energy surges, frightens the will of the people. 这片地带发出巨大的轰鸣声,魂光风暴席卷,精神能量激荡,震慑人心。 On has killed him together!” The White Phoenix clan young lord low roar, greeted other people on together. “一起上杀了他!”白凤少主低吼,招呼其他人一起上。 Chī! 哧! The yellow autumn spider puts out a golden silk thread, interweaves instantaneously the net, spurts exits thinly, covers to Chu Feng there. 黄金天蛛吐出一条金色丝线,瞬间交织成网,喷薄出去,笼罩向楚风那里。 The Flying Immortal Divine Physique whole body shines, surroundings hike up the feather light fog, then he is similar to lifts the rosy cloud to fly upwards, rises straight from the ground suddenly, hangs in the upper air, kills toward the Chu Feng bang one after another just like the flying immortal light beam. 羽化神体则满身都发光,周围飘起羽毛般的光雾,而后他如同举霞飞升般,猛然拔地而起,悬在高空中,向着楚风轰杀出一道又一道宛若飞仙般的光束。 dang! 当! Chu Feng took out Soul Bell, black bell increases, then hangs above his top of the head, sends out long bell sound, shakes the fearful ripples energy. 楚风祭出魂钟,黑色的钟体变大,而后悬在他头顶上方,发出悠悠钟鸣,震出可怕的涟漪能量。 In a flash, many attacks were blocked to his wonderful technique. 一瞬间,许多攻击向他的妙术就被挡住了。 Even, that golden golden soul light spider web falls on bell, burnt down turns into continuously yellow smoke, does not exist in light of this. 甚至,那金色的黄金魂光蛛网落在钟体上也哧啦一声,被焚烧的化成一缕缕黄烟,就此不复存在。 The distant place, in the ground, Te Huang looks at that black Soul Bell, is startled, there is a despair, he is because heard that this clock has the issue, gets sucked, finally must be finished. 远处,地面上,螣荒看着那口黑色的魂钟,有吃惊,也有绝望,他就是因为听说这口钟有问题,才深陷进来,结果自己要完蛋了。 I hate......” “我恨……” Finally, Te Huang predeceases compared with here all people, the whole body blood becomes stale, the whole body is having the rotten flavor, the neck is stiff, the head droops, dies here. 最终,螣荒比这里所有人都先死,浑身血液发臭,周身带着腐烂的味道,脖子僵硬,脑袋耷拉下去,死在这里。 He is Divine Beast, is doomed to live for over several hundred years, is similar to Divinity life essence, finally actually dies young. 他是神兽,注定要活数百年以上,跟神祇寿元相仿,结果却早逝。 The distant place, releases great, Golden Scales and the others the heart to have the chill in the air, did Sub Saint like this die? 远处,释宏、金鳞等人都心有寒意,一位亚圣就这样死了? They to Chu Feng dreading even more, this person are young, since birth has swept away all obstacles all the way, finally can kill including Sub Saint, is somewhat fearful. 他们对楚风越发的忌惮,这个人年岁不大,可是自从出世以来一路上所向披靡,最后连亚圣都能害死,有些可怕。 Come!” Chu Feng shouted, now Te Huang died, he put down the heart thoroughly, can whole-heartedly. “来吧!”楚风喝道,现在螣荒死了,他彻底放下心,可以全力以赴了。 Otherwise, he always diverts attention, in staring at Te Huang, was fearing that this teng snake pulls out does not hail to counter-attack, before gives him to come at the point of death ruthlessly. 不然的话,他始终分心,在盯着螣荒,怕这条螣蛇抽不冷子反扑,在临死前给他来一下狠的。 Now looks like, he has overestimated the teng snake, perhaps can also say that has underestimated grey strange matter. 现在看来,他高估了螣蛇,或许也可以说低估了灰色的诡异物质 Everybody, had nothing saying that either has killed him, either the homicide we, began!” Golden Scales Dao Child shouted. “各位,没什么可说的,要么杀了他,要么他杀了我们,动手吧!”道子金鳞喝道。 Now only crosses the rubicon, fights, otherwise all people's troubles were big, they will possibly be killed destroy both body and soul, after all in the Chu Feng hand has black Soul Bell, this is big Killing Weapon. 现在唯有破釜沉舟,一战到底,不然的话所有人的麻烦都大了,他们可能会被杀个形神俱灭,毕竟楚风手中有黑色魂钟,这是大杀器 “Chi!” “哧!” At this time, the body of Golden Scales Dao Child all of a sudden changes dazzling, flood white metal radiance emits from his soul light together slightly, is bringing terrifying murderous intention. 