SR :: Volume #9

#828: Also does not have the vertical will

God Level strange matter, this is possible, can a you small ghost contact this type of thing?...... No, I do not want dead!” 神级诡异物质,这怎么可能,你一个小小的鬼魂怎么能接触到这种东西?啊……不,我不想死!” Te Huang is wailing, is very difficult to imagine Sub Saint such in a terrified way, sad and shrill is calling out pitifully unexpectedly, the expression pain, the look is scared, writes all over with amazement. 螣荒在哀嚎,很难想象一位亚圣居然这么惶恐,凄厉的惨叫着,表情痛苦,神色恐慌,写满骇然。 Turns into human form in his fog, bends down on his body, the fierce tear and bite, gnawed, likely was a beast of prey in the killing herbivore, very vicious, the inborn suppression, was overbearing and bloody. 在他的身上灰雾化成人形,伏在他的身上,凶猛的撕咬,啃噬,像是一头猛兽在扑杀食草动物,非常凶狠,天生压制,霸道而血腥。 !” “噗!” The Te Huang body directly then reduction No.1, likely was absorbed the massive blood essences and soul light, the whole person dispirited. 螣荒身体直接就缩小一号,像是被吸收大量的血精与魂光,整个人都萎靡了。 Bang! 轰! He wields the huge body, the body of teng snake pulls out strikes in the mountainous regions, the snake body is similar to a steel whip, likely is the sharp sword, vanishes a mountain top directly, that half mountain top flies high sky. 他挥动庞大的身体,螣蛇之躯抽击在山地间,蛇躯如同钢鞭,又像是利剑,直接消掉一座山头,那半截山头飞上高天 I have said that such made widely known the overbearing people dead with me, you were also not much, probably death will be quicker.” Chu Feng in standing on broken stone palace ruins, looks at Te Huang in distant place mountainous region, during the spoken languages completely is indifferent. “我说过,跟我这么张扬霸道的人都死了,你也不怎么样啊,好像死的会更快。”楚风在站在残破的石头殿宇废墟上,看着远处山地中的螣荒,言语间尽是冷漠。 „To make me die? How possible, I must go on living!” The Te Huang low roar, is turning into the person quickly once more, the body reduces, various whole body densely covered symbols, he is displaying secret technique of teng snake clan, wants to continue the life for oneself. “想让我死?怎么可能,我要活下去!”螣荒低吼,倏地在再次化成人身,身体缩小,浑身密布各种符号,他在施展螣蛇族的秘术,想要为自己续命。 "Ah...... ”, however, he also called out pitifully, human form silhouette that gray fog turned into reduced, became more concise, was pestering him, in the Somalian life. “啊……”然而,紧接着他又惨叫,那灰色雾霭化成的人形身影跟着缩小,变得更加凝练,纠缠着他,在索命。 This...... Is more fearful than the general God Level material, Heaven, any God touching does not live long-term.” Te Huang yelled panic-stricken. “这……比一般的神级物质还要可怕,天啊,任何神灵触之都活不长远。”螣荒惊恐大叫。 As Sub Saint, usually is calm and calm, possibly so to be how rude? All are because, this grey matter is too fatal, surpasses his expectation, making him panic-stricken. 身为亚圣,平日间镇定而从容,怎么可能会如此失态?一切都是因为,这灰色物质太致命,远超他的预料,让他惊骇。 That brushes, his blood energy withered big truncation, was swallowed by that grey matter, the whole person is rapid. 刷的一声,他的血气干枯一大截,被那种灰色物质吞食,整个人迅速衰弱。 Chu Feng nature knows what's the matter, this grey matter withdraws from strongest a group of old gods, what is most essential is rich, quantity is big, several hundred Divinity strange matter mix in together, is how fearful? 楚风自然知道怎么回事,这灰色物质都是从最强的一批老神身上提取出来的,最为关键的是浓郁、量大,数百位神祇身上的诡异物质混合在一起,何其可怕? Including the gods miserable incomparable, the old age that this grey matter suffers is killed violently in the horridness, let alone is Te Huang, the time is not longer he to discard the most strip life. 连神都被这灰色物质折磨的凄凉无比,晚年在惶恐中毙命,更何况是螣荒,时间不长他就丢掉大半条命。 Te Huang discovered, oneself wants to go on living mostly not possibly, he was roaring: I die, must draw in you!” 螣荒发现,自己想活下去多半没有可能,他咆哮着:“我就是死,也要拉上你!” He struggles furiously, sits up suddenly, wants to clash toward Chu Feng here. 他奋力挣扎,猛然坐起,想要向着楚风这里冲来。 However, that gray fog pesters once more, turns into the human form, turns into the beast of prey, turns into the evil spirit, constantly changes, must integrate in his body. 然而,那灰色雾霭再次纠缠上去,化成人形,化成猛兽,化成厉鬼,不断变化,要融入他的躯体中。 "Ah, you...... The Fourth Brother, how you lived, illusion, go away, you were already killed 20 years by me! ” Te Huang eye scarlet low roar. “啊,你……四哥,你怎么又活了,幻觉,滚开,你早就被我杀死20年了!”螣荒眼睛猩红的低吼。 He plunges Chu Feng once again, must start to him. 他又一次扑向楚风,要对他下手。 Chu Feng does not fear, pulls up the bottle gourd match, then, pats bottom of green skin bottle gourd suddenly, bang, bottle gourd mouth there spouts many richer grey matter. 楚风并不惧怕,拔起葫芦赛,然后,猛然一拍青皮葫芦底部,砰的一声,葫芦嘴那里喷出更多更浓郁的灰色物质 Suddenly, these grey matter turn into headless evil spirit and red hair old corpse ape, the fierce demon, the sad and shrill wild animal, all throws to Te Huang on. 瞬息间,这些灰色物质化成无头厉鬼、红毛老尸猿、狰狞魔头、凄厉野兽等,全都扑到螣荒身上。 Although is Sub Saint, but he actually straightly falls down, was submerged by that grey matter. 虽然为亚圣,但是他却直挺挺栽倒下去,被那灰色物质淹没。 Damn, this was variation grey matter, Gods comes to want die, was most formidable strange matter. Heaven, don't tell me my Te Huang must die really here, was massacred by ants?!” Te Huang calls out, is not willing, he is Sub Saint, moreover is that short years arrives at this step creature, supercilious, finally so is miserable. “该死啊,这是变异的灰色物质,诸神来了都要殒落,是最强大的诡异物质天啊,难道螣荒真的要死在这里,被一个蝼蚁杀掉?!”螣荒嚎叫,太不甘心,他是亚圣,而且是那种短暂岁月就走到这一步的生灵,心高气傲,结果却这么惨。 In his opinion, the so-called miserable old age, after most at least must arrive at the 600-700 year, arrives is right. 在他看来,所谓的凄凉晚年,最起码也要到六七百岁后到来才对。 "hē hē...... ” Chu Feng stands in the distant place reveals desolate smiling, said: You overlook me by the magnanimous attitude, in a ants foot by your eyes was stamped in the end actually, is laughable.” “呵呵……”楚风站在远处露出冷淡的笑,道:“你以高姿态俯视我,到头来却被你眼中的蝼蚁一脚踩死,也是可笑。” Goes to World of the Living, only has World of the Living to have the only means of livelihood, I want to go on living......” the Te Huang sound to be very weak, but actually struggles, wants to run away. “去阳间,唯有到阳间才有唯一的活路,我想活下去……”螣荒的声音很虚弱,但是却挣扎,想要逃走。 The Chu Feng hearing this heart moves, does World of the Living have the means of livelihood? 楚风闻言心头一动,阳间有活路? Thinks of here, he controls green skin bottle gourd, takes back some fog materials, reduces the injury of Te Huang. 想到这里,他控制青皮葫芦,收回一些灰雾物质,减轻螣荒的伤害。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” At this moment, Te Huang shocks, fearful and apprehensive, is staring at green skin bottle gourd, the trembling sound said: Innate divine object that in chaos is born?!” 这一刻,螣荒震撼,心惊肉跳,盯着青皮葫芦,颤声道:“混沌中诞生的先天神物?!” Meanwhile, he angry with is not exceptionally willingly, do the ants in his eyes grasp to have this Supreme Treasure unexpectedly? 同时,他异常的恼怒与不甘心,他眼中的蝼蚁居然掌握有这种至宝 The common vessel, can only put grey matter short, shortly after will be corroded shatters, even annihilates directly, only has innate divine object that in this chaos is born to grey matter to take and put away freely. 