此时,道子金鳞的身体一下子变的刺目起来,一道略微泛白的金属光华从他的魂光中冒出,带着恐怖的杀机 This is Dao Race for the Heaven and Earth treasure material that he prepares, the attribute is the-- gold/metal! 这是道族为他准备的天地奇珍物质,属性为——金! Already coincided with his soul light, as one, evolved technique broken ten thousand laws concise. 早已跟他魂光相合,凝练为一体,演化一术破万法。 At this moment, soul light incomparable fearful of Golden Scales, the whole person is similar to sword edge, likely is heavenly spear, must destroy all, has the strength of formidable metal Killing Tribulation. 这一刻,金鳞魂光无比的慑人,整个人如同剑锋,又像是一杆天戈,要毁灭一切,拥有强大的金属杀劫之力。 Golden Scales is a pursue perfect person, by the Dao Race's formidable inside story, naturally can also seek other materials for him, after he fuses, may practice other Fighting Skill wait/etc., but he does not take such road, only earnestly seeks the Heaven and Earth treasure material, must practice the strongest technique law. 金鳞是一个追求完美的人,以道族的强大底蕴,自然也能为他寻来其他物质,跟他融合后,可练成其他战技等,但是他不走那样的路,只渴求天地奇珍物质,要练最强的术法。 Therefore, after he obtains Heaven and Earth treasure, uses it to swallow other strange materials unceasingly, nourishes this together treasure, murders the strength terrifying. 所以,他得到一种天地奇珍后,就用它不断吞食其他奇异物质,滋养这一道奇珍,杀伐力恐怖。 This is Golden Scales first time uses before these many people, the previous time, the people when the blood-color mountain peak encircles and hunts Chu Feng, he had not revealed. 这还是金鳞第一次在这么多人面前动用,上一次,众人在血色山峰前围猎楚风时,他都没有显露。 Buzz! 嗡! Really, after flood white metal murders together the energy appears, void is thundering, Golden Scales take action, concise has become a lance by this radiance, punctures toward Chu Feng. 果然,一道泛白的金属杀伐能量浮现后,虚空都在轰鸣,金鳞出手了,以此光华凝练成一杆长矛,向着楚风刺去。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng stimulates to movement own Yin and Yang Qi, they also evolve the mature killing type, turns into the Yin-Yang scissors, hangs in the upper air, turns toward that lance to cut directly. 与此同时,楚风催动自己的阴阳二气,它们也演化出成熟杀式,变成阴阳剪,悬在高空中,直接向着那长矛剪去。 dang! 当! sparks fly in all directions, after big change, energy ebullition! 火星四溅,剧震过后,能量沸腾! Golden Scales Dao Child expression grave, this is frustrated, opposite party Yin and Yang Qi is really fearful, worthily is two Heaven and Earth treasure materials, blocked him to the killing type. 道子金鳞神色凝重,这是出师不利,对方的阴阳二气果然可怕,不愧为两种天地奇珍物质,挡住了他的必杀式。 He did not have to use oneself Heaven and Earth treasure material before, but, had seen the person died, technique broken ten thousand laws, that may really be easily accomplished, sweeps away, nobody can block! 他以前并非没有动用过自己的天地奇珍物质,但是,见到过的人都死了,一术破万法,那可真是摧枯拉朽,横扫过去,没人挡得住! Now, he directly by Chu Feng blocking. 现在,他直接被楚风给挡住。 Bang! 轰! Releases great roars, is similar to Buddha angrily roars, the whole body golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), have created the energy attack of terrifying, making the surrounding mountain peak blast out. 释宏咆哮,如同佛陀怒吼,浑身金光万丈,造成了恐怖的能量袭击,让周围的山峰都炸开了。 Wants knows he now to be only the soul light condition, without fleshly body, such fearful, the domineering attacks Chu Feng. 知道他现在只是魂光状态,没有肉身,就这么的可怕,强势攻击楚风 dang! 当! Chu Feng vibrates Soul Bell, immediately black ripples spread, the bell's sound wave writings, with releasing the great golden energy great waves hit in together, twist broken mountain scene range immediately, lets here one piece in confusion. 楚风震动魂钟,顿时黑色涟漪扩散,钟波大作,跟释宏的金色能量浪涛撞击在一起,顿时绞碎一片山岭,让这里一片狼藉。 Even, the bitter experience affects including yellow autumn spider, White Phoenix clan young lord and the others, staggers to back up, corners of the mouth overflow soul blood. 