一般的容器,只能短暂盛放灰色物质,不久后就会被侵蚀坏掉,甚至直接湮灭,唯有这种混沌中诞生的先天神物才能对灰色物质收放自如。 „Did you arrive at World of the Living then to live?” Chu Feng asked him. “你到了阳间便能活下来?”楚风问他。 Lets off me!” Te Huang opens the mouth, although also lies down on the ground, but, in the eye actually full is the hope. “放过我!”螣荒开口,虽然还躺在地上,但是,眼中却满是渴望。 He thought, Chu Feng can use grey matter of green skin bottle gourd on 90% him to take away, naturally the part is definitely ineradicable, already integrated in his flesh and soul. 他觉得,楚风能利用青皮葫芦将他身上九成灰色物质收走,当然肯定有一部分是无法根除的,早已融入他的血肉与灵魂中。 However, so long as takes away above 90%, he has the opportunity to live some time, thinks means that that road that even if seals up along the ancestry goes to World of the Living, compared with sits waiting for death like this strongly. 但是,只要收走九成以上,他就有机会多活一段时间,去想办法,哪怕沿着祖辈封住的那条路去阳间,也比这样坐以待毙强。 Did not say.” Chu Feng sneers, bang, flaps bottom of green skin bottle gourd once more, piece of grey matter erupts immediately. “不说就算了。”楚风冷笑,砰的一声,再次拍动青皮葫芦底部,一片灰色物质顿时喷发出去。 This grey matter regarding God Level lifeforms as well as Divine Beast bloodlines especially sensitive, kills directly, to/clashes suddenly forward. 灰色物质对于神级生物以及神兽血脉格外的敏感,直接就扑杀,猛然向前冲。 "Ah...... ” Te Huang pitiful yell. “啊……”螣荒惨叫。 Flash, his whole body convulsion, and body sending out stench flavor, that is he in decayed, the blood is full of the rotten flavor. 一刹那,他浑身痉挛,并且身体散发腥臭味道,那是他自己在腐朽,血液都充满腐烂的味道。 The strangeness of Divinity old age, various fearful matters one by one on Te Huang manifest, he is only Sub Saint, living that withstands? 神祇晚年的诡异,各种可怕的事情都在螣荒身上一一体现出来,他只是一个亚圣,怎么承受的住? Forgives me, between I and you do not have what enmity, takes away these fog.” Te Huang opens the mouth once more, submitted thoroughly, lowered the stance. “饶过我吧,我与你之间没有什么仇怨,收走这些灰雾。”螣荒再次开口,彻底屈服,放低了姿态。 Meanwhile, he also informs, has ancient and terrifying supreme existence in World of the Living, the deep sleep in several special mountains topography, may be capable of helping the person melt this strange matter. 同时,他也告知,在阳间有古老而恐怖的无上存在,沉睡在某几处特殊的山川地势中,有可能有能力帮人化解这种诡异物质 What, are they like this fierce?” Chu Feng changes countenance. “什么,他们这样厉害?”楚风动容。 Yes, their certain people initially dare to hunt and kill our stretch of world have practiced Six Paths Time Technique truly First Ancestor, can not be fierce? I guessed that has the supreme method mostly, could purify little grey matter.” “是,他们的中某些人当初敢去猎杀我们这片天地真正练过六道时光术的的鼻祖,能不厉害吗?我猜测多半有无上手段,或许可以净化少许灰色物质。” In fact, Te Huang is also only the guess, is unascertainable. 事实上,螣荒也只是猜测而已,并不能确定。 Chu Feng is silent, fierce of World of the Living Supreme Being, he is knows, but actually strong, he still does not have a clear understanding, cannot survey its depth, because of each time by the other legend impacts of these characters, strong to boundless! 楚风默然,阳间大能的厉害,他是知道的,但是究竟有多强,他至今都没有一个清晰的认识,不能测算其深浅,因为每次都会被那些人物的其他传说冲击,强到无边! Then, Chu Feng did not pay attention to Te Huang, appointed grey matter submerged him, turned into another evil spirit, finally all entered Te Huang within the body. 然后,楚风就不理会螣荒了,任灰色物质将他淹没,化成一头又一头厉鬼,最终全部钻进螣荒的体内。 The odor greets the nostrils, the fog flutters, there one piece in confusion, around Te Huang is the dirt blood, his pitiful yell sound cannot send out, crawls there, is hard to move. 恶臭扑鼻,灰雾飘荡,那里一片狼藉,螣荒周围都是污血,他连惨叫声都发不出,匍匐在那里,难以动弹。 Occasionally extends a hand, is grasping to Chu Feng that direction, in the eye has the hatred, there is a fear, the meaning of begging for mercy, wants to make Chu Feng let off him. 只是偶尔伸出一只手,对着楚风那个方向抓去,眼中有怨毒,也有恐惧,还有求饶的意思,想让楚风放过他。 Chu Feng disregards, sits looked that he is slowly decayed. 楚风无视,坐看他慢慢腐朽。 Then, he turns head to look that releases great, Flying Immortal Divine Physique and the others to Golden Scales. 然后,他回头看向金鳞、释宏、羽化神体等人。 These people of do not dare to run away, really had been scared by grey matter, they arrive at this world more than one year, already knows this was anything. 这几人一个都没敢逃,实在是被灰色物质吓坏了,他们来到这个世界一年多,早就知道这是什么。 Once contaminates, even if they commit suicide, returns to the original universe, cannot get rid, will be pestered. 一旦沾染上,即便他们自杀,逃回原来的宇宙,也摆脱不了,会被纠缠。 In fact, Chu Feng wants to use the green skin bottle gourd bang a moment ago really to them, releases grey matter, but he worried that the souls of these people bring massive grey matter to return to the original universe, will cause a disaster, implicates other people. 事实上,楚风刚才真想用青皮葫芦轰向他们,释放灰色物质,但是他又担心这些人的灵魂带着大量的灰色物质回归原来的宇宙,会引发一场灾难,牵连其他人。 Therefore, in the end he bore. 所以,到头来他忍住了。 "Um, I understood, you are feared that grey matter invades our universes, therefore doesn't dare to start to us easily? ” Golden Scales Dao Child first awakens. “嗯,我明白了,你是怕灰色物质侵染我们的宇宙,所以不敢轻易对我们下手是吧?”道子金鳞第一个醒悟过来。 Flying Immortal Divine Physique nods, said: Good, although you have black Soul Bell, can leave behind our souls forcefully, but grey matter had the possibility to smear your Soul Bell similarly.” 羽化神体点头,道:“不错,你虽然有黑色魂钟,可以强行留下我们的灵魂,可是灰色物质同样有可能污了你的魂钟。” Brother Chu, how you look at this, you walk your broad highway, do we walk our single-plank bridges, how well water not interfering with river water?” Releases the great opens the mouth. 楚兄,你看这样如何,你走你的阳关道,我们走我们的独木桥,井水不犯河水如何?”释宏开口。 Fellow Daoist said goodbye, says goodbye!” Golden Scales Dao Child cups one hand in the other across the chest, smiled to say. 道友就此别过,告辞!”道子金鳞拱手,笑了笑说道。 Brother Chu, said goodbye!” Yellow autumn spider, White Phoenix clan young lord and the others also show the happy expression, turns around to walk. 楚兄,告辞!”黄金天蛛、白凤少主等人也都露出笑意,转身就想走。 You thought, I didn't use grey matter how you? When arrives at this world, my then person hits your one crowd, let alone is now?!” “你们觉得,我不动用灰色物质就奈何不了你们?才来到这个世界时,我便一个人打你们一群,更何况是现在?!” Chu Feng quite calm, then, lifts the big hand forward to grasp, a person must fight them completely. 楚风相当的淡定,然后,抬起一直大手就向前抓去,一个人要战他们全部。 That brushes, the Yin and Yang Qi circulation, turns into Light of Yin-Yang, this is with Five Coloured Divine Light compound wonderful technique, sweeps off forward, the prestige can be vast! 刷的一声,阴阳二气流转,化成阴阳之光,这是跟五色神光并列的妙术,向前扫去,威能浩大! Bang! 砰! White Phoenix lives in young lord to shout, soul light fierce shaking, he turns into a White Phoenix phoenix, the bang to Light of Yin-Yang that this attacks, a finally actually hit pitiful yell, the plume feather flutters about, the entire people mouth coughing soul blood, flies horizontally. 白凤少主嘶吼,魂光剧烈摇动,他化成一头白凤凰,轰向这冲击过来的阴阳之光,结果却被打的一声惨叫,翎羽纷飞,整个人大口咳魂血,横飞出去。 In the Golden Scales Dao Child eye the none remaining twinkle, whispered: Yin and Yang two Heaven and Earth treasure materials on him!” 