甚至,连黄金天蛛、白凤少主等人都遭遇波及,踉跄倒退,嘴角溢出魂血。 Everybody, kills, do not leave room for maneuver, whole-heartedly!” Golden Scales Dao Child shouted. “各位,杀吧,不要留后手,全力以赴!”金鳞道子喝道。 Chī! 哧! He stimulates to movement his metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material once more, in fact congealed with his soul light as one, deducts wonderful technique. 他再次催动他金属性天地奇珍物质,事实上已经跟他的魂光凝结为一体,演绎出妙术 Generally is the rare strange material can smelt in soul light together . Moreover, after arriving in the Sub Saint level, thorough was inseparable, exists to exist along with soul light, annihilates along with the soul light annihilation. 一般都是稀有奇异物质才能与魂光熔炼在一起,而且,抵达亚圣层次后,就彻底不可分离了,随魂光存在而存在,随魂光湮灭而湮灭。 Meanwhile, this also means, grasps to have the person of Heaven and Earth treasure material, after the Sub Saint level, will be fiercer, because their soul light are very difficult to ruin. 同时,这也意味着,掌握有天地奇珍物质的人,到了亚圣层次后会更厉害,因为他们的魂光很难毁掉。 But today Chu Feng, is Golden Scales, has the opportunity to obtain the Heaven and Earth treasure material of opposite party. 而今天无论是楚风,还是金鳞,都有机会得到对方的天地奇珍物质。 They have not been the Sub Saint level, the Heaven and Earth treasure material in within the body implication can also separate. 他们都未达到亚圣层次,体内蕴含的天地奇珍物质还可以分离出来。 This stretch of region was chaotic, has intense great war, Golden Scales Dao Child and Bodhisattva releases the great and yellow autumn spider, several people besiege Chu Feng together. 这片地带乱了,发生激烈大战,道子金鳞佛子释宏、黄金天蛛等,共有十几人一起围攻楚风 On Chu Feng hangs the clock, stimulates to movement Yin and Yang Qi, while both hands pinch fist mark, the bang kills to the match. 楚风头上悬钟,一边催动阴阳二气,一边双手捏拳印,轰杀向对手。 Chī! 哧! This time, the Golden Scales Dao Child metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material with his soul light resonance, changing from is Divine Sword, stands to divide. 这一次,金鳞道子金属性天地奇珍物质与他的魂光共鸣,化形为神剑,立劈而来。 Bang! 轰隆! Chu Feng's Yin and Yang Qi evolves, becomes great furnace, burns down the heaven, furnace lid opens, swallowed that sword, smelts. 楚风的阴阳二气演化,成为一座洪炉,焚烧苍天,炉盖开启,将那口剑吞了进去,进行熔炼。 This is Yin-Yang furnace, including the front Yin-Yang scissors, is the Yin and Yang Qi mature killing type, initially Ying Zhexian was Chu Feng has explained in detail. 这是阴阳炉,包括前面的阴阳剪,都算是阴阳二气的成熟杀式,当初映谪仙楚风详细讲解过。 Thump! 咚! During the strenuous vibrations, the Yin-Yang furnace wants refining that sword, to finally, furnace lid suddenly opened, spurts to be thin the innumerable flames from, the fever to the surrounding other people. 剧烈震动间,阴阳炉欲炼化那口剑,到了最后,炉盖突然打开,从当中喷薄出无数的火光,烧向周围其他人。 Kill! 杀! Chu Feng also, pinch fist mark, displays Lightning Fist, bang, destroys one of them at the scene, hits to explode, becomes the rain of soul light. 楚风自己也在动,捏拳印,施展闪电拳,砰的一声,当场将其中一人打碎,打爆,成为魂光之雨。 dang! 当! Meanwhile, Soul Bell shakes, covers that light rain, takes in the bell. 同时,魂钟一震,将那光雨覆盖,收进大钟内。 Everybody, you looks at Finally, falls does not have the good end in his hands, cannot run away soul light.” At this time, releases continually great in shouts out. “各位,你们看到了吗,落在他手中没有好下场,连魂光都逃不了。”此时,连释宏都在大喝 Kills!” “杀!” Several people of take action, Chu Feng battles together they, has used full power, bang, Soul Bell flies, suddenly pounds to explode one person. 十几人一起出手,楚风激战他们,也动用了全力,轰的一声,魂钟飞出去,突然将一人砸爆。 Bang!” “轰!” Chu Feng whole body magnificent rays of light, Yin and Yang Qi circles body, protects his oneself, his head is hanging the bell, then such dive in the past, slaughtered in the crowd directly. 