金鳞道子眼中精光闪烁,低语道:“阴与阳两种天地奇珍物质在他身上!” How he can not be surprised, the Dao Race foundation is how solid, but also prepares for him to one Heaven and Earth treasure material, because was too rare. 他怎能不吃惊,道族底蕴何其深厚,可是也只是为他准备到一种天地奇珍物质,因为太难得了。 Therefore, he takes roads of the technique broken ten thousand law. 故此,他才走一术破万法之路。 To his knowledge, other people do not have the Heaven and Earth treasure material of this progression, even if Ying Zhexian cultivates the Five Coloured Divine Light material , can only be accurate treasure, is far from the Between Heaven and Earth rarest thing. 据他所知,其他人身上都没有这个级数的天地奇珍物质,哪怕是映谪仙修炼五色神光的物质,也只能算是准奇珍,谈不上天地间最稀有之物。 Golden Scales previously chose to Chu Feng they begins , the considerations in this aspects, are because had heard Chu Feng cultivate successfully Light of Yin-Yang, thinks on him has the Heaven and Earth treasure material, wants the opportunity interception. 金鳞早先选择对楚风他们动手,也有这方面的考虑,就是因为听说过楚风修成阴阳之光,认为他身上有天地奇珍物质,想藉此机会截取。 Now he saw with one's own eyes! 现在他亲眼看到了! In fact, Chu Feng also already stared at Golden Scales, already listened to Ying Zhexian to mention, in their this generation, only has on Golden Scales Dao Child to determine that has the Heaven and Earth treasure material together, practices one of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique materials! 事实上,楚风也早已盯上金鳞,早就听映谪仙提及过,他们这一代人中,唯有道子金鳞身上可以确定有一道天地奇珍物质,是练七宝妙术的物质之一! Chu Feng collected two types, today naturally cannot let off on Golden Scales that type! 楚风已经收集到两种,今天自然不会放过金鳞身上的那一种! "hē hē...... Golden Scales, thank you! ” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, is having the smile. “呵呵……金鳞,谢谢你!”楚风开口,带着微笑。 The flash, Golden Scales is imposing. 一刹那,金鳞凛然。 The earth end, Little Daoist Priest and the others found Yaoyao, now extremely fast toward having an accident hurries. 大地尽头,小道士等人找到妖妖,现在正极速朝着出事地赶去。 Brother, you must insist, must live!” Many people were praying. “兄弟,你一定要坚持住,要活着啊!”许多人都在祈祷。 Father...... Father!” Little Daoist Priest is crying loudly without tears, is very sad, finally, is loud shouting: Father, I forgot...... Has not let your vertical will!” “爹……爹!”小道士更是在干嚎,很伤心,最后,更是大声的喊道:“爹,我又忘了……没让你立遗嘱!” Big nephew, do not call out, if your father a while jumps for joy walks, guarantees the accurate pain to beat you!” Side, Big Black Ox reminded him. “大侄子,别嚎叫了,你爹一会儿如果活蹦乱跳的走出来,保准痛殴你!”旁边,大黑牛提醒他。 How possible, for a long time, he definitely could not insist.” Then, Little Daoist Priest cries loudly without tears, said: Father...... You are quite miserable, appointed your natural talent is unparalleled, before has not grown, to Sub Saint also can only be the dead end. I am quite sad, forgot to let your vertical will, wū wū...... What my hands down from generation to generation Supreme Treasure is, where? The father, your soul in heaven obviously, quickly comes out to tell me!” “怎么可能,都这么长时间了,他肯定坚持不住。”接着,小道士又干嚎起来,道:“爹……你好惨啊,任你天资盖世,没有成长起来前,对上亚圣也只能是死路一条。我好伤心,又忘记让你立遗嘱了,呜呜……咱家的传家至宝到底是什么,在哪里啊?爹,你在天之灵显化吧,快出来告诉我!” pā! “啪啪! Aiyu! The mother, do not hit!” “哎呦!娘,别打!” Big nephew, I have to have a premonition, a while you guaranteed must make into 18 petals by your father the buttocks!” Old Donkey said in very affirmative tone. “大侄子,我有预感到,一会儿你保证要被你爹将屁股打成18瓣!”老驴以非常肯定的语气说道。
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