楚风周身光芒大盛,阴阳二气绕体,守护他自身,他头上悬着大钟,直接就这么俯冲过去,在人群中厮杀。 ! 噗! He holds White Phoenix clan young lord, the violent force rips, pulls this person for two halves, bell's sound wave shakes, turns into up the rain him. 他一把抓住白凤少主,猛力一撕,将此人扯为两半,钟波一震,又将他化成光雨。 Bang! 轰隆! Then, Chu Feng like the electric light, exudes the fulmination sound quickly, fist mark is radiant, is similar to two golden Sun blasts out, he shells unceasingly to the yellow autumn spider. 接着,楚风快如电光,发出爆鸣声,拳印璀璨,如同两轮金色的太阳炸开,他不断轰击向黄金天蛛。 Finally, these soul light spider webs are disillusioned comprehensively, twists broken by the Chu Feng's fist and soul light, burns down the nihility, the Chu Feng's double fist rumbles in the body of yellow autumn spider, making his soul light blast out. 结果,那些魂光蛛网全面破灭,被楚风的拳头与魂光绞碎,焚烧成虚无,楚风的双拳轰进黄金天蛛的躯体中,让他的魂光炸开。 Kills the soul blood to surge, Chu Feng shoots head bell directly, bang, pounds is releasing the great body, making his big mouth cough up blood, flies horizontally. 杀到魂血激荡,楚风直接将头上的大钟掷出,轰的一声,砸在释宏的身上,让他大口咳血,横飞出去。 But Chu Feng plunge Golden Scales Dao Child, preys with him intensely. 楚风自己则扑向金鳞道子,跟他激烈搏杀。 When Yaoyao brings the people are with lightning speed close, this mountain scene was peaceful, did not have the sound of fight. 妖妖带着众人风驰电掣接近时,这片山地已经安静下来,没有了战斗的声音。 Heaven, I asked the flavor that soul light has broken to pieces, my father he die quite miserable.” 天啊,我问到了魂光碎掉的味道,我爹他死的好惨啊。” Little Daoist Priest is away from is very far, but also starts to call out in the horizon end. 小道士隔着很远呢,还在地平线尽头就开始嚎叫。 Day spirit spirits, the earth deities spirit, the father hero soul manifests a spirit quickly, listens to the track Heavenly Venerate verbal command, fast comes!” Little Daoist Priest starts to call back from the dead, he started the procedure in journey. “天灵灵,地灵灵,老爹英灵快显灵,听小道天尊号令,速速现身!”小道士开始招魂,他在路途上就开始做法了。 Whiz, the Yaoyao speed is how fast, leading them to descend in this mountain scene directly. 嗖的一声,妖妖的速度何其快,带着他们直接降落在这片山地中。 Then, they saw the situation in battlefield, first discovers Te Huang, dying cannot die again, sends out the rotten flavor, likely is all of a sudden the old 10,000 years, this Sub Saint loathsome appearance is pitiful. 然后,他们看到了战场中的情况,第一眼就发现螣荒,死的不能再死了,散发腐烂味道,像是一下子苍老10000年,这位亚圣死相凄惨。 Then, they noticed that in the mountainous region the soul light fragment are too many, is unable to fly away, by a black Soul Bell suppression, the soul blood was scattered, everywhere is. 接着,他们看到山地中魂光碎片太多,无法飞走,被一口黑色魂钟镇压,魂血四溅,到处都是。 In there, a Chu Feng person is standing, he has not died, but the corners of the mouth have the soul hematorrhea to leave! 在那里,楚风一个人站着,他没有死,只是嘴角有魂血溢出而已! The people felt relieved immediately, grows the one breath, shows the smiling face. 众人顿时放下心来,长出一口气,露出笑容。 My knows, brother Chu Feng joyfully will appear, is really well!” Old Donkey laughs saying that has not dared chaotic crying out of hee-haw hee-haw. “我就知道,楚风兄弟会活蹦乱跳的出现,果然无恙!”老驴大笑道,没敢儿啊儿啊的乱叫唤。 „Is father, you also living?!” Little Daoist Priest also shouted, very obviously startled. “爹,你还活着?!”小道士也叫嚷,很明显略带惊慌。 Disobedient son, you give me to come, was doing a moment ago?” Chu Feng shouted. “逆子,你给我过来,刚才在干什么?”楚风喝道。 I am not worried about you, was reading the safe incantation for you a moment ago, wishing you safe.” “我不是担心你吗,刚才在为你念平安咒,祝你平安。” Yarn wished you safe, were you were calling back from the dead a moment ago?!” Chu Feng wants to pat him. “毛线祝你平安,你刚才是在招魂吧?!”楚风想拍死他。
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